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tv   The Reid Out  MSNBC  July 22, 2020 4:00pm-5:00pm PDT

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service announcement which is my friend and colleague joins me tonight live on instagram. we're going to do a live video, 9:00 p.m. eastern tonight, talking national politics and his international expertise. if you're online, go to ari melbourne 9 at 9:00 eastern. joy reid is up next. 9 at 9:00 e. joy reid is up next. this is what abject failure looks like as reinterpreted by donald trump and his people. >> we have it totally under control. >> we have contained this. >> i think we've done a great job. >> we are doing better and more than any other president could have done. >> this is a great success story. >> we have prevailed. >> president trump has led
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america through the coronavirus pandemic. >> the leadership of president dt. >> we did a lot of things right. >> more than six months after the first confirmed case of coronavirus in america, we are seeing record levels of cases and deaths from the virus. trump has resumed his daily side show, trying to bolster his fake narrative that everything is totally under control. holding yet another of his new quote unquote beliriefings, wito health experts, since they might disrupt with facts. yesterday, he begin said the virus will just disappear. on tuesday, the u.s. recorded more than 1,000 deaths. the most in a single day since late june. more than 143,000 americans have now lost their lives. and the number of confirmed cases is poised to break 4 million. we all know donald trump has a pin pinchon for nicknames so nancy pelosi has now branded him. >> it is a pandemic.
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that has gotten worse before it will get better. because of his inaction and in fact clearly, it is the trump virus. >> and despite all of this death, trump hasn't been able to muster much in the way of sympathy for those 143,000 lost souls and their families. meanwhile, barack obama and joe biden appeared together in a biden campaign video and pulled no punches about trump's z disaster. >> can you imagine standing up when you're in prison saying it's not my responsibility? i take no responsibility? i mean literally. >> those words didn't come out of our mouths while we were in office. >> i don't understand his inability to get a sense of what people are going through. >> it all starts with being able to relate. if you can sit down with a family and see your own family in them and the struggles that you've gone through or your parents went through or your kids are going through, if you
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can connect those struggles to somebody else's struggles, then you're going to work hard for them. >> i'm joined my california congresswoman, maxine waters, chairman of the house financial services committee. jason johnson from morgan state university and charlie psych. i want to start with you, congresswoman. we are now six months and one day u or 183 days since the announcement of the first coronavirus case. that was on january 20th. you yourself, congresswoman, lost sister to coronavirus. what do you make of donald trump's insistence, even up to today, and his administration's insis tense, that they have done an excellent job of fighting this virus? >> joy, thank you very much for having me on today. it is absolutely unbelievable that the president in face of the facts that are confronting him and all of us, could stand before the american people and
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literally lie, lie, lie. i mean, he disregards all of the facts from all of our experts. he refuses to acknowledge even when the epicenter was at new york and now the epicenter is at my state, california. he does not pay attention to the fact that we, we need to do more testing. that more people are die ng this country. he's just in denial and refuses to confront what is going on and he believes that if he says something different, if he lies, that somehow, we will think that he knows what he's talking about or that we'll believe him. it is absolutely outrageous that this president has failed miserab miserably. lack of leadership. a lack of honesty. >> you know, and i'm sorry to interrupt you. and california is facing a new
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spike. and california's one of those states that did everything right. it did the right things. the governor there was conscious about closing. about saying people should be wearing masks. he said all the right things and yet still you're seeing a spike in california's rate of covid cases. in your mind, with this 183 days, if there had been a national strategy, if states hadn't been left on their own to their own devices, in your mind, do you think that this you know, we'd still because it's a pandemic, we still would be where we are now with more than 140,000 deaths or do you think it could have made a difference? >> absolutely could have made a difference if we had had the leadership. and i think the experts have told us you know, over and over again, that we missed you know, at least three months in getting on top of this. and in addition to that, the president was absolutely lead ing the country in the wrong
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direction. he was saying there was no need to have a mask. he did not put on a mask. he disregarded social distancing. he appeared in public with others jammed close to him without a mask. he interfered with the shipment of ppe into our states. basically competing with our governors and comen deering this equipment comining from foreign countries so everything he did set us back to the point where kcalifornia, we've had this spike, this surge. as a matter of fact, we have spent the surplus we had in our government and now we have a deficit trying to deal with the situation and as of today, i'm told a that there's been a report of over 10,000 new cases. and it keeps going up. and it's all because of a lack of leadership, no strategy, no plan. >> you know, what donald trump has decided he wants to lead on
