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tv   MTP Daily  MSNBC  September 28, 2020 10:00am-11:00am PDT

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plus, amy coney barrett versus public opinion. how the president's supreme court pick comes with many potential pitfalls for his campaign. what does the head of the cdc really think about one of the president's most newest and controversial health advisors. we have that ahead. good afternoon. i am in for chuck todd. 35 days until election day, and one day now until the first presidential debate. the supreme court nomination that president trump's campaign would hope reinvigorate his election bid finds itself below the fold as the personal tax
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liability taxes comes out. he's the only modern presidential candidate and now only modern president to not release his or her tax returns. according to the times, the president paid just $750 in personal income taxes in both 2016 and 2017, and paid no income taxes in 10 of the last 15 years. the paper reports trump claimed a refund in 2010, and this led to a decade long battle with the irs that remains unrevolved and the personal is liable for loans that come due over the next few years, and nbc news has not seen the documents at the heart of the "new york times" reporting. the president dismissed that reporting as fake news last
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night, and went after the irs. >> it's fake news. made up, fake. you could have asked me the same thing four years ago, and actually i paid tax. you have people in the irs, and they treat me very, very badly. but they are under oaudit, and when they are not i would be proud to show you. that's fake news. >> and the story in the "new york times" shows a string of losing real estate deals from trump, and "the times" writes, ultimately mr. trump has been more successful playing a business mogul than being one in real life. the revelations are obvious fodder for the president's
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challenger, joe biden, heading into tomorrow's night debate and the story threatens to take the story off of what otherwise would have been the biggest news story today, the president's nomination of amy coney barrett for a seat on the supreme court. if there's a silver lining, it is the debate tomorrow night. as this september ends and as early voting picks up around the country, polling still rates that trump is running uphill in in case and the new information about his personal tax history could make that hill a steeper one for him. joining me is jeff bennett at the white house, and business correspondent and stephanie ruhle joins us as well, and thanks to all of you for being with us. jeff bennett, let me start with you. we played a little bit of what
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the president had to say last night. there's a line he has been going back to since the 2016 campaign, saying this is subject to some kind of an audit, i can't release taxes. he's still using that line in terms of responding to the specifics in this reporting, though. is there anything else on the horizon from the president or white house? what are you hearing there? >> well, steve, president trump in a tweet today suggested this reporting by "the new york times" is fake, and he said his tax reports were illegally obtained. both things can't be true. and he is trying to dismiss this as fake news, and an attorney for the trump organization, saying the deeply reported account from the "new york times" is quote, riddled with inaccuracies. the president can settle all of
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this by simply releasing his tax returns and he says he can't do it because he's under audit, and his own irs commissioner said an audit does not prevent anybody from releasing his or her tax returns. one thing that stood out to me, president trump according to the "new york times" raised $70 million in assets abroad. oug despite his pledge we would pursue no new foreign deals while in office. there's the point you mentioned, he's personally on the hook for hundreds of millions of dollars, $300 million at least, and the bills are coming due and we don't know -- the american public does not know to whom he owes that money. that's a huge national security issue, and many have spoken on
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the record about it. >> there's the question with how this will play into the debate tomorrow night, and what are you hearing from the biden folks? is this something they expect the former vice president himself to be bringing up at the debate, and if so how? >> absolutely, steve. terms like audits, liquidity, they don't lend themselves to great things in a campaign. the kind of voters they are focused on at this moment, releasing the digital ad, comparing the president's federal tax burden with teachers and first responders and other middle class workers. steve, think about which campaign now is coming here to cleveland on offense versus on defense. the former vice president launched what they would hope as
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a major offense for the debate, and biden representing the workers in scranton that will be key to the blue wall states. the president, of course, spent friday head into the weekend hoping to be touting his new nominee for the supreme court, and now it's that issue that the biden campaigned hoped to focus on, and as i said, steve, the biden campaign, obviously they see multiple pathways to the president see for biden in terms of the electoral map, and the real focus on their strategy allows them to go both on offense and on defense. whenever the former vice president was asked about his son, hunter biden, for example, during the course of the campaign, and especially during the primaries, he pivoted quickly to the president and his finances. he would say i released 20 years
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of my tax returns, where are the president's? you can see him using that as offense and defense tomorrow. >> terms of what is detailed in the reporting in the "new york times," you know this world very well. $750, they are reporting the president paying there for two years recently. the president has said, you know, the idea that he would have paid a small amount in federal taxes, he said that could be a testimony to his business, and you would try and minimize your max liability, and that would be something a successful business person would do. how does that work? what steps could be taken for somebody in his position to reduce their tax -- what kinds of things would have to be done to get a tax liability down to that level? >> okay, in short, steve, the answer is no. that's the argument the president made in 2016.
