tv The Rachel Maddow Show MSNBC October 1, 2020 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT
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everything went wrong and they hardly ever do. you can go north 53-54. we don't have a senate race. looks like the bottom could be falling out for some of these incumbent republicans. >> that's it for "all in," "the rachel maddow show" starts now. >> i have two things to say to you. >> please. >> number one, your show was fantastic. every segment was what i heard on the news today. second thing, what time do david and ryan go to bed? are they already in bed? >> they may be or may not. i am some what to say, thoses are my two oldest children. they go to bed really late. they may be well be up. they may be. >> i just want to say, i don't do this very often. if they are awake, it is totally worth taking them outside and
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making them look at the moon tonight. the moon is like one of those weird full moon thing where it is so bright. they should see it. you should tell them you made it. >> i am going to try to drive home as fast as i can. >> you too should take a second look at the moon tonight. it is one of those nights. >> wwj radio in detroit has been on the air of a century. it is the god father radio in the united states. this summer they hit the centennial mark of 100 years in the air in august of 2020. they got a tip from a listener.
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wwj's reporter, sandra mcmill, it is one of those things that's small and weird and seemingly local. it has blown up into something not at all small and it turns out it is not just local. it has stayed weird all along. it is a remarkable thing and came to a remarkable conclusion tonight. the story that wwj got based on this tip this summer is that starting in august, people in detroit who were registered voters. detroit is majority democrat city and nearly 80% african-americans. registered voters in destroy who had phone numbers in the 313 area code. they started getting calls that kind of seems like crimes. and i am going to play the call for you here. i will tell you before i play it that it is what you are about to hear is unmitigated and none of
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information will be given to credit card company to track you down for old debt. the cdc is going to use that information to hunt you down and make you take mandatory vaccines you don't want. none of that is true. voting my mail does not put your personal information out there anywhere. registering to vote means registering to vote but beyond that how you vote does not matter at all. but when sandra mccmill got tha recording, they started looking into it. they started looking into it so did the state attorney general and michigan secretary of state. they held a press conference. they took the unusual step releasing the audio recording o f that call so others receiving it would recognize it and to put people on notice that this is misinformation. this is wrong and potentially a crime.
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they gave a stern public warning, working to fiend out who was sending these false calls trying to intimidate voters and asking members of the public if they too receive calls like this. record the call and record any identifying information that came in with the call like on your caller id or smanything li that. dana nessel, says this is illegal. you are targeting mostly black registered voters to dump all this information on them to try to stop them vote by mail. you may think it is cute but it is illegal in the state and we are coming for you. today they made good on that threat. tonight michigan state's general nessel announced felony charges
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whose names were listed a the beginning of that robocall. they denied of having anything to do with this call. it should be noted callers also got caller id messages saying the calls were coming from one of the two men's phone numbers. these guys are trump's supporters with a history of making flamboyant claims. these guys were referred to the fbi after these guys have offered them money to make up sexually assault allegations to robert mueller. they referred them to the fbi. i wonder what happened with the fbi referral. these gentlemen fabricated sexually assault allegations with pete buttigieg. that allegation fell apart when the person they put forward to make those charges to pete
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buttigieg recanted and publicly explained these guys put them up to it. they tried to fabricatefabricat allegations against dr. fauci. they have been doing this kind of stuff to boost the trump campaign and presidency. they have been doing for a long time with impunity. they are facing multiple felony charges of in criminating voters with a maximum jail time of 24 years in prison. here is what's particularly interesting here, the investigation sparked by the michigan authority deciding they were going to go big and go public with this, turned up the fact that this was not the local thing that it happened to one or two people. it was not a michigan's specific
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attack. turns out the calls went out all over. first it was to chicago older women. a local woman alerted the election that she received this racist robocall at her home in chicago. then there was people in pittsburgh and philadelphia who got the same call. when attorney general dana nessel announced these charges, her office confirmed with the attorney general in illinois and pennsylvania and also attorney general in new york and ohio, these calls have been going out to majority black districts, registered voters in majority black districts all over the country. in all in announcing these charges today. the michigan attorney general's office estimates that 85,000 of these calls have gone out just in the past few weeks trying to
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terrify black voters into not voting by mail. think about that. 85,000 mostly black voters getting these calls, saying if you vote by mail, the cdc is going to put you on a list for a mandatory vaccination that you don't want. if you vote by mail, the credit card company is going to track you down. or if you vote by mail, the police are going to come for you. 85,000 of these calls in multiple states over a period of weeks? after attorney general dana nessel announced these charges today, she did an interview with the reporter from wwj who helped break this thing open from the start. sandra mcneil, she asked the ag the question that's been on my mind since i first heard the story. why did these guys had the gal to use their own names on this robocall which so obviously
