tv Weekends With Alex Witt MSNBC September 13, 2020 10:00am-11:00am PDT
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good day, everyone, from msnbc world headquarters here in new york, welcome to "weekends with alex witt." it is a day of breaking news and we begin with just that. and out of los angeles and new information on a shooting there. two sheriff's deputies remain hospitalized this afternoon after being shot while sitting in their patrol car. >> the suspect approached them from behind as the deputies were facing southbound in their patrol vehicle. suspect came from the north. he walk add long the passenger side of the car, he acted as if he was going to walk past the car and made a left turn toward the car and raised the pistol and fired several rounds in the vehicle striking both of the sheriff's deputies. >> there is quite a massive search underway for that person right there. the gunman who remains at large as we look at some surveillance video of the incident. both democratic presidential nominee joe biden and president
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trump has condemned the shooting on twitter. we're following this story. andrew, let's get to the latest. i knew that it is scary times for the sheriff's deputies but do we have any information about who pulled the trigger. >> as the deputies are recovering from the critical injuries, dozens of law enforcement agents from several agencies are fanned out across the area trying to get all kinds of information from getting videotape, canvassing the neighborhood to see if there were any witds. anything to get them closer to the suspect. at this point there is no arrest that we've heard or anything like that. this is really an all-out manhunt at this point. >> so tell me about the status of the deputies. you said that one was described as a young mother and also a young deputy. they hadn't been on the job too long? >> according to the los angeles
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sheriff alex villanueva, they were only on the job for 14 months. so there is a lot that asked of young deputies as they come on. and if we think about this summer and what happened in terms of the protests, the criticism of police, asking deputies and police officers across the country to constitutionally police but also deal with people who are dangerous and also deal with technology and learn the job and it is a lot to take in. and you realize in an incident like this the inherent danger is every day when you put on the uniform and go out. on a good day there is dangers. but this shows at any given moment things could change in an instant. >> okay. have investigators been able to figure out anything from this video, this surveillance video? it looks grainy as you've described it but could they enhance it and get closer?
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do they have any community where the person came, male or female, are they even sure about that. >> one of the things that detectives talked about is that this is a distorted video. it is a fish eye lens to give a broad view. but one of the things they're going to do and did immediately after that was look at everything around the compton blue line station and there is a lot of video there and you go and canvass that night and the next day and you see if anybody captured anything that would help you find time and proximity. and if there is any descriptions of the vehicle or any other people that might have been in the area. so this is what they're going to be doing, they did it at the start and doing that until they could narrow the field here and find this suspect and perhaps others if anybody else was involved. >> andrew, do we know how long
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it took for authorities, for rescue vehicles and paramedics to get on scene? what is interesting, at the very end of the video that we're showing, you do see the passenger side door opening up, which means somebody, whoever was sitting in that side door, the male or the female, was able to open the door and we don't see anything further but potentially collapse outside of the car. do we know how long it took them to get them help? >> it was very quick. they were able to have a partial identification, which tells you also that at least given this surprise, this ambush, that they were able to quickly call on the radio for help. and that was a difference. and if you consider in an urban area with los angeles, where hospitals deal with shootings and a battlefield quality-type medicine, they are able to deal with those injuries. but make no mistake, they were shot in the upper body and they
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were pretty significant injuries. >> yeah. okay. nbc's andrew blankstein, thank you so much for bringing us what we do know as of this sunds. to the race for the white house. just 51 days for the election and in a few hours the president will participate in a round table with latino supporters in las vegas, after a rally in minden, nevada, last night, where the president touted his relationship with the hispanic community. >> for the last four years i've been delivering for our incredible hispanic. i love the hispanic community. hispanics like tough people. they like people that are going to produce jobs. joe biden's party continues to attack our incredible border agents. they're incredible people. more than half of whom happen to be hispanic americans. did you know that? i know all of them. jose, how are you doing? juan, how are you doing? >> okay. meantime, joe biden in an interview with cnn this morning spoke about his outreach to
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working class voters. >> look, neighbors i come from and i think presumptuous of me to say you come from, people don't want a handout. they just want a fighting chance. just give me a shot. i've been looking for a shot. and the effect of everything that he's done has decimated them. right here in this county, in this state. they're down 5,000 manufacturing jobs since he became president. >> a new poll from fox news and it shows joe biden just five points now ahead of the president. 51% to 46%. new polling from cbs news out of two key spring states, arizona and minnesota, showing trump trailing the former vp. as both campaigns are gearing up. biden and trump and harris are meant to make stops in pivotal battleground states. joe biden is getting a late stage infusion of cash from none other than michael bloomberg.
