tv Politics Nation MSNBC September 13, 2020 2:00pm-3:00pm PDT
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president was in nevada. and despite the fact that the smoke from those fires was detectable even at his rally, the president's only mention of the spreading infernos came during this strange rambling aside. >> tonight our hearts are with all of the communities in the west battling devastating wild fires. i'm going there the day after tomorrow. i'm staying in your state tonight, but i'm going to be going to california. spoke to the folks in oregon, washington. they have never had anything like this. but, you know, it is about forest management. please remember the words, very simple, forest management. >> the president's explanation for the wild fire is nonsensible at best and an outright lie at best. experts agree that the severity
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of these disasters is being exacerbated by climate change, with no mention of forest management. it is no surprise this president has been path logically lying to the american public since, well, before his first campaign began. his political career was literally built on the racist lie that america's first black president was not born in this country. and as he now seeks re-election, his presidency is being consumed by the consequences of another lie now documented by veteran political report bob woodward. his constant effort to down play the severity of the coronavirus has caused potentially thousands of americans their lives. the only way the president can think of to overcome that deception is to draw out even
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more falsehoods about his opponent, joe biden. >> he is the worst candidate in the history of presidential politics. he doesn't know he's alive. he doesn't know he's alive. >> i'm not sure there is an ea e easier way to disprove a falsehood than joe biden doesn't know he's alive. but if this president is really worried about longevity, perhaps he should encourage his rally attendees to socially distance or wear a mask or they could be the next casualties in his botched pandemic response. and this encouragement of risky behavior during a deadly pandemic isn't helping him in the polls. according to a recent poll of swing states, the president is still attempting to catch up to joe biden. though biden's lead is within the margin of error in nevada
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and new hampshire. still, we're 51 days until the election. the president's desperation is increasingly evident. and even as his lies come crashing down around him, it raises the question, is there anything he won't lie about? joining me now is congressman james clyburn of south carolina, the house majority whip. congressman, we heard this week with the bob woodward book coming out actual tapes where the president told woodward that he knew, had been warned in early february of the deadly nature of this pandemic that was beginning to come into this country and that he purposely down played it because he didn't want to panic the public. at the same time, he kept going on this all the way until march
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and even then was very tempted and even now will not fully embrace telling people to wear their face mask and socially distant at his own rallies and at the same time really not pushing his party to put through some kind of second stimulus help to people that have run out of money with no fault of their own because of this -- the heavy blow this pandemic has given this economy, large part because the president and this administration didn't jump on it and want americans and lockdowns occur earlier in this pandemic. can we see some hope in the congress as the congress goes back this week? i know the democrats and you and speaker pelosi have done a lot. but do you see any hope in especially being that the senate, many of them, are up for
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election. is there any hope to get a breakthrough for the american people to be able to meet their needs? >> well, thank you very much for having me, reverend. it is always good to be on your show. you know, i grew up believing that it's always room for hope. in fact, our motto is, i hope. i do have hope, but very little hope, that we will be able to do anything that's meaningful until after these elections. these republicans have made a calculation as to what they need to do, and they seem to feel that all they need to do is make fun of people who wear masks, to deny the stimulus that all of us need, not just to keep people paying their bills but to keep
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this economy stimulated. that's what this $600 on top of the unemployment is all about, to stimulate this economy so people who own retail stores, people who own grocery stores can have customers that will help the economy going forward. we're not going to get this pandemic under control until we have real national leadership. and that's something that is foreign to this president. we've got to have mask wearing, not making fun of people who wear masks because we're not going to get any kind of a vaccine between now and the end of the year, so we got to prevent as much as we can. we all grew up with the old adage, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. so we can get prevention with
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people socially distancing, wearing their masks and this president seems to be not in tune with any of that. he continues to hold these rallies. he's bringing people in. i don't understand why these people can't read the effects of this. and, no, not to follow this shar latin. he has absolutely no regard for their well-being. you see he'd done for people livelihoods and you've seen what he's done for their lives. over 190,000 people have lost their lives listening to this president through no fault of their own. a lot of people did go to these events and they should not have gone. but a lot of people lost their lives and their livelihoods simply because this president has refused to fall for the leadership that is needed in
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order for us to get beyond this pandemic. >> now, talking about we need real national leadership, you're credited and certainly i'm one of them with turning around joe biden's campaign for the nomination and giving him the absolute turn around that he needed to become the victor and become the democratic nominee. you have also joined some of us in the civil rights community and you gave the real push to say he should have considered a woman of color as his running mate, and he has done that. his running mate, kamala harris, has followed his lead in doing a lot of remote campaigning, including this virtual round table just yesterday. >> we all need to make a plan to vote. we have too much at stake. immigrants have too much at stake. working families have too much at stake. so we must take action. we cannot sit this out.
