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tv   MSNBC Live  MSNBC  July 25, 2020 3:00pm-4:00pm PDT

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good evening. i'm alicia menendez. president trump's federal officers are walking the streets of portland tonight. will other cities be next? what legal grounds are being used by this administration to shoot protesters with tear gas? that's where we start tonight. using troops to calm civil unrest is according to one historian as american as apple pie. it's happened for decades, even centuries. federal forces were brought in for the great railroad strike of 1877. when martin luther king was killed in 1968. and more recently during the rodney king riots in 1992. but what's unprecedented is president trump's plans to use
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federal forces for a series of other reasons, including fighting violent crime. >> more federal law enforcement. that i can tell you. in portland, they've done a fantastic job. they've been there three days, and they really have done a fantastic job. i'm going to do something. that i can tell you, because we're not going to let new york, chicago and philadelphia and detroit and baltimore and all of these, oakland is a mess. >> this bloodshed must end. this bloodshed will end. today i'm announcing a surge of federal law enforcement into american communities plagued by violent crime. >> we want to go in and help the cities. we want the help chicago. we want to help all of them. if they invited us in, we'd go in with 50,000, 75,000 people. >> trump says they're doing a fantastic job, but the justice department's inspector general launched a probe this week into the use of force of trump's officers, including an incident where one protester was shot in the head with a crowd control
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weapon and left in critical condition. unidentified forces detaining people in unmarked vance, and repeated use of tear gas, including this week on portland's mayor. >> i'm not going lie. it stings. it's hard to breathe. and i can tell you with 100% honesty, i saw nothing that provoked this response. it's nasty stuff. i'm not afraid, but i am pissed off. >> the ig's probe is just one of a list of growing legal issues for the president's deployment of these forces in u.s. cities. including a suit from oregon's attorney general and calls for a congressional investigation. in portland, officials sent a cease and desist letter just this week. the president retreated to his new jersey golf club for the weekend as he tries to shift the focus to protests and crime amid
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a week of retreat. "the washington post" points out trump backed down on many of his long held positions as his pole numbers call. coronavirus cases explode. he reversed course on demands for a payroll tax cut, kids back in schools, and his plans for a packed arena for the republican national convention in florida. a lot to unpack here. joining me jason johnson, professor of politics and journalism at morgan state university and msnbc political contributor. maya wiley, a university professor at the new school and an msnbc legal analyst. and conrad wilson, a reporter for oregon public broadcasting. maya, a lot to unpack here. let's go really big picture. when you watch the images of what is happening in portland, what does that tell you about where we are in this moment as a country? >> in this moment as a country, we're watching a president
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essentially direct iing troops, agent, federal agents who are not sufficiently trained or prepared to do what they're doing, and who are inciting violence. from some of the videos i've seen, potentially violating constitutional rights of protesters, first amendment rights and rights against search and seizure. look, remember that what we're talking about here is a president who is distracting the public from some very serious issues he is not sufficiently attended to, like coronavirus. and essentially saying, oh, look. i need to send in and take control of cities that by the way have their own police departments in a constitutional system in which -- were responsible for local crime if there is any. he is using as an excuse the
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protection of a federal building. and they do -- there is a lawful right to protect federal property. but they're doing much more than that. and as we've heard the president say, what he is really saying is i'm going to be the chief of police, i'm going to be the mayor, i'm going to be governor and the president. i'm going tell everyone what to do, and it doesn't matter what the constitution says. i'm here for me, not the constitution. we should not be distracted from what our rights are as a citizenry. he has not been welcomed by the local government. jason, as i said, so much of this about distraction that analysis comports with reporting we're seeing from "the washington post" that says trump -- this has nothing to do with violent crime and everything to do with trump's reelection. diversion is mr. trump's game. he hopes that frightening his white base, by warning them of anarchy in democratic cities with large minority populations improves his prospects in the mix of a spiraling pandemic.
