tv The Rachel Maddow Show MSNBC September 14, 2020 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT
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they admitted they really had not put that much thought into their vote. they thought hillary clinton is going to win no matter who they voted for. they had not done much research into things that trump said or did. they were really busy and work and monitoring the news. their facebook feed told them different stories about donald trump. they are better educated now and they have a record to look at. >> jenna johnson. thank you for sharing your reporting. that's "all in" for monday night. "the rachel maddow show" is here. >> good evening, thank you, chris. a lot of news tonight. we'll be checking win the situation with the wildfires on the west coast tonight. oregon, washington, and both
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northern california and southern california continuing to struggle with the worst wildfires. whole town burned and dozens of life lost already. today widespread suffocating smoke, blanketing from the west coast and even far away. some of the worst air quality on earth is in the american west right now. we'll be checking on that a little bit later on this hour. at the atlantic magazine reported jeffery goldberg who had the unnerving scoop a week ago about the president calling service members losers and suckers. today jeffery goldberg had another scoop since the impeachment of the president this past december with
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alexander vindman. lester holt had just done the first interview with vindman and it is a remarkable thing. >> what is your message to young military officers? >> i am concerned about how this played out. i had a lot of peers and younger officers reaching out and soldiers reached out and people i have been known to pass support. there was an under tone to kind of some of the responses from these people, fellow service members. that is i did the right thing in their perspective, i feel like i am hung out to dry.
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that's what i fear most of a second trump administration. you have good people that understand or have a strong moral understanding what's right and wrong. what you can have and can't have is this creeping view, you need to compromise. do you blame secretary of defense or secretary of army or chief of staff army? no, i understand their roles are bigger and they are responsible for the whole enterprise. what i do have concerns about is that in letting one thing go, you basically created a slippery slope that compromises the ethics and values of the institutions. i try to live by the seven army values, selfless and serve on integrity and personal courage. i don't think many people can
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fault me. in living those values, i still end up in the situation where my curve is done. >> what was your reaction when the senate failed to convict the president? >> i was not surprised. again, i was could be considered idealistic. i hope not naive. it did not surprise me the republican members in the senate and majority would not convict the president. would i was i disappointed? absolutely. >> and they let self-service, trumps their duties to the united states. it does not make a difference if you are a republican or a democrat, you have one duty at
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the national level, serve the constitution and serve your people. >> some are calling you bitter, are you bitter? >> i don't think so. i hope i don't come across that way. i tend to take an intellectual approach to looking at problems. i can't say my family has been through moments, my wife reacts to a lot of these and her husband is under attack and our family been criticized. i see it beyond my span of control. these are things i can't influence and therefore they are background noise. in that mindset, i am not the mostly calling this situation.
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i take an analytical view as to what's going on. would i like to continue my military career, which was still on being selected as colonel. i will helicoptcontinue to serv best way i can. i see this conversation as a continuation of my service. it would be comfortable for me to sit quietly and stay out of the public's eye. what i remember to be a significant amount of personal risk and reputation risk to come out here and talk to you and "the atlantic" with one hope in mind and that hope is to share the perspective that can somehow
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inform an electorate, maybe persuade them to choose an alternative of what we have. >> that's a strong political viewpoint. prior to all this, would you describe yourself being political? >> i hope that frankly after this election, i can return to my comfort zone which is being equilibrium. i think i have been in a complacency that everything is going to be okay. hopefully we'll have a strong democracy and we'll live through this. but, i am not inherently political. i am most recently registered.
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i am voting for my registration card. now i am a civilian. i am looking forward to register to vote. >> tell us how do you plan to register? >> i think those are our personal decisions. >> i understand. >> i can tell you this, the choice i made in the election is clear. i am going to be voting for the other guy. >> alexander vindman speaking to lester holt. he sacrifice his career to tell the chain of command and ultimately to tell congress when he was subpoenaed about crimes he saw the president committing from the national security council and the white house. after what he had been through and in terms of retaliation against him for doing that and getting fired from the white house and ultimately railroaded out of the military.
