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tv   The Reid Out  MSNBC  September 4, 2020 4:00pm-5:00pm PDT

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i believe that includes manipulating the ballots. i believe he would go so far as to start a war to prevent himself from being removed from office. my biggest fear is that there will not be a peaceful transition of power in 2020. >> a stark warning from someone who knows the president well. that does it for us. have a great holiday weekend. have a great holiday weekend donald trump might be the most transparent president in american history. day after day he reminds us he is exactly who he appeared to be, a selfish, self-fixated man. a man incapable of empathy, of ever relating to human emotions and lacks respect for anyone and
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anything related to either trump himself or making money, including the united states military. it should not be of any surprise when he belittled and mocked those of war. as president of the united states, he is also the commander in chief of the armed forces. the atlantic jeffrey goldberg wrights -- # ghts -ts -- wrights -- # ghts -ts --its --te
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. >> in a conversation with senior staff members, on the morning of the scheduled visit trump said why should i go to that cemetery, it's filled with losers. trump referred to the more than 1800 marines who lost their lives as suckers for getting kicked. fox news confirmed the reporting today. donald trump has furiously denied the comments. again at an event today with foreign leaders at the white house. we can see why he would desperately deny the politics. but it is understandable how this reporter is believable given the words that has come
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out of trump's mouth. henillary clinton fan. it would have been nice if we had gotten him sooner. >> when you look at vinman, the person he reports to, said horrible things, avoided the chain of command. we sent him on his way to a different location. the military can handle him the way they want. >> i heard they had headaches and a couple of other things, but i can report report that it is not very serious. >> you don't consider it serious? >> no, not compared to what i have seen. >> joe biden today -- >> if what was written in "the
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atlantic" is true, it is disgusting. when my son was an assistant attorney and volunteered to go to kosovo when the war was going on as a civilian, he wasn't a sucker. if these statements are true, the president should humbly apologize to every gold star mother and father and blue star family he has denigrated and sold it. who the heck does he think he is? >> i would ask y'all the rhetorical question. how would you feel if you had a kid in afghanistan right now? you know in your heart, your gut, it's deplorable. >> deplorable. just like president trump's attacks on john mccain.
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mccain came home a hero around the time that trump was busy keeping black people out of his apartments in queens. mccain served as a senator. trump will likely go down as the worst president in american history. when mccain died in august of 2018, trump told his staff according to three sources with direct knowledge, we are not going to support that loser's funeral. he was furious, according to witnesses, when he saw flags at half-staff. trump was not invited to mccain's funeral. >> we saw with our own eyes. >> i supported him for president. raised a million dollars. i supported him. he lost, let us down.
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i never liked him as much after that because i don't like losers. frank -- >> he's a war hero. >> he's a war hero because he was captured. i like people who weren't captured. >> here is what matters? donald trump is the commander in chief of the armed forces, refused to raise the matter of bounties with vladimir putin on our troops. donald trump has made it clear over and over again that he only cares about himself. he has the power to send men and women into harm's way. i have ash lie parker white house reporter for "the washington post" and jon
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meacham, author. >> malcolm. i am going to give you the opportunity to take the floor and respond to what you have heard over the last 24 hours. >> i appreciate that. i am a retired senior navy petty officer. this is a question someone should have asked the president in the last four years. the navy started in 1893 because the navy needed mid-level experts for guidance down the chain of command and up the campaign of command to the commanding officer. there is always a listed senior adviser so they can give frank and unvarnished opinions. what i would like to say is
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this, because the president is surrounded by navy chiefs and at any time he could ask their opinion and he would give it to them. i am going to ask the question many chiefs ask on a daily president but the president needs to be asked with great respect. and that question quite simply is what is wrong with you, really? what is the malfunction of this president? this is not the first time we have sat here. and as any chief in this world, that is exactly what i would like to know. because as commander in chief he is endangering our sailors, soldiers and marines. and he doesn't respect them. for him to call people suckers, i have been to the village of bello in france and stood in the
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bello wood and am certain about the sacrifice the world war i marines gave there. those people are not suckers. this man is a coward and as a coward he cannot respect those better than him. my grandfather fought in world war one at 17 years old. he was not a sucker. he was not anything that donald trump could hope to be. donald trump is a coward. my entire family's civil war experience to this very day is because we love this country. i swear to you, someone in the chain of command pull that man aside and recalibrate him. he has revealed himself.
