tv First Look MSNBC August 31, 2020 2:00am-3:00am PDT
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♪ a clash between trump supporters and protesters turning deadly over the weekend in portland, oregon. now the president and mayor of portland are trading jabs over who is to blame. also, president trump is expected to visit wisconsin tomorrow after the police shooting of jacob blake. and the head of the fda said he is winning to fast track a vaccine.
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good monday morning, everybody. it is august 31st, and i'm yasmin vossoughian. we've got a lot to cover this morning. we're going to begin with the violence from this summer of racial unrest taking another deadly turn as supporters of the president made a show of force in portland on saturday. police say a man was killed in a clash with protesters and the preside 600-plus caravan. officials say the caravan drove around the city for hours. police said the vehicle caravan had already cleared the area when the shooting occurred and it remains unclear whether or how the shooting was connected to the protest. the victim has not been
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identified but the video showed the man wearing a hat with a far right-based group in oregon. president trump began the attack early in the morning around 6 a.m., posting nearly 90 tweets attacking the protests and defending the attacks by his supporte supporters. at one point he showed the video of the caravan calling the group great patriots. in a separate tweet he referred to black life matters protesters in washington as agitators and thugs. he also criticized mayor ted wheeler tweeting this, the big backlash going on in portland cannot be unexpected after 95 days of watching the incompetent mayor admit that he has no idea what he is doing. the people of portland won't put up with no safety any longer.
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the mayor is a fool. bring in the national guard. in a press conference, mayor wheeler blamed trump for the interference. >>anti-democratic as you create hate and have it control in our beautiful country. you tried to divide us more than any figure in modern history and now you want me to stop the violence that you helped create. what america needs is for you to be stopped so that we can come back together as one american while recognizing we must demand that all people, black, brown, white, every color from every political persuasion pull together and hold all people accountable in stopping racism and violence, and we together are peaceful again under new leadership that reflects who we really are, we, the people of
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this great nation. >> of course, the president hit back on twitter almost immediately writing this. ted wheeler t wacky rad cattle left do nothing democrat mayor of portland who has watched great death and destruction of his city during his tenure thinks this lawless situation should go on forever. wrong. portland will never recover with -- >> and joe biden said shooting in the streets of a great american city is unacceptable. i condemn this violence unequivocal unequivocally. i condemn violence of everyplace kind by anyone, whether on the left or the right. he says we must not become a country of war with ourselves, a country that accepts the killing of fellow americans who do not
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agree with you, a country that vows vengeance toward one another. but that is the america that president trump wants us to be. he believes that's who we are. joe biden plans to deliver remarks in pennsylvania today. at the core, are you safe in donald trump's america. on saturday biden spoke virtually to the national guard saying civil and military communications have been tested lately. he promised never to put you in the middle of politics or personal vendettas. the renewed focus on social unrest is coming as the president's campaign is expected tomorrow in wisconsin amid fears of stoking tensions there. joining me now, author of the "washington post" early morning newsletter "power up," jacqueline alemany.
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jacqueline, good to see you this morning. let's talk first about joe biden hitting the campaign trail as he sees it after basically operating his campaign from home over the last couple of months am amidst this pandemic. what is the biden camp? what is joe biden hoping to achieve during his initial visit? >> i think what we're seeing is the joe biden camp going on the offense. we're looking at the political polling that's trickled out over the weekend and u i thii think this travel indicates that the biden campaign does not want to be identified and really defined by what the country is doing right now and this southern strategy, you know, the president using racial fears and
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grievances to galvanize white supporters against the racial unrest that we're seeing is -- unfortunately hasn't been -- historically hasn't been an effective strategy and the biden campaign seems to realize that in order to combat this narrative along with the other narratives that the trump campaign has been purk like the fact that the campaign is keeping joe biden in the basement, the long-running narratives that the campaign is pushing, that they're going to actively get him out there. >> let's talk about the portland shooting for a moment here, jackie. we heard the former vice president joe biden accusing the president of recklessly encouraging violence in response to these protests. what reactions are you hearing as to how each presidential candidate is handling this overall unrest that we're seeing
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nationwide? a lot of the president's supporters are saying this unrest is only boosting and helping the current president as he tries to push this agenda of being the law-and-order president, which i have to reiterate does not make sense. he said he's going to re-establish law and order in this country, although, he's currently the president while there's somewhat of a -- somewhat of mayhem going on in the streets at the moment. >> right. donald trump fixes donald trump's america. that seems to be a shorter way of saying it. but i think that, again, going back to this southern strategy, i think, when the trump campaign realizes in default what they did in 2016 that it can be largely affected from an electoral perspective especially with the swingy white moderate voters, the republicans in suburban areas who haven't necessarily been thrilled with the president's handling of the coronavirus. once the president makes the
