tv Politics Nation MSNBC September 6, 2020 2:00pm-3:00pm PDT
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from most republican presidents is that there will be no pivot toward a unifying center. certainly not on racial issues, even with two months left. but then that's because donald trump aims to be the president of white america, or at least he views it as the only one worth paying attention to. and as he obsesses over statues of dead slave owners as hallowed american history, he threatened this morning on twitter to have the department of education investigate a rumor that california is using the pulitzer prize winning 1619 project in schools because of its focus on slavery in american history. this comes after we learned friday that the president directed federal agencies to end racial sensitivity initiatives, calling them, quote, un-american.
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the contrast gets starker by the day as the nation's cities try to combat racial unrest through long-delayed dialogue. the president is doing all he can to let white racists know that he's their guy. and his message may be working, at least on those who were already open to it. recent polling shows the president's hostility toward black lives matter may have deflated some white support for the movement, while boosting it for his campaign. joining me now is california congresswoman barbara lee. congresswoman lee, thank you for being with us this evening. >> glad to be with you. >> the rumor that 1619 project, pulitzer-prize-winning project, lauded and applauded by most, may be taught in california schools, and the president wants an investigation on their teaching american history.
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what the project did was talk about slavery and the ramifications of it and going forward. why would we investigate teaching american history? >> first let me say i hope california moves forward with using the 1619 project to teach about american history. it's so important that our young people understand within a historical context why systemic racism still exists. and you know, reverend al, myself, i've introduced a bill for truth, racial healing, and transformation. congresswoman sheila jackson lee has introduced a bill, hr 40, for study and development of reparations. we have to have this historical context if we're ever going to achieve a society that has as part of its dna racial equity and justice. right now its dna is mainly systemic racism. so this is a good move. i hope california moves forward
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with it. and i'm proud of the fact that they're even considering it because this needs to be taught not only in our schools but also to adults who really don't understand the historical context for systemic racism. >> now, according to a new report published thursday by the armed conflict location and event data project, the overwhelming majority, 93% of nearly 7,800 black lives matter protests, have been peaceful. that's 93% over three months' time. he doesn't talk about any of those, the big march we had in washington, tens of thousands, half a mile from the white house, the friday before last. didn't say a word. but any kind of violence he tries to embellish and build up as like that represents the movement. >> sure, reverend al, he is trying to establish an environment, which he really is establishing, that perpetuates
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violence and hostility. we know, and i'm glad the polling data show, over 90% of our marchers, the marchers for black lives matter, your march, the intergenerational nature of it, the multiracial nature of these marches, are really nonviolent and they're protesting and they're saying enough is enough. our young people are leading the way. this man in the white house is going to continue to do what he does, say what he says. this is about white supremacy, white nationalism, taking and turning the clock back. we're not going to let that happen. i hope we can continue moving on to november 3, registering people to vote, vote, and let's make sure we get him out of the white house come november 3. >> congresswoman, please listen, if you haven't already, to jacob blake, the victim of being shot in the back seven times in kenosha, wisconsin, speaking from his hospital bed. >> there's a lot more of life
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out here to live, man. your life, and not only just your life, your legs, something that you need to move around and move forward in life, can be taken from you like this, man. 24 hours, every 24 hours it's pain. it hurts to breathe. it hurts to sleep. it hurts to move from side to side. it hurts to eat. >> what strikes me about that tape as i've seen it since it was made public, is that as many of us march and many of us stand with his parents, he didn't come out with a blistering attack on law enforcement. he was talking to other black men, black women, people in his community, about being cautious and about embracing life. >> first, it was so good to see him, first of all. secondly, he has a lot of courage, in his pain, having gone through what he has gone
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through, to speak out and to talk to his peers and to talk about what it's like to have to go through this trauma. and so i hope people are listening. we have to continue to pray for him and his family. but just know that he's an example of, you know, the unfortunate police killings, the systemic racism, the way that the police are injuring and hurting our young people. and yet to have him continue to talk about this from his hospital bed and to have the courage to give a message to our young people and to speak out, i think it's remarkable. i have to applaud him and just say to him that we're going to continue to pull for him and pray for him and make sure that his message gets across to everyone. >> now, you mentioned systemic racism. and you've talked about racism as a public health issue, and talked also about how disproportionately the black
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community has suffered under covid-19, which we are still in the midst of. >> yes, reverend al, congresswoman ayanna pressley, myself, senator warren, hirono, markley, we introduced a bill, hr 8178. you know congresswoman pressley and her fight to disrupt and dismantle systemic racism, we put forward this bill and defined systemic racism as a public health issue and it names racism as really the historical and present framework for addressing it in terms of our public health crises. i hope people read this bill because it really lays out and defines what systemic racism is. let me just read to you one part of this bill because i think it's very important that people read this. due to structural racism in the united states, black men are up
