tv MSNBC Live MSNBC September 12, 2020 3:00pm-4:00pm PDT
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good evening, everyone. i ammaria teresa kumar in for alicia menendez. thank you for spending your saturday with me. we have a very busy show tonight. there are new details about the white house and political pressure at the cdc. we'll talk about new reports that the administration was trying to manipulate data about the pandemic. but first, president trump is turning his focus west. he is on his way to nevada right now, playing offense in a state where he is trailing. new polls show the president is
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behind in four battleground states. and on monday, president trump is expected to visit california. for much of the week, he has been criticized for ignoring the deadly wildfires raging up and down the west coast. and for even longer, the president has denied the underlying problem that is fuelling the flames, climate change. our own van -- is covering the protest. >> i think we have to start thinking they're more climate fires. they're climate fires, because that's what creates the conditions that makes them so explosive. >> there's a sustainable problem, and that is climate change. it's a climate emergency. this is what everyone predicted. this is what all the experts have been saying for decades. >> first we begin in butte county, california. scott cohn covering the fires this the state. scott, what are you seeing on the ground right now? >> well, maria teresa, it is
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just devastation here. i'm in berry creek. this is part of what is known as the north complex fire. about 90 miles north of sacramento. and this is what's left of the berry creek elementary school, which tells you how furiously the fire ripped through here. nine people dead in this fire alone. this is the deadliest of the many fires that are burning throughout california. and just whipped by the winds and also the air quality is just horrid throughout the state and across the west coast. president trump will be coming to california on monday. he will not see this kind of damage. he is going to be in mcclellan park near sacramento talking to firefighters at one of the base camp there's. but clearly, what people are pointing to with the various different things that have caused some of the fires, some of them from power line, some of them from lightning, there are a couple of arson fires among all the fires burning across the west coast, but it is the issue of climate change. the fires are getting worse every year, seems to be worse.
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three million acres have burned in california alone. maria teresa? >> scott, one question for you. gavin newsom basically said if we do not address climate change now, that california is the beginning of the rest of the country. do you expect president trump to actually address climate change when he is on the ground? >> well, it's a fair bet he'll be asked about it because it's sort of part and parcel of what's going on when you ask about these fires. president trump has been critical of how the state has handled its forestry management, but most of the forest lands in california are federal lands. and the other issue is that a lot of the fires that have been going on are in areas that are not forest lands at all. they're what they call the interface between the forest lands, the wild lands, and the places where people are living, like berry creek. so it's almost certain that the president will be asked about it. we'll see whether he addresses it, and if so, how. >> scott cohn reporting from california, thank you so much. my family is from sonoma.
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we know what devastation looks like. stay safe. turning now to nevada, where president trump is trying to win over voter in what could be a crucial swing state. joining me now is vaughn hilliard. what is the campaign trying to do right now in nevada? >> yeah, maria teresa, this is tough. there are 12 states that now currently have wildfires, and he is coming into nevada at a time in which we are just now 52 days away from the general election. and this was a state that he lost by 27,000 votes in 2016. but when you're looking at this electoral map, a concern over states like those in the midwest slipping out of his reach, that is why he is coming here this weekend in reno tonight, las vegas tomorrow. and then going down to phoenix, arizona on monday. this is the tough part for this campaign, though. he is dealing with the fact that there is still 152,000 individuals here in nevada who are currently unemployed who had jobs before this pandemic struck
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nevada in february. 1400 nevadans have also passed away from covid. this is a difficult backdrop. in the president's team was finally able to find campaign venues. that was the other story line out of nevada. you have seen gatherings of up in michigan two days ago, 5,000 individuals mostly unmasked coming into town. here in nevada they're having a tough time because of state mandate saying no more than 50 individuals could gather at once. obviously this is a campaign that was looking to do a lot more than that. >> i was going ask you specifically around that mask wearing. we knew what happened sadly in tulsa after the rally there where a lot of individuals end up getting covid. what are they going to do with social distancing guidelines? are they going to be able to hold a 5,000 person event despite the fact that they're encouraging people not to wear masks? what are you finding? >> this is a campaign that has paid no deference to the health and well-being of those in their crowds. i was in phoenix back on june 23rd when there were thousands
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of individuals unmasked together and went and held an event inside. that is when phoenix was at the peak moment of the pandemic in phoenix being a hot spot. and yet you saw sickness coming out of tulsa. you saw death. you saw that in phoenix and continue to see this from a campaign that is very intent on winning and holding those campaign rallies that the president seems to rather enjoy. and you're asking about here specifically in nevada. there is has been no suggestion by this campaign that they're going to take any more precautions that folks are wearing masks or keeping socially distance. >> thank you for joining us. wear your mask. keep your social distance. the avalanche of bad news this week for president trump has gotten even worse overnight. after politico dropped a report pointing how trump-appointed communication aides at hhs on multiple occasions attempted to change language in weekly cdc
