tv Morning Joe MSNBC July 17, 2020 3:00am-6:00am PDT
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we're taking on so many aspects of things, but you'll see levels of detail and you'll see levels of thought that a lot of people believed very strongly we didn't have in this country, we're going to get things done. we're going to get things done they've wanted to see done for a long, long time. so i think we'll start on tuesday. >> it'll get better starting sometime on tuesday. okay. good morning and welcome to "morning joe," it is friday, july 17th. joe is off this morning. along with willie and me, we have msnbc national affairs analyst, executive editor of "the recount" john heileman. msnbc political analyst, michael steele. and former aid to the george w. bush white house and state
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departments elise jordan is with us this morning. there is a lot going on on this friday morning. new reporting that hackers from russia's intelligence services are trying to steel coronavirus vaccine research from the united stat states, the uk, and canada. president trump uses the white house as a backdrop for another campaign-style speech, riffing on the important issues facing the country like water pressure out of shower heads and lightbulbs. yep it happened again. a little racial an mouse peppered in as well. with coronavirus infections on the rise more and more u.s. retailers are starting to require masks inside stores and a growing number of states are issuing mandatory mask policies, except for republican governor brian kemp of georgia who started a legal fight with the city of atlanta over its mask
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mandate, what is that about? with cases surging in florida, republican party leaders decided to scale back next month's convention. the convention that the president made a big show of moving from north carolina because it would have been scaled back there. all as the u.s. hits another single day record for coronavirus cases. there are numbers that are surging across the country, willie. >> and that's why you see the concerns about the convention, about schools, nearly 73,000 new infections were reported yesterday breaking the single day record in the united states of 71,000 reported ten days ago. seven of the last ten days have been among the worse in terms of new cases since the start of the pandemic. the state of florida reported its highest numbers of deaths and hospitalizations in a single day, 495 people were hospitalized yesterday while 156
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people died, the most deaths since july 1st. florida officials also reported nearly one in three children tested in florida has come up positive for the virus. officials warn while children may show little to no symptom, the long-term effects remain unknown. doctors in south florida say they're running out of the drug remdesivir, however there is no shortage in the united states. the trump administration stockpiled the drug earlier this month. european officials slammed the united states for hoarding nearly the entire supply. yet it's reported that south florida doctors are forced to decide who gets it and who does not. florida's governor said yesterday he asked the vice president to replenish florida's supply. shipments are coordinated by the federal government and we have a bad disconnect between what we
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need and what they think we need. this country as remdesivir, it's just not getting to the places it's needed most. >> terrific. and so many problems in florida with testing and delays in terms of results and no contact tracing. if you can't get your test results back in the right amount of time. there is one republican who is sharply criticizing the president. has no problem standing up in defense of science and in defense of his people. and that is governor larry hogan of maryland, who is criticizing the president's handling of the coronavirus pandemic in a new piece for "the washington post" entitled "fighting alone". hogan explains in the essay how the federal government left him with nowhere else to turn, so he relied on his wife, who was born and raised in south korea to help arrange the purchase of half a million coronavirus test kits from that country.
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can you imagine this? he writes in part this. i watched as the president down played the outbreak's severity and as the white house failed to issue public warnings draw up a 50-state strategy or dispatch medical gear or life saving ventilators from the national stockpile to american hospitals. eventually, it was clear that waiting around for the president to run the nation's response was hopeless. if we delayed any longer, we'd be condemning more of our citizens to suffering and death. so every governor went their own way, which is how the united states ended up with such a patch work response. it was hopeless. waiting around for president trump. governors were being told that we were on our own. it was sink or swim, and if i didn't do something dramatic, we simply would not have come close to having enough tests in maryland. so many nationwide actions could
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have been taken in had those early days but weren't. while the other countries were racing ahead with well coordinated testing regimes, the trump administration bungled the effort. and john heileman they bungled the testing effort beyond description. there's still problems with testing today. there is no excuse for this. you can put this on every level of this pandemic when it comes to mitigation response had we done it like other countries we would not be where we are now. this did not have to happen. the trump response was so botched he made it worse instead of better. so what do you think of larry hogan stepping up. i take it he's got political aspirations, but still, in this climate, it's tough for republicans to stand up to the president. >> good morning, mika. how are you? >> good morning. >> it's -- i think -- you know, there's a lot to say about it.
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first of all there's a couple things. one there's the substance of it and the politics of it. on the substance, the universal reaction, i think what governor hogan is expressing there is something if you talk to governors, democrat or republican, i think over the course of the pandemic, i was trying to count it in my head, i talked to 12 or 13 governors, some democrats, some republicans over the course of the last few months while this was unfolding and it's unanimous. democrats and republicans, doesn't matter the party you're in, they've expressed the same sentiments that governor hogan did, only in private. frustration with the lack of leader, with the trump administration and the sense that dawning sense early on that the governors were on their own. president trump occasionally would say, would try to basically say i'm in charge, i have the power. and the next day when it looked like it was easier to shift blame, no, it was up to the
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states. so i think the question is, you saw -- this was not strictly on party lines. you saw governors like governor hogan, governor dewine, governor baker in massachusetts, three republicans who said we're going to quietly go off and get done what we need to get done, not follow donald trump's lead and basically did a pretty good job for their states, maryland, ohio and massachusetts, a lot of democratic governors did the same thing. and then you have the republican governors, governor of texas, arizona, who all decided even though trump is not helping us we're going to take or cues in terms of policy and you see the scale of the disaster in florida, texas, arizona. that's the dividing line. they've been left on their own and to make a choice, do i follow the president's lead
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without his real help or not follow the president's lead without his clear help. and the verdict is in. if you decided to follow president trump's lead your state is a estate catastrophe. if you decided not to follow his lead, do what was right for your citizen, your state is in a pretty good place. there should be some good lessons, if anybody has a brain in their head how that has played out. if you're paying attention to the policy, the message is clear about what the right thing to do going forward is, we'll see if the republican governors get that message. >> michael steele, former lieutenant governor the state of maryland. yesterday kayleigh mcenany the white house press secretary said, quote, the president's historic covid response speaks for itself to which many americans and governors say you're darn right, it does speak for itself. it was early days when
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particularly hogan writes these governors were scrambling, having his wife call south korea and get testing. the problem, michael, it seems to me is it never got better. you can say in march this was a scramble we didn't know what was going on, with he to sort through it all. it's mid july and there's still no federal program to go after the crisis. no national testing, no programs called for since february. we are where we are when this thing began on the federal level. >> we are and that's the problem reflected for the president in the polling p. that is the problem reflected for the president in states like florida which politically are very important for the president's re-election chances. but i think the more important piece here is what governor hogan did is layout an indictment against this president.
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sort of representing the voices of the governors within the governors -- the national governors association that, you know, you're telling us, mr. president that we're on our own here. but that's not how this system is built. so the president effectively destructed the established order of things, if you will, and how governors would come to work with any administration at a time of national crisis. so the president, having thrown all that aside and governors like governors desantis and kemp following the president's lead now find themselves picking up pieces they can barely hold onto. it is harder now to piece together a solution without the full throated operationalizing of the defense authorization act, for example, which would have allowed these governors to have in place a lot of the things you're talking about. so the president has now made this bed. he has to lie in it politically.
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and now governors are finding themselves having to lie in it too. as we're seeing from georgia to florida, they're squirming because it is a very uncomfortable bed and the voters, whether they're on the ballot now or not will not forget who they helped, what lives they saved and what they did at a time of national crisis for their states. >> absolutely. i mean, if someone were explaining it to the president, perhaps they could put it in trump hotel speak. there's an expectation of a certain amount of service, in some hotels there might be bedbugs but in a hotel that has really good service there's an expectation of that. for the american people there's an expectation that the president, the government, would have organized, prepared and been ready to prevent death and to mitigate this virus. and they just had terrible service, horrible and it's
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almost unfixable at this point. this virus is running rampant across the country, testing is not working as it should be. it isn't where it needs to be, there aren't results when people need them. the contact tracing isn't happening. these are things that should be in our rear view mirror. this is horrible service. and amid another record day of coronavirus cases, president trump spoke again on the white house grounds -- you know, he can't have his rallies. so he's now doing it at the white house. remarks that were being billed as being on deregulation, turned into another campaign-style speech. with president trump warning that democrats, and specifically joe biden, want to ruin american suburbs. >> our entire economy and our very way of life are threatened by biden's plans to transform our nation and sub question is
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gait our communities through the blunt force instrument of federal regulation at a level you haven't seen yet. the democrats in d.c. have been and want to, at a much higher level, abolish our beautiful suburbs by placing far left washington bureaucrats in charge of local zoning decisions. your home will go down in value and crime rates will rapidly rise. joe biden and his bosses from the radical left want to significantly multiply what they're doing now. and what will be the end result is you will totally destroy the beautiful suburbs. >> wow. whoa. okay, michael steele, aside from the fact that he is now only able to speak in places where people are forced to clap for him when he comes out to the stage, which is pathetic, but what the heck was he saying?
