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tv   The Reid Out  MSNBC  September 10, 2020 4:00pm-5:00pm PDT

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i want you to know that donald trump's niece, mary trump, will join us live on "the beat" tomorrow. i hope you'll tune in or dvr the program. mary trump tomorrow. "the readout with joy reid" starts now. donald trump is desperately, desperately trying to explain away the truth of his very own words, recorded on tape, admitting that he knew the dangers of the coronavirus, but chose to lie to the american people about it. now, confronted with the reality of his own voice in 18 interviews with bob woodward, acknowledging that he knew that the virus was airborne as early as february 7th and admitting in
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march that he intentionally downplayed it, trump today again road tested this argument. that he simply didn't want to panic the public. >> i want to show a calmness. i'm a leader of the country. i can't be jumping up and down and scaring people. i don't want to scare people. i want people not to panic. >> oaks, yes, keep calm and carry on, says the man who has built his entire political career on fearmongering, going back to the very moment he announced his campaign for president in 2015. >> when mexico sends its people, they're not sending their best. they're bringing drugs, they're bringing crime, they're rapists. this american carnage stops right here and stops right now. how about that caravan? do you want to let that caravan just pour in? you look at what's marring inm that's an invasion. angry mobs, their goal is not a
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better america, their goal is to end america. if the left gains power, they will demolish the suburbs, confiscate your guns, and appoint justices who will wipe away your second amendment. >> trump, again, tried to explain away his dereliction of duty today, first in a tweet, bashing bob woodward for not releasing the tapes sooner if they were such a problem, arguing that his own words were good and proper. and reupped that tired argument this afternoon when asked why he didn't just come out and say what he told woodward in februar february. >> i heard it was an airborne disease. i assumed it early on. but there has to be a calmness. you don't want he jumping up and down screaming, there's going to be great death. >> okay, donald, as at least one reporter pointed out today, lots of world leaders managed to
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contain the pandemic without screaming great death. "time" magazine's upcoming cover approaches our grim approaching milestone. 200,000 american deaths from covid, with a headline saying it all, an american failure, with a black border, only the second time in the history that the magazine has used a black border. the first was after 9/11. meanwhile, democratic presidential nominee joe biden slammed trump for what he called a disgusting decision to downplay the virus. >> that's why we have no confidence in his leadership. he waved a white flag. he walked away. he didn't do a damned thing. think about it. think about what he did not do. and it's almost criminal. >> and think about what donald trump has done since then. bob woodward reports, trump was briefed by his national security adviser on january 28th, that, quote, coronavirus will be the biggest national security threat that he faced in his presidency. and on that very same day, january 28th, trump held a rally in new jersey, one of eight,
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eight massive gatherings that he held before suspending rallies at the beginning of march. six of which, six, were held after he told woodward that covid was, quote, deadly stuff. now, imagine in trump's words in public had matched what he said in private over that same period of time. or even after he'd admitted that he'd intentionally played down the threat. >> it's a very tricky situation. it's -- >> indeed, it is. >> it goes through air, bob. that's always tougher than the touch. >> we're in great shape. the risk to the american people remains very low. >> it's also more deadly than your, you know, even your strenuous flus. >> this is a flu. this is like a flu. >> some startling facts came out. it's not just old -- older. >> yeah, exactly. it's plenty of younger people. >> but the children do really well. it's almost the younger they are, the better they do. your children should be in good shape.
