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tv   MSNBC Live  MSNBC  July 23, 2020 10:00am-11:00am PDT

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in a little more than two hours ago, the united states reached 4 million confirmed coronavirus cases. it took 99 days to go from one case to the first million. then another 43 days to reach 2 million. 27 days after that, the number hit 3 million, and within just the last 16 days, we have arrived at 4 million cases. reacting on capitol hill, house speaker nancy pelosi said this. >> that acceleration is an assault on the lives and the livelihood of the american people. the delay, the denial have caused deaths. >> and the president has scheduled a 5:00 p.m. coronavirus briefing, his third in a row as the u.s. labor department reveals worse than expected claims in the weekly unemployment numbers. plus, a judge has just ordered the release of the president's
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former lawyer turned critic michael cohen, saying his return to prison was retaliatory. we're going to have a full report on that. and we're awaiting a judge to rule on oregon's lawsuit to remove militarized federal agents from portland as they clashed with protesters and tear gassed the city's mayor. former dhs secretary tom ridge now saying president trump is treating the crisis in cities like an episode of "the apprentice." >> you'll never be able to take a reality tv approach to solve such serious problems unless you coordinate. it's not a one-hour reality tv show. >> we have all of these stories covered. i have a team of reporters here helping me break all this down. but first, we want to begin in washington, d.c., where president trump seems to be blaming the dramatic rise in coronavirus cases on nearly everything, but his own administration. at wednesday's briefing, the president pinned the spikes on
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nationwide protests. summer travel. even mexico. in fact, moments ago, democratic house speaker nancy pelosi said the president's lack of leadership has cost lives. >> the other day when the president embraced masks, what he was doing was admitting -- admitting how wrong he was for months and in that period of time, many more people died. >> joining me from the white house is nbc's carol lee. good to talk to you. so the president continuing with his mixed messaging there on the pandemic, including wearing masks. he's downplayed the importance of wearing one but publicly not wearing one himself. now he says it probably helps, give it a shot. it's just one of the many mixed signals coming out of this administration. what else is happening with this white house as this pandemic hits that grim milestone of 4 million cases? >> well, ayman, the president is
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trying to demonstrate leadership on this crisis by, again, holding another briefing today at 5:00 p.m. at the white house. he's supposed to focus on schools for instance. he's on this push to reopen schools in person, in the fall. there are a lot of questions about how he's going to be -- local school districts are going to be able to do that. he said yesterday he has a national strategy for that. i think there are a lot of parents out there looking forward to hearing the details of what that is. at the same time he's making it a political issue saying that democrats are not for opening schools because they think it would hurt him. another issue that we're likely to hear the president talk about is testing. this is a white house that still has not outlined any sort of strategy for dealing with this lag in testing results that we've seen where people get tested and sometimes wait days or even more than a week to get their results. and at the same time, the president is importance of testing.
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let's listen to what he had to say yesterday. >> to me, every time you test, you find a case and it gets reported in the news, we found more cases. instead of 50, we did 25, we'd have half the number of cases. so i personally think it's overrated, but i'm totally willing to keep doing it. >> so that's, you know, that message frankly is similar to what we heard from the president multiple times about masks. some people say it helps. maybe it does. i'm okay with it while also kind of downplaying it. now what the president said there is obviously at odds with a lot of experts who say testing is key to getting this virus under control. this all comes as the white house is conducting contact tracing because a worker at a cafeteria here on a building adjacent to the white house tested positive for coronavirus. really bringing the pandemic home and really within very close distance to the west wing. >> i was going to say, it also contradicts not just experts but experts hosown coronavirus task
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force. carol lee ticking things off at the white house. let's cross over to capitol hill. millions of americans face a looming deadline. there are just eight days until enhanced unemployment benefits expire. it comes as the u.s. labor department reveals worse than expected jobless claims for the last week. there were 1.4 million initial claims filed. that's up from the expected 1.3 million. it is the first time that the weekly tally has risen in more than three months. it is also the 18th straight week in which initial claims total more than 1 million. joining me on capitol hill with a look on all of this is msnbc's garrett haake. good to talk to you. the senate is racing to try to get a stimulus package finalized. it's not going to happen in time probably to get relief to millions of americans by the end of this month. where do the negotiations stand right now? >> ayman, i wouldn't say they're racing. they're stumbling.