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is he saying what i think he was saying? ? can you please translate? >> there's no translation there because it was a nonsense cal rambling, the idea you have people taking down the suburbs, housing stock is going to implode, well, that flies in the face of the reports that are coming out this week that shows that in terms of citizens going out and buying homes that actually is increasing. that's beginning to turn to some pre-covid-19 levels. interest rates will the lowest they've been since the 1950s. so the reality is, the president has this distaupian view of the world that he wants to project politically hoping it will show in the suburbs where he's can,
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quite frankly, having problems, this fear these washington bureaucratics under the guise of joe biden will come into their neighborhoods and communities and destroy them. we know this is crazy talk. we know this is a president standing on the white house lawn with trucks behind him schilling like in a tv commercial. but the reality of it is, that's not going to undo what has been done on covid-19. what has been done in dealing with the flattening of the economy. and what's been done in the civil rights space with respect to the death of george floyd. these three factors are like a weight around his political ankles that he cannot get away from no matter what backdrop he puts on the white house lawn, people walk up this morning with more deaths, more cases of coronavirus, and no policy to effectively deal with any of it. >> so elise jordan, people may
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hear the president say destroy the suburbs, abolish the subu s suburbs, what is he talking about? he's talking about a point, the obama administration in 2015, established this fair housing rule, and he wants to get rid of it. he's talked openly, tweeted about getting rid of it. this is to end racial discrimination in housing. the signal flare in the suburbs is be careful people may be coming into your neighborhoods, don't worry i'll protect you from that, joe biden will not, he wants to protect the suburbs and end the american way of life. it's a clear signal he's sending. >> donald trump is trying at the moment to lead the country backwards. look at how we're having this historic reckoning on race in the country. a second civil rights movement, really, and donald trump is advocating against fair housing practices. you see this within his
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administration where he's just so out of step with the tenor and the mood of the country and how that's reflected in polls, not just in the country's surprising support for black lives matter protests and that's been really reassuring to see how the country is moving forward on race. but then you see how it's affecting his electoral fortunes. it's funny at this moment he's ranting against federal bureaucrats when you know there are a lot of communities around the country right now who wish there were some federal bureaucrats that were doing something tangible in their local communities to help them combat the coronavirus pandemic. and yet donald trump keeps putting his faith in -- that his rhetoric. his empty, hollow, rhetoric is actually going to solve a virus that is horrifyingly spreading at a rapid pace outside of
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pretty much everywhere except new york city. >> so as president trump yesterday spoke about this obama-era fair housing rule implemented in 2015, he earned a fact check from, of all places, fox news. >> i want to clarify a couple of things. he said that no president in history has cut regulations as much as he has. that is true. i think he might have mischaracterized the regulations that were added under barack obama, they were largely financial related. you might recall we had the little thing called the financial meltdown and much of the regulations were geared towards preventing banks from investing in risky mortgages and selling them off. so more than half the regulations the obama administration added were postthe meltdown. another point when the president
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referred to the horrible results -- or the disappointing results of the prior administration for adding those regulations, be that as it may, the unemployment rate did, under barack obama, go down from a high of 10% to around 4.7%. president trump, of course, sent that lower, getting us down to around 3.5% unemployment rate. but i didn't want to leave you with the impresentation that during those eight years when obama first came into office and we were bleeding 1,000 jobs a month that we were coming down off a meltdown. both presidents can crow about the growth they saw but it was not a disaster under barack obama. not only did the dow triple during his tenure but the increased regulations and other things that policed the financial companies, those companies did well, americans
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did very, very well. so i just want to put that in some -- in some context here. >> so john heileman, that's neil kavudo, dumping out of the president's speech to make a fact check there. but if you look at the event yesterday, john, with the elaborate staging, the president had a red pickup truck, cig in a signifying his obama administration, a blue pick up truck weighed down signifying the obama administration. so the president and his campaign is trying to find a coherent argument against joe biden. is deregulation going to be at the center of his argument here? it seems like he picks something different every day. >> the subtly of the pickup trucks, the staging, subtle
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messaging going on there. to go back to the point you made. you were rights in the zone on what you guys have been talking about but i want to be more blunt about it. suburbs equals white. and the president -- the president's campaign is in a state of meltdown right now. i know we talked on the show the last couple days about the brad parscale situation, who's running the campaign right now. you know, jared kushner is really running the campaign, kind of has always been running the campaign. a few months before election day, the campaign, the organization that should have been, you know, as most incumbent presidents have honed their political team, the one that got them in office, they spent time in the oval office, they've been getting their team finally tuned race car so by the time you get to the last turn, which is where we are right now in this campaign, they're on fire, right, and petal to the
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metal. this car is breaking down. it's requiring -- i don't want to strain the metaphor, but the whole thing is a mess. they're showing him polling that shows he's bleeding out in the suburbs. trump looks at that and says -- understands how dire his political situation is. sees the suburban loss he's suffering and says i have to fix my situations with the suburb, that equals white i'm going to play the race card, hey white people if you vote for joe biden you get black people showing up in your neighborhoods. this is standard 1970s, wallace nixon affair, we made those comparisons in the past. but nothing quite this blatant. that's the card he's playing. it goes back to your point, willie, which is his problem is that -- and even trump admits it, every time he talks about joe biden, he has to say, well, i know joe biden's not radical left. he says those words, i know he's
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not radical left but he's controlled by the radical left, a puppet of the radical left. alexandria ocasio-cortez is running the campaign, elizabeth warren is running the campaign, black lives matter is running the campaign. the fact of the matter is, joe biden is the worst opponent for donald trump. he's not someone that trump can paint easily as the other. and joe biden, a conservative white guy is just a very difficult opponent for donald trump to get a bead on, which is why you have the coded, unsubtle but not particularly effective kind of campaign events. we'll see it i think going forward because they still don't have a way of handling joe biden that the president feels comfortable with and you see it every time they do one of these events. this was another example. >> 100%. up next we'll talk to the chief medical officer of the university of miami health system about the issues facing
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south florida from staffing and hospital capacity to possible drug shortages, it is a mess there. plus the legal showdown in georgia after the governor files a lawsuit to block atlanta from the use of face masks. you're watching "morning joe" we'll be right back. u're watchi we'll be right back. come on, no no n-n-n-no-no only discover has no annual fee on any card. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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all right. so back in may the spokeswoman for governor ron desantis slammed the orlando sentinel and other media outlets that reported on the modeling from the university of washington that showed florida could hit 4,000 deaths by august 4th. she tweeted this alarmist headli headline mimics the erroneous headline that were based on models that were wrong. we know if anything the model undercounted deaths, 4,000
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predicted by august and now the state is nearly at 4,800 and it's only july 17th. the leadership in florida has just been astoundingly bad. joining us now chief medical officer at the university of miami and hospital and clinics, associate professor of critical care. doctor, can you update us on what is happening in florida, in your area, in your hospitals, in terms of the efforts to help coronavirus patients, the numbers of patients, testing and the equipment needed to help them? >> sure. thank you, good morning. thank you for having me. look, the situation is very dire in the sense that we have been preparing since january. we have never stopped preparing. there is a very comprehensive plan. the plan is very fluid. but the truth of the matter is, the situation is different now because back in march and april, we stop elective surgeries and able to repurpose personnel for
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us to have different stages of the comprehensive surge plan. the difference now is all systems in hospitals are full back in capacity in terms of doing elective procedures, trying to accommodate. it's like running two hospitals in one, a covid hospital and a noncovid hospital. in our health system, we have a large academic center, we've been preparing since january and adapting the situation since it evolved, we run two hospitals in one, separate the covid from the noncovid side to continue to care for the patients but we're meeting with large systems and hospitals and everybody is facing the same situation, personnel, the staff is getting exhausted, is very intense the work, our health system we prepared, we had number of beds, ventilation equipment, however the situation may not be the same at other hospitals, which
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is very concerning for us. it's a challenging situation and at the hospitals we see the back end. what we need is a unified message to simple things to a very comprehensive situation, which includes people have to prevent by wearing a mask, prak practice social distance, avoid gather, and go get help if you are sick. as we get better treatments for the disease you need to adhere to simple measures and we're not seeing that happen in florida. that's a problem. >> why is this situation dire so many months into this when this virus, there are legitimate ways to mitigate this virus? why do we have a dire situation? >> i think locally here what has happened we knew we were going to open the city and we have a
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comprehensive plan for opening the city, different stages that we're going to see increased cases. we opened the city and in terms of the simple measures i just mentioned to you, which is a mask, social distance, hand hygiene, avoid gathering, people didn't follow. they're not listening to the scientific message to prevent the virus has not changed. by doing those things you could open the city but we need the public to adhere to it and we need a unified message that speak to the scientific evidence. it's not political, racial, it's scientific. for us every life matter and we want to do better for the community but we need the community to help us out at the hospital. >> doctor, it's willie geist great to have you on this morning. talk to me about what you would like to see from your governor, politicians. we talked about what people should do, wear their masks,
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should there be a mandate on masks? should the economy lockdown again? based on what you're seeing in your icus, what should be happening on the state level? >> prevention, it follows what you said but it has to be a unified message. people are hearing different things and people are lost because there's a tremendous amount of information, people don't know what to follow. we're close with the mayor and working with the mayor, the plans if they were to be executed would be fantastic. but from the governor i would like to see aup fied message in terms of adhering to masks, yes. i'm a very -- mandate of masks, social distancing, as well as more testing. and what we're seeing now is there's only one drug fda approve, remdesivir, we'd like to see the supply of that drug more available to hospitals. it's not that comprehensive. you get those things in place, i think would help a lot. we may need to go back on the
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closure of -- you have opening of the city in stages. we need to go back for the fourth of july beaches were closed now indoor spaces, restaurants, are closed. but if we could promote the behavior of people to the simple things it would help tremendously, we need the governor to emphasize that. >> doctor you mentioned remdesivir, there are reports and you confirmed them by what you said of shortages of that drug that can be used to treat coronavirus. the federal government bought a huge stock pile of it from gilead yet states and hospitals that need it like yours don't have enough. how critical is that situation? why aren't you able to get your hands on what you know you need? >> look, besides remdesivir, because we're an academic center we have a variety of other clinical trials that could be utilized but clinical trials not proven therapies yet. but yes, we are not getting
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enough of the drug. the next supply comes july 27th we have supply that's going to run short soon we developed criteria so we can utilize the drop appropriately but would like to see more availability of the medication because it's the only one, as i mentioned, fda approved. >> chief medical officer at the university of miami hospitals and clinics. doctor, thank you very much for being on show this morning. good luck to you. we'll be praying for florida. the republican national committee plans to restrict attendance at next month's gop convention due to concerns over the surge in covid-19 cases in florida. don't you remember this happening in north carolina? in a letter to committee members, the rnc chairwoman announced admittance to convention sites will be limited to delegates the first three days and on the fourth and final
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night when president trump delivers his nomination acceptance speech, delegates will be able to bring one guest. mcdaniel also wrote the rnc plans to use a mix of indoor and outdoor venues will implementing a series of health protocols such as onsite temperature checks and having tests available. president trump moved the convention to jacksonville last month after north carolina's democratic governor roy cooper would not permit the rnc to host a full in person convention. so they pulled it from a swing state only to be back exactly where they would have been in terms of a scaled-back convention in florida. and now florida is a complete hot spot so they want to have a super spreader event in a hot spot. i say super spreader event, let
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me explain what i mean. do you really think the president of the united states, this president, president trump, is going to want a smattering of people around when he gets up to make his speech or is he going to want a roaring crowd? i can tell you right now he's not putting up with people socially distanced and not many of them he just won't do it. he'll freak out. >> and mika, it's almost like giving in to a toddler with his plans with his half-baked scheme about this convention. it's almost like maybe if some adults had shown leadership and said, maybe a convention in jacksonville, florida outdoors in the dead heat of august, which i don't know about you, but i sure wouldn't want to be sitting outside at that kind of event in florida, in august. maybe it's not such a good idea.
