tv AM Joy MSNBC September 5, 2020 7:00am-9:00am PDT
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>> my son sergeant james anthony ayube ii gave his life in afghanistan in 2010. [ speaking foreign language ] >> that is something donald trump will never know. >> that's something that donald trump will never understand. >> my message to donald trump is this. you have no right being a commander in chief. >> good morning and welcome to a.m. joy. for any other candidate this would be the end of their campaign, a president, a commander in chief, reportedly calling americans who have died or wounded in battle losers and suckers. elements of the story have been confirmed by multiple outlet and although donald trump has denied the charges they aren't hard to believe, are they? he later boasted that his personal vietnam was avoiding
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sexually transmitted diseases. he's even said pretty much the same thing about one of our most war heroes of our lifetime. >> i supported him for president. i raised a million dollars for him. that's a lot of money. i supported him. he lost. he let us down. but you know he lost so i never liked him as much after that because i don't like losers. >> he's a war hero. >> he's not a war hero. he's a war hero because he was captured. i like people that weren't captured. >> even his own people have known he doesn't have respect for those who have served. take james mattis speaking to american troops in august of 2017. >> you're a great example for our country right now. it's got some problems, you know it and i i know it. we have problems that we don't have in the military and you just hold the line, my fine young soldiers, airmen, marines.
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just hold the line until our country gets back to understanding and respecting each other and showing it and being friendly to one another, you know, that americans owe to one another. >> hold the line was seen by many as mattis' effort to buck up the troops against the chaos already coming from the commander in chief. the very person sending them into harm's way. for most of that trump would s disrespect the military. one of the most racially diverse institutions in america and maybe that's why he so december rat si is trying to deny it now. >> there is nobody that feels more strongly about our soldiers, our wounded warriors, our soldiers that died in war than i do. it's a hoax. >> joining me now is ruben gallegos of arizona. congresswoman davids of kansas, a veteran of the u.s. army and
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colonel lawrence wilkerson. thank you for joining me today. >> thanks for having me. >> i want to turn to you, colonel, for you first. i have to share with you, watching the president having these allegations was not surprising but as someone who in my family has served, my cousin served, my stepbrother served, it was jarring to hear him say this. are you surprised by these allegations? >> well, i'm not surprised at all. i don't really know why anyone is surprised. this man has been this sort of person for the last three years. i am as former secretary of defense said yesterday, i am surprised at the disgraceful reprehensible disgusting way that apparently he has talked about the american military. it is a responsibility of the president of the united states as commander in chief in that role to do everything he can to
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keep the morale in good order and discipline at the military at the highest possible levels. this is disruptive to a major degree of that good order and discipline and that morale so he's not doing service. i've been working with different groups on the november 3rd elections and let me tell you that we have seen in simulations, war games, if you will, of these elections, we have seen some pretty disconcerting things. and they are that way because this man is who he is. we're looking at perhaps the most contentious elections in american history or at least since the civil war and most of this contention and this disconcerting nature generates from this president, donald trump. >> congresswoman, wilkerson brings up a very good point on the mo ral that this will do on troops that are abroad. speak to this and your experiences if your commander in
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chief had acted the same way. >> thank you so much for including me in this conversation. i also feel like i have to first thank congressman gand i have t make sure there's no ambiguity. my mother served in the army for 20 years until i got out of high school and my perspective is that of somebody who had so many families serve. i myself have not served in the armed services and i have to admit i had a little bit of embarrassment when you -- when you said that i was a veteran and i know that i'm not and i think that that's partly because of the bripride that i have thay mom gave to this country and to be able to sit here today with two people who served our country in that way and to be having a conversation about
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someone who really is supposed to be responsible and demonstrating leadership for our service members, for people who stand up and sacrifice, who put everything on the line for our country and our freedoms, it is -- as the child of a veteran and a grandchild of a veteran and the cousin of a veteran i feel like this is not just insulting and disheartening and heart breaking for all of our service members, but for their families as well and i know we've heard people across the country, across political ideologies, across religious and racial boundaries, everybody knows that what is being reported here is unacceptable and we have got to make sure that our service members and the families of our service members know that we have your backs. we respect you, we know how important you are and i'm heart broken to see that the president does not understand what service to this country means.
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>> congresswoman thank you for that clarification. our apologies but i do believe that when someone sends their loved one to war the whole family serves and what i would like to talk to you about not just for your service, congressman, but how does this play in arizona? we know that in arizona and in kansas, there's a large group of voters. are you seeing these conversations right now, congress ma congressman? >> i see a lot of veterans disheartened and military families. it's hard to serve when the president doesn't understand sacrifice. he doesn't understand selflessness. when you serve and if you go overseas like i did and serve in combat you end up giving up a lot. you give up time with our family. a lot of us will give up our health and i left a lot of friends over there and it's very sad and really it's gut punching. it shouldn't surprise me but it
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really hurt. and i know there's a lot of other thousands of arizona families that are feeling that. you have a president that cares more about himself than his country, that cares more about what the country can do for him than what he can do for his country and uses us, military personnel and families as props instead of honoring our sacrifice and treating us with respect. it's heart breaking. i can't imagine what it feels like to have someone in the military and i apologize to them. this is probably the worst president we've had in modern history. >> we talk specifically about the pain that so many families are having. take a listen. >> the president said he knew what he signed up for but it hurts anyways. and i was -- it made me cry because i was very angry at the tone in his voice and how he said it. he couldn't remember my
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husband's name. that's what hurt me the most because if my husband is out here fighting for our country and he risks his life for our country why can't you remember his name? >> colonel wilkerson, what does this do for the morale of the military? >> well, it destroys it. i'm elated in one respect because the military times newspapers army times, marine corps times and so forth carried a story the other day that shows his favorability ratings and his support in the military is falling off, in some cases dramatically. we need to get rid of this man and nothing shows it more than these egregious comments. in november we need to vote, we need to vote overwhelming. we need to show this man what we think of him now. he's shown us what he thinks of america, particularly of its warriors. we need to show him now what we think of him. >> congressman, is this going to
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make a difference? we live in a divided country. will this make a difference especially with veterans and their families. >> it makes a difference politically but it makes a difference policy wise. johnson was a terrible tragedy. these men got ambushed and i know because i was particularly interested in this right away and the way they treated the family and the followup investigation. the way that general kelly attacked the black congresswoman in order to protect the president, all of these emphasize what this president thinks. how he treats the military, he he views us as a bunch of suckers and losers when in fact we're the heroes that keep this constitution together. we'll win this election because we are a better nation than what this president represents. what the fact is we have to recognize is the policy that has flown from his head and his narcissism that's affected the
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military is dangerous. >> congressman, i want to talk a little bit more about this from joe biden's own words. >> these statements are true, the president should humbly apologize to every gold star mother and father and every blue star family that he's denigrating and insulted. who the heck does he think he is? how do you feel? how would you feel if you had a kid in afghanistan right now? ? you know in your heart, you know in your gut, it's deplorable. >> congresswoman, as a member of a military family would an apology from the president be enough? >> i think the -- of course i think the president should apologize and not just for the things that are being talked about now with this report, but for past behavior.
