tv Andrea Mitchell Reports MSNBC July 17, 2020 9:00am-10:00am PDT
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good day. i'm andrea mitchell in washington, as coronavirus cases surge across the u.s. with 75,000 cases reported on thursday alone. researchers at the rockefeller foundation are warning america faces an impending disaster if the country does not dramatically ramp up testing. here are the facts at this hour as we know them. the cdc will not release guidelines on how to reopen schools safely this week as they said they would. now they say they will publish guidelines before the end of the month. colorado and arkansas have now joined 28 states and washington, d.c. that are mandating masks. but georgia's governor is actually going to court to try to stop atlanta from requiring masks, suing the mayor a day after she said president trump was breaking the city's law when he came to atlanta and did not wear a face mask on his visit there wednesday. several other georgia cities still have mask ordinances in
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place that governor brian kemp has not challenged. we'll talk to the mayor of one of those cities, van johnson of savannah, later this hour. and we begin, though, with nbc's ellison barber who is in miami where the mayor is considering a lockdown now because of the surge there. ellison, what are you finding? >> reporter: hi, andrea, yes, we know the mayor of miami, mayor suarez, started his meeting with local business owners to discuss the possibility of another lockdown about an hour ago. so far we don't know if that meeting is still ongoing or what actually happened inside of it. but we do expect to hear from the mayor later this evening, around 5:00 p.m., if not sooner, in some other sort of capacity. yesterday when speaking with reporters, mayor suarez said that when you look at the numbers in the city of miami, the hospitalizations, the rate of cases that just continues to increase, if something doesn't happen, in his words, to
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dramatically alter the course of things, then things could get a whole lot worse. now, the mayor of miami-dade county does not seem to think any sort of county-wide lockdown or shutdown is imminent. at a press conference yesterday, a zoom meeting where he took questions from reporters, he said that's something he kind of looks at every single day but that mayor suarez's announcement yesterday caught him by surprise. he talked about how detrimental that would be for business owners if they go that route. we're wait to go hear from ting mayor of the city of miami to see what he decides, what he learns from that meeting with local business leaders. again, it started about an hour ago. we spoke to some restaurant owners in miami yesterday and they said if there were to be another lockdown, it could be incredibly difficult financially for them to survive and they think there are some other
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options leaders could look at first. listen here. >> i think we should stay open and the mayor and the governor, they should reinforce the rules, not close it. i don't think that's the solution. if they do it, we have to follow it. but i know it's going to be put everyone in a really, really tough situation. >> reporter: as of today, if you're walking outside in miami-dade in public and you are not wearing a face mask, you could actually be stopped by a code enforcement officer or a police officer and fined a $100 citation, that's something new going into effect today. there are some exceptions but for the most part they say everyone should be wearing a mask if you're outside walking. now, if you're not wearing a face mask when you're out with other people, you could get a fine of $100. >> thank you so much, ellison. i know there are so many jurisdictions there between the county and different cities as well, it's very hard to
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coordinate. thank you. president trump is threatening to cut federal aid from school districts that do not reopen this fall. but as parents and teachers are asking if it's safe, the white house press secretary said the president can ignore what the scientists are saying about the risk to children. >> the president has said unmistakably that he wants schools to open and i was just in the oval talking to him about that and when he says open, he means open in full, kids being able to attend each and every day at their school. the science should not stand in the way of this. the science is on our side here. we encourage for localities and states to just simply follow the science, open our schools. >> she's saying so many different things about the science. joining me now, dr. patel, a primary care physician, and chris lu, now a senior fellow at the university of virginia miller center and former members
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of the obama administration. dr. patel, she's saying science shouldn't stand in the way, the science is on the president's side, but the public health experts are saying the scientific guidelines and the cdc do require distancing and face coverings when possible and a lot of other procedures to be taken before schools reopen. >> yes, absolutely, andrea. and science is not the enemy. science is actually the only way forward. we have a national virus with no national strategy -- an international virus with no national strategy in the united states at a minimum, so science should be the guide. just a couple of scientific facts, we're dealing dramatic increases even in states that have been doing a good job. in 39 states around the country the numbers are going in the wrong direction. the science is telling us children are more likely to be positive, younger people are also testing positive. and so this tells you there's
