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tv   Dateline Extra  MSNBC  August 2, 2020 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT

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impede the splash down. the national hurricane center says isaias might strengthen as it heads up the east coast. its crisis is not unique, of course. new reporting from "vanity fare" indicates one reason why. they strapped a testing program because the pandemic hit blue states first. white house press second kayleigh mcenany said it was false. negotiations continue tomorrow on a relief plan for president trump. democrats and republicans far from agreement on a deal. we begin in florida, where the sun sent false editor didn't mince words. one was called "help us out, governor desantis, we're dying
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here." it called for him to issue a mask mandate. florida reported its fewest number of cases in a month. fredricka wilson of miami joins me. congresswoman welcome on. >> hi, josh where. how are you? >> good. i'm a south florida native, so i'm very interested in getting things under control there. what do you think is the next step in trying to get this pan dellic under control? >> joshua, i think the next step is for the governor to put in place a statewide mask mandate because eats a very transyet state, even though we have a mask mandate in south florida, we need a mask maup date for the
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entire state. i think if we put a mask mandate in, we will see things stop. it is out of control. the virus is out of control in florida and very dangerous and people are scared. they don't know what to do. so our police department has now ordered everyone to wear masks and they're passing outside patients and if you're going to say that people should wear masks, the first thing you should do is offer them a mask. because some people don't have access to masks, but we distributed dozens of masks and if they do that, we'll see a difference. >> do you think it's worth the governor pushing for it or just
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depend on floridians? >> as longs as the president won't tell him not to do that, he's not going to do it. he owes his election to the president. remember, russia was a linvolve in the election. that's how we got the governor we have. whatever the president tells him to do, that is what he will do. we have to say to everyone, wear a mask. you can save your life. you can save others' lives. with this all around us, i know so many peel in my district who have died, and so many people who are sick. this is all in florida. we've got to say it. young people anden else in the
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median age for people with covid in florida is 43. when we first started it was people in nursing homes who were infected with the virus. now that has changed and all the people who were protected by not going to work ever day, those of us who had the privilege of sheltering at home and working from home. there are black people who have to go in. those are the people who are bearing the brunt of this. >> with regards to getting back to work, i wonder what you think in terms of the negotiations in washington. both sides are very much at loggerheads. nobody has expressed optimism at a deal coming net soon. come tomorrow morning, what do you want your colleagues to do to sale this zmeel i understand the argument about the trump administration being intranny gent, not being able to see eye to eye. but what needs to happen monday
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morning. >> people are in trouble. but i believe people will get a chechblgtd it's already in the pipeline. however, for september and october, it is my understanding that the white house wants to reduce the unemployment to $200 instead of the $600 and then in november, they will raise it $600. it's a scheme to make it look like all of a sudden the republicans in november are running in on a white horse, riding in to save the country, to save the nation, and we have one million people in florida who have applied for unemployment and have not received it yet. and so this is a crisis. and i think that we have to be -- we have to negotiate. we have to come together and i'm begging the republicans in inn
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the senate please help my constituents. meet us halfway. give people their unemployment. sign off on the test. give money to our states who are with our local government. if not, they're going pull all kinds of services. we have people who are republicans who have covid-19, democrats who have covid-19. everybody in the nation is suffering. the congress need to come together and pass it. >> very briefly, congresswoman, i do twoomtd want to ask you
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about a bill you have. that's headed to the president's desk. if that bill gets siemd, what does that commission aim to do? >> well, we're going to establish a commission in the office of civil rights that will focus on black men and boys and the first thing i want to focus on, getting more black men in elementary school as teachers, so that our little boys will have role models and great men they can look up to. there will be issues, and all the members will be members of the commission will be members of the congressional black caucus. it's a 19-member commission, the office of civil rights. >> congresswoman fredricka wilson of south florida, thank
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you very much. >> thank you, josh. >> let's go to danielle moody. dean obadala. seana thomas is an msnbc contributor. seana, there have been poles th. are there any signs that the president could reverse this trend? there's been a lot made of this strategy between now and november that makes critics say he's doubling down on the same thing and doesn't seem to see or believe the pole numbers. >> i think it's hard to necessarily call what the president is doing a strategy. he's a guy who follows his gut. his gut says let's try to scare
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women in suburbs about the crime situation, but it doesn't seem his gut is saying as much, even though he has been doing press conferences from the white house, doesn't go to saying as much hey, let me look like i'm taking control of this covid-19 situation. i think the thing the president has going for him, to address your question, is he is the president of the united states. he had a lot of power. every time he goes in front of that podium, every time he does a speech, like he did, i believe, last week in florida. people pay attention and that power of the bully pulpit does allow him to try to change the narratives about how this covid-19 response is going. he wants to. it does allow him to try to change the narrative, if he would like to try, about race, though with his history, that would be kind of difficult. the thing he has is that he's
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currently president of the united states. a lot can happen we have less than 100 days till the election. he would have to be willing to decide what is my strategy, what is my strategy that doesn't offense a lot of people, what is my strategy that focuses in on how we get more testing this country, how do we work with schools and teachers to open schools. he would have to decide he is going to consistently sound different and then do something, and historically, changing his mind is not that easy but he has the power of the presidency. >> there's the economy whereas we mentioned, joe biden is slowly inching up on president trump in terms of who voters believe or who voters trust. we had the gdp numbers come out. down 9 1/2%. how does that factor into where we go from here.