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reports about the coronavirus. the idea was to get the agency in line with the president's optimistic talking points. for more now, i want to bring in jacqueline alemany, "washington post" politico reporter. kenya evelyn for the guardian, hayes. thanks for joining me. i want to talk about what we're seeing coming out of the cdc and how basically they're being asked not to provide critical information to often medical personnel across the country. the cdc oftentimes has used this as guidelines when they're trying to figure out the hiv virus, for example. what implications do you see happening right now on a political front for this? >> what we see from this administration in really stark few this week after woodward's tapes revealed the president himself in his own words saying that he had sought to downplay the coronavirus, what we've seen is the administration prioritizing communications and messaging over the scientific
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and research that could be used to save lives. on a political front, this is going hurt president trump. not much sticks with this president. we do have to point that out. but as we get closer and closer to the election, every negative news cycle hurts. with 190,000 americans dead and the biden campaign hammering away at the president's mishandling of the pandemic, it's harder and harder for the president to recover from breaking news like politico reported last night, especially news that amplifies the idea that the president has been seeking to downplay the pandemic in order to make himself look better, all at the expense of american voters. >> kenna, the fact that we're seeing the hhs spokesperson is encouraging the cdc not to speak straightly and overtly to the american public, what concerns should we have that the american public won't take the cdc seriously in a time of pandemic? >> well, the cdc is who we rely on for a lot of our public
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health reporting. and particularly, the cdc is what communities rely on to address health disparities. these numbers in terms of how covid-19 has impacted disproportionately black communities. when we're talking about the impact that this is having, the impact the president withholding this information has had, the victims of this situation, the victims are the very black voters that the president needs to outreach to. so it's more information. as it comes out from the cdc as we hear, this impacts the communities that early on we were hearing were disproportionately contracting and dying from the virus. and that were black and latino communities. >> and i think that this is one of the bigger dangers is the racial disparities that we're seeing how the pandemic is hitting. and sadly, there is already distress oftentimes when it comes to the issues of health care. can you talk a little bit about that, kenna? >> absolutely. so african americans were -- excuse me, are a third of all coronavirus cases and deaths, although they make up just 14%
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of the u.s. population. and what we are seeing is that the existing health care and inequities are perpetuating difficulties that african americans experience early on in being diagnosed or even being treated for the virus. and so when we have a president who is perpetuating publicly a rhetoric that this virus isn't to be taken seriously, it will go away, when we compound that with black americans in particular who are more likely to have their symptoms, more likely to have illness, not believed by their health care providers, this is exacerbating an already dangerous cycle of health care inequities that have disproportionately, like we said, have exacerbated those issues that impact black voters, impact black communities. and they're listening. they're hearing this. they're hearing a president that is speaking about doing more for black americans than any presidents in our history, at the same time acknowledging that when you had an opportunity to act for this community, to act to engage or initiate travel restrictions, to initiate mask
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requirements that could have benefitted these communities. and then as we see as he pushed mainly democratic states and criticized democratic governors and pushed republican states to reopen the government. and as we know, black and latino americans make up an extraordinary overwhelming amount of frontline workers. this is speaking to them. this is resonating with them. and it can't get better for the president. >> hayes, i want to talk to you a little bit about how caputo responded. and i quote, our intention is to make sure that evidence, science-based data drives policy through this pandemic, not ulterior deep state motives in the bowels of the cdc. the fact that he even tries to say that there is a deep state in the cdc, what's your response? >> i'm really glad you brought that up because that also stood out to me that. is him saying if you're not with us, you're against us. and it completely is in line with how the trump administration has treated public officials and civil servants throughout the administration. that if you're not politically aligned directly with the
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president, there is no way. so him using this deep state language, it tracks with the louisiana four years, but at the same time, it's really troubling that these people, who are scientists, who are just trying to put out the best information they can quick, which i have to point out too, the morbidity and mortality weekly reports we're talking about the things the cdc puts out for doctors to look and see how is the coronavirus response going, they are written up with a ton of caveats. there is one just this week that got put out. a new study says from the cdc that people who contracted coronavirus compared to those who tested negative were about twice as likely to have eaten out at restaurants. to actually read that report, there were a ton of caveats that they state well, it was a very small sample. we don't know if there are other factors at play. the cdc does its best to be as honest and open and transparent as possible versus the administration's political appointees. i'm not very familiar with dr.
