tv Velshi MSNBC September 13, 2020 6:00am-7:00am PDT
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13th. we are 51 days from election day. i'm ali velshi live. i'll be joining you live from the important battle ground states across this country and i'm starting in minneapolis where the obvious yet tragic reason the death of george floyd at the hands of police that ignited a massive equality movement across this country. it was here. i was here in the height of the protests following george floyd's death. i was among the many journalists shot with rubber bullets and tear gas by police during those dell stati demonstrations. the movement began with george floyd's killing had been exploited by president trump, solidifying his strategy to put race and culture wars at the center of his campaign. joe biden has a nine-point lead here in minnesota.
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that's a significant jump compared to the emmerson poll taken a month later that had biden up three points within the margin of error. if you wonder how important minnesota is in this election, both trump and biden are making campaign stops in minnesota this friday to mark the's early voti. for the state's u.s. senate race, the latest "new york times" poll shows senator tina smith ahead of republican jason lewis by nine points. that's the same as biden's lead. it's the exact six-point bump compared to the emmerson poll between biden and trump in case you need more proof what or rather who the november elections are all about. joining me now is the former united states senator for the state of minnesota, al franken. he previously served on the judiciary, health and labor education pension committees. good to see you.
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thank you for joining us and i want to take -- i want to get your temperature on what's going on in minnesota in this election. a state that has gone from democrats really for the last 50 years but has been very close and donald trump is not letting go of this state. >> we were shocked last night it was only a 1.5% margin for hillary. trump came in in the last weekend that was his first rally there. he is obviously saw something in the polling. he's been in the state spending a lot of money in this state and in fact, he's spending $14 million in the twin cities media market more than any but three and those are all florida markets and our media market also hits wisconsin, a lot of wisconsin, which actually means that a lot of wisconsin has to watch vikings games, which they
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are very mad about all year. >> and thank you for the tease because i'm going to be next sunday the show goes to wisconsin. talk to me at 50,000 feet about what minnesota voters want and how they compare to national voters because obviously, you spent so much time on the national scene. what are the issues here versus the country? >> well, you know, we have a big state and we have different demographics. you know, if you look at our suburban districts, the third district and second district, we flipped those from republican to democratic. those voters care a lot about health care. that's what the last election was about and this is going to be about covid and we are -- there is no race issue in suburban minnesota. we have adverse communities. that's not going to play.
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in rural, minnesota we've been hurt very hard by the sanctions with the trade war and we've lost a huge, huge market in soybeans and corn and that hurt our farmers everywhere and had the worst year ever last year and one of the things that this is an interesting lie that trump tells. he often says china has $7 million in tariffs. they haven't paid a sent. this is a lie he maybe doesn't know is a lie that might be unique and on the other hand, we saw our farmers just devastated. people lost their operations. there were mental health issues,
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suicides. actually, the american taxpayer did pay $28 billion, which did not make farmers whole and our farmers lost markets that they'll probably lose for good and again, healthcare and obviously, covid is an enormous issue in minnesota as it is everywhere in this country. >> a lot of americans are worried even if joe biden wins the election, without a democratic senate it will get stuck in the way the last four years of the obama administration got stuck. what's your view on that? do you think there will be a democratic senate and what do you think democrats need to do to make sure they take the senate? >> well, i certainly hope so. they have a lot of vulnerable seats and they have a lot of republican senators. i know, personally, who do not
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like donald trump but they have been enabling him completely. this is why we have to turn the senate and all these -- we have a lot of races and hopefully we'll do that. all that is about democrats and independents that don't like what they are seeing from the republican party turning out, and you know, we just have to work and work and work until election day. but yeah, that would be a disaster and look, no matter who is president and it sort of has to be biden, we have a divided society right now. i just did my pod cast on the vaccine and we had laurie garrick i think you've interviewed and an expert on pandemic and no matter who wins, there is no baseline of truth
