tv The Rachel Maddow Show MSNBC September 30, 2020 9:00pm-10:00pm PDT
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don't ever use that word. >> just for future reference the verse is stand beside her and guide her. through the night with a light from above. and doesn't stock rocket get you every time. proper way to play us off the air with the post debate. wednesday evening. thank you for joining us. good night. this is the front page. at the st. louis post dispatch. chaos. this is the " arizona republic" and this is "the denver post," yelling and name calling.
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do we have the denver post? yelling and name calling. do you have "the boston globe"? go on, prove it. show me. chaos. here is "the l.a. times" today. interruptions. this is "the washington post" front page today. at the debate plunging into fiery squabbling. and the all capital letters subheading there. a rare thing at the post. trump interrupts and jeers ceaselessly. here is the front page of "the new york times." unusual headline. in keeping with the theme. trump heckles, sends the debate into utter chaos, talk of policies and ideas drowned out. notice the theme?
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from sea to signing sea. papers large and small. as much as it is true, the whole country is alarmed and weirded out and shocked by what that was last night. extreme enough it made it a non-hypothetical live question. of last night and today as whether we'll have presidential debates anymore. that form of discourse does not make much sense anymore if this is what the president is going to be like now. this led to the presidential debate commission today say they're going to change the rules to stop something like that from happening again. they're going to change the rules in time for the next debate. as much as the whole country is rocked and weirded out by what we saw there. apparently losing a key part of how we conduct ourselves as a democracy and how we have our candidates compete from the beginning of our republic.
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now we are going to have to give it up because of this guy? with the national shock and horror of that last night and the implications of it. even still something that big and shocking at the arkansas democratic gazette, the news of the debate has to share of what's going on. their main headline is about the heated debate. it has to split the billing. infections rising among children. this one on the far right column "atkins schools' chief dies of covid." he was the superintendent. about an hour outside little rock. he had been in intensive care.
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he had to be put on a ventilator and he died yesterday. he was 57-years-old. the republican governor of arkansas forced all schools of the state to offered in-person classes five days a week. teachers stayed home monday the day before the superintendent died. little rock teachers don't think this forced in-person thing is safe so they're staying home for a day. arkansas is piling up new cases. it is the seventh highest rate in the country. yeah in arkansas and at the arkansas democrat gazette. the president's debate disaster is right there on the front page just like it is everywhere. it has to be. it is necessarily is. it does have to share the bill of what goes on. same thing with wyoming. the "wyoming tribune eagle."
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cheyenne, wyoming. they got their headline up there. alongside it. they got their local headline, "spike in cases show virus is sticking around." the sticking around line is quote from the wyoming state department of health. locals in cheyenne had to close down because of covid. across the country, here is kentucky. "the herald leader," here ises the main headline for lexington, kentucky, state reports 1,000 new covid cases. here is idaho, here is the front page of the "times." they got their front page story on the debate like everybody does. their column one is virus cases doubled the last four weeks.
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six of eight counties in the magic valley significant out breaks grow. south central idaho. a snapshot of wisconsin. let's look at the journal sentence there. the debate story. war of words. their column one, state reports crisis, 22% positivity, 22%. on the right, the madison paper. they got their debate story as well. above the page one headlines surged claiming more lives. cases have more than tripled. since september 3. wisconsin is in a crisis. wisconsin is in a crisis. don't take his word for it if you don't want to. here is what the crisis looks like in terms of their case numbers now. look at the curve. that's very bad.
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they thought they went through their peak before june. look at where they are now. wisconsin hit a record number of covid deaths today. wisconsin also had a record number people hospitalized. here is the ap lead today. a new record for covid-19 deaths today. the surge in cases threaten to overwhelm hospitals. hospital officials in some parts of wisconsin says they were being closed to being overwhelmed. officials have been warning could happen since the pandemic began. only now seems like it could happen in wisconsin. case spikes in northern and north eastern wisconsin. causing many hospitalizations. officials at feta care in the fox valley in wisconsin had exceeded capacity in their covid-19 unit, they started sending patients from their appleton center.
