tv The Reid Out MSNBC September 25, 2020 4:00pm-5:01pm PDT
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everyone in politics looking at these debates tuesday night, and as part of our team i will be hosting some of the late night coverage after the very first trump-biden debate. you can watch the debate right here tuesday night and we will be joining you at 12:30 a.m. eastern time with extended live reaction coverage. the reid out with joy reid is up next. well, if there's one thing we've learned over the last 4 years is that donald trump loves chaos. he benefits from chaos. it creates a breeding ground for conspiracy theories that serve his desperate need for adulation and excuses oo cover up his failures. and he clearly believes chaos is what will get him re-elected and in power and out of the reach of real law and order, which is why he's doing everything in his power to escalate a months long
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campaign to undermine the election rules should he lose. today trump continued that campaign tweeting, quote, there's fraud being found all over the place with mail-in ballots. something his own fbi director directly contradicted yesterday under oath. of course the tweet wasn't enough. out comes trump's chief of staff to try and undermine the director's credibility. >> your own fbi director says he has seen no evidence of widespread voter fraud by mail or otherwise. >> well, with all due respect to director wray he has a hard time finding e-mails in his own fbi let alone figuring out whether there's any kind of voter fraud. >> a reminder that director wray who headed the fbi's criminal division under president george w. bush was confirmed by the senate as fbi director 92-5. meadows meanwhile is most famous for displaying a black woman as a prop to try to prove donald trump isn't racist and for lying
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in his house bio about having a college bachelors degree. it's reached a point where senior military and defense department leaders are reportedly feeling deep anxiety about trump potentially ordering american troops to quell any chaos following the election. according to "the new york times" defense department officials have privately discussed the possibility of mr. trump trying to use any civil unrest around the elections to put his thumb on the scales. several pentagon officials such a move could prompt resignations among many of mr. trump's senior generals starting at the top with general millie. this afternoon in an interview with my colleague stephanie ruhle, democratic nominee joe biden offered a note of confidence saying the american peoples voices will be heard on election day. >> i just think the people in this country are going to be heard november 3rd. every vote in this country is going to be heard. they'll not be stopped. and i'm confident all the irresponsible attacks on voting
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we'll have an election in this country wave always had, and he'll leave. >> joining me now is ben rodes, former deputy national security adriser to president obama. michael steele, senior adviser for the lincoln project. jonathan lemire, white house reporter for the associated press. thank you all for being here. so we have former deputy director of the intelligence agency and former director of national geospatial intelligence agency putting out an exceedingly rare public statement, speaking out about the dangers that donald trump has posed to national security. i'm going to read a bit of this. while it is natural for there to be tension between the official community and senior policy makers, donald trump's decision to rely upon the word of dictators like vladimir putin is an unprecedented betrayal of his oath to the constitution. our current president bases his decisions on his instincts and his instincts are based on a value prop wrigz swrsh what's in it for me.
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ben rhodes, these senior military officials who spoke to "the new york times" and were expressing all this anxiety and people like mr. cardillo who are expressing anxiety, do you get any sense from reading these reports any of them are prepared to do anything about it? because there's a lot of hand wringing but not a lot of planning to stop him. if he tried what would amount to a coup. >> first of all i spent hundreds of hours reading robert cardillo. i think the fact he's speaking out now -- at briefings where presidents were trying to crack down on the right of peaceful protests or trying to prevent people from voting or contemplating staying in office
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after an election that is happening right now. in terms of what they can do, there's not much they can do. i think the military is jarred by frankly what happened earlier this year in lafayette square where essentially peaceful protesters were cleared with pepper spray and the military was used as a prop in a photo opp for the president, and there was talk of deploying them in the streets. the reality is the norm of -- it's going to take political leaders in both parties to lay down a marker that's just not going to fly in our system if that's the case. if senate republicans stood up to that norm we wouldn't even be having this discussion. >> you know, michael steele, that's a big if. you know, you have a "new york times" article i actually just read before coming on. much of the world is watching the united states with a mix of shocked chagrin and most of all
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bafflement with how it's handling the virus and trump's behaviors. the usa is a first world country but is acting like a third world country. we're not looking too much like the leaders of the free world right now, but republicans have been watching all of this happen. i haven't seen a single republican speak out and stand up for democracy the way you'd expect them to if this was a foreign country where this was happening. it's happening here. and i get the sense every single one of them and i do include mitt romney, all of them would just sit there and look around like -- if donald trump just said i ain't leaving, i don't care about the election. can you give me one name of one who had stand up to him? >> i can't from a public standpoint. i can give you private accounts of people saying this is unattenable and we just can't allow this to happen. of course my response is, okay,
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there's the mic, there are the cameras, say that. it's a two-step process. mic, cameras, you know, and then talk. but, no, the notion that the rest of the world is looking at us and saying, you know, that they think this is third world, you know, operation going on, well, this is what when you're a puppet of putin, this is what it looks like. because you can't show me any distinction between the way those countries that are in that orbit behave and the way we are behaving under donald trump. so i mean that's the reality. so, you know, the expect ation,i gave up on it a long time ago. i understand you're asking the question, joy, but i've given up on the expectation that this republican leadership at this time in this moment will stand for anything other than donald trump. and they do that, you know, at their peril. and i think we're beginning to see it now play out across the country in battleground states.
