tv Politics Nation MSNBC August 9, 2020 2:00pm-3:00pm PDT
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good evening and welcome to "politicsnation" where we have an a for effort. plenty of questions and a great deal of concern the day after president trump signed a series of executive orders he claims will address the economic cliff. much of america is hanging from. at the core of the president's order, an additional $400 unemployment benefit along with payroll tax relief and assistance to borrowers coming as the trump white house and
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democratic leaders have been add an impasse over coronavirus relief for weeks now. 25% of the $400 benefit expected to come from the same states the president called poorly run just months ago. congressional democrats and even some republicans have criticized the order on grounds ranging from the constitutionality to its comprehensiveness. >> what the president did is agree with the republican senator and said it was unconstitutional slop while it has the illusion of saying we're going have a moratorium on evictions. it says i'm going to ask folks in charge to study if that is feasible. what he says he's going to do
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the payroll tax what he's doing is undermining social security and medicare. so these are illusions. >> also an illusion to democrats, the brand new system states would have to erect -- to allocate the additional relief. an undertaking that would require months that as many as 40 million americans in danger of losing their homes simply do not have. joining me is the congressman from south carolina. congressman, first of all, how much of this can the president actually do by executive order? i mean, are we talking about a wish list here photo-op or are these concrete things that he actually can enact?
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>> thank you very much for having me. you hit the nail on the head there. these are what you might call photo-ops. i call them headline grabbers. he has absolutely no idea of what the end result will be. we have already seen the analysis done. if we were to allow him to do what he is doing, says he's going to do, medicare, medicaid, all will be called into doubt as to what the viability will be going forward. so when you try to create a headline, you don't care what the end result is going to be. this man does not care. if he can get a good headline, if he can get a good sound bite out of it, he thinks he will have won the day. what we democrat are trying to
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do is get people on solid footing. get families stabilized. get people employed. get food on people's tables and not worry about what the headline is going to be. we think all that will take care of itself. and at the same time, let's do what we can to bring this virus under control. the select committee that i am sharing, just got $119 million returned to the coucoiffeurs be people were getting money that don't have any need for the money. they didn't even ask for the money. they just got it. insist they were giving it to them. they took it. but when we called them on it, they sent it back. this is whats going on with this administration. nobody paying any attention to what really is the substantive issue. just looking for a headline and
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then get the headline they think they will have won the day. >> you have companies sending money that didn't ask for it while you and i and others have been engaged in conversations where a lot of small businesses can't even get money. let me go back to your other point here. what is missing from trump's order is money for covid-19 testing and school reopening or a second $1200 stimulus check. none of that is in the photo-op press conference, headline grabber, whatever you want to call it. >> that is absolutely correct. we want people to feel confident that they are going to be able to put food on the table to take care of their children and do what is necessary to stabilize their families. that is what it's all about. i always say to my caucus, when we consider legislation, first,
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what will it do for the individual we're trying to help? secondly, what will it do for that individual's family. then what would will it do for that individual's community? when you ask k. he answer those questions in the positive, then it's time to go forward. the problem here is there is not a single thing in this proposal that will stabilize families and nothing, nothing that would enhance communities. we need to do more testing. we need to open schools up. we want schools to be open. but we want them to open safely. why would you send children back to school if you have done nothing to fund the testing of them as well as the testing of the hvac systems. the if you go to a rural school or some school and the hvac system is not properly running, heating and air conditioning units and they're recycling air and someone has the virus that
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gets recycled and we do not know what that will do to spread throughout the school buildings. how do you reopen schools and not do any kind of testing to see whether or not the hvac systems will accommodate these children coming back to school? and the teachers as well. we have to remember, students sit in the classroom without a healthy teacher. and the teacher whose attitude is a good attitude that, child will not do much learning. you're talking to someone who is a classroom teacher. i know what it is. they're in front of a class and exude the confidence that will make your students want to learn. teachers are very leery of going back to school. >> now let me bring you to some south carolina politics before we run out of time. president trump holds a slight lead in your state according to the quinnipiac poll.
