tv MSNBC Live MSNBC September 5, 2020 3:00pm-4:00pm PDT
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hello, everyone. i'm alicia menendez. thanks for spending part of your saturday with me. it has been a day of demonstrations across the country. in louisville, there are no spectators at churchill downs for the kentucky derby, but there is a large group of protesters outside protesting the death of breonna taylor. some heavily armed militia groups are there too, counterprotesting. today marks the 102nd day of protests in portland, oregon with no signs of letting up. the demonstrations turned fatal just last weekend. law enforcement shot and killed a suspect in the death of a right wing activist. and police are preparing for more potential protests in rochester, new york today over the death of daniel prude in police custody. while hundreds of demonstrators
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marched peacefully in the streets last night, tensions erupted elsewhere in the city. we have nbc news correspondents on the ground in two of those cities tonight. gabe gutierrez in louisville, kentucky, and kathy park in rochester, new york. gabe, a lot of different groups out there protesting on the streets today. what have you been seeing? >> hi, there alicia. good afternoon. well, right now this protest, it's a peaceful protest made up of mostly black lives matter protesters. you can see behind me, they've been marching. they actually just stopped and restarted. we're outside of churchill downs. and this comes hours after a right wing group had a minor confrontation with a left wing group. both were armed. police got in the middle and managed to separate the two groups. thankfully it's been a peaceful day so far. what this march is consuming as the kentucky derby gets under way. i'm joined by one of the protesters. ma'am, what's your name? >> my name is tiffany. >> so tell me, why are you here today? you're actually not from
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louisville, as i understand. you're from a ways away. >> yes, i'm from atlanta, georgia. it was important for me to come today to support the family of breonna taylor because it's been six months, and there has been no arrest, and that's just. >> if we can keep walking here, tiffany so we're not going lose the crowd here. tell me, you came all the way from atlanta, but you've also been taking part in some of these other protests across the summer. were you ever in washington, d.c. a short time ago. tell me, why is it so important for you to be at these demonstrations? >> it's important because i have a legacy of people, black people who have been marching. we have been peacefully protesting. and they are of age now. so it's time for us to take to the streets and peacefully protest, which is what we have been doing all summer. this has been the freedom summer 2020. >> what do you make of the heavy police presence here? the kentucky derby and local authorities, they said that they wanted to keep this peaceful.
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just a few minutes ago, we came as could some of those armored vehicles that were on the other side. you're shaking your head. why is that? >> i couldn't believe that. we have water to keep us hydrated, masks and signs, and they showed up with tanks. they just look like it was the military. it looked like they were at war. and i'm a lesbian. i've gone to gay pride. we don't have any of that. so for them to come at unarmed people protesting and peacefully for black lives, it just shows how they view us. they view us as the enemy, as a terror. >> now the protesters here, you're demanding charges for the officers involved in the breonna taylor case. it's been several months since that happened. about 100 days of protests so far. earlier today, i don't think you may not have been at another location in jefferson square park in downtown. there was a minor confrontation between some militia members and protesters, some far right
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protesters as well as far left protesters. what do you make of that? what do you make of the heavily armed component of some of the groups that came here? >> when i saw them, because actually i'm staying downtown, and i see them, those protesters come out armed and it's like the lnpd. they just have the gray cars and they're just watching. they're not being policed like we are. they're not meeting them with aggressive force as we are with just signs. >> tiffanie, thank you so much for speaking with us. really appreciate it. so yes, alicia we are now catching up to the crowd. again, a peaceful protest so far here outside of churchill downs as the kentucky derby set to get under way over the next hour or so. these protesters demanding justice for breonna taylor. thankfully so far this has all remained peaceful. alicia? >> all right, gabe gutierrez in louisville, kentucky. thank you. kathy, i want to turn now to you
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in rochester. what is the situation on the ground today? and what are police preparing for tonight? >> alicia, good evening to you. so i am standing on jefferson avenue, right where the arrest took place back on march 23rd. and a lot of people probably have already seen that body cam footage showing the arrests of daniel prude. i want to show you exactly what we are seeing on the ground right now. so over here, there is a growing memorial in honor of daniel prude. and then over to the side there is a food drive, a preplanned food drive that happened to coincide with demonstrations that are scheduled to get under way shortly. so police, they're getting ready in the downtown area. they have definitely stepped up their enforcement. officers getting ready earlier in the day today. but i want to bring in kwan more. he is a local leader here in the community of rochester, and he has been out protesting over the last several days now. and i understand that things
