tv Weekends With Alex Witt MSNBC September 13, 2020 9:00am-10:00am PDT
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plus, it's first nfl sunday since the coronavirus pandemic. we'll take a look at how different it's going to be. but we begin this hour with the race to the white house just 51 days now until the election and next hour, the president will be r participate ng a round table with latino supporters in las vegas. this is on the heels of a rally in nevada last night where the president took aim at his democratic opponent. >> he's a pathetic human being to let that happen. where they put an ad like that where i'm standing over graves then he said this. they put an ad like that pup. they're a disgrace, but you know the good part? now, i can be really vicious. i can be really vicious. and we'll start by saying, we're going to start by saying that the democrats are trying to rig this election because it's the only way they're going to win. >> meantime, joe biden this morning aaddressing comments on
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his health in within interview with cnn. >> i guarantee you, i will be totally transparent in terms of my health and all aspects of my health and when it comes to donald trump versus me. just look at us. okay? just look at us. who seems to be in shape? who's able to move around? who's, i mean, this idea of you know, slow joe, i -- >> and a new national poll out today from fox news shows joe biden just five points ahead of the president, 51-46% and new polling from cbs news out of two key swing states, arizona and minnesota, also show trump trailing the form v.p. biden, trump, pence, harris, all set to make stops in pivotal battleground states. our team is on the ground covering the story from all
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angles. we begin with josh who's following the trump campaign. what's the latest out of nevada today? >> well the president and his campaign this week, they're trying their best to keep a laser focus on latino voters as they work to shoefsh shore up support for president in arizona, nevada, florida and elsewhere, but the problem is, the president continues to be trailed by questions about his coronavirus response, but also about what he said about coronavirus to bob woodward in that new book coming out. on the sunday shows this morning, the president's advisers and campaign aides were all forced to defend those comments. their basic argument is look, don't listen to what the president says. look at what he's done on coronavirus, but the problem there is americans by and large don't feel he's done a good job. a new reuters poll saying that the president's handling of coronavirus is looked upon disfavorably by 57% of americans with only 38% approving but, the
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president continuing to try to put a positive spin on this. take a listen to what he had to say last night about coronavirus. >> we're developing a vaccine in record time. it will be ready before the end of the year and maybe much sooner than that. they're very unhappy about that. you're trying to hurt this country by saying bad things about the vaccine because we're going to produce it early. it's the craziest thing. think about it. now having a vaccine is good, but we're rounding the turn regardless. we're rounding the turn and it's happening. what we tid, we saved millions of lives because i hated to do it, but we had to close it up, understand this disease and then open up again and we opened, but we would have had two million, two and a half or three million people, we're at like around 180,000. >> and alex as you mentioned, the president will be holding an event with latino supporters this afternoon in las vegas. the schedule just got changed a bit. they're going to push that back a few hours, but as the campaign
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is campaigning there on the west coast, southwest area, that campaign is about to get much more expensive for the president with word just in the last few hours that mike bloomberg, the former presidential candidate, he's going to sink $100 million of his own money into the race in florida to try to help joe biden there and try to force trump's campaign to spend their own money to defend florida. alex. >> wow. that is a lot to money, josh. thank you so much for that last minute update there. we go from there now to the biden campaign where bernie sanders is out on the trail campaigning for the former vice president. sanders is pushing back on a new "washington post" piece that he is quote privately expressing concerns about joe biden's presidential campaign, while at the same time, critiquing the biden camp's lack of focus on the issues that matter to working families and the latino community. >> he need to talk about what he intended toos to improve life for working families. the other thing in my view, that he should be doing, is reaching out more aggressively to grass
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roots latino organizations. >> deepa, welcome to you. so we have bernie sanders out pushing for biden to reach out to latino voters. is he focusing on the latino vote? >> hey there, alex. that's a great question, especially as we are just ramping up 51 days until election day and early voting beginning in a lot of states this coming week already. what we're seeing from the biden campaign is outreach from latino community, mostly coming from kamala harris and her visits to states like florida as well as meeting with latino community members in milwaukee when she was in wisconsin last week. yesterday, she virtually dropped into a round table with latino small business owners in arizona and at the same time, did some local news interviews in arizona. she did one with a telemundo station there and talked about she and joe biden's plans for the latino community.
