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tv   AM Joy  MSNBC  July 19, 2020 7:00am-9:00am PDT

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good morning and welcome to a very special edition of "a.m. joy. the final "a.m. joy" with me, the joy part of that title in this seat. the nation is still reeling from the sad news that congressman and civil rights icon john lewis who spent his entire life fighting for justice from the edmund pettus bridge to the halls of congress and whose courage and grace encouraged us to get into good trouble died at the age of 80.
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he was a friend of this show one of the many people who made the vision for this show possible and sadly, this show is now coming to an end at least with me in it for four years at this hour, on saturdays and sundays, the teams that make "a.m. joy" tried to inform you, challenge you, sometimes make you laugh and hopefully make you think but most of all, we created a space for conversations that you can feel a part of that's what the show has always been about some of you have been with us since day one when the show was launched during the height of the 2016 presidential primary. it was our mission to offer the kind of clear and vigorous take on the election that our sacred democracy deserves a democracy that's increasingly and disturbingly undercut by the administration of donald trump fast forward to 2020, that mission continues. though you will now see me in a different chair, on different days and different hours, because yes, as you may have gleaned from the internet i have
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a new gig and will be joining the primetime family on msnbc. my new show "the reidout" will offer political and culture analysis during a crucial moment for americans. as voters gear up to determine the future of this nation, and an overdue reckoning on race in a public health catastrophe that's engulfed the united states that type of analysis and critiques and conversations are the backbone of "a.m. joy" as well this team is a family. it is my family. and while there's a new chapter ahead, we want to devote the next two hours to "a.m. joy. a show so close to my heart and to the people who made it so dynamic. now, we recognize that there's still a ton of news developing, some of it hopeful like pentagon effectively banning confederate flags on all military property. while much of the news remains tragic there have been 3.7 million cases of coronavirus reported in
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the united states. the virus is surging in states like florida and georgia where desperate health care workers are describing the emergency rooms overflowing with covid-19 patients and where republican governor kemp is suing atlanta mayor bottoms to block them from enforcing the face mask mandate. the trump administration is peddling beans even as the niece is spilling an ocean of tea about the dysfunctional family and in portland, oregon, federal law enforcement is using unmarked vehicles to disappear protesters off the streets in other words, it's pretty much the usual. the awful, horrific usual. and we'll get to that and a whole bunch more if hosting this show has taught
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me we can squeeze in a lot of news my dear readers it has been quite a ride sometimes the best way to close it out is to take you back too the beginning. good morning, welcome to "a.m. joy.." hi, i'm joy reid here in cleveland, ohio, where we have relocated ourselves on the eve of the republican national convention good morning welcome to "a.m. joy" coming to you live from independence hall here in philadelphia where the democratic national convention is about to kick off good morning, coming to you live here in new york site of the first presidential debate of the 2016 general election now just 35 hours away good morning welcome to "a.m. joy." live from washington university in st. louis, site of the second presidential debate. less than 12 hours from now, look at those beautiful people, the debate comes as more than 50
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republican elected officials have withdrawn their support for donald trump's campaign. in your view when is he talking about when america was great >> i think i believe him when he says make america great for american. >> when? >> i think he's talking about the consent of greatness. >> i want to start off by asking you to raise your hand if you work or you ever worked at u.s. steel. all right. >> yeah. that's the jobs in the dollar stores >> now, see the media what the problem with trump and race, not donald trump. >> i want to remind you once again that the media's reporting on what donald trump is saying and that is why his statements on race come out because he's saying them and the media is reporting on it. >> first of all -- >> hold on a second. no, no, you hold on a second hold on, boris, we're not going to crosstalk. >> all right. >> one of us will talk at a time when it's a.m. boris you can talk whenever you want. >> i think we're in a situation
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of a national security crisis that is only going to get a bigger i think the russians are running a strategic political warfare operation against the united states what appears to be happening they are running an operation to select or influence the preperrer iffed candidate to get into the office. >> this isn't homogenized politics or the pageantry of succession we need to cover the next president that the current president was treated to and the same doggedness that we expended on hillary's emails the one who predicted the russian mess is the one and only malcolm nance. author of "the plot to betray america. is this the fourth anniversary >> four years this week. >> four years, yeah. >> i just -- >> four years. >> i find it absolutely amazing. >> it is amazing
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i'd like to say it's been a fun four years but it's actually been disaster after disaster after disaster and you have been able to predict them going forward. i'm almost afraid to ask you what you think is going to happen from here because donald trump is in trouble in the polls he's struggling to beat joe biden in any polls that i have seen so far. and, you know, typically, if somebody is an autocrat, don't they get more dangerous, and what do you think as we go forward? >> i think it was clint watts who said the most dangerous period in american history might be from november 4th until january 21st, 2021 who knows what a cornered autocrat will do i know it's been relatively easy to predict his behaviors because
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he will do whatever is the worst and as we have seen in portland, oregon and has been announced by the acting secretary of homeland security, they have been deploying a secret police force. no one thought they'd do this. no one ever thought they'd take federal police officers and federal protective service officers and border patrol cops and bring them together in a homogeneous force and then have them secretly snatch american citizens off the street. this has never happened in our history and for donald trump i think this is his moment where he is going to change american history by fundamentally changing the united states into the dictatorship that he has always wanted. >> you know, joe biden has publicly announced he's receiving intel briefings that russia and china and other countries are trying to attack our election again
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so you have that piece and another thing we have never seen in history, an american president standing aside as bounties are offered for the lives of our troops, in this case in afghanistan. donald trump has yet to say a single thing about this. we know there are american troops killed in afghanistan we don't know if any cash was paid for their deaths but we know that's a thing that's happening. what do you make of that >> it's disgusting and graceful, it's scurrilous. you know, there's any number of words we could pull out of the thesaurus for donald trump but the worst part is not only does he not care personally because clearly, we have been saying this for four years, he owes some debt to vladimir putin that will not allow him to discredit him or speak badly about him at all as i like to say, he never talks bad about his bookie, right? when you're in debt, you never talk bad about your book did in this case, this is him