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is sending armed forces, they're not troops. they're dressed up as if they are military, but they're not, into democratic run cities. it's part of this narrative that he's had really since barack obama was president that they're some sort of hell scape that he needs to do something about. i'm going to play a video. this is you intervening in a traffic stop of a young black man who was pulled over by police and this is what happened when you showed up. take a look. >> stopped to see what you were doing. they say i'm in the wrong place and they're going o give me a ticket. that's okay. >> got to do what you got to do. make sure. >> all right. >> bye, maxine, good luck! >> you know, i bet that shows not only the relationship you have with your constituents, obviously, and real public service. for a a lot of black people,
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that traffic stop can be a terrifying ordeal. what do you make of the fact that on top of that fear, and kudos to you for intervening for that young man, but now, communities are facing what look like paramilitary troops, sort of secret troops converging on you know, cities, democratic led cities. >> the people of this country -- about what we're seeing. we have these police officers or whomever they are, offices of agents of some kind that's been organized by the president of the united states, didn't contact the local mayors. didn't contact the governors. who are these people, why did they have these uniforms on. we don't have anything that identifies them. they're pulling people off the street and i want to tell you, joy, this is what you see in
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countries where you have dictators. in third world countries you have dictators who have paramilitary that they can call anytime they want. as a matter of fact, it has been suggested that this is a trial run of the president of the united states who may be organizing to not accept what happens when we have the election if he's not elected. is he going to pull out? his military? is he going to encage us? he has already alluded to there may be a civil war if he's re-elected. this is dangerous. about who are these people, where did they come from and why is it being done in secret? >> yeah -- we appreciate your
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time tonight. and with me now, of course, thank you very much. let me now bring in jason johnson to pick up on that. you know, there have been questions about what donald trump is doing now is supplementing police officers with his own para military force who are dressed toup look like the military as he f he's trying create an image that protestors are being attacked by the military, at war with the military. that's pretty scary development and it leads people to believe he might be looking the use this again for the election. >>. >> well, he is using it for the election right now. he's weaponizing it.
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you watch the way that he is already using it on television ads. he's going to put $10 million into campaign ads showing this kind of mill a tear force. and of course, the irony is that more scene as like we saw out of lafayette park in june which includes a real inflection point. but this is clearly one of his narratives and frankly, i don't think -- has gone too far when it's a wag the dog scenario, but it's not wagging the dog by coming up with a war against a foreign enemy. it is against the american public. so, the playbook here is to turn americans against one another. and to do so in such a dramatic, dramatic way and i do think that people need to be concerned a about it and i am going to be breasted to see how republicans react. how small government republicans
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react to this federal intervention in what is really a state and local matter. >> yeah, they've been pretty quiet so far. i want to play for you what joe biden said about donald trump and all of his behaviors that are wrapped into one. these were his thoughts about him, calling him the first racist president. >> the way he deals with, with people. based on the color of their skin, their national orgiginori where they're from is absolutely sickening. no sitting president has ever done this. never, never, never. we've had racists and they've tried to get elected president. he's the first one that has. sfwl i don't know that's historically accurate, but i'll turn it over to the political side. jason johnson. i get the point joe biden was trying make though. your thoughts. >> yeah. i tweeted earlier if i disagree with him, does that mean i'm not black? we've clear ly had racist
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presidents before and don't have to go back to andrew jackson and but i think the larger issue is this. what joe biden is trying to say is that no one has been this explicit about their bigotry and been politically successful. i think you can make the same argument about reagan. but i think the larger question is this. since we have seen the impact of a racist president, this is not speculation, theoretical, an entire bipartisan congress declared he was a racist last year, the question for joe biden is all right, what are you going to do about it. you're not going to beat him, but you've got to do something about how he has fundamentally changed the government. this is a challenge going forward. >> let's talk about republicans. let me play for you chuck schumer, senate minority leader. this is him responding to mitch mcconnell who did not mention coronavirus in his response. >> it's in the middle of the
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week and the republican party is so disorganized, chaotic and unprepared that they can barely cobble together a partisan bill in their own conference. >> and meanwhile, you've got an nbc news report about reasons in disarray a about republicans in closed door meetings. what the hell are we doing? you have lid cheney you know getting attacked even as far right as she is because she supported fauci. what is happening on the republican side? how did they not create a plan? seniors are leaving. they're quitting on trump and republicans. they don't know how to get their act together, what's going on? >> i'm reminded the republicans are really nothing to be a governing party. they're great at being an opposition. they're already starting to see the fight for the future of the republican party so you're seeing ted cruz versus tom