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these senate negotiations have had a hard time getting off the ground over the last couple of days. republicans in the senate, of course, they control the senate, have still largely been arguing amongst themselves about what they want to even be in their first offer to democrats for when the negotiations get going in earnest. i'll just say coming out of carol's reporting, the irony is one of the few things we know about this bill is they've agreed to add $16 billion to testing. so we're getting bits and pieces of this. $105 billion for schools. some of that earmarked to help schools that have opened fully. some will be earmarked to do exactly that. we know republicans want to get rid of the plussed up unemployment benefits but they can't justice dr drop off a cli the end of next week. we might see something based on a percentage of what people made before they lost their jobs. all of this, of course, only comes to fruition if, in fact, republicans can get their house in order amongst themselves and
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start negotiating with democrats who are quite frustrated they passed a bill out of the house back in may and have been looking at their watches waiting for senate republicans to catch up with them. here's senate democratic leader chuck schumer explaining how we got to where we are a short time ago. >> one of the reasons we're up against this cliff is because the republicans have dithered. the heroes act passed two months and a week ago? nancy and i sent a letter to mcconnell three weeks ago saying let's sit down and negotiate. nothing. now we're up against the cliff. >> there is widespread expectation that we would see this senate republican opening offer last night, possibly this morning. we've crept into the afternoon on what is the senate friday, typically speaking. there is just a lack of feeling of particular urgency here or an ability to turn this thing around quickly as i stand here this afternoon. >> well me switch gears and ask
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you about another stunning moment that played out today. congresswoman alexandria ocasio-cortez addressing comments that were made against her by another congressman. let me play it and have you explain what exactly played out. watch. >> in front of reporters, representative yoho call me, and i quote [ bleep ]. these are the words that representative yoho levied against a congresswoman. >> she went on to talk about how no woman should be spoken to in that language and reminding the congressman she is also the daughter of a man who would not want to be -- to have his daughter spoken to like that. explain the context behind what transpired leading up to this moment. >> this came out of an incident a couple of days ago on the house steps just outside the house chamber. the congressman denies having used exactly that language towards congresswoman
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ocasio-cortez, but it's clear something was said here. a two-word epithet i can't repeat on television and it's clear the congresswoman is quite confident in what was said. yesterday congressman yoho came to the floor and gave sort of a half apology. one of those, i'm sorry if something i said was misconstrued kind of apology. clearly not enough for congresswoman ocasio-cortez. she and other female lawmakers have been on the floor for some time decrying the sexism that still persists in the houses of congress. >> garrett haake, live for us on capitol hill, thanks for that update. we are also tracking statewide efforts to combat the pandemic as recent outbreaks have left a lot of the decision-making in the hands of local leaders. a mask mandate for ohio residents goes into effect at 6:00 p.m. today. governor mike dewine issued a travel advisory for nine states. over in indiana, governor holcomb is expected to sign an
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executive order mandating masks across his state and in georgia, the lawsuit between kemp and keisha lance bottoms over atlanta's mask mandate is set for tuesday as the state continues to shatter coronavirus records there. joining me now is democrat mayor of augusta, georgia, mayor hardy davis. thank you so much for joining me. we've seen these governors in indiana and ohio issue mask orders. so why not the governor of georgia, especially given how close the state is to florida which has become a new epicenter of its own. how do you explain why brian kemp refuses a mask mand aate i your state. >> ayman, thanks for having me. i can't explain why governor kemp has not chosen to follow suit as many southern governors have at this point in time. what i do know is that we as city leaders, mayors across this great state, continue to reach out and look for opportunities to work with the governor.