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to hospitals in three other cities. chief medical officer telling the ap today if it is growing away in the past week or so, we are going to be in a dire situation. yes, we saw it coming but we did not expect for it to be so quite rapid. in warsaw, wisconsin, that hospital started putting patients on waiting list. there is a waiting list to get into the hospital. wait time ranging from several hours to a full day. that's warsaw, wisconsin, that hospital system had 61 patients today. who had covid-19. that was a 30% increase from the day before. the ceo telling the press today, "the problem is how do we care for you when you had an accident when we have an over flow of covid patients," there is only so much you can do before you overwhelm the system.
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officials in green bay says their cases were 94%. hospital ceo say they hope to convert. green bay, wisconsin, is one of the places where president trump is hoping to hold a giant, mega rally this weekend. in green bay he wants to do that and also in lacrosse. the white house just this week warned wisconsin that the state is in terrible shape in terms of uncontrolled spread of the virus. the white house warning state officials this week that their case rate right now is more than doubled or tripled the national rate. because of that, the white house told wisconsin this week that the state's viral spread is so bad that the states need to increase social distancing to a maximum degree possible.
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washington post reports lacrosse and green bay were flagged by the white house as quote "red zones" where community spread is ramping. that's a white house's warning to wisconsin about lacrosse and green bay. lacrosse and green bay where the president is going this weekend to have his no distancing and everybody pack in and let's get thousands of people in rallies where they can boo the idea of wearing masks. that's this week. because of what the president is doing now and swing states, in some cases where the virus really is bad right now, they have to be thankful if they are in swing states. states having a hard time right now and other red states, states south dakota and other red
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states. where the trump campaign is confident they're going to win that they don't feel like they have to campaign right now. that had to be a sort of relief for public health officials, right? thinking all their dealing with covid and numerous states being stressed in terms of numbers and hospital capacity, how much of a relief must be if you don't have to get a visit next month from the president's super campaign caravan where he likes to pack thousands of people together as close as possible and tell them all they don't need to follow any advice they may have heard about social distancing or other wussy ideas that only democrats like. we have seen reports in the past week from missouri, also from idaho of rural hospitals being overwhelmed just like the hospitals in wisconsin are. because of the polling in missouri and idaho, i am guessing they're not likely to have president trump come visit, to pack thousands of maskless people.
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into events for the president's benefit. where the virus is worse in the states. not being a swing state, some of these states right now is a minor epidemiological blessing. the president himself is holding events that nobody is holding. that's covid disaster. this is another one to watch, north dakota. the case is worst than wisconsin right now. fastest growing in the country. they just lost their third state health director in four months. they gone through three of them in four months. this most recent one did not one month in office. covid crisis is not going away on its own. a full-blown crisis have to share building with a covid crisis right now. it has to share billing.
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i am not going to dwell too much on this next part of the news. i want to give you a little bit of heads up tonight of quiet rumblings we are starting to see about the cdc chief, potentially resigning sometimes soon. in the middle of all this as we are heading into what appears to be a new peak in cases and hospitalizations and deaths at this fall. the robert redfield this week wanted to extend a no-sail order on cruise ships. keeping them in port has been in place for months now. cruise ships immediately proved to be right up there with meat-packing plants and prisons and nursing homes. as incubators of the spread of this virus. redfield wanted to extend the cruise ship sailing ban. "the new york times" is
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reporting not only did the cdc director wanted to extend the ban and not that he's over ruled by the white house when he sought to extend the ban. the cdc director is considered of resigning. if he were required to over see policy that compromised public health. he apparently thinks this cruise ship policy compromises the public's health. his threshold for whether or not he'll resign. that's why i am raising these flags right now. because this comes right at the hills of "the new york times" this week about the cdc advise of opening schools being over ruled or circumvented by the white house. cdc put its name to guidance about reopening schools. that's what the white house wants and not what the cdc's scientists believe what's right for public health. this news comes on the hills of our reporting. director redfield ordering his own scientists to water down
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their recommendation on meat packing plant. of pressure from the administration. "the washington post" is advancing that story reporting on concerns that robert redfield may have lied to congress when he was questioned about this meat packing a few days ago. we learned robert redfield asked wisconsin u.s. senator tammy baldwin tonight if he can speak to her by phone which is an unusual thing for a cdc director asking for a personal conversation with the senator. it was senator baldwin who questioned him sharply. in congress under oath on his role in watering down the cdc's meat packing guidance. in terms of why people resign and why they end up staying with their job. it's a serious thing for the cdc to a director the cdc's director succumbed pressure from the administration and compromise the scientific
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add virus of the agency. in the middle of the pandemic that killed 200,000 people already and gearing backup to see how many more of us can take and how quickly. it is bad enough they have been succumbing to pressure at the white house. the cdc's director lied to congress when he was asked. that is another level of danger for the director. we don't know in director redfield had that call tonight with senator baldwin or reconsidering or changing his testimony to alleviate his concerns that he lied to congress. all that and his resignation, this is something to flag for you. i mean my personal take on this. god help us. robert redfield has been, really does seem to be a disaster as a cdc director at a time we need them to be phenomenal.