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>> i'm joined by ron klain, former white house ebola response coordinate under president obama. dr. ashish jha, dean of the school of public health, and alex wagner, host of showtime's "the circus." i've got to go to wags first. it's like a family reunion to see you, alex. >> you, too, joy. >> you know, one of the -- yes, i miss you, girl. so, listen, under better circumstances it would be better. but this is where they are. during your press conference, campaign rally, donald trump tried to buck himself up by saying, "a," i didn't lie. he said, bob woodward should have just told everybody that i said terrible things. that was another argument. another one was to say, well, we're doing better than europe. we're not doing better than europe, we're doing much, much, much, much worse than europe. and americans can get that information. they know we're doing worse. i don't know how there's any way to climb out of this. it feels like there's nothing he
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can say at this point. what do you think? >> what we saw today were a string of implausible, sometimes laughable defenses. this is the guy whose brand is predicated, it is built on being a no-bs straight talker and all of a sudden, he's america's calmer in chief. the fact of the matter is, joy, he is running in the middle of a very tight presidential election. and two weeks ago, the trump campaign felt like they were on solid ground. they felt like covid may just be in the rumor and they have the biden team playing defense on the idea of law and order. they felt like they could gin up fear around race riots and jack booted antifa thugs on delta airlines coming to a city near you, and that was going to be their winning, closing argument heading into the final stretch of the election. the reality is that north carolina is voting. pennsylvania starts voting this week. michigan is next week. the election is now. and donald trump, all of a sudden, thanks to "the atlantic" and thanks to bob woodward is playing defense.
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that is not the position they wanted to be and the last thing that donald trump wanted to be talking about right now is covid and his mismanagement of a pandemic that has put 200,000 american bodies in the ground. that is the fact of the matter. there is no getting around it. and he can try and spin. that was a very short press conference, which is an indicator of how well the defense is going right now. >> yeah, he spent more time talking about what tv show he watches than explaining himself on covid. it was something to see. you know, let's go through a little bit of a calendar here, dr. jha. u.s. coronavirus cases on the day which we've now learned he got this briefing, saying this is going to be the most important thing in your presidency. this is a catastrophic case. there were only five cases at that point. there hadn't been any deaths yet. by february 7th, when he's actually talking on the phone with bob woodward, there were only 12 cases and there were zero deaths. by june 20th, and this is after
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they'd resumed back -- they stopped doing rallies at a certain point. and they brought them back. by june 20th, we were almost at 2.3 million cases. we had 120,275 deaths. here is what happened on june 20th. a little bit of tape. this is the rally that donald trump held indoors with herman cain there, by the way, in oklahoma. in tulsa, oklahoma. there it is. there are now 120,275 people dead on this day, herman cain was there. he's now dead. dr. jha, there's no -- i don't see how you cannot argue that donald trump, had he act on january 28th could have prevented at least some -- his action by the federal government could have prevented some of those deaths. is that unfair to say? >> joy, thanks for having me on. not only is that not unfair, that is clearly the case.
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a vast majority of the people who have died already, i think, did not need to. if we had had an effective federal response. we could have started that effective federal response on january 28th. we could have started on february 7th, march 12th. you can pick any date in the last six months, it would have been really helpful, even now if the president today says we're going to have an effective federal response, there's a lot he can do to prevent future deaths. it's just very hard in our country to fight this pandemic when the federal government is sitting it out. >> you know, ron klain, there's the would've, could've, should've, right? had they had a response, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera. but there's also the -- he's not learning. there's no learned behavior here. there's no behavior change. my producer was just telling me, my executive producer was just telling me, donald trump just landed in michigan. i think we have live pictures of it, of that he's doing now. this is with nearly 200,000 people dead. he's still gathering people to
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him. he's downplayed mask wearing, mocked people who do it, mocked journalists who put masks on. he's still doing it. but i want to talk about some of the other people who have been involved here. donald trump isn't the only person who knew. he and bob woodward aren't the only people who knew what was happening. in january, there was an intelligence briefing that also included senior senators, weeks before the virus panic, intelligence chairman privately raised alarm, and that would be senator richard burr. he went to his high-value donors, he and also kelly loeffler of georgia, were either trading stock on the news that this could be a catastrophic pandemic or briefing their high-value donors that they should prepare themselves for a possible financial crash. this wasn't just donald trump alone, his senior staff, his national security staff, some of these senior senators who acted
