tv The Reid Out MSNBC September 15, 2020 4:00pm-5:00pm PDT
4:00 pm the top item you can register in advance for this and post your questions. i look forward to hanging with you all this sunday, melber. that does it for me. i'll see you back out here tomorrow night at 6:00 p.m. eastern. "the reidout" with joy reid is up next. the steady drip, drip, drip reveal of the bob woodward tapes continues, with two new audio tapes disclosing in disturbing detail just how much donald trump feared the coronavirus in private while actively dismissing the pandemic in public to the american people. in april, the month that coronavirus killed more than 18,000 people in the united states, trump tweeted that the invisible enemy will soon be in full retreat, only to say this to bob woodward three days later.
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>> this thing is a killer if it gets you if you're the wrong person, you don't have a chance. >> yes, yes, exactly >> so this rips you apart. >> this is a scourge and -- >> it is the plague. >> trump also admitted how terrified he was of catching the virus. >> and, bob, it's so easily transmissable, you wouldn't even believe it. >> i know, it's -- >> i mean you could be in the room i was in the white house a couple of days ago, meeting with ten people in the oval office, and a guy sneezed innocently, not a horrible -- you know, just a sneeze. >> yeah. >> the entire room bailed out, including me, by the way >> only to tweet four days later on april 17th, liberate minnesota and michigan and virginia riling up his followers who were protesting stay-at-home orders in these states because they wanted to get their hair cuts.
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now, we know that donald trump doesn't care about people of color or women or poor people or immigrants or their children that he puts in cages. but even trump has been able to extend the myth that he does care about white people. but what these tapes reveal is that he doesn't even care about them he holds indoor superspreader rallies, shows contempt for mask wearing and stay-at-home orders. he put his own cabinet at risk by hosting the rnc at the white house, putting even rich white people at risk he doesn't care about white america. those who are sick or poor or out of work or facing evictions. he literally doesn't care, which is why jemele smith of "rolling stones" describes him as a no life president a president who from the day he announced his candidacy promised to make america a safe haven for white citizens, and now he can't even claim to do that.
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joining me now is steve schmidt, co-founder of the lincoln project and dr. vin gupta. thank you for being here tonight. i want to play a clip from a town hall that donald trump did tonight. he did a town hall with abc. and here he is actually being asked by a voter whether or not it's his responsibility to protect the american people. here it is >> if you believe that it's the president's responsibility to protect america, why would you downplay a pandemic that is known to disproportionately harm low-income families and minority communities. >> yeah. well, i didn't downplay it i actually in many ways i upplayed it in terms of action. >> you did not -- >> what i did was with china i put a ban on, with europe i put a ban on, and we would have lost thousands of more people had i not put the ban on so that was called action. not with the mouth but an actual
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fact we did a very, very good job when we put that ban on. whether you call it talent or luck, it was very important. so we saved a lot of lives when we did that. >> dr. gupta, thank you so much for being here there's a tape that exists that we've played on this show of donald trump saying i like to downplay it. i like to downplay it. yeah, i downplayed it. i like to downplay it. he literally said those words. what do you make of this excuse now? they're just pretending these tapes aren't real, i guess >> good evening, joy the simplest explanation is probably true in this case, which is they can't acknowledge reality because acknowledging reality in this case would be ta tanta mount to admitting failure and saying we're wrong and they just won't do that so here's the problem, that exchange was powerful.
