tv The Rachel Maddow Show MSNBC September 23, 2020 9:00pm-10:00pm PDT
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we have a neat online tool. you can get all the questions answered. head to our web site. that is our broadcast for tonight. i'm ali velshi. he'll be back tomorrow. i'll be back tomorrow c. he'll be back monday. we'll leave you with pictures of the coverage. protests. there is a lot going on including some absolutely unbelievable remarks the president says. i don't cover things the president says as if they are news because his words are just frequently designed to distract us from the news. tonight the president has crossed a line in his public remarks that brings us to a new place as a country. we'll be talking about that in some details tonight. we'll start with our eyes on
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louisville, kentucky. curfew gone into effect at this hour, it comes at the end of a tense day. following a tense summer in the city. there has been protests on the streets of kentucky for 119 consecutive days. protests over police killing of breona taylor in march of this year. kentucky attorneyannounced charges brought in the officers involved. much of downtown louisville was closed off to vehicles including with concrete, jersey barriers and store fronts were boarded up. a three-night long curfew was announced. national guard deployed. it looks like preparations for hurricane or an in pending flood. there has been protests and arrests.
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protestors set small fires. police are at a large numbers and we are receiving reports just in the last few minutes, preliminary report that a police officer may have been shot in downtown louisville. our nbc affiliate reported that an officer is shot at 8:30 p.m. we'll bring you more information and we'll be going to reporters live on the ground in a moment. all afternoon and evening, reporters on the ground have said there is a sense of anger, grief and disbelief there. all these months into this controversy after a grand jury indicted one of the three officers involved in breonna taylor's death. the one officer not charged for anything having to do with her death specifically. former police officer brett hankinson was charged with wanton endangerment.
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specifically of breonna taylor's neighbors. because his shooting sent bullets flying into their apartment. he's not charged with shooting breonna taylor, he's charged with endangering her neighbor by firing wildly into her apartment while this was unfolded. of the six bullets that hit breonna taylor. the investigation continued the fatal bullet came from the gun of one of the other two officers. those two officers, their investigations found justified because breona's boyfriend fired at them first when the police broke down the door into that apartment. breona's taylor's boyfriend maintained that the police officers never identified themselves as police. he and taylor was woken from their bed and they thought their home was invaded. that's why he fired. officers insist they knocked and
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the officers did not announce they're police. kentucky general announced his investigation had found one civilian witness who corroborated the officers' account that they announced themselves as police. >> kentucky's governor requested attorney general make public so people can see the evidence themselves. hankinson was booked into jail and he was released on $30,000 bond. 32 minutes later. grand jury decision announced today the scene described where 200 protesters gathered to hear the announcement over a loud speaker. there was confusions at first and anger from those that gathered. one woman asked, "is that it"? protesters chanting "no justice, no peace," and several cried at the news of the grand jury's
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decision. one says "i am heartbroken." this is not a justice system if it's not for everyone. an attorney for breonna taylor's family, benjamin crump says it is outrageous. and offensive to her memory. if brett hankison's behavior was wanton endangerment to people in neighboring apartments then it should have been wanton endangerment in taylor's apartment, too. it should have been ruled wanton murder. saying two officers have been shot in louisville this evening. and are in the hospital. we'll bring you more details. we are expecting a briefing later. looking live at images right now. joining us now, our cal perry is live on the
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ground, what can you tell us where you are and what you have seen tonight and what we should understand how this is unfolded tonight? >> outside of jefferson square park. curfew started six minutes ago. focuses should head home. we at least two officers from lapd were shot. we don't know the conditions. they are in the hospital. there will be a press conference later. that immediately changed the mood here. for two hours things are as they have been. there were a lot of frustration and people were obviously upset. there were minor clashes at police, water bottles being thrown at police. police using small pepper ball rounds. and a few minor fires. all of this a long way of saying people here have been telling us tonight they do not believe the
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law was designed to protect breonna taylor. 195 days of protests leading to tonight. as you laid out, no charges related directly to taylor's shooting. we heard from her family calling this justice is not served. they are upset. two police being shot, we don't know what it does to the city. i can tell you having reported here that there will be likely be a turning point and enforce that curfew. there were a few hundred people out here earlier, they basically gone home now. >> cal, you mentioned that you'reless than a mile from where those officers shot. do we understand anything further about the circumstances of their shooting. was it in an area where they were among protesters? was there any information we have been able to obtain, official sources or straight out reporting as to what may have
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occurred around the shooting of those officers. we have been told by spokespersons that both officers were at the hospital. >> reporter: no further details. we do not know what happened. it is important to note that there has been shootings here in the past during protests. about six months ago, there were seven people shot in mass shooting. two officers shot and has the police force on edge and has the city concerned of things turning violent and more concerns now. later in the evening, the real question is how strictly do they enforce curfews? after breonna taylor was killed there was a secondary incident. a member of the community shot by the national guard. the national guard disappeared from the city. lapd disappeared from the city and it lowers the tension here. tonight we are seeing the opposite. a ramping up of force.