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jason, i want to know both what you make of that analysis, but also what you make of this very dated notion of who lives and who votes in suburbia. >> right. first off you've got to point out that a lot of groups that are protesting, rose city justice and youth liberation front, the people on the ground in oregon, it's white people. oregon is a pretty white city. a throwback stereotype about what these communities are actually composed of. i'll be honest. i don't think that this is a political strategy. and the reason i don't think it's a political strategy on one level is because donald trump doesn't care about democracy. this is simply an occupation of an american city. and if he can use these same forces to put down legal protest, he will use these same tactics to stop people from voting in november. we have to stop pretending that this president cares about
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things in terms of partnership or anything like that. this is more of an occupation of an american city by the president of the united states. and if people don't see it that way, then all they have to do is look at the video from that city. there are local issues going on in portland. i think it's complicated as an outsider that the mayor of the city is also the commissioner of the police there is a lot of things that could be handled there. ultimately, the president doesn't care about what's happening in portland or kansas city or chicago. he simply wants to occupy areas so he can squelch democracy and ensure that he is able to stay in power, whether he is elected or not, in november. >> conrad, here is acting dhs secretary chad wolf. take a listen. >> what we are doing in portland is a very specific mission. we are protecting that federal courthouse and other federal property. what we know is these these violent criminals, as you indicated, they operate somewhere between midnight and 5:00 a.m. every morning. and their number one goal is to destroy that building and set it on fire. that's their stated goal.
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>> conrad, you have the president. you have the acting secretary of dhs calling these people violent criminals. who are these people who are actually protesting? >> we have a lot of people we're seeing out there that really are angry at racism in the criminal justice system. they're angry about police violence. and portland has a very long history with a lot of tension between the city's black community and policing issues and how the police deal with those in a mental health crisis. there is a long list of things that have brought people out to protest. these protests were getting a lot smaller, like everywhere. portland saw massive protests after george floyd was killed by police in minneapolis. they were getting smaller and smaller. they never really stopped, but it's federal law enforcement that has really inflamed tensions here again. there was the incident you referenced where jonathan rubella was hit in the head with a rubber bullet.
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there was the incident involving van where members of vhs were making these very suspicious looking arrests that were a couple of viral videos that went out. we broke a story about it. it's those actions that actually people are also showing up and saying, hey, we're really angry at federal law enforcement and what they're doing here. and you're starting to see sort of i think a return to what brought people out in the first place in that people -- there are more and more black lives matter protesters showing up saying hey, the message is basically shifting on the ground to something that maybe got this all going in the first place. >> maya, you have jason ringing a terrifying alarm about what we're watching in portland could mean for november's elections. i wonder if you agree with jason's analysis and what systems of checks and balances are in place to make shower that
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that does not happen. >> well, i think what i agree with jason that donald trump cares about no one but donald trump. and he certainly doesn't care about the constitution. and he will lie, cheat, and steal to win in november, if that's what it takes. i think the question here is, you know, we're going to see a lot of this voting happening by mail. so while the occupying -- i don't know how the occupying force necessarily plays thought that, especially as a lot of people are going to want to use that option, i think one of the things that voting experts are very concerned about is it's going to take time to count the ballots. this is not going to be our typical presidential election. so what we have to do is make sure we're educating the public about that, because part of what donald trump is doing is manipulating the story, the narrative here around voter
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fraud, that mail-in voting is somehow rife with fraud, which is untrue. the research shows that that is simply false. and secondly, if it's a close race, he is going to use to it try to suggest that he's actually the winner when he is not, or he is going to contest. and what and how he does that to stay in hour is something that people are preparing for with demonstrations. they're also preparing for legally. but remember that one of the things that we have is a constitutional order. and the constitution says that at noon on january 20th, he's done. he loses access to the nuclear codes. and i think that what we have to do is protect our institutions. we should be thankful that we have a military that at least thus far has said you won't call us into domestic cities for domestic crime. that's not our job. it would take the military supporting what essentially would be a coup if he tries to stay in the white house beyond
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january 20th. but we should absolutely not take it for granted. i agree with jason. it requires preparation. it requires a commitment, and it requires a willingness to demonstrate despite the fact that donald trump is trying to make the american public afraid to do just that. >> all right, jason, maya and conrad, thank you. coming up, the president's poll numbers taking a dive in the wake of a failed coronavirus response. how the president is trying to figure out around round of stimulus. and mitch mcconnell's biggest roadblock could be his own republican party. first, taking on sexism and misogyny from the floor of the congress. alexandria ocasio-cortez did more than that this week. we'll be right back. that this wk we'll be right back. they get that no two people are alike and customize your car insurance so you only pay for what you need. almost done. what do you think?