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i'm so glad that questioner asked that question because that's the same question i'm getting. i'm getting questions from patients, from family members, from teachers across the country wondering, hey, doc, if you get an n95 mask caring for your patients in the icu, why not me? they can't go to the grocery store because they're suffocating in smog. they're still vulnerable to covid-19 we had 40,000 cases just yesterday. this pandemic is very much real. we just don't have the way right now to protect the american people i can tell people left and right stay home, don't do this, don't do that, but that's still insufficient air purifiers have limited utility, yeah, sure, get one but everyone needs a well-fitting n95 mask or something like it. the reality is because we didn't have the right leadership at the right time no one is talking about this because we can't get 330 million americans fitted with the right mask that's the reality here. >> and i mean, you know, steve,
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donald trump had the power already inherent in the office he makes up powers he doesn't have but he could have used the defense production act and said we're going to manufacture n95 masks, make sure every american has one and i'm going to say what he said to bob woodward but yet go all the way to august 11th when they had stopped doing the rallies and he says, oh, we're not going to hold rallies because the seats will be empty. we're not going to do that here's what he told hugh hewitt on the exact same day. here he is >> i'd love to do the rallies. we can't because of the covid. you know, you can't have people sitting next to each other >> okay. so he acknowledges in august -- now, this is months after he knew how deadly this virus was we can't do the rallies because you can't have people sitting next to each other because it's a deadly virus now we have a story in "the new york times" on monday that his aides are concerned because they're still doing them they did an indoor rally in nevada where people came from
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out of state and they did it because donald trump needed to feel good. they needed to keep his spirits up your thoughts. >> well, first off, joy, if the united states had the mortality rates from covid that germany does, there would be 140,000 dead americans 140,000 of our country men and women would still be with us number two, after he imposed the china travel ban, 47,000 chinese nationals entered the country. the virus entered the country primarily from europe. he acted much too slowly shutting down the border from the united states, the border of the united states from europe. but let's understand what this is donald trump has confessed on tape to the greatest and most deadly lie in all the long history of the united states,
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bar none it is a failure of leadership at a profound level it is a failure of moral leadership that is unequalled in the country's history. he knew how deadly this was. every united states senator in the republican party who heard trump week by week, day by day, saying that this was a hoax, that it was a democratic hoax, that it would magically go away, not one of those people took to the floor of the senate and said what the hell are you doing? not one of them went to the oval office and said stop it, mr. president, you're killing people we have a president of the united states that is fundamentally indifferent to the lives of the american people this is the greatest tragedy in
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the history of the united states for no other reason than it's a completely preventible tragedy it did not have to be like this. the united states did not have to be the epicenter of coronavirus death and suffering in the world our economy did not have to be shattered. the education of every american kid did not have to be disrupted. we could have had and still can have a national strategy, but not unless and until donald trump is removed from power in an election of the american people to pick a new president because he has demonstrated a total incapacity to deal with this situation, this crisis, this pandemic. and his failure ranks literally as the deadliest and the greatest by any american in the entire history of the country
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who has been charged with responsibility for other people's lives >> you know, dr. gupta, steve talks about donald trump he's not even honest about what he did regarding china, regarding travel from china. but how do you close off the border of california to people from nevada who went to that rally? how do you close off the borders of neighboring states of the people who went to that motorcycle rally inside the united states, you have people who have been convinced by donald trump that this is no big deal, that it's no more than the flu, that it's a minor illness, that they can have herd immunity and everyone will be fine did you see the people running, running like they were at a k-pop concert to go see donald trump with no masks on because they couldn't wait to get in front of him so the question is how do you unwind a situation where trump lied to them and these people are still, even though nowthey know it, they're not acting as
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if they understand what coronavirus is >> well, joy, you know, the first step is for us on tv to try to undo the damage of jared kushner, michael caputo and other ridiculous spokesmen and women for this white house so i'm going to try to do it right now. you know what parents are worried about? this is what real americans are worried about. if they have a young child that's about to start a high school sport, hey, doc, what about this cardio myopathy or this myocarditis that i'm hearing about that my child if they have asymptomatic covid might have inflammation around their heart. this is something i wish dr. fauci had a platform to talk about. docs like myself don't know what to tell parents. do they need a echocardiogram? do they need to get workedup we don't know the answer to these questions, joy what about smog and covid? we know that exposure to air pollution actually facilitates
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and makes easier and successful infection. if you're infected you're more likely to die from covid-19 if you're exposed to wildfire smoke. we need people talking about this enough with jared kushner on the "today" show we need dr. fauci, dr. birx and others who are somewhat trusted to give voice to these issues because this is what mom and dad and every american is worried about, these real-life issues that can impact their children. >> yeah. we'd love to have dr. fauci on he's welcome to come on any time steve, i started this block out talking about the fact that, look, at this point donald trump is not fooling black america the young lady who asked the question, she knows what's going on the vast majority of the latino community are not listening to him anymore. it's white america that's listening to him, let's be blungt he's still getting positive reviews even for his handling of covid from white america is there something, is there somebody that's got the gravitas or that's trusted enough that