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knowing, aware, that these actions will kill fellow american citizens and u.s. service members who are already in harm's way and he won't say a word that's not quite true. the word he did say recently was that it was a hoax also. so pandering to an ex-kgb officer in russia is utterly disgraceful. >> unlike donald trump who you on this show called a physical coward, your family has a long tradition of military service. what does it mean to you personally to see the names of confederate generals stripped off of military facilities >> well, i'm glad that you brought up that history. you know, when my great-great grandfather, you know, green nance, and his brother ran away from slavery in tennessee and
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went to alabama, the first thing they did was join the union army in the 111th u.s. color troops just imagine that. going from slavery to wanting to fight for the american ideal and in this country, where we have this president who himself does not appear to believe not only in the ideals of the nation, the honor of the nation. he is a physical coward. he has run away from the defense of this nation, not only when he was a play boy business man who failed at everything, but when he became president of the united states, to actually sit in the seat behind the table that other great presidents like roosevelt, lincoln and others have sat, where they gave their lives to defend this country john f. kennedy, lincoln, even mckinley who was shot dead by an
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anarchist. i need to know what the source of the coward us is. is he beholden to the ex-kgb officer or in love with money and that is a higher loyalty to the flag. >> that's why we book him, everybody. we have been doing this for a long time, malcolm you're a great friend and i real appreciate you and we love you on this show you have been a staple, thank you. more on the special "a.m. joy" finale after the break. >> as our nation grapples with the worldwide pandemic, with the urgent need to dismantle racism, to uplift the working families and to hold the corrupt president accountable, joy, your voice are desperately needed it has been great to come on your show and to watch you work around the clock to keep
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i grew up in the cornfields of alabama, to serve in the united states congress makes them -- makes me want to tell them walk in my shoes. we have come a great distance in this country but we have a great
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distance to go the resistance will be televised, live from washington, d.c., we're more than -- where more than 200,000 people are expected to gather the women's march on washington. the crowd may even top the one that gathered for trump's inauguration what's happening in the united states of america right now is not normal and if you're alarmed, you have every reason to believe alarmed. the day donald trump temporarily banned all refugees from the united states and immigrants from seven muslim majority countries, people gathered at airports around the country, dell us will, o'hare, logan, sea-tac, to demand the release of the immigrants who were detained when the executive order went into effect the story of hurricane maria is about the devastation, the suffering and the inadequate federal response, but there's a second story and it took place
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here on the u.s. virgin islands. i mean this is the contents of someone's life. >> right. >> this is their clothes, their -- everything. >> right. >> this is one of the places where there was a fatality because this wall blew out and the woman was sucked out. >> yeah. >> you know, the hurricane has lots of tornadoes inside of it people are unaware of and it just pulled her and -- >> my god. >> yeah. >> you're setting up a false premise. >> no, it's not a false premise. >> first - >> j.d., hold on - >> i knew it would be three against one when i came on. >> we're not going to fill buster >> no, i'm going to answer the question. >> one person will talk at a time. >> yeah. >> it can't be only you. that's the problem medicaid is money that the federal government provides to states so that they can actually reimbursement hospitals to care for the poor do you believe looking back now that that forthrightness on race is what cost you those white working class voters >> i think it was a combination of a lot of factors but that was
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certainly part of the equation. >> donald trump's rise to power was immediately met with massive resistance which we at "a.m. joy" have had the privilege of covering from day one. joining me now, jonathan capehart from "washington post" and karine jean-pierre you were with move on when we started this off, when we first started to have you on the show. my hair was obviously very different and then it was different again and again and again and again and again. so many hairstyles okay well talk -- so many hairstyles. but talk about the fact that, you know, the resistance to trump, you know, move on is an activist organization so perfect to have you in this block. how has it progressed, how has it changed and how effective has it been? >> first of all, i have to take a point of privilege here, joy, because i would be remiss if i don't this opportunity to say
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this on your very, very last show i want to say thank you. thank you for giving a voice thank you for cultivating voices like mine on your show for the last four years. it has been an amazing experience and because of you we have seen people in this movement who are diverse, who are young on your show, having to have a platform to speak to this moment. so, joy, you are one of a kind you are amazing. i love you dearly. i appreciate you dearly. and i'm so proud of you, i am, but i'm going to miss you on the weekends as you can imagine. and while the new show is called "the reidout," i'm going to call it p.m. joy so that's how i deal with it. to answer your question, first of all, the last four years of this presidency or the last four years of your show really has done such a great job chronicling what we have seen
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from this president. right? normally, a president, you know, wants to bring people in, right? they want to call to a higher kind of our higher selves, higher angels. they want to actually serve this country and we have seen the complete opposite of that and your show has covered that every step of the way. but something else we have started off with the women's march and since the women's march almost every day we have seen a rejection of this president. a rejection not just of the policies and of the abuse of power, but we have seen the rejection at the ballot box. we saw it in 2017, 2018, we saw it in 2019 and what we need to do is do it one more time. one more time on november 3rd in 2020 you know, we were talking about the passing of john lewis and may he rest -- may he rest in peace. and one of things that i always loved that he talked about was hope having hope.
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i think one of the last interviews he did, he talked about hope and one of the things that i imagine is that on january 20th, 2021 while we are tuning in, bringing our kids in front of the camera watching the inauguration of joe biden, we are watching you, joy, anchor that inauguration. and that is where we are today kind of this revolutionary time and i think that's what you're seeing from young people that's what you're seeing from these diverse voices and that's what it means to have you in that anchor chair as well on the weekend on the weekday. >> oh, thank you so much you're so kind thank you very much, my friend i appreciate that. we're in friend mode today because my pal jonathan capehart is going to join in -- is going to join in the conversation now, because i want to ask you, you know, you worked for one of the grand institutions of the media and it feels like the media has struggled to confront what she is really talking about, how
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outry this president is. and it's a toll social convulsion that says no to caging children, and the media has lagged a little bit. what do you make of it >> well, the media has lagged, i'll agree with you on that. it wasn't sure what to make of this meaning at the beginning, his campaign was one thing we're seeing this first and saying these things, do these things, we have never seen anyone run for president say or do it was like cotton candy or catnip, then he's elected and inaugurated and now he's president and he's doing things that the president of the united states has never done to this extreme. there's no sugarcoating, there's no trying to duck and weave and pretend like what you're doing isn't what you're doing. no, it's out there in your face.