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an epic speech on the house floor this week by new york congresswoman alexandria ocasio-cortez. according to reports, republican congressman ted yoho got into a heated exchange with ocasio cortez where he used a strong ex-met tick and called her a sexist insult. this is how she responded. >> but what i do have issue with is using women, our wives and daughters as shields and excuses for poor behavior. mr. yo-ho mentioned that he has a wife and two daughters. i am two years younger than mr. yo-ho's youngest daughter.
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i am someone's daughter too. >> with me now is zerlina maxwell. she is an msnbc political analyst, author of "the end of white politics." and liz flank. she is the host of positive spin on nbc think tank. the three of us could talk about this all day, so let me pack in as much as i can, because there was so much that struck me about this exchange, particularly that women as they were watching this and women of color as they were watching this know the experience that by pointing out the problem we often become the problem. and so the decision to take this to the house floor was one that i'm sure this congress did not take lightly. >> no, she definitely didn't take it lightly. no woman takes calling out sexism or racism directly lightly. that's just part of the experience. and it happens so often in our live, she spoke to so many experiences that i've had in my life walking around new york city or being dismissed and
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diminished and made to feel small by men in powerful positions in all walks of life. so she spoke to a universal experience. but the difference in this situation from most times this happens is that she was also in a position of power. she is somebody who can speak back to that powerful man and say huh-uh, no, that's not going to happen here. and that's where i think the progress of this moment represents. it's that, you know, i want a congress full of aoc so that women are close and in products. >> to people who are in power and their perspectives and their lived experiences can be brought to the floor. that's what we saw this week. and that's why i think it resonated with so many women all over the world. >> and on top of that, you have nydia vazquez behind her, also puerto rican, also from new york city doing an epic sigh the entire time which was an entire
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mood, and reminded me women have been dealing with this on the floor of the house of representatives for very long time. it was unusual to see someone go to the floor and really take this on. liz, though, there is also another side to this equation, right? there is also representative yo-ho, what he said initially, his non-apology apology, and you point out his deciding to evoke the fact that he has a wife and a daughter as part of that apology, something we see. all too familiar. >> right. having a daughter doesn't make you a decent man. respecting them makes you a decent man. having a mother is just a biological fact. you came out of a woman. you may have women that follow you. you may be married to a woman, but that doesn't mean that you respect them. and, look, what we are seeing especially with the backlash against ocasio cortez today coming from the republican party is state spoens sort
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gaslighting, right? to make her the problem of sexism, to make her responsible for coming up for the solution of sexism is something women are told all of the time. and i know that yo-ho basically stepped down from a position from a board of a nonprofit this morning. and i kind of am curious why he is not stepping down from his seat. if he doesn't respect women, why are we supposed to believe that he can legislate for them? >> zerlina, these aren't just words. ocasio cortez's speech the same week showed up at the home of her only child, wounded her husband. these words have consequence. >> absolutely. because this is a spectrum. when we're talking about the culture that creates frequent instances of sexual assaults and sexual harassment in the workplace, when you're talking about the post harvey weinstein
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me too era, it's important to acknowledge how much progress we've made and the fact that women are standing up and alongside each other because we recognize the danger. we recognize the connection between the cat call on the street and actually being sexually assaulted. when you don't put boundaries up and say that's not okay, and you go about your day, like we always have to do, it allows more and more and more to be pushed closer and closer to where there is violence actually committed. so what aoc did this week is incredibly important, because what she did is establish the normalization of sexism and racism by this president, and frankly by the republican party in this moment by being completely silent after somebody attacked a fellow congress person, even though she was in the other party, demonstrates how far we still have to go. but this is a moment of progress. and aoc is a hero, because she spoke for all of us.