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paul alexander who was one of the people who was at hhs who has been reading and reviewing these reports before they go out. but the fact that he is so concerned that they're being used specifically to hurt the president, that is what is concerning. it's not the fact that they are -- they are or not. it's the fact that the administration is acting as though anyone inside -- inside the administration who are civil servants who speak out and say that things might be going badly are acting specifically in bad faith to hurt the president. >> so jackie, kenya, and hayes, stick around. we'll be right back with you in just a few minutes. up next, president trump is still playing defense after bob woodward's new revelation this week. i'll talk to someone who can give us an idea of what the president is thinking about. the co-author of "art of the deal" joins me next. uh uh, no way come on, no no n-n-n-no-no only discover has no annual fee on any card.
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>> it's on tape. it's on tape, kayleigh. >> well, i'm reading to you what dr. fauci has said. >> that was nbc's geoff bennett asking white house press secretary kayleigh mcenany about the statements the president made on tape to journalist bob woodward about playing down the coronavirus. the president's revelations to woodward indicate that among other things, he knew that the coronavirus was worse than the flu, that kids could get it, and that his plan was to intentionally play it down. republicans initially at least don't seem to know how to respond. joining me now is tony schwartz. he is the founder and ceo of energy project and co-author of the book "trump: the art of the deal." his new audio book "dealing with the devil" was released on friday. thank you for joining me. as someone who has worked so closely with the president on writing a book, what was your response and reaction to bob woodward's audiotapes? >> they're completely consistent
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with everything we know about trump. they are simply affirming what we have never quite so directly because we haven't heard him on tape saying it. and so in that respect, there is nothing surprising about what's in woodward's book. what's influential and important about it is that he demands such great respect, and he is so widely known, that in the montana middle of a presidential campaign, trump is forced to be on his back feet. struggling to explain how he said what he said. >> tony, i think what struck me the most was that it wasn't that he was on audiotape once, but there were 18 conversations that were taped. and the president, even though we have the tapes, or as others would say the receipts, he is denying the allegations. he is saying this is not true. are you surprised by the fact that he is basically saying he didn't do it, even though we have it, again, on audio? >> astonishingly, no. >> gosh.
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>> he is a consummate, as i've been saying since 2015, he is a consummate liar. he does it. it's second nature to him to lie. and he moves between grandiosity and insecurity. and in either place, lying is his primary tool. it's inventing a fictional reality. i came out of that book experience to be honest somewhat traumatized by it, as i think america is now traumatized by trump. and i have spent the past 30 years, and i write about this book, trying to sort out why i came to that decision and how i could redeem myself in the face of it. america -- much of america doesn't have to redeem itself, but it has to recover from the degree to which trump's behavior has brought all of us or brought up the worst instincts in all of us.
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and it will be a long recovery. and how we can do that is a critical part of what's going to happen to america in the future. >> tony, i have so many questions to follow up, but i do have to ask you about the title of your book and what it's about. i mean, you bring your mother into this. talk to me a little bit about that. >> i bring my mother into it and i bring trump's mother and my father and trump's father. we were wounded in similar ways. >> i'm sorry. >> what attracted me to trump perversely. >> i'm sorry. >> his father was a very, very rough and severe parent to him, and i think caused him a great deal of damage and made him feel like he was never good enough. i got very much the same from my mother. and so there is a kind of a triangular situation here between trump, me and my mother who was a wonderful figure in the world, a social activist, very, very effective, but very, very difficult at home.