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and i think while the american people jumped out immediately to protest this president the day after, the media, to your point, i don't know if they were trying to normalize him they were trying to report on him as if everything was normal. and then i think it took a while for the media to realize, wait a minute presidents use the media all the time i mean, we go there, we report on what they say but then it became, wait he's using us to put out false information, to lie, to do things that are antithetical to who we are as a nation and a lot of soul searching happened and, you know, it is still happening. still going on and that's why i like the fact that you used the word lagging because that to me says it's a step or two behind, but it doesn't mean that the media isn't advancing and doing more to reflect the tenor and
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tone of the times. i think we have seen -- imagine if the black lives matter protests had happened not this june, but june of 2017 and how they would be covered. and how we would be talking about it i don't think we'd be talking about it back then the way we are talking about it now the sense of consciousness, and the sense of wanting to report in as accurate -- accurate a manner as possible and i think we are seeing that still. i mean, it's journalism. we don't get it right all the time, the first time, the beauty of journalism is that you get to go back and you get to weave in new information and new -- new story lines that give the public a bigger picture, better picture. that is of what is happening that's why it is spectacular and amazing that you are -- you are
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jumping from weekend saturday and sunday two days a week to five days a week at 7:00 so that you can continue bringing the story that you have been telling for four years on saturday and sunday to five days a week, to i hope an even bigger audience that you already have here on the weekend. >> okay. i did not plan this. i'm letting everybody know i mean, two really wonderful and sweet and kind people. >> come on what are we supposed to do >> we have this moment. >> this patina that we are seeing on the air right now is one of the reasons that donald trump has been properly covered, because of the diversity that you must have in media, because the perspectives that people like you bring here must be a
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part of the conversation jonathan capehart, karine jean-pierre very much. keep it right here. >> congratulations, joy. from "a.m. joy" to "the reidout" you have been a trendsetter and you have always set milestones and surpassed them "a.m. joy" helped us understand the week behind us and now you will join black women who have anchored primetime stories and primetime news but we look forwartod joining you "the reidout" and i look forward to being a guest soon. congratulations, my friend the news is dynamic. i'm so proud to bring the perspective of a black woman, a daughter of immigrants, the wife and mother of a husband and kids who sadly are more vulnerable to police violence because of their color. a proud nerd, and a representative of the emerging america to cable tv news
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i don't understand why most americans don't understand that putin has a grand design which is to undermine western democracy and undermine western alliances and nobody does that more effectively than donald trump and now boris johnson.
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>> chris dickey was a legendary foreign correspondent and a dear friend of this show. chris died unexpectedly on thursday at just 68 years old. the daily beast foreign editor was an inspiration to a generation of journalists. he covered wars and conflicts for decades and he sought the truth doggedly even under regimes that will do anything to hide it. while our hearts are pained by his loss, we remember him as a pioneer of journalism, and a friend and a mentor and our hearts go out to chris and his family more "a.m. joy" after the break. i'm a performer. -always have been. -and always will be. never letting anything get in my way. not the doubts, distractions, or voice in my head. and certainly not arthritis.
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i was invited in to give a speech to that regard and as we were closing down -- i have to got. got to go. >> oh my goodness, i don't know what happened there with our guest. but we are -- we are going to try to find out what happened. and she was standing at the location where it looks like now violence has broken out among the crowd. violent clashes are under way in charlottesville, virginia, as counterprotesters confront white nationalists marching there today in the unite the white rally. >> but you also had people that were very fine people on both sides. >> well, a little under three years ago a rally of neo-nazis in charlottesville turned violent as "a.m. joy" was live on the air our guest, reverend tracy
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blackman had to leave to rush to safety that sparked the infamous comment from president trump as he said they were very fine and since then he's continued to fan the flames of white supremacy and stoke racial resentment among his base joining me is bishop william barber author of "we are called to be a movement." you know, i learned first of what was happening with reverend blackman from you, because you called me and said, you know, can you please follow-up up with this sister because she has been through something horrible i had this conversation with her on the phone where she described being inside of a church with other lay members as these tiki torched, you know, basically neo-nazis were marching outside. how does that happen in the 21st century in the same century when we have a congressman john lewis? >> well, joy, i had received a
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call from two of our organizers, reverend erica williams and reverend clinton, who was there when he pulled her away from the feed there how does it happen, because we never repented, we never dealt with the issue or never fully as a nation followed what john lewis told us, but we have it because you helped us go deeper. i remember talking to you about this own the show. the protesters were white. these are not some back wood, ignorant folks, many of them well funded, many in the middle class and so forth and they went to that particular statue and when we did the research which is what you are good at, the research shows us that that statue was raised not in tribute to the confederacy, but in tribute to woodrow wilson when wilson assumed the presidency, he was a racist, he was against health care. he was against wages he played birth of a nation in his own -- in the oval office and his policies were rooted in that he was a president during the
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time of a pandemic that he lied about. but they had that -- they had that gathering there they were sending a signal because that statue was raised to signal that white supremacy had returned to the white house and then in a real sense they were saying by having the protest there that white supremacy had returned to the white house again. and so 100 years later so in a real sense that protest predicted what was going to be these last three years it was about not just a statue, but about policy. >> and you can see even people in the crowd throwing up the nazi hand salute it was pretty horrifying to see in the 21st century to say the least. we are learning more about what happened to george floyd, that the police officers who ultimately killed him one of them pulled a gun on him as well how have the george floyd protests changed this country and changed the conversation, do
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you think? >> i think that what happened and you have been right on this as well, is that george floyd, when people saw the video, we must remember that young girl that kept that phone on and showed that video is really the hero of all this because we have seen things on camera before. but when this happened and now we're getting more about -- it happened in the middle of the covid where thousand -- hundreds of thousands of people are dying and others are threatened, it happened in a time of deep racial animus, being pushed not only by the president but by the policies of mitch mcconnell and others when he said i can't breath, it almost became shorthand, joy, for how people are feeling regardless of their color about this moment we're living in. there's a movement to suffocate to strangle justice and democracy and it happened in this moment. i can see it almost like an
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emmitt till moment there have been many deaths since till, but when we saw his mutilated body, rosa parks said we'll go after the systems, the who killed him, not what they killed him, not just the who, right? and what are the systems and so in this moment, we are seeing a kind of mourning that is turning itself into marching and protesting where people are literally saying, we are not going to accept death anymore. what ever kind of death, death of voting rights, death people don't have health care, we're sick and tired of it and we'll stand against it >> yeah. i mean, the one kind of death we accept through natural means unfortunately we lost two great men to such passings we have seen everybody praising particularly john lewis, right and left, president obama issued a beautiful statement about him. you know, i asked you this
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before but i'll ask you again. for those who are praising john lewis, but who oppose the core thing he bled for, voting rights, what message would you have for people like mitch mcconnell who are issuing wonderful statements but still fighting against the right to vote >> i'll repeat it because the word of god -- jesus warned us, you love the tomb of the prophets but do not love the prophet. if we had listened to john lewis we wouldn't be dealing with what we're seeing here today and we wouldn't have the fascism we're seeing in oregon and other parts. john lewis can love you but still critique you, to say you love lewis but block the voting rights act to say you love john lewis but block health care and living wages. all the things he stood for even in the march on washington, joy. he talked about jobs and voting
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and poverty in 1963. so i pray that we come to a moment that his death serves as a transition we can't give platitudes but policy if we're to truly honor him. >> indeed, bishop william barber, thank you so much. always great to be with you. you have been a wonderful addition to this show for the last few years >> congratulations congratulations to you and keep standing >> thank you so much congratulations, joy you have always been a fierce advocate for truth change and for exposing and telling the stories that most would not. your passion, commitment and courage is like no other i am so very happy and immensely proud of you just know that i'll be watching
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your show nightly. once again, congralatutions, joy. the american people have shown they are hungry for change >> joy reid is coming to primetime. >> the news business is dynamic and never more important. >> "the reidout," weeknights at 7:00, starting tomorrow on msnbc.