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the only way we can resolve this as in the armed forces is he must be relieved of his command. in 60 days he must be relieved of his office. he is a drunk man with an ak-47. he is the person we look for to see whether they are endangering our troops. >> i want to play donald trump today. he called this reporting a hoax and did so in a specific way. this is not a tape. this is from today. >> it is a hoax just like the fake dossier was a hoax. just like the russia-russia was a hoax. just like so many things, it is a hoax. you will hear more of these
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totally unrelated as we get closer and closer to election. >> you can't believe everything you see on twitter, but it turns out the day after donald trump refused to visit our war dead he hung out with vladimir putin. he said putin didn't want him to ha having with him. but donald trump made time for putin. he did not make time for our troops. >> he will insult the dead of the u.s. armed forces who served honorably and proudly and meet with an kperch kgb officer and sh would not show the love for the
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people who fought in world war i. i will make one prediction, joy. i trust that at some point in american history donald trump's picture will have a black shroud over it. >> there is always a presumption that any one who was president would have a love of the country. donald trump has shown none of it. >> we haven't seen anything like this. i was thinking when the story broke in the atlantic. i was thinking of the gettysburg address. he was there for a cemetery of the union dead. he framed the country's new birth of freedom, as freedom to
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all, not just white men which the soldiers had given their full devotion. his cry from that moment unto this hour was letor dead shall not have died in vain. you are right, the presumption has been love of country and devotion to the constitution, none of which is in evidence with this president. this is not a partisan point. this is not a democratic point, not a msnbc point versus a fox point. this is an observation that donald trump has broken every presidential norm and those norms are there, in many cases, for a reason. the founder saw that george
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washington would fill the office. that we need a reason to stand against passion in the arena and someone who valued the experiment in liberty. for all of our failings, for all of our shortcomings, for all of our since, we have managed from age to age to stumble forward. we are stumbling backwards with this president. i agree with chief nance, if i may. we have a remarkable opportunity in about 60 days to fight back with the greatest form of nonviolent protest ever devised by human kind which is the vote. >> i want to play for you major general paul eaton. he had a visceral reaction.
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here is major general eaton. >> just outside of laos. he delivered ordinates to deliver supplies and then delivered support to special forces on the ground. this dog tag was recovered at the crash site. my father was a patriot, well educated, wise man. the best men and women of the united states of america are found in the united states. >> there is a searing new ad, a
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lot more of that, families who served going after donald trump's disrespect. joe biden is already receiving the majority of support. i wonder if donald trump realizes if he breaks mail-in voting, the military couldn't vote. give us a state of the level of panic inside the white house right now as all of these chickens are coming home to roost. >> this is an incredibly undisciplined white house generally. it underscores their panic and sense that this could be a very serious problem for the president, that they actually managed to mobilize a fairly
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traditional rapid response to push back on this. never is this white house so focused on a single message of the day. the president spoke to reporters. you had the press secretary coming out and doing a briefing. you have you had the president doing a briefing. just before your show, melania trump trump tweeted about this. the president and his team have no credibility left. they can say whatever they want, but the public has fairly good reason not to believe them. even in the president's defense there are mistruths and lies. he says i never called john mccain a loser. you just played that clip. he was saying it in the context of having lost to obama in 2008
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at the same time when he denigrated him a prisoner of war. they understand how problematic it could be, but it's unclear who would believe them at this point. >> or who would defend them. donald trump had at least four high ranking military men serving in his administration. i don't see any of them defending him. the silence is golden. has lindsey graham deet fended him? we will have to check on that. thank y'all very much. up next. kahn challenged trump and then he faced donald trump's wrath.
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>> have you read the united states constitution? i will gladly lend you my copy. you have sacrificed nothing and no one! >> this gold star father whose be loved son lost his life in combat who this president would never understand. october's surprise won't be a surprise at all. days before the election he will announce a vaccine. surprise. and the reporter who broke the breonna taylor story. the reid out, after this. e reids
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>> among those most impacted by trump's disparaging remarks are the family members of fallen soldiers. back in 2017 trump and general john kelly who at the time was the chief of homeland security, donald trump was told that he should show respect. kelly's son died when he stepped on a land mine.
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while standing by the grave, trump turned to john kelly and said i don't get it, what was in it for them. >> mr. kahn, it's always great to see you and talk to you. i extend my heartfelt condolence. thank you for your son's service. when you saw and heard this report, what were your thoughts? >> joy, thank you. i am delighted to join you. you have graced our hearts and homes for a very long time so i am delighted to be with you today. joy, the words we say are windows to our souls, how we see the world. so when donald trump calls
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anyone who places their life in the service of others, in the service of the nation, he calls them losers, we understand trump's soul. by his accounting, self sacrifice does not make sense. love of country does not make sense. according to trump the winners in life are those that put themselves before all, and the losers are those that don't. what kind of soul this man has. his life is a testament to selfishness. he calls our war dead losers and celebrates autocrats and people
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like putin from russia. donald trump told us who he is by disrespecting our heroes. he is incapable of understanding service, valor and courage. his soul cannot conceive of integrity and honor. service to country, selfless service. his soul is that of a coward. and his soul is that of a coward the way he has disrespected our heroes. and i pay tribute to men and women, those serving today and their families. those who have served before, our veterans, i pay tribute to them. this is not who we are. we honor men and women serving.