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listen, i am a great business guy and i know how to optimize my finances, and here's the problem. there's no evidence of him doing that, and the argument that this is what all smart people do, that's not true. i interviewed a man that said there is no scenario where year after year i pay no taxes. ivanka trump, he said he paid her $700,000 for consulting fees for three different projects, and he took that $700,000 and wrote it off as a business expense. that does not make sense. that is not optimizing your taxes and we will have to do further reporting on that, and the way that looks is fraud. go beyond the blue states and what jeff was talking about where it's wall street versus
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scranton. this is not how good or smart business people operate, and this looks fraudulent. the whole idea while in office he was going to close the loops, while in office he expanded during the corporate tax cut, business machinery expenses, meaning you would invest and hire more people, and including in that is private planes and corporate jets, and you see a spike in people seeing private planes? guess why? you were able to write down the full value of that purchase. if that is not working for the ultra elite, i don't know what is. i can't imagine that will play well in the deep red counties who say they were forgotten who is working for them. >> we were talking about the political openings that the biden campaign sees here. just talking to the folks at the white house, do you get a sense the politics of this for them at the end of the september in a re-election race where the polls
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are looking dicey for him? are you picking up an added of political concern with this story? >> yes, here is why. this reporting comes in an inopportune time, and specifically in the key battleground states, this is coming on the eve of a debate, and it also pierces this branding that the president has built for himself as some sort of savvy billionaire tycoon. that had been the core appeal to the president trump's base. he was better at playing a savvy businessman on tv than he was in person, steve. >> thank you for joining us. appreciate that. joining me now is msnbc weekend anchor, ali.
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what are you hearing out there? >> steve, every week i have been out in a different place across america, usually talking to six voters at a time and you will hear from them later in the show, and this news broke after i spoke with them, so we found them and had a chat with them on zoom to see if they heard the news and they had, and what their reactions would be. what you are about to hear is responses from a democrat, republican, and independent who was part of my voter panel. >> here we are faced with this man who is supposedly in charge of our nation, and supposed to be setting a good example that has bragged for a long time about not paying any taxes, and now it's been revealed that he paid all of $750 in taxes the
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first year of his presidency. my husband and i paid 35 times that amount after our deductions. >> i don't think it's a big deal and we don't know if it's real. i am more concerned with how his preside presidency impacted by personal finances. i get to keep more of my money and i am paying less in taxes and my 401(k) is growing at an unprecedented rate. for me this president scy works. >> i think there will be some in the military that change their opinion on them. if that does not offend some of those that would vote for him that served this country, then i have to have conversation with folks. that's ridiculous. >> my last guest there was somebody who was a military veteran and that's the context in which he was talking. i was listening to stephanie say
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this, how will this play out for some republicans whom this may not work out, and i found being around america, people get their news sources and interpretations of the story from whoever they consult, wherever they get their news. i have not met anybody yet that said, wow, this is going to change where i am, as you know better than anybody else in this network, there are few americans undecided in the moment, but this seems to have hardened their belief. >> there's that one rare chance tomorrow night where unfiltered you will get both candidates one-on-one for that period when they are onstage and no commentary, and we will see if that has an impact on this race? thank you for that reporting. we will hear more from you and your voter panel ahead. plus, we will dig into how the
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bombshell news about trump's taxes could play out at the debate we are setting the stage for tomorrow night, the first face-off between donald trump and joe biden. the audience may be the largest in history for one of these. what are they going to see? later, our exclusive reporting on why the head of the cdc is concerned about one of the advisers on the coronavirus task force. i felt like... ...i was just fighting an uphill battle in my career. so when i heard about the applied digital skills courses, i'm thinking i can become more marketable. you don't need to be a computer expert to be great at this. these are skills lots of people can learn. i feel hopeful about the future now. ♪
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welcome back. as we have been talking about, "the new york times" report about president trump's taxes, as well as the president's pick to fill ruth bader ginsburg seat on the supreme court both figure to loom large in tomorrow night's first presidential debate. meanwhile, republicans plan to start confirmation hearings as well for amy coney barrett on october 12th with a potential vote on confirmation just days
