tv MSNBC Live MSNBC September 5, 2020 11:00am-12:00pm PDT
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militia members, some heavily armed, are holding a counter protest against those who have been demonstrating against the deadly police shooting of breonna taylor. we will have a live report coming up. president trump continues to try to dismiss reports he called american heroes losers and suckers. the backlash continues, including from a gold star parent who lost his son. >> according to trump, as he had said, winners in life are those that put themselves before all. and those who put their country, under nation before themselves are losers. his life is a testament to selfishness. >> the biden campaign also turning up the heat on trump over those remarks as they unveil their homestretch strategy for the campaign. and a qanon congressional candidate who may have finally gone too far. a picture involving the
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candidate, a gun, and a picture of the women gun known as the squad. will this candidate pie the price for crossing the line. let's get to our pop story. protests and counter protests at the condition ken derby in louisville, the city at the center of the breonna taylor case. gabe gutierrez is in louisville, kentucky in the middle of it all. >> you can see behind me a heavy police presence here. in the last few minutes tensions dropped dramatically. you see a police vehicle going lieu the street right now. 15 or 20 minutes or so, there was kind of a minor confrontation here between far left protesters and far right protesters, members of nfac, a black militia group, and also a militia group -- a far right militia group. there have been several here that came to louisville perhaps to make a statement before the
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kentucky derby. thankfully tension versus calmed now. you see heavy police presence. they are here in riot gear. they have actually kind of shut down most of downtown. if you can turn over here, you see all of these dump trucks kinds of blocking off the street over here. much of boint louisville has been boarded up. this is something we have been seeing for the past 100 days or so. protests here in louisville. it has been more than 170 days since the death of breonna taylor and tensions have been long simmering here. the kentucky national guard and kentucky state police said they would have a heavy police presence ahead of the kentucky derby. we spoke with organizers of some of the protests yesterday. they called for peaceful protests and said they would start later in the afternoon. the concern among law enforcement authorities is that some of the more extreme groups on either side would come to some sort of confrontation. we are here at jefferson square park. churchill downs is a few miles
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from here. jefferson square park is where a lot of the clashes have been over the last 100 days or so. just to give you a rundown of what happened this morning n. a park about five miles or so from here there was a small rally, a far right militia gathered there. then they drove to a park near the stadium here in louisville, and then marched over here. about an hour, hour and a half or so ago they met up with some of the black militia members and there were some heated arguments. no major clashes, but it was definitely a very tense atmosphere. they walked about two blocks or so right over there. we were with alex witt in the last hour and police riot gear tame and broke up the two groups. that's something they plan to do throughout the afternoon. they plan to break up the protesters and the counter-protesters on either side and try to minimize the
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intensity, the tensions, and try to prevent any of these clashes from turning violent. again, the kentucky disturby doesn't start for another couple of hours. the hope hope is that this remains rel difficultly peaceful. >> there is a ton going on behind you. we just saw that police outfit in riot gear kind of retreat back. do you have any idea, because you have a better vantage point than we do, where they went? >> look, it's about -- about 20 minutes or so ago if you saw it unfolding live on msnbc, we were right over here. we were pushed back. let me stay over here and see what's going on. you see the police officers in riot gear walking this way. you see another group in this small little park right here. basically, the situation has been defused for the most part. the far right militia as well as the other protesters, they had been in this heated, you know, yelling at each other,
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basically. there was no violence but it was definitely a very tense atmosphere. so police came in, separated the two groups. now you see the street has been cleared. police are now off to one side. the far right militias went far off in that direction. and kind the crowd has dispersed. at this point we are by jefferson sfar park, several miles from churchill downs. it calmed down. it is a fluid situation. 20, 30 minutes ago tensions were escalating. thankfully now the crowd has dispersed. but this could continue truth throughout the afternoon as moor and more row testers on either side gather near churchill downs in downtown louisville following the death of breonna taylor. >> the right to protest applies the all groups. do you get a sense that when
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those protesting the death of breonna taylor, when they see the counter-protesters show up it detracts from their message. >> they want their message to be heard loudly, perhaps inside churchill downs as the race is going on. there is sense from some of the protesters that the militia groups coming in with their weapons, coming in heavily armed, that they are trying to send a message that might escalate tension asks likely would escalate tensions if they were to come into contact with even other. police are trying their best to keep the groups separated. pause so many of them are so heavily armed they don't want them interacting where it could become potentially violent. >> gabe gutierrez, stay safe, thank you. police preparing for more potential protests in rochester, new york tonight over the death