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how do you explain that when polls have jamie harrison tide with lindsey graham in the senate race there? >> because jamie harrison has done a great job of defining himself. what we have not done a good enough job in south carolina yet, getting people to know exactly who joe biden is. that is the independent voters. democrats know him. even the republicans know him. but the independence, we have to get the independence to look upon joe biden the same way they're now looking at jamie harrison. i think we'll get there in time. for the voting to begin. i think october 5th. i think october 3rd may be a saturday. so october 5th is when we'll start absentee voting which i sometimes call early voting. so we are going to do a good job of getting the independents to see in joe biden what the rest
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of us who have been up and down with the information the last 25 or 30 years see in him. jamie has done great with that. early in the process, i said very publicly i'd like to see vice president biden choose a black woman not as an alt mate . o just between you and i, who is he going to pick? >> we've known each other a long time. the reason we each other so long and remain such good friends is because i know you and you know me. and you know full well i am not going to answer that question. >> i have to try like you said. i have to try. thank you for being with us tonight, congressman clyburn. let me bring in my panel of
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republican strategists. let me start with you, susan. this signing of four executive orders yesterday really doesn't amount to much because if it involves funds that come out of social security and medicaid, the president can't do that. it has to be something that congress has to deal with. and if he is staying that i'm going to give you $400 but the states have to give $100 which he knows that most states are not in a position to, it really was a whole lot about nothing. >> it was. but -- you know i'm not a supporter of this president, rev, but it was a good political move. >> why? >> because he's taking action. he is showing supporters and maybe those who have turned away
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from him that i'm taking action. they don't understand the nuance like you and i do. they don't understand that for states to give $100 and then reconfigure how they're going to accept the money from the federal government will take months. they don't understand what it means necessarily that there is going to be payroll tax period where they simply are not collecting the money. but it may not be able to -- it may have to be collected at a later date. >> which means all of that build up and this he can end up with a lot of money. >> correct. but what it does show is he did something. he said i'm taking out my pen and signing it. nuance? forget about nuance. it also happened at the right time. with breakdowns between the white house and nancy pelosi. he decided, look, i'm taking action. what is pathetic is mitch mcconnell. he and his conference is completely irrelevant. where you may see them though now join up with nancy pelosi. the one thing the legislature does not like is when the
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executive oversteps. carlos, in the meetings with nancy pelosi and chuck schumer is the chief of the staff of the white house. he's acting like they won't get it done. you have meadows, the chief of staff in the room there. why can't he just tell them you have to get something done here? >> i think he's about to do that. you heard peter in a rnavarro t effectively cave. nancy pe lose yea was at $4.3 trillion. sounds like we'll get in the middle. nancy pelosi has a confidence that deal is coming. i think susan is right. i think the white house had a bad position to begin with. i think they were looking for some kind of maneuver to say they did something. but they're in trouble. they have to move the economy. you saw that latest job figures said that about 1.1 million jobs
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were created versus the jobs in the months before. rather than seeing the economy accelerate in a meaningful way, the recovery is starting to slow down. they have need to do something and do something soon. >> now, susan, there is a, of course, the question of constitutionality. whether the president can suspend tax collections for this payroll tax holiday. listen to the president's economic adviser larry kudlow this morning with abc news. >> our counsel's office, the treasury department believes they have the authority to temporarily suspend tax collections. we're banking on that. >> what does that even mean? it shows this is a president that whenever he's in trouble he says oh, i'll throw-in a lawsuit. the american public can't wait for him to show off his incompetence in a court of law in three or four months.
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they need help now. that's what's going to make the difference. they have a news cycle for a day or two. rev, when people are at home, they can't pay rent. they have their child at home because they can't go to school because it's not safe because of coronavirus. and they're worried about their own health. they see that this is donald trump's responsibility. and he has not done it. >> and carlos, the fact is that people, you know, people like good entertainment when they are in an entertaining mood. people are sitting up wondering how they're going to pay their bills. how they are going to put food on the table or pay their rent or their mortgage. and you're standing up, you in this case the president. at a golf resourrt that you own and paying $350,000 to become a
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member and those are the optics? ? it sounds good politically. but even the optics make people say, wait a minute, are you insulting my intelligence? >> rev, i think you put your finger on it. you remember back in '92 that's what killed papa bush. a lot of the optics. not knowing what basic things cost at the supermarket. seeming like he was looking at his watch in the middle of the debate. seeming like he didn't care. even john kerry in 2004 got in trouble talking about windsurfing and what have you and seemed to be a little bit out of touch. and so when you see where the president is in about a half dozen key states he has to win places like florida, wisconsin, pennsylvania, michigan, you're right. that is real trouble for him. the people to start watching are the senators. you saw ben sass from nebraska talk about the executive order. now the question is what happens when lindsey graham in south carolina all of a sudden says the president's friend, i'd rather run against him? that's something to keep our eye hohn if this continues.