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we honor veterans and their families. so donald trump, by his own word and deeds, he has proven his soul is that, and undeserving of this office of presidency. >> it was said that his disrespect is because there is no money in serving in the military and he can't imagine anyone doing anything that's not for monetary gain. the way money has featured in this ongoing story is that russia put money, bounties on our troops. as a gold star dad, as somebody
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who can understand the feelings of people whose children are serving around the world. are you concerned that donald trump would not care to protect our troops given the way he feels? >> well, he has created a moment for our forces, our men and women serving in harm's way, a moment of concern. as a parent i can understand the anguish that parents of our loved ones, spouses, husbands, fathers, brothers, sisters or loved ones feel at this time since the announcement by our intelligence of russia placing bounties to harm our men and women. i feel the anguish, but donald trump has uttered not a single
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word to condemn or to deter our a adversaries from placing bounties. that's one more proof that he does not value their sacrifice, their selfless volunteering to defend our nation. therefore, he has declared himself incapable and unsuitable for the office that he holds today. to send family in harm's way, what it takes to wait for their call, what it takes to be in
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that anguish of their return because our men and women, their service, their valor, deserves better commander in chief. he is incapable of understanding service, valor and service. his soul -- we have observed him these three or four years, his soul cannot conceive of integrity and honor. he is devoid of basic character of a leader like united states of america. a character of a commander in chief, armed forces of the united states and that character is empathy, compassion. he is devoid of that. we have said that in 2016 knowing his background.
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but he has proven us right. but hopefully america has found it out and america is not going to buy his -- whatever he is selling one more time. >> it is always an honor to speak with you. my best to your family and wife. up next, growing concerns about the safety of any potential vaccine that might become available right before the election. right before the election - hey, can i... - safe drivers save 40%!!! guys! guys! safe drivers save 40%!!! safe drivers save 40%! safe drivers save 40%!!! that's safe drivers save 40%. it is, that's safe drivers save 40%. - he's right there. - it's him! safe drivers do save 40%. click or call for a quote today.
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under operation warp speed we remain on track to produce a safe and effective vaccine in record time. this would have been years later. in my opinion it will be delivered by the end of the year, but possibly even by the end of october. >> he reiterated a similar thing today. >> i think vaccines will be
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announced soon. i think you will see great companies announcing these vaccines. >> at the same time trump is assuring us we are rounding the curve, 4400 americans died from covid-19. >> there is >> there i -- >> .
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>> miss garret joins me now. your piece was terrifying. i shared it because i think everyone should read it. walk us through this warp speed plan. you have folks like peter navarre saying getting on trump time, speed it up. you are saying that's not safe. >> it is not. you can't make things happen faster than humanly possible. you can't snap your fingers and have a vaccine. these have to be tested on large numbers of people and require more than one injection so that you may enroll 30,000 people to agree to be test subjects and they will get an injection say right after labor day, but then you go out to the middle of september before you hit the second injection and don't get
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until the end of november until you can get results and calibrate. on october 22 the fda is convening to go over data various companies may have by then. there will only be this one meeting to decide does any one of them look like they should move ahead to the next stage of development and possibly put out to the public. the cdc this week sent out a letter to every governor in the united states saying you should be ready. you have to by october 1 give us your master plan on how you are going to do mass vaccination in your state and by november 1 you must have in place actual vaccination actually going on. what is november 1? two days before collections. >> that's terrifying in and of
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itself. i think about these states. i think about my former state of florida where i lived with my family for 14 years. you have florida barring health officials releasing coronavirus data about schools. when you have states where some of these governors are more trumpy than governors and more concerned about trump being happy with them than doing the right thing. do you trust these states? can they force people to get vaccines? >> first of all, nobody can be forced to get vaccinated under the current guidelines. each tony fauci has said it may not make sense to try and compel vaccination because we have such a high level of antithy, there
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may be a huge backlash. but the officials who are responsible for public health have been undermined over and over again. the cdc has lost credibility, the fda. every agency that plays a role is fighting to have the public believe in it. what do you do when the president puts pressure on the fda to approve convalescent therapy even though there is no evidence it works. and nih said stop, we are not confident with this. nevertheless the fda overruled itself. we have one example after another where agencies are being
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undermined to overrule their own rules. the federal agencies you would turn to for advice are just not doing their jobs. >> and i say that because as someone who had school age kids, they will say you have to show you have vaccines. dr. fauci is saying slow down this long holiday weekend because we are way over the number of cases we need to be to be back in a good place. lauri, thanks for being here. every one should read your article. more about the botched breonna taylor case. breonna taylor case.