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we've seen the president time and time again make disparaging remarks about war heroes, john mccain in particular. senator mccain. we've seen the president behave in a way that is unbecoming and unfit for this -- for the office of the president of the united states and commander in chief of our armed services. he needs to do more than apologize. he needs to reconcile internally and he also needs to make sure that his actions demonstrate respect for our armed services that they deserve and for the families of people who have lost -- who have lost so much in defense of this country and on behalf of our entire country so we can have the freedom to even have this conversation today. >> and on that freedom i want to thank our congressman gallegos, congress davids and colonel wilkerson. thank you for shedding light on
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let me be real clear. when my son was an assistant u.s. attorney and he volunteered to go to kosovo while the war was going on he wasn't a sucker. when my son volunteered to join the united states military as the attorney general and went to iraq for a year, won the bronze star and other commendations he wasn't a sucker. >> joe biden started the week drawing stark contrast between himself and president trump. he met with jacob blake and his family. >> i had an opportunity to spend some time with jacob on the
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phone. he's out of icu. we spoke for about 15 minutes. he talked about how nothing was going to defeat him. how whether he walked again or not he was not going to give up. what i came away with was the overwhelming sense of resilience and optimism that they have about the kind of response they're getting. >> and on wednesday, he hit trump on the issue of millions of parents and children are facing as we head into labor day weekend, back to school. >> president trump may not think his -- this is a national emergency, but i think going back to school for millions of children and the impacts on their families and the community is a national emergency. mr. president, where are you? where are you? why aren't you working on this? we need emergency support
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funding for our schools and we need it now. mr. president, that's your job. that's your job. >> where are you? and joining me now is long time friend of the show and my good friend chief of staff to kamala harris. >> hey, maria. i'm so sorry we can't see each other. i couldn't get my technology right today. >> i have to tell you is that my understanding though is you look absolutely fabulous but your voice is fantastic. how are you doing? >> i'm doing great. 59 days and we're going to earn every vote out there and as a campaign we're, woing really hard. you see biden and senator harris out there working hard to earn everyone's vote but let me just say it's -- i can't see you in the chair but i'm so glad you are in the chair, my friend. >> i'm channelling you right now. i want to talk about the back to
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school and then i want to talk a little bit more about his broader policies, but you and i both have children that play together, that are -- before covid, let's be clear. >> yeah, before covid. >> that are now going back to school. my children started on monday and tuesday and full disclosure, as i was trying to navigate the different technologies and their school is doing a fabulous job, i had this moment of anxiety of when i was eight years old where i was a latch key kid and the idea that there's millions of children who may not have access to the same technology, may not have access to parental supervision while they go to school really creates fault lines and divisions and i was just wondering if you're having difficult navigating because i think sometimes people don't realize that this issue of back to school can very well resonate across political lines, across socio economic lines, across
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ethnicities. >> that's exactly right. and the two of us, we have the resources to make sure that we're there with our kids, that they have broad band even though mine is not working right now for this interview, but with all seriousness, like, we have the resources to be able to make sure our kids get what they need and you have folks out there who do not have that. who do not have the resources of the access to broad band or be able to really stay home and be there sitting next to their kids doing this virtual learning. it is incredibly difficult for parents across the spectrum. look x we have to be 100% clear on this. the reason kids all over this country are sitting in front of computer screens instead of sitting in the classroom is because of donald trump. his inability -- it's because of his inability to focus the resources of this nation on tackling covid-19. he has yet to use the full power
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of -- or the full ability of the federal government in the last six months to take on, to tackle, to fight covid-19 and he continues to deny that exists. we're about to hit 190,000 deaths in this country alone. and here we have a president that's denying the severity of this pandemic. and when you think about joe biden and you think about the ticket, the biden/harris ticket, they believe and they understand that this is a national emergency. like, we also have to think about this too and i think you think about it too is -- by not doing this safely, by not putting our kids' health first, right, we are -- and opening up schools before we are ready, we're endangering lives of students, educators, janitors, bus drivers, you name it of people who interact with our kids every day and so -- and then you have a president right
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now instead of helping prepare schools to welcome back students and educators, he's threatened to pull federal funding for schools and i think this is the problem that we're in and this is scary for all of us because we want our kids to go back to school but we want it to be safe and if we don't do this the right way, if we don't have a plan, then we're going to lose a generation of kids and this is what we're fighting for every day the next 59 days as a campaign, joe biden is, senator harris is to make sure that we win because we have to because we need leadership in the administration right now, which we're not seeing. >>'s exactly right. i do want to drill down this fact that you highlighted. is that it does not have to be like this. when you look at countries in europe, folks in china, they are in a recovery path because their government buckled down and they have actually implemented safety and recognized fault lines long
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before we did. but i do want to also talk a little bit what i found striking in the conversation that we shared at the top of the block with joe biden was the fact that he was wearing a mask. and it's the little things that demonstrate the stark differences between the philosophy of someone who believes in science and telegraphing the need to ensure that americans are safe versus what we have right now in the white house. speak a little bit about that. >> you know, that's exactly right. we're talking about leadership. pure leadership that we're not seeing from this white house. just this week we -- he held -- donald trump held multiple events all over this country with no social distancing, with no mask. and we know the way out of this is masks and social distancing and he refuses to do it and until we have leadership in the white house who does, we're not going to be able to get our kids back in schools. and also if you're thinking about the economy we're going to
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get the economy back on track we also have to get kids back in school, safely back in school. and so it's all connected. it's all connected, interconnected and the job is just not being done and he has wasted 6 months. and as you started at the top of our conversation, our kids are suffering. they are suffering. the parents are suffering. and another thing that we have to remember is that these kids are also -- some of them are coming from families that were impacted by covid-19. >> that's right. >> and this -- like i said, this election is so critical on so many levels and i think when you think about leadership and you think about joe biden and you show those clips at the beginning of your -- at the top of this segment, beginning of the show you saw someone who is ready to lead and that's what this is all about. leadership. and doing the right thing. >> you koumdn't have said it
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best and i do think the stakes are too high. i want to thank you for your time. my hope is next time you join us in person. >> hopefully i'll see you again in person. >> and i have to say with your addition as the chief of staff i think you guys are bringing in the right talent at the right time. >> thank you so much. really appreciate it. i'll be watching even though i can't see you today in this interview. >> be well. coming up, donald trump's november surprise, keep it right here. ald trump's november surprise, keep it right here introducing stocks by the slice from fidelity.