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take listen. >> we look at latino businesses, small businesses, and we know that of the people who received benefits from the ppp, the paycheck protection program, almost 90% of minority owned businesses did not. joe and i have a plan that includes that when we are in office, that 50%, we will guarantee that at least 50% of the ppp goes to minority businesses. latino businesses, small businesses, to help them get back on their feet. >> so you hear there her talking about the economic impacts of covid on the latino community and that interview, he also talked about the health disparities that latinos have face aed in this pandemic and she also talk ed about issues like a pathway to citizenship, which is something she says she and biden will focus on in the very beginning of their administration should they get elected. but this comes as polling for joe biden with the latino community in states like florida doesn't look good.
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they are neck and neck. donald trump is beating him by a couple of points and what they need to do is focus on the laity community and that's where that bernie sanders criticism is coming from. states like arizona have a huge booming population of minority voters, of immigrant communities and you see that outreach from kamala harris r, also tieing in her own personal story as a child of immigrants to try to reach out to these voters. >> yeah and you know what, that may be a lot of where the mike bloomberg advertising might go. thank you very much for that. right now, we are following breaking news out of los angeles. two l.a. county sheriffs depu deputies are in the hospital after being shot multiple times while sitting in their patrol car. the shooter remains at large. the president tweeted about this shooting this morning saying quote, animals that must be hit hard. go to my colleague with the latest live from los angeles. andrew, this is pretty horrific story. what do we know about it at this
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point? >> horrific, and as you said, we, what we know is that a suspect came up on two patrol deputies attached to metropolitian, that the are looking at excuse me, with the looking and patrol the mta, the transportation system. the compton blue line station. the deputies were in the patrol car. suspect walked up, fired multiple rounds, hitting each deputy multiple times. they are out of surgery and right now, there's a huge man hunt on for the suspects. suspect. we don't know what the cause, what the motive is at this point. they've hit certain locations. and that's, at this point, what we know. >> okay, so when you say suspect, andrew, that means singular. you corrected yourself from suspects. how do we know it was one person? was there video? >> there's a grainy video that's
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been released by the sheriff's department. aer video that shows a single person coming up to the vehicle and firing multiple times. as the sheriff's homicide captain pointed out last night in a press conference that essentially, this was kind of one angle. it was disr torted, so one of the things that detectives are going to do is they're going to go to, this is a pretty sprawling station with a lot of camera coverage. they start from there then radiate out. they go to the area to see if there's witnesses, canvas and work outward from there to see if they can narrow. was there a vehicle? is there anybody that saw something significant? at this point, we don't have much more than what we had last night in terms of movement in the case, but we know they're working late. >> about what time did this happen because if we go back, i can ask my drirector to show tht video again that comes from this camera. it looks like it's daylight, but
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this is not daylight, correct? it happened at night? >> it was about 7:00 last night. so at dusk and you know, on a good day, this is a dangerous job and given the tensions that we've seen in los angeles and around the country, in terms of protests and criticism of law enforcement, one of the things that kind of gets lost in that is the dangers of the job. whether it's responding a domestic violence call or pulling somebody over, we're asking a lot of young police officers in their 20s and in this case, we had a woman who was 31, a mother of a 6-year-old boy, who was shot and in critical condition in addition to the 24-year-old. they were only on the job 14 months, alex. i i tell you. cold-blooded certainly indeed and might i add for those who haven't seen joe biden's twitter feed today, he has also tweeted
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about this calling the cold-blooded shooter and shooting rather unconscionable. thanks so much. keep us up to date. zblmpb now to breaking news as the west coast is bracing for a change in weather and that could make it harder to fight these fires spread across several states. washington, oregon, california, all reporting damage of historical proportions from this fire season alone. as we look at some drone footage from phoenix, oregon, it shows the extent of destruction and loss there. search crews are searching for survivors. in fact, many people remain unaccounted for across all three states. near los angeles, through heavy smoke and haze, you're looking at the bobcat fire. it is burning now for the seventh straight day. more than 29,000 acres have been destroyed. here's how it looks close up in the angeles national forest. this is a pretty terrifying scene shot by john. and heavy smoke fills the air in
