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tv   MSNBC Live  MSNBC  July 17, 2020 11:00am-12:00pm PDT

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2:00 p.m. in the east. i'm chuck todd. we're watching the state of florida for an announcement from governor ron desantis. he's beginning to brief right now. this as miami mayor francis suarez, the city of miami mayor, that is, says he's meeting with business leaders before he decides on whether to institute another lockdown. we're going to go to moim iami a live report on the ground there. >> more breaking news from last hour.
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give you a quick update here. if you missed it, ruth bader ginsburg has revealed she's being treating for a recurrence of cancer after lesions were found on her liver. she's encouraged by the success of the treatment. she adds she will continue biweekly chemotherapy treatments. >> a political feud rages on in georgia as the republican governor brian kemp sues atlanta and its democratic mayor over its mask mandate. atlanta mayor keisha lance bottoms suggested kemp is, quote, putting politics over the people and blamed president trump for ultimately for this lawsuit. >> this lawsuit was filed personally against me and members of the city council. the day after donald trump was in our city. >> meanwhile, the rockefeller foundation has pledged to donate $100 million towards the global coronavirus response. it comes as experts say the u.s. must develop the capacity to conduct 30 million tests a week
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by october. we'll talk about the efforts to increase testing and more importantly the time it takes to get results in the state of arizona up ahead. first, let me bring in my coanchor, katy tur. what else are we monitoring? >> we are also monitoring, chuck, vice president mike pence's trip to wisconsin today. he's expected to tour a dairy farm and take part in a usmca roundtable discussion in lacrosse. last hour, the vp spoke at an event in ripen college where masks were required. the controversial visit comes as today marks one month until the democratic national convention in nearby milwaukee. and "the new york times" is reporting that democrats are now being told to skip the event as the coronavirus pandemic continues to surge across the country. more on that later in the hour. but let us begin in florida, which has seen yet another record-breaking day of coronavirus cases. total case numbers now top
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315,000. and it is affecting all age groups. nearly 17,000 of those infected are children. and of children who are tested for the virus in that state, 1 in 3 are testing positive. joining us now is nbc correspondent ellison barber in miami. tell us more about these kids and do you have any idea about what we might be hearing from the governor during this 2:00 p.m. announcement? >> reporter: still waiting to see what we could hear from the governor. we also expect to hear from the mayor of the city of miami about 5:00. he talked yesterday about sort of the idea of he had a meeting, we know, starting at 11:00 this morning with local business leaders to discuss the possibility of another lockdown for the city of miami. a lot of decisions, a lot of discussions going on throughout this state as they see and watch those numbers, the hospitalizations continue to be at levels that aren't good, quite frankly.
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in the last couple of months as i have covered this virus across the southeast, especially, i have seen people in hospital beds because of this virus. i have seen someone intubated. i have seen a husband make his last video call to his wife of 44 years as she lay dying in a hospital bed intubated, him telling her that he loved her, asking if she could hear him, and telling her, trying to tell her it would be okay. but you know, children, young children, when we think of this virus, we think young children getting it is so rare, but the numbers we're starting to see in florida that you mentioned, that 31% positivity rate for children under the age of 18, tells us a very different story. there was an 11-year-old boy from miami, his name was dequan wimberley, i spoke to his father. he passed away from covid-19 earlier this month. he was a little boy who had special needs. his family says that he had problems, health problems throughout his life, so when he came down with a fever, his dad
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thought it might be something else. he took him to the hospital while they were there, they found out that he had covid-19. and he died within days. before dequan's dad was officially his dad, he was his foster parent. they met when he was just 18 months old. his dad said dequan was a little slow to learn how to talk. it took him a couple years, but once he finally got there, they said he had never, never met a stranger. listen here. >> he was such a loving child. he loved everybody, and he would greet you. if you didn't greet him, he would keep at it until you did. the virus is nothing to play with. some people will make it seem like it's harmless to children. but it's not harmless to children. >> reporter: dequan's dad ended up in the same hospital at the same time as his young son, fighting his own battle with