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community spread. opening schools could only increase those cases dramatically. and if we really want to have a meaningful approach to trying to even think about having in-person schooling that's safe and responsible for everyone, we need to take pretty dramatic actions today. and some places are doing that, andrea, scaling back, reopening stay-at-home orders, but we're not seeing the national approach. and that's what we're going to need to tackle this. >> and dr. patel, also the center for public integrity, this nonprofit newsroom, has obtained an unpublished document indicating that it was prepared for the white house coronavirus task force and says that more than a dozen states should revert to more stringent protective measures, limiting social gatherings, wearing masks at all times. dr. birx seemed to allude to this last week but they have not released this to the public. >> it's not clear why we're trying to kind of hide
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information. by the way, this is just in line with what we've seen the administration doing around kind of bypassing the cdc and other trusted agencies in order to do basic things like data reporting. but i will tell you that if anything, we should be -- i'm begging people to learn the lessons that we've seen already. it's been months into this, andrea, and we know that we can't just keep taking these piecemeal approaches. a mask mandate alone is not going to be enough when you have no icu beds and you're waiting seven days to get test results back. you are going to need to do some of those dramatic things including potentially looking at regional stay-at-home orders. and here's what should guide us. the science and the numbers should guide us. we have those measures that got put into place that the white house touted on poster boards about reopening safely, yet nobody, very few states followed those guidelines. we should go back to looking at numbers, following the metrics, thinking about reopening in save
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phases. and again, also those small businesses you just reported on from around the country, they need support financially. we need to really be imploring people to find funding for remote learning, vulnerable communities, small businesses. that's the conversation we should be having. >> in fact, chris lu, ben bernanke, the former fed chair, of course, who was the fed chair during the major crash and the aftermath, he had an op-ed in "the new york times" yesterday saying that the federal government has to pass more legislation to help states. he's helping governor murphy in new jersey on reopening. if the states cannot do it, and that's one of the problems they had after the big recession, that there wasn't enough federal money to prompt a better recovery, that it was a weak recovery then and it's going to be a very weak recovery, if that, now. i talked to dr. ashish jha from harvard yesterday and this is
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what he had to say about the hotspot states and what they should be doing right now. >> they essentially now are at a point where they need a statewide shutdown, a shelter in place, maybe letting people get outside, but no indoor gatherings, definitely mask-wearing, and got to ramp up testing. >> chris, how does anyone get the white house to understand that a real economic recovery is dependent on taking these harsh measures now which wouldn't have to be this harsh if they had not reopened too soon before? >> yeah, andrea, you know, the u.s. economy runs on confidence. it's confidence of business and workers and customers. and right now there isn't that confidence to fully reopen the u.s. economy nor is there confidence to reopen schools right now. you're never going to have the "v"-shaped recovery that the president touts, as long as there's a "v"-shaped curve in covid cases. it sort of speaks to two things that need to happen. one is that we need to continue to provide economic relief to
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unemployed americans. yesterday we learned 32 million americans are on some type of unemployment. we know for many of these people the enhanced unemployment benefits will expire in a couple of weeks. the moratoriums on evictions will expire in a couple of weeks. 32% of americans could not fully pay their housing or rental payment in july. democrats have moved on the heroes act which is sitting on mitch mcconnell's desk. that money gets put into the u.s. economy. beyond that, to highlight what kavita says, we need clear leadership from washington right now and we instead have this kind of mishmash of guidelines that no one is following. we have mixed messages coming from the president. and in the absence of clear guidelines, businesses are just forced to make their own decisions. and fortunately, they're actually showing leadership. you've seen over the last couple of days walmart and kroger instituting mask requirements because they know that's good to keep their businesses open, it