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welcome back to "a.m. joy. 2018 was another tumultuous year in america school shootings were front and center after parkland. and the year ended with nancy pelosi regaining the gavel let's tanking a look at 2018 on "a.m. joy. welcome back to "a.m. joy. the future is now. here in the nation's capital, where as many as half a million young people are preparing to march for their lives today. with just ten weekends to go before election day, we are calling it our "a.m. joy" ten to watch and today to kick things off we'll take a look at the nevada senate race texas senate race. >> well, we still have ms.
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stacey abrams here i'm going to let her react to it i'm going to throw to her. >> i tell people i'm mississippi raised and georgia grown and there's no higher than to have herly evers endorse my race. >> it's the biggest political upset of the year. ocasio-cortez's stunning win. >> it resonates. >> this week, democrats took control of the house for first time in eight years. while shattering glass ceilings and ushering in the most diverse congress iu.n s. history 't stopp♪ ♪go straight till the morning look like we♪ ♪won't wait♪ ♪we're taking everything we wanted♪ ♪we can do it ♪all strength, no sweat
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happy new year and welcome to "a.m. joy" 2019 it is a new year and a brand-new era. democrats control the house. the most diverse congress in history has been sworn in. and madam speaker, nancy pelosi, officially took back the gavel on thursday. >> senator kamala harris. >> joy reid. >> thank you for being here in this beautiful capitol. >> what i think people are afraid of is the constitution did not anticipate someone like donald trump who doesn't respect it and doesn't respect the laws. >> the founding fathers did anticipate that we could have somebody like this, so that's why they lay it out why we ought to consider impeachment. >> i say to little girls, my name is elizabeth, i'm running for president, because that's
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what girls do. >> no person, no matter what position he holds is above the law. there has to be consequences and impeachment is the only way we're going to get the facts, the evidence, the truth necessary to make sure that we save this democracy. >> i have no idea why they follow him because he's not even a good gangster. in the real gangster world he wouldn't last long. >> donald j. trump is just the third president ever in the history of the united states to be impeached, and notably the only president to be impeached for damaging national security by soliciting foreign interference in a u.s. election. >> good morning, and welcome to "a.m. joy" live this morning from the one and on the java jones in des moines, iowa. >> hello good morning >> there he is >> thanks. >> how are you >> good. >> great to see you. >> donald trump is in office because god allowed him to be there to give america a reprieve so that they could reset and get back to normal. >> i see and donald trump has essentially
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said he's a king do you believe he is king? >> i think we all have if you're in christ jesus. >> let me go to aaron haynes. >> i am indeed freezing, but coming to you from chilly las vegas on the hills of a massive win for bernie sanders if it's sunday, it's denny, denny, denny what does that mean? my producers wrote that in there. it's deny, deny, deny. i'm like, who's denny. >> that's a low bar, joy. >> the big news this morning is what happened last night in south carolina former vice president joe biden's big win pushed the pause button on bernie sanders' presidential momentum. >> there is no mincing words this morning as we've just discussed. we are in the midst of a global pandemic that shows no signs of slowing down >> all of the people who make our lives possible, many of them risking their lives in order to save lives and now they're in danger of losing their jobs.
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>> we find yourselves being forced to look away from the virus and its historic carnage and back once again into the other viruses that are still afflicting this country. the sickness of racism. >> we also feel under siege when we see the kind of militarized police that have arrived in our communities, when we're seeing the national guard coming in with tanks. >> systemic injustice requires systemic solutions we need to take a vote to reassert and to affirm as a value our commitment to racial justice and denouncing police brutality. the pain of blacks folks have been delegitimateized for so long, and this is the opportunity. >> wow it is shocking to think that it was only last year that the democrats retook the house of representatives. in her first display of power, speaker nancy pelosi refused to
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host donald trump at the state of the union until trump's record-long government shutdown ended. and it was only two months after that in march when robert mueller finalize his report on trump's coordination with russia on his consequent obstruction of justice, a report that was quickly hijacked by attorney general william barr doesn't that seem like an eternity ago since then we've endured donald trump's impeachment, historic records of unemployment, and the black lives matter movement gaining new momentum amid new police violence. joining me now are "a.m. joy" faves, actress and host yvette nicole brown, jason johnson, maria kumar, michael steele, msnbc political analyst, and former rnc chairman, and tiffany cross. thank you for being here this is a great panel. i'll just go in reverse order. tiffany, summarize for us, this
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year has been -- it's been pretty crazy 2019 and 2020 have been calling it memorable a lot of people calling this the lost year. what's your take on how far we've descended? >> we somehow managed to squeeze eight years in 2020. i mean, january feels like almost like a decade ago and i have to say, joy, looking at that clip, joy has played in so many hair styles and looks. >> so many my hair is different every week. >> i was actually thinking that. >> i had a couple good buns in there, though. some of those buns were working. >> more than a couple. >> yes, you did. >> more than a couple. >> now we have - >> if we have to endure the craziness, we at least got to do it while looking at the
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beautiful joy reid, walking us through the craziness of this administration and the fall of our democracy. at least we have something good to look at while you did it. >> i love it i have to go to yvette you're my bun sister right now i'm a little jealous because i miss my bun. but it's true. and i do miss my glam squad. this ain't the same. >> i'm figuring out how to do it myself, girl >> i had to do it myself i'm diying it. it's difficult donald trump, the thing that he's wanted the most, the thing he envied was the people from hollywood, the famous the people people, the people in the glamorous world of hollywood have rejected him. there are republicans in hollywood. it's not lick there are only democrats there. have you been surprised by the
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thoroughness of the rejection? he's got, like, chuck woolery and maybe another guy. >> i'm not surprised because i've worked in this industry for 20 years and i know the people who work in this industry are decent and care about other people you will see the people that follow that man, they don't seem to care about others and i think what's most important, i've said this all along in regards to choosing your leaders, you have to first choose someone that moves and leads with love. because that person will choose others that are loving people. wisdom and intellect can be fixed by bringing the right people around you, but if your heart isn't right, we'll end up with what feels like the last 50 years. how long has he been in office it feels like we've been drudging through darkness for years. and i'm exhausted and everybody is exhausted and i hope that the 2020 vision we get is we're only
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going to get through horrors together when things get better, when things have gotten better, it's because people from all races, all creeds have come together and said enough is enough with the darkness let's find our way to the light. i hope that's what we do on november 3rd >> let me go to you, michael steele, on this. you and i met on the opposite sides of every fight, right? but we still emerged as friends. there's a way that it can happen but there has to be a core decency in order to attach to and connect with and work with somebody who you don't necessarily agree with ideologically. your party, michael, has really descended. donald trump has captured -- even people like marco rubio, ted cruz, lindsey graham, people he belittled and insulted, i mean, it was so kind of pathetic watching jeff sessions beg for his support in his losing effort to get his senate seat back the way he treated him what happened? how did donald trump so quickly capture the republican party