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cotton. matt gates versus liz cheney and i think it's interesting to me that they're not waiting for the election results to begin sniping at one other to begin picking over the bones of the post trump republican party but i think you're already seeing this and it's certainly not the image of a confident party going into this election, is it, that they're training their guns on one another and failing to lead on a crucial issue as opposed to going into the election unified. but this is going to be another huge test about whether they can get their act together because look, this country is faced with a massive crisis. multiple crisis. there has been a a failure of leadership. i believe even stronger than that. president trump's failure is probably one of the most dramatic of presidential leadership in modern political history, but it's also not just incompetent, it was because of a choice, the pivot he made in april, to ignore the scientists,
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the experts, to make this part of the culture war, to say we're going to liberate the country. this is on him and republicans in congress have to decide whether they're going to lead themselves. >> it's not incompetence, it's malevolence i think is a better word for it. thanks very much. next, former homeland security secretary on donald trump's dangerous and destructive war games in america's cities. plus, protecting your right to vote from those who are working so hard to take it away. >> we've had voter suppression for so long. people not understanding how they can vote. where they can vote. if their vote really counts. >> wnba star renee montgomery is on team lebron in the fight for vote iing rights ab social just and she joins me tonight and later, donald trump's fact challenge campaign ads are tonight's craziest damn thing in
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this bloodshed must end, this bloodshed will end. today, i'm announcing a surge of federal law enforcement into american communities plagued by violent crime. we just started this process and frankly, we have no choice but to get involved. >> in a bid to save his flailing campaign by going full 1960s george wallace and stoking white suburban voter spears of violent crime, donald trump announced today he's deploying more federal forces to cities around the country and hopefully said the quiet part out loud by pointing out the cities that will be in a sense invaded by trump's secret police are led by democratic mayors. al albuquerque, chicago. including from inside his
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administration. over the paramilitary forces he's already sent to portland. mark eser expressed concern that those law enforcement were being confused with troops. that's because trump's forces in portland are dressed up in combat cameouflage fatigues but those are not u.s. troops. they're agents from various agencies under the department of homeland security. and as founding secretary said, they were never intended to be used for this purpose. here's tom ridge yesterday. >> the department was established to protect america from the ever present threat of global terrorism. it was not established to be president's personal militia. >> he also, now that personal militia will also consist of agents from the fbi, the dea,
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atf and the u.s. marshals according to trump's announcement today. i'm joined now by former secretary of homeland security, jeh johnson. do you agree with tom ridge because ridge also said that while he welcomed the opportunity to work with any federal agency to fight crime that it would with a cold day in hell before he would consent to an intervention on one of his cities. what are your thoughts on these sort of faux military troops invading democratic-led cities. >> first, joy, congratulations on the new show. >> thank you. >> quite a start. congratulations. i could not agree more with my pred succees se sor, tom ridge. if i were in office now, it's hard to imagine, but if i remember in office right now, i would probably be saying to my subordinates within dhs, a surge like this would probably be unnecessarily provocative and actually make matters worse.
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those who don't know lessons of history are bound to repeat them. one of the things we learned from ferguson in 2014 is that a millar taristic approach, presence on the treats of the united states in our cities during moments of high tension can actually make matters worse and be provocative and so, i was pleased that in congress right now, there's legislation working its way through to limit the sale of defense department equipment to civilian law enforcement in our cities because provocative. you see those images of people who used to work for me in camouflage who look like a military? and it's provocative. it's making matters worse and fra frankly, the whole thing does smell like politics. this smells like try iing to pl the law and order richard nixon card from 1968 but the national mood is very different now and
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donald trump is not the challenger. he's the incumbent. this is happening on his watch. he owns this. and so if i remember joe biden, i would would be saying what rag aen said in the 1980 debate against carter. are you better off now than you were four years ago and you ready to say let's have four more years of this? the national mood is very, very different right now. >> i can recall being in baltimore for the freddie gray uprising and that's an absolute truth. the thananks on the streets wer provocation and the, these were police officers who were dressed up like they were in the military with this sort of uniform on that made them look almost like they were military people. i want to let you listen to what a retired general has had to say. he was speaking last night with brian williams. this was his reaction as a military man, to see these troops dressed like they were military people. take a listen. >> that uniform is designed to blend in to terrain.