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under operation warp speed we remain on track to produce the safe and effective vaccine in that record time that we talked about. this would have been years later. it will be delivered before in my opinion, before the end of the year, but it really might even be delivered before the end of october. how do you like that? >> first on trump promised americans covid would be gone by easter. we all know how that turned out.
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then came his push for an anti malaria drug where scientific data showed it had zero effect. last month during an impromptu sunday conference trump blood plasma as a treatment but the national institute of health says there is no data to support it. now he's telling states to prepare for a vaccine delivery by november 2nd. joining us now is congress ruiz and tim o-brien, an author of "trump nation." tim, i want to turn to you. is it coincidental that we have what i would consider a con man in the oval office who is now claiming that there will be a vaccine by november 1st? >> it's absolutely not a
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coincidence. donald trump is not a doctor, he's not an epidemiologist. neither am i, but i interviewed two who are running operation warp speed for the federal government which is the government's push to get a vaccine out in record time. and that was about three weeks ago. both of them told me that their most optimistic projection is they would have a drug possibly in hand, a vaccine in hand in early -- in january at some point. certainly not by election day as donald trump has been touting. and i think the problem all of this raises is it's really important for the public to trust the fact that the federal government and private pharmaceutical companies are going to have a drug that has been properly tested and distributed in an even handed way. when you talk about rushing something like this it's dangerous. we've had experience with this on other public health
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initiatives in this country, mar maria, particularly with the vaccine that got too early. there were deaths that resulted around that and it was a polio drug that turned out to be a robust lifesaver, but there were accidents along the way. and anything that's done right now to rush this is problematic and donald trump should be seeding the turf to experts who know about what a deliberate vaccine development process looks like and what safe distribution and testing looks like. >> speaking of experts, give me your take on this november surprise. >> yeah, i think that the trouble is, you know, right now, the landscape is you have these three leading manufacturers in these advanced trials. they have a vaccine that requires two doses and for the most part they're about half way through enrollment. they need no show that people
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who get the vaccine are less likely to get the infection compared to those that get the placebo. they need to enroll about 30,000 people. even if they find a signal that the vaccine is reducing the number of infections, that big number of enrollment gives them a sense of whether or not there are rarer adverse effects of this vaccine in a larger population and that's why both doctors have said it's unrealistic that we might see something come out by end of october, beginning of november because we need that additional time. and the pharma companies themselves have taken this pledge which i think is very heartening and something that's supposed to come out early next week that basically shows that part of this is the companies themselves have to submit the data for approval. then the fda and the administration make the decision about whether or not it can be released so the pharma company making this pledge is the recognition that they recognize
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trust is everything. if you're the first in the market but if you can't win the public's trust in terms of transparency and good data around safety and efficacy you're not going to get very far. >> i want to bring in congressman ruiz. as a medical physician in your former job, but now talking to congress, what are the politics playing? what can congress do to help inform the public of what is happening? >> well, congress needs to make sure that we follow the hard science and bring in the fda commissioner and the pharmaceutical ceos into our committee hearings and make sure that the american people understand the hard science behind this. donald trump is playing politics with people's lives and it's dangerous because he will undermine trust and right now we need trust in science to get through this pandemic. he's creating false optimism which will be a setup for failure in expectations because there's four long steps in terms
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of beating this pandemic with a vaccine. one is identifying the science behind a proper vaccine that we may know by the end of this year or next year, but two, we need to then do mass production, which takes months to accomplish and also the distribution into the communities and finally, fourth, is the implementation of actually administering this vaccine in the community. and so we're not going to reach those levels until probably mid next year so if donald trump is trying to create the expectation that people are going to be able to get the vaccine by november, he's only playing politics and is going to be a setup for failure. >> something the congressman just said really i think sparks most people's interests and concerns and this is the idea of trust. the idea of sending something that might not be ready for market and losing the trust of the american people who will
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actively need to participate. speak about this and what you're learning and hearing. >> within the fda they joke about the vaccine that russia just came out with. >> yes. >> they privately call it russian roulette. the drug right now is just as far along in testing as the drug that russia is touting as a vaccine. but the astro sevit has not bee market. i think the companies are all trying to be jew dishs about e try jew jew -- judicious about this. there are side effects that are prohibitive and that you have to be very cautious with this. the federal government, i think it's a good thing the federal government is putting its financial heft and resources behind this effort. the problem is the whole process
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has donald trump's heavy hand on it. we've seen already that stephen hahn, the commissioner at the fda on two important occasions has caved to tount on touting hydroxychloroquine as a treatment for the coronavirus and more recently as you mentioned at the top of the show, blood plasma. it's really important that the fda really put its hands on the scales in an independent smart wade and not succumb to president's push to get it to market too soon. millions of americans could take a vaccine that's not really ready. >> i think that the challenge is not just the trust but trying to ensure that you have the best vaccine available. speak to real concerns that you have as a medical professional of what that symbolizes if you bring something that's too fast to market. >> that's right. and you know, tim spoke about
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this. we have prior experiences where when you release a vaccine that's not quite ready or you don't have a good sense yet of a safety in a larger group of people, again, to remind the public, the messenger rna, which is a new technology has showed really promising results but this is the first time it would be released in a wide group of people and what's important is not just the data and safety during the trials but in general sense, when a vaccine even after authorization is released there is a widespread appearing of vigilance. we continue to report adverse effects by the system set up by the fda and the cdc and that's going to have to continue to move on. there is such level of vaccine hesitancy already. it's been a top ten global health issue. if you put something on the market that might have adverse effect and doesn't work as well, a, people might let their guard down, and b, if there are adverse effects we're losing
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even more people's trust. >> with that thank you all. we'll be right back. coming up, cory booker joins me to discuss the law & order strategy. that's next. e law & order strategy that's next. start your day with secret. secret stops sweat 3x more than ordinary antiperspirants. with secret, you're unstoppable. no sweat! try it and love it or get your money back.