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>> first of all, can i just say donald trump's goal is to make the democratic party great again because that's whoes going to happen the way we're going. donald trump will change. we've heard this over and over. donald trump is not going to change. the health crisis -- >> i actually did not laugh out loud. i knew as soon as i asked the question, it was coming through the screen. >> no. it's a realistic position to say maybe if he would shift. the problem is he doesn't think like normal people. so he keeps doubling and tripling down. he thinks the poles are fake. more americans have died in five months of this covid-19. we had last week's job report.
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the unemployment numbers went up. 1.4 million americans last week alone filed for unemployment it's not getting better. it's getting worse and now you don't have the check where even only got the check, food banks were up in demand. 20% of americans or more could not pay their rent. now they've got that taken away. donald trump, you can't tell americans the economy is better than it is when they can't put food on their table and that's the grim dark reality in america now because of donald trump. >> where do we go monday morning in terms of getting a new deal done? we heard what congresswoman wilson said. what do you think happens on monday. >> with all dew respect to the congresswoman, i don't believe you can negotiate with terrorists and that's what the
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democratic party is. they give $500 billion to shareholders and friends with no strings attached but they believe in a the american people are lazy. they believe in a the american people don't deserve their own tax dollars back, right? they can change their message and narrative, which is something they never seem to do. they need to say, republicans think you're lazy, republicans think you're unzerveg. we need every bit of health so we can continue to conquer this coronavirus pandemics. that's what democrats can do going into this week going into the negotiating table with people who have no desire to negotiate. >> sit tight, danielle. coming up, president trump recently spoke to russia's president vladimir putin but it's what they did not talk about that's getting a lot of attention. k about that's getting a lot of attention.
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president trump's relationship with vladimir putin remains under the microscope. this time regarding reports that russia was offering the taliban bountsies to kill u.s. service men's in afghanistan. the president revealed that during his recent call with putin he chose not to discuss those reports. reason being, he said he did not trust the information from u.s. intelligence agencies. former fbi agency peter strozok is releasing a book. one publication by special counsel to the judiciary committee and the other andrew weisman. his upcoming book is called "where law ends, next seven days the mueller investigation" and he joins us now.
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good evening. >> good evening. that is a hayek session to be under the sway of the kremlin. that puts president trump somewhere between being a manchurian candidate and an outright traitor. what do you make of that? >> so i think that it is important to not be a con spe c. it's fair to question sbeblgs and wonder highway strong it is. but none of us knows how strong it is, but let's assume that the president's right, that he has some qualms about the level of certainty of that intelligence. what you think he would be doing is talking to the american people about what he is doing to ascertain how reliable it is in taking steps.