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not to make you look like a warrior. their wearing this uniform as a function of intimidation. to look like warriors. real soldiers just don't walk up to people and start beating on them. they're acting like uncontrolled mob on the street with uniforms and badges that they don't show, as you see right here, they beat this man up. you can't, police don't do this. watch this. what kind of [ bleep ] is that? >> i mean you've had thomas friedman in "the new york times" call this a wag the dog war. essentially, donald trump seeming to invade these cities with these false military troops as if to make it look like black lives matter is at war with the military. as somebody who's got a son in the military, how do you feel about that? about them sort of borrowing the prestige of the military and putting that on this warrior
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culture that they're inculcating in the dhs? >> joy, one of the reasons why our military enjoys such tremendous trust and respect in our society is because we keep the military cabinet in this free and open democracy to overseas conflicts. you saw the reaction at the lafayette scare from the retired generals and admirals to this site of a four star general, the chairman of the joint chiefs in camouflage walking across pennsylvania avenue and heavily armored personnel on the streets. dealing with civilians who don't have guns. and we react accord bingly to i and this current event in portland is creating much the same crisis and much the same environment and it's wholly unnecessary. i used to say to dhs component leaders, let's avoid controversial one off missions that are away from our core
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mission. in so far as dhs is concerned. there's the federal protective service, which their core mission is protecting federal buildings. i deploy protective service in times of high tension to protect buildings, but you also have components of customs and border protection, those are border protection people, board security people, and i.c.e. immigration enforcement. people that enforce our immigration laws. i use d to say to people within dhs, let's not let side shows like this derail our core mission and discredit us in the communities where we need to operate and plainly, no one is making that calculation right now. and it's actually probably making things worse. not better. >> now. indeed. looks like an invasion. the natural inkri cli nation is to resist it. thank you so much for being
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here. appreciate your time tonight and still ahead, remember when president-elect trump said this? >> i have a no conflict of interest provision as president so i could actually run my business. i could actually run by business and run government at the same time. >> is it any surprise that the trump family is reportedly banking big money off of this presidency? well, that is next. as the reidout kocontinues. rco. - hey, can i... - safe drivers save 40%!!! guys! guys! safe drivers save 40%!!! safe drivers save 40%! safe drivers save 40%!!! that's safe drivers save 40%. it is, that's safe drivers save 40%. - he's right there. - it's him! safe drivers do save 40%. click or call for a quote today.
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remember how donald trump's lawyer showed up with blank papers and assured the american public that donald trump would totally distance himself? >> president trump wants the american public to rest assured that all his efforts are directed at pursue iing the people's business and not his own. he wants there to be no doubt in the minds of the american public he's isolating himself from his business interests. to take all steps realistically possible to make it clear he is not exploit iing the office of e presidency for his personal benefit.
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>> yeah, well that didn't happen. he's visited his 14 personal properties more than 300 times since he took office. each team, bringing staff that according to the "washington post," charges up to $650 a night paid for you by, the american tax pare. welcome. that helps explain why trumps like to hawk his hotels while on official white house business. >> i have turnbury in scotland, a very magical place. i have a warm spot for doon cls beg. i own great property in the u.k. i love the u.k. i have no idea how my property the doing because i don't care, but i own turnbury and aberdeen and ireland as you know. doonbeg and great stuff. i have a place in the best location. i'm very good at real estate. much better than you u understand. i have a great business. the best properties. >> according to the center for
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responsive politics, political communities as spent nearly 22 million since the campaign and like most things trump, it's a family affair. donald trump jr. has the rnc jr. spend to buy book in bulk. and son-in-law jared, 66 5th avenue was tied to cutter. finally, sources tell the trump campaign that $180,000 for their work tlau private company run by brad pas cow. they've taken their skills abroad. it's the trump european vacation. but on other people's dimes. more on that when reidroute continues. dimes. more on that when reidroute continues. ght of your own well-,
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instrucked a a ambassador to the united kingdom to steer the golf tournament to trump's resort in scotland. a former official tells nbc news that the deputy told johnson twice not to make the question but that johnson raise d the issue with the british official responsible for scotland during a 2018 meeting any way. the british gold association had decided against that. a white house official told nbc news that johnson never had spoken about such a request. first report ed fwi "new york times." apashtly, it's noot the first time the he's recommended his properties. last summer, he reportedly suggested the vice president stay at his hotel in doonbeg, ireland. for more, i'm joined by david,
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"washington post" political reporter and david johnston, cofounder of d.c. david, donald trump has visited these properties he owns. and he's been this office since he's been in office, he's visited 14 of them including mar-a-lago where he goes often and charges 200,000 to be there. do you have a sense of how much money he's made out of of being president so far. >> i should say the u.s. government has -- our records are incomplete, but if you look at what taxpayers have paid him, it's $970,000 at least. if you look at what republican committees in iowa own campaign have paid him so when he travels to his presidents and holds a campaign, he gets paid by the government and the campaign. campaigns have spent another $8 plus million. it's money he wouldn't have
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gotten if he had kept his promise and separated himself truly from his business. >> but he wouldn't be doing what he came to do. david johnston, there's a sense donald trump admires the way put condition do business and one assumes it's just where oil gets sold and he gets a cut and you just assume that's the way government runs. that he seems to admire that kind of government but he's also openly taken foreign money in these businesses. he's under a lawsuit right now because you have the governments of bahrain, the governments of saudi arabia et cetera staying in his who the tells. every time they swipe the cards, they're paying the trump family. your thoughts on how he's managed the rake it in as president. >> joy, if you or david or i go on a reporting trip and find a lamp we'd like to buy for our living room, we know you don't put that on your expense account. donald doesn't think that way. there is no staff in his -- what's the business, what's the government.