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>> liz, what is the conversation that men need to be having about this exchange? >> excellent question. we should be asking that question more often, right? we are -- i'm going to state the obvious. we're an all female panel talking about sexism, which is a problem that women did not create and some women perpetuate because we've internalized it, but men are most often the perpetrators of. so when men don't evolve, it is attacks on women. when men don't evolve in congress, it is attacks on women like aoc, who have to spend her afternoon giving a speech explaining why women are people and why people are deserving of respect instead of doing her job. women want to do their jobs. women want to walk down the street. women want to live their lives without living in a hostile work environment, or living in a world where they are hurled these insults in the streets for doing absolutely nothing, for
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doing things as simple as existing and breathing. so i'm very interested in us talking about the cultural of masculinity in congress, the culture of what psychologists have called toxic masculinity, something that puts men at risk, and something that puts men into the situation that we're seeing today, ted yoho an his also his colleague, another male colleague just walked by when that happened. he didn't do anything about it. why aren't men saying and doing and really taking a stand on this issue? that's what we need to be talking about, and that's the framing of this conversation that really is urgent. four years into the trump administration, it is high time that men talk about this, not just women. >> all right, zerlina and liz, thank you both. up next, where are the kids? new video shows immigrant children being removed from a hilton hotel near the border in mcallen, texas.
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nbc's jacob soboroff has been trying to get answers about this all day. i'll talk to him about it next. g voltaren have one thing in common none are proven stronger or more effective against pain than salonpas patch large there's surprising power in this patch salonpas dependable, powerful relief. hisamitsu.
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we've been following reports this week that the trump administration is detaining children as young as one years old in hotels before committee porting them to their home countries. using the coronavirus as a reason to immediately expel those seeking asylum. late friday night, our colleagues at telemundo shot this video that appears to show children being transferred out of the hampton inn hotel in mcallen, texas. earlier this week viral video surfaced as lawyers for the texas civil rights project tried to reach the detained children before being pushed into an elevator. hilton hotels released a statement confirming reports of migrant children being detained at the facilities. quote, this is not activity that we support or in any way want associated with our hotels. with me now lindsey toslaski of
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the immigrant defenders center. and also with me jacob soboroff, author of "the new york times" best-seller "separated: inside an american tragedy lo." what can you tell us about the children that were being held in these hotels? >> frankly, i can tell you more about what i don't know than what i do know. we've asked i.c.e. and the aclu who sued the government along with the texas civil rights project about where the children are, the children we saw in the footage from telemundo. we're looking at on the screen right now and where they moved to? were they moved to the office of refugee resettlement? were they deported or expelled is a more accurate term? and i.c.e. will not answer and the aclu does not have the answer to those questions. and what lawyers will tell you, lawyer likes lindsey will tell you that those hotels are being used as holding areas to expel children who have come to this country by themselves immediately without the legal protections, the due process
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protections the united states government is supposed to afford them. and that is the crux of why immigration activists and attorneys are so upset at what you're looking at right now on your screen. >> lindsey, help us understand how this fits into the larger conversation we've been having about changes to asylum rules, the conversations we've been having about keeping migrant children with their parents. what are you thinking as you watch this footage? >> well, this footage is terrifying, and my heart just breaks for these children who i imagine are incredibly scared and confused about what is happening to them. they're being held incommunicado in hotel rooms as another level in the trump administration's campaign to completely dismantle asylum protections for everyone. but really focusing particularly on unaccompanied children. it's scary to me to think of these kids sitting in these hotel rooms with government subcontractors with no transparency.
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we've received reports from our network partners letting us know that children are held for weeks at a time, sleeping on floors in overcrowded rooms. none of this is there to protect children. this is our government putting them at risk in places like office of refugee resettlement shelters, there are rules that are meant to protect children from sexual abuse, from abuse, from being exploited. and in this situation, there is just no indication that any of those rules that government agencies should be following are being followed. and i think looking at that footage of those children being shuttled out of a hotel in the middle of the night, it makes me frankly very afraid for their safety. >> jacob, monday a big deadline. i.c.e. has to release children who are in family detention facilities. as we were coming to air, some breaking news on that story. what's the latest?