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to 3 1/2 times as likely to be killed by police as white men. and one in every 1,000 black men will die as a result of police violence. policing has adverse effects on mental health in the black community. so in this bill, we're establishing at the centers for disease control also a law enforcement violence prevention program. we have to look at the health care crisis from a public health point of view as it relates to systemic racism and how racism really affects african-american american and people of color's health, when you look at the disproportionate rates of diabetes, asthma, hypertension, high blood pressure. you can directly relate this to systemic racism, racism, as the social determinants of health care. we want the centers for disease control to set up an office. we want to declare public health as a structural racism issue and really make sure they put the
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resources into addressing structural racism in our health care system, because we have to begin to close these disparities. but we have to do it in an intersectional manner. >> all right, thank you, congresswoman barbara lee and happy labor day to you and your family. >> thank you. >> let's bring in my panel of political strategists, democrat aisha mills and republican susan dell press eeo. you know, susan, a lot of people will say why do we talk so much about race, and now it's a central issue in this political campaign. but i don't think that people understand that it is unavoidable to discuss if you are victimized by it. you and i have talked a lot over the last couple of years, and i've talked about it on this show, the nine years i've hosted it. if you're born black, you inevitably are going to have to deal with race. when i was born, they stamped on
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your birth certificate, at that time the term was "negro" and that determined just about where your education was going to be, your job opportunities, what zip code you were going to live in. how do you not talk about a circumstance that you are in, that you had no blame or no choice in, and that is imposed by society? and this president acts like, oh, they're just race baiting. no, we're race living, trying to make this country fair for everyone. and some republicans have, in many ways, said let's deal with it. they may not have dealt with it in the same ways that i've always agreed, but they wanted to deal with it and have been sensitive to it. some of them very sensitive, like you, a republican, have had very sensitive conversations with me about it. but this president seems like he wants to use this to get votes. and he doesn't care if he causes more injury. >> well, this president, rev,
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only cares about himself and his campaign and with his reelection campaign, and he does not see people color as supporting him. so therefore they do not matter. they don't exist in his world. that's the cold, hard fact of it. it's just the way donald trump acts. that's the way he thinks he can get reelected. of course talking about race right now is critical, as an entire nation. our nation is pulling apart. we should be becoming closer as a result of this. like you said, you and i have had very really good conversations about it. and i will tell you that after george floyd, things even forced me to wake up and see things even in a more different light, and no longer saying, what do you want, like how do we fix this, and recognizing that this is such a big, broad problem that affects all americans. >> you know, aisha, the fact is that a lot of voters are going
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to have to show whether they tolerate this kind of racial bigotry on steroids that this president is trying to run on. i mean, clearly there are many voters, i feel, in the white community and in the black community, that may agree with some of his policies. i don't, but they do. but that are totally offended that they would be asked to vote and rubber stamp this kind of blatant race-baiting that his campaign has engaged in. >> yeah, and those are some of the people who actually voted for president obama during both of his elections, who then flipped and went for donald trump for whatever reasons. they claimed they wanted something different, economically, we could have been in a different direction, they didn't like hillary clinton, whatever their claims were, that was an experiment then. and, you know, okay, they got their pass to go and try
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something supposedly new. now there is a very, very, very deep, stark record, not only of the rhetoric but the actual policies behind it, of him doing all that he can do to subjugate people who are immigrants to this country, to denigrate black people, to lift up white supremacists. he's doing this through policy, through practice, through principle, as well as the tweets and talk. now all those good white people do have an opportunity to come back away from this bigoted america that they helped to perpetuate and get back on the right side of the dignity and respect that our democracy did stand for and should stand for all around the world. the thing is, rev, i don't want us to lose sight of the fact that there are also a lot of people who, in addition to the ones that flipped for donald trump, also just didn't participate. they were so disengaged, disenchanted with trump and with clinton at the time that they stayed home. so now we also are faced with a
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situation, with covid hopefully at our backs come election day, where people may or may not come out of the house because they're either afraid or because they're still disengaged. and my hope is they're paying attention to what's going on with this president, how destructive and ignorant he is, and are motivated to get up and to actually vote this time around. because when folks sit at home, we will get stuck with what we have. so that is really the key, getting people to turn out en masse more than ever before. >> susan, according to politico today, the president and his campaign is looking to turn their attention to vice presidential candidate senator kamala harris and start attacking her as some far left person that is pushing biden to the left and start going after her. is that wise politically? and what do you think the reaction will be?