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on the information. the only people who were not aware were the american people and the voters. i can't even do a what if obama on this, it seems so completely ridiculous, because no other president would do it, but i'll just make it -- i'll let you comment. >> look, joy, i think that's absolutely right. and i think the thing that's really most galling. we spent a lot of the day debating about this whole ridiculous panic defense. but before you started this show, you showed clips of donald trump out and out lying to people, straight-up lying, saying that they had nothing twoir aboto worry about, saying it was no worse than the flu. saying that children could not get sick. just straight up lying to people about this threat we faced. there's no defense that's been offered to that. and the saddest truth, what the president, what the white house knew in january, they should have been ramping up testing. they should have been ramping up the production of protective
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gear. joy, a thousand medical workers have died in this country because they didn't have masks, gloves, and protective gear. a thousand doctors, nurses, health workers dead because or government couldn't provide them the basic protective things they needed. and trump knew and had months to get the production going and didn't do that. i mean, it's not just this downplayed thing that has been so much in the news. it's the repeated lies and the failure to use the information he had to prepare this country for what was coming. even if he hadn't panicked. even if he just said in a calm way, let's get the production going, he didn't, and there are a lot of dead people in america, as a result. >> you know, alice, there's a lot of sort of attempts to tuck people under the spokes of the bus, so it can't be trump. lindsey graham should have told him, don't talk to woodward. everybody's still make making excuses for this guy. i cannot understand that. it is a circus at this point. to me, it doesn't make any
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sense. at a certain point, you have to put your own politics first. and these guys have constituents, too, whose family members are getting sick and who are facing risks. can you understand why none of them will stick walk away, even now? >> well, because if you look at the polling, among republican voters, they still support donald trump. it defies logic that people will put their lives and the lives of their loved ones on the line for the sake of what has become tribal partisanship, but that's the reality of what we're looking at right now. it bears mentioning as we talk about all of this. you look at the tapes of trump talking to woodward, and it's like a jekyll and hyde situation. you hear lucidity, you hear caution, you hear reason when he's talking to bob woodward. and then you cut that with the sound of the tapes of the remarks he's making to the american public, and it's the same huxter carnival barker trump whose eyes are on the prize of re-election.
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and in that contrast is an american tragedy, because he knew, he actually had the wherewithal to process the information and communicate it to a reporter, but when it came to the american public, the people who have become victims, who have turned into the deceased, the people who we are now grieving, he was never that tru truthful, he was never that considerate, he never had that empathy and reason. and i think it should not be lost on the american public, this person was capable of doing the right thing and in fact did it in private phone conversations, but when it could have saved lives, he did nothing. >> and casually, just dropped that bomb on bob woodward. oh, yeah, i am downplaying. that is remarkable he would say that when he knew he was being recorded. ron klain, dr. ashish jha, alex wagner, thank you all very much. appreciate your time tonight. meanwhile, it's a big night here on the reidout. senator elizabeth warren and nancy pelosi will join me on the trump dumpster fire. plus, melania trump's former bff
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and trusted adviser, stephanie winston wolkoff will join me to talk about what's really going on inside the white house. "the reidout" continues after this. white house. "the reidout" continues after this here? nah. ♪ here? nope. ♪ here. ♪ when the middle of nowhere... is somewhere. the all-new chevy trailblazer. you should be mad your neighbor always wants to hang out. and you should be mad your smart fridge is unnecessarily complicated. make ice. making ice. but you're not mad because you have e*trade which isn't complicated. their tools make trading quicker and simpler
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this past week has been marked by chaos and confusion, which frankly is the hallmark of donald trump's presidency. each day filled with a series of reminders of just how mendacious, corrupt, and destructive he is. and this morning, with the death toll reaching 192,000, and nearly 900,000 americans still claiming unemployment this week, we're reminded of just what's at stake. massachusetts senator elizabeth warren joins me now. and senator, let's start with this skinny bill that failed in the united states senate. there are a lot of people, i think we all know people who are waiting for relief, who are worried that rent relief is done, that they're not getting the extra supplemental unemployment. what is -- what are your colleagues on the other side