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>> i'm glad you brought that up, alicia. so judge dolly gee here in california had ruled that the trump administration must release children detained in i.c.e. custody. that's a different setting than the children held in a hotel, because of the explosion of the coronavirus pandemic there. and judge gee has just issued a ruling. i want to make sure i get it right. she has denied the administration's request to delay the deadline to release these children. they are held in i.c.e. family detention, of course with their families. and she says that i.c.e. has the discretion to release the detainees, quote, as this court has ordered time and again, and states, quote, there will be no family separation without parental consent. and of course that was a big worry, that the government was using negotiations about this deadline and about a waiver that would be involved in the release of the children from ice detention to separate parents and children or old the parents and children indefinitely in i.c.e. detention there is a lot of conversation about how family
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separation is still ongoing. this is a possible way in which the trump administration can't continue to separate families. and the judge has been very clear here. there will be no family separation without the consent of parents. i.c.e. can release these parents and children together immediately, as we're talking right now, if they wanted to. and now it's up to the federal government, up to the trump administration, to release these children from detention by monday as the judge has ordered. >> lindsay, there are so many immigration stories happening in realtime. you have immigration attorneys threatening to hold the trump administration in contempt for not following a judge's ruling and considering new dhaka applications. you this borse about the census. when you look at this big picture, what does it tell you about this administration's priorities in the run up to november's elections? >> it tells me that the trump administration is doubling down on cruelty towards immigrants. that's been the hallmark of every single change that they've
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made to immigration policy. and speaking specifically to what jacob was just talking about regarding this deadline that we have on monday, the power is in i.c.e.'s hands. they have been able and had the discussion and could have lawfully released these children and the families from the beginning, and they have chosen not to do that. so on monday, now that judge gee has said there will be no extension, what we expect to happen is either i.c.e. will do the right thing and release these families, or they will continue to hold them indefinitely in facilities where their lives are in danger. or they will choose to rip them apart. and i think all of the examples you just brought up, how the government has treated daca, how the government has treated children at the border, all of this indicates to me that when given an option, the trump administration is not going to do the right thing. and, in fact, since judge gee gave her initial order saying these children need to be released, instead of planning
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for how they could safely release these families, the trump administration and i.c.e. has continued to add additional families into these facilities where covid is running rampant. you know, judge gee said these facilities are on fire with covid where these children, toddler, mothers are being held, and the government is pouring lighter fluid on that fire. >> lindsay and jacob, thank you. and again, jacob's book is "separated: inside an american tragedy." up next slow going on capitol hill. can lawmakers come to an agreement before the unemployment extension runs out? uncover clearer skin that can last. in fact, tremfya® was proven superior to humira® in providing significantly clearer skin. tremfya® may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms or if you had a vaccine or plan to. serious allergic reactions may occur.
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ (people talking) ♪ ♪ now is the time to support the places you love. spend 10 dollars or more at a participating small business and get 5 dollars back, up to 10 times with american express. ♪ ♪ enroll now at we're now in the last full week of july and key parts of the c.a.r.e.s. act, including unemployment benefits for millions of americans are about to expire. mark meadows and treasury secretary steve mnuchin met with republicans today on capitol hill in an effort to craft some
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sort of bill before the end of the month. but senate majority leader mitch mcconnell is not optimistic about that timeline, saying it could take weeks to hammer out legislation. with me now dr. vin gupta of the university of washington medical center. he is also an msnbc medical contributor. sahil kapur, and paula ramos, correspondent at vice and an msnbc contributor. i want you to listen to what steve mnuchin said earlier today about these negotiations on capitol hill. >> we're not going to use taxpayer money to pay people more to stay home. so we're going transition to a ui system that is based on wage replacement. we've talked about approximately 70% wage replacement, and we're just going through the mechanics of that. >> sahil, how likely are democrats to go along with that? >> well, it would mean a lot of people get less in unemployment payments than they are getting
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now. and the reality is this is a division among republicans. they have not decided whether to do a 70% wage replacement, which would be the administration's position, or to go with what some other republicans are suggesting is to keep it flat. they want to lower to 600. i spoke to some republicans like senator lindsey graham who want it to be flat because they argue it's far more complicated for states to set up system where you have to look at everyone's prior income. as for democrats, their position at this minute is to extend the 600. house speaker nancy pelosi has passed a bill that does that, extend the 600 a week through january. and i can't get my more out of democratic aides when i pressed them on this because they say look, we're not going to negotiate with ourselves when republicans can't even come up with a counteroffer, can't even come up with a position. they're waiting to see what senate republicans come up with here, that if it is a unified republican front, and then they will have to negotiate something because the senate and the white house are controlled by republicans and democrats are not going get everything they want. >> sahil, where does that all leave mitch mcconnell?