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nothing can be more serious and important to the president of the united states than defending our troops. and if you put this in cob text, it's unfortunate that you see a pattern with the president where he has consistently refused to condemn russia for things that there is bipartisan support to condemn. when russia invaded ukraine and took crimea, there were frankly more republican outrage than democratic outrage. russia was removed and it game the g7. you have the president not only not condemning that but saying that russia should be invited back in to the g8. >> i'm sorry to interrupt. >> sure. >> theoretically, if the
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president has given a full throated condemnation of that, what difference do you think it would make? >> if you say a condemnation of russia for the invasion or you saw a condemnation of russia for its 2016 election interference, i think that would go a long way towards awaging everybody's suspicious as to why is the president unable and unwilling to condemn the russian president. i don't think any of us thinks there's a huge con ten gents of voters who are backing russia that can't be the explanation. >> right. >> it leaves a lot of people wondering what is going on, why won't he refuse to condemn russia for its actions. >> what do you think russia is getting out of all this? >> russia's getting a lot out of
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this. first, there is a bipartisan report. republicans and democrats. said they interfered with the 2016 election. we know that's going on with respect to the upcoming election but there's been no condemnation by the president. everything's sort of wik-wink, nothing's going to be done about it. that allows a green light to undermine our democracy in the upcoming election. if the intelligence is true that russia is paying bounties to have the taliban kill our american troops, that's another thing russia is getting away with and we are not taking action in the most serious matter that a president has to -- one of his responsibilities is to keep america and our troops safe. >> so where does this go from here? now that they've had this conversation and not talked about this. russia and the u.s. are talking about other things, including
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the presence of space-based weapons. russia has asked for a treaty to ban them. the u.s. has asked for elections to allow them. where does this go from here. what's the next step? what should we be keeping an eye out for? >> i think one of the things that will be interesting is the president doesn't usually get a lot of follow-up questions and we have upcoming debates, so i think that's an opportunity fore you and for people in the state to actually be asking a lot of questions and to try and get answer, but i think that ultimately -- i mean, this is a pat answer to that -- but ultimately, if there are not answers in something so serious, you know, it's up to the voters to weigh that in deciding la ei to do in the upcoming election.
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>> andrew, thanks very much. >> thank you very much. >> still to come, by this time next week, we may know who joe biden's running mate is. we'll talk about what he needs in a v.p. just ahead. stay close. v.p just ahead stay close i wish i could shake your hand. granted. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ ♪
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>> fantasy football is not much fun right now because of players opting out because of covid 1. some are still building their dream teams. joe biden and who? the campaign has yet to officially announce when it will make the official announcement. depending on who you ask, joe biden's chances of winning may rest heavily on his running mate and not just him. we're joined from wilmington by mike. where do we stand? >> let's start with what we heard from joe biden at the
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start of the week. he told our colleague that his team was beginning to present him with very detailed dossiers of the candidates they're considering, a deep dive into their hifrt and political minefields if you should choose them. he said he was choosing from a list that included four african-american women. we were told he was going to spend this weekend to narrow it down and hopefully meet with some of the candidates during the week. a lot of question whether he would meet them in person or have a virtual conversation. he hoped to make his selection in the first week in august. we're in fact in the first week of august. he did not say he would announce his choice in the first week of august. the other thing i've learned about biden, the team has done it work, now the ball's in
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biden's court. it could change as we move through the final interviews. we're getting comfortable in this spot along the wilmington water front thinking it might be up to a week and then some. >> it's almost like some dels are terrified that he will make the wrong choice. >> well, on the one hand for the behind campaign this is an posh organizing opportunity. they've encouraged their supporters to sign up. they've promised we'll get the first word of who he chooses. we want to keep the focus on the campaign. we've seen time and again, democrats are hypersensitive to anything that puts the chances of defeating donald trump at risk. you obviously have a lot of democrats who are nervous nellys, let's say, put plightly, they're always afraid of one misstep costing them their chance to beat donald trump.