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the fact that the president is talking about, oh, let's just drop all those ballots, those absentee ballots. well, guess who's on those ballots? a lot of those republicans who are going to need those votes. >> correct. >> so here we are. >> yeah. you know, jonathan, you've got donald trump floating a conspiracy theory claiming that delaying the coronavirus which is a matter of science, you know, that people have just some sort of coup against him, and it's just a political hit job not to put a virus out because of course it's all about him. also nothing being said as he does things like that. and he's doing it mostly to republicans because these super spreader rallies are full of republicans. i know a lot of folks like to speak off-the-record and i'm sure you're one of the folks they like to speak to. do you get a sense republicans get a sense of how serious donald trump is, or are they
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pretending it isn't happening? >> i think it's a mixed bag, joy. i think there are some republicans who are privately concerned, those that michael alluded to as well. those who have for years now in the halls of the capitol have whispered their worries about this president and the norms he is shattering. and they don't deserve any credit for only whispering, for not going to that microphone. indeed we've had a few republicans senator romney is one who has rebuked the president from time to time, but not consistently. and certainly i think there are others who do still convince themselves that the president were he to lose would be quietly or quickly but eventually would go. and we heard a number of them put out statements like that in the last 24, 48 hours including senate majority leader mitch mcconnell, but this is part of a larger picture as you are well aware. that the talk about perhaps not having a peaceful transition, the talk about the erroneous talk and unproven and unfounded talk about the dangers of voter
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fraud with mail-in balloting, suggesting that an election if it can't be called election night that therefore it would somehow be improper and irregular, which of course if this is the president again denying the validity of mail-in ballots which certainly we use, but it seems democrats are using more this time around because of urging his his supporters to go to the ballot box november 3rd and have their votes cast that way. this is him and the doj playing up these nine ballots in pennsylvania, some cast for the president, and how irregular it is that it was attorney general barr himself that briefed the president himself yesterday. let's remember it was a short time ago when loreta lynch crossed an airport tarmac and the howls raised then about how that was improper, but here when this happened, silence from
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republicans. >> it's not going to help cory gardener, this little gambit, because it's all mail-in in colorado. good luck, cory gardener, staying in your job. so donald trump is doing this stuff that's it's even alarming seen senior military leaders. essentially frog march him out of the white house if the military would get involved in that. that's the conversation that's happening. on the democratic side, though, you have joe biden expressing complete confidence. he did an interview with my friend stephanie ruhle today and said, no, he's confident. but there's a question whether he's confident and prepared. donald trump has so far spent over $6.6 million and that's the trump campaign have spent on this crime and policing like nightmare scenario stuff on facebook. there's biden's spending so far
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at least according to the marshall project, $8,000. are they just trusting republicans will be statesmen in the end and not preparing sufficiently? >> well, look, the first thing the democrats have to do is everything possible to get people to vote and turn out in sufficient numbers, that there's just not much left to question. i think what democrats have to prepare more for you have to be concerned about. look, if joe biden does win the election -- that the law will effe effe effectuate his removal. if donald trump is saying that the election result is illegitimate, if haz saying hooewon the election on election day, and this mass voter fraud is what caused him to lose office there are a lot of people in this country who will believe
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him. and that facebook spending speaks to how they directly reach their voters, through facebook, through fox, through a vast enterprise from the media. and what will those people think? it was nothing like what we see today where you have essentially militia in the streets and armed supporters of donald trump. what are those people going to think if they believe and are told by donald trump the election is stolen? it's a question of the election result itself and the question of what kind of disorder do we have in this country around the election? if trump is sending a message to his supporters some of whom have already been quite radicalized by what they're consuming, that this was stolen from him. >> radicalized by what they're consuming and radicalized by him. michael steele we have now nbc news confirming it is amy coney
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barrett donald trump is choosing. it strikes me as very shortsighted politically. they did not pick the latina woman from florida, the judge there who had her own issues but at least that would have seemed like a political play to try to look at florida, get a second look from latino voters. in this case it feels like a move that will energize white suburban women the other way toward joe biden. because there's going to be a fighting mood out there as it becomes clear ms. barrett means the end of roe v. wade as well as the end of the affordable care act. >> i think there's validity to the point you made but you also have to look at it from the calculation of the trump campaign and rnc, and they see judge barrett as someone who will also galvanize the right for them. the pro-life community has waited for this moment, and i can attest to this with a lot of truth for 30 plus years.