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you can see behind me by the louisville station. >> you talked about the enforcement of the curfew, we are a few minutes by time. in terms of the empty streets where you said there were several hundred protests out there. did police have to clear protesters from the streets in order to show us the kind of visuals that we got right now from your shot or did protesters themselves withdraw as the clock struck the time the curfew went into effect? >> so at 8:00 p.m., one hour ago there was an announcement made of an unlawful assembly over a loud speaker by police. the thing that triggered that were these fires. there is a small fire here and another one on the other side. once these small fires were lit, that's when police decided to move in. they used non-lethal rounds. they started to move the crowd.
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the crowd tried to set one of the buildings on fire. everything is boarded up. that was clearly a line that the police laid down in their minds. they would step in. at 8:00 p.m. they move into this park and started clearing out and using grenades and pepper spray and the crowd sort of backed up. those officers were shot and i think it spread pretty quickly. a mile from here. the entire city is following one story. they have been following one story for 194 days and that's for breonna taylor. there is a ring of dump trucks that's blocked. a ten by ten block radius. once the police officers were shot and the word spread it was like everybody cleared out. >> cal perry, i know you have been there many times the last few months. tonight is a night like no other. we'll be back with you as things evolve over the course tonight. cal, thank you.
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we are following reports out of louisville in the reaction to the news announced that one officer will be charged in conjunction with the incident which breonna taylor was killed. by a police bullet. one officer is charged. it is not the police officer that shot taylor. he was charged with wanton and endangerment for firing in the neighbors apartment and endangering people in the apartment. in the wake of that announcement after months of nightly protests calling for charging of the officer who killed breonna taylor. we are seeing a huge police presence in downtown louisville. we have seen protesters out tonight and minor confrontation between protesters.
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there is this late breaking news that we got from louisville police spokesperson that two officers under circumstances we can't explain. they have been shot and have gone to the hospital. we do not know of the circumstances. we are expecting a live press conference i would expect at this hour. all eyes tonight on louisville, kentucky. we are covering a bunch of breaking stories including a statement from the white house this evening and that's causing me to break my rule of covering what the president does and not what he says. the president crossing a significant line in terms of our democracy. more on that ahead, stay with us. tide power pods one up the cleaning power of liquid. can it one up spaghetti night?
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it sure can. really? can it one up breakfast in bed? yeah, for sure. thanks, boys. what about that? uhh, yep! it can? yeah, even that! i would very much like to see that. me too. introducing tide power pods. one up the toughest stains with 50% more cleaning power than liquid detergent. any further questions? uh uh! nope! one up the power of liquid with tide power pods. tonight, i'll be eating a veggie cheeseburger on ciabatta, no tomatoes.. [hard a] tonight... i'll be eating four cheese tortellini with extra tomatoes. [full emphasis on the soft a] so its come to this? [doorbell chimes] thank you. [doorbell chimes] bravo. careful, hamill. daddy's not here to save you. oh i am my daddy. wait, what? what are you talking about?