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saying? what is their excuse for not just passing the house bill? >> so, families are hurting and they need help. small businesses are hurting and they need help. restaurants are hurting and they need help. and the response of the republicans in the senate has been to say, basically, they don't care. they just don't care. because what they put together was not a bill that was designed to pass. it was not something that was going to give enough relief to families. it was not something that was going to help schools give enough money so schools could safely reopen. it was not going to help child care centers. it was not going to help people who were crushed by student loan debt. it was not going to help but give enough help to small businesses. it was not going to do anything for state and local governments that are under enormous pressure right now, because their revenue have said cut and they're spending money on safety and health and -- so no help in
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those areas. but let me tell you what it did do. what it did do, it said, you know, giant operations that put people at risk, that actually kill their own employees, because they won't be safety measures in place, there's going to be no liability for them. it got that in there. and also a provision that said, you know, we need to take more taxpayer dollars and instead of putting them into public schools, we need to drain the money out of public schools and put more of it into private schools. that's what that bill had in it. it was never designed to pass the united states senate, because it was never designed to help the american people. >> and you know, i would be remiss not to ask you and senator, and my condolences, i'm not sure if i've interviewed you since, but i know that you lost your own brother to covid. so we know how serious this virus and how many people that it's touching personally. and i'm so sorry that happened in your family. but when you, as somebody who has lost someone you love to
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this virus, when you heard donald trump's own words, out of his own mouth, say, yeah, i d n downplayed it, and expressed the truth that he knew how serious it was, when you combine that with the fact that there were senator who is knew how serious it was, like loeffler and burr, who sold stock and said to their donors, their rich donors, hey, hey, hey, be careful, there's going to be a financial panic. when you think about those people who knew, particularly the president, how do you react? >> you know, it is a deep down furry. i appreciate your kind words about my brother. he passed in april from the coronavirus and when donald trump says now, when it comes out publicly, woodward says that donald trump not only lied to the american people back in february, he knew he was lying. he was lying and he wasn't putting together the kind of
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response we needed. a leader would have come to the american people and said, this is really dangerous. this is something that we've got to be very, very careful with. and we've got to get to work right now. we've got to mobilize to make sure that there are masks for everyone, that there's plenty of testing kits, that there's lots of protective gear. we've got to be careful with each other. we've got to figure out the best ways to respond to stop the spread of this virus. if he had done that back in february, how many lives would have been saved in march, in pr april, in may, in june, in july, in august. how many lives would have been saved? and i must share what 190,000 other families share. and that is, could it -- could it have been my brother would have been saved? and then, to just layer in on
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top of that, we can't ignore what's happened in black and brown communities and how hard they have been hit by this virus. and we have a leader who seems to have both no human understanding of what it means to the rest of us to lose someone we love. and no understanding that as president, it's his responsibility to put together a competent response, which he has completely failed to do. i just have to say, this is why, on november 3rd, we need to get joe biden and kamala harris into the white house. this is just -- this, all by itself, is enough to tell us why we've got to make that change. >> yeah. well, i mean, it's this and then you layer on what "the atlantic" uncovered about his denigration of our fallen, of america's
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military. and you layer on top of that -- there's a sort of, whatch what e says, watch what he does aspect to try to observe this administration. add to that that we're also watching foles service being attacked. so he's fixated on saying that there's violence in black communities, denigrating communities, trying to blame black lives matter, but also, he's actually hurting the postal service. and i know that there's a study that yourself and senator casey put together that talks about one of the specific ramifications of this. it's not just ballots that get delivered by the mail. it's also prescription drugs. talk a little bit about what this study found? >> so senator casey and i decided that we wanted to find out from the major pharmaceutical houses that mostly fill prescriptions by mail, you know, there are a lot of folks now who get their drugs for medicare, medicaid, their insurance and it's cheaper if they'll do it by mail.