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and the reason i did that trump book is in part ironically to stick my finger in my mother's eye, i mean, to be able to set myself apart, independent from her. and that learning is a learning that all of us can benefit from which is that we're much more influenced by the early experiences we have than we allow ourselves to feel. >> tony, thank you for telling your personal story. i know that is not easy. thank you for joining me. >> thank you. >> now i'd like to bring back my panel. jack jackie, i want to talk to you a little bit about the revelations. take a listen. >> it goes through air, bob. that's always tougher than the touch. the touch you don't have to touch things, right? but the air, you just breathe the air. that's how it's passed. and so that's a very tricky one. that's a very delicate one. it's also more deadly than your,
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you know, even your strenuous flus. this is more deadly. this is 5 per -- you know, 5% versus 1% and less than 1%, you know. so this is deadly stuff. >> jackie, the president is now claiming that he didn't want to create a panic, and that's why he was downplaying how deadly the coronavirus is going to be on the american public potentially. what panic is he talking about? what is he trying to tap down? >> well, we know that's just not true. it's what the white house is trying to propagate. it's what the president himself has claimed in trying to play cleanup over the past week since the tapes came out. but it's undeniable that nearly 100 times the president sought to downplay the coronavirus pandemic. dr. anthony fauci and others around the president are report ly according to woodward's book that they thought the president was treating the pandemic in a politicized way as well in order to make sure that he was winning
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the election. these conversations that the president was having with woodward were starting in february, february 7th. and when you look at his public statements in contrast to them, they're dramatically different. he's on twitter saying that this is, you know, not as bad as the flu. the flu is going to be way worse. he is out there saying that it's going to disappear. and really, just trying to downplay the events. and regardless of what kind of spin job the white house is trying to play here, it's very clear that the president was not trying to calm anyone down but really just trying to make this thing go away for political purposes. >> i think that's right. sounds like a lot of the stuff he is doing is for political purposes. kenya, that's where i want to bring you. in one of the things that we know right now is that there were so many republicans that were aligned with the president, trying to tap down the coronavirus and how it was going to impact them.
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how is this going to play politically for many of them who are up for reelection? i'm thinking of mcsally in arizona and cornyn in texas, the folks in north carolina. how is this going to play? >> oh, well we know that the republicans are going to have to come out and essentially say how much did you know? how much were you involved in terms of being able to downplay the virus, even just be a warning. i mean, these are communities, these are states we're seeing in south carolina, we're plays like iowa, we're seeing in wisconsin that essentially has a democratic governor but is a swing state, is a state up for grabs this election where communities have been essentially decimated, where people haven't worked since march, where people are -- now we have a looming eviction crisis. and as their constituents face a tougher time, and as we see, as the virus is expected to worsen as we get closer to the fall, that is only going to make the tough times that voters are seeing in their responses of republican the accountability or
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lack thereof of their republican lawmakers come into full play. and that's going play as we see an uptick to the polls and as we see the difficulty in even passing our votes. that's going matter. >> and i want to pivot a little bit to some of the revelations as well as his -- the president's take on how he was able to save the prince of saudi arabia and basically not connect him to the killing sadly of "the washington post" journalist. wh hayes, what was that reaction and was that revelatory? >> like so many things, it's completely revelatory said on the record, but at the same time a lot of what we have known and has been very public, it all matches up and. there is not much in the book where it's i can't believe this, how could this be, i never would have seen this one coming. and so his defense of saudi
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arabia. we saw it in realtime. we saw him argue away that we shouldn't be taking action against saudi arabia over human rights concerns, including the death of jamal khashoggi, a person who had been living in the united states in its embassy in turkey. instead, what we saw say what matters is selling arms to add rain. you don't want to anger saudi arabia. him bragging about it to bob woodward on tape, that's not surprising. that's something that we -- that you just track, that follows like sequentially. if the president is going to try and say that human rights abuses by saudi arabia don't matter buzz of arms sales, then it's a surprise as your previous guest said self aggrandizes a lot of the time, takes credit for that. he boasts about it. he said i save the crown prince of saudi arabia from having any repercussions. as someone who does not enjoy facing repercussions himself, again, not surprising.