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>> in a very difficult place, alicia. i've covered mitch mcconnell for about a decade. i've never seen him in a jam this bad. with this kind of party division facing a political climate this dangerous and dealing with a bill that is so important for the economy and for his own political prospects. he is fending off republicans on one hand who don't want to spend any more money to combat covid. they said the government has spent enough money. they don't want to do anything. he is dealing with about eight vulnerable republican senators who are eager to go home to their states and say here is something i did do, here are some results. i know we're struggling. here is what we're trying to do. and then there is a mercurial president, donald trump, who is unpopular, threatening to take down republican senators with him and throwing demands into the mix that are either unpopular among republican senators or unworkable, like the payroll tax cut, which the administration backed down on this week. it's been a very, very difficult struggle for mcconnell to balance all these things. and again, this is just a
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starting position to begin negotiations with democrats. so you can imagine the jam he would be in to come up with a solution that his members can agree on. >> dr. gupta, we are talking about all of these financial issues because we are in the middle of a national health crisis. you have dr. birx saying this week she is afraid that state likes texas, arizona and california are becoming like new york was in the spring. i wonder both what you make of that analysis and how that needs to factor in to the conversations that are being had this week on capitol hill. >> thanks, alicia. she's right. you can make the argument that it's actually a worse situation, because we have much more different approaches in places like florida and texas than we did in new york, where there was unity, where the governor was leading in front on masks and social distancing. there was no debating policy, alicia, in these states. it was clear what to do, and governor como and local officials, they did the right thing. governor desantis has all but
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abdicated leadership. here we're fighting against the state leader who should be in charge and responsible for safeguarding public health. that's not happening. i'm worried this is a more complicated situation. here's what i think, and that is what people across the spectrum of public health are hoping the administration will target their efforts on is getting the right type of testing, alicia. we talked about testing endlessly. we don't have enough testing. the administration cites aggregate numbers. we need the right type of testing, and i have an example here. i got approval to show it. this is an example of a point of care test where basically what you do is you stick a swab in your nose, and within -- somebody can do it just by themselves. basically, within 30 minutes, insert a little cassette into this device, and you will get a readout, within 30 minutes, whether you're positive or negative. greater sensitivity than what we typically use for a rapid flu test. but you know what the bottleneck here is? it's investment.
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it's having enough money to scale these products. if the administration spentless time on distractions, more time on investing in the right type of technology, right type of test, we could potentially safely reopen schools, get people back into the workplace. we don't have the right type of tests or the political will to invest in it. >> paola, all of this is happening on capitol hill. you just got back from arizona, which has been hit hard by this virus. as you listen to us talk about economic stimulus, because there are people who are relying on those checks, there is an eviction crisis that is coming. you hear what dr. gupta talking about what it will be required to have a national program of testing. how does that all comport with what you heard from people in arizona? >> i think the doctor just said it himself. the core of the strategy is politics, right? arizona is a perfect example of how this political football, this misinformation, this different messaging from the white house and then from the governors and from your mayors is costing life.
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that costs lives. arizona went from 13,000 cases in may to all of the sudden 150,000 case, right? this messaging, this confusion costs lives. maybe one telephone most surprising things that i noticed is you said in your previous segment that words matter, right? the president may be backtracking now. he may be trying to act with a sense of urgency. he may try to make us believe that he believes in science suddenly, but the matter is that his base believed him the first time that he said this virus was harmless, right. so as we try and find this cohesive strategy, his base in arizona, what i saw still believes in this invisible harmless virus instead of this deadly virus that has consequences. and that to me is the biggest danger right now. >> dr. gupta, that has to just ring so many alarm bells for you as you hear, that especially as we now have reporting out this week that a lot of people who have this virus may have longer term health consequence than originally imagined. >> you bet, alicia.