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>> well, first off, let me just say i tried the bun thing, but it didn't quite hold but i wanted to let you know i did make the effort. >> don't give up on the bun. don't let it go. you can still rock it. >> i knew we were transitioning to, you know, a prime time joy reid, and i wanted to bring it, but anyway >> yeah. i know >> dr. johnson knows what i'm talking about. >> the effort counts >> i gave up, man. i could never do this. in answer to your question, i think what we overlook because of just the sheer gall of someone like trump coming into politics and just single handedly disrupting the process
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the way he has within the gop and then, of course, nationally, we forget that within the republican party there has been for the last 30 plus years an ongoing battle between republicanism and this iteration of conservatism. and the question within the party was who would ultimately me at the beginning who would be the next ronald reagan who would be the next ren conservative leader. here come the fire trucks right now trying to save the party but the reality of it is, you know, who will be that - >> that's good >> who would be that next person while that battle was playing itself out, we went through bush, we went through, you know, mccain and all these figures that a lot of the conservative elements that were growing inside the party rejected, trump stepped in and he played to
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those core fears and concerns, that sense of other, that somehow these republicans in this generation were discounted by not just the national party, but by the country as a whole. and so when he was able to grab that base and hold it the way he has, the marco rubios, you know, the lindsey grahams, what were they to do instead of stepping into their moment of leadership and fighting for those principles which they said they valued, they capitulated, so they just gave up, and the country is seeing that for what it is, and i think they're going to reject it this fall. >> right >> yeah. marie theresa kumar, you are a voter registration powerhouse among the emerging voters in america, what will eventually be the largest nonwhite voting group in america there are numerically more people in the latinx community
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than the black community, but the voting level is lower right now. there was a time when latino voters were considered kind of a sort of swing vote it was like 65/35, and then it morphed to 70/30 it's now sloiolidifying in a wa that it's going to mirror the black folk the republican party used to want the voters, now they want to torture people and put people in cages are you surprised by the swiftness with which the republican party gave up on the project of trying to attract voters in the latinx community >> you know, joy, first of all, congratulations. i have to say that you have been informing the american public about the danger of donald trump before he took office, and you have been able to inform and bring the right conversation,
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forcing a lot of newsrooms to talk about justice through the lens of politics and possibility and opportunity. look, the republicans -- michael steele and i had this conversation before. you guys created an autopsy report of what happened with the hispanic vote. i'm quoting you guys and it said that you had to bring in this new generation voters in order to be able to win anything instead, you decided to vote for donald trump donald trump told us who he was the moment he descended the escalators he created a whole group of people that labeled as you criminals and rapists. it was not a dog whistle, it was a blow horn. he tried to include a citizenship question in the census he was very clear the supreme court decided to rule out that citizenship inclusion question because we were able to find the receipts where a republican operative said they wanted to
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create white non-hispanic republican districts they didn't even want black people in the party. >> yeah. >> that is what the challenge is right now npr came on board saying because they're trying to circumvent the supreme court decision, he's going directly to states there are four states now that are collaborating trying to determine citizenship status with the federal government. our country, strength is our kwer kwers. that's not a platitude, that is the case we had the largest number of americans voting in the most group of americans where there are 400 pieces of legislation that speak to our values modernizing our election, making sure that it doesn't matter who you love in order for you to get a fair job, making sure there's a pathway to citizenship for daca, background checks, environmental standards placed again. that's what happens when we vote in memory and honor of john lewis, who was beat and almost killed because of his protest of
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voting, that is what the republican party is now trying to prevent we are a country of competition. we deeply believe that the person that is working hard trying to make sure -- pulling their boots -- themselves by the boot straps, and i will rephrase that frame because we know that's inequitable, but that phraseology and identity is what the republican party used to be about. but instead of actually competing for ideas, for our vote, for our desire to be -- to prevent -- >> let me play john lewis. >> he needs to know -- [ inaudible >> oh, i think i've losing your audio a little bit it's okay. but you called up john lewis and i want to play him in august 1963 he was 23 years old.
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>> we're tired of being beat by policemen, seeing our people locked up over and over again. how long can we be patient we want our freedom and we want it now [ cheers ] >> what a handsome young man jason johnson, here's a poll for you. biden is leading right now with every single group with the exception of white voters. i think we mostly understand that donald trump will still win a majority of white voters because, you know, racially polarized voting is what it is but look at the rest of the numbers. what does that tell you about what's going to happen in november >> it means donald trump is going to cheat a lot there's no way he's going to pull this off, joy i have said for a while, it was obvious donald trump got himself impeached because his greatest fear, the two democrats that
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donald trump fear the most were senator harris and joe biden, for different reasons, but he feared harris and biden. he literally got himself impeached trying to stop joe biden, and this is why because joe biden was going to do the one thing that no one else has pulled off since barack obama, that joe biden gets 40% of the white vote. trump can't win this race unless he literally just sends, you know, armed militias to voting place -- oh, wait, that's what he's going to do we have to be prepared with numbers now and the president is going to do everything in his power to send vigil lanties, brian kemp, governors and everyone else possible he has admitted he's going to challenge 15% to 20% to all mail-in votes. we're not going to know who the president is on november 3rd i think it's really important even as we look at the numbers that we recognize that this country is going to be in a serious, serious fight, the kind of fight john lewis took blows
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to the head, we're all going to be taking blows to the head to save our democracy this fall as we were talking about demographics and the numbers, joy, i have always -- and i'm speaking not just for me, i'm speak for everybody's aunt and mom and the 55 and up crowd that text me every single day when they watch your show and say, oh, my god, we love joy, she seems so cool. you are the only person who can put together these kinds of panels, panels that look like america, panels that are going to make the difference this fall i've been proud to be -- not just friends, but also colleagues. >> thank you. >> and we're going to keep moving forward >> thank you this is our last panel say it louder, say it louder because we need more panels like this it doesn't have to be on a weekend. it can be every day. we need all the panels to be looking like this. >> that's right. >> really appreciate you guys. you guys are amazing. >> can i say one more thing? >> they will look like that at 7:00 yes, please.