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at the same time god help us all the more if donald trump gets to pick someone new to run the cdc right now as he's barrelling towards his reelection effort. right now some fox news radiologists convinced us of coronavirus. it would be fantastic if the american policy op is just encourage as many americans to get infected as possible. god help us. i invoked god three times. i need to say something constructive. i think it's worth considering, alongside all of this reporting that i just described, one thing that last story shows us that's good is that congress is apparently alive and kicking. congress is worrying about big stuff and about important things
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like science at the cdc being manipulated and screwed around with by the administration for political reasons and the cdc having such a weak director that he succumbed to pressure and changing his guidance for political purposes. it is a good sign that congress is pursuing that. and they're not taking what appears to be lies about that and they're holding people to account. accountability is good especially when it is on the big life-changing stuff. that's good. that's the reason not to be cheerful but reasons to be hopeful and bolstered and hopeful in terms of the way things are supposed to work. there may be a new covid relief bill as soon as tomorrow. i will believe it when i see it. that might happen. a sign that congress is alive and kicking and working on the
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big stuff. the right stuff. this is reporting from the "politico." the plan for spending $300 million in taxpayer money between now and election. more than a quarter billion dollars they're planning to spend on ads to convince people that covid is all better now because trump's done such a good job. that plan is dying on the vine. here's the piece today. they made a list more than 30 celebrities including taylor swift and justin timberlake and billy joel to appear in their campaign ad inspiring hope about coronavirus. but they end up with a singer shulem lemmer. and dennis kwad. the health department taxpayer vehicle to boost confidence in president trumps response to the
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coronavirus is sputtering. celebrities refused to participate. others point to an ill-prepared video team at a 22 political appointee who repeatedly asserted control despite having no public health expertise. according to to six people with close knowledge. interviews paint a picture of a chaotic event. if there is any effort that you want to be chaotic when it come to the coronavirus response, let it be the effort to spend a quarter billion dollars of taxpayer's money on a celebrity campaign convincing you that trump is awesome about this. don't worry about covid-19, we are all going to be fine because trump is in charge. that quarter of a billion dollars plus taxpayers' funded campaign is apparently not going to happen. that's falling apart
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because -- because a lot of things are bad but not everything is bad and sometimes the very, very bad ideas get exposed and people grow a spine and they stand up against them and those terrible ideas get beaten down and they do not get it in reality. that happens sometimes. want another one? another one from "the washington post." postal service workers quietly resist dejoy's changes. tell me more. this summer as controversial new procedures snarled the nations mail delivery and stirred fears of how the agency would handle the election. postal workers quietly began to resist. mechanics in new york drew out the dismantling and removal of mail sorting machines until their supervisor gave up on the order.
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in ohio postal clerks, cold prescriptions and benefit checks from bins to stalled mail to make sure they were delivered. some carriers ran late items out on their own time. pennsylvania, some postal workers looking for any excuse to buy themselves enough time to finish their daily rounds. one postal worker telling "the post," i can't see any postal workers not bending those rules. be strengthen in your results today by friggin' postal service mechanics in new york. just not doing it. having a hard time getting around to it. when they got to take the mail sorting machines apart. be strengthened in your results. reresolve. >> the debate disaster last
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night, that was an accident. that was not the president trying to have a debate and failing. if we all walk away from the basic fundamentals of our democracy, something like a presidential debate. if we all say oh, that's terrible. that's an s-show. that's a mess, that's unlistenable, i don't want anything to do with that, turn it off. it is understandable. your feelings about that is are shared more widely than you can possibly imagined. >> and talking about it in that way is rightfully, i think a strong rejoiner of this president in terms of making it a mess that it is a disaster and useless and worth turning offer. our reaction coast to coast all around the country, right? that reaction is also advantage to him.
