tv The Reid Out MSNBC September 30, 2020 4:00pm-5:00pm PDT
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and 20% from the uni affiliated. it doesn't tell you what the spread will be, especially given all the debates from both sides about who should vote which way. thank you for sticking with us here on a big show, on a big night after a lot of big news. we'll be back tomorrow at 6:00 p.m. eastern. right now it's "the reidout" with joy reid. many of us woke up today to the emotional hangover that followed the first presidential debate between president trump and joe biden. the term "debate" might not be the most accurate descriptor, because it was more like watching trump take the american democratic process, toss it to a dumpster, light it on fire, and roll it down the street. in fact, the debate was so
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unruly on trump's part that the commission on presidential debates, a nonpartisan organization announced it plans to alter the format for future debates. according to one source close to the committee, that includes possibly cutting off the candidate's microphone when they violate the rules. biden reacted to the debacle today during a campaign stop during an amtrak stop in ohio that is part of his updated version of a whistle stop tour. >> the president of the united states conducted himself the way he did, umm, i think it was just a national embarrassment. i promise you, if, in fact, we win this election, this president will step down. he has no alternative. the american people will not stand for it. no agency would stand for that happening. >> meanwhile, trump's wounded twitter finger launched a war against his opponent before he emerged to address his inability to denounce white supremacists
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during the debate. >> i don't know who the proud boys are. i can only say they have to stand down, let law enforcement do their work. >> trump then returned to twitter to brag about ratings. what he called the highest cable television ratings of all time. couldn't describe that debate, which suffered a 35% drop in ratings from four years ago. he's missing the point. the nation isn't thinking about ratings, but the almost 208,000 deaths in the u.s. due to the coronavirus. a pandemic he has mishandled. to be clear, while being disruptive was supposedly his strategy last night, it went way off the rails, because of who he is. this is not the behavior of a person who seems frankly in control of his own behavior. it's clear, in fact, he isn't even trying to win the election any more. instead, what we witnessed last night was a president who
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finally understands that he is losing. he's lagging in the polls, he's losing ground with older voters, working class white voters, and suburban women. as for people of color, he never had us. so instead of an exchange that benefitted the american electorate, what we got was this. >> i'm not here to call out his lies. everybody knows he's a liar. >> but you agree -- you're the liar. you were last in your class, not first in your class. >> mr. president, can you let him finish, sir? >> he doesn't know how to do that. >> you would be surprised. >> do you have any idea what he's
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this failure to condemn white supremacists, which is promoting and pushing them. here he was last night. >> give me a name, give me -- >> white supremacists. >> proud boys, stand back and stand by. but i'll tell you what, i'll tell you what, somebody has to do something about antifa and the left, because this is not a right wing problem. >> so congresswoman, it's not as if the proud boys have never showed up around a place when an election is happening. i know in broward county, there was issues of not just them but other trump supporters in 2018 shows up and trying to intimidate people. what is the party, what are democrats like yourself planning to do to protect voters in the wake of this threat from the president of the united states and the militias who love him? >> it was just absolutely a tragedy to see that performance last night. but let me just tell you that we are very active, we're active in
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the congressional black caucus, active in all parts of the democratic caucus to talk to voters, do the education now to make sure that people know how to vote, that they have a plan to vote. and then, of course, encouraging people to vote from home, because that's the safest way to vote. but to mail their ballots in early, because the desperation has reached the point where the president has attempted to manipulate the post office. and where they are, where you do vote in person, if you don't have a choice, then we need to make sure that we're there protecting the folks that are waiting in line. we need to make sure that we're there with food and water, because we anticipate the lines being deliberately very long, because we know they're reducing the polling places where police come. >> if people show up and vote, it's one thing because they feel more secure in a sense, but what president trump is promising is to have his supporters meet
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people at the polls, and you though know he's going to be targeting people that look like us, anyone who he can identify as probably not his voters. voters of color will be vulnerable. this is what he said last night, essentially promising that he was going to have massive voter intimidation. here he is. >> i'm urging my supporters to go into the polls and watch very carefully, because that's what has to happen. i am urging them to do it. i am urging my people, i hope it's going to be a fair election, if it's fair, i'm 100% on board. if i see tens of thousands of ballots being manipulated, i can't go along with that. >> he's not going to see ballots, ballots are private. he would see the numbers going in the other direction. if he's promising to have his supporters, if armed people who love donald trump show up at the polls, what are people supposed