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and it's reliable. plus, lots of people now have said, i don't want to go into the drugstore. i don't want to go inside a store. so i'm going to switch from picking up my prescriptions in person to doing it by mail. so as all of these scandals kept unfolding around the post office, senator casey and i decided we would go to these pharmaceutical houses that have been mailing out these prescriptions, have huge businesses, have been doing it for a long time and ask them what's happened. and the answer has been that since dejoy has come in, deliveries have declined. so the amount of time that people are waiting for their prescriptions has gone up. and it's been -- and the amount of missed deliveries, the amount of deliveries that take more than seven days. and you know, there are real consequences to that, joy. people count on getting their prescriptions on time sw, so th continue to take the medications
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they need to take. these are mostly people who are taking medications for chronic conditions. plus, there's additional expense. so what the pharmaceutical houses told us is they said, we're having to double send, we're having to send by express mail, we're having to track things down. so they're spending a lot more money. and that ultimately is a cost that's either going to be borne by the patients or by the federal government that's covering the cost of these prescriptions. so what dejoy is doing is not only trying to help out his buddy, donald trump, to try to gum up the works so we can't do vote by mail, but at the same time, they're willing to put the health of the american people at risk. that's what our study showed and this is one more reason that we need dejoy out of the u.s. postal service. we need someone operating the postal service who's actually trying to get the mail delivered. >> yeah, it's multiple crises
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all being dealt with at one. and we know you are on top of so much of this. senator elizabeth warren, we really always appreciate your time, thank you so much for being here tonight. >> it's always good to see you and thanks for having me. >> thank you so much, senator. and still ahead, speaker nancy pelosi joins me to discuss the latest revelations about trump's handling of the pandemic. and also, the republican response. some, they dodge the questions. others blame the people around trump for leg lettting him talk bob woodward in the first place. "the reidout" is back after this. this alice loves the scent of gain so much, she wished there was a way to make it last longer. say hello to your fairy godmother alice. and long-lasting gain scent beads.
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it's no longer speculation. we now have receipts, in the form of audio taip audiotapes ae of donald trump himself admitting to bob woodward that he intentionally downplayed the severity of the coronavirus pandemic, thereby putting american lives at risk. but none of that seems to matter for those who continue to twist themselves into pretzels, trying to defend them. first, we have the republicans who take issue with the genera of truthtelling. >> look, i didn't look at the
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woodward book. i will later, but i haven't even seen what you're referring to yet. >> i haven't seen the book. i haven't read it. >> i haven't read it. >> these gotcha books don't really interest me that much. >> he's on the record. he's recorded. you hear his voice. you're contrasting that with what he says to the public. wouldn't that be something of interest to you as a united states senator? >> well, let me answer you again. these gotcha books don't really interest me. >> i don't listen to audio, that's like reading. reading is -- i don't do that. then there's trump's media yes men over on fox news that relied on an old favorite, blaming others while using a conspiratorial tone. >> it was lindsey graham who helped convince donald trump to talk to bob woodward. lindsey graham brokered that meeting. lindsey graham is supposed to be a republican, so why would he do something like that? >> here's the more important point to me. i'm interested in what did joe biden know and when did he know
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it and what was he thinking at the time this coronavirus came on? >> joe biden? what did he do? and finally, there's denial so deep that we can only describe it as a fever swamp of right-ring delusion, with one prominent conservative even declaring, get this, that trump had a great day. really? yeah, really! that's next. really yeah, really that's next. that life of the party look walk it off look one more mile look reply all look own your look... ...with fewer lines. there's only one botox® cosmetic. it's the only one... ...fda approved... temporarily make frown lines... ...crow's feet... ...and forehead lines... ...look better. the effects of botox® cosmetic, may spread hours to weeks after injection, causing serious symptoms. alert your doctor right away as difficulty swallowing, speaking, breathing, eye problems, or muscle weakness may be a sign of a life-threatening condition. do not receive botox® cosmetic if you have a skin infection. side effects may include allergic reactions, injection site pain, headache, eyebrow, eyelid drooping, and eyelid swelling. tell your doctor about your medical history,
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president trump today had a great day. a day that any president could only dream of. >> hmm. unlike his autocratic pen pal kim jong-un, donald trump never got one of those grandiose military parades he so opined for. but he sure enjoys the north korean style of media, from the likes of lou dobbs, one of trump's better-known sick inf s with a platform. i'm joined by nancy pelosi, speaker of the house of representatives.