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isn't donald trump who in your view could talk the majority of white america into believing these truths because honestly if we still have large numbers of people who don't believe covid is real and who reject mask wearing and reject the science, i don't know how we back out of this crisis, because there will still be some people who are behaving the way those people did in nevada is there somebody out there, do you think? >> look, joy, i think that first off there are tens and tens and tens of millions of white people across america who stand in strong opposition to the insanity of the trump administration, along with the other americans that trump has betrayed look at our military made up of every race and ethnicity in the country, the people that trump called suckers and losers. the reality is this, we have a political issue in the country and the political issue when you look at the polling, when you look at the state of the race right now, it's clear that a majority of the country rejects
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trump, trumpism and his handling of this. and that bodes well for vice president biden. we have as s sociological prob in the country 30% to 35% of the country surrendered their agency to a cultive personality that's injurious to them. that has stoked racial animus, conspiracy theories, it's made up of components of the most extreme fringes of american life and it's unhealthy to have a population that large in a country that rejects science, that rejects vaccines, that is so easily manipulated and politicized over a simple issue like a mask. because of the size of that population, they present an extreme public health threat to everybody else over the course of the pandemic and they're
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stoked and egged on by profoundly irresponsible political leaders. look, we live in an era where, unfortunately, expertise has been discredited but what people do believe is people like them and so it's incumbent on everybody, and i mean everybody, who is attached to reality, to the real world, to the idea that there is fact and objective truth, that these things matter and are real, that science matters, that medicine matters, understand the magnitude of the damage that donald trump has done to this country it is incalculable we have more people out of work in america today than on any other comparable september day in the entire history of the republic from the signing of the declaration of independence to today. we have growing food lines we have chaos in our cities
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egged on by trump. the country cannot endure this for four more years. and there is no magic person there are no group of former presidents who will rescue the country. there are no avengers. winston churchill made the point that in a democracy, we get the government we deserve. what's at question is our capacity in the third decade of the 21st century to govern ourselves competently, effectively and to be the type of country that we ought to strive to be not a banana republic, not trumpistan, not a country that leads the world in chaos and death from a pandemic that could have been managed like it is in canada where yesterday there were zero deaths >> yeah. and again, we've got to go but i just have to show one more
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thing. this is what lindsey graham was tweeting about on saturday, just to show. just to make this point and put an exclamation point on what steve schmidt just said. he was tweeting about jamie harrison's taxes that's somebody who a lot of people listen to in south carolina and who would listen to if he would just say what he knows is true. lindsey graham, you know the truth. you just have to say it because those people will listen to you a lot more than they're listening to me and unfortunately they're not listening to steve schmidt and dr. vin gupta. thank you both very much, appreciate your time. up next, the city of louisville reaches a settlement with the family of breonna taylor after she was shot and killed in her own home will it be enough to ensure that what happened to her never happens again? and will justice in the case follow plus, a rigged election, martial law, left-wing hit squads the paranoid rhetoric among donald trump and his acolytes has reached a fevered pitch. >> the democrats are trying to
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rig this election because it's the only way they're going to win. >> my thoughts on the new paranoid streak of the republican party coming up later on the show. "the reidout" continues after the break. still a father. but now a friend. still an electric car. just more electrifying. still a night out. but everything fits in. still hard work. just a little easier. still a legend. just more legendary. chevrolet. making life's journey, just better. a lot goes through your mind. how long will this last? am i prepared for this? are we prepared for this? with fidelity wealth management, your dedicated adviser can give you straightforward advice and tailored recommendations, with access to tax-smart investment strategies designed to help you keep more of what you've earned
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is there a turn to here or is it -- earlier today louisville mayor greg fisher announced that the city would pay breonna taylor's family $12 million to settle a civil lawsuit it's one of the biggest settlements ever paid in a case of excessive force she died at home after she was shot five times by police officers who tried to serve a no-knock warrant the settlement would also include a list of police reforms aimed at addressing officer accountability and the execution of search warrants the city will require that commanders approve all search warrants before they go to a judge and the city will hire a team of social workers who will assist police and the city will offer housing credits for officers to live in
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certainly-income areas the settlement does not admit any wrongdoing on the part of the city police. >> as significant as today is, it's only the beginning of getting full justice for breonna. we must not lose focus on what the real job is, and with that being said, it's time to move forward with the criminal charges because she deserves that and much more her beautiful spirit and personality is working through all of us on the ground. so please continue to say her name breonna taylor >> all eyes are now on daniel cameron, kentucky's attorney general, whose tasked with presenting his investigation into the shooting to a grand jury nbc news reported last week that cameron, senator mitch mcconnell's former legal counsel, was set to present evidence sometime this week.