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helps keep their workers safe and it provides assurances to the customers. if we could only have that same leadership coming from the white house right now. >> and chris, the president was slamming the obama administration for overregulations, but even fox news' neal caputo pointed out that those regulations were dodd/frank and other regulations that were put in to prevent the kind of economic meltdown that led to the big crash. >> yeah, and let's remember some of the regulations they've been trying to move back on relate to nursing homes where we know that in some states up to 50% of the deaths that have occurred because of covid have been senior citizens and nursing home residents. and this is an administration that's tried to pull back regulations on infection control and training and staffing for nursing homes, which has exacerbated the problems. look, they're always going to be talking to regulations. this week, a piece of news that wasn't widely covered, they
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tried to roll back environmental regulations in the name of jump starting the economy. and we know that in many ways, a poor environment means respiratory issues that actually contribute to some of the health issues relating to covid. this is a red herring they're throwing up, it has nothing to do with jump starting the economy or solving this health crisis we're in right now. >> in fact that was the 1972 richard nixon environmental regulations for environmental impact before major projects like pipelines. chris lu, dr. kavita patel, thank you so much. breaking news, nbc news justice correspondent pete williams, breaking news on justice ruth bader ginsburg. pete? >> reporter: so justice ginsburg has just disclosed, andrea, she is now being treated for a recurrence of liver cancer. she says it was discovered by a routine scan in february and confirmed by a biopsy and that she has since may 19 begun
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receiving chemotherapy. she says she has satisfied her treatment course is now clear, so she is providing this information. she said her most recent scan on july 7 indicated significant reduction of the lesions on her liver and no new disease. she says she is tolerating the chemotherapy well, is encouraged by the success of her treatment, that she will continue to receive chemotherapy biweekly to keep the cancer at bay, but she says she is able to maintain an active routine. she says she has kept up with her opinion writing and all other court work. and she ends her statement with this. "i have often said i would remain a member of the court as long as i can do the job full steam. i remain fully able to do that," andrea. >> and pete, it does say in the statement that an initial course of immunotherapy was not
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successful so she continued with the chemotherapy. she has kept up her work, we've heard the oral arguments as well as the decision writing, the opinion writing. >> reporter: she also says the most recent hospitalization earlier in week to remove some gallstones and treat an infection were not related to this recurrence of her liver cancer, that it was a separate issue, that it was resolved. she spent a couple of nights in a hospital in baltimore and is now out. she wrote six majority opinions in this past term, andrea, only the chief justice and brett kavanaugh wrote more, they wrote seven instead of six. some of the justices wrote five. so she kept up a pretty, you know, full schedule, in addition to taking part in the oral
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arguments by telephone that the court conducted in may, after i guess now that i think of the calendar, after she started this new round of chemotherapy. the new round of chemotherapy would have been started after the oral arguments were completed by phone in may. >> well, obviously disturbing news but we always look on the bright side as well. thank you so much for that update. thank you, pete williams. as coronavirus cases in georgia surge past 130,000, the state's republican governor brian kemp is suing the atlanta mayor and city council to stop their mandatory mask order. this morning in an interview with my colleague stephanie ruhle, mayor keisha lance bottoms of atlanta slammed what she called the governor's mind-boggling move. >> completely dumbfounded. it is a waste of resources, taxpayer dollars, as we are struggling to make sure our children have access to technology and broadband so that
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they can learn virtually in the fall, because it's very likely they won't be able to return to school, as our hospitals are at capacity, as we are woefully behind with access to testing and contact tracing, it is mind-boggling. >> nbc's blaine alexander is in atlanta. blayne, how does the governor justify suing to stop them from doing what every public health official recommends them to do? >> reporter: andrea, it comes down to encouraging people to wear masks as opposed to enforcing it. the governor says he encourages people to wear masks, in fact he's gone on a tour of the state asking people to do so, but again, he's not requiring it. he said he doesn't believe that georgians need a mandate to do the right thing.