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really escalated on thursday night, and you're saying you actually got injured. tell me exactly what panned out. >> basically on thursday, around like 9:30, 10:00, a lot of us started to -- excuse me -- a lot of us started to assemble down at the public safety building where we were basically protesting peacefully. singing some rejoice songs and basically letting them know how we feel. and tragically, what happened was maybe about two hours prior to us protesting on that thursday night, the sergeant came out and completely took all his men and brought them back inside the public safety building, which kind of looked to me as a type of strategy they were trying to plan where they wanted to make the protester likes like they won. so the protesters began to move one step further closer to the barrica barricade. now mind you, this barricade is in front of the public safety building and it's a public place. that's already a first issue. once they all went back inside, the protesters started cheering. and that's when we took that
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first step forward, and they all start coming out with different gear and blazing like they're in pakistan. they started shooting tear gas. they started shooting rubber bullets. they started spraying people with mace. they started trying to chokehold people. it got very bad from there. they assembled in a line and tried to force us out right from the beginning. >> so you plan on peacefully protesting today as well, which will be night number four. tell me, what's the message that you hope your presence will carry? >> the message for me is being in the front line. of course i know that i can't do it all. but i do the best that i can. i'm not really the type to preach too much, but i really make my message clear. so i just stand in the face of them. try to talk their language so they understand exactly where i'm coming from as black man and letting them know that this has to stop. one thing else to mention, just from looking on tv, people can't really understand the emotions and the facial expressions that you see from a police officer when you're in their eyes.
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asked one police officer a question, and i said how does he feel about his coworker daniel prude being murdered right in the middle of the street and a bag put over his head. and he specifically tell me f you, it really didn't bother him as much. those type of responses and that type of mannerisms that they carry really is a huge problem. so my duty for myself is to pinpoint them and just speak to them. and let them know that this has to stop. >> all right, kwann, thank you so much for your time. right now, alicia, things are peaceful, as they always are. but over the last couple of nights, things have taken a turn. but police are ramping up their efforts. i do want to let you know that we learned from the attorney general's office that they have a grand jury to also investigate this case as well. alicia? >> kathy park in roch chetser, new york. thank you so much, kathy. for weeks trump has bet his reelection on telling americans he is the lot and order president. but a slew of polls out this week show that might be a losing strategy.
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voters chose joe biden over trump when it comes to keeping americans safe and handling race relations. and it's not just the polling. the president is actively trying to take the government backwards on racial equality. this morning, the white house released a memo directing federal agencies to halt racial sensitivity training, calling it divisive and un-american. the law and order message also may not be working because it doesn't reflect the situation on the ground. demonstrators have been overwhelmingly peaceful, and there is new data to prove that more than 93% of black lives matter demonstrations have involved no serious harm to people or to property. joining me now, charlotte altar is author of "the ones we've been waiting for." indicate listen eden is a national correspondent on race and identity for the guardian. and an investigative journalist and author of stephen miller, donald trump and the white nationalist agenda. all right, kenya, it would seem that the president's law and
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order strategy, if you can call it a strategy is not working. why continue to double down? >> who says it's not working? this is exactly what the president is aiming for. it's replacing the dog whistle and amplifying wit a microphone. this is an attempt to appeal to his base. what he is doing is placing blame, peddling this idea that cities are a dangerous faction of color and come to your suburbs and try to take over. he is trying to peddle that rhetoric by doing exactly what reporting has shown has been the opposite, that protests have been overwhelmingly peaceful, including not only not having substantial property damage. the president doesn't want to paint it that way because it allows his voters and base to continue this idea that by voting for the president, they're protecting their communities. they're protecting their livelihood and their families from this change they see
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happening in cities and other foreign places that are scary to them and the president knows essentially what oftentimes sometimes the democrats aren't necessarily using in their strategy is that race and racism drives voters, not just those of the progressive young people that we're hearing in terms of protesters, but race and racism drives voters on the right as well. we're seeing that in places like minnesota. we're say seeing that in wisconsin and michigan. and that is why the president is peddling these very dangerous and antiquated probes of these cities and their democratic mayors despite the fact that oftentimes they are under republican governors and state houses for years -- or decades prior. but this is their strategy. and this is what the president is going to be holding on to. and it seems to be working more than we realized. >> jean, this doesn't just go through the prism of the demonstrations that we're seeing across the country. as you point out. this is the same that goes