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wave, an nbc affiliate in louisville, called cameron's handling of the grand jury even more secretive than usual. the grand jury will determine if criminal charges should be filed against the three officers who were involved in ms. taylor's death. for more, i'm joined by ben crump, civil rights attorney and one of the attorneys for the family of breonna taylor, along with erin haynes, editor at large and latosha brown. today she launched a ten-year fund-raising initiative to raise $100 million to help financially empower the goals of southern black girls and women. ben, i'm going to go to you first, my friend this is a record settlement, the largest ever paid by the city of louisville but i think what a lot of people want to know is aside from the settlement, were there any assurances made or do you have any indications that a case is going to move forward against these officers >> no, we don't, joy, because this was what the city leadership of louisville, and it
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was a significant landmark step in the journey to justice for breonna taylor, the $12 million as one of the largest ever paid out, particularly for a black woman, in america in a wrongful death by the police shooting beyond that was the reform that they did, which was quite significant. the attorney with breonna's mother negotiated intensely with the city to try to prevent any future brianeonna taylor's that's what she wanted her legacy to be, no more. as it relates to the attorney general, we expect the grand jury to convene this week and we expect them to bring back charges in the killing of breonna taylor based on the evidence we know that today was just one step, but there's more to do in
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this journey to justice for breonna taylor. >> and we know that there was a law that was passed earlier that banned no-knock warrants and that's called breonna's law. the set of reforms that were promised in this settlement, ben, do those have to go to the city council and get voted on, or should we consider those reforms to be approved >> some of them do have to go, but i think they were negotiated while we were negotiating with the city and it is sweeping reform, joy it is a model for the rest of the country to use in these police, i guess, pattern and practice of excessive force against black people in america. i mean talking about having police housing be paid to live in the cities where they parole so they know the black and brown people they interact with and so
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they won't be so apt to shoot first and ask questions later, because this is your neighbor. and also the fact that they hire social workers so hopefully when you have the mental illness crisis calls, that social workers will accommodate the police to the location to try to de-escalate the situation and they're actually trained to deal with the daniel prude's of the world and pamela turner's of the world so it was sweeping reform. joy, you know when i called you when this first happened, our main concern was that nobody cared about this black woman, because black women are often disrespected and marginalized. but today i believe just like with trayvon martin and michael brown, calling attention in america to black lives matter, i believe breonna taylor in louisville, kentucky, is causing
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great attention in america that black women lives matter too >> yeah. and you know, erin haynes, you and i have also had this conversation a lot and i remember talking with you about the fact that this case, if you just look at the number of stories versus cases of black men that were killed, at first it was fewer what do you make of these developments in terms of just putting it on scale, right we had a lot of cities, new york, chicago, other cities, make big settlements with families due to police misconduct it's something a lot of cities budget in. they'd rather pay than make change this is a rare case where they're paying but also pledging to make some change. >> that's right, joy and we shouldn't lose sight of the fact that these proposed reforms are part of the settlement agreement announced today, especially when you think about that we are in a climate,
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this is an administration that is not about the business of consent decrees and looking into pattern and practices of police departments. and so it is often up to local jurisdictions as to whether or not they are going to take up the issue of police performance. so putting that into this settlement, i don't think that this is a small thing and i think it's important that we note that in addition to the financial settlement that was announced today for breonna taylor's family. and we know, ben knows all too well because unfortunately he's had to deal with far too many of these, that financial compensation for the families may be the only form of acknowledgement of the killing of their loved one at the hands of law enforcement in cities across the country, and that there is still a very long road in the legal proceedings for breonna taylor's case. today was a step forward for the family, but, you know, we know how rarely it is that officers
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are arrested, charged, go to trial, and then convicted. we know that that is rare. and so justice in the courtroom is usually far less common than justice in terms of financial compensation for these families. so still we are only at the beginning even six months after breonna taylor's killing, only at the beginning of, you know, what the journey for justice for her family looks like, but also, you know, to ben's point, continuing and her mother's point, continuing to keep her name on the radar for people, especially as a black woman, knowing as i've written about at the 19th that black women do get so much less attention, you know, in these cases it is very important and that is something, frankly, that we have seen in the midst of this national reckoning, her name being amplified just as much as any of the black men who have been killed. >> yeah, indeed.