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selection about their personal safety and stokes these fears, whether or not they're founded, which, you know, quite frankly, as you just pointed out, much of this violence has risen under trump's administration, that becomes a problem for the bind campaign and pushes some of that back toward the president. after they received this permission slip, i think, during the democratic national convention of those who vouched for biden, the women with the softer tone who talked about what actually was going on. but, look, the president like very explicitly ignores praise a peaceful protest that happened on friday where hundreds of thousands gathering in washington, d.c., and there is no violence and then decides to
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come kmenlt on t comment on the violence in portland and praises his supporters and gathers around and supports kyle rittenhouse, the 17-year-old counterprotester who shot and killed two black protesters or two protesters who were trying to protect other people, that really sends a clear message. >> all right. the "washington post," jacqueline alemany. stay close, jackie. still ahead, republican senator and senator of the committee ron johnson gets pressed and refuses to condemn the actions of a 17-year-old trump supporter jackie was just mentioned who shot and killed two protesters. and a week after the president accused them of slow walking, the head of the agency said they're willing to fast track a vaccine before trials are even complete.
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the 17-year-old accused of committing those two murders was a trump supporter. >> it's a tragedy. it's a tragedy. >> do you condemn it? >> it's a tragedy. >> it's a tragedy, but do you condemn it? >> it's a tragedy. listen. i don't want to see any loss of life. it's a tragedy. the way you prevent these tragedies is you support law enforcement, you calm the situation, and you allow for peaceful protesters, but you don't allow peaceful protests to turn siege into siege. listen. i don want to see anybody lose their life. i don't want to see the violence condition. i don't want to see buildings burned down or economic destruction. i condemn it all. welcome back.
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that was wisconsin's senator ron and trump supporter. his sunday tweet storm included a controversial like for a thread that included the follow quote. kyle rittenhouse is a good exam people pl of w-- example of why decided to vote for trump. violent extreme ichts were destroying people's lives for business. there was the death of two and injury of a third. he's fighting extradition of his home state of illinois with a hearing set for september 25th. danny cevallos joins us this
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morning. tell us the serks surrounding this extradition here and whether or not his age, being that he's 17 years old, how that's playing in to this reluctance to send him back to wisconsin. >> we commonly think of extradition as between the united states and another country, but the constitution provides through its extradition clause for states to be required to hand over a defendant to another state, and normally it's because that offender has run away to that state and it allows the states to enter into an agreement to hand over defendants for prosecution in the prosecuting state. but his juvenile status will affect his case in another way because he's already hinted through his attorneys they're going to make a well regulated militia defense and argue that back in the days of the colonies, different states allowed, even required underage
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persons to carry firearms and this defendant is no different than those defendants back when the framers envigsd a militia under the 2nd amendment. >> it's unbelievable. the defense attorney said a lot when rittenhouse was charged last week. break down for us, expand for us more on this self-defense claims that were made there. >> because of the videos we've already seen, rittenhouse has a very narrow avenue of defense there. some options are just not available. there are those like some other dude did it, s-o-d-s-o-d-d-i.
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he has to paint rittenhouse as a good american, somebody who was exercising his lawful rights and doing good for the community and third they will look at each bullet fired, that it was justified by self-defense. that's going to look at whether it was right or not, whether he was in reasonable fear for his safety. >> reasonable fear, though, but when rittenhouse is carrying an ar-type-style rifle, how is that? also when we talk about this establishment, a militia back to the framework of the constitution so many years ago,
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how does that make sense to establish a defense in that way when that doesn't even exist in this country anymore? >> yeah. the situations back at the time of the framing of the constitutions don't exist anymore, but the courses were not that long ago, and there may be some limited right of juveniles to possess firearms, but most likely there isn't because several courts have held that juveniles may be held or restricted from owning or using firearms. defense isn't going to be as strong in this case. the other part, too, using a firearm in self-defense, it's going to be determined by who the jury makeup is. this is going to be a really -- not a slam-dunk at all. they're going to make critical decisions on their defense, as they look at whether or not it
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was justified under the circumstance. lastly, this was a challenge with open carry. normally it's difficult enough to analyze, but in places where you have open carry and then you have police officers who are also trained that any furtive movement with a firearm is grounds for deadly force. by allowing open carry, you sort of already are at that -- by seeing someone, arguably any movement they make creates this fear of deadly force, so we've got a real challenge in resolving between open carry and the fact that furtive movements for the police mean, oh, i can draw my firearm too. >> all right. danny cevallos, great to see you, my friend. still ahead, we're digging into new polls that shows where the president and joe biden stand now that the republican convention is over. we're back in a moment. n convention is over we're back in a moment masking i. and is made with three times more odor fighters.