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through all of the immigration policies and rhetoric from this administration. just this week, there was a new video uploaded ead dhs, a fictionalized video. i want you to walk us through the video and talk to me about how you see the law and order frame being applied to immigration and how it connects to the law and order frame applied to the contexts across the country. who is driving this? >> well, the person who is driving this is stephen miller, the extremist in the white house. but i will start with this video. it's a completely unethical fictionalized video depicting a migrant killing an innocent person with a knife. but what's worse about this video it is includes all of these headlines that are misleading with completely false and fabricated statistics about migrant crimes. painting migrants as somehow innately more violent than white people, than citizens. something which i fact checked in my piece in the daily beast and, you know, just a few minutes ago i was informed that
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border patrol has taken down this video, perhaps as a result of having been fact checked and, you know, having to realize that they were using these completely false statistics. because as we know, migrants commit crimes at a far lower rate than citizens. but this speaks to how the administration has turned into a white supremacist propaganda machine as the results of stephen miller who my book is about. he is pulling policies and rhetoric directly from white supremacists and white nationalist books, describing anti-racist protesters as agitators, anarchists, mobs of people who want to destroy this country. this is language that comes straight from a white supremacist book and other white supremacist propaganda which focuses on misleading, false statistics that paint people of color as somehow innately more violent than white people which is completely inaccurate, but which this administration has adopted as its reelection strategy. trump thinks he won in 2016
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because of stephen miller and the way he demonized immigrant, and he thinks that in order to win in november, he needs to demonize black lives matter protesters, anti-racist protesters, and basically any democrat who believes in racial justice. which is why you see donald trump, you know, basically denying the idea of systemic racism, which is another white supremacist propaganda tactic. >> charlotte, you have spent the past few days in kenosha. you have both presidential candidates there this week. i want you to take a listen to how the president described protesters. >> these are not acts of peaceful protests, but really domestic terror. reckless, far left politicians continue to push the destructive message that our nation and our law enforcement are oppressive or racist. you may have protesters, but you have some really bad people too. you have anarchists, and you have the looters, and you have the writers. you have all types. you havage tarts. >> -- have agitators.
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>> he talked about how nothing was going to defeat him. how whether he walked again or not, he was not going to give up. i think what has been unleashed with a lot of people is they understand that fear doesn't solve problems. only hope does. >> charlotte, what are you hearing from people on the ground in kenosha? is any of this boiling down? >> absolutely. a lot of it is boiling down. and unfortunately for democrats, i am hearing a lot more of the president's talking points being repeated back to me than i'm hearing of biden's talking points. i've whatever from many local kenosha residents and residents in nearby racine who saw what happened in kenosha and genuinely feel as if their city is under attack. and, you know, walking around
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downtown kenosha, all of the buildings are boarded up. and those buildings are boarded up mostly to protect the windows. it's not as if the windows behind them are necessarily smashed, but it is an appearance of a city that is under siege. and the residents that i spoke to there feel as if the president came in and helped to put an end to what they perceive to be a lot of violence. and many of them use the word "anarchy lo "anarchy" with me. so these talking points are absolutely boiling down the president's base. another thing i did hear is even some people who didn't vote for the president and even one or two who voted for hillary clinton in 2020 said they approved of the president's treatment of what happened in kenosha, and they appreciated him coming there and sending the national guard. so this is absolutely a strategy that is resonating with some
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suburban voters in key places that both trump and biden need to win in order to carry the white house. >> all right. charlotte, kenya and jean, thank you all so much for spending some time with us. up next, suckers and losers. that's reportedly how the president referred to u.s. troops. i'll talk to a member of the house armed services committee about this stunning new report. plus, kicking the can down the road. what the cdc eviction ban means for tenants and landlords. former hud secretary julian castro is here to talk about america's housing crisis. inste, there was someone in that office who thought about you? he'll bring that back. joe biden -- he knows us, house armed services committee house armed services committee to bring this country back again by investing in our communities, good jobs, education, healthcare, and voting rights. it's time we had a president again who respects and remembers who he's there to serve -- the people.