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arrest the cop. >> arrest the cop. >> arrest the cop. >> arrest the cop. >> arrest the cop. >> arrest the cop. good morning. welcome back to "am joy." i'm maria teresa kumar. it's been 176 can a days since breonna taylor was gunned down in her own home in louisville, kentucky. protesters will demand justice for her at one of the most popular sporting events of the year. protests are expected to continue outside the kentucky derby, after even more protests overnight against the killing of plaque and brown people at the hands of police. and as these protests continue across the country, so do instances of violence against demonstrators. on thursday night in times square, a car drove through black lives matter demonstrators, protesting the death of daniel prude, an unarmed black man who died in police custody in new york. one of the passengers in that
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car was seen sporting make america great again gear as the protests were under way and she has been arrested repeatedly for dumping paint on black lives matter murals outside of trump tower. even when everything else stops, black and brown people continue to be victims of police brutality and, to make matters worse, we have both a president and an attorney general who refuse to acknowledge the systemic racism embedded in american policing and in our criminal justice system. >> i do think that there appears to be a phenomenon in the country where african-americans feel they're treated when they are stopped by police frequently as suspects before they're treated as citizens. i don't think that that necessarily reflects some deep seated racism in police departments or in most police officers. i think the same kind of behavior is done by
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african-american police officers. >> joining me now is senator cory booker of new jersey. senator, thank you for joining know, i want to thank you for joining me to talk about this discussion,injustice and addressing it. you have reached across the aisle and actually created legislation with ted cruz to address systemic racism and institutional failures. how does this play to you when you hear our attorney general, the head law enforcement officer of our land, basically trying to dismiss it? >> first of all, it's incredible to be on with you this morning. i've long admired you and appreciated your leadership and activism on issues that matter. to your question, look, this is a substantive, real, measurable problem in this country. it is a crisis. we have a criminal justice system that treats you differently based upon the color of your skin. this is an opinion.
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it's demonstrable by the facts and the data. we've seen republican attorney generals admit to the fact that we have a problem with systemic, implicit racial bias. we know blacks are more likely to be stopped by police and have drugs found on them less for the same exact crime blacks are more likely to get a longer sentence as we see consistently throughout the criminal justice system differential treatment. when i sat with william barr, when he was just a nominee to that office, i took my time when he came to my office, to sit and talk to him explicitly about this problem and the urgency to do something about it. so we are in a point now where we have an administration that is denying the facts and the urgency that we are a nation that aspires to equal justice under the law. the problem is lives depend upon this. that's why things like our justice and policing act, which is explicitly taking actions to
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save lives, not just black lives, mentally ill americans get killed at a much higher level. we have work to do, and this attorney general seems to have abandoned that urgency. >> well, senator booker, one thing i find duplicitous, he says we don't have systemic racism, that it's a farce and a hoax, but he uses the biggest dog whistle that people should be afraid of you going into the suburbs. i found that as one of the most moussing memes we're seeing, suburban white women with binoculars, hoping you would come by. talk about this, him saying we don't have a problem and using dog whistles to gin up fear in america. >> my personal story to move into the suburbs in new jersey,
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one of the most communities in this country, my parents couldn't get in to the community. i grew up in this incredible suburban town. my father used to call us four raisins in a tub of vanilla ice cream. it took -- to physically attack my dad's lawyer, to grow up where my parents wanted me to. this is fear and demagoguery to win an election. we've seen it with willie horton, tropes about welfare queens. from the republican party in the morpd era, anything they can do to whip up racism and fear to win an election and it's just not going to work this time. especially at a moment where we
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know we have real housing crises in this country with gentrification and more. this is why the biden team, to me, if you read their housing policy, i was a housing activist since i was coming out of law school. it made me come up and shout that they're actually having real policy that will empower communities and deal with real racial segregation in our country. >> and senator cory, of all the people he's trying to create these racial tropes, you literally go into burning buildings and save people. he needs to change that and dial it back. you are a cap-wearing superhero. i want to bring in the rest of the panel, senator cory, if you can join us. msnbc contributor and member of president obama's 21st century policing task force. msnbc legal analyst butler author of "choke hold" and alicia garza, president at black
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futures lab. thank you for joining me. brittany, i wanted to bring you in because you and i both participated in the president's 21st century task force. and one of the things that was very clear was the importance of changing that culture of the policing. and president obama and vice president biden spoke a lot about the need to change culture and have more community efforts that were hand in hand along with police officers. speak a little bit about that experience. speak to that these are issues that have tried to be address bid the obama administration and trump came in and basically zeroed out a lot of those programs. >> i mean, not only did the trump administration come in and zero out a lot of those recommendations, the entire set of recommendations was removed from the doj task force, from the doj website, rather, pretty early on in the administration. this administration has regressed us beyond that time, stopped doing things that the
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obama administration was doing even before the task force was assembled, decrees in which they use their federal power to push back on municipalities that are continuing to abuse citizens through the institution of policing were essentially done away with by jeff sessions as he was exiting the doj and handing things over to the next person. it was like his racist swan song. there were things in the task force recommendations like independent and external investigations in the situations of police violence and police killings. these are the kind of things we see local activists and families demanding right now. frankly in some ways, we're past this point, that the very things that communities were demanding in 2015 are different than the things people are demanding in 2020. and that's because of something we dealt with quite a bit in the task force, legitimacy.