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you know, out of the people that make it out of the icu that i've cared for, they're not just going home and running a marathon. these are individuals that are going to a nursing facility or a long-term care facility, needing weeks to get off a ventilator or to rehab. and then their lung function is often 50% or less of what it used to be, and i'm talking about 30-year-olds, alicia. so yes, there is this epidemic that we don't talk enough about, which is what happens to these individuals once they go home that are lucky enough to make it out of the icu. they go home. their caregivers are often overwhelmed because we don't have enough support for home caregivers that are not trained nursing staff or trained home health aides. there is a whole epidemic here of entire families suffering just caring for these individuals. so yes, absolutely of course this covid-19 wreaks havoc in the hospital, but wreaks equal havoc outside of the hospital. >> dr. gupta, sahil, and paola, thank you all. up next, it is a big moment for women in professional
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sports. a group of nearly all women will own the newest soccer franchise in southern california. it will include a number of women's world cup winners. i'll talk to one of them about how they plan to change the game. it was built on blue-collar, hard work. hard work means every day. getting it right. it's so iconic, you can just sit it on a shelf if it's missing, you know it. your family, my family, when they drink that coffee, and go "man, that's a good cup," i'm proud because i helped make that cup. ♪ ♪ well the names have all... welcome back, america. it sure is good to see you. ♪ to visit all the places we didn't know meant so much.s to get out and go again. it sure is good to see you.
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it's currently call angel city. angel city investors hope that the launch of the team will provide an opportunity to increase interest in women's professional sports. joining me now, the president and co-founder of angel city and co-foundeder a co-founder. julie, this is a power house group of women. tell me how this all came
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together. >> it's a group of women who believe this could exist from the beginning, where we can build a home and use it as a platform to tell stories about the league and the players and our fans and community but also use it in a way to engage in our local community and use the forum as to way to build investments in our community. >> julie, what does this mean to you as an athlete. >> oh, my gosh, how many days do we have to talk about that? >> we get very little good news these days so take as long as you want. >> everyone is like good news finally for 2020. as players, this was something that we were very cognizant of, more than sport, it's bigger than just the game. especially us on the national team, going back to world cups and olympics, yes, we always wanted to be on top of the podium, but bigger for us was that we were inspiring the next generation, showing girls that they could in fact do this for a
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living. so when we met julie and natalie and cara and they told us about this double mission of having a team in l.a. with it being mission focused, it was super easy to get complete buy-in from 14 u.s. national team players who all have some ties to southern california. >> julie, women athletes have fought back against bias and pay inequity and that there is more interest in men's sports. how do you speak back to that? >> we think the united states deserve better, los angeles deserves better, our fans deserve better. we have seem the stadium sell out with 90,000 fans going to see women's professional soccer players. we believe we can do that here because we have the best players
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in the world. >> julie foudy, so much of the conversation that has been happening around the nfl and the nfl really reckoning with some of the racial issues inside their league has to do with making sure there is more diversion and inclusion, a look at who owns these teams and hasek quha has equity on the team, and what more -- >> well, how do we get to a interp point where we make it equal. and some of the barriers to salaries you're going to have from the ownership group, but how can we start to implement changes to get us there? it's going to take us time, no
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question. we've lived threw two failed leagues on the women's side so we understand that very well, but we have this real life experience with these players who come from all different backgrounds and all this creativity and great minds so we're hopeful that we can start to create a play book, as julie irwin creates -- >> i love that you love to be called julie number one and agreed to be julie number two because you're both julie number one in my book. how do you make sure you avoid some of the pitfalls that we've seen happen in the past? >> one thing we're doing is being really thoughtful about the ownership group we put together. we've brought in leaders from a number of different industries that can provide insight into how do we build the operation of the team, market it and drive attention and awareness to make
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sure this makes money. this isn't a charity. it's a really important role for us but we want to show that women's professional athletics can actually make money. as it relates to the player, we are being really thoughtful and innovative in how we want to value them for the effort they put on the field. maybe there's a way to pay them above and beyond just their compensation. i think you'll see a lot of interesting things come out of the angel city team. >> hopefully you guys will both come back when it is the right time. julie and julie, thank you so much. that wraps it up for this hour. jonathan capehart will talk to former national security adviser and ambassador susan rice next on msnbc. on msnbc -always have been. -and always will be. never letting anything get in my way. not the doubts, distractions, or voice in my head. and certainly not arthritis.
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good evening, i'm jonathan capehart. tonight we are watching the con ver convergence of history. the man who withstood police brutality and other forms of state-sanctioned violence is being remembered as his funeral gets under way inside brown chapel, the historic church that was the staging point for the voting right march that would take him over the edmund pettus bridge and into the history books. you see the flag-draped coffin of john lewis being marched


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