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a president who has this attitude about those who are caption should not be allowed within a one-mile radius of a p.o.w. flag because obviously he doesn't get it. >> the american military leaves no one behind that is a core tenet of what we are and it's also why we're the most powerful military on the face of the earth. with this cowardly chief in the white house right now doesn't deserve to be commander in chief of this great military. >> pete buttigieg and seminar tammy duckworth reacting to bombshell reporting from the atlantic this week. four anonymous sources told the magazine that in 2018, donald trump referred to dead american service members as losers and suckers. the outburst reportedly came as the president complained about a visit to a cemetery near paris. the visit never happened. the white house said at the time it was scrubbed because of bad weather.
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the atlantic report also claimed that president trump didn't want to honor the late senator john mccain with a funeral and was furious when flags were lowered to half-staff to honor the war hero and former p.o.w. the president seems keenly aware that this story could spell serious trouble for his reelection chances. he denied the report on friday, firing off a series of charts saying he never called john mccain a loser and swears on whatever or whoever that he never called soldiers anything other than heroes, but we know that's not true because he has said almost the exact same things in the past. just look at this 2015 tweet that trump himself retweet odd of a headline calling mccain, you guessed it, a loser. he is also famously mocked the late senator during his presidential campaign in 2015, saying, quote, i like people who weren't captured and i don't like losers. in short, the reporting from the atlantic sounds like president trump. military families like the bidens are furious. >> if what is written in the atlantic is true, it's
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disgusting. if these statements aren s are the president should humbly apologize to every gold star mother and father and every blue star family that he has denigrated and insulted. who the heck does he think he is? >> joining me now, congressman rubin gallego of arizona. he is a marine corps veteran who sits on the armed services committee. congressman, thank you for your time. i want to get your response. what was the first thing that went through your mind when you read this report? >> i mean, it really was a gut punch. i kind of had a feeling this is what he felt about us in the military, especially enlisted men and women. it hurts, you know. a lot of us, including me sacrifice my health, my youth. i still carry the scars from war. and the fact that he doesn't understand it. i don't need for him to serve. i just need for him to understand so i can at least understand his motivation. the fact is he uses us as props. he uses us when it's convenient to him, and at the same time
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looks down at us. it's sad that he is the commander in chief and that's something we have to make sure doesn't happen again in november. >> congressman, what does it mean, what does it do for morale in the ranks if you are a soldier and you hear reporting that the president may have said something like this? >> you got to understand many of us are really severely underpaid. my whole time, the year i went to iraq, i think i got $26,000 and got shot at almost every day. i knew what i signed up for. but when you hear that somebody thinks of you that way, it makes you feel like you are not as cared for. it questions whether or not you're even doing the right thing. and you also start questioning whether if not for you, or if they're just out for their own self-interest. that's the problem. this president does not understand sacrifice. he doesn't understand because he cannot be selfless. you certainly should not be leading the u.s. military.
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>> congressman, what have you heard from other veterans about this story? >> well, i've largely heard from veterans that are just disgusted by it. i've heard from some gold star mothers that i know are horrified by this. they just -- it's one of those things unfortunately that we sometimes feel is occurring, especially at the higher levels of government. but when it becomes confirmed, especially when you have more reputable media groups confirm it, it just makes you feel horrible. again, these are families that say goodbye to the kids, say goodbye to their parents, not knowing if they're ever going to come back. and when they do come back, many of russ not the same. and the fact that he just doesn't understand sack fire, nor will he ever. and then to make fun of those that do. again, it's beneath the office of the presidency. he should not be president anymore. we need to vote him out. the people have kept this country together. the military deserve the respect, unlike the person that is trying to tear this country apart like donald trump.