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san francisco and many other cities up and down the coast. air quality in some areas has been rated unhealthy now for weeks. sites and sounds as firefighters are using controlled burns to fight the joint north complex fire. it is burning in the plumas national forest. let's go to scott cohn from near that fire in berry creek, california. so much going on. so many heroic efforts, scott. what are you seeing today? there are. >> there are three more deaths from this fire. that brings the total to 12, making it the seventh deadliest fire in history and there's concern that death toll could rise. you have to understand where we are in the sierra foothills. very remote. difficult to get to. limited roads. there are trees that are still
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fall iing, so it will be easy f people to get trapped in what was a ferocious fire. they're working on multiple fronts. they're doing that with also recovery just going through pain staking task of trying to contain this fire. >> we have a structure that has not been prepped. fire's backing down the hill right now. this is what we want. so we're going to go ahead and both crews are cutting line around the structures. fire is still burning. we have a spot across the road, which is not what we wanted, but kind of our saving grace right now is we have this smoke layer above us, which is keeping the fire activity down. >> so that issue of the smoke is
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critical. obviously that is what's creating this awful air quality for literally thousands of miles on the west coast, but if you think about it, think about a campfire you built or a fire in your fireplace. as the winds pick up and that smoke blows away, it means the fire can flare up and that's what they're worried about as the weather starts to change. and that's why it's all the more important to try and get those containment lines solidified and try and get this fire contained before the weather changes and they face all new challenges, alex. >> okay, scott, very sobering report. thank you none the less. now to the other big story at this hour. players are preparing to take the field for the first nfl game of the season. 13 games scheduled to be played and due to the pandemic, only a few teams actually allowing fans in the stands, but one of those, the jacksonville jaguars. let's go to my colleague, gary. a good day to you. i'm sure fans are happy.
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how many are we talking about that are able to get into the stadium and what kind of safety guidelines do they have to adhere to? >> are you ready for some football? these fans certainly are. up to 17,000 fans that will be allowed into the tia bank field stadium. now this is different from the about 60,000 let in on a normal day and when fans walk in, they will be greet ed with a very different fan experience. everything from a -- instead of a bag check to a food experience that can be done on your cell phone. you can order the food, pay for the food all on o your cell phone. you go and pick it up and they ask you eat in your seats and when you're not eating, to be wearing your mask at all times while in the stadium. i took a walk around the stadium. it's hard work, but somebody had to do it. here's what some folks had to tell me. >> well, we're going to be here. if the stadium is open, we're huge vag wire fans, never missed
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a game, i feel like the policies they enacted, social distance, we had to move our seats around and they're really keeping people apart in the staiddiusta. >> i like the way they did the spacing. i feel really good about it. i'm a nurse, so i'm aware of stuff. >> now for fans that couldn't make it here to the stadium, the jaguars have created this thing called jags at home, which is an experience like being at the game, only you're on your coach. you get online and you get to watch and be a part of the jumbo screen, take part in the give aways and trivia that's going on while watching the dwam on tv. so everyone's trying to make this as normal as possible in these very uncertain times. >> can i say watching the interview you did, with the exception of the gentleman you interviewed and you, all the people outdoors don't appear to be wear iing masks. maybe they'll put them on to go inside the stadium because they're required to, but just
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breaking news in georgia, a sheriff's deputy has been on administrative leave after a traffic stop went viral. here's a warning. some may find it disturbing. >> cant breathe! officer! mercedes can't breathe! >> that is definitely disturbing. you can see a clay county deputy punching the victim. walker does not appear to be resisting. he was pulled over for a broken taillight. he was asked for id, but had none and was asked to get out of the car. it is not clear what led up to what we are seeing here in this video.