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covid-19. he survived. his 11-year-old son did not. katy. >> it is just so hard to hear that, and so hard to look at that image of that young boy. ellison barber, thank you very much. we also are hearing more about what governor desantis is talking about. so far, the c.a.r.e.s. act and housing. we're going to keep monitoring to see what else he has to say. chuck. >> thank you, katy. it's a reminder, none of us know what underlying thing we might have, if you get this virus. that's the scary thing about it. a mad dash to administer at least 5,000 coronavirus tests a day has begun in arizona. two federally backed large scale testing sites are open in the phoenix area where they'll remain for the next two weeks. they hope the extra manpower will be enough to ease the significant bottleneck of processing and reporting test results. with us from phoenix, arizona, is vaughn hillyard. there's a lot of confusion about some of the data we're seeing
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out of arizona the last few days. there seems to be some that basically they can't process any more tests than they are right now, so we don't know if -- we don't know if there's more cases because they basically, it's possible they have run out of the capacity to test on a given day? >> over the last week, we have seen a percent positive rate of about 23%. which is still the highest in the country. and that's why when you look at the growth chart of the number of cases, you see over the last four or five days sort of a leveling off of the cases, but that's because there's not an increase in the number of tests being conducted. the same time, we should note the state and the governor here hope for that to change, and they hope for that percent positive number, really, that was the metric that was largely used to justify the opening of businesses back here in the state. they understand and acknowledge they want to see that number specifically go down. and that's why today is big.
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behind us here, this is the first federally backed high-capacity testing site here in the state. i know it's july 17th, but it's progress. and folks are able to get their results here in 24 to 48 hours because fema is processing them through a lab not here in arizona but they're shipping them over to irvine, california, to be processed. this is significant because i just want to introduce you to one fellow we met earlier, luis. take a listen. >> we're pretty much very exposed every day. you know, being out in the streets of phoenix, the airport, you know, et cetera. and then plus, finding out about four coworkers were diagnosed with covid. >> you're going to work still every day. >> yes, sir. >> do you feel symptoms? >> mild headaches. you know, i just am doing a more precautionary thing. i believe i don't have it, but there's people -- there are people out there who are
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asymptomatic who don't show anything. >> you heard luis say he's been exposed to four coworkers who tested already positive for covid. he works in the transit business. he's an essential worker. he goes to work every day. i think that's why ellison's reporting is so moving too. you are talking about families living together. folks can't go and isolate at a hotel. folks continue to have to go to work. here in south phoenix, this is a community largely based around those essential workers here, chuck. >> vaughn hillyard with an explanation. it's basically the number of tests has plateaued so we really don't know what the real case count is in arizona. perhaps this increase in testing might help. vaughn hillyard, thank you. and katy, let's stick to arizona. what else do we have? >> yeah, arizona governor doug ducey said he's sticking with his plan to resume in-person schooling one month from now, but other officials are not as optimistic about his timeline.
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arizona's top educators say an october reopening would be more realistic. joining me is chad jesten, superintendent of the phoenix high school district. thanks for being with us. so you're going to do remote learning. you have already decided this, when school reopens. what is that going to mean for the parents, for the students? are you getting any pushback? >> no, in fact, what you just saw in that report from south phoen phoenix, that's our neighborhood. we're seeing massive spread here in central phoenix. the reality is our parents know, our staff know, our kids know that we cannot reopen school until transmission is under control. and ultimately, although we want kids back soon, parents want their kids back soon, we know that it's just not safe to do so here in arizona. >> what is under control for you? what benchmark does the area need to reach in order for you to open up schools safely? >> it's really two things.