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another thing which i think is underrated, there is a lot of sense in the party ma the choice joe biden is about to make is essentially the first primary of 2024 or 2028. this a lot of people, especially when we talk about kamala harris, of announcing somebody who chooses to run for president from day one. >> thank you, mike. that's mike medley joining us from delaware. let's go back toe our panel. seana, there was a list including elizabeth warren and kamala harris. on down from there. seana, this kind of reminds me, remember when lebron james did that special on espn when everybody was on tinterhooks waiting where he was going to go and he said i'm taking my talent to south beach and then he ended
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up at l.a. how is the biden campaign not just lapping you will up a of this attention? >> i think it is that, but i think this is what happens in presidential elections every cycle, which is they know that there is a built-in drama that creates segments like this on msnbc for them that gives them attention. >> oh, don't say that, seana. that makes me feel played when you say it like that. don't say it like that. >> well, they are playing us. that's ok. i think there's something very concrete here. i have no idea if former vice president joe biden has made a decision or not. they want to use that decision making, how they announce it and then roll that person out in a virtual convention, i guess, they want to use that to get attention, to get positive attention. that vice presidential pick historically is one of those big
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moments. i think it's even more so one of those big moments this time because we're in a pandemic and joe biden is not barn storming the country and neither is the president of the united states. they've got to get every one of these things. one thing that struck me is that early in july there was a pole that asked about enthusiasm, and whether people who said, hey, i'm going to vote for biden, were they more interested in beating trump or are they more interested in electing biden. 65%. the biden campaign has to get energy behind getting to vote for biden. a vice presidential candidate can bring some of that energy. >> seana, i'm glad you brought up that number. deep, there's another one. there was poling and the
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favorable/unfavorable. the favor building and unfavorable kind of mirror each other. even the strongest faif rabls have the strongest favorables. >> i want to say, a remarkable brails impression. you deserve an emmy. >> we've got one on our staircase, so -- two, i beg your question. i regret the error. >> and i have a clock behind me. that's all i've got. those ratings mean nothing because most measures doesn't know about it. let's be blunt. let me share what i hear from eye listeners, it's democratic
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base around the country, we skused this choice. defeating donald trump is number one. at the end of the day, they share the same thing. i don't really care who joe biden picks, i you j want to defeat donald trump. styles they call wanting to fight with me. i said did you forget about how you disliked hill hill. that's how we view donald trump. not policy. it is personal. there are some candidates that i think if he picks, these communities are important, especially black women. he's saying we're not going to take you for granted. we're purting you on the pedestal next to me. that's important. but besides that, numerous black listeners call up and say they like liz warren. each person's different. i think we'll unite behind
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whoever it is. >> can you pick up on that in terms of i don't care who it is, i want him to beat donald trump. for a black woman to be the running mate, how do those two balance out in your mind? >> i want to go back to the favorable and nonfavorable chart for a moment and remind people that america is a patriarchy and doesn't like smart women let alone smart women of color. the attacks that are going to be rolledout when a decision is actually made when the biden camp makes a decision, this administration is throwing everything out about that woman. we've seen how republicans and trump have beaten back women. but to that point, i think it's incredibly important for biden
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to pick someone who is going to excite the base, that is going to get people energized. we want somebody that is going to be thoughtful, aggressive, that is going to be strategic. essentially the opposite of the entire trump administration. so to me, there is not a bad choice to be made but one that does need to be made is to signal to the community that got joe biden to the position he's in to be the democratic nominee, the black community black women that this is now, this is your time. for once we're not going to do what america has always dome to black women is take, take, take. we're going to give you something back and we're going to lift up and signal that you are, in fact, the future of the democratic party, that this is what america is going to look like and the kind of leadership that we need moving forward. i think that they'll making the right decision. >> next time you come on, seana, i'm going to have the graphics
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people made make me up some emmys. we're going to put them all, however many msnbc has, we're going to have them back there. . >> see, you -- >> the shame. >> it is getting dark in here. >> it's a rough room. >> i thought it was my room. little did i know. >> good to see you -- good to see y'all. up next, so you want to talk about race. safe de 40%!!! guys! guys! check it out. safe drivers save 40%!!! safe drivers save 40%! safe drivers save 40%!!! that's safe drivers save 40%. it is, that's safe drivers save 40%. - he's right there. - it's him! he's here. he's right here. - hi! - hi. hey! - that's totally him. - it's him! that's totally the guy. safe drivers do save 40%.
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try our new gummies for 30 days and see the difference. it's been nearly 10 weeks since the minneapolis police officer killed george floyd. protests from coast to coast have continued ever since. that is partly because we also learned that breonna taylor was killed in march and to date, no one has been arrested for her death. the intensity of the protests
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reflects an intense divide in the nation of america. it's something we need to talk about. but how? ijeoma oluo wrote a book to help people along. it's called "so you want to talk about race," and she joins us to talk about it. welcome to the program. >> hi. >> what do you think is the one biggest mistake that people make when they try to start a conversation about race. >> i would say the number one biggest mistake is not vocalizing why you want to have this conversation and what you hope to get out of it. a lot of tiles people just dive in and don't realize you're having two or even three different conversations at once. >> elaborate on that a little bit. are you talk you can about people asking their black friends to be their black whisperer, so why do people -- is that what you're getting at?