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if he succeeds, in making americans believe politics is a disgusting argumentative display that nobody is worth arguing in it. nobody decent participating in. that's why it makes him boring and abusive and denigrating and repellent. that's tactically officiant. who wants to be anywhere near politics? let those guys have it. let that guy have it. that's what's happening to politics? i don't want anything to do with it. he can have it. that's what he wants. it does not hurt to be widely recognized as corrupt. that's disheartening and disgusting. it turns us all off of this mess.
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install your family members and unqualified members in political positions. government's stupid, nobody needs specifics or experience to hold high level government jobs. why not give them to the guy who carries my golf clubs or my son wedding planner or daughter-in-law. who cares about security clearances? none of this matters. this is all trash work. does not matter if you put trash people in these jobs. it is all just a joke. he benefits when we devalue. government and it's disgusting. he benefits when we think the rules of how this is supposed to happen, those are rules for suckers. regular orders of how we conduct ourselves as a democracy? he wants us the think that's antiquated. quaint. that regular order never existed and it was all a scam, it does not matter.
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it is boring and stupid and rigged and i am corrupt. we're all corrupt. why would anybody decent want to do with the system? in authoritarian leaders all around the world, that's why you see corruption and grossness and repellant behavior? behaviors to turn people off. that's why you see that stuff go hand in hand with authoritarian. it takes over. it makes participation and normal politics something where no normal person wants to do. it makes something only the worst of us can stomach. they like it. the president tweeting today "last night debate was fun." in regular order in our democracy which is persisted for well over 200 years, right? we have presidential debates. we have presidential elections.
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we cast ballots including by mail and the votes get counted and that's how we determine who's president. this president believes he may know that he can't win under regular order. he can't win if all of those things happen. and so he wants us to believe that regular order does not apply this year. he's rendered it moot. and it would not be the way we choose the president of the united states, not this year. he wants us to give up on it. bolster yourself however you need to. learn more about what regular order is. in your state, do you know how electors are chosen? every state has its own laws and rules of how they choose electors that goes to the electoral college. to have votes tallied. which determines the next president. do you know how electors are chosen in your state? now is a good time to find out? do you know how the election system is administered in your
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state? do you know who's getting a call? if people show up in a polling place and some where near you live and intimidating voters, threatening violence and carrying out violence. who's going to get the call to respond to that to figure out what happens to the polling place that's been shutdown or rendered in effective by physical intimidation tactics? who's going to get those calls and make those decisions? these are notable things. these things are administered by the regular order of american elections. the president making it seems like we are not capable of holding debates anymore because presidents are not like that anymore is part of him telling us that american democracy does not apply this year. once he's there we can't do american democracy anymore. we got to figure out how to do this and i guess this is going to be decided where? in the courts or in the street s?
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standby. get your poll watchers in. the president wants us to believe american democracy does not apply this year not when he's going the lose if american democracy does its normal work in regular order. learn what regular order is in your life or state. keep your chin up. defend the system or help crush it. >> we got less than five weeks to go. you got this. it's a lifetime appointment.
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and a majority of americans say the vote for the next supreme court justice should wait till after the election. but instead of letting our voices be heard, trump and mcconnell are rushing it through and taking a short cut to the highest court in the land. there's a pandemic devastating every corner of the country, but they're just rushing to play politics with the court. it's a lifetime appointment, tell senators to do it right. demand justice is responsible for the content of this advertising.
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president trump was asked to condemn white supremacists. specifically denounce a far right group called the proud boys. president trump declined to do that and he stood the proud boys to quote "stand back and standby. as you can imagine that particular extremist group loved that and ate it up. they called the president's comment "historic" and members called it a tactic endorsement of the violent tactics they are known to use and celebrate. and they are making merchandise
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out of the president's words already. beyond the rhetorical shock that the president delivered there along the line of him praising both sides of the neo-nazis rally early in virginia. could this have material consequences beyond the political shock? kathleen bloom, responded powerfully to the president's comment last night saying this. "people working in monitoring and deradicalization or otherwise studying white power groups are sounding red alerts and sending emergency signals. about increasing violence now to the election. regardless of the winner. poll intimidation. and major mass casualties. there is no way thinking that strategy will change. we are talking about the movement responsible for the oklahoma city bombing, the largest mass casualty event on american soil. between pearl harbor and 9/11. it continues largely unconfronted.