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and, you know, latosha, today is the 57th anniversary of the explosion that killed four little girls in birmingham, 16th street baptist church so there's a lot weighing today, so it is a momentous day, i think, for black women in general and for black women and girls and justice in that way. i wanted you to be here today because i know that in addition to talking about this case and the justice here, you're trying to do something that will make some change in these southern states and i want to give you a chance to talk about that and if you had anything you wanted to add about this case as well. >> i do. i think at the end of the day i'm thinking about breonna taylor's mother and i see that image, her heart is broken there's a settlement and there's reforms, but her child is gone so she was a southern young woman. her death has not received any justice. had it not been for the young organizers ground in louisville, we would not get to the point where we are right now so my
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heart goes out to her family and particularly to her mother, just as those four black girls were bombed in the 16th street baptist church, today should be a reflective moment of how we treat and protect black girls. so what we're doing is the southern black girls consortium. we've launched a $100 million, 10-year initiative we're going to invest in black women and black girls in the south, in 12 states in the south. it's three years in the making where we talked to black girls about what is a black girl's dream and how can we make that be so and part of that is making a safe environment and holding those accountable that harm our community. >> yeah, well, we will see what comes next ben crump, i'm sure the family is so grateful to have had you on board because you are effective, sir, in getting justice in whatever way that you can for these families ben crump, thank you so much, my friend i appreciate all of these friends tonight. thank you all. still ahead, from predictions of rioting in the streets to rampaging left-wing
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hit squads to trump saying the only way he can lose is if the election is rigged, it's time to shovel a big ole dose of reality into the right-wing spin machine. ♪ everyday it's a-getting closer♪ ♪ going faster than a rollercoaster ♪ ♪ love like yours will surely come my way ♪ ♪ a-hey, a-hey-hey [music playing] ♪ love like yours will surely come my way ♪
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but you're not mad because you have e*trade which isn't complicated. their tools make trading quicker and simpler so you can take on the markets with confidence. don't get mad get e*trade and start trading commission free today. to hear donald trump tell it, america is one big mad max hellscape. but it's a hell hole in a terrifying future but where joe biden, former vice president and current delaware civilian is totally in charge. >> he will drive you out of the suburbs. he will drive you out -- he'll drive you out of everything. >> joe biden is basically the lockness monster of the swamp. >> i don't want to overplay the facts here, but if someone will study the president's thoers in thein yir sur rekz act, force
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will be met with force that's the way this is going to have to work it's really unfortunate. >> felon says what trump is fantasizing about black lives matter as some sort of armed insurrection but a whistle-blower in trump's intel officer is accusing dhs officials of shading intelligence reports to fit trump's scare white america rhetoric, playing down the threat of white nationalist terrorism and hyping up the threat of antifa regarding that radicalization video about joe biden, kamala harris and black lives matter using a black ame church as a backdrop, ame leaders warned it subtly incites white terrorism against people of color and attacks the black church and black people for refusing to bow down to the idol called white supremacy. but ra but wait, there's more.