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>> it's always disappointing. he was an american citizen at that. i want to ask you, jackie, trump, one of his going against bob woodward saying that bob woodward had an obligation of leaking the information that he had on the president's take on the covid pandemic. what do you say to that? who's responsibility really was it? >> well, as my colleague phil rucker responded to the president on friday, bob woodward is not the president. the president is. it was fully in his control starting on january 20th when he had his first national security briefing with robert o'brien who warned him that this pandemic was going to be the toughest thing of his presidency, that he going through. the president had time and time again warnings from president xi himself later in february and additional briefings from, again, the nsc, the cdc, from scientific experts. and what the president chose to do is downplay the scientific evidence and take the necessary precautions that could have
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saved hundreds of thousands of lives, and instead put political imperatives like keeping the economy open and making sure that his campaign, which was really at this point in time back in the new year going to be run on how he had, you know, rebuilt the economy, in his words. and making sure that the pandemic didn't interfere with that. >> jackie, kenya, hayes, thank you for joining me today. >> thanks, maria. up next, we'll show you what the new poll says about joe biden and latino voters in the swing state of florida. a lot goes through your mind. with fidelity wealth management, your dedicated adviser can give you straightforward advice and tailored recommendations. that's the clarity you get with fidelity wealth management. and tailored recommendations. if your child doesn't 1 iseem themself at times,ed. they may not be hydrated enough. wabba wabba!
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democratic presidential nominee joe biden is struggling with latino voters in florida with just over seven weeks until the election. a poll reveals president trump is leading by 4 percentage points with these voters in the key battleground state. these numbers follow months of criticism directed at the boyden
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campaign's scattered approach to latino outreach there. the miami ft. lauderdale market alone, the trump campaign has been outspent using much of the money on spanish language ads. with me is andrea mercado, executive director of the florida majority and rhame palter is a strategist. thank you for being here. andrea, i want to start with you. i know there has been a lot of criticism on the polls with biden on latino voters. can you break it down a little for us? >> yeah, i think for me, florida's obviously a very large state. 23 million people. over 6 million lengths in the state. and it's a very diverse latino copulation. cuban electorate tends to vote more conservative, tends to vote republican. but our demographics are shifting, and there is a growing puerto rican population, mexican population, south american
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population. so our electorate is changing. and time and time again, elections in florida come down to less than 1%. but we're not going analyze our way to victory on election night. what i'm most interested in is how are we talking to voters? how are we engaging voters? we called over a million floridians last week and the week before. we had volunteers call over 40,000 floridians today, and what latinos want to hear is where do joe biden and kamala harris stand on the issues that matter to us most in a state that's been ravaged by the coronavirus pandemic, where thousands have lost their lives. millions have lost their jobs. small businesses are struggling. we want to know where joe biden and kamala harris stands and how they're going to help struggling families and small businesses. >> raymond, so one of the
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conversations we have had offline is the importance of contacting all the voters. oftentimes there is a democratic strategy and the republican strategy quite frankly is you contact enough voters to put you over the top. but i want your take on the dug jones strategy that he called all the voters and he shockingly won. what do you see of that as a tactic in florida? >> yeah, i think it's really important, andrea, wonderful colleague of mine in the state. it is hard to organize that coalition in florida as it is hard nationally. there is a ton of diversity not just along ethnic lines, racial lines and regional diversity. and that means you have to show up year round and every corner of our state. with seven media markets, that means seven different radio strategy, surrogate strategies. and it's true. democrats and progressives have to talk to every single voter. it's why organizations like the
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new florida majority and the organizations who are working to elect joe biden is really, really important, because they're in these communities 24/7. what joe biden can't do, what the campaign can't count on to be perfect on is be about just him. this about the collective family coming together. there are only 50 plus days to go in the election. he can't do it all with 67 counties in florida. he has to count on organizations who have been with him, organizations who want nothing more than donald trump out of the white house to come to call voters like andrea is talking about, marshalling all resources to texts, to call, to digital ads, radio ads, and as many in-person, safe but in-person events as possible. >> andrea, one of the criticisms we're hearing out of the campaign is the idea of socialism has really stuck with the democrats. and one of the announcements that we've made at voto latino is because the trump campaign
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has been talking to latino voters in florida specifically on digital platforms that raymond mentioned, on facebook and on instagram, specifically talking about the dangers of socialism. that it was the reason why people fled cuba, and why they have left venezuela. what can the biden campaign do to counteract these messages so that we can all agree that folks left socialism and they left communism, and you can also say democracies in latin america not because of the structure of the government, but because of the corruption that was underpinning much of this government. what can the democrats do to specifically combat this narrative? >> well, trump can't win the white house without florida and biden can't win florida without latinos. and a recent poll showed that what floridians really most want is know where joe biden stands.