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and so they're not, you know, preparing to let this moment slip by. and so they're going to be watching and listening very carefully how she's treated. they saw her first appearance before the senate went and some of the accusations that were leveled at her particularly with respect to her religion. so you can see this battleground being established at the grass roots level on both sides of the issue of abortion. but even beyond that speaking politically and strategically i think that the trump campaign is calculating that at the end of the day even if we don't get a greater number, we'll get enough to sustain what we need elsewhere around the country to cobble together the 270 electoral votes we need. and a lot of that is going to come from the suburbs of pennsylvania, places like iowa where the president is now tied and even in places like florida.
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>> before we let you go, michael, if he's at 45 and biden is at 50, and he keeps his same people by putting this woman on, but he gets people who might not have voted at all and might have been lackluster about joe biden to say, hell, yeah, i'm going to vote, he's at 45. you can't win by keeping your same people. you've got to add some folks. >> well, they do math very well, and they did it well enough in 2016 to find voters that weren't engaged, and they came out. and as i've said to you both privately and publicly, i don't trust where people think this vote is right now or where it will be on election day. i'm tuned in enough to understand the numbers and the areas they're looking at to know there is votes out there this pick helps. so i think the biden campaign and the democrats need to be smart about how they approach
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this nominee and how they narrate around it, because i'm telling you, joy, america emphasis not the america of 2009 and 2012. it is the america of trump and 2016, and there's a lot more votes there for picking for trump than you believe or may want to believe. >> we know some of america is the handmaids tale but not most of it is. i thank you guys. up next, the madness of ron desantis, with about 100 covid deaths in florida every single day he's choosing now to remove restricts on indoor dining at restaurants and bars. what could go wrong? his hero donald trump knows how deadly the virus is but is potentially exposing thousands of his supporters to it every day. also, the family of breonna taylor seeing justice denied demands the release of the grand jury transcripts. plus the battle for georgia
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and the reverend who just might turn that state blue. in this programming note you can see more of stephanie ruhle's interview with joe biden as part of the latitude national business conference. msnbc will have full coverage tomorrow on weekends with alex witt beginning at noon eastern. back with more of the reid out after this. of the reid out after this nah. ♪ here? nope. ♪ here. ♪ when the middle of nowhere... is somewhere. the all-new chevy trailblazer. ♪ did you know that some aluminum- free deodorants only mask odor? secret aluminum free helps eliminate odor instead of just masking it. and is made with three times more odor fighters. with secret, odor is one less thing to worry about.
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♪breathe happy febreze... ♪la la la la la. more dangerous and corrupt president than trump. he's harming our basic values, giving rise to hate, and he's selling out america to big corporations. i'm working to protect immigrants, women, communities of color, and lgbtq people. and i'm making corporations like pg&e and insurance companies play by our rules. we need experienced leadership to wipe away trump's stain on america for good.