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it is really something to see him willing to speak out. you haert theard him. he thinks he can continue to serve and he can warn people how much worse things could get given the second term and what he saw in the first term. it is incredible. a long a lift plot line showing some of the same recharacteris s characteristics. you may remember aaron zelinsky. aaron zelinsky testified that
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robert got special treatment. the case against stolen pointed to him lying to investigators in order to protect the president. hodger stone since had been intensed in and strung anyway, served from having to serve his sentence, way. >> we learned that eric's interview did not lead to nothing. julia ainsley and ken dilanian reports tonight. >> of course it raises the immediate session, what is he going to do this. if the in vers investigators be
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out, what happened in this case. >> that should be interesting. you shoulz should although that the way it was reported. so watch this space. there is a lot going on tonight. i also want to talk about the news that broke today. i have been working on this all day. i remember everything that come out, it strikes me as too weird to be true. but rather it is true. the fbi came to capitol hill, gave members of congress a warning. a briefing, a warning about this guy. it had come to the fbi attention that members of congress. >> reporter: in touch with this
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guy, former ukraine officials. they were trying to get information from him for various c congression congressional. the fbi came to the - that warning, notable warning that ends up in "the new york times." >> that worning from the fbi came after this guy turned up, sort of on the edges of republican circles. kids started shoveling information towards republican congress that he said they should use. he 'peered in a probanana host
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bide michael capudo. >> he's running a disinformation campaign targeting the united states. they worn lawmakers not to believer anything he as is. there he is. he ran on far right. >> michael caputo turns up in weird places. we featured one of the strange stories. they apparently lied to the intelligence community when they'veed. both kudos, they never had hahad
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had -- but then when capudo was asked by the same question by pros kei prosecutors and he had text messag messages. roger stone and caputo. >> no, jesus, did he lie in. >> i am sorry, did we talk to this guy. e-mails completely democrating different. >> that was a side bar for the mueller report. the senate put out the big report on shush that appearance. >> we got all this new information. all laid out in very dark terms. once again the michael kudo pops
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up there. >>. this is from the senate intelligence committee. >> it supported acourt report of russian active measure cam plain. >> in delumanafort relationship the russian government began with his introduction, to owe gark. >> the russian acted as a - a -- derek paskll. the committee limited insight into the origins of manafort's relationship with many oligarch
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but it likely began in 2004. the report continues. a former flow, if a firm run by several others and including roger scone. so, i thof that's sort bound body. >> it is just part of a background story that we need to understand daily events is in the news these dies. that's the background that gets us to michael cueto guy. >> when really does purn up here. time and the trump campaign was working on the project for more
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than a decade. he's doeng with thing with this. and from the beginning of his relationship, he's vofr involved in the pascal. roger stone later gets sent to the president while trying about it. he has to go to the prison for a long time after his convictions instead the justice department and that's now under invasicisi. >> somehow he feedback miraculously being charged. cueto makes a di sar tr trua fe.