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but in advance of that, we're going to put in place the necessary steps to try to secure and provide for the health and welfare of all of our citizens just as well over 100 cities and leaders have done already with enacting mask ordinances or executive orders to make sure that we're putting those things in place while georgia continues to surge in terms of confirmed cases of covid. >> let me ask you about how the governor has handled this crisis throughout the entire pandemic. governor kemp has been rather slow to react to lifting stay-at-home orders. he's been slow to respond on the pandemic altogether. you may recall that he has said he didn't know that asymptomatic people could spread the virus until april. he has the cdc in his backyard and should know this information inside and out. i want to play that comment he made on that. >> you know, finding out that this virus is now transmitting before people see signs, so what we've been telling people from directives from the cdc for weeks now that if you start
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feeling bad, stay home. those individuals could have been infecting people before they ever felt bad. well, we didn't know that until the last 24 hours. >> yeah, he didn't know that. everyone else seemed to have known that. georgia at that time had only 130 deaths. now there's more than 3,300 deaths. has governor kemp been a good, credible leader in this crisis? >> well, early on, i think that as city leaders, we took grave steps to secure our cities. the governor came on board. and the response in some instances has been strong. in other instances there's been a tepid response. i think when you look at the surge in numbers, what cities have done is try to respond to that. we are right next to south carolina where there are surges in confirmed cases as well. i have got 73 deaths here in augusta, georgia, with some 2400 cases just in the last week. we've had almost 600 confirmed cases almost in a week's time.
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so we've got to do everything necessary at the local level to make sure that we're working in concert with the governor, but at the same time, doing the things that are necessary to protect the health and welfare of all of our citizens here in the city of augusta, georgia. >> speaking of the well-being of your state. the big question is about schools and whether you can actually get in-person classrooms up and running. the governor urging kids to get back in schools. what's the approach that you're taking in your city? do you realistically see an in-person school year for this upcoming year in your city? >> we work very closely with our local board of education and our superintendent of schools. we're not going to return back to schools until, at the earliest, september the 8th. they've developed a hybrid approach where the majority of our students will, in fact, be in virtual classrooms. that very well, if we continue to see the numbers trek upwards as they are right now, we very
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well could begin the fall with completely virtual education here in augusta, georgia. and i want to applaud the efforts of our local school board and superintendent to get us to that place which is prudent. what we cannot do is put children in harm's way knowing you can be asymptomatic and spreading the virus. what we're finding now is that younger people are testing positive, and we do not need to be in closed environments, particularly in our schools, and in augusta's case, some 35,000 students in our school system. we cannot afford to have that happen. >> all right. mayor hardy davis in augusta, georgia, thank you for joining us this afternoon. appreciate your time. >> thank you ayman. michael cohen will once again be a free man. last hour, a federal judge ordered the release of president trump's former fixer to home confinement. details on how that case unfolded straight ahead. and we're going to show you the reaction of portland's mayor after getting tear gassed by federal officers.
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in a little over 24 hours, michael cohen, the president's former fixer and confidante will likely be released from prison. a federal judge released he be released to his home in manhattan for confinement. agreeing with cohen's lawyers that he was wrongfully sent back to prison following critical statements he made about the president. joining me is nbc news investigative correspondent tom winter.
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a bit of a surprise for some of us who are watching this last week. remind us how michael cohen ended up back in prison in the first place in the midst of a coronavirus outbreak and what convinced the judge to release him? >> sure. so what essentially happened here is that michael cohen was in prison serving out his sentence which goes to 2021. and basically as part of a decision made by attorney general william barr, it was one of the people selected as a nonviolent offender, someone who wasn't likely to recommit their crimes to be released to home confinement or furlough as it's referred to. essentially because of the pandemic. a way to kind of thin the federal prison population. he was released. he was back out for a couple of weeks. went to visit a probation officer. when he did, it was put in front of him eight specific points he had to agree to in order to remain on home confinement. generally speaking points 2 through 8 which had to do with very standard types of
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restrictions for somebody out on home confinement, including electronic monor imonitoring. you can't leave the house, except for certain things. you can't talk to people rnd investigation. generally they said we'd agree to those things. and michael cohen, to the extent he contested them was just looking for more details. it was the first clause of that term sheet that really upset michael cohen because it said he could not be on social media, couldn't talk to reporters. could not publish a book or make public statements. if he was in prison, he'd not be able to do some of those things but the bop's own policies specifically say you can write a book and they encourage it. so you'd still have first amendment rights, even as a prisoner. i want to show something that -- show something to our viewers and the folks listening, show something that the judge said today in court. he said, i've never seen such a clause in 21 years of being a judge and sentencing people.