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>> do you also, susan, as one that is a republican, especially not a trump republican, but -- >> a real republican. yeah, not a repulsive person i'll say, do you feel that you're going to start seeing more breaking from some of the senators and senate candidates from the president? >> we'll see some. this is a great issue for them to breakaway. it's clearly a constitutional issue. he had came to the dance with trump. that's not -- that's what they're betting on. if they walk away, the opponent is going to make that clear as well. they have to stand for something especially right now. carlos was right. this is going to be about the economy and people's health. and if they don't feel secure, they're going to say to those republicans, yeah, i may have supported you before but you're not getting the job done. >> all right. i'll leave it there. susan and carlos, thank you both for being with me this evening.
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coming up, my message to republican leaders. who do you think you're fooling? but first, my colleague richard has today's other top news stories. >> thanks. stories we're watching this hour, the total number of confirmed coronavirus cases now topping five million as of this hour. new cases now spiking in california, the governor tightened restriction there's on in school learning saying students will start the year online. and another day of protests in beirut. citizens are angry over tuesday's massive explosion at the city's port. that killed nearly 160 people and injured around 5,000. the incident is being investigated and sparked a political and economic crisis in the country. international leaders led by france and the united nations pledged nearly $300 million in humanitarian assistance. more politics "nation right after the break. more politics " after the break.
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for this week's "gotcha," i want to address the republican party directly. i have a very important question for them. how stupid do you think we are? and in the event there is stupidity on your end, let me clarify. i'm asking why you think you can fool black voters? your most recent attempt to pull the wool over our collective eyes involves rapper con ykanye who has been helped in his third party presidential campaign by republican operatives in multiple states including wisconsin. a state the president won in 2016 by just 23,000 votes. how can you think that we're so foolish that we'll throw away votes for a vanity campaign after four years of trump's racism?
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black voters know exactly what trump and republicans have to offer us. bigotry, indifference and voter suppression. it's why at a recent black voices for trump event in texas, the only black voices in the room were the event facilitator and a ring will reporter. every time presumptive democratic dom knee joe biden puts has foot in his mouth on the topic of race, you're convinced that the black voters flee to the republican party. there say key difference. joe biden has the ability to feel actual human empathy and to at mid when he is wrong. three things donald trump failed to master in his 70-odd years on this earth. we know joe biden isn't perfect. but unlike your side of the aisle, democrats actually hold him to account when he makes a
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bone headed misstatement. meanwhile, republicans are silent has donald trump uses his bully pulpit to spew vile racism to nearly 85 million twitter followers. you can hide from republicans all you want. but black voters see you. we see you agitating to keep reopening businesses and schools in the middle of a deadly pandemic even as black communities have suffered disproportionate sickness and death. we see you getting board without fight for our lives. after witnessing months of protest following the killing of george floyd, republicans have unite laterally decided that racism isn't a problem in america. you gave up trying to convert black voters decades ago so now
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you just try to silence us. but it's not going to work. black voters are hugely motivated to get trump out of the white house and send all the republican enablers packing. we're sird tired of seeing your attempt to dismantle every achievement this nation's first black president did. tired of watching you ignore our communities in times of crisis and tired of your never ending efforts to distract us with words while your actions prove your contempt. get ready, republicans. that contempt is a mutual feeling. and come election day, we're going to channel it at the ballot box. it at the ballot box
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and, you may even get financial help to pay for your health insurance. so, if you or someone you know is without coverage, visit to learn more or enroll today. john lewis is lying? state in u.s. capitol. how will history remember john lou snis. >> i he don't know. i really don't know. i don't know john lewis. he didn't come to my
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inauguration. he didn't come to my state of the union speeches. and that's okay. that's his right. and, again, nobody has done more for black americans than i have. >> any reasonable observer would tell you that john lewis himself did more for black americans than this president. but trump is not a reasonable observer. his budget proposals are constantly looking for ways to cut programs that benefit black americans. like the minority business development agency. and while the president gives lip service to supporting black owned businesses, his administration has yet to put their money where their mouth is. supporting those businesses at a much smaller rate than our population size would indicate. and yet this president continues to talk about how much good he's done for the black community. convinced he'll somehow be able to draw black voters in larger
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numbers come november. joining me now is georgia state representative vernon jones and advisory board member. of black voices for trump. let me say this representative before we get started. i want to have a reasonable conversation because there are people that work with me in atlanta and around georgia that say they respect some of the things you have done. we just may disagree on this. this is not a entertaining slap at each other's session. this is for me to understand how you, a democrat and african-american in georgia have decided to help donald trump. and let me put it to you this way. look at this recent political ad from a group midas touch tracing this president's history of racism in his own words. >> look at my african-american over here. >> the other man donald trump called my african-american says he is leaving the gop, can't support the president anymore. >> get that son of a bitch off
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the field right now. >> maxine waters, a seriously low iq person. >> president trump retweeted a video showing a supporter making a racist statement. >> white power! >> have you heard him use the n word? >> yeah. it wasn't unusual. >> how can you defend a person like this, representative? >> first of all, thank you for having me on your show and thank you for allowing me to share my views. when you mention donald trump and his history, let's look at joe biden. joe biden has a history, a long history and democratic party of disrespecting black people, african-americans and it didn't just start it. it was the democrats that were against freeing the slaves. democrats started the ku klux klan. a democrat who went out to genocide the black races -- >> just a minute. the question is, you're not going to get argument from me that there is racists in the democratic party.