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anymore, and donald trump has undermined the fda, the cdc, the nih, these are all career scientists that have worked through all these different administrations and now he's accusing them of being infiltrated by the deep state. so there is this distrust on what is the truth in this country now and that started with rush limbaugh. i wrote a book about that and then fox and "lies and the lying liars that tell them" and at that time it was frowned upon to use the word lie. that's what they do and as a result, we are going to have a divided country for a long time and this guy, trump, he's lied. he lied about covid. we know that now from the woodward book. he called it a hoax. he told woodward he knew what it
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was. it surprised me. i thought he wasn't paying any attention at all. this is worse. this is worse. he literally called what we knew existed a hoax. >> yeah, until now, i thought i was living under the inception he wasn't taking it seriously at all. >> me, too. >> when trump says there is a vaccine, i'm going to call laurie garrett to see if it's safe to take which is ridiculous because i never had to do that in my life and think twice. >> now you have laurie's number because of covid. i answered that very question, i said laurie, if trump drops a vaccine on october 30th or 31st or november 1st, would you take it? she went no. and that's too bad because look, we need a vaccine and if we have an effective vaccine, we need everyone to have faith in it. >> yeah. >> and i don't think we'll have a vaccine for awhile so assuming
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that joe biden is the president, there is all these trump people, trump ain't going away. he's going to be sewing discord and leading this observation. if a vaccine is effective and only 30% of the people take it, we have 30% of the people inoculated. if it's 30% effective and 100% take it, than we have 30% of the people inoculated, but we're in a bad place in this country. we have had the truth systematically unravelled by not just this president but he gave rush limbaugh the presidential medal of freedom for a reason. without rush limbaugh, there wouldn't be a donald trump. and we're saying fox and saw social media and facebook and we're in a sad state in this country where, you know, when
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kellyanne conway said there are alternative facts, we thought that's a ridiculous thing but there are. she was actually telling us that's what we're going to hear. >> senator, good to see you. nice hat. go vikings and we'll talk again soon. senator al franken former senator of minnesota, thank you, sir. after george floyd's death, it will be near impossible for minnesota voters to ignore race and equality when they cast ballots in this election. i had a tough talk about racism and privilege with a group of minnesotans coming up next but first, another message from one of my panelists. here is angelique speaking to joe biden and kamala harris. >> we're counting on you. we need you to do what you're saying you're going to do now more than ever. we need for you to show empathy. we need for you to reach across
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the isle and unify this country, not divide this country and bring respectability back to politics. what happened. (burke) this? eh, nothing happened. (driver) nothing happened? (burke) nothing happened. (driver) sure looks like something happened. (burke) well, you've been with farmers for three years with zero auto claims. (driver) yeah? (burke) so you earned your policy perk: accident forgiveness. now instead of this being something, it' s- (driver) it's nothing! (burke) get a whole lot of something with farmers policy perks. they should really turn this ride off. ♪ we are farmers. bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum ♪ to deliver your packages. and the peace of mind of knowing that important things like your prescriptions, and ballots, are on their way. every day, all across america, we'll keep delivering for you. every day, all across america, with safe, convenient service. we're here for you >> tech: we'll come right to you.
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weekend of velshi 2020 to learn thoughts on this crucial 2020 race. today we're kicking things off in minneapolis, minnesota. the last time i was live on tv in this very state, it was for a very different reason. i was here to cover the protests in may following the death of george floyd and i asked my panel of voters how they feel about the current state of policing and what effect it's going to have on them in their decision at the ballot box this november. watch what they told me. >> some people in this docountr had a reckoning about fair policing and how people of color experience things differently. how have you digested that in the last few months as somebody from this region and as a citizen of america? >> interestingly enough, ali, i'm a legal secretary and i work in criminal justice and i've done a lot of litigation and i've seen the courts firsthand. our legal system is helping if
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you're white and you have money, if you're educated and if you don't have those advantages, it isn't bias against you particularly but you walk in with a disadvantage. i've seen that firsthand. in terms of police brutality that's been going for a long time. castile north of here despite a few miles and i think that's been -- i think most people really weren't aware of that situation and so i know for myself is to be aware that i'm probably bias in ways i don't know that i am, that i will do my best to be -- to not be that way as much as i can about what's happened for 400 years.