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to do? >> absolutely. this suspect the first time this has happened. essentially, he's calling vig vigilantes out to intimidate people. we had that problem years ago in southern california where they were targeting immigrants, where people weren't sure if it was i.c.e. showing up. that's where voter education is so important. we're going to have to have hotlines, that people are there to protect folks. we'll have to make sure that elected officials in the areas, we know this is going to happen. and our best defense is where you can, vote early. and our best defense is to organize and to make sure that people are there, and they understand that they might be there, looking like they're going to intimidate. but we have to stand strong. and i believe -- i mean, this is just the act of somebody who is utterly, utterly desperate. >> and you know, i'm going to thank you very much, congresswoman karen bass, this is the reason why people of
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color are not feeling like they trust police becomes a problem. ordinarily, you would say call 911. for a lot of black people, they're afraid to do that, because they're not sure they won't be the ones treated as some sort of threat and so it's problem overall. congresswoman karen bass, thank you very much for your time. really appreciate it. over on earth two, at the president's favorite news network, his allies had fawning praise for his performance. >> the gladiator, warrior, fighter in donald trump. this energizer bunny that's ready for battle and combat. >> trump is an apex predator, he's the lion king. >> the kind of guy that goes into the lion's den and comes out with a pelt over his shoulder and his tie straight. >> there's a piece in the daily beast which donald trump's own side called himmer ferial.
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do you get it? even with donald trump essentially high fiving ultranationalists groups and encouraging them to stand back and stand by, why are these people still defending him if >> what i would say, joy, is stop trying to understand it and stop trying to analyze it. it's not important anymore. we can talk about that later. but right now, in this moment, millions of americans are voting. and there's two sides in this debate. there's an un-american side, and that un-american side is built on a foundation of all of the ugly virtues that you saw last night. a blustery, lying bafoon, nasty, rude, not playing by the rules. you see someone who is out of control. and you understand perfectly
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that's the man sitting in the oval office, steering this ship into the proverbial iceberg. it's why we have 200,000 dead americans. it's why if we were germany, we had a competent leader like angela merkel, we would have 150,000 fewer dead americans. we should understand now thatag liars like sarah huckabee that you just showed on fox news, they have done tremendous damage to this country. they've been his abetters in stoking a cold civil war. and now, at an hour where the president intimates political violence, should there be an election which repudiates him, which we're on the verge of having, they say nothing. when we have a president who gives essentially a lock and load order to heavily arm paramilitary white supremacist
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militias, tells them to be ready, tells them to be ready to act, who sets the boundaries of the elections as essentially if i win, there will be a peaceful transition of power. but if i lose, and i'm repudiating, there will be chaos. and the definition of an illegitimate election is an election in which i lose. where is the outrage from the susan collins and the marco rubios, and from all of these people? where is it? where is it? we saw a president of the united states threaten violence against the country last night in no uncertain terms. and there's only one line left to cross now, joy, only one. we saw someone who was losing last night, threatening violence in the context of losing. soon he will ask his supporters, soon those propagandists you saw on fox will say to those supporters to cross the last and previously unimaginable line in
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american life. he will ask them to act seditiously, to stand in a movement to deny the popular and son sovereign will of the american peel, to retain the loser of an election in power. yes, i, donald trump have violence on my side. that's what the threat is. and what i say to the american people, the question you asked karen bass, you cannot be afraid. you cannot flinch. you cannot back up. you have to do your duty as a citizen and you have to show courage. do not be intimidated. you must vote. we will vote. and we will vote donald trump and his family that has stained 1600 pennsylvania avenue for four years, we will vote them back home to trump tower in new york city where they can face the consequences before god and
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the judgment of the american people for the profound damage that they have done to this country, and for the lives lost that didn't have to be. >> you know, steve, i do not trust any of these republicans. you have tim scott making excuses for president trump today. you have susan collins trying to say things about both sides. there's no way to have confidence in any member of the house of representatives, in members oh of the state legislatures of these state parties, to stand up for their constitutional role and their constitutional duty. if president trump clearly loses the election, let's say in pennsylvania, how do we even trust that the pennsylvania legislature, which is a republican dominated legislature, won't just say i don't care, we don't care, we're giving him the election? why shouldn't we assume the house of representatives will do it, as well? what can we do as citizens to ensure that they don't try to do