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. there's a plain as day disconnect between what trump says and what he does. trump says he's going to win this election, but then he stump tuesday make a historically ruby red third district of florida near jacksonville which the congressional candidate there should have already locked down showing he's not confident at all. trump trashes mail-in ballots as hopelessly corrupt and a scam, but his party in florida is practically begging registered republicans to request mail-in ballots there. but the biggest disconnect of all is the one that could cost
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you your life. at his super spreader rallies trump continues to down-play the virus saying in effect virtually nobody. he says this but remains elevated, protected from the crowds whom he's reportedly referred to as these disgusting people. because even trump, the self-described germaphobe, knows this virus is deady. 204,000 people have died. and trump's party is still acting like your life is expendable. today as florida will soon surpass 14,000 coronavirus related deaths governor ron desantis, the trumpiest foot soldier of them all lifted state restrictions on restaurants and bars so that floridians can finally have those fish and chips with a side of covid. joining me now is dr. bernard ashby, cardiologist in florida, state lead to protect medicare. what will the result of
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reopening bars and restaurants for indoor dining? >> joy, thanks for having me. and i promise you guys i'm not an angry black man, but it's hard to not get pissed off when ayo see things like this happening. florida is reaching 14,000 if not passing 14,000. that's more deaths than canada, germany and most european countries. we have about 21 million. germany has about 84 million people. the death rate in florida has been the highest in the nation over the past week. our testing capacity is trash meaning that over 95% of folks that get a test, it takes longer than a week -- sorry, longer than 24 hours for the test results to return. this is the face of the fact we have technology to get test results within 15 minutes. we've seen this movie before. it's like ground-hog day all over again. we know what's going to happen, and floridians will pay the
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price for these bad decisions, and i'm tired of saying this but i'm pissed off, i'm tired of it. >> yeah, there's a reason to be. we know that schools, colleges, bars and restaurants are thirty-two of the biggest risk factors for spreading covid. does that then mean that also schools will be impacted? because if people are going into restaurants and eating or going into restaurants and drinking doesn't that also mean that florida schools and the kids in florida are actually at greater risk? >> joy, i mean -- yes, the answer is yes. i mean, we know what's going to happen. in june when desaptesantis was the same thing we said it was going to spike. i mean, i don't know what else to say, i don't know what else to do except to say, listen, man, like just do your job and,
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you know, take the appropriate mitigation steps so our economy can reopen. this could have been prevented. the two are not mutually exclusive. this is false dichotomy meaning that if the governor and leadership did what they were supposed to do meaning improve our testing capacity, improve our contact tracing, improve or mitigation levels instead of reopening schools without any plans in place to decrease infection spread i would be okay with that. but they've none of that. our most vulnerable population and as a physician representing other physicians, i don't know what to say. i'm pissed. i mean, i don't know what else to say. >> you have every reason to be. >> people will pay the price for this. people will die. and as a physician and a person who cares about my state, cares about my patients, just do your job, man.
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>> it would be nice. dr. bernard ashby, it's always nice to have you on. you're right to be angry. it is a mess. have a great weekend or try to. and last hour donald trump tweeted governor andrew cuomo of new york wants to put new york at the end of the vaccine list and that he doesn't trust the fda or federal government even though the vaccines are being developed by the finest labs in the world. wish he trusted us on nursing homes. i'm joined now by new hampshire governor andrew cuomo, a surprise call in this evening. governor cuomo, do you take that as a threat? is donald trump saying somehow he could with hold a vaccine from the state of new york? >> good evening, joy. yeah, that's called a threat. that's called i will put new york at the end of the list. that's what he's trying to say. but, look, i don't trust the president. and i don't trust the fda.
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and the doctor who you just had an your show was exactly right. they have lied about covid from day one. they lied in january when peter novaro had the memo saying 2 to 3 million people would get infected, and they denied it. they denied covid was here. they're denying it now. the doctor is exactly right, joy. they're actually doing fewer tests. florida now does fewer tests than they did two months ago. this is the trump doctrine. do fewer tests so you will show fewer cases. remember he said if you test last we'll have fewer cases. that's what he's doing, the vaccine. he said yesterday that the fda was being political in saying they actually wanted to review the vaccine. so, yeah, the american people don't trust the fda. they shouldn't. trump has politicized this entire situation.