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>> can i say that? i just want to say that. can you see that yes. that what i'm going to say >> i'm loving you guys you guys are awesome. >> i'm so proud of you. >> thank you, i love you guys. say it louder. buy that book. thank you, guys, for being on our panel. we love y'all, thank you one of "a.m. joy's" best friends joins us next, the great rob reiner stay with us. >> hi, joy i'm happy to send my warm wishes to you and the entire "a.m. joy" team on four successful years informing, educating, challenging, and inspiring countless americans. your tireless commitment to telling the truth has helped safeguard the freedom of the press, which is the guardian of all of our liberties you are a trail blazer who has paved the way for future generations of women journalists, particularly women of color, to follow in your
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footsteps and ensure our movements reflect the beautiful diversity of backgrounds and opinions that strengthen and enrich our nation. again, congratulations, joy, best of luck you to as you take this historic step to your new show i can't wait to get "the reidout. and more one of a kind finds. it all ships free. and with new deals every day you can explore endless options at every price point. get your outdoor oasis delivered fast so you can get the good times going. ♪ wayfair. you've got just what i need. ♪
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. i believe that what we've done, what we've seen is, you know, the civil war -- it's the last throws of the civil war of we're fighting the last battles and donald trump is leading the way for white nationalism. >> we've seen the ultra right wing go crazy. i mean, you know, if they had cancer and president obama had the cure, they wouldn't accept it >> in terms of, you know, his tweets regarding puerto ricans want everything done for themselves, i made a couple headlines inadvertently by
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responding to that call me crazy, but i'm could you still to presidents uniting us in the face of natural disasters. >> the thing in this moment is vote got to get out there and been "b" the americans we are so forfeit to be. >> trump's not a billionaire, he's a fake prosecute president. he calls everything fake because he knows he's fake it's a genuine loser. >> donald trump loves to rail against the hollywood intellectual elite, but some of his famous critics have fired back, including my next guest, filmmaker, activist, and great friend of the show and myself, ron reiner rob, first of all, it's always great to see you i want to give condolences to you. this is the first interview since the passing of your dad, the great carl reiner, genius. i want to start by saying condolences. >> thank you very much, joy. one of the last things that my father ever talked about was,
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you know, he despised what was happening in our country with donald trump and he was hoping that he could live to be able to vote him out of office so if i wasn't any more motivated than i was before, i'm really motivated now we have to get rid of this man >> i think a lot of people will be going to the polls in your father's name, john lewis's name, all these great people who stood up for the country and our values you're one of them and you're absolutely right i had the privilege of interviewing him that one time and it was such a treat. and i know he was fighting till the end. let's talk about your activism you've been one of the most vocal activists and members of the hollywood community when it comes to donald trump. did you see it going this bad when you first saw donald trump stand up for the presidency and
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you saw the horrible things he was saying, did you think it would get this bad >> well, i knew he was incompetent and i knew he was a failure as a businessman and a person i knew he had racial leanings, racist leanings. but, you know, you always hope that he'll surround himself with people that will be able to, you know, read and that he wouldn't have to. but i never thought it would be as bad as this was i was watching your show yesterday, joy you dedicated to john lewis, and i started thinking about, you know, martin luther king and how he talks about the arc of the moral universe bends towards justice. and i believe that to be true, but, boy, is it slow is it slow i mean, we all thought when barack obama got elected, we were on a glide path and that we were moving in the right
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direction and finally, finally we would start realizing what this whole wonderful experiment was going to lead to and then to go from a black american to a racist in the white house, it's like a gut punch. i'd like to think because i do believe -- i do agree with john lewis. i mean, it is good versus evil it is love versus hate and he embodied a good and love. and he believed that ultimately that would win out so i believe that's what's going to happen here we have this last -- you said it in the early clip, this last moment of a desperation by white supremacists in this country to hang on for dear life for this horrible legacy that the country
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started with and maybe, maybe it took this kind of backlash from obama to trump to really push us forward. i mean, you're seeing it with black lives matter and floyd mayweather, and maybe this is the moment when it can happen. but, first, we've got to get rid of this man. he's a criminal, he's a racist, headre he's dumb and we got to get rid of him once we do, we can start the process of healing the country and actually delivering racial justice. >> yeah. you've been very vocal as well on the issues of the pandemic and people needing to wear a mask, save your father, your grandfather, your grandmother, to save our seniors. what do you make of the fact that people have taken wearing a mask to be some sort of anti-trump statement and so they won't do it? >> well, it's ridiculous it's absolutely ridiculous the fact that this man in the
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white house could polarize, could make a partisan issue out of life and death is insane. i'm calling on anthony fauci and the head of the cdc and scientists and doctors to come out and denounce trump, come out en masse, in force, and say the president is wrong for whatever reasons, we've got to stand on that and we've got to wear masks. we got to stop it. we're being killed by the thousands, and this has to stop. the only way it'll stop is if those people do what vindman did, come out and say enough it's one thing to be a moron and a racist, but now you're killing
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us >> a clarifying voice, as always, rob reiner all the best you to and your the lovely wife and family thank you for being here for the last four years, you've been one of our favorite guests. thank you so much. >> thank you so much, joy. i'm so excited about your new show i can't wait >> thank you, thank you. appreciate you, rob. okay bye. more a.m. after the break. >> good morning, joy so many good weekend mornings with you intelligently guiding us through these crazy times with keen analysis, searing wit. we need your voice, we need the truth. congratulations on your move to prime time i look forward to spending weekday evenings with you on "the reidout." i'll be watching odors in the air and on soft surfaces. for 45 days.
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okay, something you may not know about me is i am amazing at celebrity impressions. listen to this
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i'm morgan freeman right? right? it's good. here's a never-before-seen clip of me from getting tips from one of my favorites. >> i'm here with gilbert gottfried. i'm gilbert gottfried. >> no. it's like i'm gilbert gottfried. >> no. you're making a mouse voice. i'm gill berd gottfried. >> you have to be assertive. >> put more anger in it. i'm gill geriatric gottfried. >> i'm not gilbert gottfried it's amazing at comic-con. >> now i'm confused. [ laughter ] >> i'm going to get you for that up next, the great lawrence donnell is here to share his secrets of prime time success.