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it's a basic idea that any institution that governs people has to be seen as fair and legitimate by those same people. otherwise we, the people, will remove our support and approval, which, let's be clear, is what the declaration of independence directs us to do. let's not forget their founding fathers were protesters. police continue to kill people in other developed nations that manage to kill fewer than a dozen people by police a year. american police are killing over 1,000 people every single year. the institution is not serving us. it is not protecting us. all over the country, you see americans removing their approval from the institution entirely because it is illegitimate. invest in communities and reimagine public safety. >> you talk about tactics and how people have come to the full
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breadth of tools at a department's disposal. we're seeing images, sadly, of what new yorkers are protesting right now. and that is the use of spit hoods. can you talk a little bit about this? that image, for me, was such a reminder of what we saw in iraq and how we were using and treating folks that we thought were terrorists. speak to this and the fact that we're using this practice here in america. >> maria teresa, abu graib, or medieval torture devices, you're not far off. it's a primitive way of policing, put a bag over a suspect's head. it's risky and can be life threatening, especially when the suspect is being restrained in other ways. the cops were also holding mr. prude down by his head, back and legs.
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because of the danger new york or chicago police officers don't issue spit hoods to patrol officers. almost always when police use spit hoods, it's when someone is in a mental health crisis, and it's much safer to have trained medical providers respond rather than people with guns and spit hoods. >> senator, can you speak about the work and effort that you have tried to champion in the senate, and where is donald trump failing? >> first of all, i just want to say to your panel, the work we're doing in the senate wouldn't be possible without the kind of activists and leaders you have represented in this panel. they're extraordinary people who are part of a nationwide movement. remember, change from sufferage to civil rights, voting rights, doesn't come from washington. it comes to washington by americans who demand it. that's why i'm so grateful to be on a panel with these extraordinary leaders.
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second of all, you know, we put forward a bill that passed out of the house of representatives, that we have -- kamala harris and i got about 40 of our colleagues to sign on to. that bill would not have been possible just a year ago without the activism. it's a very common sense bill, unlike what the republicans seem to be trying to push that would not have prevented the no-knock warrant that got breonna taylor killed or choke hold that got eric gardner killed or prevented the family of george floyd to hold the killer accountable in court, civil or criminal. it's a common sense bill that bans certain practices that we've seen widely supported, the banning of these practices are republicans and democrats. we must have policing standards that, as was said by one of your panelists, not from a byzantine era. the last thing i just want to say about the spit hood that was used in the killing of a man, this was a person that was
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called because of a mental health issue. we, in america, have a shameful record of treating the mentally ill, not with health care, not with help but with hurt, harm, prison and jail. prisons and jails in this country overincarcerate the mentally ill, putting them in worse danger. again, african-americans are about 2.5 times more likely to be killed by the police than white americans. but if you are mentally ill in america, you are over 10 times more likely to be killed by the police. this has to stop in our country. it is so wrong, so backwards, so cruel and so not becoming what i believe is the true character and heart of our nation. >> i think that's absolutely right, senator. and i want to bring in alicia into this conversation. you have been doing so much work on black lives matter. but you also speak often times of the alliances between the latino community and the african-american community. in late june, there was a poll
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and the audience said 70% of them were interested and believed that this issue of motivating the latinos to vote around racial injustice between blacks and latinos was pe we looked at young people, it was close to number one. speak to how this systemic racism in the police departments bleeds into communities sadly led with the lives of african-americans, but shortly followed by those of latinos. >> well, sure. one of the things that feels really important to just talk about here is that so often police violence is just the tip of the iceberg. that right underneath the surface are all the other ways in which our communities are being left out and left behind by rigged rules that are keeping us away from the things we need to live well, whether it be crumbling infrastructure, a lack of access to quality education,
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lack of access to affordable and safe housing, a lack of access to quality health care. these are all the things that create the kinds of conditions that ultimately leave black and brown communities vulnerable to police violence and police abuse. and so much of the time, the reason that these types of things are allowed to happen in our communities as opposed to rich, white suburban communities, for example, is because, you know, people look at black and brown communities almost as throwaways. and so essentially i do think it's important for us to understand that all of these things are deeply interconnected. and when we're talking about public safety, we also need to make sure that we are ensuring that people have the things that they need to live full and dignified lives. and when those things are absent, whether it be access to, you know, mental health supports and health care, whether it be, you know, being able to work in jobs where wages are enough to
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support a family. when people have the things that they need to live well, we don't actually have the need for this kind of aggressive policing. >> i want to bring in paul on this part of the conversation. we're now hearing rumblings from nbc news that there was a family of andres guardado killed by the sheriff's deputy and it may be affiliated to a gang within the police department. can you speak to a little bit about how -- is this rare or is this something that's systemic within rights of initiation for police officers in the most bankrupt of cases? >> president obama's commission said that one of the major problems with policing is that too many departments have a warrior mentality. it's us, the men and women in blue, against the citizens who
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they're supposed to serve and protect. but instead they regard almost as enemy combatants. and the obama administration made a number of common sense proposals that, as we noted, the trump administration threw in the garbage. the attorney general's ignorance and blind loyalty to donald trump is costing human lives. one in 1,000 black men and boys will be killed by the police. and so we have to recognize that important ways the criminal justice system is not broken. it's working the way it's supposed to, to ensnare black and brown bodies. so what this moment also calls for, in addition to reform, is to think about transformation of american policing. >> brittany, is voting going to be enough to change this wave? >> i often talk about the vote as a tool, that our work as
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activists and organizers is to help communities build a house that will keep all of us well and safe, whole and healthy. and i want to use every single tool i have at my disposal to build that house. voting is a tool and a necessary tool but it's only one of them. we have to think about voting and voting early, most importantly, as the beginning of the process and not merely the end of the process. who we vote for absolutely matters. mayors are often the ones who are hiring police chiefs, people on the city council are often the ones who are approving police union contracts. and we know that those have an overabundant effect on what happens in our communities. so the consequences of our vote absolutely matter when it comes to the issue of police violence, but so does our continued engagement and the holding of our elected and appointed officials accountable because all of these people are supposed to be serving us, the public.
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they derived their power from our existence and salaries from our tax dollars so we have to make sure we're there every single step of the way beyond the ballot box to hold them accountable to keeping our lives safe. >> thank you, senator booker, brittany, paul and alicia. i could not have said this segment better myself. thank you for breaking it down with me. up next, texas, texas, texas. firmer congressman beto o'rourke is here to tell us how the lone state star might turn blue this year. n blue this year the internet... yeah? mmm! with no artificial preservatives or added nitrates or nitrites, it's all for the love of hot dogs. an army family who is always at the ready. so when they got a little surprise... two!? ...they didn't panic. they got a bigger car for their soon-to-be-bigger family. after shopping around for insurance,
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ten days ago, i said something. it's not up to me. >> wait a second, tim. wait a second. you have tampered with that board. the words florida were much weaker last week. you've rewritten those, haven't you? >> it's not my call. these are the people who are going to decide whether this things ends tomorrow, ends friday, ends a month from now.