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will it help the republican candidate, mr. trump? or will it energize women voters and black voters even more? >> here's the thing. if this was any other normal time and a normal republican candidacy, there would be discussions on policy and where there are differences. and that's fair game. but that's not how this administration works. they go after you in the most despicable ways. and all i have to say is, good luck with that, because senator harris is way above getting into the mud with these guys. she will make her case for the biden/harris ticket and she will wipe the floor with pence in the debate. that's what they should be focusing on, how not to look so bad in the debate against senator harris. >> aisha, an nbc exclusive set to air this tuesday, lester holt interviewed former trump attorney michael cohen who had
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some scary things to say about november's election. listen. >> do you think he'll win another term as president? >> donald trump will do everything and anything within which to win. i believe that includes manipulating the ballots. i believe that he would even go so far as to start a war in order to prevent himself from being removed from office. my biggest fear is that there will not be a peaceful transition of power in 2020. >> aisha, this is the president's former attorney, his fixer man, saying he'll manipulate the ballots and may even start a war. and there won't be a peaceful transition. how do you respond to mr. cohen saying this? >> you know, there was a time that we all wanted to just roll our eyes at mr. cohen because he just sounded crazy. then we figured he would say whatever he needed to say to make some money and be on the national stage. the truth is, though, all the
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things that he is saying about donald trump's character, donald trump himself has proven to be true. he is clearly attempting to negate this election, "steal" it may not be the right word, but he's doing everything in his power to keep people from voting because those people would probably vote against him. he has welcomed russian interference and others in helping him get to that office. he is constantly poking bears, attempting to create some kind of global conflict in some way to, again, distract from what he's actually not doing at home. so the things that he's saying really aren't that outrageous, right? and the truth is, is that we just need to watch, we need to participate, and we need to watch closely and carefully. and we also need to figure out what happens then if he refuses to leave the white house. is there some military intervention that actually holds up the rule of law? because the thing is donald trump thinks he's above the law. and frankly he's kind of gone through the last few years
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relatively unaccountable. and it seems like the law continues to slip off his back. we need to make sure in terms of our election and the sanctity of it that when he loses, that he's ousted and that's the end of it. >> thank you to both aisha and susan. coming up, college athletes find their power in the middle of a pandemic. i'll explain. but first, my colleague richard lui with today's other top news stories. richard? >> thanks, rev. thousands of people are heading to beaches across the country this labor day weekend. in miami, officials are concerned that the crowds could spark coronavirus numbers there. florida has more than 646,000 cases and just crossed the 12,000 death toll in the state. nationally we're tracking more than 6.2 million confirmed cases. and as of this hour, close to
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190,000 people have died. california wildfires, by the way, raging out of control. authorities evacuated more than 200 people near the sierra national forest. the california office of emergency services brought in black hawk and chinook helicopters that were used to rescue stranded residents there. and police in birmingham, england are on the hunt for a man they say went on a stabbing spree, killing one person and injuring seven others. authorities don't believe the attacks were linked to terrorism and were random. more "politicsnation" with reverend al sharpton after the break. stick around. - [narrator] did you just reward yourself
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competition, college sports are big business. the ncaa brings in over a billion dollars a year from college basketball alone. the bulk of that stemming from the media rights to the men's and women's march madness tournament. even that haul is dwarfed by the revenue generated on the gridiron. the five biggest conferences in college football earn over $4 billion each year. but "earn" as a tricky word, because while these profits get built on the backs of these majority black players, they aren't allowed to partake in the profits. the coaches sure are cashing in. in 39 states, the highest paid public employee in either a university football or basketball coach becomes the highest paid. student athletes are supposedly compensated with scholarships.