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>> it can be different things. if you're talking about an issue in your community or workplace, if you don't state why you want to talk about it, you may be talking about something that's impacting your safety. maybe the person you're talking to doesn't realize you're looking for a solution. also find that yes, there's a lot of white people saying, hey, can you help me out here? i need to understand this without questioning. am i trying to figure out what i can do or am i trying to increase my understand not vocalizing that. you have people where emotions are high maybe talking about two different topics or having two different definitions of success and they don't need in the middle. when you're not saying, look, i need to talk to you about this issue because i'm not sure where i can help. are you even the right person to ask? if you don't know what you want out of the conversation and stating it, oftentimes you're going to do it from the start.
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>> how do you see the perspectives that measures have on race today. there was a gallop pole that showed americans are dissatisfied with the state of race relations today. just over a third say they're satisfied. it's kind of remarkable if you look at some of the poles how perspectives on political brutality and black lives matter seemed to have made that quantum leap in a short period of time. >> absolutely. and i think we're in unique time right now. in the past when these issues have arisen, we've seen killing of black people. for people who doesn't live with that fear, it's time to go out to happy hour and forget that you were upset and outrageous r. there are no sports, there are no distractionings.
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we've place add lot of faith in institutions. a lot of people realizing this happens all the time? i can't handle this. this needs to stop. black people and other people of color, we've been saying that for a long time. >> what do you do with the frustration that comes up in a conversation about race? i think there's so many land-mines you can step on, saying the wrong thing, using the wrong term, not thinking intersectionaly enough. thinking of somebody as black when they may be black and gay or black and jewish or maybe all these different intersections or talking about race as it relates to being indigenous or which i c chicano. why do my wife friends always ask me questions about brown people. nobody asked me to be the negro whit perrer in office but somehow i got elected what do
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you do over the frustration of just the inherent thorniness of talking about race. >> that frustration is so real. it's important for us to realize that we don't get to choose when racism hit us. we do have the right in conversations to say you know what? maybe now isn't the right time. can we go to a place where i feel safe or could you look that up in a book because right now i don't have the energy. we're fighting or our rights and our humanity, too. we have to refresh and replenish ourselves. right now is a traumatizing time especially for black people across the country. we need to spend time in community. we need to find black joy and love to keep us going so that we have the strength to continue with that's conversations. it is completely fine to prioritize yourself especially as a person of color to say it's
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not the tile right now, i'd like you to use some of the many other resources that are available to you. >> you used a term bioc, blah, indigenous and people of color, righting? >> got. >> i hear you in terms of restoring and replebishing. i went home and watched "black is king." that made me feel absolutely beautiful. ijeoma oluo, it's worth seeing it. appreciate you making time thanks very much. coming up, covid-19 has live music on life support, from grand concert halls to local watering holes how will independent venues survive. independent venues survive us chronic medical condition. at aetna, we're always here to help you focus on your health. because it's always time for care.
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and entertainment. collectively these shut-downs took away an estimated nine billion in revenue. joining us is a singer and song wire and the president of the international independent venue association. great to have you both with us. dana let me start with you. the association is asking and has been asking for the federal government to step in and help these venues out. what's the one biggest piece of help that you want the federal government to provide? >> yeah. thanks so much for having me. we are in desperate need of cash assistance to help maintain our businesses and properties and limited payroll to see us through until the tile is safe for us to reopen. we have no ancillary revenue streams, no income. there's no take-out concerts.