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that? >> we should not trust them. jon that they won't try to do that. there will be no coup in this country. the legitimately elected president of the united states will be sworn into office on january 20th. but we have to talk about what happened last night. the blustering, the disgrace, the humiliation we all feel as americans watching this, none of that matters. the only thing that matters about that debate is what happened at the end. donald trump gave a lock and load order to heavily armed, paramilitary, white supremacist militia organizations. tim scott knows that's exactly what he did. the white supremacist organizations are reveling in the support of the president today. they're celebrating it. >> yeah. >> we know, we know that president trump has said that an
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election where he does not win is an illegitimate election. we know that he's intimated that there will be violence if he loses. so there's no trip wire now between where we are and the edge oh of the cliff. the last thing that president trump will ask his principalist factotum in the united states house and senate to do is to stand shoulder to shoulder and deny the legitimacy of a vote and the popular and sovereign will of the american people. he will ask them to cross the line and act as enablers for an autocratic regime. he will ask them to end the american experiment. and every one of these people should not be trusted, because we're at the last line. >> yep. >> if tim scott, an african-american republican, united states senator, cannot plainly and clearly after what
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donald trump said last night and denounce it unequivocally, the party is lost. if susan collins looks at that debate and says they were rude on both sides, are you kidding me? not one of these people, not one of them, not one time to the floor of the senate, did anything when they knew trump was lying to the country about covid. they knew how dangerous he was. and now to stand idly by in come police it silence as donald trump threatens the foundations of american democracy, the right to vote. it is shameful, it is despicable. and soon they will be asked to cross the rubicon, a place from where there is no return. and we are in for it in this country over the next 40 days. prepare for chaos. but we, the american people,
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will not surrender our sovereignty to the trump family and his senate enablers. no way, no how. and that's what we do about it. >> absolutely. vote, vote, vote, make it clear who the people have chosen. steve, thank you very much, my friend. up next on "the reidout," trump takes his covid denial to the debate stage. >> when needed, i wear masks. >> okay, let me ask -- >> i don't wear masks like him. every time heyou see him and he got the biggest mask i've ever seen. >> democratic leader chuck schumer joins me next. and plus, the proud boys hate group, and their walk and nod alliance with the trump campaign. why is trump so hesitant to call them out? and yet another stunning new poll in lindsey graham's home state that has to have the white house rattled tonight. graham's opponent jaime harrison
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joins me. "the reidout" continues after this. that was my business gi, this one's casual. get set up right with a live bookkeeper with intuit quickbooks. tonight, i'll be eating a veggie cheeseburger on ciabatta, no tomatoes.. [hard a] tonight... i'll be eating four cheese tortellini with extra tomatoes. [full emphasis on the soft a] so its come to this? [doorbell chimes] thank you. [doorbell chimes] bravo. careful, hamill. daddy's not here to save you. oh i am my daddy. wait, what? what are you talking about?
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president than trump. he's harming our basic values, giving rise to hate, and he's selling out america to big corporations. i'm working to protect immigrants, women, communities of color, and lgbtq people. and i'm making corporations like pg&e and insurance companies play by our rules. we need experienced leadership to wipe away trump's stain on america for good.
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yesterday on the same day president trump was on the stage in cleveland, 777 persons died. a total of more than 7 million americans have been infected with the coronavirus, more than 200,000 of them have died. cases in north dakota, south dakota, you fa autah and eyiowa surging. in green bay, wisconsin, hospitals are close to maximum capacity. when asked about the pandemic, trump called his handling of this mess a success. >> far fewer people are dying. we've done a great job. the only thing i haven't done a good job, and that's because of the fake news, no matter what you say to them, they give you bad press on it. it's just fake news. >> joe biden had a different opinion. >> he's too weak to beat the pandemic, costing more than
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200,000 american lives. that's up-ended every part of our lives. hit working people particularly hard. their businesses are closed and schools aren't back to normal because donald trump hasn't done his job. >> joining me now, chuck schumer. senator, thank you for being here. you have a president -- >> thank you, joy. >> we have a president who will not acknowledge the number of dead, the number of sick, who wants to take away the affordable care act for the now 7 million people who have a preexisting season from coronavirus, whose administration blocked the cdc from grounding cruise ships because it was more important for cruise ships to tail than for people to survive. if president trump were to somehow cling to power and get four more years, what's the outlook for the american people, for our health, for our economy? >> atrocious. this man is a liar. you saw his debate performance.