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before election day. and joining me is garrett, and i think there was an expectation we would start the week focusing on the battle and on capitol hill that was going to play out, and now we are talking about the president's taxes. let's focus on the supreme court pick here because last we left off with you, it appeared republicans had the votes for this. has anything changed on that front, and if it hasn't what do we expect democrats to be doing over the next couple of weeks? >> the answer to your first question, no, we still believe the republicans will have the votes here. you mentioned the hearings in the judiciary committee won't pick up until october 12th, but tomorrow the judge will be here beginning rounds of meetings with senators, and expect her to meet with judiciary committee
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members, some democrats that want to meet with her, because that's the tradition, and the top democrat in the senate said he would not do so at this point. then we have the judiciary committee confirmation hearings that last a week, and that will be a few days before the election and the last week of october. democrats largely know they cannot stop this. there's little they can do to slow it down. what they are trying to do is make republicans pay a political price for moving forward with the nomination, particularly so quickly. all the polling that has come out on the issue has shown the majority of the public is opposed to moving forward on the nomination, and they are trying to tie the nomination beyond the supreme court that can seem as a secondary issue, an abstract issue in and of itself to voters, tying it to litigation that may come in the fall over the results of the election, and
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trying to tie the election of amy coney barrett to the coming issues in the month ahead. >> garrett on capitol hill, thank you. joining me to discuss the supreme court along with tomorrow night's debate, we have the president and ceo of vote latino, and maria teresa, and we have michael steele, and ali velshi is back with us as well. michael steele, let me start with you on what garrett was just talking about. the polling we have seen so far when it comes to this supreme court pick when you ask a question in the polls, would you rather have trump or biden dealing with supreme court picks, you see an advantage for biden, and when you ask if it should be filled now, you don't see a ground swell support at least for now for that.
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is there a political repair here for republicans? >> the process argument, i don't think anybody will vote on the timing of the nomination or timing, and i think traditionally republicans have benefited from court fights. the supreme court energized the base, and replacing an icon with a jurist, i think they can see this. >> in 2016 we asked the question, what is the most important issue to you, what is a very important issue. republicans in 2016 were citing the supreme court democrats not nearly to the same degree. when you poll that now you see more democrats saying the supreme court in court picks in general are an important issue to them. is there sort of a rally the base affect here that the president can generate that
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ought to alarm democrats? have democrats succeeded in elevating this issue within their own base where it could play to their benefit? how do you see the politics of this? >> i think the republicans often times have not wanted to vote for the president and now they recognize the supreme court is on the line and he may bring in a whole punch of individuals that will cast that ballot to make sure it's passed through successfully. but the difference from 2016, steve, to today, is the fact that from the day of inauguration of january 22nd of 2019, young women have been mobilizing other young women to lengths we have never seen. in 2016 we had 900 women decide they were going to run for office. since 2018 we have had over 47,000 women say they were going to run for office. in the mid-term election the
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reason there was such a saw lacking for the republicans, women organized and voted in record number. this because they were trying to replace it, the legend of ruth bader ginsburg, everything she stands for will mobilize women in ways we have not seen and it was because he mobilized women after his inauguration because so many people were appalled. i think the republicans are in for a fight they are not prepared for because we have so many women and allies on the other side willing to take this to make sure their voice is heard. >> we just put it up on the screen. these are new poll numbers out within the last 20 minutes or so, and they asked the question this way, do you approve or disapprove of the president filling a supreme court vacancy now before the election? 46 approved and 51 disapproved. some of our discerning viewers notice that looks similar to the
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president's overall approve and disapproval rating, and they have a general poll, 54 to 44, a six-point advantage. ali, we had you looking at some of the questions around trump's taxes and what you were starting to pick up from voters there, but what about this issue, is this something they are talking about? are you hearing it equally from both sides? >> yeah, i hit the ground last saturday as everybody was digesting the news of the passing of ruth bader ginsburg, and had another conversation this weekend and i think michael and teresa are correct, they fully support the idea the seat should be filled, and they are not able to articulate well why