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>> how do you think the campaign is doing in its deployment of harris on the campaign trail? >> i think she's doing a great job. kamala is an outstanding campaigner. she's an outstanding person. she has so much substance with her. i just believe that as this campaign goes forward people will see in her what so many of us have seen for a long, long time. she has a resume that is full of the kind of experiences that one needs in order to be able to empathize. this is the thing we have to do. anybody can sympathize. but she has the ability to empathize, and that is what will get us to where we need to be. the people of this country are crying out for leadership. they want to see this country go forward. you know, this is a great country. it doesn't have to be made great. it's great. we've got to figure out how to make that greatness accessible
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and affordable for all of our citizens, and kamala knows how to do that. joe biden knows how to do that. both of them have the kind of experiences that are necessary to move an agenda. this president has a lack of experiences. he has a lack of empathy. he has a lack of leadership skills. he has everything lacking that one needs in order to move a country like this one. and i'm telling you all you got to do is talk to people who are visiting this country, people who are observing this country from abroad, and they are highly disappointed and they are very anxious about what the future is going to be because they have always looked to this country as their shining light on the hill, and this president seems to be dimming that light every time he opens his mouth. he dims that light even more. and we have lost the kind of respect that this country has
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always had from its inception and this country is deserving of going forward. that's why i feel so good about joe biden and kamala harris, because they have what it takes to maintain the greatness of this country. >> now, one of the things -- i don't have a lot of time, but i have to raise this. one of the things you always advocated no matter who the presidential candidate has been, and you have done it with joe biden, is reaching all elements of the democratic base but also the american public. the day you endorsed joe biden, which again i feel was a turning point for him, you had him come to a breakfast of ministers in south carolina, 250 ministers right there in your base, and had them speak to us and you spoke before you took him over and endorsed him that morning. senator bernie sanders is expressing concern about the
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biden's campaign approach, suggesting he could focus more on progressive issues. do you agree with that? >> i think that all of us are progressives. you know, my dad was a minister, and i used to tell people all the time, he taught us to be conservative. he would tell us, when you leave a room, turn out the lights. if you make a dollar, you ought to be able to save a nickel. but i never heard his congregation to give conservatively when it was time to pick up their offering. he wanted a liberal offering. so i believe that the progressivety is all about the balance of moving forward with the right amount of conservativism, the right amount of liberalism, and that's what progressive government is all about. so i think that we do have an agenda that is progressive. look at the platform. all the kind of reforms that
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people are asking about for judicial, for policing, justice in policing, for judicial reform, it's all in his platform. so i'm just asking people, read the platform, listen to the speeches and then let's move together, move forward together. i think it's all there, so i don't think he's lacking in progressivety at all. >> all right. well, you say your daddy was a preacher. i know some preachers in south carolina that say you do a little jack leg preaching yourself. congressman, thank you for being with us. joining me now is my panel, new york times columnist michelle goldberg and michael steele, former spokesperson for speaker john boehner. let me go to you first, michelle. your reaction to this president
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talking about management, forest management, in the midst of these wild fires that has consumed california, state of washington and oregon and still not dealing with climate change. i mean, you have written extensively about his misleading in many areas in particular the pandemic. as you know, i'm an avid reader of michelle goldberg's columns. but how do you react to this statement last night? >> so i think we all know that this president has been a catastrophe for the climate. what's really striking about these comments at a time when so many states in the west are suffering so terribly, right, we have all seen the pictures of the auppocalyptic skies, people are really, really suffering. and this president, because he's
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only ever even purported to be the president of red america, really doesn't care what's going on in california, what's going on in oregon. sees no responsibility for the people who are enduring these, you know, historic calamities, right? all he can do is blame them, you know -- yeah, all he can do is blame them and also sort of pretend that he knows more about the underlying science than the experts, right? these fires are obviously not donald trump's fault. although, he has contributed to the climate catastrophe that's going to make them worse and worse and worse. but it is just -- i mean, i think that the extent to which the coast, the states where donald trump doesn't have a chance of winning, the extent to which they have just been abandoned by the federal government because we have a president who has no solidarity