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he's overwritten health and science with politics. >> and, you know, we're looking right now at one of these super spreader rallies, and he's sort of like typhoid trumpy going from state to state with these super spreaders. florida has an older population than new york. in new york you were out sounding the alarm on tv every day saying this is what we're doing, this is the risk, this is what we need. what do you make of another governor, a fellow governor who is behind new york on the calendar in terms of covid blasting that state and who knew the risks because you were on tv saying them. making the choice to reopen disney world, reopen bars, reopen restaurants and just without thinking? what do you make of a governor who would do that to his own people? >> joy, when we look back at this it is reprehensible. you are so right. we went through this in new york
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back in march. remember what happened in new york. that's where covid ambushed us because it came from europe while everybody was still -- the president was still talking about china. and we had two weeks to get ready. we had to scramble. we did reopen the economy, but we did it with testing. and our economy has been open, but we have an infection rate that's one of the lowest in the nation. it was never a choice of either/or. and these other states had months to get ready, and some of them listened to president trump. they are lying about it. it's an ugly word, but it's ugly action that they're taking. they're denying it. testing less to cover it up, and people are dying. i mean, we lose more people than france, spain, u.k., italy
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combined every day. i mean, it's disgusting. >> yeah, and i can tell you i've been in new york recently. we go back and forth between here and there and new york actually feels like it's getting back to normal. you can sit outside at a great restaurant. new york is getting back to normal and these other states are falling just into the pit of covid. i don't understand it. andrew cuomo, governor of new york, thank you for calling in. i appreciate you taking the time. >> my pleasure. >> thank you so much. and still ahead more protests are expected tonight as breonna taylor's family calls for the release of key evidence present today the grand jury. that is on "the reid out" next. stay with us. "the reid out" net stay with us ♪ you are my sunshine, my only sunshine... ♪
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i want to do everything i can to protect the environment to make sure they see the same beauty i've seen in nature. my goal is to lead projects that affect the world. i know that to be great requires hard work. my wife and daughter had been killed in an automobile crash, and lying in the bed were my two little boys. i couldn't have imagined what it would've been like if i didn't have insurance to cover them immediately and fully. forty years later, one of those little boys, my son beau, was diagnosed with terminal cancer, given months to live. i can't fathom what would have happened if the insurance companies had the power to say, "the last few months, you're on your own." the fact of the matter is health care is personal to me. obamacare is personal to me. when i see the president of the united states
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flipping the senate led straight through the south. and today the governor of georgia got a major boost. former president barack obama endorseed the reverend of atlanta's ebenezer baptist church historically dr. king's church in his bid to take down senator kelly luffler. "the new york times" poll out yesterday showed the reverend running a close second to loeffler in an open race. stacey abrams told the atlanta journal constitution we need matt leiberman to understand he's not called for this moment. we're asking people to consolidate their support around raphael warnock. it's a special election. a candidate who receives more than 50% of the vote could be seated in november giving democrats an additional vote against a nominee to replace
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justice ruth bader ginsburg. if that vote drags into the senate's lame duck session. the other reason if no single candidate receives more than 50% the race would move to a runoff between the top two vote getters on january 5th. and democrats want to make sure that one of their candidates makes it into that runoff. and joining me now is the reverend democratic candidate for u.s. senate from georgia. and i presume, reverend warnock there's no sign he's going to drop out, that he's willing to endorse you rather than running. >> joyce, great to be with you here again. i can't speak for him or anyone else in this race. i can tell you i'm in augusta, georgia, right now. i've been moving all across this state. i was in savannah the other day and there's a lot of momentum behind my race. i'm grateful for the endorsement of president obama and others, but i think they're responding to the momentum we're seeing on
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the ground, and i'm feeling good working hard. and i intend to deliver this seat for the people of georgia when the future falls on our shoulders. >> there is a factor in this race. his name is brian kemp, the governor of georgia who i don't think anybody who watched the 2018 election trusts, and he's got a mini me sitting in the office. this is what stacey abrams tweeted yesterday. this includes 20% of black voters requesting 49% of hispanic voters, 67% of voters under 30, change has come to georgia. are you confident that those people will be able to vote given the leadership of your state? >> well, there's no question my good friend stacey abrams is right the fight has come to georgia. the tip of the spear in a south that is quickly changing.