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it better end by december 18th, otherwise florida's vote won't count in the electoral college. >> it's been 20 years since all eyes were on florida. now texas could take that center stage. with many predicting that it could be flipped blue for the first time in 44 years. in three of the most recent statewide elections, texans have been hitting toward the democratic party. president obama lost by 16 points in 2012, clinton by nine in 2016 and beto o'rourke lost his 2018 senate bid by less than three points. joining me now is former congressman and presidential candidate beto o'rourke. thank you for joining. i'm a betting gal. i believe that texas is on the verge. talk to me a little bit about what you're seeing. >> to paraphrase tim russert, texas, texas, texas. this state, more than any other, holds the key to defeating trump. and the ability to forever
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reorder the political landescape in america. if on election night or whenever the votes are finally tallied, texas comes in for the democratic nominee, joe biden, for the first time in 44 years, since 1976, regardless of how trump feels about the results, this country will have to accept that the trump era is over as is trumpi trumpism. and we'll have the ability with new democratic majorities in the state legislature in texas to enact a very ambitious agenda for this country, which is exactly what we need. as you pointed out, the trends, the trajectory are in our favor. you might have seen this poll that just came out yesterday. it is like the 10th or 12th poll to show joe biden ahead within one point of donald trump in the state of texas. so this is totally possible and completely up to us. and that's why our group, powered by people, is trying to
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call every single democratic voter in the state of texas. we made over 24 million voter contact attempts so far to make sure they get involved and help decide the most important election of our lives. >> so, this is what i -- folks don't realize that texas, in my opinion, is where california was 25 years ago under pete wilson. their pete wilson is greg abbott. he has created such chaos within the immigrant communities that he is basically the one that is helping to organize and mobilize. how do you see his atrocious show me your papers laws translating into the community and do you see that as galvannizing the vote? >> yeah, greg abbott and the state house majority that's about to be defeated by an extraordinary cast of democratic women running for office, who will win that majority, they're responsible for the show me your papers laws in texas which, based on the color of your skin or the accent with which you
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speak, might force you to have to show your papers to local law enforcement. not only instilling fear in our communities like el paso where i li live. it's 85% mexican-american and immigration mixed status families across the board. when they fear they may be deported by reporting a crime or testifying in a trial. i want your viewers to understand this. more than 13,000 of my fellow texans have died from covid because our governor made decisions that put their lives at risk. and it's not affecting all of us equally. if you go to macallen, brownsville, star county, 90 to 99% mechanics an-american communities, people are dying in such great numbers they're stacking bodies in fema trailers because they've run out of room in the morgs and funeral homes. alicia garza talked about
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disposable communities and those mechanics mexican-american communities in texas feel that. people are dying, folks are out of work because the economy cannot reopen because of the decisions that this governor and republican state legislature have made. >> i think what is interesting about texas is that you have young people at the forefront of a lot of these conversations making that case, changing and actually telling people that government does not have to leave you behind. can you speak a little bit about these demographic changes and how it's not justify the latino, african-american community but a rising pan-asian community, about 1 million voters, that it almost seems like a perfect storm. >> it's really beautiful. there are more vietnamese-speaking residents in
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texas except in vietnam. they speak over 100 languages in the schools. it's the most diverse city in the united states of america and is reflective of the diversity and genius of texas, that people from the planet over have chosen us and made their home here. it's just those young people you described, the young volunteers with joto latino or jolt focused on turning out young millennial latinos and latinas to make it happen. when we won more votes in the history in 2018, that charge was led by the young people. they turned out greater than the last mid-term election. their urgency is so fierce and so powerful on the issues of immigration, on climate, on criminal justice, on making sure everyone can access health care and the largest provider of mental health care services is not the county jail system any longer in the state of texas. they are making it happen.
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so i'm very optimistic, despite these dark days, that texas is going to come through not only for the people of this state but the people of this country. >> and i think that -- from the work that voter latino does, we have, as of this morning registered over 280,000 voters in key battleground states. beto, what i found really enlightening happening in texas is of those numbers, 147,000 are coming from texas. people are paying attention. and i think the rest of the country doesn't realize is how people have shifted, which before was a red state, with the issues they care about. let me throw up some things so you can react to them. top issues that texas voters say, it's coronavirus, health care, stopping discrimination, creating jobs and more importantly protecting immigrant rights. speak to how -- take me a step
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back. you could be talking about oregon or new york, but this is texas. >> yeah. it's really extraordinary against the context of the last 44 years from a solidly red state, at least in terms of the presidential elections. and then the last, you know, 24, 30 years in terms of state government. as you said, this state is rapidly changing. more than 2 million people have registered to vote since the last presidential election just in the state of texas. our organization, powered by people, has registered 77,000 people just in the last three months in the state of texas. net new voters added to the rolls in a state that is a minority majority state and trending increasingly progressive. 17 african-american women elected to judicial positions in harris county, literally changing the face of criminal justice in the largest county in the state of texas. and you're going to see it in a
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democratic takeover of the state legislature which will, in 2021, begin to dismantle the infrastructure of system atic voter suppression and intimidation and then watch out. this is a brand new state that has so much more to give to this country. >> congressman, now that you're talking about registering voters, i have to put out there that stacey be a ram was registering voters before running for office. are you thinking about running for governor? >> i'm not. i'm focused on this election and doing everything i can to help state house candidate win the majority and help joe biden become the first democratic nominee since jimmy carter in 1976 to win the state of texas. our stakes are too great. this election is too important to think about anything else right now. >> congressman, i wish you would rattle that cage of greg abbott. thank you for joining us. >> thank you. appreciate it. >> you're welcome. stay with us. there's much more after the break. h us there's much morafe ter the break. this is decision tech.