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>> congressman gallego, thank you so much for your time. >> thank you. >> even before the atlantic story hit, president trump was struggling with active duty troops. a recent poll showed joe biden holding a solid four-point lead among military leaders. for moyrbring in dave dibenedet. all right, gabe, how concerned is the white house with this story, and what is the latest in the form of pushback? >> well, clearly, they're very concerned because they're actually responding on the record, which isn't something that they often do. in the actual case of the story itself, they didn't offer any comment. then after it came out, it became very clear to them, to a number of people in the white house just what a problem this was going to be. and now you see the president tweeting about it. you see other members of the white house tweeting about it. they rolled out a number of people saying this isn't true. as you pointed out a few minutes ago, of course the words themselves are very similar to words the president has used in
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the past. these denials don't have much credibili credibility. and a number of news organizations across the political spectrum, including fox news we should note have confirmed the basics of this report. in terms of the politics, clearly the white house is very concerned because this is an election season and this is a white house that is extremely obviously obsessed with politics and obsessed with this president's reelection campaign. as you just pointed out, joe biden is doing better. that might be expected by the 2016 standards at least upon active duty military members. and the president realizes that this is not only a large group of people, including the members of cells and their families, but it's a group of people that has a huge following and support system across this country. so politically speaking, the white house clearly sees this is a problem. >> i mean, to that point, you have vote vets releasing a searing ad just yesterday of military families who have lost loved ones lambasting the president. take a listen. >> my step-son was not a loser.
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>> my son is not a liars. >> my son matthew is not a liars. >> my step-son was not a sucker. >> my message to donald trump is this. you have no right being a commander in chief. >> in addition to being incredibly moving, i think there is also this question of how you have the president trying to campaign on a law and order frame at the same time that you have a story like this coming out. how do you think this plays out in the next few weeks? >> right. this is kind of a perfect storm for the trump campaign, because not only are the details of this story devastating in and of themselves, but as you mentioned, this story also came out ahead of a long weekend, ahead of the labor day weekend. so this is going to be in the headlines for the next couple days at the very least. and then there is also the fact, as you said, the president built his entire campaign on being the law and order president. on rebuilding the military. he's the one who said that he is
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the only guy to protect military families and to stand up for u.s. veterans. not to mention the fact that this comes in the face of a pandemic that has infect in order than six million americans and killed almost 190,000 people. 10 trump absolutely cannot afford any more bad press at this point. and this is potentially the worst story to come out since the rnc. it doesn't bode well for the president's poll numbers, to say the least. >> gabe, we also heard from a very passionate joe biden. take a listen. >> i'd ask you all the rhetorical question. how do you feel? how would you feel if you had a kid in afghanistan right now? you know in your heart, you know in your gut it's deplorable. >> i mean, gabe, this is such a critical part of joe biden's own story. it would seem to me that this
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creates a very, very pronounced contrast between president trump and former vice president biden. >> yeah. if there wasn't already enough of a contrast in every single thing about these two men, you now see this one. and vice president biden obviously is going very hard on this, as you just saw. and in his advertising now, at least online, he is starting to go after president trump for these points. and basically, the case that his team is making is that this is not an honorable president. this is a president who does not deserve to be in charge of the military. now it's very personal, as you said, for vice president biden. he often talks about his son beau who was in the military, and his case has long been that we need to restore the soul of the nation. this goes exactly to that point. the biden campaign has really oriented itself to responding around this story because they really see the potency of it. as we know, there is already so many people questioning the leadership of the president with, of course, nearly 200,000 americans dead with this
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pandemic. this layered on top of that really feeds in the biden beliefs to their central point. . >> all right. gabe and sonam, thank you both. a new ban on evictions. while it could keep millions of people in their homes for now, it will also be ignoring another huge problem across the country. i'll ask former hud secretary julian castro about that next. . come on, no no n-n-n-no-no only discover has no annual fee on any card.