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but that -- i'm not here supporting the klan in at the democratic party. you're here supporting donald trump, a bigot and a racist. explain to me why we should support trump? if you want to talk about there is bad history in the democratic party, i agree with that. stipulate. if you want to say that i think i disagree with some of what joe biden has done. stipulate. i watched him and worked with him and see him do a lot of things with president obama that i agree with. explain to me why anybody would in any way, shape or form get by the racism and bigotry of donald trump. >> first of all, when i compared it to donald trump and joe biden, joe biden wrote the crime bill that enkars rated -- >> that donald trump supports and supports now. >> let me finish, if i can. joe biden passed a crime bill that took away black men and women from their families. destroyed a whole generation of african-americans.
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what i like about donald trump, he came back with prison reform and released many of those, thousands of those same black men and women that joe biden put in jail. >> all right. wait a minute. let's stop there. let's stop right there. thousands? i think it was the obama-biden add many h administration that commuted more sentences of anybody in last 11 presidents and many of them were black. and i think that that's a matter of record that biden said that there was unintentional consequences that we were right, those of us that protested them in '94. president trump has said now he supports stop and frisk and many of the things that caused that. i haven't seen the thousands that left. what thousands that he let go and compare that to the number of the obama-biden administration? go ahead. >> can you check your records and i'll check mine. my facts tell me that. >> narrator: trump administration with the first act passed that allow black men
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and women to get out of jail, nonviolence offenses to go back and be restored with their families. a lot more of them were released under the previous administration. obama had eight years. this president has had only 3 1/2 years. and he has actually let out more and commuted more than joe biden. >> i would check the facts on. that i doubt it. >> reverend, let me finish. you can show me your facts and i'll show you mine. every time i get ready to say something, i get cut off. please let me finish. joe biden -- >> can you finish. i didn't want you to give me the history of the democratic party when i asked you about this president. >> that's the whole problem. nobody wants to give the history of the democratic party. >> but that's not what i'm asking you, if the democratic party wars the entire, most bigoted party in the world, it doesn't explain you supporting a racist. >> so you agree to that the democratic party is probably the -- the most bigoted party? >> i agree there has been bigotry in the democratic party. that does not mean -- that does not mean that i think some parts
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of the democratic party is bad that therefore i'm going to embrace somebody who is racist and is bigoted. >> so is joe biden racist when he says -- >> why do you tell me you're supporting trump by keep attacking biden y do you support mr. trump? >> that's the reason why i'm trying to show you the stark difference. i support donald trump because unlike joe biden, donald trump does not think that all white people should vote for him. if they don't vote for him, they ain't black. that's how liberals think. that's how joe biden thinks. they want to tell you to go make water and who to vote for. i'm not subscribing to that. the as a matter of fact, joe biden didn't do anything for historical black colleges like president trump has. i'm a proud graduate of north carolina university. they wrote it into law. where was joe biden then? where is joe biden been for the past 49 years? this president had an unemployment rate for african-americans lower than it's been going back to slavery.