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and the other side goes that. that's why they're engaged in voter suppression. look, they tried this on june 9th, and we take it seriously. we're pushing back hard. they're being sued in the court. there will be lawyers on the ground to push back hard against voter suppression. but here's the good news. georgia voters showed up in spite of the trick that they played in the june 9th primary. we had record voting turnout, 1.3 million democrats showed up. they had less than a million on the other side. that's why they're engaged in voter suppression. people confident in their message don't engage in voter suppression. they trust the electorate. and so i'm going to put my trust in the electorate. they know i'm fighting for health care, and i think -- look, the answer to voter suppression is massive voter turnout. that's what we intend to deliver. >> indeed. your opponent one of them kelly loeffler, she sort of styled herself as atilla the hundred,
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that's how right wing she is. she's campaigned with a qanon candidate so she's pretty far-out there. not sure she's as out there as the president of the united states. he was in atlanta today, and let me play a bit of what he said. >> biden believes that all black americans have to think the same way. that's what it was all about. today's democrat party is run by -- he doesn't know black americans like i do. >> that he doesn't know black americans like i do strikes me as offensive sort of thing to say. what do you make of donald trump's pitch to black voters which is specifically directed at black men? >> listen, by now we know who donald trump is. and he didn't waste any time. look, he came into politics riding on the idea that somehow
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the first black president -- and he came down the escalator attacking other people of color, so we know who donald trump is. i think it's important for us to line up, to stay focused on the goal of delivering health care for all in this state. we've got over 500,000 people in the medicaid gap in georgia. they're the ones i'm focused on am. and if they succeed in getting rid of the affordable care act in this new hearing coming up in the supreme court, that would be 1.8 million georgians in the medicaid gap. and so i think when people think about their health care and living wage, that those are issues that transcend race and speak to the heart of ordinary people, kitchen table issues. and that's what i intend to lift up in this campaign. >> president obama endorsed you. are you expecting him to come and campaign for you? >> i'd certainly be honored if he did come.
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i've known the president for several years now, and we've been together. i've been at the white house, preached the closing prayer breakfast during his administration. and so i'd be deeply honored. and look, the affordable care act is imperilled in this moment. that's a big part of the work he's done. i think we need this president. and so what i look forward to doing is being a partner in that work. >> reverend raphael warnock, best of luck to you, sir. really appreciate you taking some time tonight. thank you. >> thank you very much. >> thank you so much. and still ahead, breonna taylor's family, oh, wait at the u.s. capitol today there was a moving tribute and final good-bye to justice ruth bader ginsburg. i think that's what we're doing now. her former trainer gave a very heartfelt good-bye. we will show you that later in the show, but right now i think we're going to take a quick break. right now i think we're going to take a quick break. tide power pods one up the cleaning power of liquid.
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i never had faith in daniel cameron to begin with. i knew he was too inexperienced to deal with a job of this caliber. what he helped me realize is that it will always be us against them. you didn't just rob me and my family, you robbed the world of a queen. a queen willing to do a job that most of us could never stomach to do. a queen willing to build up anyone around her. a queen who was starting to pave her path. >> that was bianca austin, delivering a message on behalf of tamika palmer, breonna's mom. members of taylor's family gathered this morning for the first news conference since a
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grand jury decided not to indict any lieuouisville police office for her killing. >> but not only do we want the recordings and the transcript what we also want is for you to quit dodging it questions, daniel cameron. you can't pawn this off on the grand jury if your office made that decision. >> this came a night after police arrested at least two dozen protesters in louisville. that's 11 more than in the arrest of killing of breonna taylor. among those arrested two of louisville's most prominent black leaders. sponsor of briana's law, and an activist who runs louisville's chapter of the bail project. and with me now someone who's covering breonna's case for "the new york times." i will note we were planning to have on representative scott, but for her own safety she was outside during the protests, so she is just going to make sure
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she's in a safe place. i'm really glad to get to talk to you. first of all let's talk about the status of the protests today and the demands from the family. before we get to that, let's talk about these arrests. why were two -- why was a state official who's the author of breonna's law which makes it so police can't do no-knock warrants, why would she be arrested along with an activist? >> i don't have much clarity on her arrest. there have been dozens of people arrested in the last couple of days including a couple of journalists who got caught up in the scrum, and of course there's been criticism of the louisville metro police department for acting aggressively towards these protesters. >> and is there any sense or any talk or any worry that retaliation is happening? that that's behind this? >> again, i don't know. what i can say about the