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announcing plans today to spend at least $100 million in florida to help elect joe biden. this comes as the biden camp works to court latino voters across the country. deep raw has more on this. that is a lot of money to sink into one state. what is the latest? >> reporter: hey, there, alex. in the last several presidential elections in florida, the state has only picked a candidate by a couple of percentage points. so it is a very critical state. always very close. and you could see with this huge infusion of cash from michael bloomberg, he's trying to support joe biden in the state and boost him up a little further. so you see that funding coming in from michael bloomberg and you see joe biden's running mate kamala harris dropping into the state just this last week. she visited miami. held a round table there by a venezuela restaurant so trying to do some of the ground campaigns so difficult to do in this pandemic. the polling right now for joe
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biden and donald trump in this state is extremely close. especially when it comes to latino voters. joe biden is a little bit behind. and alex, we talked about this yesterday, this is a huge concern for democrats. hillary clinton won this state very easily in 2016. so the fact that these numbers are so close should be a concern for them. kamala harris was actually asked about it when she dropped by in miami this week. take a listen to what she said about the close polling. >> we have to earn the vote of each person. we have not telling anyone that they're supposed to vote for us. it is because they believe in the policies that we prioritize. >> reporter: so, you see there, alex, kamala harris acknowledging they're trying to earn every single vote and part of the outreach has come just yesterday where the biden campaign released a number of spanish language ads in florida as well. and it is interesting because
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the focus of the ads is about attacking trump on how he's handled the pandemic. and when you look at some of the rhetoric from joe biden and kamala harris, they're focusing on this coronavirus lens, when it comes to outreach to the latino community because of how they've been impacted whether it comes to health care and the economic crisis that has resulted from this pandemic as well. latinos have been highly disproportionally affected and you see kamala harris talking about that in her outreach and the ads coming out this weekend. >> okay, deepa, thank you for that. let's move on to josh letterman following trump's journey across the state of nevada. so with another good sunday to you, what is next for the trump campaign? >> well time is running out for the trump campaign to try to define joe biden and bring down his approval ratings. as we get closer and closer to the election, and polls continue to show across the country, especially in the key battleground states, at least a narrow lead for joe biden. some of the polls have started
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to tighten. but overall we are still seeing biden either locked in a tie, a statistical tie or slightly ahead in a lot of the state where's trump is going to need to hold on to his wins from four years ago. if he's going to win re-election. so we've seen president trump during this campaign swing today in nevada, as well as he's going to be heading on to arizona tomorrow. a key focus for him is trying to drive joe biden out of the basement as he said. try to get joe biden out there more so that there are more opportunities for donald trump to try to attack him. take a listen to what president trump had to say about his opponent in the race when he spoke at his rally last night in nevada. >> sleepy joe biden surrendered. you know where he is now. he's in his damn basement again. no, he's in his basement. joe is shot, let's face it. okay.
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he's shot. so not that he has anything to do, because he won't know what is happening. he'll just be locked up in a room someplace and the radical left is going to be running our country. >> reporter: and it is not true that joe biden has spent the last period of time locked in his basement. just in the last week he's visited at least three states. he and senator harris have been doing all kinds of other events virtually. but the strategy here, alex, from the trump campaign is that they see that the status quo is not looking great for trump. they have to change the dynamics of this race. joe biden by having a lower profile campaign on the ground than president trump has been able to basically allow the current state of the race to continue. the trump campaign eager to try to mix things up. get joe biden off of his game so they could try to make up a few points as we move past the last two months of the election. >> josh letterman at the white house, thank you. we have breaking news now. a change in the weather out of
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the west coast. that threatens to, if you could imagine this, make fighting the fires more difficult. the deadly flames are spread across several states. washington, oregon, california have been reporting the worst damage. officials in oregon say 33 people have died as a result of the fires there. as we give you some drone footage. it gives you a sense of destruction and loss. and then heavy smokes to lead to health problems. up and down the west coast air quality has been really unhealthy for weeks now in many areas. the deadliest of fires is burning in northern california, in the north complex fire where more than a quarter million acres have gone up in flames. let's go to scott cohen in california. scott, what are the conditions like for breathing? i know you have a mask for covid reasons, but it is got to also be helping you with regard to keeping the burn particles out of your lungs? >> reporter: yeah, it is kind of essential on multiple levels.