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we are decades or if not generations into this problem. a green light of stand back and standby from the president is catastrophic. joining us now is kathleen belew. the assistant professor aft university of chicago. she's the author of the book "bring the war home." professor belew thank you so much for making the time. >> thank you so much for having me. >> i am going to be honest telling you whether or not to have you on, not because i have any doubts about you but i worry by airing this topic more and promoting the president's remarks on it by talking about them and reacting to them, i am worried that we are advancing some of the worst implications of his actions here.
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can you talk to me about how you measure that out whether or not there is risk in amplifying this stuff and how you balance and talking about it and figure out what it means. >> that's the ethical problem at the heart understanding this movement at all. we are talking about a movement that has done an enormous amount of damage to politics. there is a real impact of coverage. we see a rise in militia group activities. for instance any after math of the oklahoma city bombing because of all of the coverage of the event. here is the thing, if we don't talk about it, we are in the same place we were before the debate and oklahoma city and before charlottesville and all of these actions and every time we lose lives to this movement without taking actions confronted, we lose against direct attacks on american democracy.
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and so by that i mean is not just about the proud ways. -- boys. they are going to pick up twitter followers and get attention because of this story. it would be a huge mistake to think about this, just about the proud boys. what we are seeing is rising tide of white powered activities that correct groups with proud boys and the base with people who we misunderstand often as lone wolf actors when they are apart of a group. the rising tides together we have to turn public attention to this problem. we have not done the work of confronting it and we can't without shining a light on what's happening. >> last night when this moment in the debate arrives, vice president biden, christopher wray has been blunt with congress and talking about the risk of white power and white
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supremacist movement and the president under cut that and talked it down. we have seen fbi intelligence report dated yesterday warning of a violent extremist threat from these people organizing around the idea of a second civil war. do you see anything within the actions of the trump administration that indicate that the administration of government, law enforcement, the intelligence research should be brought to bear against threats like this have been compromised or hurt or polluted in any way by the president's sympathy for these groups? >> absolutely, you don't need to me to tell you this. you just need to look at whistle blowers. who are leaving trumps own homeland security. the fbi. these are people who dedicated their lives to securing american
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democracy one way or another and in many cases they are doing their best but without administrative will. they can't get this job done. this is the long story of the white power movement. we are talking about a group of activists that have been creating a violent threat to americans since the late 1970s. we largely failed to prosecute it through criminal trials and changes and things like military policies. we largely failed to describe it and even to ourselves. the fact that people don't know the oklahoma city bombing was the work of a social movement. that continues to be the largest domestic terror threat to americans into the present. it is just evidence, this is deeply in grained in our collective consciousness, something we normalize and accept. they're carrying out massive casualties over and over again.
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that activity is only going to go up in the months to come. >> professor kathleen belew, and the author of "bring the war home," it unnerves me that your area of expertise is so relevant right now. we are lucky to have you talk about it. thank you so much for being here. >> thank you. >> we'll talk to a senator who's grappling publicly with what should be done about the president's remarks on other topics. senator cory booker is going to join us live, next. stay with us. did you know you can go to to customizes your car insurance so you only pay for what you need? really? i didn't-- aah! ok. i'm on vibrate. aaah! only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪
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facing a threat of domestic terrorism and clearly saying the words of the president of the united states is not calming and unifying and bringing us together and condemning this, is inciting to use your words that's spraying gasoline on the fire of hatred going into an election where he's talking to people and inviting them to do things like show up at polling sites to take action. sto standby. i don't understand how we don't see it as what it is. we are in the verge of seeing a real thread to our fundamental democratic ideals and the smooth election processes which have been frankly a hallmark of our country in our recent history. this is a dangerous moment in time. it is a frighten moment in time
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and we know what happened in san antonio, texas. a number of occasions where people were carrying out these actions invoking the words of the president of the united states. in their hateful, violent actions. this is a frightening time for america. >> joining us now is senator cory booker. senator thank you for being here. i know it is a long day and night already. >> thank you, rachel. >> i am tired so this is radical honesty night on the show which is dangerous. i wanted to know how you are handling the gravity of what's going on here. i heard you speak about it in a way that it is weighing on you. i want you to know how you are doing and how the american people should feel at this moment. in what the the president is
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trying to do. >> from orlando to charleston and pittsburgh, we know the number one cause of terrorism since 9/11 had been right wing extremist groups motivated by white supremacy. we have a president inviting them to be engaged in this election and whipping them up with his language. we have warning from the fbi about the rise of this kind of terrorism. in the intentions of the terrorists in our country. >> this election donald trump seems to be whipping folks up, it is as i said in that clip is a frightening time. we have to start taking action and i will tell you that there are a lot of local leaders who understand they have take action and as a result of donald trump's language, mayors begin to make public statements.