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maybe we have to realistically assess the situation at hand using science. but no, instead, you see how the rnc catered to donald trump's whims. and it's going to cost them a lot of money. they're having to essentially put on two conventions right now and neither of them are going to be what the man child desires. >> that's one way of putting it. coming up, the state of georgia sues atlanta for enacting a measure that the white house task force wants the entire state to adopt. a rule for mandatory face coverings. we'll dig into this legal battle next. l dig into this legal balet next ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ the open road is open again.
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but georgia's governor and his administration, brian kemp, filed a lawsuit seeking to block atlanta from requiring people to wear a mask. it stops keisha lance bottom from going to phase one. on twitter governor kemp wrote this, this lawsuit is on behalf of the atlanta business owners struggling to survive during these difficult times. let's go to georgia. the governor going to court over this. you have the mayors of cities like savannah rome, augusta and atlanta saying you have to wear a mask and the governor saying you don't. what's going on here? >> it was the most devious voter suppression that got him elected
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in the first place. we shouldn't be surprised by this now even when kay ivy of alabama issued a mask order. when your policies make alabama look progressive, you have a problem. i think the governor has a leg up in the lawsuit because generally state orders can pre-empt local orders that conflict with them. but here we're talking a pandemic which is uncharted territory so i think the mayor has the ability to act in the residents' best interests. i think the governor is going to embarrass himself because he's going to lose in the court of public opinion where people support these orders. remember back in april when he came out and said that he didn't know that asymptomatic people could spread the virus, we all knew that back then.
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also in april he tried to make a statement with the president by opening up georgia before any other state had opened. and in return he got thrown under the bus by the president who disagreed with him. so here he is again doing the same thing, not learning his lesson and leading with his chin. but unfortunately the good people of georgia have to suffer as a result. >> that's the thing, michael steele, i just -- the stupidity is boundless here. it is truly boundless. i mean, masks have been determined to keep people safe. it is a legitimate and credible mitigation technique. it even could be possible to help businesses open up and revive the economy if we have uniformed social distancing guidelines, mask use, and a number of other measures. but since the government have botched this so much.
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since trump himself has botched this so much, this governor now is, i don't know, desperately trying to get some attention from donald trump, suing keisha bottoms. why don't we just hand joe biden the presidency and keisha bottoms the vice president si because they're highlighting that she is trying to save lives while these -- what's the word? these idiots. these idiots just want to push against mitigation measures that scientists and doctors that we're having on these shows, all shows, shows that go on fox, they all say mask use works, hand sanitizer works, social dy answer thi distancing works. other countries have mitigated the virus. and these people want the numbers to go up? why? to make keisha bottoms look better? >> there are two words you used
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that are operative here, stupid and desperate. that is a dangerous combination particularly in the hands of a governor who doesn't have the competency to figure out that masks save lives and that masks, particularly when you're in the middle of a surge within your own state are there to make sure you don't lose control of that situation. what the mayor is doing, and all she is saying is, i'm not shutting down your business, i'm not telling you you can't gather, you can't socialize, i'm saying you have to wear masks in order to protect yourselves and your community. so there's a political side of this, too, and you put your finger on it at the end there. and that's what i -- i want to ask dave about that piece. the politics of this, how do elected officials reconcile, because two very, you know, important elected officials in
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this space at two very opposite conclusions as to how to safeguard the people in their community. how should they be striking this balance? i mean, yes, you can say we have to follow the science or no we have to follow the business community, and there are legitimate issues raised in both of those quarters. how did you do it in your state? and how should elected officials across states look at this issues when you have such opposed views on how to protect people? >> this is about politics. this is not about public safety. the governor wants to run for president, he wants to inherit the trump base. in florida, unfortunately, the governor is also playing politics with this pandemic and refused to issue a mandatory mask order although he's not gone as far as repealing the local ordinances but still there's a model for doing it right. you can be like governor mike
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dewine in ohio who has a 75% popularity rating because he wants everyone to wear a mask and refused to politicize this pandemic. in florida you have no mandatory mask order. you have an order to open up all of our schools next month and you have a million doses of the drug hydroxychloroquine because the president recommended the drug so the governor ordered it. that's a trump trifecta. i think it's sad because we should all be looking at public safety instead of politics when it comes to this unprecedented in our lifetime pandemic. but sadly, the people in many red states are not feeling the kind of protection from their government as people in many blue states and that shouldn't happen. >> state attorney for palm beach county, it's like we're talking in kindergarten speech.
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this is so basic. thank you for being on. still ahead, migrant children at risk of being separated from their parents today get a reprieve. jacob soboroff, who's been following this story from the dw beginning and has a best selling book about it joining us with his latest report. t joining us his latest report. my age-related macular degeneration could lead to vision loss. so today i made a plan with my doctor, which includes preservision... because he said a multi- vitamin alone may not be enough. and it's my vision, my morning walk, my sunday drive,
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john heileman, thanks for being on. before you go, a question about universal regulations or rules that would mitigate the virus. i know the president doesn't like the word regulations. but masking, social distancing and other measures have proved to work in other countries, they've proved to work in certain states. what do you have in a situation like walmart, which is making their -- >> yeah. >> -- employees and asking people to wear masks, but then what about walmart in florida?
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what happens there? talk about the importance of uniformed messaging and guidelines from the top. >> right. i think you're seeing now, just picking up on the previous conversations you guys were having, we've been talking about this morning, in these states, the southwestern states, georgia, florida, texas, and arizona and other places we don't talk about as much where you have anti-mask governors who are acting like brian kemp and ron desantis are acting, they're waging the battle against masks and you're seeing what has been thought of as conservative private sector entities, you mentioned walmart, walmart, target, cvs now have mandatory mask policies and the conflict between what consumers, voters, humans in these places are hearing from their governors, no mask and trump, don't worry about the mask, the private sector that understands their success depends on the health
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and safety of the consumers, i think the politicalization of the mask issue is not subsiding. it's getting worse and worse. i think you'll see conflict on the ground in various states. we've seen tons of video of people who resist the policies. they're encouraged by republican politicians to be resisters on this front. it's a mess, mika, and i think it's going to get worse before it gets better. >> it doesn't need to be this way. coming up thank you john we'll have more on the virus, speak to the head of the cdc, as well as dr. zeke emmanuel and elizabeth wynn. and the president attacks joe biden by resurrecting old arguments against racial integration. good lord. "morning joe" is coming right back. "morning joe" is coming right back no uh uh, no way
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and the 15 within a couple of days is going to be down to close to zero. >> our numbers are lower than just about anybody. >> i'd love to have it open by easter. >> you know it's going away. >> we've done really phenomenally. doctors saying we've done an incredible job. >> i think what happens, it's going to go away. >> this virus is going to disappear. this is going to go away without a vaccine. >> we have met the moment and we have prevailed. it'll go away at some point. it'll go away. >> many of the people aren't very sick but still go down as a case. >> we were able to cut it off, stop it just like this. >> it is dying out, the numbers are starting to get very good. >> now it's time to open up, get back to work. >> the coronavirus, that's going to sort of just disappear, i hope. >> we show cases, 99% of which are totally harmless. >> we're not closing. we'll never close. we want to stay open.
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we're not closing. >> we have to get our schools open and stop this political nonsense. >> you're losing a lot of lives by keeping things closed. >> that from our friends at the recount. welcome back to "morning joe," it is friday, july 17th. joining the conversation we have professor at princeton university and author of the book "begin again" eddie glaude. and anchor for bbc, katty kay is with us. donny dutch is with us on this friday. when a shot comes up and i see the guns and the sleeves, i think desperate. also jim messina is with us who served as white house deputy chief of staff to president obama and ran his re-election campaign now ceo of the messina group, all along with willie and me. and joe has the morning off. i never give donny a chance to
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respond. you can take us to the top story, willie. >> get the insult in and move along before he can respond. we'll start with nearly 73,000 new coronavirus infections reported yesterday. that breaks the record of 71,000 reported ten days ago. seven of the last ten days have been among the worst in terms of new cases since the start of the pandemic. and another new poll shows americans' view of how president trump is handling the coronavirus crisis has dropped sharply. the latest "the washington post"/abc poll finds 38% of americans approve of the president's handling of the outbreak, down eight points since may and 13 points since march. 60% disapprove, up 7 points. more than half of americans say they strongly disapprove of president trump's handling of the pandemic, roughly doubling the number of those who say they strongly approve of his efforts. the president faces a credibility problem with more
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than six in ten americans saying they do not trust what president trump says about the outbreak. and nearly eight in ten say they are wearing a mask most or all of the time when they come close to others in public. 66% say they are very or somewhat worried about themselves or a family member becoming infected with the virus. up six points since late may. jim messina, let me start with you on this having run a couple campaigns. the numbers are bad for president trump when liook at te national polling we know that's not how the country votes but the key questions how he's handling the coronavirus pandemic and race relations he lingers in the 30s. what does that bode for him and if you're sitting on the biden campaign right now, what are you thinking besides let's not get comply sent. >> let's not get complacent.
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the biden campaign is doing exactly what they should do. roll out an economic plan last week, stay focused on taking away the last pillar holding president trump up and that's the economy. and then sitting there and watching him every day set himself on fire, right. the numbers are especially interesting when you look at the independent numbers. 66% of independents no longer approve of the president's handling of the covid crisis. you look at the battleground states that are going to matter, wisconsin, pennsylvania, michigan, now two thirds of independents say they don't believe what he's saying on the pandemic, he's making the race relations worse, he's digging a hole we've never seen this close to an election. i know it's 109 days out, willie. but early voting starts in some places in just a little bit over two months. so the president has historic challenges and seems to be every single day making it worse, not better.