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it has been 175 days, if you can believe it, since louisville officers killed breonna taylor in her home. not one has been arrested and only one fired. now new photos are raising questions about what happened. at least one of the officers were wearing a body camera. that contradicts when the police officer said, that narcotics officers do not wear them. joining me is paul butler and author of "chokehold." roberto, i am going to go to you first. there are apparently discrepancies in the placement
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of bullet casings that night and the following day. >> on the crime scene when you go through, there are more than 40 different markers that mark bullets and bullet casings. what is of note is that the pictures move from pictures taken that night to one the following day. the importance of this is that on a crime scene, after a crime, especially like what happens at taylor's apartment, none of this stuff should be touched. we talked to someone who was disappointed, but not surprised to see some were moved. we spoke to a former narcotics officer who pointed out these discrepancies in the photos.
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we shared the broader documents with them. >> you also found, despite what we heard before, that police should have known that there might be a second person in breonna taylor's apartment who was a licensed carrier of a firearm. >> the testimony we have from one of the officers, the intelligence they were given suggests she would be alone in her home. what we have learned is that the team that conducts the broader investigation, the investigation that leads them to that home and other homes that night requested intelligence on kenneth walker her boyfriend the day before and in a risk matrix that should have been made, they assessed risk factors they should have
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seen within that intelligence. if the team does not share that with the team that executes the raise, that is a problem. if the team that executes is lying, that is a problem. >> paul, what does that say to you? kenneth walker who was in the home and witnessed the shooting of his girlfriend is suing, claiming police misconduct. does what you just heard sound like misconduct to you? >> absolutely. remember the cops who killed george floyd were charged within days. the cops who were charged with rayshard brooks was charged within days. it has been six months and still no charges in the taylor case.
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again, there has been consistent irregularities. the police report was a big live. the cops have the nerve to say nobody had been hurt when breonna taylor was announced dead. they said they entered peacefully when in fact they broke down the door with a battering ram. >> what does it mean -- we know the person them coming to arrest was not there. he was already in custody. he has come forward that prosecutors tried to make him take a plea deal. they wanted him to falsely incriminate breonna taylor. what does that sound like? thao like a cover up. everybody should focus on the facts. these officers fired rounds and
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rounds of bullets, shot up eight different rooms in two different apartments. they knew they were putting innocent people in danger. one of the officers fired ten rounds literally through a closed and covered door. he was shooting through a he couldn't see who or what he was shooting. that cop was fired. his own boss, the chief of police, said he displayed extreme indifference to human life. guess what? that's the standard for a criminal case. all of these officers should have been brought to justice months ago. >> roberto, what do you walk away with in terms of what you found in this case? and do you think that the body camera, is there any chance that it was on and we're just not being told that, that there is footage? >> well, we have been told in the aftermath of publishing our report is that tony james, he's one of seven officers who executed the raid, and he's also the officers who is pictured,
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we're told he did not have his camera activated. we have not confirmed that, but we have heard it from multiple sources. and a local station reported that as well. now, one of the main take-aways from this case, and i cannot emphasize this enough is that very little information is out in the public right now. i know that it's been a very long time since this raid happened, but the louisville metro police department, the louisville metro government, the attorney general's office in kentucky, they have not released very much information at all. they continue to cite an ongoing investigation and not releasing records to journalists like myself. and the public doesn't know basic things. they haven't even acknowledged all seven officers, at least seven officers who were present there. they continue to say the names. i think that until more information is shared with the
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public, everyone should continue to be skeptical of the little bits of information that trickle out. >> yeah. no kidding. what's the next move for vice? do we anticipate you guys, you know, going to court to get more information? because i think everyone wants it. >> i don't know if we have reached just yet. i will get a phone call after this if i say anything. we plan to go back to louisville soon when we have spent about a month of the past three months there. so we don't plan to let up. and hopefully no one else does either. >> thank you very much for doing that. i know a lot of people care a lot about this case. so thank you for following up on it. and paul butler, who i know if you look online, has given his opening statement in what he would say is the opening statements. thank you both for being here. we'll be right back. r mind. with fidelity wealth management,
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much more ahead in our second hour tonight. trump doubles down on telling his supporters to vote twice. the trump economy is in shambles and his lifelong disdain for america's armed forces is showing. plus, my interview with mary trump. stay with us as the reid out continues.
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♪ we are just eight weeks away from the presidential election, and this week we have seen the clearest contrast yet between the two nominees. voters are choosing between a man who mocks those who take the coronavirus seriously, who traffics in conspiracy theories, who has doubled down on telling his supporters to break the law and vote twice and who thinks the military are losers.


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