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that's a fact. you can't take away that. see, that's the whole problem. nobody wants to talk about a democratic party taking advantage of the black vote. they do not support them. they support illegals. they support the lgbtq community. that's fine to support them. they need help. but what about the black agenda? >> what is the black agenda for closing that employment gap? the employment gap, the unemployment gap between blacks and whites is the same now as it was before. and the economy was saved under the obama-biden administration that began that spiralling down. it did not come from donald trump. >> that's not true. >> it is absolutely true. that's the facts. let me ask you this -- >> let me just spobd to threspo >> what is his plan to separate the gap between black wealth and white wealth, what is the plan
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to crolose the gap? >> black people have been voting 90% to 95% for democrats for the past 50 years. >> and they got things from it. tell me what we're getting -- what is the president -- it got us the voting rights bill. the civil rights bill. it got us the open housing bill. tell me what we got under donald trump. i live in new york. i can't even name you black builders that he's worked with in new york. >> democrats vote against the civil rights bill. look at the numbers. you know they did. they voted many democrats voted against the civil rights bill. >> but it passed. >> that's a fact. >> under democrats. but it passed under lyndon johnson, a democrat. >> democrats voted for the crime bill that locked up people. >> and it was wrong. and donald trump supports it now. do you deny that donald trump -- just a second. do you deny that donald trump said right now we need to do things like the crime bill and that he supports stop and frisk
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right no you? since you want to bring that up. he advocates that right now. he has tweeted it and said it right now. not 94, right now. >> bloomberg ran as a democrat -- >> no. answ answer the question about donald trump. how you are so upset -- representative. representative. >> wait a minute, al. let's be fair about this. but you have to let me talk. >> if you're so concerned about stop and frisk, how do you excuse trump saying right now he supports it. >> did bloomberg say we have to throw blacks and whites again the wall and stop and frisk them? >> bloomberg is not who we're talking about. we're talking about donald trump. i marched against bloomberg and dealing with trump stop and frisk. how do you have one measure stick for bloomberg and another for trump? >> how do you have one measure for republicans and another for
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democrats? >> i he don't. i'm talking about trump. >> i'm talking about trump. don't blame every republican for trump. >> he did a good job of writing a spiral that was started by barack obama. come on. >> joe biden had 49 years and he hasn't done a doggone thing nor black people. he just said recently this week -- >> let me ask you a question. we'll do a lot of fact checking and do this again. let me ask you a question. if all of that is true, mr. jones -- we're going to run out of time. why you are still a democrat? why are you still a democrat? if the democrats are all these -- why you are still a democrat? >> let me answer. because i want to unbail the bigoted ways and all the things they do in the democratic community, liberals against blacks that are conservative or independent thinking or just black in general. they think they can be your mom and dad, tell what you to do,
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when to do it and you supposed to follow that, fall in line with them. i don't fall in line with them. >> i don't either. but let me tell you something, i was in a relationship that was wrong, i don't get somebody that is more wrong. and that's where we disagree. i have to leave it there. i'm going to have to leave it there. but i appreciate -- i'll do the fact checking on this. thank you for being with me, georgia state representative vernon jones. thank you very much. up next, how to speak to the director of the hbo documentary that examines a racially motivated killing 30 years later. you don't want to miss this conversation. later. you don't want to miss this conversation i suffered with psoriasis for so long.