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>> how does a taillight being broke ends up with a man being beaten in the way he was beaten in a choke hold almost dying? we are here demanding that he get out of jail, but we could unfortunately be talking and mourning his life. >> i just want my son home >> clayton county sheriff hill tweeted the deputy involved son leave and the internal affairs unit will investigate. also new today, there is a fox news poll that shows the the president's approval ratings on issues. he is above the 50% mark on his handling of the economy, but the majority of registered voters disapprove of his handling of foreign policy, immigration and health care and then look at the last line on race relations. he gets the lowest rating there. 57% disapproval. joining me now, marcia chatlin,
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professor at georgetown universi university. it may not come as a surprise to you, but if this represents registered voters across the board, what is your response? >> well, in some ways, it's shocking that the president has 40% approval on the handling of race relations because his behavior has been abysmal since the start of his entry into politics. i think that it tells us that there is still an inaccurate narrative about what's happening in this country and the sadness of communities that feel unsafe and unheard in a moment in which so many critical issues are happening. >> while the president claims he's done more for the african-american community than lincoln. here's what he said last night. >> for the last four years, i've
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been delivering for our incredible hispanic, i love the hispanic community. hispanics like tough people. they like people that are going to produce jobs. joe biden's party continues to attack our incredible border agents. they're incredible people. more than half of whom happen to be hispanic americans. did you know that? i know all of them. jose, how you doing? juan, how you doing? >> okay. >> wow. >> yeah. do you get the sense that trump voters, and particularly african-american trump supporters, do they get the president's tone when he talks about minorities? trump supporters did not reject his rhetoric in 2016. we remember what he said after he had descended the escalator at trump tower then went on to make pretty disparaging remarks about mexicans. >> absolutely. i think this is a cautionary tale that white supremacy isn't just about white racism. sometimes it's about the
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internalization of anti black and latino people within communities. it shows we have to be so village lent against this rhetoric of hatred because u we see it being able to take form within the communities most vulnerable to it. any vote eer who supports the president knows he's a racist, but what they are also banking on is that his racism will help them get more power economically or socially. that's really the great tragedy of this political moment. >> so, what is the appeal to african-american voters from democrats? it's a party that's not yet answered a lot of questions related to the black agenda and they are are probably many reas they should not vote for trump, but is there a risk that african-americans will not vote at all, which as the president clearly says, will be to his benefit? >> well, i think what we have to understand is that who you vote for isn't an entire representation. >> of course. >> some see a vote for biden as just a stopgap measure against
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this president. some people see it as a line with your values. i think that the real issue is that we have to move beyond the idea of one party representing how people feel to think about the various ways that the presence and leadership of african-americans in the party improves it and that's why the down ballot races are so important to making sure these values get animated on a local level. but black voters are fully a ware of the political compromises and failures of the democratic party, but they also know that this current administration is intolerable and unavailable to all people because we think this rhetoric only hurts people of color, but ultimately with the poor handling of the coronavirus, the tanging of the economy, increasingly, i think voters of all colors realize that when you have a white supremacist president, it harms all people. >> marcia, i look forward to seeing you again. thank you so much. she had a front row seat to rise of president trump and id
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edit not end well for her family. now michael cohen's daughter is speaking out. the woman who interviewed her joins me next. e woman who inter joins me next. when our daughter and her kids moved in with us... kids, bedtime! ...she was worried we wouldn't be able to keep up. course we can. what couldn't keep up was our bargain detergent. turns out it's mostly water, and that doesn't work as well on stains.
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new details from the daughter of michael cohen. she has some thoughts of her own about the president and life inside the white house. in cohen's new book, disloyal, cohen says his daughter, samant samantha, asked him to serve ties with trump years before he became commander in chief. she was 15 years old and saw trump more clearly than i could. joining me now, emily jane fox. emily recently sat down can cohen for a new "vanity fair" article titled he had a twist l umbilical cord to trump. becoming trump world collateral damage. emily, big welcome to you. i got to say, it was sort of heartbreaking to read this art a kl of yours speaking on behalf,
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she's 24 years old and she recalls the interactions starting at the age of 15. she said ni never liked trump. why not? >> it was such an interesting perspective. i've interviewed so many people who have worked with or still work with president trump and this was such a different take on him because everyone else who has wanted to work with him, has wanted to be there, but there's a small group of people who were associated with trump who have no choice in the matter, associated by religion and samantha is one of those. what she said is that her father was constant ly put down by trump, he wanted to be associated with someone famous
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and powerful. there was financial gain in it for him, but samantha said it was very difficult for her to hear somebody who was constantly putting her dad down and she saw him more clearly than her father did because he was blinded by the flashier aspects of it, but she saw someone who was deeply mean to her father. >> calls it like a stockholm syndrome, right? >> what was interesting, he had stockholm syndrome, but what was particularly interesting, her father saw her president trump would speak to his own children and that was also a not a very nice tone and so in her mind, what she saw was well, if he's speaking to his own children this way and he's speaking to me like that, maybe he considers me like family. i thought that was a really interesting point. >> yeah. in your q&a, she warecalled wit you an afternoon in bed minister, trump's club. she wsaid she was about 15 year 08d.