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too far, something that could work to keep him installed as president but he would not result to that because it is too bad to the country or too extreme. where do you think his limits are? >> will you make sure there is a peaceful transfer of power after the election? >> we'll see what happens. i have been complaining strongly about the ballots and the ballots are a disaster. >> but people are rioting. do you commit to make sure there is a peaceful transfer? we'll get rid of the ballots and there will be -- there won't be a transfer, there will be a continuation. >> the ballots are out of the control. >> get rid of the ballots and there won't need to be a transition of power, there will be a continuation of power. >> get rid of the ballots. there will be a continuation of power. what does he mean by get rid of
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the ballots? he literally means get rid of the ballots. whatever ballots come in for the supposed election. get rid of them. make sure they're not counted. this is not a blurt from the president speaking at the podium of the white house tonight. this is what he's saying consistently now over the last few days. this is what he means. >> with the un-solicited ballots and it is a scam. it's a hoax. everybody knows that. the democrats know it better than anybody else. you will need nine justices up there. i think it is really important. what they doing is a hoax with the ballots. >> what they're doing is a hoax with the ballots, get rid of ballots so there won't need a transition of power. there will be a continuation of power. with no ballots to tell anybody otherwise he'll just stay.
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this is not a an interpretation of what the president is saying. this is not him verbally glitching, this is repeatedly and consistently from him of where we are at now. >> this scam that the democrats are pulling. it is a scam. the scam will be before the united states supreme court, i think it is important to have a ninth justice. >> all those remarks from the president today and yesterday. the president now is saying consistently that the election will not be decided by voters. that this election is not a real election. those ballots are a scam, we need to get rid of the ballots. he's saying explicitly that he expecting the supreme court which he's trying to appoint a new justice right before the election.
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he expects it is the supreme court which handles the question of who the next president, rather than the voters. it will be the court. he expects the conservative majority will throw out the ballots and then we don't have to worry about any transitional of power peaceful or other wise because it will be a continuation of power because then he'll stay. >> get rid of the ballots. there won't be a transfer, there will be a continuation. >> yeah, it will be very peaceful when i stay in power because we'll stop the ballots. we'll have to get rid of those and i will continue in power. we are here. it is upon us. there is not any ambiguity of where this is heading. we are here. or how bad his intentions will be. what lengths he will go to.
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we're here. when the president said weeks ago he wanted to delay the election, republicans said at that point that no, we don't think we'll delay the election. it will happen in november. now he's flat out saying it that the reasons he want to move ahead with getting a new justice on the bench because he's declaring now that ballots cast in the election don't count. ballots are part of a fraud and a hoax that is and illegitimate and it will be the court including his newly appointed justice that'll quote, get rid of the ballots to stop the democratic hoax, election so there does not have to be a transfer of power to a new president. we are there. took four years it turns out. 244 years to stand this republic up, four years to cut it down. just under a thousand americans died today from coronavirus.
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we are up around 40,000 new cases. everyday, seven days a week, we lose people, depending on the day and where it is surging now. missouri with mike parsons and his wife announced they just tested positive. the first lady is sick from her infection as well. the governor feels well. a number of protrump -- here is he is covid-19 denialist. a steak fry in july telling a not socially distanced mostly elderly crowd. him at an event in july, you don't need government to tell you to wear a dang mask. governor parsons is resting at home with his wife. he cancelled upcoming events. neither is hospitalized. both now have tested positive.