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than $24; a playstation 4 for less than $16; and a schultz 4k television for less than $2. i won these bluetooth headphones for $20. i got these three suitcases for less than $40. and shipping is always free. go to right now and see how much you can save. millions of americans at risk of losing their housing got some temporary relief this week. president trump signing an executive order giving the cdc broad authority to banegas wide evictions for nonpayment of rent through the end of the year. but the ban does not include funding for rental assistance. the order essentially leaves landlords out in the cold and might just delay a tidal wave of evictions until the moratorium end. a coalition of housing industry groups are warning congress that the ban will ultimately harm the very people it aims to help, agenda it will be impossible for
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housing providers to meet their financial obligations and continue to provide shelter to their residents. on top of that, renters would still owe their landlords potentially dating back to march, saddling struggling americans with a mountain of debt. >> so even i pay rent, i pay gas and electric and don't pay rent because i can't walk sometimes. i can't move, and i have to get back and forth to the doctors. i have to ask my family to help me. you know. i got to go to food banks. i'm having a really hard time. >> and what happens if your landlord tells you have to leave? where can you go? >> to a homeless shelter. >> with me julian castro, the former secretary of housing and urban development under president obama. in his new podcast our america with julian castro launches on september 10th. secretary, thank you so much for your time tonight. you heard that woman talking there in philadelphia. this is what we're hearing all
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over the country. so talk us through this moratorium. what does it actually look like in practice? >> well, what it looks like is a band-aid. and for many of the reasons that you pointed out right there. look, by one estimate we have up to 30 million people who are going to face eviction through october. that means we have a crisis on our hands. there has ban lot of reporting just in the last couple of weeks showing people being evicted by constables, by sheriffs all over the country. so what this eviction moratorium does is it temporarily halts that process. however, the big flaw in it is that it really kicks a can down the road because it allows late fees, penalties, and most importantly back rent to pile up on tenants, meanwhile, not addressing the needs of landlords at all. remember, a lot of landlords are not these huge corporations. they're mom and pop landlords. they own one single-family residence or a duplex or a four plex.
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so it kicks a can down the road a few months, right past the election that donald trump wants to get to, but does not provide any direct rental assistance to help people to deal with that back rent. so what's going to happen is there is going to be an even bigger avalanche of evictions when we're actually done with this band-aid approach. it's the wrong approach. instead, what should happen is that mitch mcconnell and republicans in the senate should take up a hero's act the democrats passed in the house. that included an eviction moratorium, but it also included direct rental assistance to the tune of $100 billion. that's a much better, more effective way to deal with this. >> housing industry groups also wrote "without rental assistance, the real estate industry is being mandated to shoulder an unrecoverable financial burden that could lead to the greatest rental housing crisis of our lifetime." the greatest rental housing crisis of our lifetime. are we looking at bailouts for the housing industry? what happens to housing on the other side of this crisis?
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>> look, there is no doubt that there is an increasing amount of stress on everybody, on those tenants whose back rent is piling up. on landlords who have their own notes, often mortgages that they have to pay off. early on, when around the time the c.a.r.e.s. act was passed, there was also moratoriums put in place that allowed some latitude for landlords that had a note on their rental property. but all of these things need to be addressed holistically, and they're not. they're being addressed in this cynical band-aid approach just to get donald trump past an election. and that's not going to do it because i think the industry group's bringing up a good point. the further we go along without addressing it holistically, the more rental affordability crisis we're going have in the months and years to come. >> and of course secretary, just as with the stimulus payments you have nbc news reporting that there are a number of americans
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who are going to be left out of this order. it includes immigrants without social security numbers, high earners who might have lost their job. and seniors who live with their children and are claimed as dependents. what happens then to those people? >> well, look, this is a swiss cheese policy. so many people are left out. and they have families. they have folks that are counting on them. they're in crisis. i'll give you a good example of that. you know, mixed status families that have been left out of this whole thing. millions of people are impacted by that. you mention people who had been high earners. what if you are a high earner in 2019, but you lost your job completely in 2020 and are unable to access this kind of assistance, this kind of moratorium? we need something that is both more nuanced and more robust than this. what that means is donald trump needs to get mitch mcconnell to pass the heroes act that the democrats already passed in the house and then go from there.
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>> secretary, before we came on air, i subscribed to your new podcast, our america. >> thank you for doing that. >> one of the issues -- yep -- know how important that subscription. one of the issues that you're tackling, you and i were actually in vegas together during the primary season. underground, under all of the glitzy casinos in vegas, an entire homeless population living in tunnels under a place that sells itself for its glitz and its glam. how do you reassure americans right now who are worried that they're going to experience homelessness, or that that their home is going to be an insecure place? what do you say to people as they're confronting these realities? >> this is part of what we want to explore in the podcast, to tell the stories of people who are struggling. but also to offer a humanizing and i hope hopeful way at how we can look at these issues and
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provide some solutions to talk what we can do about this. so i would say to folks out there who are worried, look, the number one thing that you can do is to make sure that you vote on november 3 rtrd, that you have plan to vote you get other people to vote, your friends, your family, your neighbors. if we want to change the direction of this country forever, to make sure that people have a safe and affordable place to live, that every person has health care, and that all of our kids can get a good education, that we have good job opportunities, that we recover our economy, joe biden knows how to do that. he's done it before. i hope that folks get out and vote. >> the podcast is "our america with julian castro." secretary, thank you for your time. still ahead. >> thank you. >> it's another misinformation campaign aimed at u.s. voters, but this time homeland security says the russians are doing something a little different. we'll explain. plus, we'll look at california's growing number of coronavirus cases and why undocumented health care workers are uniquely at risk.