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>> donny, in the nbc/"the washington journal" poll a couple days ago, only 19% of people believe the country is on the right track right now. less than 20% of americans believe that. that's a snapshot where we are right now. i'll put the question to you as an ad maker, somebody who watches politics. if you're the biden campaign, what are you thinking, holding the ball holding limited events, rolling out plans as you seem necessary, letting the president go out every day and do what he's done and his turn his back on the pandemic that has consumed the country. >> you answered your own question. if you're biden, less is more. you pick your spots once a week, maybe twice a week and come out as jim said with a buy american economic plan and this week with the environment and let it be
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about trump. we know if a presidential election becomes a referendum on the incumbent he loses. jim mentioned there's 108 days left. i say what can the president do at this point, i go back to 2016 basically he sloganed his way into the white house, build a wall, ban the muslims, lock her up, make america great again, you can't slogan your way out of it. we'll have 220,000 deaths to covid come november. you have 50 million people unemployed, a decimation of race relations. you can't slogan your way out of that. if somebody said to me what would you do for donald trump right now? what's the answer? i don't have a playbook. i don't see a move for him. he's boxed in, joe has thrown this out, others have thrown it out, i think he drops the mic. i don't think he's going to allow himself to lose 400 electoral votes a stunning loss
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of historic proportions. i think he's a coward, i think he quits. >> i'll add to that analysis and counter it. i think he does more and more out of the norm behavior, crazy things. i think he does things to deflect. i think he basically pulls out all the stops and we ain't seen nothing yet when it comes to donald trump. that's what frightens me. also frightening amid a record day of coronavirus cases, president trump spoke on the white house grounds, remarks billed on deregulation but turned into a campaign-style speech with president trump warning that democrats, specifically joe biden, want to ruin the american suburbs. >> our entire economy and our very way of life are threatened by biden's plans to transform our nation and sub ju gait our
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communities through the blunt force instrument of federal regulation at a level you haven't seen yet. the democrats in d.c. have been and want to at a much higher level abolish our beautiful and successful suburbs by placing bureaucrats in charge of local zoning decisions. your home will go down in value and crime rates will rapidly rise. joe biden and his bosses from the radical left want to significantly multiply what they're doing now and what will be the end result is you will totally destroy the beautiful suburbs. >> eddie glaude, author of "begin again," what do you hear when you hear those words? >> i hear the words of a racist, to be honest with you.
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listen to the language, they want to sub ju gait us, they want to abolish our beautiful suburbs, bring down your property values, crime will increase. all of these aren't racial dog whistles, this is a foghorn. the irony is this, it's happening against a backdrop, we lost a giant last night, ct vi vieian. stood up to jim clark in selma 1965 got back up nonviolently in order to register to vote. here he makes his transition. i hope he's sitting with god now. and here, this many years later, we're listening to the president of the united states invoke clearly racist language to stoke white fears to save his political behind. >> as you were speaking in the break before i was reading about
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ct viviane, his memories of him, he took 11 stitches in the mouth but 'stood up and what he had to do and was arrested for it in selma. i no i we're not surprised by anything that donald trump says or does anymore i guess because he set the bar so high. but it's hard to listen to a president of the united states standing outside the white house yesterday, in mid july of 2020, and make the overt case to white people in the suburbs that if you elect joe biden black people from the cities are going to flood into your neighborhoods and ruin them. that is what the president was saying yesterday. >> he's talking about black and brown people like infestations, people who threaten to undermine the fabric of america, that us and them kind of language, as you said in the last hour, this is explicit, as you said now,
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this is explicit. americans have to chase it. we have to make a choice. the rhetoric is not unusual. it's a caricature of what we've been hearing for 40 years of how racial doig whistles have informed our politics. he's just bad at it, crude at it, we have to make a choice to leave this stuff behind. i hope in november, i think i agree more with mika that donny. it's going to get worse -- >> yes. >> -- we need to understand we have to make a choice. there's no middle ground here. >> how many lessons do we have to learn about donald trump? how many times do we have to be shocked? how many times do we have to be appa appa appalled? how many times do we have to be humiliated as americans around the world to see he will do anything, doesn't care about the law, doesn't care about the norms, doesn't care ability traditions, and he doesn't care
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about people and he will do whatever it takes to somehow make his mark and make it seem that he has been in had some way discriminated against, that he is the victim, that the election was illegitimate or he won't leave. i will bet on this. he will try to hold on somehow and he will surprise us. i cannot tell you what he'll do, but i'll say putting the mic down and walking away is not in his wheelhouse. it's not. so you would think it can't get worse, the sound bite we just showed you, but also in those white house remarks, this campaign event that he held at the white house, president trump compared the national guard response to minneapolis protesters as a, quote, knife cutting through butter. >> we want to be strong. we want to respect everybody, but we have to have strong law
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enforcement. and that's taking place in the areas we're responsible for. we want others to call us for help. there's nothing wrong. let chicago call. let seattle call. we were going into seattle, all set to go, then they did it themselves. they heard we were coming in and the hands went up, they gave up. it's so terrible when you see what's happening. minneapolis, we said get the guard in there, three nights, get the guard in. we got the guard in. the national guard, they've done a fantastic job, as soon as they showed up it was like a knife cutting through butter, you saw that, right? after four days of horror. >> it's just -- it's so discouraging, eddie. you know, it's not even the first time he did it. he made similar comments in june
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calling it a, quote, beautiful scene. this man is -- he's got no limits. >>, you know, mika, he's not committed to democracy. at least not for some people. you know, he's talking about freedom of speech for some people. when we talk about lawful, nonviolent protests talking about knives cutting through butter. or reporting out of portland saying the unidentified police officers, picking up protesters. there's a sense in which donald trump doesn't give a damn about american democracdemocracy, he cares about donald trump. therein lies the threat, the danger, that we have this se selfish person running the country and he's the avatar that we're seeing with regard to selfishness across the country.
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liberty trumps national sacrifice. liberty is in this moment in donald trump's hands a tool to really beat the hell out of democracy. i'm overwhelmed by this this morning to hear it, to see it and in some ways to worry about the state of the country. >> yeah. katty kay, for me what comes to mind, you think about american politics, you've been covering it from many different perspectives for years, but i -- i know it sounds very naive, but i don't understand the republicans in washington who can't simply stand up and say, that was wrong. you can't say that. we are not a racist country. we cannot accept racism in our president. maybe i'm naive but i'm just -- i'm heart broken, actually, that
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they are so weak and pitiful and, quite frankly, racist themselves. >> it's been interesting the last few days to see a kind trickle of republicans start to distance themselves from donald trump. but it's only a handful. it's mitt romney, who's there talking about some of the things the president is doing and a couple of others. but it's not the flood you might expect especially when you look at the president's own approval ratings there cannot be republicans in their own districts at the moment thinking if i run on donald trump's coattails that's not going to get me re-elected right now. he's tanking in terms of his numbers, how does that help me? you might think this is the moment they say, all of the things we're hearing it's not okay, i'm going to distance myself because all the things you've been talking about the last five, ten minutes or so are not working for the president. the good news is people in america are turning their back
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on racist language, dog whistles, 53% of the people said they will not vote for the president because of that kind of language, along with management of the coronavirus. so there is a feeling that this isn't working. when you look at that nbc poll, very bad news for the president, but some warning signs for joe biden too because the president is still ahead on his handling of the economy and joe biden's own approval ratings seem to be dipping slightly. what does biden need to be worried about at the moment? what does he need to do in order to ensure the slides in approval ratings doesn't carry on dipping? >> he's having a president and an entire republican party hammer joe biden every day and you're starting to see some effects of this. this makes sense, seeing biden's
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disapproval ratings tick up a little bit. but katy, you're right, what do the republican party do in the key senate state races like colorado, arizona, north carolina, where the president's numbers are beginning to pull the senate republican numbers down to a place where the democrats have a legitimate shot, maybe a 50% shot, at taking the united states senate. biden has to continue to move a proactive, progressive agenda on the economy. he started out last week rolling it out, this week he put out a good plan on the environment. each week he has to chip away on the president's lead on the economy. it is the last thing holding donald trump up. if he can get to a tie, if he can get to a lead on the economy, joe biden will be the president of the united states. >> so donny deutsch, talk about biden in the base m and how good the basement has been for joe biden, which i know the trump
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people at one point tried to make it look like a bad thing that he was quarantining and staying safe from the coronavirus and wearing a mask. but in terms of biden's ability to have a focus direct, respectful campaign that can constantly respond to donald trump, how great has the base basement been for joe biden? >> it's one word, control. they're in complete control of the message. >> that's it. >> the idealized version of joe biden is better than the real version of joe biden. i like joe biden, he's the perfect candidate for these times. >> i love him. >> but it is -- he makes it impenetrable, there's nowhere to go with it, for me once a week, twice a week, less is more, let donald trump have the stage. the thing that got him elected the last time, him sucking the media oxygen is going to be what
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takes him down. when you say there's no chance he drops the mic, i think it's in his character. i think at his core he is a coward and cannot stand a loss. he was brought up with roy kohn and his father. no way to turn a loss into a win here. he's not going to leave office, he'll start a war but at some point you go where is the bag of tricks? i'm going to double and triple down, you can throw me off the air after this, i think the stunning kind of big surprise is he drops the mic because he's that much of a little, little coward. >> well, i don't see it. i'll tell you why. >> okay. >> i think you're assuming that he will do that because everything around him on this landscape appears he won't win,
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but you have to remember he has no problem breaking the law, behaving in a corrupt manner, saying things that aren't true and bringing people with him. >> agree. >> that brings a host of options in his wheelhouse that other candidates who love this country, obey the law, love the constitution would never do. he has no bounds and i want to warn people that we have learned that he has no bounds. that he was way worse than anybody thought he would ever be. name all the people that went to parties with donald trump, that knew donald trump, we knew him on the apprentice as a colleague, spent time with him, we never thought that we would be seeing this, nobody did. it's not just us, it's hillary clinton, who went to parties with him. it's you -- you knew -- come on. you never saw this coming. >> no. >> i don't know how anybody could safely feel he'll just walk away. >> it's not a safety thing.
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i think that's -- i think -- he looks like a loser now. he's slurring, he's out there, almost he's almost acting defeated already. that's the big surprise. i'm wrong, never in doubt. we'll see. >> my question is what we should bet on this. i'd like to put money on it. donny you think of a number, thank you -- >> 20 bucks. >> okay. still ahead on "morning joe," a federal judge has extended the deadline the release of immigrant children in i.c.e. detention centers. jacob soboroff said the bottom line is these kids are still at risk of family separation. that conversation is next on "morning joe." ation. that conversation is next on "morning joe." you can't predict the future.