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cnn reporting that dr. birx is quote, "distressed" over the direction of the task force of the white house and the radiologyist apparently taken over the task force now from the epidemiologist expert who used to be apart of it now. including birx herself. the president prfrs advice from the radiologist guy who has no experience. in epidemiology or infection disease. he publicly and apparently questioned why people need mask and whether it is good to get as many people possibly infected and boy, it seems like there is too much testing, does it there? the president likes his advise so that's what the white house is running with, that's who's in charge with coronavirus in the white house now. dr. fauci lost his cool with one republican senator kept on
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spewing that same kind of fox no sense about herd immunity and all the rest. dr. redfield is facing calls for his resignation amid mounting report on how he failed to protect his agency and how he succumbed and participated in political pressure from the white house. and trump officials. against scientists of his agency. pressuring to skew reports to match some of that reporting about redfield being a willing instrument of that pressure from the white house is coming from right here on the show. congress under oath robert redfield answered questions about our reporting last night on him effectively tampering with cdc science with the report of cdc scientists -- in an
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investing covid-19 transmission in meat packing plants. rescinding their report and water it down. industry where tens of thousands of americans have gotten infected at work and hundreds have died. i will have more coming up at this hour. this mix that we now live in. this mix of profound government failure, and increasingly rapid profound radicalization. we got over 200,000 americans dead in six months. 20% of the world fatality. 4% of the world population. we got the most fatalities in the world and biggest epidemic and the corruption in government is off the charts to a point where it is hard to keep track on a daily basis and like me you get paid everyday to follow this stuff in the news. it barely made a ripple today.
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hemoland security department is he's up for confirmation after illegally running that agency for months without being confirmed, turns out his wife's firm has received $6 million in homeland security department contracts since he's been on board there. they never had contracts with homeland security before now since her husband chad wolf got a job there. that is a show stopping multiple dollar corruption allegation. any other modern presidency. here you know good luck squeezing a single headliner or two out of that one. it is absolutely hard for the course when the corruption is this thick in the administration. this went without notice, we learned what was going on when the trump energy secretary quit the cabinet when impeachment charges being brought against the president over him trying to force ukraine to help him win reelection. the trump energy secretary, rick
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perry, had been using his own to government job to try to line up what might have been a been a $20 billion energy deal in ukraine for a company run by his own political donors that he had just left the board of and he returned to board of since he unexpectedly quit right in the middle of impeachment. again, blimp. that was not even one day. he can't keep up. today ron johnson published a long report about joe biden. prove terrible things about joe biden and ukraine. and his son. it did not land the way he hoped it would. this was the headline today from "the new york times" on senator's johnson's work. republican inquiries find no everyday of wrong doing by biden.
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the report was little more than a rehashing of unproven allegations. that's not the way he hoped it would land but when you are senator johnson, you get what you can. he sources for his bomb shell reporting on joe biden included one guy who was sanctioned by the u.s. government for being quote, "an active russian agent for over a decade maintaining close connection with the intelligence services." in the role for russian intelligence he was this guy was quote "waving a campaign, concerning u.s. officials in the 2020 presidential election." false and unsubstantiated claims. >> senator ron johnson started denying, hey, i don't have anything to do with that source. he kept on citing another source that the fbi explicitly warned congress back in march that they
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should not take information from this other guy because they believe he's a conduit and more russian intelligence information and intended to donald trump our election. senator johnson went ahead with it anyway because that guy was his witness from whom he's getting all this good dirt. look at all this stuff i got from biden. none is proven but it all comes from the mouth of what this guy says. senator johnson does not have anything on joe biden or his family. he did produced an 80 something page report today as it turns out to be a good index. to what russian intelligence has been cooking up this year to get trump reelected. this time they're doing it with a knowing assist from the elected u.s. republican senator, who theirs the homeland security committee. even after the fbi warned
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against it. the fbi is issuing that public warning last night that foreign actors and criminals will try to distract the election this year. specifically exploiting the fact we're not likely to have a result on election night. it will take a while to certify election rut results. this year with covid necessitating a lot of mail and balloting, it could take a lot longer than usual. expected to create a bulls eye for foreign actors seeking to do us harm. the foreign actors who want to make us disbelief that the election is sound and the election results can and how old be trusted and they'll produce an election results that tells us who's the next president of the united states will be. foreign actors seeking to do us harm will seek to undermine our confidence in our election by telling us that it is a hoax or any ballots that are counted on election day are some sort of scam.