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with so many of the american people, it's something that would have been really hard to believe four years ago. >> michael, a foundation poll found that 62% of americans are worried that political pressure from trump will rush a coronavirus vaccine. are you concerned that the administration isn't being truthful about the vaccine and what kind of public health fall-out will we be left to deal with if they do mislead the public about this? >> yes. i'm very concerned about it. i think the administration, as has been clear from the woodward book in a number of other areas has been deceitful about the progress of this virus from the beginning. i think the president has not been willing to do the hard steps of prevention, ramping up testing capacity, instituting a real contact tracing program. he's bet the farm on a vaccine
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before his election in november. and i am very concerned. i am reassured that leading pharmaceutical studies have said they will not bow to that pressure. i'm ae su do think there is a v chance that the president himself is pushing hard and perhaps too hard for that kind of miracle breakthrough. >> michelle, talking about polling, the new polling from the new york times and see yen that college still has biden up in key swing states, though within the margin of error in new hampshire and nevada. can trump gain ground there over the next 51 days in your judgment? >> i mean, look, we -- i think that anybody who lived through the trauma of 2016 should never count out the possibility of a trump victory, particularly in wisconsin. we have real shenanigans with mail-in ballots and this attempt to, you know, sort of throw a
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monkey wrench into the mailing out of ballots at the last minute by this lawsuit that's a kind of joint production of the green party and some republican aligned law firms. and there is going to be a lot of things like that, a lot of attempts to diseven franchise people. i don't think there is any chance whatsoever that donald trump will get the majority of votes in this country. but you don't need the majority of votes to win an american election. absolutely. i think everybody should be thinking about this election as if, you know, think of what you wish you would have done in the months before november 2016 and do that now. >> michael, the cook political report has both florida and nevada shifting right wards, potentially due to questions about biden's ability to carry latino voters. as a republican, how do you see this?
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>> i think it's a real problem for the biden campaign. i think charlie cook is one of the best handicappers in the business. i think he's right. one of the biggest differences between joe bidened and hillary clinton is joe biden had these massi massive negatives. no one hates joe biden, but he does have a real deficit among latino voters and it's very strange to see a democrat doing relatively well in the midwest, yet within the margin of error in nevada and florida. >> how should biden address the question that some latino voters has about supporting him? >> well, i think it really depends on the break down of who those voters are, right? obviously the cuban community in florida is very different from mexican americans in nevada. so i don't think we can really
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talk about the latino vote for the hispanic vote. we're talking about many communities with some common interests and some interests that doesn't overlap. i mean, i would hope -- i was relieved to see that michael bloomberg is putting $100 million or promising to put $100 million into helping joe biden in florida. there obviously needs to be just a lot more attention to those constituencies. i think when you really follow politics and you are really obsessed with politics, it is sometimes hard to remember that not everybody else does and that there is some people who won't turn out unless you ask them to, right? that you actually need to go out to people and make your case and sometimes make it over and over again. >> i am a witness to that. michelle goldberg and michael ste steele, thank you for being with us. 50 days left until the 2020 election.
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we'll talk to one of the democratic candidates running for senate in the critical state of georgia and the department of homeland security is supposed to protect all americans against tor error. so why is the trump administration working overtime to play down the growing threat of white supremacy? but first my colleague richard lui with today's other top news stories. >> the number of confirmed coronavirus cases now topping more than 6.5 million. the number of fatalities growing close to 195,000. meanwhile, wild fires in the west, they continue to spread with flames consuming parts of washington state, oregon and california. more than 3.1 million acres of land have burned in california alone this year. and the august complex fire is now the largest in state history. 33 people have died and dozens more are still missing.
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i want to aim squarely at the trump's department of homeland security. i'm confident my aim will be better than theirs is. first a brief history lesson for my younger viewers because there will be eligible voters in this upcoming election who were just babies when the department of homeland security was created in response to the september 11th terrorist attacks 19 years ago.