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welcome back. new polling following both the democratic and republican national convention shows president trump is declining. 46% hold a favorable view of biden, up 6 points since before the dnc. 40% have an unfavorable view of the former vice president and when looking at the president's handling of the coronavirus, 35% approve while 46% disapprove. voters are edging back toward the president off the heels of the republican national convention. joe biden now holds just a six-point lead over president trump, 50% to 44%. that's down from the ten-point lead he held going into the
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convention. about 23.8 million television viewers tuned in to watch the president accept the nomination for president. the week prior was 24.6 million viewers. in total the rnc drew about 27.6 mill you while the dnc had 86 million. the president tweeted this and then blamed the fake news for not including online streaming numbers. still ahead, everybody, the president gets ready to visit wisconsin. but state officials hope he reconsiders and does not come. also remembering "black panthers" star chadwick boseman. how the late actor is being
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welcome back, everybody. i'm yasmin vossoughian. we're going to begin this half hour as the president escalates his campaign rhetoric against demonstrators at an event in new hampshire on friday. his campaign handed out official signs that said peaceful protester and this is a peaceful protest while the president blamed the violence in cities on his democratic rival. >> today's democrat party is filled with hate.
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just look at joe biden supporters on the streets screaming and shouting at bystanders with unhinged manic rage, right? you see it. it's crazy. it's crazy. you should have seen it last night. it's a disgrace that these people are representing the united states of america. it was a disgrace. protesters. you know what i say? protester protesters, your -- i'm not talking about my -- they're agitato agitators, rioters, looters. we're all that stand between the american people and the left-wing mob. if you want to save democracy from the mob, then you must vote to defeat an extremely poor
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candida candidate. >> all right. so the president is going to travel to kenosha, wisconsin, tomorrow despite pleas from the state officials not to visit. tony evers urged the president to, quote, reconsider the trip, writing part, this i am concerned your presence will only hinder our healing. i am concerned your presence will only delay our work to overcome division and move forward together. at from the wisconsin mayor -- while presidents are always welcome to come to this great city, this is not the best time for a visit. and in an interview. wisconsin's governor told cnn this, we absolutely don't need this right now.
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however, the president seems undeterred to meet with law enforcement and surveil the damage to the city. a spokesperson from the white house writes this. the white house has been humbled by the outreach of individuals from kenosha who have welcomed the president's visit and are longing for leadership to support local law enforcement and businesses that have been vandalized. in an unprecedent move weeks before the convention, the dni will no longer brief congress in person on election security. the decision is coming as the trump administration seeks to halt the in-person briefings reportedly over concerns of leaks. congressional intelligence committees will still have access to classified written intelligence reports, but the
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cancellation of in-person briefings means congress will not be able to question officials about what is behind the reports. and now new reporting by nbc news says that the fbi and dhs plan to brief congress on cyber threats to election security and disinformation but not on the plans and intentions of foreign adversaries. in a statement to nbc news, the fbi said this, the fbi is committed to keeping congress informed in election security and aligned influence threats. protection remains a top priority for the fbi. we decline to comment further. dhs has yet to respond to nbc news. joining me once again to "washington post's" "power up,"
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jackie alemany. how can this poesssibly impact e elections? >> i think there's a concern that 2016 will happen all over again. the top official at odni said last month, released a statement saying iran and russia and china are seeking to interfere with u.s. elections. so what you heard in really what's been outrage from democrats and again some republicans is not having that transparent access, not being able to ask questions in briefings and the nuance of what's going on prevents lawmakers from preemptively warning against interference and what's going on. you've heard democrats say they're trying to protect any connections or untoward, you
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know, relationships that he might have with some of our foreign adversaries, and you've seen some republicans say this is a nonpartisan issue, election security. protecting our elections is something both parties should agree with. but as we saw the president say over the weekend, this is a matter of systemic leaks, that in order to prevent lawmakers from politicizing intelligence and information that they're receiving in these briefings, but it's troubling considering what they went through in 2016 considering russian interference and our election. >> i mean, how is this supposed to keep checks and balances alive if, in fact, there's interference from foreign adversaries influence this election as there was back in 2016? you need folks on both sides of the aisle to be understanding and read in on exactly what's happening in order to prevent