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anecdotally, when you look around atlanta, around different parts of state, it really is a mixed bag, some people are wearing masks and others choose not to. i asked the governor this morning at what point would he change and require people to wear masks if he sees that simply asking them to do so isn't working. here is a little bit of his answer. >> what kind of message does it send when you have mandates already that people aren't enforcing? it sends the message that the mandate doesn't mean anything. i'm asking people -- you know, government is not going to be the answer to all people's problems. >> reporter: so he came out in his news conference and asked people to do four things, talking about washing hands, social distancing, putting masks on. in the midst of this now escalating legal battle playing out here in georgia, andrea, numbers continue to go up. we learned hospitalizations this week are up 39% in the past week. when we look at the seven-day
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moving average, it's triple what we saw back in april. the numbers are going in the wrong direction. both governor kemp and mayor keisha lance bottoms expressed confidence they will win this lawsuit in court, andrea. >> blayne alexander. it does boggle the mind, doesn't it? despite the targeted lawsuit against atlanta's mayor and city council, other georgia cities have been enforcing similar mask mandates. joining me now is one of them, savannah mayor van johnson who signed an order on june 30 requiring his residents to wear face coverings in public spaces and indoor establishments. mr. mayor, thanks so much for being with us, good to see you again. >> always a pleasure. >> i guess the question is how come you get away with ordering a mandate and atlanta's mayor doesn't, or have you been threatened with a lawsuit also? >> i have not. and that's been the interesting thing. savannah was the first city in georgia to authorize an emergency declaration for masks. other cities around the state of georgia, augusta, athens, cities
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big and small, have also done the same thing. however already when atlanta did it, it's caused some ire from the governor. in my mind it's personal. in my mind it's political. and for us, we're trying to do the best we can to keep our folks safe in our cities in the state of georgia. we're fighting coronavirus on one hand, on the other hand we're fighting our own state. it's a waste of time and resources, and to me it's just unacceptable. >> why do you think he's going after her and not the rest of you? >> well, i think that obviously atlanta is our capital city. also mayor bottoms i think rightly so, dialed back from phase ii to phase i in her city based on the conditions that she saw that required them to step back a little bit. you know, all our governor was talking about was football this morning. i think life is a little bigger than football. we're trying to save people's lives here in the state. and we should have governors
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that support us, that help us, not to turn around and sue us. i mean, it just doesn't make sense to me. and i'm sorry that she's been singled out. she's dealing with this professionally and personally, she's dealing with it with her family, yet she's being victimized by our own governor. >> how difficult has it been for you to enforce the mandate? the governor's big explanation was, according to our correspondent blayne alexander there, in answer to her question, that it's bad to have a mandate that isn't being enforced. have you had difficulty enforcing it or inspiring your residents to obey the mandate? >> we have not. in savannah, we got this. we can handle our own. we have a police department that's well capable and prepared to enforce our local mandates. what we've had issues with is that the state will put forth mandates in terms of population, people in clubs and bars, that they are not able to give us
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resources to be able to enforce. i think we're just fine here. and i think that's been what the concern is. we got this. >> and how do you think that the mandate for face coverings is working in terms of keeping the infection rate down? >> well, we think it's gotten better. we've made sure here in savannah that before we give anyone a citation, we will offer you a mask. to that end we've given out well over almost 1,500 masks to people. we just want compliance. we don't want to be punitive. we just want people to wear a mask. and savannanians are doing it, visitors are doing it, if they don't, we're giving them a mask and they're compliance. it's not that hard. 28 states i believe are requiring masks. people get it. we're trying to get past this. >> mayor van johnson of the beautiful city of savannah,