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of daniel prude. last night one none straighter was hurt in a violent hit and run. 11 people were arrested. three officers were hospitalized from cuts burns and bruises from incendiary devices. seven officers involved in the case with now suspended with pay in the prude case. to washington now, the latest on president trump in damage control mode amid the disturbing reports surrounding his alleged comments calling members of the military losers and suckers. nbc's kelly o'donnell joins us from the white house. how is the white house handling the fallout? >> there is a lot of pushback. right now the president is doing what a lot of americans are on the holiday weekend. he is out playing golf for a few hours. he has been also very active on his twitter feed and in comments to reporters treeg to discredit
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this report which first began with reporting in the atlantic where they cite four unnamed sources but sources who are described as having direct contact and witnessing the events being characterized in the report where back in 2018 on a trip to france commemorating 100 years since world war ii there was a cancellation of one of the itinerary visits to a simpson cemetery there. in the course of the visit the president is -- these accounts are attributed to him by these sources why did he need to go there, he was going to more than one cemetery on this trip and using the phrase suckers and losers in reference to fallen service members. it has touched a nerve. it has become a political debate. the president is using his twitter feed to push back and try to discredit the report and say it is not true. he also spoke to reporters when questioned about this. he didn't go into a lot of detail but his fathery about the
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report is evident. here's part what have the president had to say. >> here's the thing. i know john kelly. he was with me. didn't do a good job. had no temper member and ultimately he was petered out. he was exhausted. he was exhausted not able to function. we have many witnesses, and it is a total -- it is a total -- just a continuation of the witch-hunt so that it can hopefully affect the election. >> important to know there the president was asked about his former chief of stapp john kelly who is not one of those former officials who has come forward to say this is not true. kelly, a retired four-star marine general was on that trip, a pat of the events, and went in the president's place to that american cemetery when the president's helicopter was not able to apply. the question from the reporters was, does the president have any concern about john kelly? because he had not come forward to defend the president. the president used that opportunity to criticizecal caks
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performance as chief of staff and praising his current chief of staff, mark meadows. cally is also the father of a fallen service member, his son was killed in iraq. that's another one of the anecdotes in the report saying when the president visited the grave of john's son asked what's in it for those who have served and have fallen. the president has used language like that, suckers and losers in our contexts. he does it in front of cameras, he does it on his twitter feed. in this instance they are saying he did not insult or denigrate fallen service members. >> thank you. let's go to the latest on theed bian campaign and his reaction to the alleged comments from the president. want to bring in mariana soto mayoror in washington, d.c. how is the biden taking on this
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report especially given that biden's late son, bow, served in the military? >> lindsey, they are pointing to this as the primary example as to why they believe president trump does not deserve a second term in office saying point blank that it makes him unfit. and also that he doesn't care to protect americans. as you mentioned, biden talked about himself being a military father. beau biden, who died in 2515 from cancer, did serve one year in iraq before coming back and serving as the delaware attorney general. now, take a listen to how biden spoke about not only his son, but also how the president called him and those that he served with, cowards. >> well, my son volunteered and joined the united states military as the attorney general and went to iraq for a year, he won the bronze star and other
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commendations, he wasn't a sucker. the servicemen and women he served with, particularly those who did not come home, were not losers. >> you can hear biden's angry tone there. and something that he has said repeatedly -- and the reason why he was so frustrated is because he believe has the sacred duty of the president, and also the u.s. government is to protect soldiers who risk their lives abroad. lindsey. >> i know you and mike memberly got an inside look into the biden campaign's strategy this week. we are now less than two months until the election. what is their confidence level like right now? >> well, you know, they always caveat and say that they never take any lead for granted, especially the lead that biden has post democratic and republican conventions. but they are pretty confident. and they are pointing to the amount of outreach that they have been able to do, maintaining leads among
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coalition groups that they see are the most important. and one thing to note that we will be seeing more of joe biden on the campaign trail this week starting in pennsylvania on labor day, ending there again for 9/11 commemorations. and also in michigan on tuesday. >> that is rigall right. thank you. still ahead a qanon candidate, a gun and pictures of signature members of congress. and a veteran's group responds to reports about were you ever's comments about fallen service members. after the break i will talk to a u.s. army veteran about his organization's powerful new ad. >> my son was not a loser. >> my son is not a loser. >> my son matthew not a loser. >> my stepson was not a sucker. >> my message to donald trump is this. you have no right being commander in chief.