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he's a weird guy who turns at that weird pint. >> often with a rare connection of russia and to people getting convi convicted. >> that's a back story. and so what do you think happens to a guy like this? turns out they put him in charge of the center of krz control. >> michael pew toe had no background whatever so ever. >> he can start dictating to the cdc the cdc could say about the coronavirus and how they are
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pronounced since their announcement of cow vid had to line up closely about what they are saying about the virus. >> this story breaking late on friday neegt. >> michael kudo de&ing what i thinks to the cdc's report. >> it is author by career scientists. and these publications had been viewed as a corner stone for decades. since michael caputo, there is
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been efforts to help with trump's staples. the president claims fears of the outbreak or over stating. there is efforts of stopping the report all together. >> michael, as the pandemic is taking off installment in april. health and human services department oversees the cdc. >> he hires himself and he appoints himself a scientific advisor. he was an assistant professor. caputo seeks to overthrow the cdc. caputo tells the cdc they are no longer to allow to --
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>> the report, must be head by someone outside of the cdc like myself. we can't allow the the reporting to go on as it has been. nothing to go out unless i agree with the findings. and i tweak it. >> nothing to go out unless i read it and agree. >> hide by a guy who plays the role of forest scas scump. they have succeeded and not just push. and, he succeeded in
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substantially delaying the cdc reports. the important for policymakers and decision makers thinking about whether to put kids back in school together. they also succeeded in delaying a cdc report on how hydroxychloroquine is not a miracle cure for covid no matter what you hear from fox news host about it. >> so the reporting starts on friday night and gets developed over the weekend and then this arrives. >> reporting on how michael caputo, how he's comporting himself. now that we know that guy of all people is controlling what the american people are allowed to know. what the world is allowed to know from the cdc about the science on covid. michael caputo did a facebook
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live even for his followers. >> here is the report. mr. caputo's comments in the video. he can be in physical danger. vote, if you carry gun, by a new one lanl. it is going to be hard to get. >> how long is mr. cupodo most most -- mr. caputo says "remember the trump supporter who shot and killed." that was a drill. >> there are hit squads being trained all over the country so
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mount our position for a second term. you understand they'll have to kill me. i think that's where this is going. >> mr. caputo predicted that the president will win reelection come december. when donald trump refuses to stand out the nothing realization, the shooting be began. >> the drills that you have seen are nothing. mr. caputo went further saying his mental health has definitely failed. i don't like being alone in washington, shadows on the ceiling in my apartment are alone. shadows are so long. >> this is who's in charge, the president of the united states has installed, insisted must be
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in charge of whether the cdc publish its covid site or not. >> the shadows are so long. the drill you see is nothing. >> the shooting will begin. buy ammunition. the response to this reporting, there is no sign that michael caputo's zwrjob is in danger. >> why would that be the guy in charge of this global pandemic. more to come. f this global pandc more to come ♪ i had this hundred thousand dollar student debt. two hundred and twenty-five thousand dollars in debt. ah, sofi literally changed my life. it was the easiest application process.
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the career scientist who works for the center disease control. there are scientists who work for americans who do not want america to get well. scientists deep in the cdc have given up science and become political animals. they walk around like they are monks but they are engaged in n rotten science. he accused the so-called this unit of being determined, undermined president trump. these people are all going to hell. i do not think it means what you think it means. caputo's profound understanding of the word. that admittedly is the least of
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the problem here. michael caputo's comment remains live yesterday, first reported today by "the new york times." he simultaneously says while he's doing that he's being hu hunted. this is a real thing. this is really who they got as a gate keeper on covid information for the public and the world. really. the person who wrote that story of "the new york times." thank you so much for your time this evening. i appreciate you being here. >> thank you. rachel. >> you reported this straight up with drirect quotes and no commentary. i am giving my opinion about it because i can't stop myself
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because it strikes me as so bananas. is there a connection between mr. caputo's sort of crazy pants ranting and the conspiracy theory that you reported on and the way he's been comporting himself at hhs? >> well, this shows mr. caputo that reporters deal with him have not realizing up close so it was rather surprising in that way. he does not usually talk like this. i would say that the views that he expressed are different than some other people than the president's inner circle. >> i apologize, i didn't mean to cut ayou off. >> there are echoes in what the president himself said of mr.
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caputo's remarks. the president disparaged scientists. he thinks the deep states are out to get him and they're controlling the pandemic and he's cast out on whether the election is going to be fair. he suggested that there is some sort of armed squads that are prepe preparing for actions. >> the thing that i find most upsetting about this reporting on mr. caputo is the reporting of the cdc has actually bent to him that there has been adjustments made to wording and to the ways that the cdc has phrased things including in their weekly publications and
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there has been significantly delays in some cases week's long delay and publishing information that seems to be important and that has direct, real world applications to the decision that doctors are making of how to treat patients, specific because mr. caputo and his team have been insisting on those changes and delays and trying to block publications. >> does it surprise you that the cdc did not have more institutional ggravitas. >> the campaign and the health agency is dealing with the pandemic. it is not just the cdc but the cdc proves to be more appliable.