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helpful in this age of ballooning college costs. but the value appeals in comparison to the profits generated by these athletes for their schools. plus those scholarships can be taken away due to injury or even if the coach decides to depart the university, leaving his former recruits high and dry. if any all star professional athletes get hurt in his first season, he could potentially use his signing bonus to finance a college education, he has that choice. if a college athlete suffers a debilitating injury, he loses out on his opportunity for an education with the withdrawing of his scholarship and the loss of all possible post-college athletic earnings. and this year, those athletes are being asked to put everything on the line in the midst of a pandemic in order to
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make sure the ncaa doesn't lose out on a season's worth of the revenue generated by this unpaid labor force. to risk permanent lung and heart damage from a disease that still isn't widely understood so their coaches can rake in millions while the players risk their entire future careers. the coronavirus could be the last straw for the monopoly the ncaa holds over college athletes and their earning power. the opening salvo came last month when a list of safety and security demands was published in exchange for their uncompensated layer. that movement is only growing with momentum building for a college athletes union. that would allow the players to take back their power after so many seasons of exploitation.
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ncaa has been playing man-to-man defense against the possibility of a union for years because it knows its current position is untenable. but this pandemic is causing athletes to recognize their power. coaches and administrators come and go. but without the players, college sports would cease to exist. so if recognizing their union and allowing them to finally share in the financial fruits of their labor is the cost to keep the college game alive, i call that a slam dunk. wouldn't you? i gotcha.
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be able to vote. if it isn't tabulated, they'll be able to vote, so that's the way it is and that's what they should do. >> the president doubled down on list illegal suggestion this week that voters should attempt to vote twice in november's upcoming election. the president encouraging actual voter fraud as he and his supporters continue to try to suppress democratic voters with unfounded scare tactics. joining me now is attorney michael harney, general counsel and executive vice president of the national action network. michael, when we had barely gotten back from the march on washington, which one of the two legislative aims was to push for the john lewis voting rights bill, we had ofelt outrage.
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it is illegal. we've worked together for 35 years and i've never seen you as much beside yourself as hearing the president suggesting people vote twice. explain why you became so concerned and why this is so illegal. >> reverend sharpton, you this, and thank you for having me on. the fact of the matter is that the president of the united states is the highest ranking federal official in this nation. he takes an oath of office to preserve and protect the constitution of the united states of america and its laws. and so for that president to suggest to the citizens of this nation that they break the law and engage in unconstitutional
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and illegal activity and criminal activity is not only disappointing. the language of his ask my itself be criminal. and it is very dangerous. >> let me put you right there. if a democrat or if a civil rights leader or if anyone had got up on the other side and suggested people vote twice, would it not be within the clear possibility and probability that the justice department would investigate them for encouraging people to break the law? >> they absolutely would, reverend sharpton. and that's the other side of what you always see trump doing, suggesting that all of these other entities are breaking the law by trying to get people to do fake ballots. and there's no evidence, by the way, of a lot of voter fraud in this nation. but you can bet for sure that if
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it was someone else on the other side making that suggestion, donald trump would have been all over it. and so would the justice department. >> now, i want you to listen to speaker pelosi today on the matter of voting twice. >> no matter what the president says about vote twice, anybody should know that's wrong, and he has been told that. >> now, speaker pelosi is bringing it up. i have not heard a lot of people say much on the republican side, especially members of the senate that seem to stay a lockstep behind this president or even the republican side. shouldn't everybody in bipartisan way be outraged that he would suggest and double down on the suggestion that people go out and vote twice? >> they absolutely should, reverend sharpton. look, we always have to remember that in this nation, we had to
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fight for the right to vote. we had to protect that right. we have shed blood for the right to vote. and what any responsible official in this nation should be doing is to ensure that every voter in this nation's right to vote is protected, that they have one person, one vote. that is the bedrock of our democracy in terms of voting. and that's what people should be doing. the president should not be making jokes about it. he should not be encouraging people to break the law. that is simply not only unpresidential but again, in a nation that is so partisan, and there's so much at stake in this election, we only vote for the highest office every four years. this is an enormously important election and it should not be clouded by the antics. and we know that president trump is unorthodox.