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how can i take any other inference but that it was retaliatory? so the judge deciding that first clause definitely blocked michael cohen's first amendment rights and privileges. and on much to that, said he believed it was retaliatory. as a result he said, look, the federal government, the justice department can work with michael cohen's attorneys over the coming days, perhaps a week. coming up with that first clause that makes some sense so michael cohen can't just invite reporters over to his apartment, but he can still publish that book. he still keeps his first amendment rights. you work it out in the meantime. let's get him home from jail. so approximately 24 hours from now. >> nbc's tom winter, thank you very much. over in portland, mayor ted wheeler is one of the demonstrators who was tear gassed last night by federal officers during another night of
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protests of the presence of the officers. he told "the new york times" the response from federal authorities was an overreaction. >> i'm not going to lie. it stings. it's hard to breathe, and i can tell you with 100% honesty, i saw nothing that provoked this response. >> joining me is nbc news reporter mara barrett live in portland for us. this comes just after the president announced he is also sending a surge of federal agents to chicago and other cities. based on what you are seeing there on the ground, is sending more agents to major cities likely to quell the violence or escalate it? >> ayman, here in portland, it's resulted in more violence. protesters tell me before the federal agents came here, the protests had been de-escalating majorly. now you can see behind me some
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remnants from last night. they've thrown debris over the fencing here outside the federal court building. the workers cleaning that up. several fires set. fireworks set off. before the federal agents came back out to deploy tear gas. the portland police later declared the incidents last night as a riot. mayor wheeler called the presence of the agents an illegal occupancy. and so when you're looking at this and the pop tential for it to replicate, portlanders are really worried about the same situation happening to residents of other cities. just this morning on our air, the former dhs secretary posed a question towards president trump asking what he would do if there was no permission or whether the vice president as a governor, what would happen in his state if this happened, calling it a pr stunt. take a listen. >> i would say this to the president. you could ask your vice president as a former governor whether or not he would approve of uninvited unilateral
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intervention in any of his cities, and would he not prefer that that kind of conduct be coordinated to address a serious long-term problem? it's not a one-hour reality tv show. >> portlanders here are worried what's happening here is going to be a test case, they say, for other cities across the country. the president talking about "operation legend" expanding. more than 100 federal agents here. he's talking about sending a couple hundred to kansas city and chicago. those tare to tackle some crime that's happened on the streets there. we could see a different implementation of those agents but only time will tell. >> all right. nbc's maura barrett live in portland, thanks. amid the uproar over federal agents in cities, the department of justice walking back misleading claims made by attorney general bill barr at the white house. you may recall that barr claimed
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at federal agents sent in to kansas city made 200 arrests in two weeks. as you can imagine that number baffled a lot of the local officials there. in fact, the kansas city star now reports that a senior justice department official said that the 200 arrests, they actually dated back to december of 2019, including both state and fbi arrests in joint operations. joining me is former u.s. attorney in michigan and law professor at the university of michigan law school, barbara mcquade, also an msnbc news contributor. great to talk to you. she just wrote an op-ed for "usa today" titled "trump's portland strategy: look tough and be biden, but he's making cities less safe." why do you think the attorney general made those comments? it's not -- could it be a strategy to justify dispatching federal agents or could he just have been misinformed? is he trying to justify the action or just ignorant? >> yeah, it's not clear what caused the mistake, but i think
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that he is allowing himself and the department of justice and federal agencies to be used by the president to fulfill a political agenda. and that is just another example of how president trump and william barr are politicizing the department of justice. it's harmful because it suggests these are pawns of the president. they're there to create political theater and be props. when i was u.s. attorney, we welcomed federal agents to come into our cities to support and bolster the work of locals. but it was done with great cooperation. it was done without a heavy hand. and it was done to help supplement resources in a way to help do community policing. when instead you come in with this militarized look using rubber bullets and flash bangs and tear gas, the public can't help but feel fear for these kinds of federal agents. so i think long term, this political use of federal agents is going to damage their ability to be effective.