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>> alex, you knew castilllcasti >> the levels for me to see police officers in unforms in the same police cars and uniforms that are supposed to protect you, to have seen the video of them killing george floyd in the way that happened is just i can't tell you the deep seeded drama i feel because of that. i just wish -- i'm wearing this shirt because to me this represents like rebuilding and resilience and i just want so badly for our community to come together and understand what is going on and there is systemic racism in police and when the president doesn't acknowledge it and says it doesn't exist,
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that's an attack against me and people that look like me. i just feel like there needs to be a chance for these walls to come down and for white people to truly listen and look at the facts. look at statistics. look, read, learn, educate yourself about what is happening and this is an issue more people would get behind. i think it's worse than it has been. >> you have said there is two americans in your opinion. >> absolutely. i -- even speaking of the economy and how the economy has improved and i'm not understanding that. i don't feel it in my paycheck. my circle of friends aren't doing any better than they were before and so there is a huge
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contrast there and until america can really reckon with the legacy of slavery and discrimination and racism, we will never move forward. >> i was raised in a very conservative christian home. most of my life i have welcomed the label eevangelical. i'm a believer in jesus christ. i'm a christian. for that reason i'm passionate about racial justice. we're taught in my home and faith every human being is created in god's image and one of the great challenges maybe the great challenge in america is that our system has the dehumanization of native american and african slaves and we've never actually come back around to make that right. we've never repaired that damage and so part of the reason why i'm leaning the way i'm leaning this election season is because i know there is zero chance of that being repaired under the
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current administration and actually, it will probably get worse and that's a scary thought. >> kelly, what do you think when you hear this? do you think we're living in two americas? >> yes and no. i feel like with everything that's been happening in minneapolis, tensions are heightened. i think all of us want to get to the same place. we have different ideas how to get there. and every person i know agrees with the statement black lives matter. that statement is not inherently politica political. i think as americans, we should all come together and defunding the police is not the answer. i think more funding to the police, proper training, deescalation training, more social training would lead to a more safe environment and, you know, community tensions would
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lower i think with more funding to police. >> do you think there is structural racism in policing and justice in america? >> i don't think -- yes and no. i mean, when you look at the numbers, how many white cops kill black people, how many black cops kill black people, you know, those numbers are just as high as white cops killing black people, if not higher, but, you know, i'm no policy expert, and i'm not, you know, too familiar with the structures of police organizations but -- >> let me put it this way, you're spot scared of
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interactions with the police, are you? >> it depends. >> can i respond to that? i think that we need to look at something beyond just numbers. you have to look at the way things are proportionately, okay? so black people are disproportionately pulled over, stopped, arrested, frisked, et cetera by the police. just because there are more white people in this country, doesn't mean you can focus on more white people are pulled over, there are more white people in this country. when you look at the percentages and ratios of black people pulled over and what happens, that is what we need to focus on and that's what actually shows that there is a problem. >> so ali, i really believe we need to ask the right questions to get to the right answers that spark the right conversations that lead us to a right direction we need in this country. i believe the right question is not if the police is right or wrong. i think the right question that we need to ask is what we can do to make sure that our police
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force are better trained, are better funded and so that they can we flekt areflect the commu a greater good. the right answer is not defending the police. the right answer, i believe, is actually making the resources available for the police so that they can keep the training. >> what's your perspective on this? >> the role is credited with a quote for every thousand hecking at the leaves of evil, there is one striking at the root, the deepest root in the american soil is white supremacy and until we attack that root and uproot that, i don't know how we'll make progress out of this crisis, this chaos, this on going racial dehumanization as a nation. >> of course, i want to quote some numbers to you. since 2015, black americans adjusted for their proportion of the population were killed at a rate twice as high as americans by police.