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the new cabinet agency was tasked with the, quote, safe guarding the country against terrorism and responding to any future attacks. and while we have been thankfully free of any 9/11 scale attacks over the last 19 years, recent events have americans posing the question: whose homeland does the trump administration think they are securing? in the very first month of the trump administration, we got the news they would seek to focus exclusively on countering the threat of islamic extremism, ignoring the threat of far right and white supremist terrorism. and soon enough dhs was following the trump line, defunding a group that helped to deter and rehabilitate neo-nazis and other white supremacists. this despite the fact that dhs
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itself has continually listed white supremacists as the deadlyist terror threat in its own assessment drafts. the tension between the department's intelligence and its public position boiled over this week as a whistleblower came forward alleging that senior dhs officials were directing the intentional distortion of intelligence to match up with the president's rhetoric. the complaint specifically mentions the downplaying of the threats posed by russian interference in the election and white supremacy. and though dhs has denied the accuracy of this complaint, it certainly seems to fit well with mr. trump's actions and world view. so while we end this untenable position, the agency tasked with the projection of our homeland
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allegedly downplaying the very real threat of white supremist violence at the behest of the president of the united states, perhaps it's because this president sees white supremacists and those who support them as his base. the trump administration is even going so far as to halt antiracist trainings at federal agencies calling them anti-american. the unfortunate implication that move is clear. if this administration thinks being anti-racist is anti-american, they must believe that racism is inherently american, which would explain their desperation to downplay the wave of violence being committed on our votes by white supreme cysts. so dhs is at a cross roads, and it must choose, defending all inhabitants of this country or
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providing cover for a president who has never even pretended to care about all americans. because while the department of homeland security hasn't been around since the founding, it still must adhere to the u.s. constitution. this homeland belongs to all of us, not just those this president sees as in his corner. it's long passed time the agency started acting like it. i got you. i got you. a lot goes through your mind. how long will this last? am i prepared for this? are we prepared for this? with fidelity wealth management, your dedicated adviser can give you straightforward advice and tailored recommendations, with access to tax-smart investment strategies designed to help you keep more of what you've earned so you'll know you're doing what you can for your family and your future. that's the clarity you get with fidelity wealth management.
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kelly is running in a special election this fall. according to the cook political report, her race leans republican, while david purdue's race is a toss-up. joining me now is one of the democrats running against kelly laufler, senior pastor. thank you for joining me tonight, reverend. >> good to see you, reverend sharpton. thanks so much. >> now, when i hear your name and when we talk, i think about and i put this in context of your candidacy. first people need to be reminded you pastored a church that was pastored by dr. martin luther king jr. and sr. but one of the highlights of my life will be on the night in november 2008 when the first black president was elected.
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we opted not to go to chicago where he was getting the results and had been invited to the -- what ended up being the celebration, but we said let's have a watch night service where your father pastored and watch like it was the new year's night. and thousands came. and you allowed us to come and host it that night. and you and i were sitting with dr. king's sister when barack obama was announced the winner. and i'll never forget his sister, who is a major pillage in the church had tears come down. john lewis was behind us as we watched barack obama elected. i think about that to say your run for the senate emanates out of your long-standing activism and out of you capturing the king pulpit the night we elected
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the first black president with the king family seated there. >> oh, i remember that night well. it was an inflection point without question in our country. we saw barack obama become the president of the united states as we were sitting there. you and i next to ms. christine king who, by the way, a couple days ago, on september 11th celebrated her 93rd birthday. i think we are at another inflection point in our country. this is a moment for us to reclaim the american dream that dr. king spoke so eloquently about. he and black people in his generation had every reason to doubt that promise, but they held fast to it. we of course officiated john lewis' funeral a few days ago. his was a fate born of suffering, a moral authority that transcended human station