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it should be shifted from their view last time where garland should not have held over to get a sense of what the american people wanted, but they are fully in support in accordance of the poll you just showed us. a lot of the democrats with whom i have been speaking said is they know some people that while they don't like donald trump have not felt the same motivation to get out there and vote this time, and they found all sorts of reasons why joe biden does not motivate them and this may animate them and they are going out to have the conversation with their friends to say if for no other reason go out and cast your ballot because of this. the timing on that is not going to work if the republicans are able to get amy coney barrett confirmed before the election, but the concept people are getting out there might weigh on republican centers, maybe not, but it may start to weigh on them this could bring out
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democrats not motivated to vote, and i will play that for a little later about what they had to say specifically about the supreme court nominee and what this means to them. >> yeah, it's interesting, too, in our last block was talking about the new revelations of president trump's taxes and how that might increase motivation. just this idea of more and more political energy, sort of coursing through the system, perhaps on both sides. let me ask you about that, michael steele, because we have heard it suggested in the last few minutes on this show that the president might be hurt potentially with the new revelations about his personal tax situation or at the very least democratic voters, this could be another thing that nudges democratic voters that don't like trump to be that much more motivated to get out there and vote, and get friends and family out there, and what do
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you make of that, the president refusing to release his taxes and now it's revealed he did not pay taxes and for some years it's $750, does that hurt him? >> it's not going to hurt the base, and i think it's a big deal for the former vice president in the debate, and $750 figure is memorable and it means something to real people, and it will help him illustrate his economic message. the second thing is it gives him something to turn to when he is attacked over the scandal with his son, and he doesn't always answer the questions well, and when attacked about her surviving son, he will counter punch. >> let me just bring you in
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quickly. this debate tomorrow night, i am wondering what you are expecting? the president is a very -- for lack of a better term, an onconventional communicator -- >> you are being kind. >> folks who have spent four years dissecting the onstage dynamics between trump and hillary in 2016, what are you expecting the dynamics to be like tomorrow night, president trump versus biden on the same stage? >> i think trump will try to swing at biden really fast and try to basically unsettle him, and what biden has above him, he has demonstrated in debate after debate, he's cool and doesn't get knowledge taeuagitated, and under the president's skin. so many people are finally paying attention to the debate stage. let's not forget, i will bet you
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money that tomorrow biden will connect the fact that he has a supreme court justice vacancy that is open, and that's also in front of a supreme court that is abg tef talking about aca and dismantling. we have over 7 million americans who suffered covid, and now have pre-existing conditions, that's no small feat, and i think it will be difficult for president trump to say that's not the case. >> all right, thanks to both of you for taking a few minutes. next, ali velshi will return with the pulse out there in colorado. how are folks out there feeling with just hours to go now. i will take you through the latest polling on where the race stands, not just nationally but in some of the most important
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swing states. before i break, a brief heads up about tomorrow's debate. chuck todd will host predebate coverage on nbc news now. that will start at 8:00 p.m. tomorrow. we will be right back. robinhood believes now is the time to do money. without the commission fees. so, you can start investing today wherever you are - even hanging with your dog. so, what are you waiting for? download now and get your first stock on us. robinhood.
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it's why we built our workspace technology. to help you do your best work and to see what you can become. you're made for bigger things. all right, 36 days until election day and 24 hours and change until the first
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presidential debate. donald trump, joe biden, both refining their messages getting ready for the first showdown. of course it comes against the backdrop of new nbc marist polls from two of the most important battleground states. here's one of them. wisconsin. joe biden up by 10 in our new poll over trump in the badger state. remember, the last time before trump won it in 2016 that a republican carried wisconsin in a presidential race was all the way back in 1984. trump won this by a fraction of a point in 2016. here's biden leading by 10 in our poll. we also have michigan. i will try that again. i am going to press it -- there it is. michigan will pop up. eight-point lead for biden over trump in michigan. trump won this, first republican to do it by a fraction of a
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point. where is joe biden making up, and demographically, it's white voters, white voters in these states. let me take you through the trend here in the most recent several elections in the states among white voters. go back to 2008. remember, barack obama won big in 2008 nationally. he won big in wisconsin. he won big in michigan. white voters in the states, a very large chunk of the electorate. obama won by 5 in wisconsin and 4 in michigan. he won the white vote out right. in 2012, obama ran for re-election and he got re-elected and it was narrower than 2008, and he lost the white vote narrowly in michigan, and lost it by 11 in michigan. and then 2016, hillary clinton versus trump.