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white americans were killed at 13 per million. african americans, black americans killed at a rate of 32 per million. their politics and opinions differed but everybody got along in the end and take a look. by the end of it, we were taking selfies together. i do want to thank the panelists that opened up to us in minnesota. i'm looking forward to another group of voters next weekend in wisconsin and our aim here is to have real dialogue, for people to say what they believe and know it is a safe space for them in which to do that because the only way we get past this is listening to and empathizing. there are reports 2020 candidate bernie sanders got issues with the way this campaign is going right now. with joe biden's campaign. senator sanders joins me when velshi across america 2020 continues. velshi across america 2020 continues. at philadelphia, we know what makes the perfect schmear
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we're just 51 days until election day. potential rift between democrats and the democratic primary runner up bernie sanders expressed concern over the biden camp's approach to financial or economic policy matters and their appeal to more progressive voters. sanders, the independent voter told associates that biden has serious risk of coming up short in the november elections if he continues vague approach according to the people who spoke on the condition of anonymity to describe sensitive talks. senator bernie sanders is here. thank you for joining me. you've seen these reports. are they true? >> of course they're not true. look, what i said privately is what i've said publicly and that
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is i think biden is in an excellent position to win this election, but, i think we have got to do more as a campaign than just go after trump. trump is a disaster. i think most people know it. but we also have to give people a reason to vote for joe baden and joe has some pretty strong positions on the economy. and i think we should be talking about that more than we have. we have done, ali, eight battle ground states virtual rallies talking to, you know, several million people. and i think what people want to hear is what joe is going to do to raise the minimum wage and he supports a $15 an hour minimum wage. what he's going to do to make sure we create millions of good paying jobs and has a strong
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plan for infrastructure and knows we can create jobs, combat climate change which god knows we need to do seeing what is going on in the west coast right now. they want equal pay for equal work. they want us to expand health care to as many people as possible and lower the cost of prescription drugs. those are issues people want to hear a little more from the biden campaign about. >> and you're talking to a lot of people on the town halls. do they want more meat on the bones of the policies or messengers? is there an underlying need for more progressive messengers to get the message out and talk to people that would have been your supporters in the campaign? >> i think it's a combination of both. i think if you look at the program economic program, the educational program, the health care program, the joe biden supports, you know, it's not a
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bernie sanders program but a pretty strong program that will improve the lives of tens of millions of people at a time in american history when the working class in this country is probably suffering more than any time since the great depression. so i think what needs to happen is joe needs to talk about what he intends to do. in my view, ali, that he should be doing is reaching out more aggressively to grass roots latino organizations. the trick is not just to get people who voted -- i'm sorry, go ahead. >> no, i apologize. after you dropped out of the race, you and joe biden formed a number of task forces on economic and social issues. satm negotiated, it's a matter of articulating that more? >> yeah, there was a compromise.
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we did not get everything that we wanted. i'm a strong believer of medicare for all. we didn't g get that for exampl et cetera, et cetera. what came out of the task forces were pretty strong progressive programs, which will go a long way to improving life for working families in this country. we need to talk about that. just one thing, if you're making 100, $200,000 a year, raising that minimum wage to $15 isn't anything. that's not a lot of money. if you're making $12 an hour, there is a hell of a difference between $15 an hour and $12 an hour. it is almost a life and death difference. give me a little dignity and a little security. if you are a working person today, lost your job, you have no health insurance. millions of people lost their health insurance. it makes a difference if we expand health insurance. if you have diabetes and you
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can't afford insulin, it makes a difference if we stand up to the greed and collusion of the pharmaceutical industry. joe biden is prepared to do that. and i think we got to talk more about that and also, we got to reach out to the latino community. you know, a lot of young people, a lot of latinos, african americans may not vote. they're not going to vote for donald trump. that's for sure but they may not vote at all. how did we get them to vote? that's key in so many battle ground states. >> senator sanders, thanks for joining me this morning. always a pleasure. bernie sanders is an independent senator and former presidential candidate. thank you, sir, for joining us. >> thank you. >> breaking news out of los angeles, two departments with the l.a. county sheriffs department are out of surgery after being shot in compton, california overnight. the shooter is still at large and the manhunt continues. the surveillance video released appears to show a suspect with a
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gun near the officers' patrol car. we pulsed the video after the suspect raises the gun to the car. then you see the suspect fleeing the scene. both officers who were described as new to the force were shot several times. they remain in critical condition following surgery. we will continue to monitor this developing story and provide details as they become available and our thoughts and prayers are with those police officers. a quick update for you-all yesterday, i spent a few minutes of your valuable time discussing the disgusting support this administration and republican party show for qanon. pence was planning on attending a campaign event hosted by a married couple that supports the c c conspiracy theory. pence's schedule has been changed but did not mention if the fundraiser would be rescheduled. coming up next, i'm joined in minneapolis with hometown senator amy klobuchar. first, here is republican voter
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message to his candidate, donald trump. >> his first job is to protect americans and he should keep focussing on protecting americans, handling this virus, bringing the economy back on track so the issues are addressed and at the same time, you know, i think he might find something more in the administration than spending a lot of time on twitter. that would be a productive use of his time and i think he need to keep on fighting. time and i to keep on fighting. when you think of a bank, you think of people in a place. but when you have the chase mobile app, your bank can be virtually any place. so, when you get a check... you can deposit it from here. and you can see your transactions and check your balance from here. you can detect suspicious activity on your account from here. and you can pay your friends back from here. so when someone asks you, "where's your bank?" you can tell them: here's my bank. or here's my bank. or, here's my bank.