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speaker pelosi, thank you so much for being here. i must start by asking you about these fires that are happening in california. i'm going to put a pin in mr. dobbs for just a moment and the republican dav burned. twice the size of delaware. and that's just in california. 12 people have died and it's in multiple states at this point. i just want to ask you about your constituents, the state of things in california. >> well, thank you very much for starting with that, joy. here we are, on the eve of 9/11, the 9119th anniversary as we ar continued to be filled with sadness about those who lost their lives at that time and since from consequences of 9/11. that was going to be our focus this week. we have these fires in california and in the west, 16 people have died in washington, oregon, and california. including a firefighter and a 1-year-old baby. our firefighters have been so,
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very, very courageous now, we're, again, breaking records. mother earth is angry. she's telling us whether she's telling us with hurricanes on the gulf coast, fires in the west, whatever it is, that climate crises is real and has an impact. i hear -- i came over the weekend back to washington and it was unhealthy and smoky, that was how they described the air then. now it has gotten much worse and i'm hearing regularly on the ongoing from my constituents about the concern they have about the fires and the air quality, the loss of life, and over 34, acres burned. that's an historic number. again, sadness over 9/11, complicated by our concern about the fires. at the same time as we're dealing with a coronavirus and finding out that the president of the united states didn't address it in the serious way that it needed to be addressed
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early on. >> yeah. and you know, it boggles my mind, and maybe that is just, you know, at this point, my eyes just sort of glaze over listening to these press conferences. but i have here a transcript, which i will not subject you to, i will not read it to you. but donald trump today described watching eight hours of television yesterday. i was saying to my producers earlier that my godmother is retired. she spends lots of time watching television, i don't think she even gets in eight hours. he's not a retired godparent, he's the president of the united states. he went through going show by show what he watches on tv. he did that today while these fires are burning in western states, his environmental record has not been helpful, and while we're still dealing with the fallout of the fact that he knew how deadly coronavirus was in january and said nothing. you make sense of this? how do you make sense of this as speaker of the house? >> i've never been able to make sense of the president of the united states. i know there is a method to his
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madness and i use that word very specifically, madness, but what we've learned in the last few days is nothing new. we know that he made light of the virus, called it a hoax, and was going to go away magically or by miracle. we would all be in church on easter sunday. his delay, his denial, his distortion caused deaths. caused deaths. could we have saved all of these people? maybe not. but we could have saved many. and there are scientific measures of how many we could have saved. let me use one word to describe everything we learned in the last 24 to 48 hours. contempt. contempt by the president of the united states for the lives of the american people. contempt of the president for science that was telling us what we needed to do and still continues to tell us what to do. and he still won't allocate the resources or the approval for what we have in the heroes act to do that. contempt for his own supporters, by having them packed into
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venues again and again, since he even knew it was airborne. again, just contemptible. and when you hear what he has to say about saudi arabia, contempt for who we are as a nation. it's really -- nothing should be surprising to us about this president, but he is contemptible. >> yep. but, you know, i guess what -- and i don't know why it's still surprising, but california is one of the states with the largest preponderance of military service. it's one of -- it sends so many young men and women into the military. the republicans have been absolutely silent, your republican colleagues on his degradation of the military, on the fact that he lied. we saw a whole montage of republicans saying, we don't read these kind of books. well, it's onno audio. i guess they don't listen to audio either. running away and not speaking to it. politics is supposed to be about