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donald trump spotted her at the pool. what did she tell you about that? >> the story is in michael cohen's book and the way he tells us is that he was standing with donald trump and donald trump made a comment about someone saying how attractive this woman was, tennis wife, and it ends up being michael cohen's daughter and he sort of blanched at the comment, didn't know how to respond. the way samantha remembered it, yeah, he said those comments, but men made creepy comments all the time. what stood out to me was he said something so rude. she must get her looks from her mother because she couldn't possibly come from you. the creepy comment was creepy and disgussing and nowing it comes from the president, but what stuck with me is why is this man so mean to my father and why is my father putting up with it. >> because the cohen family lived in a trump building, she crossed paths with the trump kids and shared one interaction
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with ivanka that she claims it's staged. talk about the relationship and how it's different than with tiffany. >> she said she had an increde pli icy relationship with ivanka. her neighbor, somebody who worked with her father. she said that ivanka sort of saw through her. never gagave her the time of da. never acknowledged her presence, but before her father was sentence d to three years in prison, she was back in new york from her time in washington and they ran into each other in the lobby. she said ivanka grabbed her by the arm and looked her right in the eyes and said we're so sorry about what's going on with your father, we're all sick about it. samantha stopped dead in her tracks and said it felt like i had a bucket of slime thrown on me because it felt so phony and fake. did nothing to help me, my
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father and couldn't make sense of it other than she want ed to make herself feel bet r or look better to the others gathered in the lobby. she said it was such a phony interaction. she had been friends with tiffany, who is much closer to her anyone. they both went to the university of pennsylvania and what she said was that she can't understand how tiffany could get up at the rnc and give the kind of speech she gave on behalf of her father knowing the young woman she said. she said it is so uncharacteristic of her. they don't talk anymore, but she is really baffled by how much she's changed. >> i know samantha did get a white house internship. it was assigned to the first lady's office, who she said really liked her, but she switched officers while intern ing there. where did she go and why? >> she started off working with melania trump. she said the office did absolutely nothing.
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there was no work getting done. she sat there staring at her computer screen and called her father and said, i can't do this anymore. her father called omarosa and said send her to me. she said she had a wonderful sex experience working with omarosa who knew how to get things done. she said it was quite a boring internship. >> it is what it is. just classify for me how hard the fall of her father has been on her, on their family, does she feel that they're just victims of her dad's relationship with donald trump? >> look, i think she understands the perception of her father, family, that they were involved. really participants in this, but this is her father. this is someone who she loves dearly. she's very, very close with. and the way she put it is she didn't have any decision making in her father's relationship with him. she hasn't been able to get a job.
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she graduated from the university of pennsylvania. vooshe's a very bright young wo and her name has been used against her and she feels like she has been collateral damage in all this and she just wants to get her life back on track, which has been incredibly difficult watching what happened with her father. it's just been a very difficult time by no fault of her own. >> very rev la torre interview and she's gotten a great education. very articulate, so maybe something will come up for her down the road. thank you. always good to see you. in a matter of minutes, a full slate of nfl football games will begin, but most fans will be watching from pohome becausef covid-19. the one exception, the jacksonville jaguars. they're going to welcome fans. however, just 25% capacity when they host the indianapolis colts today. joining me now is dr. pa tell. tel. if you do the math, that means 20%, 25% of the folks, that's going to work out to about 17,000 people, can still attend
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that game. can be inside that stadium. how concerned are you about that kind of a crowd in the stadium and the ones outside the stadium? they've been tailgating all morning. we saw them. there were few wearing masks. >> yeah, alex. i saw that footage and i kind of cringed because i know that a the stadium has set pretty clear guidelines that when you enter, you must be wearing a facial covering and they're trying to space people apart in pods. let's take a look at the positivity rates in jacksonville and florida overall. the seven-day average is still over 10%. in jacksonville itself, it's declining. around 4% of cases are positive when they're testing people. but let's compare that to other states where we've got less than a percent like new york state, for example, where they're still being incredibly conservative then if you step back and compare to other countries where they have started sports again,
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it was really when their areas, countries then the regions had incredibly low positive rates. so we now know that having you know, even 100 people kind of in an open air setting, but potentially close together like a parking lot and a not wearing masks can be a pretty concerning public health superspreader event. >> here's something to take a look at with florida bars and breweries, they are allowed to reopen at 50% capacity. that starts tomorrow, but the miami-dade mayor says the ones in his city will not reopen. you think it's a good time to reopen bars in florida? >> it's not and here's why. i think that we're playing with too much fire. we've already seen across states, texas, being one of them, where when they really ramped up reopening too soon, too fast, too soon, then we saw another kind of wildfire of spread of covid and no pun intended but this is just as dangerous as the fires on the
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west coast that can spread that quickly. i think the most responsible thing to do rn, businesses are suffering, but they're going to suffer more with the increased kamsty then have to dramatically roll it back. so taking time, 25%, plus now we have more data out that across the country, the majority of cases that we're seeing are coming from bars and restaurants. so all the more reason to be cautious and reopen safely. >> dr. patel, always appreciate you. thank you. president trump says he hates the media, so why did he put himself in the hot seat and talk to bob woodward 18 times? my next guest has a few ideas on that. s? my next guest has a few ideas on that t tfor people with certain inflammatory conditions. because there are options. like an "unjection™". xeljanz. the first and only pill of its kind that treats moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, or moderate to severe ulcerative colitis when other medicines have not helped enough.