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appears to be a crime in progress trying to intimidate voters. why would you put your name hon that while committing that crime. it is like robbing a bank and handing out your business card. attorney nessel says i honestly think they gotten away from this for so long and they thought it would not matter. joining us is madame attorney general nessel. thank you for being here. i appreciate your time. >> thank you for having me. >> you are welcome to use either of them. >> first, let me ask you if i got any of that wrong or any important part of this case you brought today or announced today
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that i have missed. >> no, i think it was a good summation. what i would like people to know is first of all, yes, that was 4,000 calls that were made to state of michigan and centralized in the city of detroit, the 313 area code which is the city of detroit. think about this, that's 12,000 calls, 12,000 potential voters. trump won the state of michigan by over 10,000 votes. this is incredibly impactful. what is the point of having all these laws if the book with voter suppression and intimidation and threats against voters if we never enforce them. what we know of 2016 is trump did not win because of the people who voted for him in michigan. he won because of the people who did not vote at all. that's what i think these folks trying to accomplish and s suppress the vote and scare people during the course of the
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global pandemic. we are not having it in this day. we are not going to accept these individuals can be so brazen as to attach themselves personally to these phone calls and think they can get away with it and they think it is funny. they can joke around about it boo behind bars. >> is there a technical reason why cases like this are hard to bring. >> these gentlemen have their names on the front of this robocall they publicly denied that they made the robocall and somebody else must have done this in their names. when it comes to the technical nature approves that these were the people in the charges conspire to and commit to these act of intimidation. >> the two about a year ago when
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we established these antirobocall forces, we were not interested at the time. we were interested calls that are made detecting in scamming people. we knew where these calls were coming from and that allowed us to work with authorities in the state of california and thanks to my good friend attorney general in california assisted us in this investigation. we have con personneli we have compelling evidence that these individuals committed these crimes. they obviously never thought that we would actually investigate and actually charge. voters suppression is a very serious manner and as thomas payne famously stated many years ago, voting is the right upon which all other rights are dependant. if you deprive somebody of their
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ability to vote. you deprive them from everything else in life. this has gone on for far too long. i think many people are tired of their scam. this is not the first time we investigated these guys. there is an incident involving pe pete buttigieg. that involves the state of mi michigan and individuals who live in michigan. it is not the first time i have seen their names. we are tired of them coming into our state and stirring up this kind of trouble by using misleading statements trying to intimidate voters. >> are you worried of other types or approaches towards voter intimidation in michigan. such a crucial swing state as you mention the margins there in 2016 is basically nothing. are you worried this may be designed to dub tail at
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michigan's polling places? >> that's why we are trying to work with our partners, the mt. social media platforms. we talked to facebook and twitter and youtube, we are trying to ensure that as soon as we identify misinformation. it is a little hard when so much misinformation is coming from the president of the united states himself. >> we have to fight back with misinformation with accurate information and make sure people know how to vote and when to vote and when their vote counts. we want to make sure that does not happen by letting people
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know there are all these different avenues and that your vote will count. it will be a free and fair election but we just have to combat all the noise and all the misinformation that's constantly out there so that we don't see massive voter suppression which is what we saw in 2016. >> attorney general dana nessel, thank you so much for coming on the air with us and help us understand. good luck to you. >> thanks for having me. >> it has been an unsettle day on this. set the stage and contest the vote for block the count somehow. like the attorney general just said there, in michigan where these guys allegedly sent those racist robocalls are being charged with felonies, in michigan as the attorney general
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says trump beats clinton there by 2/10 of a percent. trump won with less than a thousand votes. that happened because black turn out was down in detroit. and now we got these guys allegedly committing felonies trying to target black voters to make sure people are too afraid to vote. that's what that are accounting on. the margins count. the margins certainly count. as we get to the final stretch here. we are seeing these efforts to chip away democratic margins harder to vote for democrats. particularly places where republicans hold power. today greg abbott ordered it
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today. he changed his mind and forget what texas county is already doing. as of tomorrow texas counties have to remove all their drop box locations for people to drop off their ballots. in travis county and austin, there are four different places to drop off your ballots and harris county, more than 4.6 million people live in that county. all these texas counties have been advertising all their remote drop off locations for weeks. they have these remote drop off locations up and running for weeks. there are even poll observers to make all size comfortable and everything is kosher and all these places you can drop off your ballots. it is all up and running in texas. governor abbott with no warning saying all of those sites must be shut down tomorrow.