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we have literally zero way of eric revenue right now because of the pandemic and we are desperate to just be able to open up again when it's safe to do so. doing with this pandemic? have you found other sources of revenue since you're not able to go out, tour, perform in person? >> i've done a bit of, you know, writing, but, you know, touring is what puts food on my table. it's what -- it's 75% of most artists' income, and it's been incredibly difficult to think about what the next couple years look like until a cure is found. >> dayna, what's it been like for you at first avenue? i can only imagine how -- i don't even have to imagine. i know how folks in the twin cities feel about first avenue. i know that it was the source of a huge impromptu concert when prince died that was really
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remarkable. how is first avenue doing? >> oh, terrible. it's -- it's the worst. we are 100% independent. we consider ourselves community-driven, employee-driven, artist-driven company. so especially given everything minneapolis has gone through, it's devastating to not, you know, have the staff and be fully operational and to be able to support our community right now. it's emotionally devastating to not have live music in our lives. i mean that's what most of us live for. it's what we've centered our whole life around, and so the emotional loss, the financial loss is just -- there's no words. it's devastating. >> margo, are there other sources of help that have either come to artists like you or that artists are trying to provide for one another? >> you know, i've done some livestream things and donated money to my band through, you
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know -- my band, they work paycheck to paycheck. if we can't go out and play these shows, if we don't have venues to go back to after this is all over, it's going to be absolutely devastating. i think, you know, one thing that i wanted to say was that a lot of people think of the arts or music and theater as, you know, as liberal organizations. but it's not a left or right issue. when a band comes to town to play a concert, the community benefits because those patrons that are going to it are going to go to a restaurant and, you know, go to local businesses. so it's just crucial for everybody, or we could end up in another great depression. >> margo, i'm sorry. i should have asked earlier. tell us a little bit about your music. how would you describe your style or your focus for people
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who maybe aren't familiar with you yet, who might check you out? >> i've got my foot in the door doing old-school country music like willie nelson, loretta lynn. but i like all sorts of music. i love tom petty. i just put out a -- it's been great to see people buy the music, but i think with so many people streaming music right now, and what a monopoly that's been, and how those organizations are kind of a pyramid scheme where artists see hardly any money from streaming, you know, this is our bread and butter. and it's -- it's really -- it's been emotional for everybody. we all miss playing. >> dayna, i know we've got to let you go in a second, but what does the timeline look like? are there any venues that you've spoken to that look like they're right on the edge of not being able to come back? >> yeah. i mean that 90% number is -- it
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can't be overstated. this is not a drill. there's no cash on hand, right? so we don't have any revenue, and we've been shut down completely for five months with zero dollars coming in and also refunding tickets for all the canceled and postponed shows. so i'm spending my days now convincing people not to board up, to, you know, pray and hope the federal government does the right thing and provide the assistance that's necessary. but, you know, we see a cliff coming, you know, if not in the next two weeks, definitely in the next two months where there literally just isn't the money to pay bills, and people are going to have no choice but to board up and walk away. >> margo price and dayna frank. the website is appreciate you being here. thanks very much. before we go, last night we asked for your stories about how t the pandemic is affecting the ways you practice your faith. gayle attends a synagogue that's
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been meeting online. gayle writes, the services begin at 7:30 p.m. we log onto zoom at 7:00 to socialize with each other. at the completion of the services we remain online to continue the association with those that wish to remain. we have a larger turnout at these services than we did when we met in person. we miss our synagogue and look forward to returning in person. richard is a pastor near travis air force base in fairfield, california. yesterday his team met online to discuss returning to their building. richard writes, we have rearranged our church and made it covid-19 ready. before entering, everyone goes through a checkpoint. as they enter in the main lobby, their temperature is taken. they have to sanitize their hands and sit six feet apart. this is our new norm. for some of you, time away from church has given you space to think critically about your faith. lynn wrote, for too long the american church, especially the white evangelical part of it, has been too enamored with the trappings of christianity.
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large services with rock bands and impressive performances and more talks about the rights of christians in the political arena than about the gospel of jesus christ. i think god may be purifying his church during this pandemic. and quite a few of you said you missed just being together with others. bill in north carolina misses the serendipity of bumping into folks at church. bill wrote, the gathering of believers in the one building does comfort us, encourage us. we can perhaps finish the story we began last week with someone about family, friends, the times and triumphs of life. we can hear worshipful voices singing in unison. we can hear expanded stories of mission trips and more. to be fair, we also got quite a few emails from viewers who did not like last night's essay or its frequent mention of bible verses. many felt that it was inappropriate for a news program to focus so heavily on religion. point taken. one listener correctly pointed out that about one-fifth of americans say they are not religious.
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according to pew research, that percentage is rising. by the way, thanks to all of you who sent birthday greetings to my grandmother. she turns 102 this week. and thank you for making time for us tonight. i will be back next weekend. but until we meet again, i'm joshua johnson. stay safe. stay sharp. and stay tuned. "meet the press" with chuck todd is next on msnbc. good night. it's called signal from farmers, and it could save you up to fifteen percent on your auto insurance. simply sign up, drive and save. ♪ we are farmers. bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum ♪
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this sunday, the surging covid crisis. >> i've never seen anything like this in my 30-plus years in medicine. >> the u.s. averaging roughly 65,000 new cases a day. >> this is really an apock lip tick time for us. >> 21 states in the so-called red zone. amid the growing crisis, president trump tweets discredited advice. >> you don't need mask. there is a cure. it's called hydroxychloroquine. >> this morning i'll talk to admiral brett giroir and dr. nahi


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