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sensibilities, to centrists and moderates and in a way, it's sort of what the democrats ended up choosing in joe biden. the minnesota senator endorsed biden the speech suspending her own presidential the day before super tuesday. she was on joe biden's vice presidential short list until she voluntarily with drew her name from consideration saying that joe biden should select a quote woman of color. senator amy klobuchar joins me now. she's a member of the senate judiciary committee and a ranking member of the rules committee that has jurisdiction over administration of federal election. senator, good to see you in person again. >> thank you, ali. welcome to beautiful day in minnesota. >> thank you. i always enjoy being in minnesota and minneapolis in particular. i want your thoughts on the conversation with senator sanders, whether or not the biden campaign is successfully motivating those people who probably would have been sanders supporters, maybe of your supporters with little progressive economic views that
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joe biden has subscribed to that sanders says isn't much of a center piece in the campaign as he'd like it to be. >> first of all, bernie sanders clarified one important thing. he's been very loyal to joe biden to get joe biden elect. he basically said over and over again there is no other choice, people have to turn out to vote. that's really important and i respect bernie for that. secondly, as he said, as we turn into the fall here and people are tuned in the middle of this horrendous pandemic not just getting a president who can fix it and has compassion, which joe biden has and donald trump hasn't but secondly, the day after tomorrow, people are starting to think okay, as we get out of this next year, what is the economy going to look like? things like increasing the minimum wage. joe biden believes in it. donald trump hasn't done it. things like protecting people's health care and bringing down the cost of pharmaceuticals in a big, big way. joe biden believes in it and
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donald trump hasn't done it. there are some clear wedges here. it is donald trump that passed a tax bill that he went down to mar-a-lago and said to his friends down there, you just got a lot richer. joe biden wants to see tax reform that helps regular people. he wants to build back better. he wants to help manufacturing with a major big plan to stop offshoring things and keep jobs in america. i think that's exciting. and so those things as we're in the middle of the pandemic got through the conventions, that's a clear divide between him and donald trump and i know he's going to be talking about that in the months to come. he has. it's just there is so much focus when people are dying because of donald trump's incompetence. >> super tuesday, when you got out of the race was at the beginning of this pandemic. since then, this has affected you quite personally, your husband got covid. >> it has. the revolutions the president knew this was deadly and airborne, that's right around the time my husband got sick, so this is real personal to me. as my husband was in a hospital
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with severe pneumonia for a week and then finding out donald trump is saying to people behind closed doors look, i'm down playing this when maybe it would have saved lives of other americans that actually would have liked to have known the president knew it was an airborne disease, that the president knew it was deadly and meanwhile, he's sending all kinds of other messages out there. so i think the news of this last week really hit me hard and other people that had people that got sick during that time. >> you were running to be president. you were prepared to be in that position where you have to lead people through critical things like roosevelt did and church hill did and donald trump was supposed to. the idea i didn't want to tell people because i didn't want then them to panic. >> he was talking about panic, when he creates panic every day telling people to vote twice in north carolina. dividing people all the time. instead of that, he should have been having a plan. he should have been creating a plan instead of talking about
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creating panic and he didn't do that. we know that. it was a major, major screwup that cost people their lives. >> always appreciate the time you take to talk to us. we have had great long policy discussions and may that day come again where we're able to sit and discuss education policy and health care policy. >> we will. >> and tech policy. thank you. >> ali, one more thing, paoll this weekend, joe biden is nine points ahead in minnesota. donald trump isn't going to win minnesota. we're going to win this and early voting starts in minnesota next friday. 46 days of it. >> part of the reason we're here as early as we are. thank you for being with us. >> thank you. coming up ahead, our conversation continues with folks here in minneapolis. a congresswoman ilhan omar joins me on her fight for what she calls all people in her district but first, thoughts from independent voter amy nelson on joe biden. >> talk to us like we're adults. talk to us like we can actually
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follow a sophisticated argument and then admit i made a mistake there but here is what i'm going to do next. i think that would be awesome because there is so much distrust right now of our elected officials and politicians. i think if we had somebody who really just said here is how complicated it is and this is like the best thing i think we can come up with right now, that would do a lot to maybe start the trust process a little bit and i think we need that. t proct and i think we need that the united states postal service is here to deliver your packages. and the peace of mind of knowing that important things like your prescriptions, and ballots, are on their way. every day, all across america, we'll keep delivering for you. ♪ ♪ [ engines revving ]