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protests having been out there, you know, for the last several days is that the protests tend to be peaceful for the most part until they're not. and, unfortunately, right around curfew time which is 9:00 p.m. here in louisville, there tends to be a moment when things generate. last night i was in front of a group of people that tried to smash the windows of a really elegant library, so a public building that is really there for the good of others. somebody was able to throw in some sort of incendiary device and the intent seemed to be to burn down that building. to me a library is a very different type of building than, say, a police station. that is something that is clearly there for the community. >> yes. >> so the protests have been peaceful until they're not. >> yeah. i mean, that's the same thing that happened in baltimore at curfew. it is a different group of people. it's not the protesters. >> yes, right. >> let's talk a little about
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this case itself. there was a video that came out that was played earlier today on msnbc. and it actually shows the police officer who was shot in the leg who took a round in the leg, one of the officers who was not charged, and there is the video here, which was released apparently by the officer, if i'm correct, which raises the question to me. i thought they didn't have cameras on. if they didn't have cameras on and body cameras inside of where they shot breonna taylor, how did they have this? >> that's a very good question, joy. what we know is the cops that beat down breonna taylor's door were undercover rcops. they don't have body cameras because their work is undercover and having it appear would obviously give you away. what we also know is that immediately after an officer was shot, they put on the call on the radio for what is known as a
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1030, which is an officer down and a request for anyone in the area to respond. and we know that squad and several other police entities responded and that they did have body cam. "the new york times" has actually used the local open records law to try to foya for that body cam footage. so far we are told we can't have it because it is part of this investigation. this is an officer who came in response. it would be very bad for this police department if this was one of the narcotics officers where we have been told in written letters that those body cam videos didn't exist. >> well, if they're claiming that the shooting was completely righteous, what are they investigating? initial police departments don't seem to have reflected anything was accurate. no aid was rendered.
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it seemed the police were not honest in what they put in their reports. the initial police report did not conclude that breonna taylor's boyfriend is the one who shot a police officer in the league. leaving open the possibility it was friendly fire. what about that? >> what i think you are referring to is something called the incident report, which is a one-page report put out after a fatality of this kind or incident of this kind. and that was a catastrophic failure. it said she had not been shot. it said the door to her apartment had not been bust in. i have tried to get answers about how that mistake happen. one official tried to help me and was providing some sort of answer. i could not even understand -- there was some rational for it, but i could not even understand what exactly that rational was. so that was a major failure by both the city and the police department to put that out. now, regarding friendly fire, that has been a theory that was
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floated by breonna dtaylor's attorney. it was a theory set to rest a couple days ago by the attorney general based on the ballistics that the fbi lab in quantilooke. >> very quickly, we're running out of time, but what are the chances of getting that transcript of the grand jury released? because the family clearly does not trust this attorney general to have put forward a strong case or even to have mentioned breonna. >> i think there may be a bulk of documents released next week by the city, which is their own investigation by the internal police investigative body, and that's actually quite helpful. that's statements from all the officers there, things of that nature. about the attorney general, i
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don't know that that's ever going to come out. >> well, hopefully we can have you back on as we learn more. thank you so much. >> thank you. >> coming up, the amazing scene on the capital today where ruth bader ginsburg again made history. "the reid out" continues after this. still your best friend.
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we close tonight with a farewell. today justice ruth bad ee er ginsburg became the first woman to lie in state in the capital. democratic presidential nominee joe biden and his running mate kamala harris. notably absent mitch mcconnell who chose to skip it. playing the hare in this case rather than the turtle. meanwhile, a poignant personal moment came from justice ginsburg's long-time personal trainer, bryant johnson.
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>> that's tonight's "reid out." "all in" with chris hayes starts right now. >> tonight on "all in," a president trying to undermine a free and fair election is now using the department of justice to do his dirty work. tonight how donald trump and bill barr were caught ginning up a fake voter fraud controversy. then tom perez on his efforts to protect the election and how the democratic nominee sees the race. >> we'll have an election in this country as we always have had and he'll leave. plus, the new trump health care scan that's on par with trump university and why
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