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joy, it's chris. and i'm so thrilled, so excited for the next chapter for the debut of "the reidout. i am, however, a little bummed for the many, many fans of "a. d sunday morning and watch in a terrific show. it's been a great pleasure to be your colleague and on-air partner for so many years we've now been through this, and no one more richly deserves this
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new opportunity than you do. i'm personally psyched because you will be on before us we will get to talk to some of the same viewers every night it's going to be fantastic go get 'em >> aw, thank you so much right back at you, chris one of the greatest, coolest, and most exhilarating parts of joining prime time other than getting a nightly handover with chris hayes is i get to follow the footsteps of gwen eiffel who coanchored pbs news-hour before her death in 2018 here to break down the ins and outs of prime time is lawrence o'donnell, author of "deadly force. lawrence, you got to give me tips now lawrence, what's the one or two things i need to know about what to do as a prime time person >> here's the great thing, you
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have no illinois there is no other choice than following the news through the day and getting on there at 7:00 and saying what you think. it's happening with me and a few million other people as the news day goes by, as we get to 4:00, as we get to 5:00, we start to think, what does joy reid think about this? that's who's going to show up, the millions of people -- and i'm among them -- who wonder that as the news day develops. frequently in the past i got to find out at 10:00 p.m. because joy reid would come on and tell me not just what she thinks, but what i should think, and then it would become what i think. joy, here's the thing. an hour is not enough for you. it's not close to enough for you. and i know how you're going to feel at 8:00 p.m you're going to say good night to chris hayes and then you're going to be getting out of that chair and say i should've said, i should've said, i should have
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said you have all these other things. joy, you go, you have dinner with the family, you come back at 10:00, and you say those things as my first guest at 10:00. we're still going to need to hear you at 10:00. i know you think you punch out at 8:00 p.m. now, but, joy, you're going to have more thoughts and things on your mind you're going to want to do some overtime at 10:00. >> well, you know, i know you want to do some overtime too because you're going to be on with me on the first night of the show, which i'm very excited about. one of my favorite things about "a.m. joy" is i get to turn the tables on you, and i'm going to get to do that on monday so thank you i really appreciate you doing that and coming on for the show. lawrence, for you, what has been the most, alarming is not a word that means anything to me anymore. i'm past alarming. but between the pandemic and
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135,000 people dead, which i still can't get my head around, what you see in portland, the violent policing that's been encouraged by this president, the foreign policy weirdness with putin and the helsinki thing, what has been the most single alarming thing about the trump era? >> i think ultimately it is the pandemic, it is 130,000 dead it will be 200,000 dead thereabouts maybe by the time we get to election day. because almost everything else we talk about, almost everything else we talk about, including that wild out-of-control federal police force in portland is all correctable on election night. all of that is fixable joe biden is going to spend a very busy first week of, you know, rocketing out executive orders to correct all those executive orders of the trump era. so much of that can be fixed
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what cannot be fixed is the lives lost in the fight against this pandemic. that can never be fixed, and the people who are going to suffer chronic illnesses for the rest of their lives because they got covid-19 in vulnerable positions, that cannot be fixed. and so that will be ultimately the biggest price that we pay from all of this you know, my biggest fear at the beginning of it was that everything i could see donald trump doing i could see how we could fix it with an election. and my biggest fear was north korea. there he was getting in twitter battles with a dictator in north korea who's got nuclear weapons, and donald trump could get hundreds of thousands of people killed in south korea, for example, if anything broke out there. that was my biggest fear and now it turns out, yes, yes, hundreds of thousands of people are dying, and they're dying because of donald trump's irresponsibility and dereliction of duty.
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but it was in a way we couldn't see coming. >> yeah. you wrote "deadly force," a great book everyone should read it to understand the culture of policing people say that police can be changed by training. i am not convinced of that, both having a god brother who's a former police officer that it isn't training, right. there's something else that's more deeply wrong. if you agree with that, then what actually can be done to change it? >> joy, i think you have to recognize that the training part of it doesn't work we've had the best kinds of training we could have for well over 30 years now, and the poisonous training is hollywood cops in their head from clint eastwood's dirty harry to all the cops on tv who are fake. that is the more important portion of their training. they're human beings also, the best of them mistakes are going to be made.
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these things are going to happen they're going to happen no matter what we do and no matter what reform we introduces, just like plane crashes we've done everything you possibly can to stop aviation disasters, okay, but they still happen and usually what we discover at the end of any plane crash, most commonly, is pilot error every once in a while it's manufacturing error, which is really egregious and horrible and we've seen those cases but pilot error. who tells us that? the national transportation safety board goes in and investigates every single one of these incidents. they investigate a couple thousand incidents a year, including bus accidents, things like that, and we trust them we need the national police deadly force board that goes in and investigates every single one dispassionately, and we come out of it. we're going to come out of it
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with the equivalent of pilot error, which is officer error, and we have to recognize that officer error occurs the question of what you do with the penalty is a whole separate question but we do need that dispassionate central federal authority that investigates every single one it's about 1,300 of these incidents a year, less than 100 of them are controversial. there's around a dozen that are intensely controversial, and we have the capacity to investigate those completely, thoroughly, dispassionately, and honestly. >> lawrence o'donnell, whose great show, "the last word" has been on for ten years in september. >> can't believe it. >> thanks for always being a great friend. >> your first ten years are going to fly by. >> and i'll see you on monday night. thank you very much, lawrence. really appreciate you. my final block here on "a.m. joy" is next
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>> yes yes. yes, yes, yes yes, yes, yes yes, yes. yes. yes! welcome to prime time, my beloved joy. not just well deserved, but overdue. i have so many questions first, do you get a new office by any chance, is it next to mine also, do we even have offices anymore? regardless, can i please come visit? listen, i could not be more excited for this big move, my dear, sweet joy. i cannot wait to see what you do in prime mazel tov. we're all so lucky to have you as a colleague mazel tov. it's going to be great
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okay, before we go, i'd like you to join me in celebrating the awesome team that made this show so special over the past four years roll credits
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>> joy, good luck on your new assignment you'll be great at it. your country needs through go get 'em, girl. >> in the words, change comes from listening, learning, caring, and conversation joy, you honor the highest tradition of journalism and embody eiffel's words and example to the fullest congratulations, and thank you for being our voice. i look forward to watching you trail blaze with grace and humility right into prime time. >> hi, it's congresswoman rashida tlaib. joy reid, we are ready for you prime time has been waiting for your voice and your vision and your lens into all the various issues impacting our lives 13 districts strong is completely behind you. we are so excited. i can't wait to see you there. it has been a long time coming and i just know that it's going to be thoughtful, it's going to