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we've been wearing masks for sometime for covid. but in this sort of area, you need it. i'll tell you a little bit about this fire and you alluded to this, we're getting to a critical juncture with the north complex fire which is now the deadliest in california. 12 deaths now we are learning as of this morning. but the weather is changing. winds are picking up. and the concern is that we have the smoke holding the flames down. but as the winds pick up, that blows out the smoke but also creates the potential for flare-ups. but then that does potentially give some relief to air quality. the air quality is horrible and the closer you are to the fires, the worst it is. >> my whole family is in chico. while i stayed here, my house was part of the evacuation order. didn't go anywhere. but the smoke is terrible. it's -- it doesn't look like it will clear up any time soon.
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it is not making my cough, but it is giving me a black flem in the morning that i'm coughing up. i'd put a mask on but honestly they don't help. i've worked in construction to know that stuff goes down your nose and into your cheeks and it just makes it harder for me to breathe. >> reporter: the breathing conditions, the air quality, it is horrible. but it is also, again, looking at this situation with this fire and what the fire crews are trying to do, as long as the smoke is holding the flames down, is to try to increase the containment and put in the lines so that if the fire flares up again they could keep it limited. this fire roared through the area. difficult for people to get out and the concern is, as i said, 12 people dead thus far and concern they will find more as they go through this. it is a tough situation up here. alex. >> it is a tragedy. there is concern everywhere you look, beginning with the air
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behind you, scott. to keep that mask on. wow, that interview with that guy. his mornings, woof, thank you. president trump's comment about white privilege to bob woodward. omarosa has something to say about that. omarosa is next. t that omarosa is next. humira patients,... ...this one's for you. you inspired us to make your humira experience even better... with humira citrate-free. it has the same effectiveness you know and trust, but we removed the citrate buffers, there's less liquid, and a thinner needle... with less pain immediately following injection.
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trump raise ago larms over his views on race. this comes after making headlines with interviews from bob woodward's new book titled "rage". >> you think there is systemic or institutional racism in this country? >> well, i think there is everywhere. i think probably less here than most places or less here than many places. >> okay. but is it here? in a way that it has an impact on people's lives? >> i think it is. and it's unfortunate but i think it is. >> joining me now omarosa, and also the author of the book "unhinged", an account of the
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trump white house. we're making a habit of this. in part because you have spent years with donald trump. before and during the presidency. so i'm going to play a little more from that interview, more somewhat alarming sound from last night as well, in just a moment. but first, what you just heard, what did you make of that? >> you know, i think that donald trump has shown african-americans over and over again that he does not care about the community. i mean, if you just look at what is happening, with unemployment numbers, he touts that african-americans have high levels of unemployment numbers but we're not seeing that in the community. he has not created domestic policy particularly for african-americans that make them feel like they want to give him another four years. if you look at what is happening with covid for instance, the community impacted the most are minority communities and african-americans particularly. if he cared about african-americans the way he continuously says he does, he could implement a plan to
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address the fact that african-americans disproportionately have been impacted by this disease. but donald trump doesn't not care. he cares more about his tee time than making sure that african-americans have the policies and that he implements them in a way to benefit and live the american dream. >> so, i'm going to play a very interesting sound bite here from the interview when bob woodward asked the president about white privilege. let's all listen. >> do you have any sense that that privilege has isolated and put you in a cave to a certain extent, as to it put me and i think lots of white privileged people in a cave, and that we have to work our way out of it to understand the anger and the pain, particularly black people feel in this country. do you -- >> no.