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it's all him. and that is why he sees nothing wrong at all with what i think are very clear violations of the e mollments clause with the money he is receiving through the businesses from foreign governments and these aren't foreign governments that are casually stopping by and having a cup of coffee somewhere. some of these ahave rented out entire floors of the trump hotel near the white house. he's tried to induct the military. military troops should stay at my place. the g7 at my place instead of going to camp david. he's trying to save the doral which was failing financially by putting foreign dignitary there is. it is pretty blatant. you have piece right now about the extent of this interesting idea about what being president means. trump's company applied to trademark the term telerally.
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he's trying make money out ff o and having a television rally. that sounds insane. but is he not just teaching future presidents that this is like a you know, the 475,000 you get paid, that's nothing. you can get rich doing this. >> well, the presidency's sort of an honor system. i guess that's what we've learned. trump's been really good at exploiting honor systems. he comes into a system where everybody obeys the rules because they worry about how it looks, about what's right and wrong and he doesn't pay attention to those things. he reaps a huge advantage by doing a thing the people don't expegt. there's not a lot of conflict of interest laws. it's sort of what that president believes is right and what the public and voters will tolerate. he's gone a long way down violating his own promises about what he would do. if he gets thrown out of office this year and people think that
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the way he chose to mix his and his presidency was part of that, maybe it's his message to future presidents. maybe it's if you do this, you can get away with it, at least for your first time. >> absolutely. as you said, it's an honor system. if you have no honor, there's no system. what he's also seemed to have taught other people who are not president is that they can do it, too. getting rich off of donors. matt gates, and appears -- a politico piece says a private company installed a television studio in matt gates's fathers house in florida which gates use when he appears on television. taxpayers foot the bill to rent the camera and the private company that built the studio, which gates refuses to identify, takes a fee each time he appears on air. it's unclear how much it costs the private company to construct the studio. he's one of the most aggressive
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people about pitching himself to be on tv. one wonders why. now it looks like the family is getting cash off it. d.c. jay, let me give that one to you. >> well, if he wants to spend his own money and have a studio, i'm fine with that. but taxpayers absolutely not, and this is spreading from trump. i mean like the virus. stop going around the country on jet liners. trump's immoralal use taxpayers is spreading throughout the administration. let's not forget the private jet for the 40-minute flight one of the secretaries had and numerous other abuses because the president sets tone. ahead of any organization sets the tone and his is hey, grab all you can. >> yeah. it's pretty breathtaking corruption. away we go. thank you very much. the craziest damn thing in
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message and we'll get back to you as soon as we can. >> so first of all, nothing about that is correct. joe biden does not want to defund the police. but that's not the crazy thing. cities under siege. >> portland was totally out of control. the democrats, liberal democrats who were running the place had no idea what they were doing. sxwl ok sxwl. >> okay, news flash. portland is not an urban hell hole. it's called portlandia, hello. no, no, no. the crazy thing is whoever's responsible for trump's grim's fairy tale keeps making really bizarre mistakes. after all, the trump's aren't exactly known for their detail. trump can't even get the apostrophe right on the cover.