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i think the most important thing the joe biden can do is educate floridians about how joe biden will tackle the climate crisis and protect our beaches. he'll listen to public health experts and support struggling families and small businesses. and he'll listen to grassroots movements to advance racial justice. so i think the most important thing to counteract this socialism message that the donald trump campaign is aggressively going ahead on is to really speak what does joe biden stand for. that all of us deserve an opportunity to go to college without plunging into debt. i think we can't fall into the trap and take the bait. joe biden really needs to just talk about the policies. and i think that's what we're hearing on -- that's what we're hearing on the phones. that's what we're hearing on social media when we're out there talking to latino and african american voters across the state. that's the question. >> and raymond, we get a
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significant bump because kamala harris is now on the ticket? >> yeah, i think so. but i wouldn't rely on that. 50 days is a lifetime. and one thing we've already seen and we've talked about this before is although senator harris presents amazing opportunity for vice president biden to reintroduce himself, specifically to caribbean voters and black voters, it also gives republicans the opportunity to continue to create division between black voters and hispanic voters. it's something that we've seen as andrea said from our friends at equus labs and something that shows up in the digital space, the pitting of black and brown voters against each other. so i think the surrogate operation is critical. i'm so happy how the trip went for senator harris when she came down to miami. they're going to have to continue to do that. i want to impress that trump cannot win this election without florida. and that's why you see so much attention here. that's why you're going to see
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more visits here. only one president has ever been summit. one president has actually walked into the white house since the 1960s without florida. trump would have to win new york to, born and raised in new york, that's not happening. he's got to get florida. we cannot cede it to him. that's why you're seeing so much attention into it. >> andrea and raymond, thank you for your time. coming up next, what do young latino voters stand in this year's election? and what has the more motivated than ever before? we have a special report from our colleagues at telemundo. but next, a crisis at the border. coronavirus is hitting the rio grande valley hard. we'll show you what's being done about it. it's the ones that got away that haunt me the most. [ squawks ] 'cause you're not like everybody else. that's why liberty mutual customizes your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need. what? oh, i said... uh, this is my floor.
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of cheaper medicine and treatment. gadi schwartz and julio vaquero have that story. >> reporter: it's more than 100 degrees in south texas, and outside of churches, people are praying for mercy. >> there hasn't been an individual in our community that has not shed tears. >> reporter: dr. ivan melendez says covid-19 has laid bare the vulnerabilities of the predominantly latino community of the rio grande valley, which have all the parameters of a perfect storm. poverty, diabetes, hypertension, multigenerational families. >> reporter: dr. martinez who battled covid himself is also the region's health authority. >> i walked into that unit and realized that a grandfather was lying physically on top of his grandson. >> the loss of life haunts him. along with the reality it isn't over. along the border some families are crossing south into mexico in search of cheaper treatment which is where we find our colleague at telemundo julio vaquero. >> that's right.
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with more than a third of the rio grande population uninsured, many come here looking for treatment and medicines that can be much cheaper. up to a million u.s. citizens come to mexico for that reason every year. have you been crossing a lot during this pandemic? >> i bring medicine for my husband. >> reporter: earlier this summer, her husband developed high fever and difficulty breathing. he tested positive for covid-19 and was too sick to leave home. so she traveled 25 miles to pick up medication from their doctor. . people with no health insurance flock to pharmacies and clinics just a few blocks from the border. what's the cost of coming to the doctor here in mexico? [ speaking spanish ] $25 to visit to the doctor. >> reporter: after her husband got sick, she and her daughter also contracted covid-19. they still have lingering
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symptoms. but back here in the united states, health officials are trying to bring more help to impoverished areas. >> that's right, julio. they're trying to reach underserved communities like this, offering them access to health care clinics as well as free testing for covid-19. how important it is to have a service like this in a community where a lot of people are uninsured? >> it is vital. they're faced with that decision to get medical care or do away with medical care because of other necessities advisers elvira is a mother of two without insurance. milagro a miracle. >> whatever i need, they're always here. >> reporter: this summer, elvira's father started showing symptoms of coronavirus when he was in mexico. he tried to return home to the u.s. for treatment, but it was too late. >> and he just crossed over and that's it. he didn't make to it the hospital. he didn't make to it the ambulance. >> reporter: so he crossed over the bridge. >> uh-huh. >> reporter: and then he -- >> he passed away. >> reporter: but as so many