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you really drank the kool-aid, didn't you. listen to, y you, wow. i don't agree with you. >> drank the kool-aid. what do you make of that. >> he tried to make racial emotions and decisions about having his convention in jacksonville during ax handle sunday and the decision to go to oklahoma during one of the most painful weekends for a rally. donald trump doesn't say anything kind of haphazardly. he knows the that he's inflicting. but african-americans have become keen to his ways. we're no longer buying these little platitudes that he's throwing. by the way, his statements come from his heart. does he believe that white americans are elite to black americans and believes that he does not have to attend to black americans because he does not relate or connect. he is the leader of all americans. but he is made no attempt
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whatsoever to make any kind offent ray or may i make one point, in his white house the hiring practices has been abysmal. we have appointees, and african-american appointees are nongistent. there is ben carson and no other african-americans. if you look at the senior staff, there are no african-americans. donald trump does not care about the black community. >> omarosa, you bring up the diverse knit white hou diversity in the white house and why do you think there is any support for donald trump in the african-american community. what accounts for that support? >> it is a very broad question. >> of course. it is a monolithic thing. >> yes. i'll take a bite at it. i met donald trump in 2003 and when i met him he was that
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symbol of aspiration. i had a rapper and actors and elite african-americans athletes who associated themselves with donald trump because of that aspirational aspect. and so the reason you see his performance particularly in 2016 being 13% among african-american males because he made overures to african-american men. there is no question, they've been looking for leadership from the party over and over again and in some cases disappointed but i have to tell you there is no reason whatsoever for african-americans to look at what donald trump has done or failed to do in the last three years and decide to give them his vote. donald trump needs to go november 3rd and if you look at the biden and kamala team, and i took a deep dive into the policies they are proposing and african-americans will certainly benefit and prosper.
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>> you know, he keeps going back to the scare tactics about the suburb suburbs. let's listen to what he said last night about it. >> they were playing with the zoning so they could build projects in the suburbs. i said we're going to end it. somebody said, sir, let's just amend it. no, i want to end it. we have to end it. i don't want to have a lesser version. i was talking the other day, darling, somebody just moved next door. who is it? it's a representative of antifa. she looked at her husband and say, darling, we're out of here. antifa. >> i mean, trump supporters, do they buy this kind of rhetoric? >> well, first of all, let me be very clear, all americans deserve to have affordable housing. and the idea that donald trump would say that one american should not live in this area or that area, it is aggrievous.
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but his supporters who live in communities that do not have access to diverse community may actually believe him. but those scare tactics, i think, are ineffective. and let me tell you why. no one believes anything that is coming out of donald trump's mouth any more. this idea that you could identify someone moving in next door bia group that makes up 2%. it just makes no sense. and he's desperate and we see that because he keeps amping up these scare tactics and saying things that he believes that suburban voters will trigger and then go to the polls and vote for him. but we could see even that group is abandoning donald trump. >> were ears burning in the last hour because i did an interview with emily jay fox about samantha cohen who ended up in your office while doing a white house internship and she's michael cohen's daughter.
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what was that like? i guess you saved her from an internship was other wise was not up to her liking, let me say. >> samantha is a brilliant young woman and she was neglected in the first lady's office. they stopped her in a corner and gave her some kind of a terrible job. but when she came to my office, she was so eager to do some substantial work and the work that she did in my office was incredible and centered around women falling through the crack for stem and she took a deep dive. and she also worked for the peace corp. samantha deserved better and that office is failing her. i was happy to have her come into the office of public liaison and i believe that any of these wonderful brilliant young people who want to serve thur country should have an opportunity to do so and sam did so and now she's thriving. but what is happening with her father, i mean, when i think
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about what happened to michael cohen's family as a result of the threatening, the intimidation, the retaliation that this president has directed towards them, it just breakspy heart. it should break all americans heart to know that donald trump put michael cohen, samantha's father back into jail because he was intimidated by the stories that michael cohen would tell in his upcoming book. >> i'm sure samantha was grateful for her time spent in the white house. you did a good thing for her. >> she's awesome. >> good to see you. the big changes coming to nfl on the first sunds of football season as they intensify the fight for equality on and off the field. off the fd why?! ahhhh! incoming! ahhhahh! i'm saved! water tastes like, water. so we fixed it. mio
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totd national anthem, the song "lift every voice and sing" known as the black national anthem and will now be played. my colleague is in jacksonville, where fans have been allowed to attend that game. about a quarter of them in terms of the size of the stadium. so talk about what is happened and how getting back into the stadium is being received by the fans? i'm imagining they're pretty excited? >> reporter: hi, there, alex. they're excited, but talking about racial justice here, there has been a call for change in the black lives matter movement for years in the nfl. this week we saw with the chiefs game one of the players took a kneel and today just in the past hour in the stadium behind me during the national anthems played both the star-spangled banner and alicia keys lift every voice and sing, they took a knee -- the colts came out to the stadium, they were standing there, the jaguars did not come out. they were staying in the locker room and released a statement