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held in i.c.e. family detention centers. the order was supposed to go into effect today but the judge granted an extension to july 27th now, after lawyers representing the detained children and the government made a joint request asking for manufactumore time. joining us is jacob soboroff, the author of the new book "separated inside an american tragedy" which debuts at number five on the "new york times" best-sellers list. jacob, let's start with the extension of the deadline, what's the implication of that and what does the future for the kids look like right now? >> the bottom line is that these 100 kids or so are still at risk of family separation despite the fact that the deadline was pushed for ten days and lawyers that represent the children in the immigration proceedings are
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furious saying not only is covid exploding inside the i.c.e. detention centers and i.c.e. has the discretion to release them right now but family separation is still an outcome of this delay. and caitlyn knows, i write about her ground breaking reporting in the book, what family separation does to the children, life long trauma, and that is not out of the realm of possibility at this point and that's what lawyers for the kids in their immigration proceedings not in the flora settlement agreement are trying to stress this morning. >> let me put to you the question i put to julia ainsley earlier this week. if these children are released from i.c.e. detention facilities their parents remain in the facilities, the obvious question is where do those kids go? what happens to them? >> when you asked julia the
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other day i was watching and i texted julia saying it's a good question because they can't go to orr, it's part of the judge's ruling saying they can't go to congregate settings so they have to go to sponsors in in the interior of the united states or be deported with their parents or detained indefinitely with their parents inside i.c.e. family detention. all of those options are options these lawyers do not want to see for the children. they keep coming back to the fact that i.c.e. has discretion here. if they wanted to, they could release the families together. but i.c.e. chooses not to. the white house chooses not to rule out family separations that's why this is continuing this morning. >> let's talk about the white house and the administration and the regulations being rolled out quite quickly before november impacting immigrants on many levels. >> that's right. and just a note on the prior
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conversation is that i think a lot of people might be asking why are people asking that immigrants and immigrant children be released from jail, really, and that's because i think the trump administration has done a really good job of making people forget that immigration detention is a civil hold. the supreme court has said it's not meant to be punitive in any way, and it's just a way of making sure people show up for court. so even though the lawyers representing these families and said put them on ankle bracelets, check in every week so you know where they are, the administration is saying they don't want to let the families go because they're talking about immigration detention as if it's the same thing as criminal detention, even though under the law it is not. that reflects what you're talking about, there's this rapid fire introduction of policies as the pandemic broke out. the trump administration has blocked people who travelled through countries with
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infectious disease grooutbreaks getting asylum. they're raising the bar to try to qualify for asylum and making it easier for the administration to deem a claim frivolous which means a person can never apply again. we saw them try to block internal stude international students from remaining in the country. i think the administration is going to try to introduce as many of these policies as they can because it's a distraction from the economy. it's as though they introduced a template how to do the restrictions and they're copying and pasting categories of migrants saying you can't come in, you can't come in and very few are left. >> so jacob soboroff, the man you replaced as number five on the "new york times" best-seller
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list has a question. he's number eight now. eddie. >> he's my number one. >> jacob, congratulations on the book. >> and to you my friend. >> i asked you this this question, i have to ask it again, the policy, it seems as though cruelty is the point. how is this happening? how is the american people allowing this policy of child separation, this cruel policy to continue? give us a sense of how this is being maintained. >> i think caitlyn underlined it, it's the constant pushback by the politicals in the trump administration despite the best efforts of career civil servants who at every turn, particularly during family separations and a key point after caitlyn's article came out in 2018 revealing they separated 700 kids. one example is scott lloyd who had the custodian responsibility over the kids first instinct was
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destroy the list of separated children after caitlyn reported it existed. katty miller, for instance, told me she admitted that she believed immigrants should asemia little bit when they come to the country, why do we have little havana is what she said to me. when she said that to me, i sat up in my chair, katy tur, who was with me, sat up in her chair. this is what they feel, what they believe and every time someone inside the government that cares for the best interests of the children pushes back, you have the trump administration from their vantage point stopping that from happening and ultimately it's the children who are suffering, immigrants who are suffering as caitlyn pointed out. >> as you talk about the administration throwing things against the wall in terms of administration policy the most recent example is the idea put forward by i.c.e. that
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international students could be deported if they were taking online classes only, in other words if they didn't have to go to the campus of a university they could deported. they stepped back after blowback from that. but why did they step back from that? the initial idea was to get rid of a bunch of international students here on visas in the united states studying. why did they step away from that idea? >> i think what that really said to me is that the trump administration has this comprehensive picture and idea that they want to really block as many foreigners of any variety from entering the country whatsoever. but when the trump administration pushes the button of a powerful entity, we've seen it before, when we've introduced restrictions on visas that impact the technology industry for example and billion dollar companies that require foreign workers to produce their products we see the trump administration back down.
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remember the president did it early in the pandemic when he tweeted he was going to block all visas across the board. and the next day silicone valley reacted strongly, of course, and within a few hours what we saw was a paired down policy that didn't impact the technology workers needed. same thing this week when institutions like harvard and mit come forward and sue the administration saying they need to continue to bring in international students to support their budget because remember international students pay top dollar and the tuition subsidizes scholarships for american students. so we have seen the trump administration back down a few times and i think it shows the disparity between the way the administration is dealing with more privileged categories of immigrants like students who are the top performers in the world, people who are technology workers and scientists and
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researchers compared to the asylum seekers who don't necessarily have these powerful entities to defend them and challenge the trump administration on their behalf but who as we know are very much part of the economic fabric of the society and the economy relies on them just as much, it's just that they don't have the same privilege to push back in a way that can change the trump administration's position. >> caitlyn dickerson and jacob soboroff thank you both. jacob's new book entitled "separated, inside an american tragedy" it's on the "new york times" best-seller list. up next former acting director of the cdc, dr. richard bisser joins us. "morning joe" is coming right back. t back
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>> vice president pence speaking this week in louisiana. joining us now former acting director of the cdc now president and ceo of the robert wood foundation, dr. richard bekratzeb bessert. the administration is adamant that all schools should reopen. what is the science when you combine young people and coronavirus with the idea of getting the more broad number down across the population in cities and states because she referenced the european countries, western world to being open to having their schools open but that's because they got their numbers down before they threw open the doors of the school. >> i'm a pediatrician, i'm a parent, there's no better place for children than in schools learning, and i have great concerns that children are falling behind, missing out
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educationally, developmentally but you can't get children back into schools until you get it under control in communities. there will be some communities where disease transmission is low enough that thinking about and planning for opening schools makes a lot of sense. but the idea that the cdc guidance is a barrier doesn't make sense. what cdc lays out is what needs to happen to make sure that children are safe, teachers are safe, staff are safe and what needs to happen so every child in every community has an opportunity to go to school. opening school takes a lot of work. the cdc lays out, how do you keep schools clean? how do you ensure that sick children or teachers aren't coming to school so that involves screening. how do you make classrooms safe? fewer children in the classrooms, looking for air
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flow, so there's less likely to have virus hanging around. making sure there's barriers so staff coming in contact with students aren't. if you think about how we fund schools in america, most of it is off property taxes. if we're not careful, we don't ensure that every school can follow cdc guidance we'll see the same disparities where black, latino and native americans are the ones hit the hardest and their children aren't in schools. it takes federal dollars and concerted effort to get this done. >> katty kay, one of the most maddening aspect of the argument is it ignores the adults in the schools. yes, children do better with coronavirus, no question about it, but what about the teachers, the custodians and the cafeteria workers and the plbus drivers, there's a lot of elements when you say schools should be opened
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it you ignores the nuance you need to look at in the conversation. >> even parents dropping and picking kids up at school. you have a load of new adults coming in and out of that every time the car door opens. none of that has been answered. the administration's response is let's open the doors. it's a really complicated process. i've done a ton of interviews this week with school advisers and doctors in other countries. it's really hard. i spoke to an italian doctor earlier this week that said there's no way he would consider opening schools if he has the numbers the united states has at the moment. dr. bes senioser, when you look miami or another hot spot, do you think the only solution is put the cities back into lockdown, we have to accept we didn't do it long enough, hard enough the first time around, the gains we made in march and
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april were wasted and we have to go back to shutdown again in some places? >> i do. and i think one of the problems with how the road to recovery has been laid out is that it's been laid out as a one way street, and it's not. what has to happen is, as you move forward and you hopefully slowly carefully open up the economy and get people back to work and out and about, as numbers go up, if they go up too much, you're going to have to go back the other direction. in many places the opening wasn't slow and careful, the numbers are overwhelmed so you're unable to take a public health approach of testing, tracking, making sure people can isolate and quarantine. in those places you have to move back, not exactly to where we were before, because we learned about outdoor activities that can be done safely. but you have to have more people staying at home. you have to move back to a situation where only essential workers, hopefully this time protected with the equipment and gear they need to be safe are
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out and about working. but there's no way to get it under control if the numbers are at this level using a public health approach. >> and i just -- to the vice president's comments that we came in with we don't want to listen to the cdc guidance and have it get in the way of schools opening p. that's like saying we don't want to listen to encogists when it comes to treating cancer. crazy. months into the pandemic testing is still an issue in the u.s. at the department of health and human services overseeing testing said we want results back as fast as possible. he acknowledged while some people have waited at least 12 days for results, the ideal turn around time is three days. however, a study published yesterday in the medical journal says that even a delay of just three days makes it nearly
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impossible to slow the spread of the coronavirus. let's bring in the president of the rockefeller foundation, which is out with its new covid-19 national testing and tracing action plan. tell us about the plan and how is the country doing in terms of testing now? i know of people who just still haven't gotten results back nine days later. >> thank you for having me. the reality is testing in america is still not working. the average wait time on a test as you pointed out is somewhere between five and seven days on average across the country. new data indicate that in order to get on top of this, most of the transmission happens in the first two days after people go in to get a test. so getting a result in three, four, five, six, seven days is ineffective. we brought together a group of scientists, industry leaders, former republican and democratic
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officials and put for an action plan that calls for 48 hour turn around, a new inestment in new tests that can be used for screening, they're fast, some as quick as 15, 20 minutes. they're much cheaper, easier to use. while they're less sensitive, this is our only way out if goi disaster this fall when another flu season hits. >> what do you mean by another major disaster because florida is headed in the wrong direction and testing there is spotty and not working well, certainly not following the plan you have. what can we expect in terms of let ap say the state of florida with the rate they're going. what do you mean by major disaster? >> we had 70,000 cases of coronavirus roughly yesterday. we had more than 60,000 for each day of the last week, florida has maybe 15,000 cases a day on
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average. it is out of control. in order to get it back under control, we need to put in place extreme social distancing measures, real behavior change in terms of mask wearing and lack of contact with others. but we also need testing that works. right now america is at about 4.5 million tests a week. the group we pulled together has called for more than 30 million tests a week if we're to avert a disaster. by disaster what i mean is there are going to be 100 million cases of the sniffles as the flu season hits. every time a child gets a runny nose a whole community has to shutdown, it's going to be tragic for the american economy. it's going to be tragic for the low income, minority and essential workers who are the backbone of our economy but also who are taking by far and away the biggest hit with coronavirus and it'll keep kids out of school for a very long time if we don't have a way to
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distinguish between covid-19, a deadly pandemic and a simple common cold. >> so, doctor, as we try to assess through testing who has coronavirus, who doesn't, to try to get our arms aroundsafe, the appears now has been overshot by this administration. as i said, you were the acting director of the cdc. there's an order now that hospitals directly send their data on coronavirus into this new federal clearing house, not into the cdc. how do you understand that decision and what are some of the implications of that? >> well, it concerns me. as you know, willie, i coauthored an op-ed piece this week that called out concerns about cdc not being in the leadership role. and this happens this week. and it's a sign of cdc being sidelined. you know, cdc is the nation's public health agency. it's full of extremely talented scientists who need direct
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access to these data. the hospital data will let them see what things are working in communities and what things won't. and clearly, the data systems have to be improved. they have to be sped up. time really matters. but you don't speed up the cdc and state and local health department systems by bypassing cdc. you do it by investing dollars and ensuring they have what they need. and supporting their efforts in this. this is another example of data going to a place where they're more likely to be overrun by politics. you know, one of the advantages of cdc being in atlanta is that it's less close to the political influences. in the past, there was only one political appointee in the entire agency. that's changed a little bit. but in d.c., there are all kinds of influences in terms of who wants data to get out, who allows data to be transparent. cdc should be in the lead here. >> doctor richard beser, thank you very much.