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representation. and i can't imagine democrats getting away with running and saying, i won't address these issues. does it still surprise you that republicans are still defending him on these matters? >> one would think it would be surprising, because one day they're going to have to answer to their children and their grandchildren as to why their behavior was so contemptible. but the fact is that these republicans are very much ins sync with the president in terms of policy. they are in denial on the climate issue. they oppose a woman's right to choose. they are very bad in terms of lbgtq rights and the rest. gun violence prevention is not anything they want to be associated with. name any subject, and you'll find whether it's fairness in our economy, they want to give tax cuts to the richest people in america and then say, we can't afford to feed our children who are millions of them are food insecure now. so from a policy standpoint,
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he's their guy. he's their guy. and so they're protecting him. but they don't know how foolish they look. and i just can't wait until one day, they have to explain to their grandchildren, did you really -- what did you do to save our planet? what did you do to save our democracy? they are so pathetic. and that's the question about this, the republicans in the congress and the staff of the white house and the advisers to the president knew about what was happening at that time and they did not insist that the truth come out. so there's a lot of culpability in terms of those associated with the president. he says, i didn't want to cause a panic. if you see a train coming and car on the tracks, you would say, get out of the way! but he couldn't do that, because he didn't want it to affect the stock market or his reputation or whatever it was. contemptible. >> yeah.
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speaker nancy pelosi, it's always a pleasure to talk with you. thank you so much. and all the best of the folks out there out west. >> let me say one thing to the volunteers out there. people are out there pushing for legislation to help in the coronavirus. people are out there trying to get the truth out about our veterans and the rest. our volunteers in all of this sadness about the virus and the health scare and all the rest still, our volunteers are out there just doing their job. they give us all hope. >> yep. well, we appreciate that hopeful note. it's always good to have some hope. thank you so much, madam speaker. have a wonderful evening. >> thank you, you too, bye-bye. >> cheers. thank you. meanwhile, are you one of those people going on twitter, telling first lady melania trump to blink twice if she needs a rescue? her former senior adviser and longtime friend says you might want to rethink. the author of "melania and me" joins us next on "the reidout." stay with us. "the reidout. stay with us
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the first lady's well-being. there was the idea that she was somehow being held captive. stephanie winston wolkoff, former close friend and adviser to the first lady, says that is not the case. she writes in her new book, "melania and me," i used to think she was different from her husband. i saw streams of daylight between them and thought melania was more principled, kind, and honorable than donald and all of his offspring. i was wrong about that. a trump is a trump is a trump. all along, i thought she was one of us, but at her core, she's one of them. joining me now is stephanie winston wolkoff, the author of "melania and me: the rise and fall of my friendship with the first lady." what do you mean by that, she's one of them, not one of us. >> i was about to say, you know, melania suffering great anguish is absolutely not the case. she has built this wall around her, this sphinx-like wall where people think she's impenetrable, but that's all part of the mystique and being able to have
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the public believe that she is not very similar to they are. it keeps the interest. however, she is just like them. and i had to learn the hard way quite a long time. 15 years or something like that, so you know her very well. your story is a contemporaneous story of melania trump. the white house found out somehow that you were going to be on our show tonight. maybe they read my twitter. but they decided they wanted to respond in advance, and this is what they said about you and your book. >> this book with falsehoods exists simply because the author didn't like an article that was written about her, so she decided to lash out at mrs. trump. her intent to secretly tape the first lady and break her nda is a sad attempt to advance her own name. i have two questions for you on that. number one, an nda means that
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you won't disclose true things that you know about a company or an individual. that can't exist in the same universe as making up stories. it's one or the other. it's either you knew these stories and broke an nda that you said you were would disclose them or you made them up. so do you have a response that puts this in either category? and my second piece of that question is, do you feel like the first lady had a hand in writing that statement? >> so let me just -- thank you for asking me that because i'd like to clear up the narrative. the nda, the white house and trump's lawyers, as well as the department of justice reached out to me in july trying to stop me from printing this book, and that was taken care of. so the more they continue to outreach to these shows every time that i'm speaking, it just gives more credence to what i'm doing. and the reality of all this is that the white house propaganda