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foreign actors are seeking to do us harm will stoke that. also, the president will stoke that and do that from the white house tonight for your own eyes and ears. >> the president is doing exactly what the fbi just warned us is being done by foreign power hostiled to us to try to undo our democracy. they're o doing it covertly. the president is doing it out loud and it is the exact message. it is apparently not just him. the attorney general and everyone in between start spewing information on how ballots are a problem and how it can't be trusted. reports today at "the atlantic." the trump campaign are working on a plan to nullify the ballots, to nullify the results of november elections and
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install trump another term through the electoral college. again, i know this sounds like brainstorming, right? it sounds like the worse case scenario that everybody tries to stretch their brain to come up when trump starts talking in these small anti-democratic ways in 2016 but now it is here. it is like solid reporting of what they are doing and it is our own eyes and ears in terms of what the president is saying. it is no longer theoretical. we don't wonder about it anymore. we are living it. we have to figure out what we are going to do about it. here is "the atlantic." the worse case is not trump rejecting the election outcome. the worst case is he uses his power to deny the election.
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if they play the part ts asiped he could obstruct the victory of biden. he could seize on that uncertainty to hold onto power. state and national legal teams are laying the ground work for post election maneuvers. in battleground states. and he gets specific. listen to this. december 8th is known as the safe harbor deadline for appointing the 538 men and women who make up the electoral college. each state must appoint them by december 8 to guarantee congress will accept the credentials as electors. where he accustom to choosing electors by popular vote. nothing in the constitution says it has to be that way. each state shall appoint electors in such manner as the legislature there of made direct.
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every state has seated the decision of who the electors are to its voters. the supreme court affirmed that a state can take back the power to elect electors. how and when a stay may do so have not been tested for well over a century. quote, "trump may test this." the trump campaign is discussing contingency plans to by pass the election results. instead appoint loyal electors in battleground states where republicans hold the control. the justification based on claims of rampant fraud. trump would ask state legislatures to set aside the popular vote in their state and exercise their power instead to choose a slate of electors directly. the longer he keeps the vote count in doubt the more pressure they will feel to act before the
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deadline expires. to a modern democratic sensibility, discarding the popular vote for -- by this it looks like a coup. would republicans find that position disturbing enough to resist? the base would exact a high price for the betrayal. point, party officials are being invested and narrative of fraud in the election. trump campaign legal adviser i spoke with told me the push to appoint electors would be framed in terms of protecting the people's will. once committed to the position any continued counting of ballots beyond election day is a rigged process. the state legislatures would say all right we have been given these constitutional power, we don't think the results are accurate. here's our slate of electors that properly reflect the results of the state.
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in pennsylvania, three republican leaders told me they discussed the appointment of electors among themselves. the chairman of pennsylvania said he discussed it already with trump's reelection campaign. sources advising the trump campaign and sources of the republican legislature, yeah, they're talking about doing this. the get rid of the ballot plan is a real plan to have republican control legislatures and all sorts of swing states, let's say pennsylvania and wisconsin and ohio. how republicans control legislatures, nullify election results in their states and this is taking too long and we heard there is terrible fraud here and allegations of terrible fraud here and mail-in ballots are a fraud.
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we didn't get it counted on election night. we don't any anything will countdown. they'll nullify election results in their states. whatever ballots are being counted here, it is all a fraud and hoax. we know who won the state. we'll appoint electors to the electoral college who'll tell you that trump won the state. does the state legislatures have that power? court challenges and it will go to the supreme court which is why the president insists he puts somebody on the supreme court right now before the election to make sure this plan works to keep him installed for a second term regardless of who votes how on election day or before. it is here. we are here. it is happening. we don't have to wonder anymore. as individuals we don't have to
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wonder what it would be like to live through a time like this. we don't have to wonder anymore how we would react or act or what we would do for our country if our country was ever in this kind of situation. you now know what you would do for your country if your country is ever in this much danger. it is whatever it is you are doing right now. what you are doing now and what you are planning to do for the next six weeks, that's what you are made of and that's what you will be able to say you did when your country needed you.