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>> you've probably heard the acting dhs secretary chad wolf say he does not need the invitation of local officials to deploy federal agents in certain operations. is there a legal, viable justification that barr and others and the president could use to send federal troops, without the explicit approval even, the courtesy of letting mayors and officials in those cities know? >> yes. and this is just another abuse of norms. you know, another thing that we always talked about in law enforcement is just because you can do something doesn't mean you should do something. different agencies have different jurisdictions about the kinds of crimes they're allowed to investigate. and what they are doing in portland with dhs acting secretary chad wolf is, they are there under the guise of protecting federal property. and they have the right to do that. they can protect federal buildings. they are surrounding the federal courthouse there and protecting it from sabotage and property damage.
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that's all perfectly appropriate. what they are doing then is using that to get their foot in the door and bringing in other department of homeland security agencies like customs and border protection. and other, you know, immigration, tsa agents to be on the ground. and then we have at least one incident that has -- is the subject of a lawsuit by the attorney general in oregon that these agents are straying far from federal property and arresting individuals who are out on the streets without probable cause, which would be a violation of the law. so it seems like they are using the law to get on the ground and then once they're there to act lawlessly. so it's one of those areas where we have norms and when you break the norms, it has consequences. >> let me ask you about your op-ed. you write that president trump does not care about public safety. he cares only about his own re-election. even if he has to disrupt public safety to achieve it. and if he crosses a legal line in the process, he can brag to
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his political supporters that he is tough on crime. the irony in all of this is that he is trying to portray a biden presidency as bringing lawlessness when this is actually happening under his own watch. it is happening during his presidency. if this is a re-election strategy, why would federal agencies line up behind it? >> well, he's got his appointees to support him, like william barr. chad wolf is an acting secretary of homeland security. he has not been approved by the senate and has exceeded the statutory time limit for serving. and so i don't know that any of these agents are happy about the work that they're doing, but they've been ordered to these cities to do their work. one thing law enforcement tries to do is to bring calm to chaos, to help de-escalate tensions. sometimes just being present can do that. but i see this having the opposite effect which is why long term, i believe this will make us less safe. >> also what our reporter said on the ground she's hearing from
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the protesters. the situation is escalating with their presence. barbara mcquade, thank you. two of the isis kidnappers behind the deaths of americans james foley, steven stalov, kayla mueller and more are in custody in iraq. richard engel has been exclusive report about what the men just revealed. and a legal tug of war that could prevent them from being tried in a u.s. court. first, the latest on a lawsuit launched by parents and teachers to overturn florida's plan to reopen public schools. you're watching msnbc. thousands of women with metastatic breast cancer, which is breast cancer that has spread to other parts of the body, are living in the moment and taking ibrance. ibrance with an aromatase inhibitor is for postmenopausal women or for men with hr+/her2- metastatic breast cancer, as the first hormonal based therapy. ibrance plus letrozole significantly delayed
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all right. now for the very latest facts in the pandemic as we know them at this hour. florida set a new record in coronavirus deaths today with 173 confirmed over the last 24 hours. it is the largest single day increase yet. now the parent company of clothing stores ann taylor and loft filed for bankruptcy protection today. in a statement, the company cited the severe disruption the pandemic has put on its financial standing. the country's largest movie exhibitor amc is delaying its planned reopening until mid-august. this comes as the release of one of the summer's most anticipated movies warner brother's "tenet" has been delayed indefinitely. and major league baseball is back out west. the dodgers take on the san francisco giants.