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making the decision between, you know, our health and our financial security right now. >> on this labor day weekend i would like to highlight our unsung heroes, gig workers who are often not logged for their labor but remain a lifeline to so many. the term gig worker is a euphamism similar to the mythology that teens are working a summer job. a loophole where society at large doesn't feel obligated for their wolack of worker protections. in a languishing labor market not seen since the great depression, the gig worker may well become the new working class. gig workers are disproportionately young,
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raeshlly diverse and potentially a swing voting bloc beholden to no one. if they're generally acknowledged and welcomed into the progressive base they can be an essential part of joe biden's electoral strategy. joining me now is ali velshi, i wanted to bring you into this conversation because of your economic chops. you understand job markets. you understand how things work. when uber first started it was under the radar and all of a sudden it is one of the largest companies that is globally connected and it's not doing fair by its drivers. talk a little bit about that. >> yeah. so, you know, when you look at gig workers, on one hand there's flexibility. and that's actually a really, really good thing. on the other hand is insecurity, right? everybody wants some security in their jobs f you're in some part of the world like every other modern democracy other than the united states and you have
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universal health care, all of a sudden some of that insecurity disappears. we've created gig worker, which can be helpful to some people at different parts in their life or to have a side hustle. we've made it into a job that has zero security. then we get the pandemic where you're an uber or lyft driver, or somebody else, there's no work for you because we don't have people to pay for your servi service. as our economy grows into jobs that are temporary, that are freelance, that are gig in nature, and that is the way things go, we have to build in certain protections, worker protections, health care protections, barrigaining protections that they don't otherwise have. we're at a turning point here, and this is an opportunity for, i think in my opinion, progressives or anyone who is a capitalist to be able to say what we don't want to do is start up an entire segment of society that is, by design, unfair. it's not a bug in the system. it's actually a feature, that this is unfair to the workers. we can actually fix that. >> ali, can you talk about what we're seeing in california?
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exactly what you're saying, we're seeing gig workers organize. speak to that. >> yes. >> is there an opportunity for companies to come in and join that labor? >> yeah. california as been back and forth, up and down on this one. the most -- latest ruling is the one that says gig workers have to be -- u bechlt r and lyft drivers have to be classified as employees with all the stuff that goes around with that. lyft and uber say if that's true, we won't hire these people. in the end they have to hire them because uber and lyft don't exist without drivers. are they employees, are they gig workers, or are they something in the middle? i think the answer is that they're something in the middle. they're not necessarily full-time employees, but have to be afforded the same basic rights we think employees should get. that is workplace protections. in some cases, the right to collectively bargain, and health care, or child care, or whatever the things are. but we're in a country where we don't even really have child
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care. we don't have family leave on a universal basis. it's obvious we wouldn't be extending these to the least among us, this newest group of workers, but we are going to have to. more of our society is going to depend on them. we're going to have to start to think of them as proper employees and that means we have to start to pay for them as proper employees, which means for those of us who use uber, lyft, insta cart, the costs may go up a little bit. that is the cost of living in a society that has justice. >> you basically jumped right into my next question. we often speak about the role of the worker, the role of the company, the role of government. what's the role of consumers in this? >> look, consumers really have to understand that things are not as free as we've made them, right? we've shuffled labor around the world so that you can get your t-shirts, bicycles or phones made at the lowest possible price. if you want fairness for your fellow workers and you don't want all the jobs to be shipped out to the lowest wage
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countries, things will cost more. if you want fairness for uber drivers, rides will cost more. if you don't want to go to supermarket during a pandemic, instacart tli will cost more. companies are smart as putting these things on as extra prices and we gripe about them but have to realize labor isn't free. we've gotten away with thinking that labor, because a lot of it is coming from the lowest end, from people without an education, without a proper job and, in some cases, undocumented, the labor is almost free and we have become addicted to almost free labor in the united states. countries in northern europe where they have strong social safety nets. look at norway. things cost more. people pay more taxes and you have a better life and better social infrastructure. we don't understand that fully in the united states, and we're going to have to come around to the idea that if we want a fair society, you can't have free or close to free labor. >> and i think that's right. not only do they pay more taxes
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in europe, but have services that they can point to. >> correct. >> that's something we have to actually discuss, too. >> yes. >> ali, as you are looking at the future, reading the tea leaves, and you alluded to it a little bit, that the world, our workplace is going to be so fundamentally disrupted by post-covid, what do you see? what do you expect in this transition of work? >> well, i thought it was 10, 15, 20 years away, the major transition. because of covid it's going to be a lot closer. we're transitioning to excess work, excess office space, people working from home. in a world where we're not generating enough labor for all of our workers -- we worry about unemployment right now. we're going to be in a world where there just isn't enough work for all the people around because we're automating things. in that world we have to think about how do we value people? we live in a world where we value people based on their job or their income. we'll have to value people for
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other things and our capitalist system just doesn't know how to get around that, how to figure it out. we have to start thinking about things like universal basic income, that andrew yang was talking about, or keep people engaged in a workforce where it's not just about their productivity and their output. we're geared to where your value is productivity, the number of widgets you put out per hour. that will take a fundamental shift. a lot of people are still very old-fashioned about this. how much can you put out in an hour? that's what you'll get paid. >> i hate to do this but we have breaking news out of louisville, kentucky. trump supporters are staging a counterprotest of a black lives matter demonstration outside churchill, the site of the kentucky derby. joining me now from nbc is -- my apologies. ali, you're going to be joining me to respond. >> yep. this is a counterprotest. couple of things are going on. first of all, it's kentucky
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derby weekend. protesters who have been carrying on in louisville for a long time have said they're going to go over to the kentucky derby site and no horse racing until they've got justice in the breonna taylor case. 166 days ago she was killed before her 27th birthday. now we've got counter protesters. we're seeing people with, in some cases, maga caps, hard hats, guns, flap jackets, gathering here as a counter protest, which has been encouraged in the last several weeks, in some cases by donald trump and his supporters, but the concept as we saw play out in kenosha, wisconsin is if cities aren't able to maintain order with respect to these protests, which isn't true, but if they're not, then people have to come out. and donald trump has been encouraging this. it's a very, very worrying sign. it ended up with the violence that we saw in portland, in which there was a pro-trump, anti-black lives matter protester.