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will you commit making sure there is a peaceful transfer of power after the election? >> we have to see what happens. i have been complaining strongly about the ballots and the ballots are a disaster. >> but people are rioting. do you commit making sure there is a peaceful transfer. >> we'll get rid of a ballots and we'll have peaceful transfer.
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there won't be a transfer frankly, there will be a continuation. the ballots are out of control. >> the president crossing a bright red line tonight saying the ballots are a problem that he expects the ballots to be gotten rid of and once that happens, there will be no question. there will be a peaceful transfer of this country. there will be no transfer, there will be a continuation of his power and that he can guarantee of the peaceful process. the president's unequivocal claim now that the vote does not count and the election is a rigged process and he has plans to undo. that crossed from the level of democratic nightmare and threat today into something different. reported that the the trump campaign is discussing contingency plan to bypass
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election results. and appoint loyal electors in republican states. the campaign is already communicating with this prospect. house intelligence committee chairman adam schiff warns today, we see this crescendo in an effort to discredit the votes of millions stacked the supreme court and disenfranchise millions and perpetuate himself. by enlisting foreign assistance. there's a common denominator. using instruments of power. in an antidemocratic fashion. chairman schiff says it is now you see democracy come to an end. joining us now is the chairman of the intelligence committee, california congressman. adam schiff, mr. chairman, thank you for making time to be here tonight. i know it is a busy time. >> thank you, rachel. >> as a rule, i don't cover statements by the president unless they are linked to
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actions by the president because he says a lot of things that come to not and design kind of rise out of people and turn the news cycle to his advantage. it strikes me that this remark tonight that the election is fraudulent and there will know be a transfer of power and that those are something different that this sort of crosses the line in to words of action. this is essentially the president in new territory in terms of his threat to the democracy. >> rachel, you are absolutely right to focus tonight on his words as well as his deeds. they do cross a very bright line. and over the course of this presidency, some of his supporters have been write off his remarks, clearly he was joking. trump being trump. there is no question he means exactly what he said. people fail to take it seriously. this is a moment that i would
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say to any republicans good conscious working in the administration, it is time for you to resign. if you have been debating about whether you continue to serve the country by serving this president, it is time to resign. you can't. i would say to those who have been on the sidelines maintaining a dignify silence who have served in the administration in the past, you cannot maintain your silence any longer. you have to maintain dignify speech now. you have to speak out. do not wait until we have the chaos the president wants after the election when he seeks to as he says get rid of the ballots. >> if you do wait and knowing what has become, you will share some of the burden responsibility for that chaos that comes. so this is a time for all good people conscious to speak, act and preserve our democracy.
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there is no longer any question of this president's intentions. his intentions are as clear as the writing on the wall. i am glad you are spending time focusing on this because i think no one will be able to say they did not see this coming when he so clearly telegraphed his intent now. >> it seems to me mr. chairman that we have sort of what this does is we no longer have suspense. a lot of the anticipation and worrying and sort of gaming out potential scenario in terms of how far he may go had a timeline in mind where it was, we sort of waiting to see what happens on november 3rd. it seems to me the president and his campaign and his supporter in the white house and elsewhere in the administration and in congress have crossed into
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territory now where as far as they are concerned, it does not matter what happens on november 3rd. the tallying of the ballots is declared in advance to be in authentic, to be something that's a sucker's game and part of this hoax, the entire election is a hoax. he's essentially running against the election rather than running for reelection. how should the biden campaign or people who are not supportive or want to support him, adjust. giving their focus no longer is on whatever the vote tally starts to look like. election night when the votes get counted. >> well, you know i think the biden campaign certainly, those of us in congress are making every effort to push back and prepare for these contingencies and ready to be engaged and save your democracy if and when the
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president seeks to get rid of the ballots as he was saying. to seat electors. so we are doing everything we can but those who are watching us now, they have a bigger responsibility frankly because it is in all of our hands to make sure that this scenario does not play out that the result is not close and it is a landslide rep ewe denuclearization landslide rep ewe denuclearization land lady repudiation of donald trump. the president should retain the electoral college leads to a disaster for our country and democracy. our mission has to be clear which is to make this results so overwhelming that it could not be contested and the president's efforts to hurl out the ballots fall on death ears.