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as a as a relative newcomer to washington, d.c., representative ilhan omar has made a name for herself speaking out on issues of racial inequality, fair housing and workers rights as well as holding the president to account over his handling of the pandemic. now over the last few months she's been vocal on the issue of policing as the nation turns squarely to her district in minneapolis. now with the party establishment, representative omar has said that her main focus is to stop the election of donald trump. representative ilhan omar joins me now. she's a native of somalia, by the way, by way of my birth
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place, kenya. we have never spoken about this before, my grandmother was born in somalia so i'm a son of both kenya and somalia, giving me much in common with the congresswoman. thank you for being with us. i know you and i have never had a chance to discuss that. >> welcome to minneapolis. i thought we were both just immigrants but i can't know it went deeper than that. we have to spend time talking about this. this is exciting. >> it is deeper than that. i know you were here yesterday, but thank you for being on the show. again i want to talk to you about something that bernie sanders was saying earlier about how the campaign, the biden campaign is doing talking to progressives. you fall into that category of progressives who want sort of policy changes on economic and social levels that sort of are more inclusive of americans as a whole. how do you feel the biden campaign is doing on that right now? >> yeah, i mean, as you know, i
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rent one of the most progressive districts in congress and for us representation really is -- it's one that's responsive to, you know, the needs of the people and what most -- most of the progressives that i represent feel like is that this is our time to make sure we get rid of trump and we elect someone who's going to be responsive to the policy positions we are advocating for. and, you know, biden's economic package is one that gets us a step closer to addressing the economic and social neglects that have went unaddressed for so long. >> let me ask you about the city in particular and about policing in this city. there have been a number of suggestions made, i spoke to the
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vice president of the city council earlier about defunding or what she calls re-imagining policing in this city. what are your views on how things have come in the last four months and what needs to be done because the nation's eyes ron minneapolis as sort of a microcosm of what needs to be done in the 18,000 police forces across this country. >> yeah, so the george floyd murder in the hands of minneapolis police has really opened our eyes to really understanding the credibility -- the credibility and crisis that the minneapolis police department has had for so long. you know, half of the homicides goes unsolved by the minneapolis police department. we have heard many reports of rape kits being destroyed. so a majority of the people in minneapolis don't trust the
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minneapolis police. and when you have an institution that has lost the trust of the people its supposed to serve, then you have to make a big decision on what you do with that institution. and for so many of us, it is going through a process of dismantling that institution and coming together as a community to re-imagine what public safety looks like for us. that means, you know, getting resources to address things like mental health crises that shouldn't be addressed by the police. things like stopping the criminalization of poverty. it means having, you know, resources go in to public safety mechanisms that currently are not part of the infrastructure that exists with the minneapolis police department.
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that's a long process. and it's one that, you know, minneapolis is committed to it. our leaders are committed to it. our constituents are committed to it. and i believe, you know, we are a resilient city and we'll come through with a plan that really provides safety for each and every person in our city regardless of what zip code their living in and what color of their -- of the skin that they are in. >> congresswoman, good to see you. thank you for taking the time to join us. next time i hope we're both in the same city. congresswoman omar of minnesota, thank you for being with us. and that wraps up our first stop on the velshi across america 2020 tour. thank you for watching. next sunday, i will be in the battle ground state of kenosha, wisconsin. catch me on "velshi." coming up on "a.m. joy" my friend jonathan capehart talks
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to former vice presidential nominee joe lieberman and he'll explain why he's supporting susan collins of maine. stick around. you're watching msnbc. c. when the world gets complicated, a lot goes through your mind. with fidelity wealth management, your dedicated adviser can give you straightforward advice and tailored recommendations. that's the clarity you get with fidelity wealth management.
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get a winner on election night, what are you going to do? >> we'll put them down very quickly. we have the right and power to do that if we want. look, it's called insurrection. it's very easy. i'd rather not do that, but if we had to we'd do that and put it down within minutes. >> good morning, it's "a.m. joy" and i'm jonathan capehart. after saying whether he'd ensure a peaceful transition of power, donald trump is now vowing to unilaterallily shut down any potential riots on election night should he win. during a rambling interview on fox with judge jeanine pirro saturday night, he praised the idea of retribution and even suitably suggested the supporters would eventually revolt against so-called left wing violence. >> we're not there ye
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