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about what they're doing to protect polls. this is something you know from new jersey. 1981, there was a gubernatorial case where people sent to polls by the republican party to intimidate people with weapons and checking identification and doing things in minority area to try to scare people. we have a president now that as soon as that consent decree is resulted from that horrible part of our history, a consent decree where republican party could not do those activities. it ended. this will be the first election where there aren't protections from that behavior. there are a lot of things when you start to add them together with a president who's saying clearly, this election if i lose is rigged. he's telling his supporters this is a rigged election. he's not saying he'll submit to a peaceful transfer of power. this is a danger moment in our
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country. we should be calling it out, it and preparing for the president is chaotic and rampaging and will say anything except to condemn the white supremacy that's threatening this country right now. >> senator booker, if you would not mind holding. i need to take a quick break. i would like to talk to you of what you just raised there that the president keeps saying this election is going to be decided in the courts and creating that expectation among us. you and your colleagues on the judiciary committee have a lot to say about that. i would like to ask you about that when we come back. >> all right, we'll be right back with senator cory booker, stay with us.
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one of the reasons why, i think, is because the president keeps promising that we, the voters, won't be allowed anymore starting this year to decide if he stays in power to be president. he keeps saying this decision is going to be decided in the courts. it is one thing for him to say stuff like that, but i feel like your republican colleagues in the senate are starting to echo the president on that. and i wanted to know if you think that is a problem or if that's just politics. >> no. there is all kind of problems with that. people should be deciding this election. you have a president that's saying the fix is in. it's going to be decided by a supreme court, and that's why i need to nominate this justice. so he is rushing this through in record time to put a third one of his justices on. and she will potentially preside over the case that he tries to bring before the supreme court.
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to for the people to decide. but justices will. this is one of the urgent reasons why that his nominee needs to recuse herself should she be appointed. she should recuse herself for the legitimacy of the court and for the sake of our democracy. he is trying to rig this in a way that the advantages lie with him, with the court that he created. >> senator corey booker of new jersey. sir, it is nice of you to make time to be with us tonight. thank you for being here. >> thank you for having me. >> all right. we'll be right back. stay with us. your journey requires liberty mutual.
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but despite the rising pain and anguish made worse during the pandemic, insurance companies still refused to cover mental health and addiction treatment. until now. senator scott wiener went to work - taking them on. passing a law requiring the insurance industry to cover mental health and addiction treatment. now more than ever, californians need mental health coverage. i won't let up until the stigma of mental health and addiction is finally over.
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for the past week, one of the ways the president has been spreading misinformation about voting, about mail-in ballots is a specific incident in pennsylvania where a handful of ballots that were reportedly cast for him were discarded. he says this is proof of fraud. he brought it up twice during last night's debate, repeating it and saying these ballots showed democrats are wholesale trying to steal the election. well, today pennsylvania's top election official said the incident wasn't actually fraud at all. pennsylvania secretary of state saying today that it appears that a temp who hadn't yet received enough training made an honest mistake. a different state election official explained that sometimes military and overseas ballots come in envelopes not clearly marked as ballots. this new worker didn't know that and didn't consult with anybody before accidentally tossing those ballots.
10:00 pm
pennsylvania secretary of state says an investigation is still ongoing but based on what it appears to look like, it is just a, quote, bad error and not systemic voter fraud to deny the president a second term. still unresolved this question deny the president a second term? still unresolved the question of why the justice department took the unusual step of commenting on this as an on tgoing investigation and why the attorney general, bill barr. starts to and now it is time for the last word with lawrence o'donnell. >> good evening. you said something after the debate last night that guided my coverage tonight. you said the debate needed something more than just fact-checking. so, we are trying to take this to a different level
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