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for democrats the floor well out for white voters in these states, and over 20 points in michigan among white voters. we have talked about this, blue collar white voters, the backbone of the trump base. what does it looks like now? if you average together the polls out there in these two states right now, very different than 2016. you got a biden lead on average in the polls on three points in wisconsin. what does that look like? >> that looks like obama in 2008, at least right now, that's what that looks like. you still have trump ahead among white voters in michigan, but only by two. again, you are getting close to the 2008 tier. we talked about obama/trump voters, swinging from obama to trump in the 2016 election, and are some of those voters swinging back to biden in 2020? we will see what happens.
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back with us from pueblo, colorado, my co-anchor for the hour, ali velshi. again, you are on the ground there talking to folks and sort of taking their pulse. i am curious, what are you picking up on? >> folks that watch you and me, they know we love being at that board and showing those numbers to them, and every week i have been going out and talking to about six voters in each one of the swing states. it's not representative by any means but a mix of people and this time the supreme court was top of mind for all of my guests here. here's a bit of what they told me. >> the supreme court will look into the affordable care act.
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>> it has benefited millions of people. everybody standing here today has a pre-existing illness. if you broke your ankle, that's a pre-existing condition. if you had a eye problem, that's a pre-existing condition. if you want insurance outside of a large group plan, you will be uninsurable. you can't get it. i own my own business, which the aca allows me to, because it grants me the right to have insurance. also under the aca, we have so many disagreements. the aca was negotiated and it was compromised, and it took a long time to get where it is as we know it today. we need it. will repealing it harm more
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people than helping people? yes. i am so hopeful that the supreme court takes that into consideration when they decide this case coming up. >> the supreme court as it relates to you? >> as an attorney, i think the supreme court, i am very invested in what is happening in the sproerupreme court, it's fe, and in terms of the last time they passes laws for immigration. a lot of the policy change that has happened in the last four years, the only way that we are able to combat it as attorneys is through the courts. sometimes i find myself in consultations where i tell a client here in colorado you
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can't go forward with your case but if you move to california you will be able to move forward. why? because the federal courts in california have interpreted the law differently than here in colorado, and we are seeing a lot of this play out in federal courts and go to the supreme court, and so as attorneys we are invested in what the cases the court gives a ruling on and what cases they decline to give a ruling on. >> you were going to say something? >> bodily autonomy is a nice and fluffy way of saying abortion. i am an adoptie, and i believe in the bodily autonomy of the preborn little girls, too, and i don't think they should be ripped from their mother's wounds. i am a grandmother of two baby twins. >> congratulations. >> thank you. it's up to four.
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they are everything. but they were born at, like, 4 1/2 and just under 5 pounds. babies that size are killed every day. as a society it's just barbaric and inhumane and should not happen. >> steve, what i thought was interesting was the degree to which my panel interpreted the supreme court through their work or life experience, and that's helpful to hear about that not as an abstraction or a political person but as a personal position, so i am grateful for those voters and i will continue to do this until election day. >> yeah, the court, it's something in the last couple of decades, the importance to americans, it has grown and it's something to see and listen to. appreciate that. thank you. up next, the head of the cdc takes aim at a member of the coronavirus task force and his influence over the president. we have exclusive reporting. that is next.
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for months some of the nation's top public health officials tiptoed around president trump's rosy public announcements when it comes to the coronavirus. now we are learning the head of the cdc is concerned about what the president is communicating to the public. nbc news is reporting that cdc director robert redfield is worried about the influence of one of the president's coronavirus advisers. dr. scott atlas on a range of issues, including masks and herd immunity. on a phone call on a commercial flight, dr. redfield was overheard saying everything dr. atlas says is, quote, false. atlas was brought on to the coronavirus task force in august despite not having a background in infectious disease or public health. our politi reporter joins us with - team at the white house that is handling the pandemic response, and that coincided in august with really a more diminished role of the doctors we were used to seeing such as dr. anthony fauci and deborah birx, both who remain on the task force, and dr. fauci, of course, continues to do media
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interviews and appearances but you have not seen them alongside the president or with him now when he takes questions on the pandemic. that's really because scott atlas occupied that space. dr. redfield was on a flight from atlanta to washington, d.c. speaking to a colleague and making references to comments dr. atlas said in the past and referring to those as false and expressed his concern to me in a conversation afterwards in the airport terminal to essentially say he's worried this information dr. atlas is pushing is ultimately giving to the prub and he is giving that to the public, and dr. redfield told me if every single person wore a face covering the pandemic would be over in eight to 12 weeks. he contradicted something the president continues to say in the last few weeks which is the u.s. is rounding the corner on the pandemic. dr. redfield telling me we are
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nowhere near the end. dr. atlas did provide a statement via the white house saying everything he supplied the president with is backed in science and data, but you mentioned at the introduction, compared to fauci and birx, atlas does not share their background and he's the medical adviser that spends the most time with the president. >> yeah, the nature of the pandemic and its trajectory here. we will turn to one of our front line doctors about a potential fall surge that may already be under way. stay with us. wherever you are - even hanging with your dog. so, what are you waiting for? download now and get your first stock on us.