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one day's notice. he proclaimed a proclamation that there could only be one drop-off location per county as of tomorrow. like harris county which includes houston, pick one, you have to close 11 of your voting sites. to be clear, harris county geographically is roughly the side of rhode island. it is nearly 2,000 square miles. more than 4.6 million people live there. they have to close 11 of the 12 sites where people have been dropping off ballots. you only get one and you get one day's notice to make the call. nervous much? in big diverse counties where almost all of the democratic votes will come from in texas, this is a last minute no notice
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shutdown to try to keep people from being able to vote. the texas governor is trying to make this go into effect tomorrow. in pennsylvania, we are seeing a whole bunch of things coming together along these lines all at once. you remember the debate saying on tuesday night "bad things happening in philadelphia," telling supporters they need to go to the polls and watch carefully because bad things happen in philadelphia. trump campaign did try to get into the facilities in pennsylvania where people were picking up absentee ballots and local election law do not allow poll watchers at sites like that so the trump's campaign folks were turned away and n.
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the start of a federal investigation into ballots being discarded in pennsylvania. the white house t president and the trump campaign all jumping over that with the help of the u.s. justice department when it turns out it is not all trump's ballots and it was caught and fixed right at the local level but not when trump trying to turn it a national cry about the election being stolen by
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democrats in pennsylvania. all that matters for the electoral college is who wins the most statewide. that's why republicans are hyping philadelphia so much. they want to win pennsylvania, well, they want to target philadelphia to tamper down the voting. in philadelphia the local republican party chairman announced the party intends to have poll watchers in the entire city of philadelphia which means the republican party plans to have like 1600 republican poll watchers in polling places just in philadelphia. yeah, what could possibliy go wrong? republican party officials in pennsylvania closely studied the voting in the last election and the primary election to prepare themselves for all the different
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ways they're going to try to get people ballots disqualified now in the general election. that's like democratic officials to read up their efforts to try to teach voters how to fill out or submit and sign their ballots perfectly. we know republicans will be looking for any way and any reasons to get your ballots thrown out. this is the season. this is how they are competing this year. sure, they like people to vote but more than that, they want your vote. they want your votes either not casted or never counted. it is republicans against voting and everybody else voting against them. pennsylvania specifically where clinton lost to trump in 2016, less than 3 quarters of a percent. they are leaning so hard on the vote or trying to nationally demonize the whole idea of
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democratic votes in philadelphia. today republicans took a giant leap forward in their aggression in terms of what they are trying to do to the elections specifically in that state. the republicans are trying to ram this through right now this week. if they do it right now other republican legislatures are going to try to ram it through their states as well. democrats are trying to sound a national alarm of what republicans are trying to do. they're fighting like you can't believe and it is going to be decided quickly perhaps tomorrow. we'll take a quick break. i will tell you what it is that republicans are trying to do in pennsylvania. this is a whole new gambit from them. that's next. stay with us.
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in a city right now there are no poll watchers and no polling places from them to be blocked. but other than that, nailed it. now what actually happened is trump campaign people tried illegally get into place where people can pick up ballots in philadelphia. they're not allowed there. neither campaign poll watchers
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are allowed in facility like that. that's it, that's all that happened. the local paper in philly responded to the president's election calling -- and laughing in the president's face in the process. republican lawmakers in pennsylvania had a different reaction. this was a headline in the philadelphia inquirer where the next day quote, "pennsylvania republicans want to create and control an election integrity panel with subpoena power." pennsylvania democrats expressed on wednesday, the chamber could
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disrupt the election. republic he conceded that the committee's work could be done. the republican leader in the pennsylvania house went ahead and said the quiet part out loud claiming recent court ruling ensuring more votes coming to pennsylvania, injecting chaos into the election and that the new committee, the republicans want to form, ensure the legislature can act as a check on this hijacked process.
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instead of doing this new committee to investigate the election, while it is still underway, it would be helpful if the legislatures could shift focus and making changes that could help improve the election. vote counting does not stretch on days or weeks after election day. republicans do not want to do that. they do not see that in their interests this year, at least not in pennsylvania. those days of counting and weeks of counting, in a state that can deciding the presidential election, well, with the republicans' new integrity committee in place raising all kinds of doubts about the votes and subpoenaing uncounting ballots and postal workers are
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bringing them in in tthe middle questioning in the middle of the vote. doing all that there is no way of knowing who really won. that's their sweet spot this year. that's what they are aiming at. sure they like to win but especially in places they think they may not or will not, they rather make sure it appears nobody won and they had to take control. as democrats in the pennsylvania house tried and failed to stop this measure from being brought up the committee. one democratic legislature says in protests, he said it loudly "democracies die slowly." this is as live fight right now in pennsylvania. that lawmaker joins us next, stay with us. when our daughter and her kids moved in with us...