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the same thing happening once again in 2020. that would strengthen and protect the integrity of our voting system and allow increased transparency around this topic, but, again, it is really a problem when the president sometitymies and trie close the spout on information that other parts of the federal government should have access to in order to be able to respond appropriately. >> all right. the "washington post," jackie alemany. thank you. great to see you. chadwick boseman, best known for his role in "black panthers" has privately died from colon
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cancer. boseman's cancer had progressed from stage 3 to stage 4 and that he worked on many of his prominent films between surgeries and chemotherapy treatments is a surprise to many. the 43-year-old portrayedmy iconic black americans including jackie robinson, and others. "b "black panthers" was the first major movie to portray a protagonist it. was nominated for best picture at the academy awards back in 2019, the first superhero to be nominated in that category. in a twitter statement his family said this. it was the honor of his career to bring king chawla to life in "black panther." fans took to social media to
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grieve their loss and show support, making history themselves. boseman's passing was the site's most liked tweet ever, saying, a tribute fit for a king king, #wacanda, forever. still ahead, the dni signals a fast track for approval for the vaccine. what that means for safety concerns coming up. your first look at "morning joe" coming up. back in a moment. "morning joe" p.ming u back in a moment
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there are over 25 million cases and 800,000. the fda is willing to fast track the vaccine in order to make approval possible. dr. stephen hahn said they will approve it if it's determined to be appropriate if steven hahn thinks it's appropriate. he said this is going to be a science/medicine-data decision. also russia and china have approved vaccines without awaiting the final trials. over the last two weeks as school open, coronavirus cases with children soared with over
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9,000 new infections. there are nearly 49,000 confirmed cases among children through august 26. that is a sharp increase from the roughly 40,000 confirmed cases two weeks prior with most of the infections occurring in teenagers between 14 and 17 years old. and on friday, a florida health department data reported 700 new cases in a single day among children or young adults 24 and younger. with that, let's switch gears and get a check on your weather with nbc meteorologist bill karins. good morning to you, bill. >> good morning. i've not been able to update you. i'll sh i'll show you where we're at. on sunday we ended up right around 950. that's what our average daily
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deaths have been. we do the seven-day average because on the weekend we get less and during the week we get more. it givens a better feel or smoother curve. the april peak was over 2,000. the july low was about 521. we did peek on august 24th with the latest new bump and we're slowly drifting down. it would be interesting to see if we get under 521. you can see that in the next graph. this is the seven-day average. you can see where the april peak is. right now we're at 33,981. everyone's kind of curious if they'll be going back up. so those are kind of the things that everybody is watching,
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myself included. september 10th is the climatological peak. the one area in the caribbean has a 90% chance of developing. the area in the caribbean will be heading toward mexico, make toward cancun. we do have a chance of heavy rain and flooding in areas of virginia and also north carolina. the flood threat is up in the mountains. yasmin, compared to two last week, we'll have minor concerns and there are no tropical threats heading our way. >> some respite for now. thank you, bill. still ahead, we're going to go live to cnbc as we close out the
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welcome back. white house chief of staff mark meadows discussing the president's response to shootings over protests in portland. >> you want to talk about donald trump's america, most of donald trump's america is peaceful. it's a democrat-led city in portland we're talking about this morning who just yesterday denied help once again from the federal government. >> does the president not believe he has the responsible of governing and leading the entire country? >> well, he does lead and govern the entire country. chuck, you're smarter than that. >> this young man that took matters into his own hands, the president has yet to condemn these actions. i'm talking about the young man who shot two protesters in kenosha. i'm talking about kenosha where
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the -- >> the president has been very clear. >> yeah. >> the president has been very clear, whether it was with that individual or mr. blake or anywhere else, he has asked for proper investigations. >> why not denounce what this young man did? why nod say, please, don't take matters into your own hands. the president has not said that. one of his chief supporters in the media has actually defended this. efended this are you tired of clean clothes that just don't smell clean?