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i think a number of scientists within the cdc would say dr. redfield who is leading the agency has failed to protect them from political interference. the results is what we see going on with these reports. sorry. the fda seems like is more on the verge. its roll out of the plasma is rushed. scientists and other agencies agree that was the right thing to approve the treatment and on the other hand, the fda approved hydroxychloroquine.
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it is also not as much in the frontlines as the other two agencies. >> thank you so much for helping us understand this remarkable and unnerving reporting. thank you for helping us understand. >> thank you. >> not everyday you get this kind of reporting on a public official who has done something that should not be able to be done, right? scientific, integrity at the highest levels of the public health infrastructure. you don't think it will be compromised by people who had zero sign ti scientific backgro. and how this public official is
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publicly describing himself as mentally hill and ready for the shoot him up in the next scene of this movie he's imagining. be well, it is monday and the trump administration. stay with us, we'll be right back. administration stay with us, we'll be right back >> tech: when you've got auto glass damage... ...safelite can come to you. >> tech: and you'll get a text when we're on our way. >> tech: just leave your keys on the dash and we'll replace your windshield with safe, no-contact service. >> tech: schedule at >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪
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this is what it looked like in madison, wisconsin, 80,000 absentee envelopes for the president election. you can see the same deal here. rows and rows, labels and ready to mail absentee envelopes. you can see the sign that says "need ballots." the envelopes are there but not the ballots. the deadline for clarks and
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other counties to send out millions of ballots. at the very last minute the supreme court toll them aold ma should stop. one clerk told cnn "it would not be obtainable to meet the deadline to send out ballots." another clerk warning "we are too far into the process for this to occur." the clerk in wisconsin telling "the washington post," "this is really nuts." republicans in congress swoop into demand the green party candidates to be added to these
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ballots. that's when the supreme court agreed to up the whole mail absentee ballots for them. regardless of how you feel about the green party and what it does toelections. this fiasco is really a republican republican-op. it was trump supporters who helped with the green party with the supreme court petition. that was filed by a republican law firm in milwaukee. they have their reasons and we have ours. for the trump supporters, helping the green party getting their candidates out in wisconsin, those reasons the wanting to help had something to do with the fact that in 2016 it went great for them. jill stein got a number of votes
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in wisconsin that was larger than the margin by which clinton lost to donald trump. republicans would love to have another green party candidate in wisconsin for just that reason. they almost got that. until tonight that effort failed, just barely. by a single vote, rejected to get all the ballots scrapped and reprinted. they are working late into the night so they can mail out the ballots first thing tomorrow morning. that scene is being played out across the state. that particular republican scam to try to get votes from the democratic ticket did not quite succeed at the last second in the swing state of wisconsin. it is not the only stamp they are trying. we are starting to see which one is more potent than others.
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among the shenanigans that the republican party is getting up to trying to mess with the november elections. there are five states that are working on getting rap star, kanye west, onto the ballot. they want khan west to be president. that's impossible because he's only on a few ballots. it may be confusing enough that some people may vote for him instead of voting for joe biden. one place that kanye west's ballot succeeded is in iowa. this is a guy who the republican
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party cut ties with in 2012. you would think that would kind of make him an outcast for republican politics. that's apparently that has not been a concern for this republican party. another republican operative apparently working on the trump/kanye west iowa effort was once banned from walmart stores across tennessee. he was running fake voter registration drives. he told walmart he was running voter registration drives when it was actually an effort for the republican candidate. when they reached that particular gentleman by phone for that story and asked whether he is now working on the kanye west campaign in iowa, the man replied, quote, maybe. maybe. seven weeks to election day. get ready for shenanigans like this to multipi exponentially.