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lebanon, are searching for a third day after sensors from a chilean rescue team detected a possible heartbeat under the rubble of last month's explosion. yesterday marked one month since lebanon's deadliest peace time disaster. rescuers dug three tunnels to try to reach the spot where a pulse was detected but it is too soon to know whether anyone is still alive. a new analysis says north korea appears to be ready for a breakthrough ballistic missile test. the group says satellite images of a shipyard on friday show activity suggesting preps are under way for the test of a medium range missile fired from a submarine. this comes after kim jong-un recently warned he would be unveiling a new weapons system, which the u.s. military has been on alert for. so far, no public comment from
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u.s. frls. military officials across the country are reacting to the report that president trump referred to u.s. service members who died in war as, quote losers and quickers. the brother of 21-year army veteran lieutenant colonel alexander vinman posted on line, quote, i am a loser, my wife is a loser, my twin brother is a loser. we are a family of public servant suckers. and the group vote vets put out that ad. >> my stepson was not a sucker. >> lance corporal alexander cot arradondo died in iraq in 2004. >> my son, sergeant james anthony aube, aye aye gave his life in afghanistan in 2010. 20. >> honorably serving his country. >> that's something donald trump will never know. >> that's something that donald trump will never understand.
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>> my message to donald trump is this. you have no right being the commander in chief. >> president trump has denied the accusations and in a new interview former national security adviser john bolton says he was on the trip where the comments were reportedly made. he didn't hear trump say that, but he also said it is not out of character for the president. joining me now, will goodwin, army veteran and director of government relations at vote vets. you served until an injury led to an honorable discharge. how are you reacting to this? what are you hearing from other service members and their families? >> what you saw in that video was families speaking about unimaginable pain in service to this country. would what we leerned from this atlantic article is donald trump can't even comprehend why their loved ones, their sons and daughters chose to serve at all and donald trump seems to think
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the strength of the military depends solely upon the number of fighter jets we buy or the number of warships we have out at sea. that's not it. the strength of the u.s. military comes from the men and women who fill its ranks and their families. people who would give literally everything in defense of this country. and they are not suckers. they are not losers. donald trump is the loser. that's the message coming from veterans across the country. and the suckers are the people defending him and maligning, spiting gold star families like the ones we just heard from to curry favor with a man who dodged the draft five times himself in vietnam. >> john bolton called the president unfit for office. what do you make of him saying he never heard the president making those disparaging remarks. >> i don't trust john bolton. we know donald trump is a liar with no principles. those are the words of his oler
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sister, a former federal judge. donald trump himself, going back to his primary campaign in 2016 he maligned john mccain, attacked the parents and the memory of a captain who died in combat in his service to this country. there is no reason we should believe a president who has told over 20,000 documented lies during his administration. >> do you think john kelly should come forward and set the record straight? he's at the they are of this reporting. >> john kelly, as a gold star father has experienced a pain that you and i will never understand. i think the part this reporting about his moment with the president at his son's grave is his. that is his decision. when he chose to take the job of white house chief of staff, a political appointee job he took on a role that leaves those other moments in this story as a
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responsibility he has to other american families, to the descendants of 1800 slain americans buried in france, to the caregivers of our wounded warriors who are wondering if the president really thinks nobody wants to see them. the families of prisoners of war, those still missing in action. they deserve the know the truth. they are hurting, too. it is not john kelly's decision to keep that truth from them. frankly, our democracy rests on the ability of appearance to go in to vote this fall with full information on the man in the oval office. i hope that john kelly respects our democracy enough to speak publicly to those americans into quickly before i let you go, the president has responded repeatedly. he is always touting his record on the military. he usually cites the choice act. we should remind that was john mccain's bill signed into law by president obama. he also cites he increased military budget, increased pay for military members.