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one, we are tracking the number of new cases, the percentage as well, as you probably know, arizona has not set a standard for coming back to school yet. but we ourselves are tracking that. but at the same time, we also have to have the workforce ready. and so we're not going to come back until it's safe and until our staff believes it's safe. and for us, we have 4,000 employees. and so we have to find the right blend of lower cases, less spread, and confidence of our community to come back to work and come back to school. >> mr. superintendent, what resources do you need to at a minimum open up the ability to basically handle elementary school students? this seems to be one of the challenges of the different hybrid approaches that i have seen around the country, one thought is, okay, look, it's
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much harder -- parents, you can't necessarily work for home when you have a child in the single digits. that's where child care matters the most. are you developing a plan that might be able to help out parents with younger children even if you can't get the teachers every day, some sort of hybrid child care online approach in your buildings themselves? >> yeah, and as we work with, there are 14 school districts here in central phoenix. 13 of those are k-8 elementary school districts. and two things. one is that we know that there are going to be younger students, kindergarten, first grade, second grade, that need to be able to come back as soon as possible. so we know that many of the school districts here in central phoenix are trying to find ways to bring students back on an a.d. schedule, to try to instead of having 25 kids in the classroom to bring 12 back so that we can at least re-engage kids in person. but we're just not at a place where we can bring 25 to 30 students back at the same time.
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and then on top of that, chuck, it's also about funding. if we're going to run a.d. schedules, bring rotations in, have more access to technology, that's a more costly model as well. >> well, in fact, i have seen that on cost. some estimates, throw in the extra bus monitors, the custodial staff, extra hires, maybe the extra tech support and i.t. support you would need. every average school district at least, you know, $1 to $2 million for the school year at a minimum. obviously, this would need to come from the federal government. how -- what kind of costs are you looking at, and what is the -- what do you think the biggest hurdle is for your school district on the resources? is it finding tech support, the bus monitors, is it the custodial staff? what is it you're most concerned about? >> it's a few things. number one is we have 30,000 students in our school district. if we were going to put a laptop in the hand of every single
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student, which we are, that's $500 a laptop on average. that's $15 million just to go to a one-to-one so students at home have access. that's not hot spots, that's not transportation, that's not a.d. schedules. our district received $12 million in c.a.r.e.s. act funding. $12 million. it's $15 million in laptops. that's not ppe, not transportation, sanitation. for a district like ours, we're talking millions, and across the country, as you very well known, we're talking billions of dollars. >> there it is. what a great way of just putting it there on just that laptop statistic. chad, thanks for painting that very clear picture for national folks. hopefully they're watching and listening as well. good luck out there, sir, and thanks for sharing your perspective. katy, over to you. >> and if you have questions about the virus that you would like answered, tweet it to us using the hashtag "meet the
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press" msnbcanswers. you can see your question answered by an expert in the 11:00 a.m. hour with craig melvin right here on msnbc. >> the virus has made working from home a way of life, but now months into this pandemic, families are thinking about relocating in order to save cash. heading to their go-to getaways for good. as you'll see, that's not exactly great news for places like the ozarks. >> we'll also head to milwaukee with a questionable blow this pandemic has dealt to the city's economy. after months of planning for what would have been a big week, the democratic national convention. don't go anywhere. for people with certain inflammatory conditions. because there are options. like an "unjection™". xeljanz. the first and only pill of its kind that treats moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, or moderate to severe ulcerative colitis when other medicines have not helped enough. xeljanz can lower your ability to fight infections.
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exactly one month from today, the democratic national convention will kick off in milwaukee. on a much smaller scale than was originally planned. "the new york times" reporting today that the event which was initially supposed to draw upwards of 50,000 people, is now down to just about 300 attendees, and nbc news has confirmed that the democratic congressional staff is asking members not to travel to wisconsin next month for this downsized convention. joining us from milwaukee is nbc news political reporter shaquille brewster. i remember when the democrats picked milwaukee. it was to send a message about wisconsin and michigan, those states that they lost in '16. but for milwaukee, it was a chance to sort of, you know,
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reflex its midwestern big city muscles a little bit, getting out of the shadows of chicago and detroit and things like this. so it's got to be a big blow to the folks that were hoping to really lift up milwaukee's presence and brand on the national stage. >> that's exactly royalty, chuck. it's not only the city of milwaukee that invested heavily into this convention, but the thousands and thousands of dollars spent by the small businesses who were expecting an influx of people, but the problem is, as the coronavirus and the cases continue to surge nationally, that's especially true here in the city of milwaukee. so officials are saying that they'll remain flexible as they get into their planning, but they know that instead of having that large-scale convention that attracts about 50,000 people, they're saying the mood and tone on the ground at least for this convention will be small and intimate. the democratic national convention traditionally a time for assembling the rock stars of
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the democratic party. a coming together of thousands of party leaders and delegates in a series of history-making moments. and an economic boon to the host city. that's why milwaukee was so excited when it learned it had been chosen to host this year's coveted dnc. >> this will be the first time in the history of the state of wisconsin that we are hosting a major political party convention. >> but then came the pandemic. prompting the dnc to postpone the convention from july to august. followed by an announcement that the convention would largely be virtual. then last month, word from dnc leaders urging most delegates to stay home. milwaukee mayor tom barrett says he's still uncertain what the convention will look like. >> i'm confident that there will be a convention here. obviously a scaled-down convention. i'm confident joe biden will accept the nomination here. aside from that, i'm nimble. we were hopeful there would be $200,000 in spending. if we get a tenth of that, that's pretty more accurate.