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which i'll read part of. we understand not everyone will agree with our participation and demonstration but we hope all will seek to understand the reason for it. we all want the same thing, equality and justice. and now that is what the players have been hoping for now both in the nfl and around the country this summer with kind of dueling crisis and the coronavirus happening as well. >> and how about fans reaction to the social justice changes, lts singing of both anthems on field. have they commented to you much about that? >> reporter: yeah, i was talking to one of the brothers of a player who is playing his first nfl game here today and he was here supportive of his brother who is getting the chance to play for the jaguars. but he said, yes, this is so important and something that they need to be doing more of he thinks but he was focused on the first game for his brother. >> good for him and for that family. gary, thank you so much. so msnbc's ali velshi
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launches his across america 2020 tour today and kicked off in minneapolis where he spoke to voters about race relations and the state of policing and what effect it will have on them in november. >> alex, when a lot of people think about george floyd it takes their mind to philando castile. you knew him. >> i did. we went to high school together. he was ayear ahead of me. and the last few months have been traumatizing on multiple levels for me. to see police officers in uniforms that in the same police cars an the same uniforms that are supposed to protect me, to have seen the video of them killing george floyd in the way that happened, is, i can't tell you the deep-seated trauma because of it. i'm wearing this shirt, because this represents rebuilding and resilience and i want badly for our community to come together and understand what is going on
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and that there is systemic racism in policing. and when our president refuses to not only acknowledge it but flat out said that it doesn't exist, that is an attack against me and people who look like me. i just feel like there needs to be a chance for these walls to come down and for white people to truly listen and look at the facts. look at statistics. read, learn, educate yourself about what is happening and i think that this is an issue that more people would get behind if they did that. it doesn't have to be one that is politicized and i think it is unfortunate right now that it has been. >> the question, angelique, isn't just that it is politicized but as you've said it is that there are actually two americas in your opinion? >> absolutely. even speaking of the economy and how the economy is improved and i'm not understanding that
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because i certainly don't feel it in my paycheck. my circle of friends certainly aren't doing any better than they were before. and so there is a huge contrast there. and until america can really reckon with the legacy of slavery and discrimination and racism, we will never move forward. >> i was raised in a very conservative christian home. most of my life i had welcomed the label evangelical. i'm a believer in jesus christ. i'm a christian. it is for that reason that i'm passionate about racial justice. we were taught in my home and taught in our faith that every human being is created in god's image. and one of the great challenges, maybe the great challenge in america is that all our root systems that the dehumanization of native american and african-american slaves and
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we've never come around to make that right, repaired that damage. and so part of the reason why i'm leaning the way i'm leaning this election season is because i know there is zero chance of that being repaired under the current administration and actually it will probably get a lot worse and that is a very scary thought. >> ali velshi speaking to people in minnesota. it continues next sunday morning at 8:00 eastern with a visit to kenosha, wisconsin. tune in for that. the president's comments last night about latino voters are familiar and to some and alarming ring to them. that story and reaction is next. . and i'm still going for my best. even though i live with a higher risk of stroke due to afib not caused by a heart valve problem. so if there's a better treatment than warfarin, i'm on top of that. eliquis. eliquis is proven to reduce stroke risk better than warfarin. plus has significantly less major bleeding than warfarin. eliquis is fda-approved and has both. what's next? getting out there.
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now to decision 2020. with 51 days to go until the election, new remarks from the president as he host the a large crowd in the battleground state of nevada touting his relationship with the hispanic community with this comment. >> for the last four years i've been delivering for our incredible hispanic. i love the hispanic community. hispanics like tough people. they like people what are going to produce jobs. joe biden's party continues to attack our incredible border agents. they're incredible people. more than half of whom happen to be hispanic americans, did you know that? i know all of them. jose, how are you doing? juan, how are you doing? >> joining me now, victoria desoto from the university of
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texas. and a welcomed frequent guest on the broadcast. let me dive deep here. the president when he said hispanics like tough people and when he said that joe biden's party continues to attack the border agents. are either of those things true and are those comments going to hurt his perception within that community? >> so let me take a couple of steps back, alex. i think let's look at the support that trump has had among the latino community over the past four years and i think this gives some background. so anywhere from between 18 to 25% of the vote went to donald trump in the 2016 election. so in terms of kind of overwhelming love and overwhelming support for donald trump from that community, i'm not seeing that in those numbers. some pockets of the latino community such as in florida did have a higher level of support for president trump. but there isn't that. and then in terms of the claim that biden and the democrats have been attacking border
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agents per se, which is true of a substantial part of the border patrol is made up of latinos, i have not heard that. what i do hear is criticism about the immigration policies of this administration. trying to build the border wall, this is where i hear the criticism. so on the truth-o-meter, i'm giving it a lesser number. >> as of now as we look at numbers of support, there is a nbc news/marist poll out and it shows the president has 50% of their support, joe biden has 46%. what is behind that? >> yeah, not very surprising. however, it is a decrease in latino support or more specifically cuban support. that is the bulk of what we're seeing there for joe biden.