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joining me now is the reporter for the daily beast and the co-author of "sinking in the swamp: how trump's misfits poisoned washington." thank you for this reporting. so i have been covering on and off the kanye west effort as a trump campaign dirty trick, essentially as a trump campaign republican party op to try to frustrate democrats and also maybe shave some votes off of joe biden's vote total in some key states. is that the right way to look at it? >> yeah. it's not really a sophisticated large scale itself. at least certainly the operation in iowa that i reported on seems to be much more of a string operation than the trump campaign. there is no evidence that i have seen that the trump campaign is directly involved. but we have seen very openly a number of pretty prominent
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republican operatives doing their best to boost kanye west, they hope at the expense of joe biden, possibly with the implicit support of more prominent republicans in washington. we don't know just how deep that goes. but there are some fairly prominent people, including this gentleman nathan scroll that i covered in the story that we did today. >> in terms of him, he along with his firm have faced a few formal legal complaints, including an allegation that he boosted raff eed ralph nader's in 2004 at the direction of the gop. he signed an affidavit denying that. but you wrote the rnc, the republican party, has felt the need to cut ties with him in the past because he's crossed lines that even they were uncomfortable with. >> obviously any legal problem
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will be a problem for a major political party but doubly so when voter fraud is sort of central to, you know, your key kind of election era messaging, and that's arguably never been more the case than it is this election cycle. so it's particularly ironic, even if it's in a round about way to see some of these folks, and you mentioned some of the examples in the top of the segment sort of going to bat in an underhanded fashion for republican presidential candidate who is just ad nauseam discussing the sort of systemic problems in his telling with, you know, potential voter fraud or registration fraud. >> our reporter from the daily beast. thank you for chasing this down. the granular detail ends up being so much more expressive. that's just the top lines. thank you for finding all these folks and helping us understand. i really appreciate it. >> you bet. all right.
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this was the oregon newspaper today. or gob wild fires burn one million acres. state opens mobile morgues or victims of wild fires. the wild fires claimed 35 lives up and down the west coast. dozens more people with missing. today oregon and california and washington were plagued with more hot and dry weather and
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gusting winds, making it harder for firefighters to treat the existing flames and threatened to spark new fires. dry heat creates dry fuel for these fires burning out of control. there is more than 30 fires burning in oregon alone. even for the parts of the west coast yet untouched by the fires, the smoke the fires generated continues to blanket huge swabs of the country. right now of the ten cities in the world with the worst air quality, four of the ten are in the u.s. compromising our breathing, right, during a pandemic that attacks the lungs. the worst wild fire season in our country's history is of course driven by climate change. record high temperatures create fire friendly conditions, which is why it was unnerving today while so many americans are suffering so badly from these
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fires. it was unnerving today to see this headline. longtime climate science denier hired at noaa. the trump administration picks now to hire david legates at the part of the government that's tasked with working on our national response to climate change. this npr sums it up. the newest employee spent much of his career questioning basic tenants of science, including writing a paper questioning whether climate change actually has anything to do with destroying the habitat of to po bears. he's also pushed the discredited theory that it isn't the result of greenhouse gas emissions. it is actually caused by the sun acting up. he says it is just wrong. mr. legates is now a high ranking trump appointee at noaa
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where he will work directly with the head of that agency. he is tasked with the weather prediction of the nation. he is a flat earther. and news like that would be unsettling under the best of circumstances, but with this going on in the western side of the united states of america, it is as apocalyptic as it seems. that is going to do it for us tonight. we will see you again tomorrow. good evening, rachel. we are going to have the california official join us tonight, who confronted donald trump about climate science in california today. the video of that has gone viral. it was an amazing moment as you know and he will be joining us later in the program. >> yeah. it's never a fair fight when one person in the argument is
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