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we know that he doesn't follow protocol. but he should as the constitutional officer in this nation, follow the law. >> trump and republicans are threatening to use law enforcement as election day poll watchers. a move voting rights advocates say is intended to intimidate minority voters. how can we counteract that? >> we would have to counteract that first by going to court. i also say, reverend sharpton, you know, the voting laws in this nation are enforced and operated by the 50 states. and you would have to think that the secretaries of states and other election officials are not going to tolerate a situation where you have anything that would discourage the presence of voters at election polls. we know that everywhere, you may have law enforcement present to ensure that there is no disruption of the vote.
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but never in a situation where they're actually -- the person that is translating that voter, interacting with that voter in his actual or her actual efforts to cast their vote. >> all right, attorney michael hardy, thank you for being with us this evening. coming up, i'll talk to the first black female mayor of ferguson, missouri. that's next. >> tech: when you've got auto glass damage... ...safelite can come to you. >> tech: and you'll get a text when we're on our way. >> tech: just leave your keys on the dash and we'll replace your windshield with safe, no-contact service. >> tech: schedule at >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪
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six years ago the city of ferguson, missouri was thrust into the national spotlight after michael brown, then 18 years old, was shot and killed by a white police officer. protests erupted as black residents there demanded equal footing in a city that is overwhelmingly black. six years later, and ferguson has seen some signs of change, including the election of ella jones, the city's first african-american and first woman mayor. ella jones joins me now. mayor jones, i was involved in some of the peaceful protests there, as you know, and some of the church rallies and did one of the eulogies at michael brown's funeral, so i know some of the deep problems that were
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in ferguson there. before you were elected, your plans included engaging more youth, jobs, economic development, and public safety, that includes hiring qualified police officers. where is the city in reforming the police department? >> thank you, reverend sharpton, for having me, and right now the police department, we have a new police chief, jason armstrong, and he has been working diligently to hire new officers for the police department in the last month or so. we hired at least five new officers. >> now, you join the ranks of a number of other black men and women who have been elected to mayorships, particularly in the south. what does this say about progress being made in those areas, if anything? >> well, we're noticing more african-american males and
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females are stepping up to the plate, because we work in our neighborhoods, we understand the needs of the people. and the people deserve quality representation. so we are running for these offices and the people are trusting us to be good leaders. >> now, the black community, like any community in this country, is not monolithic. what is being done to make sure that all segments of the community and segments of the cities are brought in, people from the grassroots, people that are part of the michael brown movement, and people that were not, so that everyone feels part of this kind of new wave in the political history of your city? >> well, number one, when i campaigned, i promised everyone that i was going to be a mayor for all the people, not just some of the people.