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welcome back. new coronavirus cases are on the rise in at least half the country, raising concerns that expert warnings of a fall surge have fallen on deaf ears. the country's national daily average is ticking up, more than 44,000 new cases a day. that's the highest it's been since august 21st. and overall, the u.s. has now recorded more than 7 million cases, as the global death toll is on the precipice of topping a million. >> here with her perspective, dr. bhadelia, an infectious disease physician and msnbc
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medical contributor. d doctor, thank you for joining us. this is the thing i think we have all been on guard for, dreading the possibility of, but it's this idea, not so much of seeing cases in places where they haven't really hit before, but when you start seeing places where it cooled off and starts to be heating up again. is that what we're seeing now? >> steve, good afternoon. yeah, you know, there are areas of the country that are heavily affected, the dakotas, wyoming, montana, but as you mentioned, it seems like this is becoming a general pattern for over half the states in the country, seeing an increase in cases, and you know, the concern, of course, is that if we see this type of national increase, as we're going into the fall, the concerns we have had is, you know, the fall and the winter months are traditional coronavirus and influenza months. this is when the coronavirus and flu virus transmit really well.
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that and the fact people are moving indoors, the fact we had school openings, all of those elements would then put a pressure on health systems, where when we saw these limited geographical rises, first in the northeast and the west, then in the south, you saw the strains in personal protective equipment. you saw strains in testing. what happens when the outbreak, we let it get out of control, and it becomes more national? we're going to start seeing the strains. and the answer, of course, is simple. it sounds so simple, but it has been so hard to achieve, which is driving cases down. when we drive cases down through personal actions such as wearing our masks, you know, doing physical distancing, and at the public health level, modulating our opening of our society, rolling back openings, when you see those increases, that's what we're going to have to contend with when we start seeing those numbers, i think states that are heavily affected have to start considering whether they should be rolling back certain activities such as indoor dining, such as large --
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limiting the number of people that gather, and that's what some of the other countries that are seeing a second wave have started doing, such as the united kingdom as well. >> have there been advances since the early days when this was really hitting new york, that area, back in march and april, versus if this does start picking up in sort of the ways you're describing here, have there been meaningful advances in how it's treated that could at least improve some of the outcomes when it comes to mortality and long-term survival? >> yeah, steve, absolutely. we have driven the mortality lower than what it was. but it's still, you know, we're still seeing, in not just people who have comorbidities, which by the way, if you look otthese who are considered vulnerable, by some estimates, a quarter of the country is considered vulnerable for severe covid-19 disease. so when you're looking at it, the advances we have made are the presence of the antiviral,
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it's been small amounts, remdesivir helped a little. steroids helped, which were these large broad-based medications to help suppress the immune system. we're osfinding now findings that might help therapeutics, but how we stop is decreasing transmission. it's all of us wearing masks, keeping our distance, and getting a flu shot. >> doctor, thank you for taking a few minutes. and thank you for being with us this hour. before we go, we just want to note, today marks the fifth anniversary of "mtp daily" here on msnbc, and chuck will be back tomorrow to kick off year six. msnbc coverage continues right now with katy tur right after this break. break we're all finding ways to keep moving. but how do we make sure the direction
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11:00 am
good afternoon. i'm katy tur. it is 11:00 a.m. out west and 2:00 p.m. in washington, where we are expecting president trump to speak with reporters on coronavirus testing in the next hour. we're hearing the president might


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