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raj shaw, thank you, as well. he's president of the rockefeller foundation. and still ahead this morning, u.s., canadian and uk intelligence officials are accusing russia of using hackers to try to steal research on coronavirus vaccine trials. we'll talk to former u.s. ambassador to russia michael mcfall. we'll be right back. russia michl mcfall we'll be right back. ♪ ♪
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but even if your teen was vaccinated against meningitis in the past... they may be missing vaccination for meningitis b. let's help protect them together. because missing menb vaccination could mean missing out on a whole lot more. ask your doctor if your teen is missing meningitis b vaccination. ask your doctor if your teen the course structure the it just suits my life perfectly because i am a mom, i'm a wife. and i was able to complete those short courses- five to six weeks- and then move onto the next until i reached my goal. no uh uh, no way come on, no no n-n-n-no-no only discover has no annual fee on any card.
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msnbc contributeder chris dicky passed away suddenly in paris yesterday. dicky's career began as a book editor for "the washington post" where he eventually became a foreign correspondent for the paper. he covered central america and new mexico, most notably the guerilla war in el salvador where he met his mentor, writer joan digian. he eventually landed on paris in
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the 1990s as his full time base. he later joined newsweek which later merged with the daily beast where he covered wars in central america and the middle east. dicky published seven books including one on the terrorist attacks on september 11th. his most recent book "our man in charleston, britain's secret agent in the civil war south" was a "new york times" best seller. he was finishing up the final chapters to the story before he passed. christopher dicky was 68 years old. and still ahead, more on the alarming new milestone in the coronavirus crisis. with the united states once again shattering the country's own record for daily cases. plus, president trump with another campaign-style speech at the white house, again, stoking racial divisions in his remarks. you're watching "morning joe." we'll be right back. you're watching "morning joe." we'll be right back. no uh uh, no way
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we have many exciting things we're going to be announcing in the next eight weeks, i would say. we're taking on so many aspects of things, but you'll see levels of detail and you'll see levels of thought that a lot of people believed very strongly we didn't have in this country. we're going to get things done. we're going to get things done
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that they've wanted to see done for a long, long time. so i think we'll start sometime on tuesday. >> it will all get better starting sometime on tuesday. okay. good morning. it is friday, july 17th. along with willie and me, we have executive editor of "the recount i "john heilman, michael steele, and former aide to the george w. bush white house and state departments, alesse jordan is with us this morning. there is a lot going on this friday morning. new reporting from hackers, the hackers from russia's intelligence services are trying to steal coronavirus vaccine research from the united states, the uk and canada. president trump uses the white
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house as a backdrop for another campaign-style speech. yep, it happened again. a little racial animus peppered in, as well. and with coronavirus infections on the rise, more and more u.s. retailers are start to go require masks inside stores. and a growing number of states are issuing mandatory mask policies, except for republican governor brian kemp of georgia, who started a legal fight with the city of atlanta over its mask mandate. what is that about? with cases surging in florida, republican party leaders have decided to scale back next month's convention. the convention that the president made a big show of moving from north carolina because it would have been scaled back there.
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okay. there are numbers surging across the country, willie. >> and that's why you see all these concerns about the convention, about schools. nearly 73,000 new infections were r0eported yesterday breakig the single day record of 71,000 reported ten days ago. seven of the last ten days have been among the worst in terms of new cases since the start of the pandemic. the state of florida reported its highest number of deaths and hospitalizations in a single day. 495 people were hospitalized, according to state data released yesterday. while 156 people died the most deaths since july 1st. florida officials reported nearly 1 in 3 children tested in florida has come up positive for the virus. officials warn while children may show little to no symptoms, the long-term effects remain
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unknown. doctors in south florida say they're running out of the drug remdesivir. however, there is no shortage here in the united states. the trump administration stockpiled the drug earlier this month. in fact, european officials have slam today united states reporting nearly the entire global supply. the sun sentinel in florida reports south florida doctors now are being forced to decide who gets it and who does not. florida's governor said yesterday he has asked the vice president to replenish florida's supply. senator marco rubio tweeted this, shipments are coordinated by the federal government and we have a bad disconnect between what they think we need and what we really need, working hard to solve this problem immediately. so, mika, they have remdesivir. this country has it, it's just not getting to the places where it's needed the most. >> terrific. and there's so many problems in florida with testing and delays in terms of results and there's absolutely no contact tracing if you can't get your test results
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back in the right amount of time. there is one republican who is sharply criticizing the president, has no problem standing up in defense of science and in defense of his people. that is governor larry hogan who is criticizing the president's handling of the coronavirus pandemic in a new piece entitled "fighting alone." hogan explains how the federal government left him with nowhere else to turn so he relied on his wife, y you umi, who was born a raised in south korea who arranged test kits from that country. he writes in part this, i'd watched as the president down played the outbreak's severity and as the white house failed to issue public warnings, drop a 50-state strategy, or dispatch medical gear or life saving
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ventilators from the national stockpile to american hospitals. eventually, it was clear that waiting around for the president to run the nation's response was hopeless. if we delayed any longer, we would be condemning more of our citizens to suffering and death. so every governor went their own way, which is how the united states ended up with such a patchwork response. it was hopeless. waiting around for president trump. governors were being told that we were on our own. it was sink or swim. and if i didn't do something dramatic, we simply would not have come close to having enough tests in maryland. so many nationwide actions could have been taken in those days, but weren't. the trump administration bungled the effort and john heilman, they bungled the testing effort beyond description.
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there is still problems with testing today. there is no excuse for this. and you can put this on every level of this pandemic. had we done it like some other countries, we would not be where we are now. this did not have to happen. the trump response was so botched he made it worse instead of better. so what do you think of larry hogan stepping up? i take it he's got political aspirations, but still, in this climate, it's tough for republicans to stand up to the president. >> yeah, good morning, mika. how are you? >> good morning. >> it's us -- i think there's a lot to say about it. first of all, there's a couple of things. one, the substance of it and the politics of it. i think on the substance, you know, the universal reaction, i think what governor hogan is expressing there is something that if you talk to governors, democrat or republican, i think over the course of the pandemic, i was trying to count this up
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yesterday in my head. i think i maybe talked to 12 or 13 governors. some democrats, some republics of the course of the last few months while this has been unfoldling. and it's been unanimous. democrats or republicans, they all have expressed the same sentiments that governor hogan did, only they expressed them in private. there is incredible frustration with the lack of leadership, incredible frustration with the trump administration and the sense that dawning since early on that the governors were on their own, president trump occasionally would try to basically say i'm in charge, i have all the power, and then the next day when it looks like it was easier to shift the blame to governors, he would be like, no, it's up to the states. so the governors got the message early. and i think the interesting question is you saw in was not strictly on party lines. you saw governor hogan, governor dewine, three republicans who basically said we're going to go off quiet i wily and get done we
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need to get done. a lot of democratic governors did the same thing. then you have these other republican governors, governor kemp, governor desantis, governor abbott, dr. duesy in arizona, florida, texas in that order who all basically decided, even though trump is not helping us, we're going to take our cues from president trump in terms of what we're going to do on policy and you see the scale of the disaster now in those four states, georgia, texas, florida and arizona. you know, that is the dividing line. they have all been basically on their own and have been left to make a choice, do i follow the president's lead without his real help or do i not follow the president's lead without his help? right now, the verdict is in. if you decided to follow president trump's lead, your state right now is a catastrophe. if you decided to go on your own and not follow his lead and just do what was the right thing for your citizens, your state is in a pretty decent place.