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traditionally cuban americans have voted for the republican presidential candidate. and in addition to that, alex, president trump has been putting in the work in south florida with cuban voters, with the republican voters. so he has been out there pounding the pavement. some criticism that biden until recently hasn't been putting in the work in florida. so in terms of spanish language targeted ads, trump had been there about a month earlier than biden had. so all in all, not super surprising but the question for me is what is going to happen with the puerto rican vote. trump is trying to make end roads with the puerto rican vote which is the second largest group in florida and they need to make sure they mobilize them and not let them get persuaded into the trump camp if they want any shot at florida. >> thank you so much for
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weighing in. well as the country facing a growing food crisis during this coronavirus pandemic, tonight my colleague joy reid and andrew zimmer with putting the spotlight on the issue, food in the pandemic, recipe for disaster. they look at how coronavirus has magnified the social inequalities involving communities of color including food deserts. joy spoke with one urban farmer who is doing something about it. >> a lot supermarkets don't want to come into the neighborhood because there is a cost factor. they've been told if you come into a low income neighborhood, you're not going to make money. >> in era where covid is acting black and brown and indigenous people, is there a connection between the fresh food availability and this increased propensity to be afflicted by things like covid? >> this pandemic has brought to the surface some inequities that we see. most of the people, especially in my neighborhood, are bounded
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by a food system is charity and subsidized bases. that mean the cheap food comes into our neighborhood. >> well joining me now, andrew zimmer and host of msnbc what is eating america. always good to see you my friend. let's get right into this. i'm curious what else you and joy took a look at? >> the fact of the matter, alex, hi, good afternoon, thanks for having me on. when i was on with you the first time, i believe at the middle or end of march, earlier this year, we talked about the food crisis in america. we saw the pictures from the san antonio food bank. we saw piles of food in the parking lots of distributors in florida and we talked about the plight of workers and the fact there are several, at least two or three identifiable food americas at play here and eating well is a class privilege in this country. and that the coronavirus
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pandemic had revealed this crisis and started to amplify it. and that was something that was on the front pages of every newspaper. and now it is worse. you have more people who are unemployed. you have more people who are receiving smaller checks. you saw in the velshi said that things are tight. we visited the san antonio food bank and joy visited with karen washington and we talked to a range of different people for the special. only are things worse but food banks are predicting a tripling of need between now and december. here in minnesota, where i live, our big food bank, second harvest heartland, they're saying they're going to see a 70% increase between now and december. restaurants are doing worse. there is no restaurants act passed yet.