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machine, the fake news that they are able to create about people can destroy them and does destroy them. and there is a difference between great news, which donald thinks he created, which actually started at the end of the 19th century, and also information. and that's what they're doing every single day. and it's not okay because people are believing -- it's almost like a cultish kind of behavior listening to him. the fact that he told veterans several years ago not to listen to fake news, only to listen to him, there is something wrong with that. >> yeah. melania trump is a birther, just like her husband. she was no different. she behaved the same way donald trump did in terms of birtherism. but she had no problem plaguerizing michelle obama. michelle obama created be better. she created be guest, which doesn't even make any gra ma
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grammatical sense. >> let's clarify the fact that when i actually explained, joy, that be best was -- i was saying that it was literal. i wasn't saying she was literal but her team not only felt that as branding machines the trumps know what they're doing and that i should allow them to use be best if that was her best option, which it was not. and also i think it's really important to say that in addition to plaguerizing the obamas on that, her office continued to plaguerize with the federal trade commission saying that melania had written the guidelines when she launched her initiative. you know, they changed it the next day that melania was positioning herself to use that as her platform. so i don't -- >> yeah. >> sorry. there is a big delay, so i apologize. >> okay. we will have you stay with us for a quick moment. we will take a take. stay with us just a moment. up next, melania's private
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i am back with stephanie winston walkoff. you know, one of the things about melania that i think has been very specific, and you, i have learned, used to organize the great met gala which people so look forward to every year, so you know the fashion world. fashion rejected melania trump. she wasn't being dressed by all the great designer. but she did use fashion to make a statement. there were the high heels that she wore when she was heading toward hurricane harvey destruction. and then dressing like a colonialist figure in africa. did she use it to hit back at the media, the liberals, what? >> the jacket was a means to an end for her so press would take
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notice of her going to the border. >> weird. what about the colonialist outfit? >> she looked it up on google and looked up safari. so people have really misunderstood what melania's intentions are behind her clothing and thinks it speaks so much more than it really does. about speaking about all of these things, joy, i just like to clarify, i didn't press record on a friend. i had pressed record on a friend that already had thrown me under the bus. but melania's wearing that jacket was against everything that everyone stood for. it showed her opinions about separation at the border was the same at her husband. >> we should make it clear that the thing you said you were betrayed, they tried to blame you for all of the oef rajs and overspending for the inaugural. they decided you were the one that was going to take the blame for that. do you think she participate
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snd. >> oh, absolutely. joy, like i have been saying, i would not say anything or do anything within this, you know, narrative if i didn't have the evidence and the backup to protect myself. she was my friend and she would not turn her back on me, but she was told by counsel that a possibly investigation. >> are those tapes going to come out? >> i have no intention of releasing the tapes. i really started taping just for my protection. >> gotcha. and my last question to you is the "access hollywood" video where a lot of people thought, oh, long suffering melania. what was her real reaction? >> liberal media bashing. no big deal. she can't control people's emotions, so why should she try? she knows who she married. it was a transactional marriage for both of them. she was well aware that he was
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her -- he was legitimized just as much as she was by her becoming a vogue cover model. >> stephanie winston walkoff, thank you so much for being here tonight. and that is tonight's "reid out." thank you, ma'am, very much. "all in" with chris hayes starts right now. tonight on "all in". >> why did you lie to the american people, and why should we trust what you have to say now? >> that's a terrible question. >> a president confronted with his own kcover-up keeps lying. a new warning about the fall from dr. fauci and is a national bar bail-out the key to stemming covid. the trump administration caught politicizing intelligence amid a new report today trump is trying to hack the biden campaign. and why the largest fire in california's history is another national wake-up call on


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