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and i think there should be some lessons if anybody has a brain in their head in the republican party about how that has played out. if you're paying attention to the reality here, both on the politics and the public policy, the message is pretty clear at this point about what the right thing to do going forward is. we'll see if these republican governors get that message. >> still ahead on "morning joe," in 2016, donald trump won the overall suburban vote by 5 percentage points by critical wins in michigan, wisconsin and pennsylvania. things are looking a lot different in the subbeshs today. that has the president's campaign clearly concerned. we're going to break it all down, next. concerned we're going to break it all down, next can be ready for it. a digital foundation from vmware helps you redefine what's possible... now. from the hospital shifting to remote patient care in just 48 hours... to the university moving hundreds of apps quickly to the cloud... or the city government going digital to keep critical services running. you are creating the future--
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on deregulation turned into another campaign-style speech. with president trump warning that democrats, and specifically joe biden, want to ruin american suburbs. >> our entire economy and our very way of life are threatened by biden's plans to transform our nation and subjugate our communities through the blunt force instrument of federal regulation at a level that you haven't even seen yet. the democrats in d.c. have been and want to at a much higher level abolish our beautiful and successful suburbs by placing far left washington bureaucrats in charge of local zoning decisions. your home will go down in value and crime rates will rapidly rise. joe biden and his bosses from t radical left want to significantly multiply what
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they're doing now and what will be the end result is you will totally destroy the beautiful suburbs. >> wow. whoa. okay. michael steele, aside from the fact that he is now only able to speak in places where people are forced to clap for him when he comes out to the stage, which is pathetic, but what the heck was he saying? is he saying what i think he was saying? can you please translate. >> well, there is no trabs lagz there because it was a nonsensical rambling musing of whatever is in the mind. the idea that you've got people who are going to take down the subbeshs, that the housing stock is going to implode. that flies in the face of the reports coming out this week that shows that in terms of citizens goc out a
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citizens going out and buying homes, that actually has turned to precovid-19 levels. the interest rates are the lowest they've been since the 1950s. the reality of it is the president has this dystopian view of the world that he wants to project out politically and hoping it will generate within the suburban community where he's quite frankly having some problems, this fear that, you know, these washington bureaucrats, under the guise of joe biden, will come into their neighborhoods and their communities and destroy them. we know this as crazy talk. we know this as a president who is standing on the white house lawn with trucks behind him, schilling in like a tv commercial. but the reality of it is that is not going to undo what has been done on covid-19, what has been done in dealing with the flattening of the economy, and what has been done in the civil rights space with respect to the
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death of george floyd. these three factors are like a weight around his political ankles that he cannot get away from no matter what backdrop he puts on the white house lawn. people woke up this morning with more deaths, more cases of coronavirus, and no policy to effectively deal with any of it. >> so alesse jordan, people may hear the president say destroy the suburbs, abolish the suburbs, what the heck is he even talking about? he's talking about a point the obama administration in 10 20 15 established this fair housing rule. and he wants to get rid of it. he's talked openly, he's tweeted about getting rid of it. this is to end racial discrimination in housing. so the signal flare he's throwing up to people in the suburbs is be careful, people may be coming into your neighborhoods. don't worry, i will protect you from that. joe biden will not. he wants to abolish the suburbs and end the american way of
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life. it's a very, very clear signal he's sending. >> donald trump is trying at this moment to lead the country backwards. you look at how we're having this historic reckoning on race in the country, a second civil rights movement, really, and donald trump is advocating against fair housing practices. you see this twist in his administration where he's so out of step with the tenor and the mood of the country and how that's reflected in polls, not just in the country's surprising support for black lives matters protests and that has been really reassuring to see how the country is moving forward on race. but then you see how it's affecting his you electoral fortunes and it's funny that at this moment he's ranting against federal bureaucrats when, you know, there are a lot of communities around the country right now that probably wish that there were some federal
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bureaucrats that were actually doing something tangible in their local communities to help them combat the coronavirus pandemic. and yet donald trump keeps putting his faith in his empty, hollow rhetoric is going to solve a virus that is horrifyingly spreading at a rapid pace outside of pretty much everywhere except new york city. >> coming up, we want to zero in on the issue at the center of the conversation when it comes to coronavirus. the question of if and when american schools can safely reopen to millions of children. "morning joe" is back in a moment. f children "morning joe" is back in a moment - [narrator] the shark vacmop combines powerful suction
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. also with us, dr. leena wynn. she previously served as baltimore's health commissioner. the bbc's katty kay is back with us, as well. zeke, i'll start with you. super worried about florida. where are they numbers headed? is there anything happening in florida that could mitigate these numbers or are we careening toward disaster? >> well, i think there is a serious situation with overwhelmed hospitals in miami, especially, but other cities. we know it can work. you have to have a lockdown. you do have to have people going out only for emergency items. and to wearing masks when they go out and physically
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distancing. unfortunately the state has waffled, hasn't had the will and inconsistently imposed various measures. you have to be consistent. otherwise people move from place to place and take the virus with them. that is what's happening here. all of this was predictable and the mortality rate is going to continue to go up. >> zeke, you said we won't fully be back to normal until november of 2021. how did you arrive at that date? >> if you figure maybe early in the new year we have a vaccine and we begin to distribute it to health care workers and other front line workers like grocery workers, policemen, bus drivers, public transit workers, and then you just play out how much vaccine we have, especially if we need two immunizations per person, by the time you have enough and you really get to a critical mass, it's really on an
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optimistic scenario the best of the -- the end of the year. so that is how i arrived at that projecton. maybe we can rush it a little bit. so maybe it's q3 instead of fourth quarter, but i just don't see, you know, i don't see it much before that. you know, just the logistics of producing it, putting it in models, getting it to people, getting it in people's arms for 250 million americans, that is a major undertaking. >> all right. catty k katty kay is with us and she has the next question. >> doctor, i wanted to ask you a little bit more to zero in on miami. the mayor today is going to try and talk about, anyway, having more restrictions. i spoke to him yesterday and he said we may have to go back into lockdown. but the problem is, he said, that people in miami aren't scared. and they need to be scared to realize how serious this virus
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is. are people capable of really taking on the magnitude i guess of what zeke was just saying, that this was going to last for a very long time, they have to radically change their behavior, or is it going to take putting miami back into lockdown to give them that jolt of, wow, this is something i have to do the right thing now because it seems like they're just not doing it without being forced to. >> yeah. at this point, i hate to say it, but i think we need to go into lockdown once again. we've given people time. we've given them a month and a half since reopening to realize how serious this is, to realize that reopening does not mean that suddenly everything is safe. we've seen, unfortunately, especially young people, go out and i understand that they've experienced quarantine fatigue. i also don't want to put all the blame on young people because it frankly is the failure of our federal government that we haven't had the suppression of infection that we really need. we have seen that the average
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age has dropped in florida from 65 to 35 in terms of who is getting covid. we're seeing that even as hospitals are filling up, icus are reaching past capacity that young people and others are still going out and ignoring the social distancing guidelines. at this point, a lockdown or at least some type of shelter in place restricting indoor gatherings is going to be necessary because it actually also takes several weeks for the effect to be seen. even if the lockdown were imposed today, by the time it makes an impact on actually cutting the hospitals being overwhelmed, we're talking about at least three weeks later. and i'm really worried about what is going to happen in the meantime in terms of preventable deaths. >> dr. wynn, the federal government, the white house specifically has put a lot of focus on schools. they want them open. they want them fully open across the country come the next few weeks, which is actually when they start opening in some places. yesterday caylee mac nanny, the
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white house pretty secretary, says science is on our side in terms of opening schools. from your viewpoint, you believe we can open schools, but a lot has to happen between now and then. >> that's exactly right. so we absolutely need to reopen schools. that is what is necessary in order for our economy to come back. that is also critical for the health and well being of our students and for their development. there is a way to do so safely. the single most important thing that we can be doing is to suppress the level of infection in the community because we're just not going to be able to keep our schools free of coronavirus if we have surging cases all throughout our communities. then we need to be implementing these cdc guidelines. the cdc has laid out a clear road map of how we can reopen schools. but it is hard to do. it is going to take resources.
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even something as basic as creating isolation rooms. many schools don't even have school health would he tesuites are going to create a new isolation room, we might need to hire more staff to do screenings, buy more ppe and cleaning supplies. we can do this, but we need to invest the resources. the federal government has given billions of dollars to help banks and the airline industry. if we say our children are our priority, then we should be investing the billions of dollars that are needed in order to keep our students, our staff, and teachers and their families safe, too. >> zeke emanuel, i mean, we could be in a position to reopen schools, had really intense mitigation techniques been, you know, issued by the government in a uniform way and followed. we would be in a very different place if things were done right and not botched. but since they were and we have surging numbers in the miami area, for example, would you
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reopen schools in miami in two weeks? >> mika, you're 100% right. we have squandered the last four months except for finding that death mechanics zone works, remdesivir, maybe get people out of the hospitals. you cannot open schools in the situation of miami with such a high transmission rate. i am for opening schools. i have been for many, many weeks. and months, actually. if you bring the transmission rate down, you then, as dr. wynn said, you then spread out classrooms. you get mobile classrooms or tents. you hold as much as possible outdoors as late as possible. you decrease the classroom size to about 15, which is what other countries that have successfully done this have put their classrooms at. you create pods. you have kids eat their lunch in the classroom. i do think you can open up schools. but that requires a lot of
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effort and as dr. wynn said, it requires a lot of support and money from the federal government. schools -- otherwise we're going to have a situation where rich schools can open up and the rich kids can get good education, but middle class and poor kids, they're going to be left behind because their schools are still going to be online or they're just not going to have the protection necessary. >> all right. dr. zeke emanuel, leena wynn, thank you both. dr. wynn's new op-ed in "the washington post" is entitled "keep an eye on your budget" and every week she gives us five new tips on getting through the coronavirus safely and how to live your life coronavirus free. so we thank her for that. up next, over the last two years, facebook's transparency reports say the social media site is finding and deleting 99% of terrorism related posts. but what about the other 1%
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. according to u.s., canadian and uk intelligence officials, russian hackers are trying to steal information and intellectual property relating to the development and testing of covid-19 vaccines. russia flatly denied the allegation saying, quote, we do not have information on who might have hacked into pharmaceutical companies and research centers. we can only say one thing, russia has nothing to do with these attempts. the head of the uk's cyber kurt center told nbc news the cyber attacks were first detected in february and that so far there is no evidence that data was stolen. china is also accused by the u.s. for trying to steal vaccine research. the latest accusations coming from attorney general william barr in a speech delivered
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yesterday. he ambassador mcfall, what are the implications here of the reports that we have so far? >> well, i think it follows a pattern that vladimir putin doesn't pay attention to the rule of law, he doesn't play by the norms of the international system. here we have yet again another instance of him doing that. and my prediction, mika, is that we're going to have yet again another nonresponse from president trump. and i think that follows a very consistent pattern over the last several years, putin does something to defy the international system and to defy international rules and we do
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nothing. >> what did this alleged hack look like? >> we associate the 2016 democratic hacks with a group calls fancy bear. which is a group run by russia's military intelligence service. but if you look back at the reporting, this group run by russia's foreign intelligence service had penetrated dnc servers, did so months before the gru got in there. but unlike the gru, which famously hacked and leaked through wikileaks the democratic correspondence, they just got in there and looked around. this group, the question is what were they doing? my guess would be simply looking at the latest in vaccine research trying to get a jump on
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things. in fact, i've seen russian state media accounts tweeting out in the last few days that russia is at the forefront of a covid vaccine research. no doubt they are if they've been stealing other country's information and the lab work. so the svr tends to be a little more wiley and a little more -- in their methods. they don't like generally to get caught. so it's interesting that this particular unit was found out. >> ambassador, can i follow-up on something you were suggesting there, that is russia feels like it can act with impunity. after the poisoning of sergei, since then, nothing much hash done particularly around the hacking of u.s. election necessary 2016. do you think russia is now thinking, why not push it as far
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as i want to go. we can get away with this so why not do these things? >> well, i'm glad you mentioned the sanctions after the attempted assassination on mr. scropal. i was in the white house when we did the swap of the spies to get him out of russia in 2010. back then, there was a norm that you just don't go after these people once they have been released. putin violated that norm in 2018. i think it's important to understand, and i want to be cheer here, i want to make a real clear distinction between the trump administration and president trump himself. actually, the trump administration has done some good things to push back on russia. they have provided military assistance, for instance, to ukraine. they did the sanctions you talked about. they have put in money to strengthen nato. but everywhere along the way, the president himself doesn't support the policy of his own
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admin stragsz. a administration. and i do think, therefore, that does give putin a green light to dare us and push back on him and the other thing i worry about is what they might do come 2020. everybody thinks we're going on provide disinfection to help donald trump. already, you see signs of that. but i worry about something else. i think he just wants to sow chaos and doubt about the election on 2020 and so far he hasn't paid a price to do that in the past. i worry that he might do that come election day. >> big opportunities for donald trump here who has been very open about russia, listening to him. what is china's role in all of this from what you're hearing? and if you could speak more about the risk to the 2020 election, which i think a lot of people are very concerned about.