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but u the team also seems to have a real problem of the concept of american geography. like this ad. after weeks spent scaring americans that liberals want to tear down american monuments, the trump team vows we'll protect this. but this is not an american monument. it's the very famous christ the monument. it is in rio, brazil. even crazier? they did it again. trump contrasts public safety and chaos and violence. chaos and violence is represented by what looks like a group of protesters attacking a police officer on the ground. scarey. those damn liberal mobs. get off my streets and off my lawn. that's not america. it's not even 2020. it is a photo from ukraine from 2014 during clashes to overthrow the pro-russian government. in other words, it is as fake as the president's own flpledge of
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the late civil rights icon congressman john lewis, a man who literally bled for racial justice and voting rights for african-americans is being praised by a whole bunch of republicans who spent a lot of their time actively trying to undermine his legacy. in georgia, republican senator lauded lewis's leadership and courage, adding his legacy will
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never be forgotten. brian kemp praised lewis as a civil rights hero who changed our world in a profound way. remember during his 2018 race for governor, he purged the state's voter roles and senator loeffler is actively pressing the league to drop its support for the black lives matter movement, which she says speaks to destroy american principals. joining me is two-time wnba champion who announced she will be sitting out the upcoming season to focus on social justice causes and teamed up with lebron james' voter outreach organization, more than a vote. commending you first of all on that activism and thank you for being here tonight, rene. you wrote this open letter to the senator. i want to read a little bit about it. talking about black lives matter and what it actually means.
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imagine your friend overwhelmed with grief, tearing flowing down her cheeks confiding with you she has breast kans erp. how good of a friend would you be if you crossed your arms and replied, all cancers matter. this year i don't need more friends that tell me everyone matters. i already know that. i need someone to tell me, you, rene matter. have you heard anything back? >> i have not. i have heard a round-about way that i never sent the invitation, so i need to send a personal invite. i thought i was sending a public one just so the cards were on the table. but i haven't heard anything back from her camp. >> and what about brian kemp? i mean, what do you make of people like kemp and loeffler praising john lewis but all actively working to undermine things like voting rights and black lives matter? >> i read a quote. forgive me for not knowing who it's from and it said, to honor the man, you have to also honor
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the mission. we need to honor his mission. and that was this movement that we're talking about. that's the black lives matter movement and i say movement after that because a lot of people are getting caught up in the capitals. we need to honor his legacy and his mission. >> yeah. and donald trump has continued to attack those who kneel, you know, ahead of games. several players on the giants, their manager kneeled during an mlb exhibition game in oakland monday night. people are still kneeling for black lives matter. what would you say to donald trump if he would listen to you on the issue of kneeling and black lives matter? >> i would just say that players are going to kneel because players now understand that they can make a statement. they can do what they want with their bodies. so i think it's beautiful to see the players not only kneeling but the players putting their hands on the players kneeling.
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that's allyship. that's something we need now in america in this climate. and before we run out of time, joy, you know you shouldn't be back on the first week. my parents, there is watch parties going on. i'm so excited. it's lit. congratulations. thank you. thank you. thank you for being me on, but more so congratulations to you. >> thank you. but your parents have become my favorite people, by the way, in the entire world because every time i talk to you you bring up your parents. when the world is normal again, we need to have a barbecue. we need to actually have a barbecue and hang out. i want to ask you about more than a vote. tell me about that activism and why. because for young people, for people in your generation, voting sometimes has not been top of mind. what do you tell young people and how are you encouraging them to get out there and register to vote? >> yeah. more than a vote is just creating a whole campaign around athlete activism and the things that athletes can do with their
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platform. it is not just athletes. one of the things they will tackle is rotor suppression. i'm hearing georgia, so that's my connection, my strong tie. i'm excited to get things going with more than a vote campaign. >> yeah. do you have a preference for who should be vice president? do you have a preference for who biden should pick? >> well, you know, i know you asked him about is he going to still stick with a minority female. that would be my preference. that would be my preference. i would just love to see that happen. >> yeah. and do you think that that would actually be more motivating for young voters if there was a black woman on the ticket? would that make more people vote in your view? >> absolutely. i think so. because if you can look at the obama numbers it is because it was the cool thing to do. people felt connected to that election. there was hope. there was a lot of things involved in the obama campaign that i think if you do add a female minority to the ticket,
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women are the movement. we've done enough now, so we can show that we can lead. so i'm here for it. i'm ready to see that. >> absolutely. rene montgomery, thank you very much. please thank your parents for me. we will have that cookout one day. i really appreciate. good luck and god bless you for what you are doing to get folks to vote. join me again tomorrow night. my guests will include house speaker nancy pelosi and former mayor pete buttigieg. all in starts right now. tonight on "all in," first portland, now chicago and albuquerque. the president sending more federal law enforcement to american cities. mad line all bright on the country's slight toward an authoritarian regime. plus, with just


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