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>> the dramatic scaleback leaving many business owners mourning the convention that might have been. among them, the owner of rise and grind cafe. >> we increased the hours so we could say open later. we got a full liquor license. we were really working towards improving our space for the dnc. >> davita glover planned to rent out her space. >> i really don't know how to take it right now. >> the disappointment extending to hotels. the iron horse had all rooms and bar and restaurant space booked to capacity during the weeks surrounding the convention. >> the original room blocks and scope of the event is about 50% of what it was. >> city leaders admit the state of wisconsin did not do a lot to inspire confidence among democratic party leadership, with the way its primary unfolded in april. >> stop playing politics with our lives. >> the state supreme court ordering the in hch person primary to go forward weeks into the pandemic. >> i was disappointed with our supreme court.
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i think they acted like a jukebox for the republican leadership. >> still, the mayor insists milwaukee is ready to host joe biden. he's expected to accept his nomination in milwaukee's wisconsin center or miller highlight theater, and just as joe biden prepares to take center stage, milwaukee's residents promise they're ready for the spotlight, too, in whatever form this unconventional convention takes. and chuck, you know these conventions are essentially made for tv moments anyway, and i'm told that is especially the case this time around. i'm told people helping to work plan and program this convention have produced things like the grammys and super bowl halftime shows. they know their audience this time around. chuck. >> they do, but you know, shaq, i have been thinking it's like we don't know what we're going to miss by not having these normal conventions. we don't know if we're going to miss the next great keynote speech from a young nominee for the united states senate back in
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2004 and a guy named barack obama, right? it's those we don't know what we're going to lose at this convention or frankly the other one, either. well done there, shaquille brewster on the ground for us in milwaukee. shaq, thanks. katy, over to you. and chuck, it's clear this country is going to be dealing with coronavirus for a while. so many americans who are working from home indefinitely are deciding to pack up and move. but is that a good thing? stay with us. hot! hot! no no no no no, there's no space there! maybe over here? oven mitts! oven mitts! everything's stuck in the drawers! i'm sorry! oh, jeez. hi. kelly clarkson. try wayfair! oh, ok.
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coronavirus facts as we know them at this hour. chicago public schools will start the school year with a mix of remote and in-person learning this fall. mayor lori lightfoot announced the plan today, citing the city's efforts to prevent new outbreaks. >> lines at distribution centers waiting for food and supplies. face masks, sanitizer and food were handed out to residents at no cost. >> queen elizabeth knighted british army veteran thomas moore for his fund-raising efforts during the pandemic. captain tom has raised more than
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$41 million for uk national health service charities during a sponsored walk in his back garden. the captain completed 100 laps just ahead of his 100th birthday in april. if you haven't seen that on social media, it was one of the more touching tributes that people attempted to do. katy, over to you. >> it was a nice little uplifting moment. and chuck, cases of coronavirus are on the rise in missouri. not so uplifting. the state has reported 32,000 infections so far, and trend lines are headed in the wrong direction. in spite of the risk of the virus, one area of the state, the lake of the ozarks, has seen a spike in interest. that's because long-term remote work has people turning their vacation homes into full-time residences. with us now from osage beach, missouri, is nbc news correspondent cal perry. what are you seeing out there? >> reporter: boontown, the stats are fairly ridiculous.