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can you fact check this for us? >> sure. most of those claims are inaccurate or embellished including to a congressional increase in pay to keep up with inflation that happens literally every year. the decision is going to rest in the voters' hands this november. when it comes to choosing a commander in chief we have the contrast in chief between two men of very different character joe biden and donald trump. people should look at joe biden's record as well. because while donald trump was paling around with jeps and filming the apprentice, joe biden was leading the fight in the u.s. senate to increase spending for up armored m wrap vehicles which saved thousands of american lives in iraq and afghanistan. while president trump was cheating on his pregnant wife with symptomy daniels and running around in new york city stirring up the racist flames of birtherism joe biden was in iraq as vice president where he
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visited his deployed son. it is clear joe biden will be the real commander if chief and that's why we are voting for him, as veterans, this november. >> thank you for your service and your sacrifice to this country. still ahead 100 days of protests in portland. we are live on the ground with that milestone. plus new information in the killing of two protesters there. i am robert strickler.
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today marks the 100th squettive dave protests in portland, oregon. and there are few signs that the demonstrations will slow down n. a further development, federal law enforcement shot and killed a suspect involved in the recent killing of a right wing activist. the that victim's sister called for understanding and a deescalation of violence. joining me now from portland, msnbc's erin mclaughlin. give us your read of the temperature on the ground right
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now. >> protesters here in portland are certainly persistent. night after night they take to the streets to rail against the police although the numbers do seem to be dwindling. the numbers were in the thousands a few weeks ago. now on any given night here in portland there is 200 to 300. last night no exception. 200 to 300 protesters turned out for a march to the portland police association. they were confronted there by police including oregon state clis. according to police they threw project tiles and other objects. police responded. 27 arrests were made a. number of items were seized including a loaded hand pistol. now that situation defused in the early hours morning. more protests are expected later today. a blm protest is schedule for this park. although arguers say it will be more of a family event with music and food.
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we know as the hours go on here in portland that's when the violence tends to happen. authorities are bracing for the possibility of more violence in the late evening to overnight hours. >> what more can you tell bus the shooting suspect what was killed by u.s. marshals when they were trying to arrest him? >> that shooting is the subject of a multiagency investigation, lindsey. the man was shot and killed in a hail of begunfire according to eyewitnesses in olympia, washington. authorities moved in on him to arrest him for the second-degree murder charge of aaron j. danielson, a far right pro trump supporter who was shot and killed last saturday. authorities moved into olympia, washington, to try to arrest him. that's when they shot and killed him. according to the marshals, he had produced a weapon. although, the sheriff is saying
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that that is the subject of the investigation, whether or not he produced a firearm, whether he pointed it at police, whether he fired at police. that's all part of this ongoing investigation by any number of agencies there in washington. meanwhile, aaron j. danielson is being remembered today in a separate part of portland. his family and friends are gathering to remember his life in memorial that will be happening later today. >> nbc's erin mclaughlin for us in portland. federal agents arrested two men for allegedly conspiring to become assets for the terrorist group hamas. the men are part of a subgroup of the far right boogaloo boys called bujahadine. a informant gave audio recordings of the men saying they wanted to quote employ
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themselves as mercenaries. in draft documents obtained by politico, the department of homeland security states that white supremacists are the greatest domestic terror threat facing our country. in terms of causing immediate danger to american lives white supremacists were listed above foreign terror groups. the drafts are part of an annual threat assessment. foreign terror and russian campaigns were also listed as major threats. the fallout over nationwide mail delays continues as congresswoman debby wasserman schultz was barred by police from entering two mail sorting facilities in florida yesterday. she says she arranged a tour after seeing photos of undelivered mail some of which has been delayed since july. officials say they stopped her because she didn't provide enough notice of her visit. the congress this week served a
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s&p to the post master general to provide evidence related to the delays as well as communications with the trump campaign. joining me now, a member of the committee on oversight and reform as well as a member of the intelligence committee. dejoy said he is going to reverse the implemented changes until after the election. clearly that's not enough for your committee? >> what he said was he was going suspend further operational actions but he didn't say reverse the actions he already took such as for instance putting back the hundreds and hundreds of mail sorting machines which are crucial for efficiently processing mail especially given we are going to have such a surge in mail-in voting come up in the election. >> is there anything congress can do to finned out more about the root of these delays and try to remedy them. >> yes. that's why we asked mr. dejoy to
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produce these documents. we gave him time to do it cooperatively and voluntarily. they did not produce the documents. that's why our chairwoman, carolyn maloney along with our committee issued the subpoena. now we need to get to the root of what exactly caused these operational changes to happen, you know, in an election year, when we know, especially during a pandemic we are going to have a surge not only in mail-in ballots but also increased packages containing medications as well as everything else that small businesses and others rely on, including parcels and payments. and so we need to figure out exactly what happened and why they tdid what they did. >> you also opened a probe this week, this time of white house trade adviser peter in a aro dealing with contracts dealing
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with vent lators. your committee found the government overpaid by $500 million. what have you learned so far and what do you hope to accomplish with this probe? >> what we learned is basically peter navarro led a team of white house negotiators so to speak who seasoningly ended up getting taken to the cleaners by phillips respironics and ended up paying five times what we had originally contracted for for ventilators. not only that, the ventilators didn't arrive on time when we needed them. we asked for the documents and we asked for mr. navarro's testimony. we want to know how did we come to the point where the negotiations were handled so inefficiently. and did he touch other projects?