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>> that was a scene from the hbo documentary "storm over brooklyn." i lead a march through the streets of brooklyn, new york, a march in 1989 was sparked by the death of hawkings, a black teenager killed about i a group of white youths in an italian-american section of brooklyn. his killing sparked a racial divide in new york city. and 31 years later, that racial divide hasn't changed much. in this poll, only 36% of americans surveyed believe race relations in this country is satisfactory. while 58% believe there is still work to be done. joining me now is the director of "storm over brooklyn." thank you for coming on. the shows come on hbo this week. this went back 31 years. but it also comes out at a time
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in the middle of this george floyd era. it brings back how we had to deal with racism, not only in the deep south but in the north when i watched some of the foot anl that you put together, i think brilliantly, people didn't know in new york, donald trump's new york, he would throw watermelons at watermelons at us because a white mob killed a black kid for being in the neighborhood. >> such a pleasure to be on your show. i think you're right. the film is relevant in so many ways today. you think it would be relevant 30 years ago. new york, known to be liberal when i was young in west chester. i was told it was a melting pot. it is riddled with racism and just like it was 30 years ago, this film is a chance to let people see what happened to yousef and how you stepped in and the marches served to inspire today's generation
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because it wasn't just one march. i know you probably being generous. you marched 29 times snp. >> 29 times. i was stabbed in one of those marches, in fact. >> yes, yes, sir. i think when today's generation gets to see that, they may be inspired and encouraged. there are a lot of things that deserve attention and the marching, i think, if they continue it will get the attention it deserves. >> i think even beyond marching and what i and many of the protest leaders went through, you really talked about how this was just a regular teenager from a black family on the other side of brooklyn, east new york. and what it did to his family, his brothers, his mother, his father. and i think sometimes we lose the human factor in a lot of this. like a george floyd. these are real human beings who are not activists and out there doing anything. they just happen to be black at the wrong place at the wrong
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time. and i think you human yised it as well as you showed the movement back then. >> yeah. i think it's necessary. a lot of times, you know, we call people's names to honor them. and also it's helpful when we want to illustrate the fa account that racism is a problem. sometimes a deadly problem. but sometimes who these people were as human beings, we don't get a chance to know them. and so through this piece the hawkins family is able to speak to who yousef was, dit gives usa chance to honor a family who has had a loved one taken from them for the color of his skin. we honor the name. sometimes it's easy to forget that there is a whole family living on with that pain generation after generation. it's a chance to kind of embrace the hawkins family which i think is so necessary. >> and i think it's enlightening for the world to see what
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happened in the biggest metropolis in the world that racism is not a regional problem. and i mean the thing that we would go out and march to say you all know the mob that killed yousef. give up the names. the you know who did it. there are 30 people out there killed. that's why we went to the community. they threw food at us, watermelon and all p they talk on the film. can't believe it. you dramatically put this together. you did an excellent job. i think it's important for people to look at this in these times while we're dealing with reckonning race in this country. >> absolutely. it takes a great deal of courage as a family. amir was 14 years old when it happened. freddy wasn't much older than that. it takes a the lot of courage. you have a loved one snatched from you and then you march directly through the neighborhood where that racist
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action took place. i commend them. i also commend them for participating. they haven't had a full chance. they haven't until this moment had a full chance to tell the story from their perspective. especially miss dianne who wasn emotional space to speak about it to the press so you get a chance to see what the hawkins family went through from their perspective. it took a great deal of courage for them to unearth those feelings on camera. i'm so glad they did. >> well, muta ali, i have to say, i how you don't want me to, but you carry on the legacy of your grandparents who i knew your grandparents and your mama who works with my daughters in civil rites work now. thank you for being with us tonight. thank you. the documentary premieres on hbo on wednesday night, this wednesday, august 12th. up next, my final thoughts.
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atthe perfect schmearnow of cream cheese. the recipe we invented over 145 years ago and me...the world's best, and possibly only, schmelier. philadelphia. schmear perfection. we will know in a matter of days, if not hours, who former vice president joe biden will choose for his running mate to be on the ticket for vice president. i said very early in the process i would love to see a black vice presidential candidate woman chosen since he had said it will be a woman and we will see who
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he chooses. i hope he chooses one that is sensitive to the time in which we live. today, six years ago, michael brown was killed in ferguson, missouri, and we observed that in ferguson and around the country today as a reminder as we still continue to fight. just yesterday, we saw the newsreels in wake cross, georgia, where young blacks were shot at and made to deal with some unimaginable circumstances, according to their father, by wake cross police. we are continuing to see police misconduct. we are continuing to see racial incidents. whoever is on the ticket with mr. biden, they must be able to deal with everyone from rural whites to urban blacks, but they must be able to deal with those that have been marginalized, ignored, and has not had any legislative solutions or policy
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solutions coming from this white house. that's why on the anniversary of the "i have a dream" march on washington in '63, 57 years later, martin luther king iii and i and national action network and many are joining members of these families, the family of george floyd and others that are victims, in washington to have a national march on voting rights and on police reform. the george floyd police injustice bill. we got to keep marching. we have to keep putting it before the public until we resolve this. i hope we get a vice presidential candidate that includes that in the broad agenda, too often "broad" means keeping some issues off the table. we can't do that. that's why we march. that does it for me. thanks for watching. i'll see you back here next weekend at 5:00 p.m.
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unfortunately, the president's executive orders described in one word would be paltry, in three words, unworkable, weak, far too narrow. >> what the president did, i agree with the republican senator, said it was unconstitutional slop. >> the lord and the founding fathers created executive orders because of partisan bickering and divided government.
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