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>> well, for me, it's not about who is going to help what side and when. that will happen in the margins. and by the way, we don't even know if they had a causal effect. i want to speak as a political scientist now, right? we know it happened. we know russia tried to help trump. we don't know whether it made a difference in terms of how many people voted for the president or not. what we do know is they also sowed chaos within our system, right? they amplified polarization within society and they're really good as disinformation. let me tell you, i've been the target of that where they just put out crazy stuff. they have no allegiance to the facts and they don't care about the facts. so what i worry most about, either from the chinese or the russians or other external actors that are not the friends of the united states of which there are many, not just two, is that they sow that division. they put out reports. they tweet that the election has been stolen. they create the impression that
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there was voter suppression or that there was some malfeasance in terms of counting the votes. and because we are so charged right now as a society, any little bit of information like that is going to exacerbate tensions on election day. and i think undermine whether everybody thinks it's free and fair election. and i mean both sides, by the way. i think they'll put it out on both sides. i anticipate that. and that makes me worried that the losers in the election won't accept the results because they're going to claim perhaps exacerbated by disinformation by a foreign entity that the election was not free and fair. >> by the way, president trump himself is already laying the groundwork for this, warning of a, quote, rigged election because of mail-in voting. >> exactly. >> thank you as always for your insights. michael weis, i want to turn to you because you have new reporting about facebook and
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isis groups that are finding ways to evade detection on facebook despite the social media company's efforts to delete terrorism related content. obviously, facebook has been on the defensive for the last several weeks for allowing hate groups to continue to congregate there. what did you find with isis? >> this is quite interesting. so there is this new net work of isis followers and supporters that are essentially gaming facebook's own algorithm. facebook has this automatic detection and elimination program which usually looks for hashtags and sorts of isis iconography. some of these guys are posting videos and stripping the introduction of the videos and putting up, for instance, the bbc logo or the cnn logo. but even more alarming than that, they're hacking real users' accounts, even users two use two-step verification, which is to say you you put in your
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password and then you get a text message and a code, isis has found a way to get around that and they're posting not just pro jihadi propaganda, but they're trying to mask raid as americans and canadians and now they're weighing into things like black lives matter. this was out of the research agency, the so-called troll farm in 2016 been isis is doing what the russian trolls were doing about six years ago now. now it's been the case that isis have been very proficient as a hacking organization. they've been doing it for a very long time and for many years. but this is the first to my mind, anyway, and to my colleagues where they're now pretend to go be americans and trying to stir social and political discord in the united states. and i have to say, they're doing it quite crudely, even more crudely than the russians did in 2016. the stuff that they're posting is very obviously not written by an english language speaker and they're being detected both by pro trump and anti-trump forces
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on facebook. to its credit, facebook is diligent about knocking these guys out once they see them. but, again, it shows the adaptability and the resilience of this organization to every time we put up some kind of defense mechanism, they're right there to circumvent it. and to my mind, also, what alarms me is, look, the stuff they're doing now is quite basic and crude, but they're going to get better. this is sort of a pilot case where they're now spamming and spoofing americans and canadians. wait until they actually get american and canadian jihadi sympathizers to do this for them. >> it's fascinating and alarming. people can read that full report at the daily beast. michael, before we let you go, it is a sad day for all of you at the daily beast and for all of you that had the privilege of knowing even for a moment chris dicky, we always felt better having him on our show, the
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shocking news that he died in paris last night. i know he was a mentor to you. we send our condolences. what are your reflections on chris dicky this morning? >> he was a kind of journalist that they frankly don't make any more. i can give you one example. i was literally texting with him at 2:00 p.m. my time in the evening, his time in paris. and he was editing the story i just talked about about isis and facebook. and he said i'm sitting down to dinner and evidently he never got up from the table. it's deaf state to go me. he was one of the most literal and charming editors i've ever worked with. i remember telling him a few months ago, i was working on an essay about the poet attie houseman. he began reciting verses from memory. remarkably well read. very much his father's son, i would say. and if i could recount you one
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anecdote, the first thing that i sort of loved about dicky when i first met him, he's been around every war zone, 40 years. and he told me a story about being in baghdad and attending paul bremer's daily press conferences. and the thing that was troubling the most was everybody who showed up to the press conferences from the press corps were covered in a thick film of dust due to sand storms. but paul bremer, he used to show up with these pristine suits, and it was the scoop of the century for chris when he found out paul bremer was sending his suits out to be dry cleaned in jordan, which he thought certainly was an ill omen of the way the iraqi occupation was going. couldn't even get your clothes cleaned. one of the finest journalists and frankly human beings i've ever had the privilege of working with. it was a shocking and profound loss to us all yesterday. >> all right. michael weiss, thank you so much
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for being on. ambassador mcfaul, thank you as well. an important often overlooked topic we have next to wrap up the week straight ahead on "morning joe." the open road is open again. and wherever you're headed, choice hotels is there. book direct at anbut a resilient business, you cacan be ready for a digital foundation from vmware helps you redefine what's possible... now. from the hospital shifting to remote patient care in just 48 hours... to the university moving hundreds of apps quickly to the cloud... or the city government going digital to keep critical services running. you are creating the future-- on the fly. and we are helping you do it. vmware. realize what's possible. ♪ ♪
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particularly pronounced increased were seen in the number of lgbtq mayors which has seen a 35% year over year jump. joining us now, ceo and executive director of the trevor project, amete pele. it's a suicide and crisis intervention organization for lgbtq young people, and they are out today with results from their latest survey on lgbtq mental health. what did you find? >> well, we found a number of results that were very troubling. 40% of lgbtq young people in this country seriously considered suicide in the past year, and more than half of transgender and nonbinary young people seriously considered suicide in the past year. so we know that this is a serious public health crisis that needs to be addressed. we know that that is in part
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because of the discrimination that lgbtq young people face and we also know that some of the policies and statements that people in the public eye are making are having an impact on lgbtq youth. >> so how long have you been looking at these numbers? is there a way to see where the trends are going? >> so this is only the second year that we have done this survey. so we can't quite talk about trends yet, but what it's clear from both years of the survey is that the discrimination that lgbtq young people face is serious and that the political climate that lgbtq young people have been experiencing is having a real impact on them. our survey this year found that 86% of lgbtq young people said that recent politics had a serious impact on their well-being. we know that there have been a number of discriminatory policies and laws that have been attacking lgbtq youth. we know these policies harm lgbtq young people but we also
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know that words have an impact. and that when people in positions of power make statements and put out policies that suggest that lgbtq young people are not deserving of respect, they hear that and it impacts the way that they think about their sense of self and their identity. >> it's willie geist. thanks for bringing us this research in your new survey. let's be specific when you say leaders' rhetoric is impacting. what are we talking about here? >> there have been policies across the board at the federal level under the trump administration. a number of policies that have targeted lgbtq youth. in particular, trans and nonbinary young people. in schools, the department of education rescinded guidance that would have allowed trans and nonbinary young people to use the bathroom that corresponds with your gender identity. there have been -- and we also know that some of those policies are at the state level as well. idaho this year passed a ban
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that prevents trans and nonbinary young people from participating in sports teams that correspond with their gender identity. so those policies have a direct impact on young people, but i also want to be really clear that it impacts their mental health when young people who are not on sports teams hear that. for example, that the president tweeted in 2017 that trans people would be banned from the military. when that happened, the trevor project saw a significant increase in trans and nonbinary young people reaching out for help. that wasn't necessarily because those young people wanted to join the military, but it's when people in positions of power say that you are worthy of discrimination, that sends a message to young people that they don't feel safe. they don't feel supported. so we really want to encourage all people in positions of power to be really careful with their words because people are listening, and you don't have to be someone spreading messages of hate. if you spread messages of support and love and acceptance,
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that has an impact. our research found that just having one accepting adult in an lgbtq young person's life reduces their risk of suicide by 40%. that is an enormous number. so we want to encourage policymakers and people in power to spread those messages of acceptance and love, not hate and division. >> ceo and executive director of the trevor project, amit paley, thank you. time now for final thoughts. katty kay, what are you looking at? >> oh, mika, the numbers here are so grim. it's really sad to see the way the country is going. boris johnson in london gave a talk about how the uk is going to open up. it's going to be pretty much normal by christmas, he hopes. he's encouraging people to go back to work, get out of their houses and here we're heading in the wrong direction. we heard from doctors saying it's almost inevitable that places like miami are going to have to head back into some sort
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of lockdown. these comparisons are so depressing. >> mika, schools have been front and center all week with the white house saying they have to open. we had some optimism from doctors this morning saying we can get there, but there's a lot of work that has to be done between today and those first days. you've got to get the cases down in those places where the schools hope to open. >> absolutely. and everyone try and have a great weekend. that does it for us this morning. stephanie ruhle picks up the coverage right now. >> thanks, mika. hi there. i'm stephanie ruhle. it's friday, july 17th. and here are the important facts at this hour. the united states has broken its own record for the number of coronavirus cases in a single day. roughly 73,000 on thursday alone. that is enough people to fill the superdome in new orleans. the average number of cases over
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