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they were involved in a shootout with somebody on the other side. the first guy was killed. then u.s. marshals went to get the person, the suspect they were looking for in that shooting and that person got killed in the attempted arrest. so, we are seeing an escalation in violence as a result of this. and that's what we're looking at in louisville right now. people who apparently are citizens with weapons, who have decided they're here both to protest and to, in the words of many, these people we've talked to from other cities, maintain the order that they don't feel that the police are maintaining. and that's the situation that you've got in louisville. so, again, what we know in the breonna taylor case is two-fold. ballistics information has come in from that shooting and we've not seen the results of that. we've also seen a photograph, vice news has posted, that indicated at least one of the police officers in the so-called no-knock warrant that resulted in the death of breonna taylor may have been waearing a body cam. although we were told they
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didn't carry body cams. the main thing people are worried about is that there have been no charges laid at all in louisville. people don't feel that action has been taken in what they think was an unjustified death, the shooting of breonna taylor. this is coming to a head. we have yet to see what authorities are doing to handle the situation of protesters and counterprotesters in louisville. >> be sure to tune in tomorrow at 9:00 a.m., when ali cracks -- talks about disinformation, how it affects our election, how it spreads even if you're not on social media, and how do you protect yourself? coming up, trump versus new york, actor and director joins us next to discuss. r and directs us next to discuss ta-da!
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going to be eye opening, because what you've got is 64 squares, 32 pieces. it doesn't matter how rich or poor you are, what ivy league school you may or may not go to, what prison you hopefully never set foot in, because chess is the great equalizer, okay? now in the opening, white always moves first. now i wonder what old white guy thought of that rule, right? i know you hear me. >> actor and director john leguizamo has a new film out about five african-american and latin-x teens fighting their way into the chess tournament. how are you doing? i'm doing well. when i learned this was your first feature full-length debut, i was excited about you and that you were bringing in more
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conversations about young people of color making it and doing well. >> there's not enough stories about us achieving and succeeding, in movies anyway. it's happening in real life all around us. this is a true story, toughest neighborhood in miami called overtown. this teacher martinez made them regional champs, florida state champs and eventually they became united states national chess champions, an incredible feat, it being that their schools were defunded. you know, there's no trickle down economy. that's a myth. that never happens. >> that's right. >> neighborhoods don't have supplies, no money for planes and this teacher and the kids raised the money themselves and got themselves to the championship. >> talk to me about the teacher. how did you stumble upon this story and what inspired the teacher to do chess? >> you know, the teacher is latin, so he knew where these kids came from. he related to them, as i did.
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i was a ghetto nerd and i didn't have a place wire fit in. do you know what i mean? when you love words, love books and have to be on the street and it's rough, people don't really appreciate your street intellectualism. this teacher understood that and gave them a safe space where they could come -- they didn't want to be gangsteres. they didn't want to play football. they didn't want to fight. they wanted to read and be nerds and be bookworms and he created this safe space for them. >> i understand what you say. often times when we enter these spaces, people see us in these different trappings, not recognizing how layered we are and the experiences we have. >> yes. >> regardless of zip code. what you're doing with your program, with this movie is actually breaking that stereotype. i have to ask you, john, did your chess game improve? >> you know, it actually did. i'm beating a lot of young kids. some day i'll workup to college
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kids but my game definitely improved. >> we're hearing all these conversations from trump basically saying that new york is dead, that he's going to defund it. you're a fellow new yorker. >> yeah. >> you can basically say your career was because you were growing up in new york. it gave you that perspective to gev you that grit and translate it into your talent. how does that strike you as a new yorker, hearing this from someone who is also a new yorker? >> he definitely knows about bankruptcy. he has had six bankruptcies in his life. he is the only person who has ever failed in a casino, because the house always wins. how do you lose, interrupt a casino? so he might know about bankruptcy but he doesn't know about new york and how resilient new york is. we've been through stagflation in the '70s. we were defunded. remember when port said drop dead to new york? if new york is in trouble, the united states is in trouble. >> it's also one of the most
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racially diverse. here in new york, you have that diversity and it thrives. he tries to sell this propaganda that the reason we're seeing protests in portland, oregon, are because of diversity. how do you respond to that? >> these protests are peaceful. they were passing by my house and it was so awesome to watch diverse group of people passing by. the police were starting to riot, not in new york, but in other areas. it's wrong that he doesn't speak against this violence. i see those armed militia coming up against peaceful protesters. how is that allowed? how are they allowed to carry weapons when people are exercising their first amendment? it seems incredibly wrong and damaging and hurtful to our democracy.
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>> you speak a lot about this, you know, in our conversations in how important it is to have representation not just at the voting booth, but in film and in government. could you say that one of his tact he cans is to prevent us from exercising our voice, because he sees the value of our vote? >> well, he sees the numbers. he's all about numbers and stats. and he sees how large the protests are, and how they're against him. and he can't take it. so he wants to diminish that. he wants to create this apocalyptic world he tries to sell to his base that he's going to save us from but he's the one that has created -- it's his america that this is creating. you're right. we get along in new york. the most diverse city, getting along, surviving, thriving. l.a. all the big blue cities and states are thriving and surviving and they're the lead in the economy. they're the lead in intellectual
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works, arts. we're the lead in everything. and it's a multifunctional, diverse sort of civilization. >> when can we expect your film to come out? >> it came out yesterday on itunes, apple tv, amazon, hulu, everywhere except netflix. >> i can't wait to watch it. you should, too. thank you, john, for joining us. >> thank you, maria. great to see you up there. >> thank you. we're going back to louisville, kentucky, where armed militia members are at churchill downs, the site of the kentucky derby. correspondent gabe gutierrez is joining me now from the scene. >> reporter: hello, maria ter a teresa, yes. we're starting to see protesters and counterprotesters in louisville. we're in jefferson square park where some protesters are gathering. we can roll some tape, though, just a short time ago at cox
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park, about five miles from here. we were there and we saw several counterprotesters, several militia groups starting to gather there. if my cameraman can zoom in a little bit over there, some of the protesters here already have weapons. that's something that we've been seeing a lot here in louisville over the last hundred days or so. those are -- that's the amount of time where people have been gathering to protest the death of breonna taylor. maria teresa, you can see over here, police have created quite a security presence. downtown is pretty much being locked down. they've got the dump trucks. in the distance, you have police officers down the street, already starting to block off parts of downtown. maria teresa, what we're expecting the next couple of hours as the kentucky derby starts, police will try to keep these groups separate in order to prevent any major clashes. let's hope it stays peaceful. maria teresa, back to you. >> gabe, thank you for being there. stay safe. that's our show for today.
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