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georgia, thank you so much for being with us. >> always a pleasure. >> thanks, mr. mayor. family feud. shocking revelations about the president. what his niece told rachel maddow about her uncle's use of racial slurs. campaign rally or official business? mr. trump using a south lawn event to play politics again, more on that coming up. and later, four months after breonna taylor was shot in her home, the police officers involved in her death still face no charges. i'll ask the mayor of louisville, joining me, about some of those officers who are still on the city's police force, ahead. stay with us. you're watching "andrea mitchell reports" on msnbc. if you're 55 and up,
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president trump has used the "n" word and made anti-semitic remarks in private according to his niece mary trump who spoke to rachel maddow last night in a lengthy interview to promote her book which the white house tried hard to block its release. >> i have to press you whether you heard him express anti-semitic slurs or the "n"
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word or anything like that. >> oh, yes. >> have you heard the president use the "n" word? >> yeah. >> and anti-semitic slurs specifically? >> yes. >> the white house denies mary trump's claims, saying her book is full of falsehoods, adding that the president does not use those words. joining me now nbc news correspondent kristen welker and phil rucker, white house bureau chief for "the washington post" and msnbc political analyst. kristen, there have been repeated claims even during the campaign that people had heard the president use the "n" word and other slurs. no one ever proved it. and mary trump just says that she grew up in this family and that it was routinely used by his family. she did not include that particular claim about him in her book. but in answer to rachel maddow
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last night whens of s of rachele question. >> andrea, that's right, and i think you hit at what is so potentially damaging for president trump about this revelation, the fact that it does not come in a vacuum. the fact that it comes in the wake of all of those rumblings during 2016 that people had heard president trump use similar language. now, of course the white house is define ant, insisting he doet use those words. but as you point out, this is a new revelation and we know this is a president who has delved into the culture wars regardless of what he may be saying in private. and we're seeing that on display right now in the wake of george floyd's death. he has been sort of defiant, defending police, and making all sorts of controversial statements about monuments, really making that the centerpiece, remarkably, of his campaign right now. according to recent polls, only a third of voters trust him to
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handle race relations. and that's pretty stark, when you are in such a competitive campaign. also worth noting, discussing focusing on monuments and those sort of things, a lot of his own aides and allies believe it's not really where the conversation should be right now, they believe he should be focused more on fighting the coronavirus and getting the economy back on track. so andrea, the question is, is this one more data point that could impact him in november. >> and also, the mary trump interview revealed really strong feelings about the way she feels he has responded or not responded to covid-19. let me play part of that in her conversation with rachel last night. >> the reason he's failing at it is because he's incapable of succeeding at it. it would have required taking responsibility, which would in his mind have meant admitting a mistake, which in his mind would
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be admitting weakness. people are dying every day. we need to wake up. and instead of taking it seriously, instead of standing aside and letting the experts take over, donald is hawking black beans. >> and that reference to black beans, phil rucker and kristen, is the spread of goya products that was in a photo on the resolute desk, the resolute desk given to the united states of america by queen victoria and used by all presidents, many presidents, and then again brought back to the white house, to the oval office by jackie kennedy for john f. kennedy. to see that product display, goya products, being criticized, in the middle of a political dispute, and the president getting involved in that, phil,
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the inappropriateness of that is pretty stunning. >> yeah, andrea, and it came after his daughter ivanka trump posted a picture on social media where she's holding up a can of goya beans as if she were a pitchwoman for the brand, which of course is a violation of federal law, government employees are not allowed to hawk products in that manner. that said, mary trump's interview with rachel last night was remarkable, and she touched on a number of character traits from the president and did really a psychological analysis of the president. she is herself a psychologist but she's also a member of this family and talked at length about why she thinks trump has been motivated to act the way he has. she spoke with outrage about family separations at the border, for example. as you played in that clip, she says trump isn't capable of