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be inclusive, and, again, it's going to be a lens that we haven't seen in a long time. so welcome to prime time, joy. >> wow. >> hey, joy, congratulations on the new show, wish at you best of luck going forward. >> oh, wow. >> and thank you for every time you had us on "a.m. joy. always found that you met and us issues we brought to the table with genuine interest and curiosity, empathy, and intelligence and i know it's going to serve you so well in this next new show we'll be watching and when conditions permit, we look forward to seeing you in person. so suerte and see you down the road why is it so pleased to be with you this morning and looking forward to seeing you in your new role. congratulations. congratulations to msnbc you're so deserving. we're so proud. >> hey, this is cory booker. i want to give a shout out about the show reidout to a journalist that is a standout joy, congratulations on this new platform you are such a person of honor
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and integrity and, frankly, putting journalistic excellence. thank you, because you bring me joy. >> hey, joy. congratulations on the big move. i'm so excited for you so happy to be a part of the msnbc team congratulations on breaking yet again another glass ceiling. it's so, so important not only to have your voice on our air every weeknight, but it's important for the country and our society as well. i'm so, so proud to be a member of team j.a.r. you know what i'm saying congratulations. >> i love it. >> hi, joy congratulations on the swanky new big gig. dinner's on you, queen. >> hi, joy congratulations. i'm so excited about "the reidout. i hope you'll be reading people
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as well. you know i love that anyway, congratulations, and really the congratulations should go to us because we get to be part of your brilliance and accomplishments. remember, you're the person i'm supposed to be when i grow up. i can't wait to watch "the reidout. i'll be there. i know you will because of you and the team you've built you've helped so many people along the way and you're such a a role model for me and i hope that you'll also be able to pass on your wisdom to baby girl. >> oh my gosh. >> thank you so much best of luck to you and the team >> congratulations, joy. i want to tell you i met you at a national association of black journalists convention i think it was in new orleans. >> i remember that
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>> maybe seven or eight years ago, and you were just started out at msnbc but i recognized in you then that you were a force to be reckoned with. you were terrific. polished, smooth and intelligent and oh, just fabulous. and i told you that. and i guess you wondered, who is this woman telling me this but it was meand i have watche you get better and better and better through the years and now, you're at your spot you're at your place where you belong no one can take that away from you and i expect nothing but more wonderful and greater things from you. all the best, my love. my sister. >> joy, the it's kamala. congratulations on your readout and for breaking that barrier, getting on to prime time so well earned so well deserved
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thank you for your voice, which is also the voice of truth with clarity. take teacare >> wow okay that's amazing i, i don't even know what to say. this has been such an amazing show wow. capping off an incredible four years. i don't even know what to say. all of those people. thank you very much. i want to take a quick, quick, quick minute, these last few minutes to thank not just all of the guests, you just saw some of them, who have given up part of their saturday and sunday mornings to be a part of this show, but also, this amazing team our segment producers, kye, jenny, rebecca, who you just saw in the credits our booking roducers our senior producers, belinda and rachel line producer, natalie our line producers, alexandria, arlen and tyler. alexis, our fabulous director, murray and my road producer and
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official side kick, hank our wonderful internal and my long-term pal from radio to tv, james, aka homeie. our weekend chiefs, eddie vet and all the producers past and present, who have put this show on every single week and taken this journey with us i love you guys. i also want to thank you, our incredible a.m. joy audience our million plus reader army for tuning in every week and jumping on facebook like to chime in and make a trend and suggesting who won the week you always have great suggest n suggestions and thanks so much for making this show so much fun to do. everything we've done for the last four years has been all for you. you guys are what makes this show so special and even though joy is exiting, which i'm very sad about right now, this show, this great little brand we've built, will still be here. i hope you'll continue to support our friends like tiffany
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cross and jonathan capehart when they're filling in in this chair and please stay on board as we grow this unconventional weekend time slot to new heights thank you, thank you, thank you. it's all because of you that i even had the opportunity to do prime time it's because of you guys so the reidout is also because of you so i look forward to seeing you there 7:00 p.m. week nikts. and even though i'm leaving this incredible team, we will be staying right here i'm excited to join now you as viewers on weekend mornings from my bed because seriously, i'm going to be watching from my bed, sleep iing a little late, t i'll get up at 10:00 and watch alex witt, my girl, picks it up fr homere. our health comes first. which is why we keep taking care of ourselves, like screening for colon cancer. because when caught in early stages, it's more treatable. cologuard is noninvasive and detects altered dna in your stool... find 92% of colon cancers... ...even in early stages. it's for people 45 plus at average risk for colon cancer,
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good day, everyone, from msnbc world headquarters here in new york, we're approaching high noon here in the east. 9:00 a.m. in the west. breaking news this hour. the president with new and pointed remarks on anthony fauch,y covid-19 testing, when the virus will end, the confederate flag and whether he will accept the nv election results. we'll fact check an exhaustive list of grievances in portland, protestors clash with federal agents. the mayor from the city issuing a scathing rebuke of the trump administration shutting it down new curfews in miami beach the mayor calls it the epicenter of the epicenter
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the new coronavirus numbers in florida, can they stop the spread remembering john lewis how his congressional colleagues hope to honor him and why the time we live in right now may make that impossible details ahead. but as mentioned, we're going to get to breaking news with the president in a wide ranging interview defending his handling of the coronavirus pandemic and also down playing surges in covid-19 cases across this country so here's a point counterpoint on the issue >> we have the best testing in world. if we didn't test, you wouldn't be able to show that chart if we tested half as much, those numbers would be down. >> but i don't i say flames, we'll put out the flames and put out in some cases, just burning embers we have burning embers we have embers florida became more flame like but it's going to be under control. >> but sir, testing is up 37%. >> good. >> i understand.
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cases are up 194%. it isn't just the testing has gone up. it's that the virus has spread the positivity rate has increased. >> many of those cases are young people that would heal in a day. they have the sniffles and we put it down as a test. we're going to shortly up to 50 million tests. t you look at other countries, they don't even do tests they do tests if somebody walks into the hospital. they're sick they're really sick. they test them then or in a doctor's office, but they don't go around and have massive areas of testing and we do and i'm glad, but it really skews the numbers. >> so when asked whether he will consider a national mandate requiring people to wear masks, here's what he said. >> no, i want people to have a certain freedom and i don't believe in that. no and i don't agree with the statement that if everybody will wear a mask, everything d disappears l


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