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former member of the trump/putin 2016 campaign and assistant secretary of public affairs at the department of health and human services he's under fire for pressuring scientists at the cdc to change information to fit trump's unscientific views he recently went on facebook live to warn his hundreds of followers not about the pandemic but about the shadows. no, not the shadow, that's a movie. the ones he described before closing off his facebook to public viewing, but which "the new york times" got hold of are what he apparently believes is a seditious conspiracy against trump to make the pandemic look worse. for "the times" caputo accused centers for disease control and prevention of harboring a resistance unit determined to undermine donald trump even if it bolsters the death toll caputo fantasized out loud that left-wing hit squads are preparing for armed insurrection
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after the election and added that i don't like being alone in washington, describing shadows on the ceiling of my apartment there alone, shadows are so long, so, so long. and apparently he believes the president will lose the election when donald trump refuses to stand down at the inauguration, the shooting will begin. and this isn't like roger stone broadcasting from his basement on the alex jones show to reiterate, this is a taxpayer-paid spokesman for the department of health and human services now, for what it's worth, politico reported that caputo apologized to staffers and indicated he might step down from his position. clearly, all the president's men are paranoid but not about the real things that are actually threatening the lives of americans, like an entire coast that's literally on fire and in the grips of a climate change catastrophe, including the much discussed portland suburbs that trump seems to have forgotten. and in california, which according to former dhs official miles taylor, donald trump told us, quote, to stop giving money
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to people whose houses had burned down because he was so rageful that people in the state of california didn't support him. trump and his people are also undecidedly unbothered about the coronavirus pandemic despite more than 2 million sick and 200,000 dead and the president admitting it's a plague, it's deadly stuff so unbothered they're still planning rally after rally outdoors and even indoors because the president needs the rallies to keep his spirits up the things that trumpers say are frequently bizarre and often infuriating but it's the things that they do or fail to do that are catastrophic and dgeanrous welcome to the real hellscape. y! safe drivers save 40%!!! safe drivers save 40%! safe drivers save 40%!!! that's safe drivers save 40%. it is, that's safe drivers save 40%. - he's right there. - it's him! safe drivers do save 40%. click or call for a quote today. there's so much to take advantage of. like $0 copays on virtual visits... ♪ wow
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ms. williams: we've been working hard... ms. robinson: make learning fun again. ms. duncan: and making sure our students can succeed. ms. zamora: we're with you every step of the way. ms. robinson: i know it's a challenging time. ms. zamora: no one wants to be back in the classroom more than teachers. ms. williams: we have missed you so much. mr. hardesty: but we all have to be safe. ms. robinson: because we're all in this together. narrator: making our school buildings safer. ms. robinson: working together, we can make it a great year. narrator: because the california teachers association knows quality public schools make a better california for all of us. joe biden is in the key battleground state of florida for the first time since becoming the democratic nominee. the former vp was in tampa for a veterans roundtable and attended
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an hispanic event this evening a new monmouth university poll showed biden holdings a five-point edge over donald trump statewide. it also showed him ahead among latino voters 58-32% but the sample size was tiny it was just 100 voters and the margin of error is more than 9%. joining me now to unpack all of this, a man who knows florida very, very well, a democratic pollster let's talk about this sample, really small sample. do you buy that biden is in florida, first of all, overall >> you know, i think the tendency is to say right now, joy, that biden is ahead i do believe when you take the average polling in florida, it shows that he's ahead. but you've got to remember that florida is notorious for crushing democratic dreams we remember just two years ago, andrew gillum was ahead by 12 points in one poll less than ten
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days from the election we also saw bill nelson ahead in polling over rick scott in that senate race. we saw what happened there in 2016 also, hillary clinton was ahead in several polls in those final two weeks. we still got 49 days to go so there's still a lot of campaigning to go in florida, but no question, it is the battleground state prize and you're going to see both sides go for it aggressively >> and just to show the history here, the two democrats who actually won florida, the two times democrats won florida were barack obama and joe biden as his veep it was 51 to 48 and 48 to 49 hillary didn't she was at 48, trump was at 49 so the 50 feels somehow important but who knows. but let's talk about the hispanic vote specifically you do have a difference between what you found when you were polling in miami-dade, which is the key county for hispanic
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voters, just to be clear and this poll, this tiny monmouth poll that only had a hundred people in it what do you think is happening among particularly cuban american voters versus puerto rican american voters. >> joy, it's very simple donald trump is overperforming right now in what he should be getting with voters in miami-dade county and joe biden is underperforming in what he should be getting in miami-dade county you cite those two examples of 2008 and 2012. i worked on that campaign for president obama and was part of the team that was responsible for the hispanic vote nationally, but in particular over florida we had very specific goals and were told explicitly, we cannot lose this vote on the margins. right now that is something that the trump campaign understands very well. they're not trying to win the hispanic vote, there's no way they can win it, probably not even in miami-dade county. but they're trying to whittle away, erode that margin for joe biden with hispanic voters, even
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with black voters, but more so with hispanic voters if they can do that, their calculus is they'll combine that with what they still think is a majority of white anglo voters and win. they're going for 50 plus one in florida and that's the strategy you see playing out. >> and for a lot of people, people think that any hispanic or latino voter would never vote for donald trump can you explain why there is this 25% to 30% who still support him given how he's treated people of latino descent? >> it's sad, it's tragic to think about but we know this is a campaign and donald trump's campaign and this administration will say and do anything they will work outside of the rules. they will gladly and openly lie. one of the things that they're doing down here is they are using the boogie man of socialism and communism and weaponizing those words and manipulating the traumas of people of cuban descent,
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venezuelan descent, nicaraguan sden sdengt the grand irony is there is an autocrat in waiting and it's donald trump himself unfortunately we know these messages work and it is incumbent on the biden campaign to challenge them, answer them and con textualize them so they can win back those voters. >> thank you very much, really appreciate your time tonight meanwhile, donald trump has rolled back regulations intended to shield the planet from the effects of climate change and now we're seeing the results can we still fix it? stay with us copd makes it hard to breathe. so to breathe better, i started once-daily anoro.