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managing this pandemic because to do so would be to acknowledge that he has some responsibility and we all remember the president saying in the rose garden at the beginning of the pandemic that he doesn't have any responsibility at all for what's been happening around the country with regards to coronavirus. >> another issue that he has been raising is his appeal to the suburbs, talking about the destruction of the suburbs under the obama administration. this clearly, phil, to both of you, and then kristen, it is a play, a blatant play for white voters. he's really talking about the fair housing act, not just the changes made under recent previous presidents, but this goes all the way back to lbj. he's basically saying to white subu suburbanites, i guess, i'm going to protect you from black people? >> this is a strategy by the president to win back some of
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those white suburban voters who have been fleeing him according to the polls, in particular college-educated white women who left the republican party en masse in 2018 to help democrats win back the house. and polling shows they're with biden right now. but if trump can peel some of them back into the fold between now and november he could have a better chance of carrying a state like pennsylvania where there are so many suburban voters in the philadelphia area, for example. so there's a deliberate effort here to try to win back those white suburban women. >> and kristen, you know that area well, of course, in pennsylvania, that's one of those three states that helped him win the election, and it was the suburban white women whom he lost, as well as a lower than anticipated turnout of black people in philadelphia. >> that's absolutely right, it's a critical voting bloc. and this type of strategy helped him win in 2016, andrea. and so the question is could it be successful this time around. what is different is that we're
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seeing so many of those same voters in the suburbs say that they support the type of conversations that are happening around the race right now. and they support the integration that's been happening. and so could this strategy backfire? again, you have a number of people who are close to him who feel like this is just not the best foot that he could be putting forward at this time, and that it's frankly out of step with this broader conversation and this broader inflection point that is happening all across the country right now, andrea. >> as well as downplaying the pandemic, which is of so much concern to everyone in america. kristen and phil, thank you both so much, thanks for being with us today. now under investigation, louisville's mayor greg fischer facing scrutiny for the breonna taylor case. mayor fischer joins me next right here to answer those questions. stay with us. t here to answer te questions. stay with us and absorb wet messes, all in one disposable pad.
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it's been more than four months since 26-year-old emmitt breonna taylor was shot and killed in her own home by police officers in louisville, kentucky. so far there have been no charges filed against the three white officers involved. by comparison, though, this week it took just one day to file felony charges against more than 80 protesters who went to the home of kentucky attorney general, calling for justice in breonna's killing. kentucky's republican attorney general and the fbi are investigating her case. they have not given us a timeline for their findings. now louisville's mayor greg fischer is facing an investigation by the city council's government oversight and audit committee into how he has handled this case, the breonna taylor case, as well as the death of david mcentee who died as police and the national guard were trying to disburse protest crowds last month. joining me now is louisville's mayor, mayor fischer, thank you
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very much for joining us. this is very complicated and it's been a burden for you and your community as well. how it take only a day to charge 80 protesters who went to the attorney general's lawn and charge them with a felony but we have yet to see charges against the police officers involved in breonna taylor's killing. >> first let's start with the tragedy that is breonna taylor's death. her family, obviously, our community, the whole country is mourning, let's not forget that amidst all this chaos we've got going on here. the big challenge here obviously is there is no body camera evidence with breonna taylor's case. what happened was a search want was being executed by undercover narcotics officers who do not have body cameras. that's why there's no evidence of what took place. now, i have since changed that with breonna's law which bans no-knock warrants and everybody has to have a body camera on when they're executing a search warrant so that won't happen again.