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-- deaf ears. one thing "the atlantic" article gets right is there is no clear play book. we never had a president in advance that he's unwilling to accept the votes of millions and will not transfer office peacefully. we have to take matters in our own hands by registering everyone and turning that out. the good news is we have the capacity to do it because we have the numbers to do it. the reason -- why the president is so fixated and mitch mcconnell is fixated on disenfranchising people and throwing out ballots they know it represents a defining minority of americans. a shrinking minority. and everyone if they do everything right, they can still lose if we do our jobs right. so that's what we have to do. this is as i mention the time for people of conscience in both
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parties. these are statements of a would be dictator. there's no ignoring them anymore. there's tho wishing them away. no pretending he doesn't mean what he says. there's too much evidence to the contrary. we know we have to do in terms of turning people out. republicans of good conscience now know what they need to do which is stand up and be counted. >> adam schiff the charm of the house intelligence committee. i had a list of 400 things to ask about. i have 399 left. despite the president's remarks were tonight. and your reaction to them. i hope you'll come back soon. there's a lot going on. much more ahead tonight. busy night. ix it right with no-contact service you can trust. >> tech: so if you have auto glass damage, stay safe with safelite. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪
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wake of the police killing of breonna taylor inside her home, today a grand jury returned an indictment against one of the officers. that officer is not charged with anything related to do with taylor's killing. he's charged with endangering taylor's neighbors. firing into their apartment. amid protests earlier this evening in downtown, louisville. police say two officers were shot and taken to the hospital. we're seeking further information on the condition of the officers and the circumstances. one source tonight telling them that one of the officers was shot in the abdomen below a bulletproof vest and that officer is surgery. they're reporting a second officer was shot in the high, -- thigh. but we're not independently confirming that and i will caution you it is a single source report in the local paper. we heard after news spread of these officers being shot and as the curfew went into effect at the top of the hour, the
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protests downtown did quickly dissipate and it is just a police show down there right now. we are awaiting a press conference from authorities any minute now and we'll bring that to you live when it happens. stay with us. ( ♪ ) ready to juvéderm it? correct age-related volume loss in cheeks with juvéderm voluma xc, add fullness to lips with juvéderm ultra xc and smooth moderate to severe lines around the nose and mouth with juvéderm xc. tell your doctor if you have a history of scarring or are taking medicines that decrease the body's immune response or that can prolong bleeding. common side effects include injection-site redness, swelling, pain, tenderness, firmness, lumps, bumps, bruising, discoloration or itching. as with all fillers, there is a rare risk of unintentional injection into a blood vessel, which can cause vision abnormalities, blindness, stroke, temporary scabs or scarring. ( ♪ )
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juvéderm it. talk to your doctor about the juvéderm collection of fillers. talk to your doctor knowinit's is hard. eliminate who you are not first, and you're going to find yourself where you need to be. ♪ the race is never over. the journey has no port. the adventure never ends, because we are always on the way. ♪ ♪ tonight, i'll be eating a veggie cheeseburger on ciabatta, no tomatoes.. [hard a] tonight... i'll be eating four cheese tortellini with extra tomatoes. [full emphasis on the soft a] so its come to this? [doorbell chimes] thank you.
9:59 pm
10:00 pm
at this hour, the public viewing, the ability for the public to pay their respects to recently deceased supreme court justice ruth bader ginsburg in front of the u.s. supreme court building, that public viewing is now right as i speak coming to a close for this evening. that public viewing opportunity will resume tomorrow at 9:00 a.m. she lays in repose in front of the supreme court. there will be a second day of that again tomorrow starting at 9:00 a.m. going until 10:00 tomorrow night. that's going to do it for us tonight. now it is time for "the last word with lawrence o'donnell." >> good evening, rachel. we will be going to cal perr
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