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this area of missouri is going through an economic revival. it's because of things like that remote working. it's because schools are closed. we're talking about housing sales up 73% year over year, which just doesn't happen in housing markets. boat sales are at their highest they have ever been ever here at the lake of the ozarks. we had a chance to speak to some families moving their kids here. again, i think part is that remote learning. part is that schools are shut. take a listen to one family moving here from st. louis. >> i think us along with a lot of people in the united states figured they could do their jobs just as well at home. >> remotely. >> it was literally a domino effect. it was covid, the school situation that fell to a better situation for him, and then all of the protests and the rioting and the looting. it's insane. so it makes more sense for us to move. and it's a sense of normalcy that we still have that you can't say you have in the larger
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cities. >> the way that we are changing the way we live is fascinating. so, too, the way these places will change as the tax base changes. we spoke to the local school district who said they're receiving a, quote, ton of calls. they really can't keep track. they'll put out the numbers next month. everything here is going to stay open. if you talk to the local authorities, numbers aside. this place has more coastline than the entire state of california. 1100 miles of lakefront property. look for expansion in the coming years, katy. >> cal perry, thank you very much. >> chuck, over to you. for what it's worth, wherever there's waterfront property, we're seeing this trend line all over the country. but let's move to the virus and breaking news out of florida. florida governor ron desantis has been holding a briefing. he announced he's been working with the white house to source more doses of remdesivir, the antiviral medication that is used to treat very severe covid-19 patients.
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>> i have been working with the president and the vice president as well as other members of the administration to accelerate more of the treatment remdesivir. the white house is accelerating more remdesivir to the state of florida. we think it's going to ship this weekend. >> florida announced more than 11,000 new cases of covid-19 today. and katy, we have been obviously monitoring this briefing for quite some time. you know, governor desantis really seems to believe that they have a handle on this in a way that the people we talk to in south florida feel a little less convinced. so i guess we'll find out in a couple weeks who's right on this, but he seemed to have some cautious confidence that because of the makeup of who is getting the virus, it's younger, not as much older, that they have the room, they have the ability. again, he's painting a different picture than the picture we have
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seen painted by other south florida officials that we have talked to quite a bit this week. >> yeah, and the problem is when you talk about it being confined to younger people who generally do better on this disease, for the most part, yes, there are outliers, and we have been discussing them on our shows, but it's not just the younger people who keep it amongst themselves. they inevitably interact with families or go to a restaurant or a coffee shop and interact with people there who interact with their own families. you just can't keep it into a small circle of your social group. that's not feasible. what we have seen in other areas, chuck, is that it does expand from that group of people and outward. and that's when the virus gets out of control. they don't have testing, chuck, ready down there in florida. they're talking about opening schools. cases are still on the rise. i mean, they had the record the other day of 15,000 cases. more than new york in a single
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day. >> yeah. >> anyway. millions of americans have lost their jobs. businesses are closing coast to coast. and many may never reopen. long lines at food banks have become the new normal, yet some investment banks are reporting record profits. what's the deal with this disconnect? how could wall street and main street be so far apart? that's next. you can't predict the future. but a resilient business can be ready for it. a digital foundation from vmware
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now is the time to support the places you love. spend 10 dollars or more at a participating small business and get 5 dollars back, up to 10 times with american express. enroll now at reserve chairman jerome powell warned that the u.s. economy was facing a downturn without modern precedence. he was right, of course. yesterday, another 1.3 million people filed for unemployment insurance, far and away the worst week on record. except for the 16 weeks before it, each with more than a million people filing for benefits. but this week, we also learned that a downturn without modern precedent doesn't mean everyone is feeling so down.