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it is sitting there in front of the folks on capitol hill to pass a bailout for an industry that represents almost 5% of gdp. we're seeing now all of the pictures of closed restaurants, the ones that are open are only available for 25% of customers. we're in a very, very deepening food crisis and our wood workers are being abused. so everything that we talked about in march, april and may, has only grown worse so it was time to take a second and harder look. >> and you did a great job. i remember what is eating america, the four specials and the salinas valley farm workers an the food insecurity was shocking. speaking of shocking, what is everybody going to see tonight at 11:00 p.m. eastern. >> i think they're surprised at the depth of the hunger situation. hunger in america has always been stigmatized and sat sort of
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below the radar screen. nobody comes out and said oh, by the way i can't feed my family. but we know with the economic hit that so many families have taken, that things are worse. a whole new sector of economy that was above water is now below water. and i think those skyrocketing numbers are going to be shocking for people. food insecurity is on the rise in a country that is, you know, if you listen to the white house, doing so well with everything. well, just as with covid, we're doing less well when it comes to addressing our food crisis in america. >> we will look to you tonight to give us all of those details on this special. andrew zimmerman, good to speak with you. all of you be here to catch food and the pandemic with joy reid and andrew zimmer right here on msnbc. record heat and millions burned to the ground. the links between climate change and the west coast wildfires and what is being done to turn the
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this year, the u.s. is seeing a record number of tropical storms, hurricanes, of course in addition to these historic wildfires out west. so now, think about this. more than 3 million acres of land have burned in california so far just this year, which is nearly 20 times what had burned by this time last year. many scientists say the cause is climate change. and joining me now is nina oakley. nina is a research scientist for the center for western weather and whatern extremes at the scripps institution of oceanography at the university of california san diego. it is a big title because it is a big, huge issue, nina. i know that we have had the governor of california and many other scientists that say this record heat, the increased number, the intensity at the lightning strikes, the historic droughts, that it's all tied together and as a result of
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climate change. talk about the links between these things, between climate change and these extreme weather occurrences. >> yeah, so the wildfires we're seeing in california, it's a complex situation with several contributing factors, with climate change among them, but also land management, population increase, and recent weather events. and the role of climate change is climate change creates conditions favorable for the large and destructive fires we're seeing right now. we're already experiencing and we're projected to see more higher temperatures on average, more extreme heat waves, drier conditions, more severe drought in california, and all these factors serve to dry out that vegetation and create these conditions hazardous for wildfires. and we also expect to see shifts in precipitation patterns in a warming climate. california sees pretty much all of its rain and snowfall between about october and april. and so with a projected drying
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of the spring and fall, this can also prolong the wildfire season. >> are you, nina, surprised to see this happening right now? there were suggestions, and i believe governor newsom is one who said this, and he's noted for his devotion to the issue of climate change in the state, but this was stuff that was p projected to happen, maybe, i don't know, 2050, and here we are, everything is happening much more quickly than we had anticipated. do you back up that statement? i mean, is this something that could have been foretold would be happening right now or was it expected to happen later? >> yeah, this is one of the general sentiments in the field of climatology that we're seeing things even earlier than projected to happen. but we have these other factors contributing to why right now we're seeing the fires, you know, the climate change piece, of course, but also suppression, fire suppression in california
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for roughly the past century, an increase in population, especially in the areas where the wildlands meet human development also contributes. many of california's wildfires were ignited directly or indirectly by human activities such as arcing power lines, the camp fires that get out of control, off-road vehicles, so we have moke opportunities to ignielt fii ignite fires as well as we increase populations. >> one spark would do it. there was one fire in california that was caused as a result of just a spark when someone was doing a gender reveal party. i mean it's pretty horrific to think one little thing like that can cause thousands of acres to go up in flames. the question is, what can we do? when you talk about the amount of people that are living and encroaching in areas that were previously uninhabited, i mean, how do we prevent further damage
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on the environment and these kinds of wildfires? >> right. so prescribed burning and forest thinning to reduce that vegetation density are two actions that are commonly discussed to reduce the hazardous fire conditions. additionally, fire resistant building and landscaping, this would be kind of a climate adaptation strategy, can help protect homes as well as clearing vegetation around homes. we spent a better part of our saturday afternoon doing that yesterday. and also, just people being fire aware, especially during these hazardous fire conditions can reduce the number of fire starts. and of course, since climate change is a piece of this, policies, supporting both climate change mitigation, so reducing greenhouse gas emissions and enhancing greenhouse gas sinks as well as policy that supports climate change adaptation are needed. >> amen to all of it. i'm so glad you came onboard to speak with us and share your expertise. we should be paying close
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attention. >> thank you for having me. >> coming up next, lindsey reiser on why the president agreed to speak with bob woodward for so many hours. new reporting on the mystery man who encouraged trump to do all those interviews. that's going to do it for me. i'll see you next weekend when weekends with alex witt expands about an hour to 3 hours, you'll have enough. okay, lindsey's next. xt xt ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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another day closer to the election, and the messaging from both campaigns to win your vote could not be any more different. >> now i can be really vicious. i can be really vicious. and we'll start by saying we're going to start by saying that the democrats are trying to rig this election. because it's the only way they're going to win. >> we will need to make sure you have a president in the white house who actually sees you, who understands your needs, who understands the dignity of your work and who has your back. >> fresh today, the latest national polling from fox news shows biden up by five points, sitting right at the margin of error. and as criticism mounts over the president's interview with bob woodward, who encouraged him to do it? we have that answer, and why he was itching to sit down with the famed journalist. meanwhile, the presidential campaigns are
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