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let me get the exact words right. this is his debate performance. a tale told by an idiot full of sound and fury, signifying nothing. president trump just lies at will. i've never seen any person i've met who lies so easily with no conscience, with no honor, with no values. we'll say whatever pops into his head that he thinks makes him look good. on covid, joy, i called him on january 26th and said this is a national crisis, declare a national emergency. it took him a month to do that. i called on him on march 6th to invoke the defense production act so we could get testing out there like korea and so many other countries had done successfully. nothing there. he said it would go away. he ignored it. and of course, there would be many, many fewer deaths, many, many fewer illnesses, the economy would be better, more people would have jobs, more small businesses would have
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stayed open, if not for one thing, donald trump. >> you know, the problem i think, senator, is that donald trump's party, the members of his party aren't much better. >> you are so right. the most appalling thing to me is -- i just have to -- is he is so bad and all the republican senators just march in lock step to this man. and that is as bad, if not worse almost than donald trump. sorry. >> absolutely. no problem at all. i was just going to go through a couple of instances. you have john ratcliff, running our intelligence service, pedaling russian propaganda directly to lindsey graham, not even having diane feinstein involved. graham just goes along with that. i guess he forgot that john mccain ever existed. you've got the republicans refusing to put a relief bill on the table to save american businesses.
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20% of american small businesses are closed. there's still no deal. people have lost their unemployment insurance. i don't understand how it's possible to negotiate with these people any more. is there a single republican acting with any integrity? >> we're searching for one. it's like going back to these literary references, searching for an honest man or woman. it's hard to find. they are either -- they either go along with trump -- on the republican bill, there are 20 -- on the covid bill, there are 20 republican senators that don't want to spend a time. because their right wing financiers don't want to pay any taxes, don't want any government regulation. and we earl putting on the floor tomorrow -- i managed, you know, we're fighting this supreme court nomination with the tools that we have. mcconnell has limited those
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tools when he so defiled the senate and changed all the rules. but tomorrow, i managed to go on the floor when there was no republican there, ask to put on the floor a proposal that said we would -- we will spend no money to fight, to repeal the aca in the court case coming up august 10th. we'll see where the republicans stand. they say oh, yeah, i'm for protecting preexisting conditions. they'll have a chance to show it tomorrow. >> we know that senator john thune, the republican conference chair, has threatened your caucus and has said that if democrats attempt to delay the nomination of amy coney barrett, he says if they use dilatory tactics to keep this nominee from moving forward, it won't come without a price. that sounds like a threat. what do you think he's threatening to do, and what are democrats prepared to do back? >> you know, the reason they're in such a 'tistizzee, they knowt amy coney barrett is so far away from where the american people
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are. she wants to get rid of the aca. 130 million americans with preexisting conditions, gone. a mother or a father who has a daughter or son with cancer has to watch them suffer and they can't get insurance. 40 million senior citizens will pay a lot more for prescription drugs. 20 million americans will lose their health care. they don't want to admit that. so they try all these kinds of threats and everything else. you know, they have ruined the senate. we have using all the tactics that we can to slow the thing down. >> would that include adding d.c. and puerto rico and states and ending the fill buster? >> d.c. already has voted for it and i would love to make them states. as for the filibuster, i am not busting my chops to become majority leader to do very little or nothing. we are going to get a whole lot done. as i said, everything is on the table. >> thank you so much, senator
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chuck schumer. senate minority leader, thank you very much. appreciate your time tonight. still ahead, the far right nationalist proud boys are reportedly tickled pink about trump's shoutout to them last night. who are they and why is trump telling them to stand by before an election? that is next on "the reidout." stay with us. your mission: stand up to moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis. and take. it. on... ...with rinvoq. rinvoq a once-daily pill... ...can dramatically improve symptoms... rinvoq helps tame pain, stiffness, swelling. and for some... rinvoq can even significantly reduce ra fatigue. that's rinvoq relief. with ra, your overactive immune system attacks your joints. rinvoq regulates it to help stop the attack. rinvoq can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious infections and blood clots, sometimes fatal, have occurred... have certain cancers, including lymphoma, and tears in the stomach or intestines,
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give me a name. >> white supremacists. white proud boys. >> proud boys, stand back and stand by. >> my message to the proud boys and every other white supremacist group is, cease and desist. that's not who we are. this is not who we are as americans. >> could donald trump have been any clearer? forget his inability to call out white supremists, he's now supporting them. while the president and the