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grieve, there are signs of hope. latinos here make up over 70% of the volunteers participating in one clinical trial for a vaccine. >> we need people to come together to continue to see the big picture, recognize that we're all in this together. >> reporter: doctors hoping that when a vaccine becomes available, underserved communities are not forgotten. gadi schwartz, nbc news, mcallen, texas. coming up, what "the washington post" is reporting about homeland security skirting the rules. and in our next hour, we'll talk about that list of potential supreme court nominees that the president surprised us with all last week. "ok, so, magnificent mile for me!" i thought i was managing... moderate to severe crohn's disease. yes! until i realized something was missing... you ok, sis? my symptoms kept me- -from being there for my sisters. "...flight boarding for flight 2007 to chicago..." so i talked to my doctor and learned- ...humira is for people who still have symptoms of crohn's disease after trying other medications. and the majority of people on humira
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shhh. for those who were born to ride, there's progressive. . we're learning more about what happened when the trump administration effectively ended asylum over the coronavirus. new data shows nearly 9,000 unaccompanied children have been quickly expelled along the u.s.-mexico border. those kids are some of the 159,000 people the administration expelled since march. the numbers were released from border patrol friday. the same day we learned shocking new details of i.c.e. agents and protests in washington, d.c. you will remember back in june, the president used unmarked federal agents to disperse racial justice protesters. well, now, they say homeland assigned asylum seekers to
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reposition i.c.e. agents. the flights allowed the agents to go to washington, d.c. and police the ongoing protests against the trump administration. let's bring in one of the writer who's broke that story. nick, one of the things that i found most troubling about your reporting was how the trump administration was flying these individual, these asylum seekers to another detention facility in an attempt to scourge the rules, it was a loop he'll to bring in more agents into washington, d.c. can you speak to that? >> sure. so in general, immigrant detainees travel open charter flights, which are known as i.c.e. air. the rule is that the i.c.e. air flights are not supposed to be used for employee travel. they're meant to be used for moving detainees out of facilities here in the united states or deportation flights. and so what happened on june 2nd, as i.c.e. was rushing
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tactical agents to washington, d.c. to help with this protest, they put some of these tactical teams on these flights and in order to justify the use of that at those i.c.e. air flights, they also brought detainees from arizona and florida and those detainees appear to have triggered what game the largest coronavirus outbreak in the entire i.c.e. system if farmville, virginia. >> nick, i want to talk to you specifically about the outbreak that you saw, that you wrote about. and if we also saw a spillover into the community as well of that coronavirus outbreak at the detention facilities that you wrote about? >> no, i can tell you that outbreak in farmville grew to 339 detainees. i.c.e. says the folks transferred from florida to arizona initially, you know, were not infected. but once they tested them after
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they arrived in virginia, 51 of the 74 detainees that arrived tested positive and within weeks there were 339 cases in the farmville detention facility and one man, a canadian national died in august after battling covid-19 for several weeks. >> nick, this seems to be another instance of the administration using these for their own gain. this idea of moving them into and taking that flight was overridden by a lot of officials. can you speak to that as almost a pattern you are seeing in your other reporting? >> sure. there's, i would say there is a great deal of discomfort with the use of homeland security agencies to respond to street protests and to perform this kind of do microsoftic security function for the trump administration. you have to remember security was created in the wake of 9/11, which is a day that we just, you
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know, commemorated and saw, you know, just this yesterday and, you know, these, the idea with it, you know, these agencies would be mostly focused on an outward external threats and what we have seen under president trump is sort of a turn inward and a use of hhs for more of a domestic leasing role in support of local and city police departments, particularly responding to these protests and that has made some staffers and long-time officials putting several former homeland 60ths very uncomfortable. >> nick, i want to briefly ask you, if you had had a chance to speak to i.c.e. around presence of border patrol at the rnc convention that was held at the white house? >> no, but are you referring to the border patrol union officials? >> correct. yes. that i were in uniform. yes. >> right. so, well, we know that the
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border patrol union has been, made its first ever presidential enforcement back to trump if 2016 and ahead of the union brandon judd is very close to the president, really has been a die hard supporter. so that union is very much in the president's camp and they have, you know, those agents have appeared and union officials have appeared at political events now for going on four years, which is also something that has generated some controversy wherein the border patrol and dhs. >> nick, thank you so much for your reporting. stick around. >> thank you for your time. >> stick around, we have much more to come, including the president defending his handling of the pandemic, even after he admitted to downplaying the threat. admitted to downplaying the threat wealth management, your dedicated adviser can give you straightforward advice and tailored recommendations. that's the clarity you get with fidelity wealth management.
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