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and called the human law to more closely align itself with the law of love. that's what my campaign is about. i grew up. you know, i'm the pastor of dr. king's church, sure, but that's not where i started. i grew up in public housing in savannah, georgia. my dad was a preacher and a junk man. he preached on sunday mornings, but he spent most of his days picking up junk cars that other folk thrown away. on sunday morning he took off his dirty clothes, if you will, and put on his church clothes and preached. i have been at the church now 15 years. i have been fighting for health care reform. i have been fighting for voting rights. i worked alongside stacey abra s abrams. >> who is supporting you, by the way, a big supporter of yours. >> absolutely. she and i had been working
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together all of these years to register voters, to empower voters, to educate voters and we saw the impact of that in her race in 2018. she was running against a man who was the player on the field and the umpire. and in spite of all of his voter suppression is clearly putting his thumb on the scale, he barely eked by her. the good news is that since 2018 in georgia we have registered some 750,000 new voters. 49% of them are people of color. 45% of them are under 30. and so you are witnessing before your very eyes the rising of the new south. it is bold. it is inclusive. it is forward looking. and you will see the results in a few weeks. >> now, recent aarp poll shows you tied with bill collins in second base behind kelly
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loeffler in your race. how much are you hoping they split the republican vote because it is all in one in this election. it is not separate by democrat/republican. how much do you hope that split the republican vote to help vote you in to second place? what is georgia's democratic path forward if you don't win one or two senate seats this election cycle? because if you win -- if you come in at the top two, i understand, in november, then you run again in january, those top two against each other. so my question is do you feel that collins and loeffler will give you an edge to make sure you are in the top two for the january election? >> you know, in my heart i'm a preacher, so i do spend more time thinking about who i'm running for than who i'm running
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against. but there is no question. they're already splitting the vote. and there is no wonder that they're splitting the vote. they essentially have the same message. they're arguing if you elect me i will do the better job representing donald trump. so the folks who think that the country is doing well with nearly 200,000 deaths, with a kind of economy that we haven't seen since the great depression. if they think that it's good to represent somebody who we already have, then they can choose between the two of them. i'm running to represent the people of georgia, all the people of georgia. and, yes, we're seeing my numbers move. i need 50% plus one to win on november 3rd. if no one does that, as you point out, the top two will go to a january 5th run-off. >> all right. the reverend, thank you for being with us tonight. coming up, he went from the
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nfl to nasa, but he says a run with police might have ended his amazing life story before it even began. lee land melvin's powerful message on racism is right after the break. your blood sugar is crucial. try boost glucose control. the patented blend is clinically shown to help manage blood sugar levels. it provides 60% more protein than the leading diabetes nutrition shake. try boost glucose control. we kand however we connect,ng. whether it's over the phone, online, or in your office, we're here to listen and provide solutions that help you run your business better. because the decisions you make have far reaching implications. and a relationship with a corporate bank like pnc can provide just what you need. as one of the nation's largest banks, pnc brings customized insights and a local approach. to make informed choices now and in the future.
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if i didn't have insurance to cover them immediately and fully. forty years later, one of those little boys, my son beau, was diagnosed with terminal cancer, given months to live. i can't fathom what would have happened if the insurance companies had the power to say, "the last few months, you're on your own." the fact of the matter is health care is personal to me. obamacare is personal to me. when i see the president of the united states try to eliminate this health care in the middle of a public health crisis, that's personal to me too. we've got to build on what we did because every american deserves affordable health care. i'm joe biden and i approve this message.