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supporters twist themselves into knots. the proud boys, designated a hate group, have already added trump's words, stand back and stand by, to their logo. as if it's their new rallying cry. joining me now is ben collins, who kovs the intersection of extremism here at the shop. thank you for being here, ben. i saw you on tv earlier and plotted to steal you for our show tonight, because i thought your explanation was so clear. a lot of people hear these terms thrown around. i know that proud boys have been arrested for gang riot. there was a case in new york which we'll show a little bit of. can you explain who they are? >> they ascribe them selves as a western chauvinist organization. they want things to remain the same in terms of a white power and male dominated power structure. in fact, go back in time a little bit. that's their game plan. they're named after a disney
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movie. the proud boys sounds very adorable. this is a violence based gang. they call themselves a gang, they might be a militia. and what they do is they find protests throughout the country, and they go and try to stir up stuff at those protests. and once they're at those protests stirring stuff up, they say look at the violent left. that's the point. they're not even from those places, they don't live in those cities. they go into those cities. that clip was in new york city there last year. but this is, you know, now they're in the pacific northwest, teaming up with other militias. basically, the best way of putting it, they are foot soldiers, very willing foot somes for donald trump's culture war. >> i refer to them as hipster gangerism, these guys that this is their calling, like the boogaloo boys. when donald trump told them to stand back and stand by, the reaction was pretty instant. a lot of them have been banned
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off twitter, but they were celebrating it on these other alternate social media places. what did that do in terms of donald trump seemingly to celebrate them? >> they have never been this excited. it's really unfortunate how excited they got. they started making t-shirts that said stand back and stand by on it. they took this as a recruiting tool and that's the danger in this thing. it's hard to know when to report on the explicit stuff they say. because you're giving them attention. we're giving them attention by talking about them. 200 people showed up to their rally a couple weekends ago. this isn't an enormous group. the problem is, there are people who support them that -- support their ideology on the internet, who aren't willing to show up and do all the physical stuff that these people do. so we have to have like a fine line here. what exactly do we report?
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do we report on the fact that they were howling back at the tv screen and posted a video of it when donald trump had this call to arms for them? we have to report that. we have to say these people really view this, this is a guy who is giving them marching orders. but how frequently do we bring up their ideology? it's hard to know. >> he's not the only one. matt gates has done some things that make him seem like a fan. he's been at least photographed, you know, happily with proud boys members and has defended other members of the organization at other times. what is their association to the republican party, if any? >> you know, they hang out with ro roger stone, people like that. they're around the fringes of what i call the extremely online far right. this is an online movement that started in 2016 by a guy that created vice that has since gone far right and calls it his gang.
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he said today, donald trump, you don't get to tell them what to do, i tell them what to do. he's like a master at manipulating the media. so that's where this comes from. this is a from a very online portion of the right. it is extraordinarily dangerous. >> it is a strange world. ben collins, thank you very much. really appreciate your time tonight. up next, so how is the horror show that we saw last night playing to voters across the country? stay with us. frustrated that your clothes get damaged when you wash them, and they just don't look the same? well now there's a solution, with downy defy damage. downy defy damage protects your clothes from the stretching, fading and fuzzing that happens throughout the wash process. protect your clothes, with downy defy damage people are waking up tog with what's possible with rybelsus®. ♪ you are my sunshine, my only sunshine... ♪ rybelsus® works differently than any other diabetes pill to lower blood sugar in all 3 of these ways...
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♪ so false, a judge ordered them bistruck from the voter guide. prop 15 are using scare tactics but the following facts are not in dispute. prop 15 closes big corporate tax loopholes, protects homeowners, and cuts small business taxes. but that's not all, by closing the loopholes, communities can invest in local schools, ppe for nurses, and our firefighters. don't be deceived by big corporate scare tactics. vote yes on 15. proposition 16 takes on discrimination.
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some women make as little as 42% of what a man makes. voting yes on prop 16 helps us fix that. it's supported by leaders like kamala harris and opposed by those who have always opposed equality. we either fall from grace or we rise. together. proposition 16 provides equal opportunities, levelling the playing field for all of us. vote yes on prop 16. it might have been hard to remember during the chaos of last night, but presidential debates are usually meant to give vote aers sense of what the candidates think about issues that are important to them. pollster frank luntz talked to voters after the debate. here's how they described biden's performance.