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with this tragedy, it did not happen. as a result of that, this case is now before the chief law enforcement officer of kentucky, attorney general daniel cameron. and we'll all find out together when he issues any type of charges on this case. of course police officers will be held accountable. in the meantime, one of the police officers involved has been terminated. >> and the other two, though, are reassigned, they're still on duty, still getting pay. you say there are no body cams but in the lawsuit least from breonna taylor's mother, she says there are other police involved who did respond, they had body calms, presumably they weren't from the narcotics squad, without body cams, apparently, as you say, and there would have been audio, perhaps, not of the actual -- audio not of what happened inside but audio of the incident, there could be audio from the 911 call. so why -- that audio is available? >> yeah, 911 calls have been released. the body cameras that ms. palmer
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is talking to, breonna's mom, are from officers who arrived on the scene seven, ten minutes later. what obviously we would prefer is if there was body camera right there at the time this tragedy took place so this all could be cleared up. nobody is happy about this, especially me. >> why not turn the body cam material from the officers who arrived later, a patrol officer arrived just minutes after, what would be the harm of that? >> all of the body camera evidence is with the attorney general. the fbi is also involved with this case. the u.s. attorney. i asked them all to get involved. so it would take away any kind of specter of the police department just investigating themselves. so what we want is the truth to come out in this so that everybody can at least agree on what happened. there might be disagreement on the outcomes but we want the truth to come out. >> wouldn't it be better as they did in missouri after a few days, to release whatever is available, even before the investigation is completed, and
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certainly release to the mother of the victim in this case? >> yes, no, there needs to be more transparency and more accountability, that's why i'm working to change some of these laws we have here in kentucky right now. the police officers bill of rights is very specific in stat statute, what can be released, when there's something with the public integrity unit, now with our attorney general. i'm not happy with it, our citizens aren't happy as well. hopefully we'll have subpoena power and have a lot more teeth, it will give the citizens of louisville a right to know what's going on in these type of cases. now, in the meantime what we have done for over five years is when there's an officer-involved shooting, within 24 hours we have a press release and we release any type of body camera evidence we have at that time. as i said, that was not present in this case, tragically, and
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that's what is at the root cause of so much of this. >> now, it's not disputed whether or not they knocked. they had a no-knock warrant. but whether or not they knocked, they apparently did knock, but what is in dispute is whether they announced themselves. can you clear that up for us? >> the police officers say that they announced themselves. this will, again, come out with the attorney general when he releases whatever his findings are. kenneth walker, breona's boyfriend, says they definitely heard a knock but didn't hear anybody announce police. kenneth walker shot them, he assumed they must have been intruders, he hit one of the police officers, who went down, they returned fire, and tragically breonna taylor was dead at the end of the hallway. >> i want to play some audio of officer mattingly as well as
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breonna's boyfriend who was there who disagree as to whether or not they announced themselves. let me play that for you. >> i got four rounds off. and it was like simultaneous, boom, boom, boom. >> i knocked on the door. banged on it. we started announcing ourselves, police, come to the door. >> i didn't expect -- it scared me when the door -- like got 60 and stuff so my only reaction was to do that to try to protect her. >> so there's a clear discrepancy there as to whether they announced themselves. and also the 911 call from the neighbor suggests they did not know who was doing all the shooting so they did not hear the police announce themselves. >> and this is why it's so critical that when the attorney general releases his findings and all the different interviews that have taken place between the attorney general, the fbi, local metro police department, will verify whether or not the police officers announced themselves or they did not.
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it could be that both parties, you know, could be right in this, that they announced, kenneth didn't hear. that's why it's really important that this investigation needs to be completed thoroughly and quickly. >> but mr. mayor, it's been four months already. in minnesota, with george floyd, the state attorney general stepped in and ordered the release of a lot of information. the community wants to know, needs to know, the family needs to know. what could be taking this long? >> no, i mean, look, i'm as frustrated as everybody on this, andrea. so again, the difference in those cases in minnesota or atlanta was there was direct body camera evidence of what took place. unfortunately that's not the case here. so this is in daniel cameron's hands. we've communicated to him please move this forward as quickly as you possibly can, our city is suffering, the country is suffering, certainly breonna's family is suffering as well. i pray we will have a quick resolution to this.