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the world series champions washington nationals take on the new york yankees. and dr. anthony fauci is set to throw out the season's ceremonial first pitch. he spoke with nationals first baseman ryan zimmerman about that big moment. watch. >> throwing a first pitch out before at a big league stadium? >> i have not. i'm quite nervous about it. >> well, don't worry about it. if you bounce it there's nobody to boo you. you're good to go. you're fine. >> and teachers across the country are voicing their concern over a push for in-person classes this fall. in arizona, teachers organized motor marches protesting efforts to reopen schools next month. and in florida, the state's teachers union is suing governor ron desantis and other state officials over their plan. joining me from miami is nbc's dasha burns. what have you heard from teachers there? what are they telling you about plans this fall? >> hey, ayman. right now i'm standing in one of miami's oldest schools, and it's still not clear if these halls
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will have students in them next month. we could get a decision on that next week. but that lawsuit targets the governor's emergency order to reopen all schools across the state in person. i spoke to one of the plaintiffs in that suit and she told me part of the goal is to get the governor to pay attention. right now he's simply not listening to educators, and yesterday he held a press conference where he again pressured schools to reopen. today he tweeted saying that parents should have a choice between distance and in-person learning. so i sat down with three teachers here in miami. they have each decades of experience. they're also parents themselves. i want you to hear from seth patterson. he's been teaching for 17 years. he teaches music to elementary schoolchildren and here is his perspective on what the governor has been telling schools. take a listen. >> the first thing i did was actually read the plan that he came up with. and the only thing he provided for safety was, it's a local
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decision. which gave me absolutely no reassurance whatsoever. there was no guidance for us to follow to open our schools. and as a parent, that disturbs me a great deal. >> seth told me that he desperately wants to be back with his students but first he wants to see the state get this virus under control. ayman, i asked these teachers what it would take for them to come back to the classroom. first they want to see the positivity rate go down. they want to see proper plans and protocols and most importantly, they want the funding to be able to implement those plans and protocols. one told me doing so without the right funds and resources would be like going into war without any weapons. ayman? >> nbc's dasha burns there in florida. thank you. washington's d.c. mayor muriel bowser unveiled a new rule ordering they wear a face covering. people will still be allowed to dine indoors in restaurants
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across d.c. how will this impact the ability to control the outbreak there. joining us is dr. kavita patel great to have you on as always. let's talk about this. does requiring residents to wear face masks in public, but allowing them to sit down and eat inside of a restaurant make sense from a public health perspective? >> hi. good to see you, ayman. from a public health standpoint, it makes sense to have a mask mandate, period. and that includes when you are indoors and do not need to take off your mask. obviously, you need to take off your mask to eat. but it makes all the more sense to be as vigilant about wearing masks in all other situations, and i've read through the executive order. i practice in the district of columbia. and i think that it's concerning we're seeing an increase in cases and to that effect, i still see less than before, ayman, but i still see a good number of people both indoors
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and outdoors that are not wearing masks. >> we opened the show with the staggering rate of how quickly we're hitting the million case mark every couple of weeks. here's a look at it, in fact, how long it took the u.s. to increase the cases nationally by 1 million. the number of days in between each leap is shrinking. just took 16 days to reach the 4 million mark from the 3 million mark. is this what the american people should anticipate in the months ahead that we'll see this acceleration of infections as we go into the fall? >> i hope not. i hope that all the measures we're talking about kind of enforcing the use of masks and re-emphasizing distance and hand hygiene combined with a public health response meaning we shouldn't be waiting seven days to get a test result. if we can overcome some of that. but a big if, then we should start to see those numbers shrink. but as you pointed out, not only
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are these numbers going up at an alarming rate but i'm still troubled we're not out of this first wave as the numbers indicate. and people are talking about, well, a second wave. we're still in a first wave, and i worry that if we still have this piecemeal approach across the country, where maybe some parts are doing better, other parts have, like florida, california, and texas, are doing incredibly worse, it stills over to the rest of the country. so we do need to see a more unified approach. i'd be in favor of an incredible national mask mandate to put this politics to rest. i realize that seems out of reach right now but those are the kinds of sensible -- those are the sensible types of mandates that make sense and then we also, ayman, you know, this virus has shown again the incredible disparities, housing, education, transportation, child care, wages. we have to address that through what's moving through congress. and those two things happen
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together, public health and a response that supports the economy, then we will start to see both the numbers coming down and the right numbers coming up. people going back to work. children in school. >> i was going to say, maybe wishful thinking to think we'll get a national mask mandate when you have a president who does not necessarily believe in wearing one until recently. speaking of the president, let me switch gears. i want to ask you about the president and what he had to say yesterday during an interview with fox news. he once again discussed taking a cognitive test. here's part of what he had to say about that. >> like a memory question. it's like you'll go person, woman, man, camera, tv. ten minutes, 15 minutes later they'll say remember the first question? not the first, but the tenth. give us that again. person, woman, man, camera, tv. they say, that's amazing. how did you do that?