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the five biggest investment banks on wall street are all profitable. morgan stanley just had the most profitable quarter in its history. and goldman sachs is on such a tear that one analyst described its earnings as almost indecent. but here's what's really unbelievable. the disconnect between wall street and main street, this gold rush on one while there are literal bread lines on the other, is not a bug in the system. it is a feature of the system. to soften the economic blow of the pandemic, the fed flooded the economy with cheap cash and very few strings attached. and it's clearly working, for the banks. but it may be about to get a whole lot worse for everyone else. at the end of this month, millions of americans are slated to lose the extra $600 a week they have been receiving as part of the c.a.r.e.s. act, money that has been a crucial lifeline. to his credit, chairman powell has called on congress to do more to provide relief for out
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of work americans in april, and again in may, and again in june. if that money runs out while the virus keeps surging, eventually, everyone hurts. and maybe even that will turn to the banks. with me now is sheila cole hatcar, staff writer at "the new yorker." thank yous for joining us. i want to talk about this disconnect between wall street and main street. how is it that you can have morgan stanley posting its most profitable quarter on record and as one analyst put it, goldman sachs could have indecent earnings while on the other side of things you could have millions of americans going to food pantries? >> one thing that's important to remember is that the stock market, much as president trump likes to brag about it, the stock market is not an accurate reflection of the economic health of main street america. and the people who tend to benefit the most from a rising stock market are corporate executives, investors in big
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investment funds like hedge funds, and while there are many americans with money invested in retirement accounts, you know, usually that does not translate into food on the table. so they're really not reflecting the same world. >> there are the unemployment benefits, the extra $600 runs outs at the end of the month. there's more urgency around potentially extending that. steve mnuchin was talking about how there needs to be another stimulus. the president is talking about how he wants a pay roll tax cut included. would a pay roll tax cut help average americans? >> pay roll tax cut, which the president has been talking about since the beginning of this, it's a little controversial because it only helps people who are employed. and a lot of economists believe that in a situation like this, an unprecedented sort of across the board economic collapse, you need to get cash into people's hands.
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and the c.a.r.e.s. act did do a pretty effective job of that initially, sending this extra $600 a week that put money in people's pockets. it gave people spending power, which is going to help the economic recovery. but of course, we're facing a cliff. when that ends, and if it's not extended, there are going to be a lot of people in serious financial distress, and of course, you know, making this disconnect with the rising stock market all the more glaring. that's something they're really going to have to address in washington. >> how much of that tax cut that the president and congress passed a couple years ago had to do with this widening gap between the very rich and middle america? >> well, i interviewed the treasury secretary recently for a new yorker piece, and he was adamant that that 2017 tax cut helped working americans, but of course, there have been many economic analyses that
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inconcluded a majority went to large corporations. they dropped the corporate tax rate drastically, and the expectation and argument would be that the companies would have more profits and use that to invest in their workers and built plants and facilities and give raises and wages to their workers. and of course, what ended up happening is a lot of that money ended up being spent on stock buybacks, which again, tends to benefit company executives who own a lot of stock, and there were some wage increases but they were relatively small, and of course, middle american wages have not gone up in 30 or 40 years when you adjust for the cost of living. so although they had promised there would be this trickle-down effect of the big corporate tax cut, it did not really translate into benefits for average families. >> and quickly, if you can, if that $600 extra unemployment benefit runs out and is not reupped, what is that going to
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mean? >> it's going to mean a lot of economic pain for individuals across the country. and of course, individual state unemployment benefits may still be available, but in many cases, it's not enough. and that is going to make this economic crisis worse, not better. >> interestingly, a lot of money is going for people to pay rent, to pay mortgages, their loans, paying back the very big banks that seem to be doing so well during this pandemic. sheila, thank you so much for joining us. we appreciate all of your expertise. >> breaking news after the break involving protests around the death of breonna taylor. plus, local governments across the nation have decided to go it alone to right the wrong of america's greatest sin, slavery. asheville, north carolina, is among the latest cities to approve reparations for black residents. a member of the city council joins us next to discuss. cuss managing type 2 diabetes?