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i have always believed that we need to be inclusive instead of exclusive. and i have been working with the youth, the seniors, everyone from different, various walks of life. and we are, some of us, are working hard to make certain that we include everyone in this diverse community. >> now, you said of your election that, quote, it gives people their hope. given how the nation came to know furthering, what have been some of the changes you've implemented since taking off this summer? >> well, the election gave people hope. it gave them an opportunity to feel like their voices will be heard. in addition to that, we work with a company who just took over all the nursing homes. and i was working with this company ever since march, before
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the pandemic hit. and they are getting ready to open this nursing home, and they promise to have equal opportunities. and in addition to that, that the residents of ferguson who qualify, will be the first ones hired. we are working to better our neighborhoods, to stay in our neighborhoods. we work with the urban league. we know this pandemic has hit people in such a horrible way. a lot of people have lost their jobs. and working with the urban league to help people find jobs. in addition to that, making certain we have food and toiletries given out every week. on average we feed about 3,500 people. so just working with the businesses, working with the various nonprofits, and helping ferguson to see that as long as
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we work together, stick together, we will come out on the other side of this pandemic much better. >> as we see other cities now dealing with police reform, dealing with the question of race, we know that change does not come overnight. sometimes it takes a lot of commitment and it comes in incremental steps. how important, as people watch you around the country, just elected mayor this summer, in a city we all knew because of what happened to michael brown, how important is it for those people watching you, wherever they are, to vote? >> it's very important to vote. there's no way we can allow 45 to stay in office. the ferguson township has a democratic club. i am the president. we have already elected a new
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committeeman. we have already started voter registration, get seniors' names and telephone numbers so we can take them to the polls. it's very important that we register people to vote and make certain they get to the polls. and the ones who are unable, fill out the absentee application, get it in early to make certain you get your ballot back, and you can take it to st. louis county board of elections or mail it in on time. >> all right. thank you very much for being with us tonight, mayor ella jones. thank you very much. up next, my final thoughts. stay with us. want to brain better? unlike ordinary memory supplements... neuriva has clinically proven ingredients that fuel 5 indicators of brain performance.
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don't forget those that work in this country that have been under attack, particularly in the last three and a half years. unions have been under attack. suits going before the supreme court almost set up to try and dishevel and disassemble labor united airlines that are the ones that fight to protect wages and their way of living. and we would be in this country and certainly those of us that work hand and glove with them in the civil rights movement and a much worse place if we didn't have labor leaders still championing the cause like randy wine garden or seiu. they're out there every day fighting for the laborers that we take for granted. it's not a new thing because on this eve of labor day, i want to
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give tribute to a great labor leader. i think about him often. we did the march on washington the friday before last. it wouldn't have been a march on washington in 1963 if it wasn't for buy yard rusten. in my book "rise up" coming out this month, i talk about how he had to step back because of the homophobia at that time even amongst civil rights leaders. and this labor leader, an architecture of civil rights was one that helped move this country forward. he also when i was 16 years old and led operation bread basket, helped me a teenage kid preacher from brooklyn, to learn what it was to wedge the labor movement and civil rights movement because they really are fighting for the same things. so don't forget the labor
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movement, the labor, and the giants that are still left that are fighting every day for workers that are under assault, that want to see big business types make more money and see laborers have less protection. happy labor day. keep the laborers and labor movement in your labor day thoughts. that does it for me. thanks for watching. i'll see you back here next weekend at 5:00 p.m. eastern. up next, my colleague richard lui continues our news coverage. i have moderate toere pnow, there's skyrizi. ♪ things are getting clearer, yeah i feel free ♪ ♪ to bare my skin ♪ yeah that's all me. ♪ nothing and me go hand in hand ♪ ♪ nothing on my skin ♪ that's my new plan. ♪ nothing is everything.
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keep your skin clearer with skyrizi. 3 out of 4 people achieved 90% clearer skin at 4 months. of those, nearly 9 out of 10 sustained it through 1 year. and skyrizi is 4 doses a year, after 2 starter doses. ♪ i see nothing in a different way ♪ ♪ and it's my moment so i just gotta say ♪ ♪ nothing is everything skyrizi may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. before treatment your doctor should check you for infections and tuberculosis. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms such as fevers, sweats, chills, muscle aches or coughs, or if you plan to or recently received a vaccine. ♪ nothing is everything ask your dermatologist about skyrizi. ♪
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3:00 pm
hello, everyone. i'm richard lui live in new york city. thanks for being with us on this sunday. it's been a labor day weekend of protests across the country from kentucky to oregon. demonstrators took to the streets overnight calling for social justice and police reforms. while the vast majority of demonstrations have been peaceful, there have been late-night clashes between police and protesters. saturday marked the 100th day of protests in ported, oregon. several protesters threw rocks and fireworks at the officers there. now, in louisville heavy police es
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