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>> their descriptions of trump were different -- >> he called him a crackhead. i'm joined now by two biden surrogates who contributed to the dnc's keynote speech this year. i'm going to give both of you -- i'm going to go lady's first. your turn, one word, i want one word from each of you to describe it last night, and i'm going to note that crackhead is taken. go. >> unbelievable. >> okay. okay. i'll take that. and representative kenata? >> unacceptable. >> i think that's fair. i'm going to stay with you just one moment. president trump attacked your city, the city of philadelphia. here he is doing that.
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>> today, there was a big problem. in philadelphia, they went into watch, they are called poll watchers. they're a very safe and nice thing. they were thrown out, they weren't allowed to watch. you know why? because bad things happen in philadelphia, bad things. >> you thoughts on this statement about philadelphia, where the liberty bell is, in addition to him talking about his poll watchers, who we now know he intends to include the proud boys. >> no, absolutely, joy. and thank you for having me back. he says philadelphia is a bad place, because he knows that people are going to come out in force to vote against his administration. you know, he delivered a performance yesterday that only the proud boys would be proud of. here in philadelphia, the birthplace of american democracy, we believe that every voter and every vote should be counted. and that is what he is afraid of. he has been the most unprepared
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president in modern history. and he's a completely unserious person for deeply serious times. i think that that is his challenge, and it's why yesterday he did nothing but throw a carnival show, because he was not able to address any of the issues that is really driving the election here in pennsylvania. he said nothing about the farms that have been closed because of the trade wars, nothing about the 8,000 plus pennsylvaniaens that have lost their lives to covid-19, and nothing about the fact that pennsylvania has been ground zero for the unemployment crisis because of his complete and utter mismanagement of this pandemic. >> i want to note that the poll watchers president trump was talking about were not approved to be at the location. you're not allowed to just throw people out there. that's why they were removed. the corona deaths in pennsylvania, 164,140 cases, 8,200 deaths. that's the situation in pennsylvania. let's go to michigan. you tweeted last night, because
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donald trump's other big theme is that he's the law enforcement guy, which is hard to swallow for a lot of people that law enforcement in any way would support him. but you tweeted out that a lot of law enforcement officers support joe biden. what is your assessment of what you heard last night and the calls to violence and trying to associate that with police? >> it's just completely unacceptable, joy. and thanks again for having me back on to talk about such an important topic right now. it's completely unacceptable to have the president of the united states basically calling for vigilanteism, should the election not go his way and say law enforcement is on his side if people are peacefully protesting. this is an unhinged conversation. we saw last night one person on that stage who was acting presidential, and it's not the person who holds that title. joe biden was a serious man last night for serious times. he spoke directly to the
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american people about how we need to come together as a country to get through this pandemic. what we saw from the other side was a total clown show. >> the coronavirus cases, i'll do the same thing for michigan, 138,000 plus cases of coronavirus. 7,000 deaths. 9% unemployment rate. when you talk, maybe with younger or first-time voters, what do they want to hear? these are two much older candidates, but they have to speak across generations in order to have a chance. so what do your voters, particularly the younger voters want to hear? >> you know what? the constant reality show that is donald trump really leads a lot of people to feel apathetic. but what i often say to folk is, when say they i don't do politics, i say politics does you. i hope what folks understand is that on november 3rd, we are going to elect a president.
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we can either elect someone like president trump that for four years has no clue what he's doing, for somebody that's going to address the concerns that people in my age bracket and younger have, concerns about climate, concerns about student debt, concerns about the deep poverty that has ravaged communities for generations. and that is the type of bold vision that vice president biden laid out yesterday. i was so happy that multiple times he just completely ignored donald trump and talked to the american people, because they need to hear from a leader. >> quickly, your turn. we have a little bit more time, but i want to let you have the last word, representative. >> absolutely. here in the state of michigan, since the president took office, we've lost more than 57,000 manufacturing jobs, including in the auto industry. so folks in my district, they want to hear exactly how we're going to bring jobs back to the state of michigan. joe biden spoke directly to the american people how to do exactly just that. >> i'm going to put up a poll.