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unfortunately, mr. navarro has not agreed to our request. instead he has been going on fox news a lot to talk about this particular contract including tomorrow. i ask his host asks anchors tomorrow to ask him why not talk to us in congress on september 16th about this contract and let the american people know exactly what happened. >> yeah, he's also been pushing high droks o'color clean even though its efficacy in the prevention and treatment of coronavirus has been widely disputed. before i let you go. they have been talked about investigating hatch act violations. we saw pompeo speaking in israel, the white house press secretary interacting with chad wolfe. is this something the committee is going to pursue? >> absolutely. we have to pursue this. it is government 101 that official resources should not be
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used for political purposes. here we need to hold to account the administration and anyone else who are using official resources as well as the time of white house employees and other government staff to put on this convention. that's clearly i don't think. in the lead-up to the election the american people need to understand exactly why this happened and how these resources were spent wrongly. >> congressman, we covered a lot with you. thank you so much. >> thank so much. still ahead, what the new unemployment numbers don't tell us about this covid economy. you are watching msnbc. how about no no uh uh, no way come on, no no n-n-n-no-no only discover has no annual fee on any card.
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new jobs recently added don't tell the full story of the backbone of america's economy. >> without any help, we will probably have to close in about a month or two months. >> it has taken this long to get an african-american owned distillary in the state. we lost the ability to sell to restaurants and bars. >> everything came to a halt of the it felt like your deems being decimated. >> i had a lady here yesterday with four little kids in the car and she says i am a waitress and i don't have any food. >> wow. i am joined by andre kerrman of a college of economics. you hear in their voice has the pain and the struggles are so real. i want to break down some of the latest numbers. we added 1.4 million jobs in august. that's down from 1.7 million in july. that's way down from june, 4.8 million jobs. so the unemployment rate also fell 8.4%. the president has been touting a quick recovery. are these numbers evidence of
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that? or would you like to see the needle move each further? >> high lindsey, it is good to be here. i think these numbers are still very low. i think it is great thatter seeing a recovery but as you just mentioned the recovery has declined quite a bit and the so we are still far away, still 11.5 million jobs away just from where in faeb employment was before the pandemic started. >> you are quoted in a political article saying very small businesses ones with 50 employees or less lost nearly 18 million jobs between mid february and mid april. that's a 60% decline. close to half those jobs returned as states began to reopen. then the ever ary kind of stalled in mid june. what can you tell us right now about small business recovery? i know a lot of us see some of our favorite places closing.