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i do it because i have like a good memory. because i'm cognitively there. >> can you explain why this test is administered? >> sure, ayman. and just very simply, this is a test of memory recall. it's something that i commonly do. it's three objects. you can do more, but it's three objects and usually i'll say things like pen, watch, paper and then it's really to test for that short-term memory recall. candidly, we're looking for much deeper issues such as dementia or, again, something that could be prohibitting a person from having the ability to remember something from ten minutes ago. so this is not meant to be some sort of detailed neurocognitive test. think of it like a screening. almost like a blood pressure test. it's something to give you a signal and then you look for more.
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>> well, the president is having a briefing today at 5:00 p.m. i wonder if he'll bring it up again. dr. kavita patel, thank you. together again. joe biden and barack obama sit down for a socially distanced conversation on the 2020 election and an nbc news exclusive. nbc's richard engel interviews two captured isis members involved in the most notorious kidnappings of americans. find pants that aren't sweats. find your friends. find your sense of wander. find the world is new, again. at chevy we'd like to take you there. now during the chevy open road sales event, get up to 15% of msrp cash back on select 2020 models. that's over fifty-seven hundred dollars cash back on this equinox. it's time to find new roads, again. but a resilient business you cacan be ready for a digital foundation from vmware
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in an exclusive interview obtained by nbc news, two of the isis terrorists dubbed the beatles admit they were involved in the treatment of american hostages. that includes kayla mueller. she was kidnapped and is believed killed after being held captive for 18 months. chief foreign correspondent richard engel has more. >> reporter: among her captors, a group of british citizens nicknamed the beatles for their
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accents. including a man known as jihadi john who was later killed in a u.s. drone strike. and these two men who were captured in syria and are now being held in u.s. custody in iraq. in the past, the men pretended to have no idea who kayla was. >> did you ever meet kayla mueller? >> who? >> kayla mueller? >> didn't meet any foreign, non-muslims. >> reporter: in an exclusive interview, the two men give detailed accounts about her and how they got her parents' email address to send ransom notes. >> i took an email from her. >> okay. >> i took an email from her myself. she was alone. she was very scared. >> in a room by herself that no one would go in. >> they're admitting that they were there. of course, they're not going to tell the dark side of the story. >> reporter: the muellers and the families of james foley, steve sotloff and peter kasich
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who are also killed by isis have been pressing federal prosecutors to charge the men. >> and they need to be brought here. they need to be prosecuted. >> richard engel joins me now. let me pick up on that point from kayla's mother. does it seem likely those terrorists will be brought here to the united states to face charges? >> that is what the families want. that is what the u.s. justice department wants, but there is a snag. so they've been held in different kinds of custody, first in syria, now in iraq by the u.s. military for a couple of years now. and they've been in a legal limbo. the case against them, the best evidence against them, since they were born here in the uk or at least lived most of their lives here in the uk is being held by british authorities. they've been researching these men. doing surveillance. they have files on them.