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welcome back. as the coronavirus pandemic continues to spread across the united states, the president's secret service is beginning to feel the strain caused by this deadly virus, according to "the washington post" last month the president gave a speech to a group of sheriff's in tampa, florida, five secret service agents on the ground had to be replaced after one tested positive for covid and the others working in proximity were presumed to be infected. these people confirmed in the last few months dozens of secret service agents have been sickened or sidelined because they were in direct contact with infected people. this is just one of a series of examples of how trump's insistence on traveling and holding campaign-style events
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amist this pandemic have heightened the risk for those who safeguard his life. the secret service has declined to comment about the number of staffers who tested positive for covid. joining me with a look at axios a.m., national political reporter for axios, jonathan swan. good morning, great to see you this morning. >> you too. >> give us axios' 1 big thing today. >> so some early data suggests that the republican national convention was politically successful and gave president trump more of a bounce, more of an early bounce out of the convention than vice president biden got out of the democratic national convention. so there's a new morning consult poll that has president trump getting a 4 percentage point bounce out of the rnc whereas vice president biden got no
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bounce from the dnc a week earli earlier. and another poll has biden's lead over trump shrinking to 6 points after the rrnc. that's his smallest lead in months, it was roughly nine points the last time they polled. there are other reasons why the trump campaign is feeling better about the state of the race than they were three, four weeks ago. they had a huge fund-raising week during the rnc, raising $76 million. but biden announced they were getting frustrated about joe biden not really putting his head up and being a target. he's announced he's resuming campaign travel after labor day, and e he's going to minnesota, which is significant. that's a state that democrats have won ever since 1972, richard nixon's landslide in '72. but the trump people have been putting a lot of energy into that state. they see a profile of trump voter there, white, noncollege
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educated and they came close last time. so that is more of a defensive move from joe biden. >> i'm interested to know where joe biden is getting a boost from right now. you had michael moore on twitter yesterday up in arms talking about the recent bump that trump has gotten after the rnc. and he has talked about the fact that he believes that biden should be talking more to the progressive left for voter turnout come november. is this -- is the biden stance more about getting the progressive left to turnout or is this more about getting folks to turn out that voted third party back in 2016? >> look, there's everyone offering joe biden advice. the reality is joe biden is doing -- if you look across almost every demographic segment, joe biden is doing fabulously well. you pick a segment, white people, hispanics, blacks, men,
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women, democrats, independents, college educated, non-college educated, he's doing extremely well. and, in fact, there's a smart piece which i urge everyone to read by the cook's political report, she digs into the data comparing 2016 to now. the difference is trump is actually stable with every demographic group. the problem is he hasn't expanded any support, and biden is outperforming hillary clinton with pretty much every group. so the trump strategy, the much more interesting question is not whether president trump can change the minds of a whole bunch of voters who don't like him. that's very unlikely. the interesting question is there's hundreds of thousands of voters, particularly in the upper midwest who are unregistered but fit the trump profile, white, non-college educated if they could get these people fired up to vote, that
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could be a more meaningful metric than persuasion. >> i know there's a new book out by michael schmidt, a lot of revelations in the book. you had an opportunity to look at it, what can you tell us? >> there's a lot of great reporting in there. one i would highlight for you. the day after president trump fired james comey, he calls up john kelly, who was the secretary of homeland security, offers him the fbi director job and asks for his loyalty. which obviously echos what he did in the private dinner with james comey. this gives you a sense of his mindset at the time. and the interesting thing is, robert mueller never learned this fact when he investigated because the white house limited the scope of john kelly's interview with the mueller team. >> by the way, michael schmidt is going to join joe and mika tomorrow morning on "morning
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joe." >> he's a good reporter. >> good to see you this morning, my friend. he's a great reporter, as are you. you can sign up for the newsletter at that does it for me on this monday morning. i'm yasmin vossoughian. "morning joe" starts right now. good morning, and welcome to "morning joe." it is monday, august 31st. with us we have white house reporter for the associated press jonathan lemire. the host of msnbc's politics nation and president of the national action network, reverend al sharpton. columnist david ignatius and white house correspondent for pbs news hour, yamiche alcindor. >> i need to start with jonathan lemire. >> of course you do. >> another red sox victory, two in a
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