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the russians are doing it again. the government says they're meddling in u.s. elections. but they've got a new twist on their old tactics. more on that next. plus, with less than 60 days until the election, president trump and joe biden have very different strategies to win over women voters. we'll take a look. and at the top of the hour, president trump's attacks on mail-in voting. he is not backing down. in fact now he is telling some of his voters to vote twice. it's more important than ever that voters know the rules in their states so they can plan their vote. our interactive state by state guide has everything you need to know about casting your ballot in 2020. visit your vote to learn more. needles.
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voter fraud. those claims are of course false. this is after the top election official warned in july that russia was working to denigrate former vice president joe biden's white house bid. with me is msnbc terrorist analyst malcolm nance and the author of "the plot to detray america, how team trump embraced our enemies." how does it complicate this entire scenario when you have russians not just amplifying disinformation but information coming from an american president? >> it you look back at 2016, what the russians did was far more focused. they stole information, brought it to the news media through a
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laundrom laundromat, wikileaks, and allowed that data to create a meta narrative. and donald trump glommed on to that and used that information. this is the reverse. it's the trump team creating the themes, the russians don't have to create anything. the trump team is assayisaying n voting is fraud, it will wreck the elections and the russians take that, putting it out there and they use it to support donald trump's word and undermine american democracy at the same time. >> the bulletin also states that you have russia at the same time pushing left-wing conspiracy theories about biden, about harris. how does that further serve to sow these seeds of discord? >> nothing has changed since the
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soviet kgb became the fsb. putin is a guy who uses his spy and academia organizations for each -- evil. they know there's a hard left libertarian bernie-b ro world ot there who hates joe biden so they use that to amplify chaos and you start nibbling away at people who would vote for joe biden and kamala harris. it's a one-two punch from russian intelligence, the trump team and the russians using, of course, all the useful idiots on the left. >> malcolm, here's how acting director of united states citizenship and immigration services reacted to haley jackson, her question about alleged russian interference and the president's role in all of
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this. take a listen. >> you're okay with the president continuing to make false claims about the vote by mail system. am i wrong in understanding that or not? >> of course your question is loaded with a conclusion and i'm not going to question the president's decision. our role is to keep those outside influences, at least draw a spotlight to them so the candidates themselves can make their statements, can make their arguments and people like you can judge them in, as can individual american voters. and we expect people to make their decisions not just on what candidates say but on whether they believe -- >> i also want you to talk us through how it complicates the response of the u.s. government when the white house will not acknowledge that russia is one of those bad actors. >> yeah. well, you know, the great mystery of life is why donald trump and his administration are so beholden to pushing vladimir putin's entire meta narrative
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about america, which is america is screwed up and donald trump is our man. so in doing so -- and by the way, ambassador fiona hill, as you recall during the impea impeachment process had a lot to do on pushing the message. ken cuccinelli said we're going to give you all that fake information so you, the american public, can be an informed voter. 20 years ago when it was the soviet union, we would never have believed a word out of them. so ken cuccinelli is carrying moscow's water, as are many of the other people in the trump administration by using this false theme of we have to keep you informed. it's really slick.
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>> a few weeks until election day, i think we all know the problem. what's the solution? >> the solution is very simple. all of these little tactics they're using over there on the trump side, they hate sunlight. it appears donald trump is mail-in balloting, it will be a rigged election, the chinese and north koreans and russians will send in a million votes for joe biden and you can't trust that. really? these are people who claim that they are patriots, and a true patriot would have faith in the american postal system and not destroy it. so what you can do as a voter is quite simple, put it out there. vote. >> all right, malcolm, thank you -- time. coming up at the top of the hour, the president is telling some of his supporters to vote twice. plus women can make the difference in several key swing
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tonight he's back at it, president trump ignoring election officials and telling his supporter to try and vote twice, his latest attempt to undermine november's election. >> plus this. >> they are independent and very, very committed to making sure science prevails and not politics. >> our october surprise could be
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