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>> right. almost 45% of small businesses in our data set, home based and payroll and scheduling service, they closed at some point in april. then some of them reopened. but we are still seeing about 20% of businesses being closed in our sample. and that's just a stunning number, i think. >> and you also say that we could see even lower consumer spending in the fall because of a lot of issues from those stimulus checks stopping to maybe cooler temperatures. can you explain the thinking behind this, and what it means? >> let's take restaurants for instance. as in many cities here in philadelphia where i live, a lot of restaurants have you know started serving customers outdoors. but that will become more difficult as the weather gets colder again. indoor dining may provide some relief. then you might be also worried about upticks in infection
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again. there is clearly head winds for especially restaurants and other small businesses in these customer-oriented services. >> professor, we really appreciate you coming on. thank so much. >> thank you for having me. still ahead, qanon and congress. a conspiracy theorist likely headed to the house makes a controversial post targeting the squad. plus, mighting misinformation. what you need to know to separate fact from fiction this election season. you are watching msnbc. ♪
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live pictures from new york city. demonstrators gathered in union square right now for a justice for george floyd rally. just one of a series of protests for racial justice around the country today. this year's presidential election is already rife with misinformation thanks in part to the efforts of right wing conspiracy group qanon. marjorie taylor-green recently
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won the nomination for georgia's 14th congressional district and boasts a long history of bigoted and untruthful statements previously railed against a muslim invasion in the u.s. and argued 9/11 was a hoax but this weekend her provocations took a more ominous tone when she posted this to social media seen here since taken down holding a gun next to the faces of the squad, that is representatives alexandria ocasio-cortez, ilhan omar and rashida tlaib. facebook removed the post. not before the congresswoman was flooded with -- congresswomen were flooded with death threat as cording to a tweet earlier today from congressman ilhan omar. joining me to discuss this in the united states and how it will impact the 2020 election is brandy sodrozni. what are your thoughts on green and how do you explain her rapid
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ascension in national politics? >> well, that is a complicated question, but is a rich woman and switched districts to move to another district to get her seat and what she looks like she's going to win. but you pretty much said it all. anti-muslim, conspiracy theory, 9/11 conspiracy theorist, these a qanon believer knoll very recently. now she suddenly says she's gotten better information. but somehow hasn't disavowed all the wild things she said over the years. so i think what it points to is really that my job is to research online and report about what's happening online and for years now we've seen sort of two different reality, one reality that, you know, we talk about in cable news and, you know,
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politicians may talk about on but then have you this whole other reality of millions of people online and what they believe and often the two things could not be more separate. it is just a different reaction so for many folks online i see it all the time, marjorie taylor greene's message, the anger, violence, distrust of all institutions really resonates and again about the time we're in, you have to think about too that the press of the united states was the original birther, he is a vaccine conspiracy theorist, he is a serial liar, i mean, so we're living in a time where sort of seemingly nothing matters and knock is disqualifying so in a way it is almost not surprising she has reached this level. >> you say it resonate, seeing qanon going oversea, a presence in germany. russia's disinformation campaign becoming increasingly aggressive
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specifically attacks on joe biden's mental health. earlier this week it was revealed homeland security at the direction of chad wolf blocked these warnings of a russian campaign against biden. what are your thoughts on that? >> well, yeah, dhs said that the report wasn't done well enough so it didn't sort of meet the standards. that's why it wasn't released but, again, not the first time we would have heard that pressure from the white house perceived or actual pressure resulted in some sort of stifling or squashing of information related to russia's interference of our election past or present. it doesn't surprise me again, russia does this really good thing, it's what they did in 2016. it's not like they come and make up things from out of nowhere. they looked at what is our existing division about so along racial lines, lgbtq, immigration and they look at these fissures
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and exploit them and so this is an example of something that, you know, donald trump's campaign, his official campaign is using the dementia joe, sleepy joe, now they're saying that he had to have taken -- he might have taken drugs. they want him to be drug tested because he's peppier so these are narratives we already have to hear that russia is exploiting them is again like, of course, they are. >> nbc's brandy zadrozny. to help educate yourself, you can see more of her incredible reporting tomorrow. we have a special, join my colleague ali velshi for a full hour on the disinformation epidemic. tune in at 9:00 a.m. right here on msnbc. a lot more still ahead. armed militia members ready to square off at the kentucky derby where they're protesting the death of breonna taylor. why donald trump is taking aim at racial sensitivity
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understanding of racial issues calling them in some cases anti-american propaganda. and in an exclusive new interview the man who knows the president better than anyone says trump will do anything to hold on to power. michael cohen says he does mean anything. plus, the president, a vaccine and an election year. gerald fordary experience with a rushed solution to a medical crisis could not be more relevant. we want to start with that new report from "the washington post" which says the white house is directing federal agencies to stop racial sensitivity training calling it un-american propaganda. that the office of management and budget plans to come up with a list of all contracts related to the training sessions involving white privilege or critical race theory and do everything possible within the law to cancel those contracts. i'm joined for more on this by political analyst rashad richie and earlier today the president
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