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trump has spent the past few years dismantling environmental regulations. and yesterday, he openly mocked science during a crisis. >> we're see thing warming trend make our summers warmer, but our winters warmer, as well. >> okay. it will start getting cooler you just watch >> i wish science agreed with you. >> i don't think science knows actually >> no, no, donald, science does know that. the earth is getting warmer, whether trump wants to admit it or not so is there hope that humanity actually addresses this crisis trump's opponent is arguing that there is if he wins in 2020 that's up next to support your energy. so you can take care of what matters most. and try new centrum minis today. (burke)) this? eh, nothing happened. (driver) nothing happened?
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rise movement. and thank you very much for being here i'm excited to talk with you let's start with talking with your movement and biden. biden to the an "f" from you guys early on in his campaign for president, and then something changed. you all met with him, he was trying to reach out to the liberal wing of the party. what happened? >> well, you know, we saw that joe biden was actually fairly responsive to movement energy, as well as the standards and biden unity task forces that took place earlier this year we were able to push biden to move his timeline on decarb decarbonization to 2025. he's putting together a $20 trillion green jobs, with 40% of that money going to ow-income communities. and so we've seen some significant movement from joe biden and, you know, as we have seen in the last couple of days,
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making climate change an essential pillar of his campaign >> you were a bernie sanders surrogate on the task force, so this was part of trying to bring the party together you know, the idea of doing something about climate change is a majority position, much like gun reform is a majority position why do you suppose despite that majority, we are where we are and so little has overall been done >> that is exactly right a majority of americans of both political parties support government-led action on climate change unfortunately, our politicians in office are not actually responsive to that public will so we have an entire political party that has been completely bought out and is accountable to people like koch industries, which has profited off of burning fossil fuels and contributing to the climate crisis so for us to win on this issue,
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for us to enact the level of transformative policy change that we actually need to solve the climate crisis, we need to change what congress looks like. that starts by defeating president trump this fall. it starts by electing climate champions to office, not just at the presidential level, but also up and down the ballot then it looks like building a movement forced of young people, of communities of color of frontline communities who are able to wan together and create a call to action for politicians in this country. >> we try to tell people you don't need a perfect president but a president that can be moved. i think it's important to tell that story how you were able to push joe biden you know, one of the things that republicans, they may not care about the climate, but they care about immigration. there was an incredible piece in
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"the new york times. a lot of people have talked about how migration and climate will merge as issues can you talk about that? because people disaggregate these two issues, but they're really one issue >> it's terrifying stuff experts are predicting anywhere from -- if we continue with business as usual, somewhere between 50 million to 250 million people would have to leave their homes and be climate refugees around the world, because where they live will become uninhabitable that same article pointed oh ut that 13 million american also have to move away from coastlines due to sea level rise that's just america. so we have a real choice sort of ahead of us. i think we're at a crossroads. we've seen the leadership of trump, someone who has sanctioned and caused the violence that's occurring in these for-profit, private detention centers where people are locked in cages, leaving them to die from covid, the
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disturbing news around migrant women with the hysterectomies. so many of these folks came here seeking sanctuary from climate change in their own country. >> thank you so much for being here tonight "all in with chris hayes" starts right now. tonight on "all in" -- 49 days out and there's one important thing to know about the president's campaign of fear and panic, white backlash, it's not really working we'll go through the evidence. then shocking whistleblower allegations of atrocities at an i.c.e. detention center, including forced hysterectomies on women who don't need them the whistle blower nurse joining me live. and how president trump is tanking america's trust in a coronavirus vaccine and create agriculture of conspiracy believers,
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