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earlier this summer, a number of high profile black americans have talked about their own interactions with law enforcement. my next guest is a former nas s and former nfl player, two challenging and dangerous jobs. he said one of the scariest moments of his life came when he was pulled over by police. i was in a car with my girlfriend and a police officer rolled up on us and he took her out of the car and told her i was raping her because he wanted me to go to jail, end of quote. he also wrote a telling mémoire titled chasing space about his life from the national football league to space. lelann melvin joins us now. thank you, mr. melvin for being on this show. your statements and book was
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very compelling to me. tell me -- i mean, to read you say that nothing that you went through in space and nothing that you went through on the football field scared you as much as that encounter with police, tell me about that. >> thanks for having me on, reverend sharpton. you know, with space, you have three failures deep before you know you are going to have a really bad day and that's predictable. you kind of know what's going to happen most of the time. with this police officer, obviously he was racist because he wanted me as an african-american jail to go to jail because i was with my girlfriend post graduation and i was ready to go to college. you know, once an african-american male is in the prison system, it's very, very hard to get through it. these exploits of flying in space and the nfl would have
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been thwarted. >> now, you are a former ast astronaut, former nfl player. what made you come forward and talk about this encounter with police? what made you come forward and say, despite all of what accolades that i could have for what i have achieved in my life, i want to talk about this. what made you do that? >> you know, i don't care which station of life you are in, where you are high or low. it is so important right now that we share these stories so that the good people do something. and that's one of the biggest problems right now in our country where there are good people out there and they don't know these stories. they don't know this astronaut and nfl player almost went to jail right out of high school. if more people understand the gravity of what's happening in
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the streets -- and it is not all police officers. it is not everyone. it is those that feel like they have the power to change someone's life just because they can. and a lot of it has to do with racism, dark hearts, people that don't want to see other people exceed and excel. and i just think that we have to have a conversation like, you know, manuel talks about an uncomfort discussion about race. you know, i was in space with people we used to fight against, russians and germans, and i depended on them for my life. if they switched the wrong switch, we would have all been gone. but looking at the planet, it makes you see we're one connected civilization. the more people that have this opportunity to hear these stories and see the impact of what could have happened to me instead of me sharing my culture and my heritage in space back to the planet, that could have
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radically changed with that one incident. >> you said you want to help move the conversation forward and by stepping out there talking about this someone that they would not expect would even bring this up. i think you're you're moving th conversation forward because who you are, what you've achieve and you have no personal ax to grind or not benefit by telling this story. i think it does help move the conversation forward. >> yeah, i think we all have to tell our stories. no matter what color, culture, what we eat, what we talk about, how we talk. we all have to connect, make this connection and bond as a civilization because you know, seeing, again, seeing the planet and getting that cognitive shift, the change in the way you see yourself in the universe. if everyone could have that perspective shift, i think things would change radically. >> leader melvin, thank you for
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being with me tonight. up next, my final thoughts. stay with us. up next, my final thoughts stay with us >> tech: at safelite, we're committed to taking care of you and your car. >> tech: we'll fix it right with no-contact service you can trust. >> tech: so if you have auto glass damage, stay safe with safelite. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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talking about law enforcement, i am condemning and hope that you will all that grieve in prayer will pray for two los angeles county deputy sheriffs in the sheriff's department, two deputies that were shot last night in compton, california. as we fight to correct law enforcement, let us not forget those that put their lives on o the line and let us not have a double standard where we only stand for what is right when law enforcement are the ones that are the shooters and others shoot law enforcement. investigators have not said yet what the motive was, who the suspects are or whatever the reason, there is no just any
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kags in shooting law enforcement and we should pray for the survival of these two officers. we must have the moral standing to stand for whatever what violence against people are perpetrator or is executed no matter what. i talk about this at length in my book that's coming out this month, rise up, because we cannot rise up with two different standards of morality. the nation is at the cross roads, i write in the book, and you've got to be firm in your moral stand to help guide up the right cross road. you can get the book, but more importantly right now, pray for those officers. that does it for me. thanks for watching. i'll see you back here next weekend at 5:00 p.m. eastern. up next, maria teresa cuemar continues our coverage. cuemar continues our coverage breast ca, which is breast cancer that has spread
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to other parts of the body, are living in the moment and taking ibrance. ibrance with an aromatase inhibitor is for postmenopausal women or for men with hr+/her2- metastatic breast cancer, as the first hormonal based therapy. ibrance plus letrozole significantly delayed disease progression versus letrozole, and shrank tumors in over half of patients. patients taking ibrance can develop low white blood cell counts, which may cause serious infections that can lead to death. ibrance may cause severe inflammation of the lungs that can lead to death. tell your doctor right away if you have new or worsening symptoms, including trouble breathing, shortness of breath, cough, or chest pain. before taking ibrance, tell your doctor if you have fever, chills, or other signs of infection, liver or kidney problems, are pregnant, breastfeeding, or plan to become pregnant. common side effects include low red blood cell and low platelet counts, infections, tiredness, nausea, sore mouth, abnormalities in liver blood tests, diarrhea, hair thinning or loss, vomiting, rash, and loss of appetite.
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good evening. there's been a very busy week ahead of politics. congress is facing increased pressure to reach a coronavirus stimulus deal before election day and we'll talk about the fight to keep the trump administration from shorten iin the census, but first, 51 days until election day. a new national poll out today from fox news chose joe biden five points ahead of president trump. 51-46%. and trump is trailing biden in a number of swing states including nevada where president trump is
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