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democracies die slowly, i think this bill would be a fatal blow to our democracy. when we talk about what was just reviewed, this is what we are calling it on election integrity have no integrity. has none. we heard the president last night saying bad things happening to philadelphia. this is unacceptable. >> thank you for your comment. >> mr. speaker, i am not finish. >> you are finish. >> why can he finish? >> i should be allowed to finish. >> if you would lower your tone. >> you can tell me to lower my tone but i am not going to lower it when we are talking about our
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democracy. >> it says you can't subpoena ballots. >> mr. chairman. that's in the constitution. >> folks have a right to have a free and fair election that's going to blow up. this is unacceptable mr. chairman. >> you said it five times. >> i am glad you are keeping count. i am so disappointed that you would not bring this up when i read this and it had your name on it. i am so disappointed. you should be, too. you should be ashamed. you have been out of order. >> if you don't get under control. >> pyou are going to have
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security drag me out? >> mr. chairman, you are not going to get me under control. you need to get your focus under control. >> are you making emotions? >> this caucus is akicting like cult than a caucus. i am ending my statement there. this is personal, a democracy is personal to me and it should be personal to you. >> no one is getting malcolm under control. representative malcolm is trying to stop what's happening in pen pennsylvania. the democrats and legislatures there are trying to stop it. this is going to end up being a story of serious national significance. they are trying at this late date to create a brand new select election integrity committee that they're giving subpoena power to investigate the 2020 election in the middle of the 2020 election.
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you heard representative malcolm there. this fight is getting hotter. joining us now is representative maco malcolm. thank you so much for being with us. >> thank you for having me, what happens at the state legislature matters. >> i don't know if we are seeing any other state a last minute move by a republican control legislature to try to institute a new body to control the vote and to potentially affect the way the presidential election is
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conducted. is this something you guys knew was coming or as much of a surprise to you as us outside the state? >> you know usually we get 24 hours notice before a committee hearing that the bills are coming up. they put it in our inboxes and right before the presidential debate and for months now, rachel, they have been trying to throw sand into the gears of our democracy and now they're sanding out this election integrity committee that as i said has no integrity to investigate the sand. they have trump's fever. the only fraud is donald trump, he lies to the american people and cheats on his taxes and now trying to steal our election. unfortunate unfortunately, republicans in
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harrisburg and across the country are more than happy to help him destroy our democracy. they are decided they're not going to contest this election on policy or the progress we need to see on climate change and healthcare and covid-19 pandemic. they're not going to have the election on those terms. they are doing everything they can to take away the power of our vote here in pennsylvania and to maintain their power. we have seen so many different stories out of pennsylvania in a tight period of typically over the past few weeks if terms of the trump campaign and national republican party working through the local republican officials in the state and trump appointed the federal officials in the state to try to essentially burn a hole through pennsylvania's plans and demonizing the idea of
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voting out of philadelphia. from the federal investigation weirdly announced by the u.s. attorney before anybody figured out what actually happened there to the president talking about bad things happening in philadelphia from the debate stage and totally m mischaracterizing it and poll watchers. from the outside feels like everything they got trained and trying to screw up the vetoing process. how much confidence do you have that they'll succeed at that or do you feel that pennsylvania knows what they are doing in terms of carrying out the election that this is noise. >> people need to understand and i have been doing my very best as elected official here to reenforce the fact that we have free and fair elections here in pennsylvania. we have safe elections here in
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pennsylvania. it is safe to cast your ballots by mail or any other way. one of the things we have to focus on is on our state legislatures. we get sworn in on january, it starts on december 1st. a couple of days ago, i went on a five-day tour helping future colleagues get to the house to win back this chamber which we have not held for a decade. if we are able to win the chamber in november, we can stop this. we can stop it. people have to get engaged and we need to have the spotlight tryon trained on what they are doing. you are shining the spotlight on it now. what happened with chairman everett, it was not about me. he was trying to silence me because i was making clear of what their team was, trying to
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disenfranchise black and brown people and philadelphia and pittsburgh and silence the people of conscious who are rising up who wants to cast their ballots against donald trump trump. at the end of the day none of us can be silence soft what's going on. they need to get involved with the local state house racist here in pennsylvania and they need to call chairman everett and call leaders and tell them to stop trying to disrupt the vote and to get their hands off of our democracy. they tried to silence me yesterday, i will not be silent. every single one of us should raise our voice of what's happening. if they can't win fair and square, they are committed to cheating. it is a shame to watch this