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even when pressed about the president's history of drumming up panic over immigration or violence in cities! think of what would have happened if he would have gone out and said this is awful, we should all be afraid. we don't have a plan. it would have been a run on the banks, on the hospitals, a run on the grocery stores. as it was, it was already hard to get some of the things we needed in the stores. so the president was calm and steady in a time of unrest and uncertainty. >> joining me now, peter baker, chief white house correspondent for the "new york times" and msnbc political analyst. welcome. let's get into this and your response to the response from the rnc chair. does it hold up? >> there's a difference between square scaring the public and informing them. the president can do both at the same time. reassure and inform. it's been framed as sort of an
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either/or choice here when of course that's not the way presidential leadership works. what a the president was telling people in public was different than in private. in the public was they didn't need to r worry, this was going to go away. they had it completely under control. what he was telling bob, this is far deadlier than people knew and there's a consequence to that. if people don't know the facts, if they think it's like the regular flu, then they're own behavior is going to be influenced by that assumption. >> yeah. it's absolutely, hard to figure out what he was thinking in these two opposed positions here. you did write this week about an article, rather an art account about the book for a president who needs to touch the flame, bob was irresistible.
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why would the president talk to bob not once, not twice, but as we said, 18 times? >> really something. i think it tells us a little about president trump's view of the media, the spotlight. there's a love hate kind of quality to it. on the one hand, obviously, he uses phrases like enemies the people, the stalinist phrase. he trashes individual reporters with great abandon. he uses rallies to turn his own supporters against him in a very menacing way. at the same time, it's an addiction he can't quit. he loves the spotlight. he loves being in the media. as others have said, goo good press, bad press, at least it's press. no coverage is the one thing he can't stand. so there's bob woodward, sort of the establishment media, the zeus, as tim o'brien put anytime a conversation with me. the washington media and he can't resist the idea that he
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can somehow you know, talk bob into write iing a positive book about him. that he is so you know, confident of his own story line that he can convince even bob woodward. if you read through, you see moments where he's completely boasting to his wife, hey, i'm on the phone with bob woodward, or even as he understands it's not going to work out the way he probably hopes it will, where he says i know you're going to write terrible things about me, he can't quit any way, trying to sell himself to this most revered of journalists. >> yeah. there's another shocking revelation i want to address in the book, which is when trump is bragging that he protected saudi crown prince after the assassination of "the washington post" columnist in october 2018. he tells woodward, here's the quote, just going to read it, i save his ass, i was able to get congress to leave him alone. what do you make of that? why would the president want to
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protect the saudi crown prince? >> it's an initiative that e we kind of new he made at that point. he told us out loud in public that the arms deals to saudi arabia were more important to him than holding you know, holding saudi to account for the murder. what he admits to bob is a more cynical version of that, which is that you know, that the killing of a columnist was less important to him that the geo political consequences as he saw them. now saudi arabia has been an important ally of the united states. it is you know, you know, a partner this the region on some really important issues to president trump in particular, it's an ally against iran, which he sees as the greater threat in the region, so there's a kind of balancing that probably a lot of presidents might make. but rarely when you see a president be so open about sort of how much it doesn't matter to him that saudi arabia you know,
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executed this journalist for speaking out against them. i think that's what sort of really sprik iing abt. >> thank you for the chat. hope to see you next weekend again. have a good one. conspiracy theorys, there are a lot, but how are they influencing the election? we'll talk about it next. y influencing the election we'll talk about it next your p. and the peace of mind of knowing that important things like your prescriptions, and ballots, are on their way. every day, all across america, we'll keep delivering for you.