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we've done everything we can here in louisville to move the case forward. >> but the bottom line is that none of the police officers will be charged anytime soon, until at some point the state and/or the fbi complete their case or their investigation, rather? >> yeah, when you say "soon," that's going to be dependent on the attorney general and the fbi. as i mentioned, one of the police officers has been terminated already. but we're waiting now to see what the attorney general's ruling is going to be. >> thank you very much, thanks for your patience, we wanted to try to get to the bottom of this, and inform people, because this is a tragedy for everyone involved and it's become a national issue as well. thank you, mr. mayor. >> it's super frustrating. thank you, andrea. i want to take a moment -- understood. i want to take a moment to talk about a friend, a friend and a colleague, and actually one of the great foreign correspondents of his or any day, chris dickey
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has died in paris at 68. he fearlessly covered wars, terror incidents, revolutions. most recently he was our man in paris, a source of insight and analysis of events reshaping europe and the middle east. he was at my side with president trump's controversial summit with vladimir putin in helsinki with so much wisdom and experience. the son of a poet laureate who wrote "deliverance," at "the washington post" he became a foreign correspondent, rebasing to paris in the 1990s where he later became the foreign editor for the daily beast and, happily, an nbc news contributor for so many rears and so many crises where he was always on duty and always wise and measured. he was incredibly sourced around the world, able to break down any number of topics no matter how complicated. chris dickey was a rare breed. his loss is heartbreaking for
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gavin newsom is expected to announce new guidance today on whether and how to reopen schools just weeks before they're set to reopen. it's a sign of just how volatile the situation is in a state where coronavirus numbers are surging out of control. joining me now is congressman jimmy panetta who represents the district in the central valley. it's great to see you, congressman. thank you very much. cases are exploding. you're been demanding and you've got new legislation that there be the defense production act invoked finally to have federal testing sites. you were at a testing site in salinas, i think, yesterday. tell me what you saw there. >> that's exactly it. we've always from the very beginning and even the one time i had to talk to the president about this pandemic, about what we can do, i said we need a national strategy on testing, mr. president, and lo and behold, look what we're dealing with. as i've always said, the lack of testing really is the original sin of this pandemic, and what we have done in order to
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basically put us in this position that we're in. what i am hearing from my constituents, why i went out to this testing site yesterday was because we're getting the tests out there, but it's about the results, and people are having to wait seven to ten days before they get the results. basically, we're not able to get ahead of this virus because of our lack of testing capabilities, especially when it comes to results. so it's not just about the quantity of tests, it's about the quality in regard to the quantity of days in which we get the results for those tests. i do believe if we invoke the dpa, we'd get after -- we'd be able to basically get ahead of this virus. look what we did with ventilators. look what we did with n95 masks. the president need to invoke the dpa to up our abilities to get ahead of this virus, especially when it comes to testing. that's how we see this virus. that's how we defeat it. >> and with that kind of lag time, aren't the tests useless, seven to ten days before you get
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results, people are in quarantine, and you can't contact trace? >> that's exactly it. it's basically leading us into a vicious cycle. obviously if you have someone tested it takes seven to ten days, that person's not isolating, that person is continuing to come into contact with other people. we can't contact trace. we can't tell that person to isola isolate. it basically also hurts our ability to get back to work and school as well. i'm hearing from parents, i'm hearing from farm workers on the central coast of california. we need the ability to get quicker results. obviously the governor has put in a tiered system, starting off with those that are hospitalized and have symptoms. then going to those who are high risk and have symptoms and so we need to make sure that it's not just about quantity, it's about quality of testing and test results. >> we will follow up with you. thank you so much congressman panetta. and we want to close the week with some good news from
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over in the uk. using a sword which once belonged to her father, queen elizabeth ii has knighted captain tom moore in an outdoor ceremony at windsor castle this morning. in april the 100-year-old world war ii veteran raised global attention as he raised a record $41 million for covid-19 relief by walking 100 laps in his backyard garden. and so today he was knighted by the 94-year-old queen. god bless them both. that does it for this edition of "andrea mitchell reports" have a good weekend. you get used to pet odors in your car.
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good afternoon, i'm chuck todd, and we have major developing stories right now. the cdc is pushing back the release of additional documents on school safety despite where we are on the calendar and how close schools are to trying to reopen. we will have a report from the white house. this as more than 77,000 cases of covid-19 were reported in the united states yesterday. we're inching ever closer to that dr. fauci fear of 100,000 cases a day because that 77,000 total, it's the highest one-day total we've ever recorded. if you remember, last week we recorded one as well. it is a record that we are all but certain to break again. a record number of fatalities were also reported in texas, south carolina, and florida overnight, and the national three-day ach
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