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pennsylvania house republican caucus as i said go from a caucus to a cult. i am say shaashamed to see it h. >> state representative malcolm, thank you for helping us understand. i know you are in the middle of this. keep us surprised,. >> thank you so much, rachel. >> he's right and he's not just saying that because he's in a state legislature and he thinks local fights are important. what's going to happen in state legislatures particularly in swing states with republican controlled state legislatures is going to be really, really important and we need to start building up muscles in the national media and in terms of what we pay attention to citizens nationwide to watch for things in these legislatures
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particularly republican control legislatures to watch for these kinds of scams like the republicans are trying to pull off. a late breaking never heard of before new select committee that's going to oversee the election and they're giving themselves control over it and subpoena power? really? republicans control the legislatures in pennsylvania, north carolina, florida, and michiga michigan. what the legislatures are trying to do to potentially mess with the vote, to mess with the count and the assignment and election of electors of electoral college, that's national news in all of those states. we got to train our sight on that stuff right now. all right, we'll be right back actually with a bit of breaking news about somebody at the white house, a high-profile person at the white house who have been diagnosed with covid.
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i want to let you know about some news that has broken late tonight. it was first reported by bloomberg news. it is about hope hicks, one of the president's closest aids and longest serving advisers. she has today tested positive for the coronavirus. hope hicks is a very high profile white house staffer. she left the white house for a while to go work for fox, but she came back to the white house in february this year. the white house has not made a comment about her contracting covid, but it has been matched by nbc news and by their news outlets. we of course hope for the best for ms. hicks for her own sake. but one additional thing to worry about here is this. hope hicks traveled with the president on air force one two days ago, on tuesday, to and from the presidential debate. here she is stepping off the
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plane in cleveland without a mask. then yesterday, the day before she tested positive, she traveled with the president to his rally in minnesota. and for that wide she was in even closer quarters with the president. she road with him on marine one, on the president's helicopter. again, nobody wears masks around this president. he makes fun of people who wear masks. a white house official told nbc news tonight that contact tracing has been done and the appropriate recommendations have been made. i'm sure they have been. somebody positive not wearing a mask that close to the president in that tight of quarters for that long a proximity, that's a big deal. we'll be right back. it's time for sleep number's fall sale on the sleep number 360 smart bed.
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more dangerous and corrupt president than trump. he's harming our basic values, giving rise to hate, and he's selling out america to big corporations. i'm working to protect immigrants, women, communities of color, and lgbtq people. and i'm making corporations like pg&e and insurance companies play by our rules. we need experienced leadership to wipe away trump's stain on america for good.
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i can guarantee you have not heard about this and that you are going to be interested. on the night that justice ruth bader ginsburg died, one of the other things that happened that night that never made any news because the news about the justice just overwhelmed everything is that that night the mueller report got unredacted, a bunch of it did at least. here is an example of what came out from behind the black redaction boxes. 49 on page 23 of the original version of mueller's report that we had all seen described efforts by that russian troll farm to criticize hillary clinton's record as secretary of state and then it says in that
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photono footnote, the ira also used other techniques such as reda redacted, redacted, redacted. that was just unredacted by court order that friday night that justice ginsburg died. it said ira employees published an online -- published an online adult video sites a purported adult film involving hillary clinton. ah, that had been redacted. but now it's not. good to know. also, check out page 27. there was a big blacked out chunk in the middle of the mueller report as we had seen it. newly unredacted. saying that in internet postings clinton should be portrayed as a supporter of illegal latinos from poor countries of south america creeping across the u.s. border, ganggangsters, muslim, emphasis should be made on
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undocumented democrats in the elections. that was the russian instruction to russian trolls for what they should contribute to the campaign about hillary clinton in 2016. good to know, right? also good to know especially when right now trump's director of national intelligence and senate republicans are promoting a conspiracy theory of russian origin that the clinton campaign somehow invented the whole trump-russia scandal as well. that was just some of the new information that was unredacted two weeks ago that went largely unremarked upon because of when and where it happened in the news. but now the same judge who ordered those redactions has told the justice department they need to release a further 15 pages of mueller's report. these are blacked out sections that relate to mueller's decisions about who to charge and who not to charge. discussions related to the democratic party getting hacked in 2016 and the trump campaign being interested in those documents and whykileaks
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