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with 51 days until the election, all eyes are on swing state voters, this weekend both the trump and biden campaigns have been stumping in battleground states virtually and in person. that will last into next week as trump heads to arizona and biden heads to florida. charlotte is talking to swing state voters from time magazine and we had you last week as i said welcome my friend. you were in wisconsin. you're in michigan now. what is your biggest takeaway from the conversations you've had since we last spoke? >> since we last spoke i've been
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talking to more and more voters. i've talked to more than a hundred now at this point. i am still getting the sense that people are pretty entrenched. i'm not hearing a lot of movement. i'm not meeting very many people who voted for hillary clinton last time and voting for trump this time or people who voted for trump last time and voting for biden this time. i also am hearing from a certain number of new trump voters, which i think is a phenomenon that i don't know if many people have necessarily anticipated with this election, it is not necessarily something that is showing up in the polls yet, but i have talked to people who say they did not -- and planning to show up for trump this time. >> what do you mean by new voters. are these people that have just voted before or voting for the first time? can you describe them. >> they are not young people
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voting for the first time, mostly people previously disaffected, not involved in the process, not considering themselves to be political in any way. but they like trump. they like what he's doing. the word i would use to describe them is they're fans. they're fans of the president. so they talk about how he's done a lot for the economy and they're going to show up and vote for him. >> are you categorize them if they're urban or suburban voters, the first times that will vote for trump? >> and again, i don't want to overstate this. because like i said while i'm keeping close track of my conversations, i don't think i could say this person or that person. but i am in these pivot counties, in michigan, swing counties in wisconsin, next week i'm heading to pennsylvania.
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so they are mostly suburban and ex-urban voters so i'm focusing on swing states where some of the suburban areas went toward democrats in 2018 and some of the more ex i urban and the rural areas are where the president has a lot of strength still. >> let me ask you about a recent poll showing biden leading by 6% in michigan. does that seem accurate based on what you've heard? and again, i know you're sampling a small and being very honest about this, but does that square with what you've heard? >> so, i don't -- pollsters talk to way more people than i could talk to. i'm not trying to present my reporting as something that would reinforce or undermine polls. i'm seeing here on the grounda huge enthusiasm gap.
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there are a lot of trump signs, i'm not seeing very many biden signs. when biden came to michigan last week, there were several dozen trump people at there to protest him and only a handful of biden people, that is on purpose because the biden campaign purposely did not sub listize this event because they didn't want a crowd for covid reasons, a huge crowd of people gathering to see biden. but i have talked to people who are sort of like where is the -- i don't know how to get a sign. i don't know where to find a store front. so, i covered earlier in the summer the biden campaign digital operation with large and growing and they're putting a tremendous amount of time, money and resources into the digital operation and a lot of really skilled people are working on
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that. and so one of the things that i'm looking at here is to what extent is the digital operation translating on the ground. >> charlotte, i appreciate the candor and honesty with which you bring to your reporting. so if you're free next weekend. consider yourself booked again, my friend. appreciate it. caught on tape, the ambush attack on two police officers in los angeles. up next, the all-out search for the suspect. ut search for the suspect. look at that scuff. staring at you. embarrassing you in front of your in-laws. spreading rumors about you at work. that wall is your everest - but not any more. today let's paint. that wall never knew what hit it. today let's paint. behr. exclusively at the home depot.
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10:00 am
good day, everyone, from msnbc world headquarters here in new york, welcome to "weekends with alex witt." it is a day of breaking news and we begin with just that. and out of los angeles and new information on a shooting there. two sheriff's deputies remain hospitalized this afternoon after being shot while sitting in their patrol car. >> the suspect approached them from behind as the deputies were facing southbound in their patrol vehicle. suspect came from the north. he walk add long the passenger side of the car, he acted as if he was going to walk past the car and made a left turn toward the car and raised the pistol and fired several rounds in the vehicle striking both of the sheriff's deputies. >> there is quite a massive search underway for that person right there. the gunman who remains at large as we look at some surveillance video of the incident. both democratic presidential nominee joe b
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