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kentucky this afternoon. felony charges will be dropped against 87 people who were
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arrested while peacefully protesting and demanding action in the shooting death of breonna taylor. they were taking part in a sit-in outside of kentucky attorney general daniel cameron's house tuesday. demanding that charges be filed against the officers involved in taylor's death. each person was charged with intimidating a participant in a legal process. disorderly conduct, and criminal tress trespass and faced up it five years in prison if they were convicted. the jefferson county attorney said they'll review the lesser charges at a later date. chuck. following the protests after george floyd's death, some cities are taking the first step towards reparations for black americans. in rhode island, providence mayor signed an executive order wednesday to pursue, quote, truth telling and reparations process. so what exactly that will entail is yet to be determined. and in an historic unanimous vote on tuesday, the city
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council of asheville, north carolina, approved reparations for black residents and apologized for the city's role in slavery, discrimination, and denial of basic liberties. this resolution does not include cashpayments. joining us now is asheville city council member keith young. in a lot of times to get national action you got to have things start in a local process here. pragmatically, though, how would you like to see asheville make its reparations? >> i think from the beginning, first off let me state, this is the first step in an essential act of contrition. but moreover, the concept of the american dream we all have the equal opportunity to generate the wealth. we need to be made whole in
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areas such as health care, education, employment, criminal justice, business ownership, home ownership and how we implement that there needs to be a step by step approach when we look at the root causes and identify some entry points. assess what we're doing. >> i know there's a lot of talk if there's president biden you probably will at least see a commission formed on trying to figure out the reparations issue, but let me bring it back to asheville, what do you think a good first step would be? you talk about investing in the community as one of them. put some meat on the bone on that. >> well, i think there's a larger conversation happening all across america right now, sparked by the death of george
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floyd. with the re-imagining of police. and when you look at re-imagining policing in america, i think we can look at budgetary items to see if we can use that to implement some of the plans that we want to use for this reparations cause. that wouldn't be all of that would be start. i can't speak for every municipality around the country, but that's starting point. >> a lot of that generational wealth that blacks missed out on was housing, home ownership, how do you create that generational wealth? what's your thought? >> sure, well, since you mentioned that, it's well known that policy that influenced
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access to capital and credit have a very long -- very long lasting effects and house hold accumulation of wealth, we need to make sure that we are doing what we can to reverse policies of redlining, that still affects black americans to do this day, we have to do things to reverse urban renewal. how we approach affordable housing is going to be very specific to where you're at, in asheville, it looks many different ways, city-owned land being put into land trust. there are a myriad of areas that we could try to look at this approach, but i don't want to throw anything out there today and be called on it. i think we really need to make
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sure we explore these solutions and implement them and check them well as we go through this. >> keith young, on the city council of asheville, as i said at the start, at times it takes cities passi inin ining resolut this to get national attention, i have a feeling that will have some legs all the way to washington. keith thank you -- keith young, thank you. c.t. vivian died earlier this morning at his home in atlanta. a close friend to martin luther king jr. hp his work spanned six decades. here's how president obama described his impact when awarding him the presidential medal of freedom. >> time and again he was among the first to be in the action. 1947, joining a it is-in, one of
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a first freedom writers. register blacks to vote. >> vivian went on to become an advocate for education, founding a program to help kids go to college, which would later become upward bound. he died of natural causes. c.t. vivian was 95 years old. >> it's a reminder, think about where we were in race relations when he was born, where we were when he turned 18. his life span, he's seen america change amazingly and at the same time obviously as we have seen today where it can come up short as well. that's it for today.
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thank you for tuning in. thank you for trusting us. we'll see you next week. but for now, nicolle wallace and brian williams will pick things up right after this quick break. the hydration they need, with the fruit flavors they love, and 1 gram of sugar. find new creative roots in the kids' juice aisle. a with can you 12346 12346
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another daily record for new coronavirus infections, over 73,000 new cases reported just yesterday, with the number of confirmed cases now above 3.6 million. ten states also set new daily record marks for deaths this week, as this virus has killed nearly 140,000 of our fellow citizens. today, dr. anthony fauci held yet another livestream interview, remember such events are the only opportunity we have to hear from him. this one was with the u.s. chamber of commerce, where today he talked about where we are in this fight. >> people keep talking about the possibility of a second wave in the fall, that's a historic terminology related to another outbreak. i think we have to concentrate of where we are right now, if we're talking about waves we're essentially in the first wave. >> the centers for


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