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biden is winning in both states. so he's looking pretty strong in both of those states. we love having you guys on. you're part of our new focus group. up next, today's stunning new poll from south carolina. s poll from north carolina. lindsey graham's challenger joins me next on "the reid out." don't go anywhere. it's time for sleep number's fall sale on the sleep number 360 smart bed. can it help keep me asleep? absolutely, it intelligently senses your movements and automatically adjusts to keep you both comfortable. and now, the queen sleep number 360 c4 smart bed is only $1,399. plus 0% interest for 36 months. only for a limited time. stop your cough from interrupting, with dq cough and congestion. it's max strength formula coasts your throat
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there is a new battleground state emerging in this election. south carolina. yeah, south carolina. a new quinnipiac poll out today shows lindsey graham tied with his democratic challenger, jaime harrison 48/48. it shows donald trump holding a one-point lead over joe biden, well within the margin of error in a state trump won by 14 points last time. jaime, the south, i keep saying it, is the hotness right now. this is now the third poll that
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either shows you tied or ahead with mr. graham. what is it that you think is going to be the difference to get one of you to 49, to 50? >> well, joy, the energy and momentum is on my side or are on my side. listen, you go around the state of south carolina, and you can't -- you will see this big round head everywhere. the signs are all over the place. billboards are up. people are excited because they feel the winds aof choing blowig in south carolina. lindsey graham has stopped representing them. it is far time for the people in south carolina to hand someone who going to be a workhorse for them instead of somebody who is actually fighting against them and telling them untruths. and, so, there is so much energy right now, i just think that the
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next day or so or the next week or so we'll start to see more polls with us ahead of lindsey graham because people are hungry for change right here in this state. >> i'm going to play this clip because i kind of enjoy it. here it is lindsey graham begging for money. >> i am being killed financially. this money is because they hate my guts. i am getting overwhelmed. help me. you did it last week. >> there was an ad made off of that. it is quite funny. lindsey graham is the guy who received this incredibly scary russian propaganda through john rat cli-- rad cliff. he is the guy who is going to be running affront on trying to get the supreme court nomination jammed through against the
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wishes of ruth bader ginsburg. are you getting asked questions about things like what would you do on the court? what would you do on national security? or is this really about covid-19 has destroyed this state, has destroyed people's lives? what is the issue? what are the issues that are driving this campaign? >> well, joy, my focus, and i've been focussed like a laser because lindsey hasn't done his job here. because he has failed at his job, i have to do it. and i'm going to focus like a laser on the issue of covid. it has ravaged the state of south carolina. we have had over 3,000 people who have died. over 100,000 or so who have been infected. so we need a senator. hundreds of thousands have lost their jobs. many of our businesses are shuttered. and, so, we need a senate that's going to work and do things to address this issue and lindsey has failed to do so. and he's so rushing on the
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judicial nominee. joy, he took vacation in august, did not pass a relief bill. he said over his dead body will he allow federal unemployment to be extended but he can get this done before the election and he couldn't get a relief bill for the people in south carolina? this goes to show you that he cares more about washington, d.c. than back home. joy, i'll tell you this. my mom called me and she said, jaime, i thought i taught you better than that. i said, what are you talking about, momma. she said, why do you have lindsey graham on fox news crying. >> yes, i'm sure your mom did an excellent job with you. i'm sure there is a surge of african-american interest. this is a state with close to 30% african-americans. but you do also have to crossover. what are the issues that you are able to reach? one of the things that joe biden is doing is he actually is doing better and performing better
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with white working class voter. white rural voters are a little harder to reach. how are you trying to broaden your base? >> well, joe, i have actually ruled out a rural hope agenda, how we rebuild and revitalize rural communities across south carolina. rural doesn't just mean white voters, but it means african-americans and others as well. these communities have been left out for generations and i'm focussed on bringing hope back to those communities. lindsey hasn't worked for those folks in a very, very long time. i'm trying to do my very best to address the issues they're dealing with right now. >> and the third parties that always run and don't seem to really like lindsey graham, how do those impact your race? >> at the end of the day, my grandma always told me, jaime, you control the things that you can control. >> sure. >> i'm just focussed on my race and, you know, there are a lot of roots that will come in for him and me and all, but, you know, i can't control any of them. i'm just going to try clear and
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focussed on our message. >> sounds like a plan. and you are getting text messages, so you better get those. jaime harrison, get your texts. appreciate you, man. "all in" with chris hayes starts right now. >> tonight on "all in". >> why won't you answer that question? >> the question is -- the question is. >> the radical left -- >> will you shut up? >> who is on your list, joe? >> this is so unpresidential. >> a pathetic spectacle from the president losing his grip and new evidence that donald trump will pay a price for his carnage. why the trump campaign of grievance and conspiracy isn't working and why the biden message is resonating. >> he cannot stop you from being able to determine the outcome of this election. >> plus, pennsylvania's attorney general on trump's call
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