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the u.s. has some material, but not nearly as strong of a case. so the issue is that if they were being transferred to the united states, the u.s. courts would want the evidence that is being held by british british but a british court recently ruled if the united states is seeking the death penalty, it won't send that material over. and that has made the case more complicated. it has also made the families of the victims quite nervous. they're worried they're going to effectively get ignored, that their case will be dropped in this legal netherworld that it currently exists, and that's why several of the victims' families wrote today an op-ed in "the washington post" urging the trump administration to bring this case forward, not to ignore it, and they would like to see them tried in the united states. and obviously, they want the strongest evidence possible. >> very important case. richard, thank you so much for keeping an eye on it for us. you can catch a lot more of
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richard's reporting tonight on nb krrg nightly news with lester holt. >> still ahead, joe biden and his former boss, president barack obama, sitting down for a candid conversation. we have some of that for you. i feel the weight you carry, as i carry it myself. but as i reflect and see all the amazing things you've been doing... one thing is clear, technology has never been so important. you're turning living rooms into conference rooms, backyards into school yards, and bringing doctors into homes virtually and securely. you are transforming business models and virtualizing workforces overnight. because so much of that relies on financing, we have committed two billion dollars to relieve the pressure on your business. and to help us all emerge from this, we've opened our supercomputers and patented technologies to scientists around the world, accelerating the search for a vaccine. this isn't easy. but as you adapt and move forward, we're here with the people, financing, and technology,
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the biden campaign has released a new video the presumptive presidential nominee sitting down with former president barack obama for their first joint appearance. in it, obama said why he believes biden will effectively handle the pandemic. >> i have confidence you're going to listen to the experts. >> yeah. >> and you're going to pay attention to the science. >> when we left office, you had set up a pandemic office within the white house. we had people from the cdc, 44 people, in china. we knew pandemic diseases. this wasn't going to be the only one that ever occurred. >> the goal was to create an early warning system around the world. >> bingo. >> by creating international
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cooperation so that when you saw it coming, you had time to prepare. >> joining me now is msnbc correspondent mike memoli to tell us more about the video and how it came together. mike, tell me more about the story behind this and why now. >> yeah, during their 8 years together in the white house, they had a weekly private lunch. they spent countless other hours together in the oval office, in the situation room. in this pandemic campaign, this is the closest thing we're seeing to a passing the torch moment between the former president and the man he hopes will be the next president. and as you watch the full 15-minute conversation, ayman, you see the conversation really tries to use this opportunity to speak to democratic base voters on issues that were potentially tripping them up in terms of rallying the party together. one was a big issue in the primary, health care. let's take a listen. >> you remember when we were talking about this. i always used to say that
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affordable care act, obamacare, it's like a starter house. >> yeah. >> it's the first house you get. and it's not the end of the process. it's the beginning of the process. >> you know, we used to say that, you know, this is a starter house. remember what i used to say? it's like social security when it was first passed. >> exactly right. >> social security when it was first passed is this narrow. social security now -- >> you kept building it out, making it better. >> and ayman, the biden campaign using this as an organizing tool. they have more than tripled their daily sign-up rate for their emails and text lists. >> all right, mike memoli, thank you very much for that, mike. that's wraps up this hour for me. i'm going to see you right back here tomorrow morning at 10:00 a.m. teern. katy tur picks up our coverage
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good afternoon. i'm katy tur. it is 11:00 a.m. out west and 2:00 p.m. here in the east. the united states topped 4 million confirmed cases of covid-19 today. that is roughly the size of the entire population of los angeles. and that is only the cases that we know about. all of that, too, in just six months. meanwhile, another 1.4 million americans filed first-time jobless claims last week. but senate republicans can't even get on the same page to officially present a proposal to begin negotiations with the democrats, who have had a bill ready since may. more on that in just a moment. also on capitol hill in a fiery speech on the house floor today, congresswoman alexandria ocostio cortez ad


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