tv The Reid Out MSNBC October 20, 2020 4:00pm-5:00pm PDT
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then no matter time you get home, you can always catch up on any episode of the beat. if you want. we welcome you to do that. i will be back here with you tomorrow night at 6:00 p.m. eastern. the "the reidout" with joy reid is up next. two weeks from this very moment, polls will be closing in georgia. south carolina and several other states. and the vote counting will begin. more than 30 million americans have already cast ballots. a huge historic number. the two major candidates made closing arguments to voters. the message that trurp wants you to take with you as you vote is clear, he's moving on.
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>> pandemic. they're getting tired of the pandemic. aren't they? turn on cnn it's all that cover. covid-19, covid covid. pandemic. they're trying to talk everybody out of voting. >> uh-huh, yeah. that's right. at rally in arizona. with thousands of super-fans packed in like sardines. part of the coronavirus misinformation tour. trump made clear he's just fully throwing in the towel. just as he's likely to do tonight at a rally in pennsylvania. his administration is not fighting covid-19. really, they never were. they don't want you too either. live with it. it may kill a few million people. but at least you can go to the gym before you die. joe biden offered a very different message. responding to trumps attacks on dr. fauci. who trump says americans are tired of. noting quote mr. president you
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are right about one thing. they're tired of your lies about this virus and watching more americans die and more americans lose jobs because of you. because you refuse to take the pandemic seriously. more than ever we need a leader to bring us together. put a plan in place and beat the virus. you have proven yourself to be incapable of doing that. if you don't believe that's the case, listen to donald trump himself. when asked about it this morning. >> what is the plan to live with it while steadily staying safe from it? >> we are living with it. >> that's right. he has no plan. which is why his closing message is talk about anything else. or nothing at all. two sources tell us he ended a taped interview with 60 minutes today. without completing a planned walk and talk. later tweeting out a video of stalled maskless. sometime before or after the
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interview at the white house. warning of more to come. like he has a scoop on tap. he threatened to release the interview prior to sunday. ha ha ha. meanwhile in his interview with the home team at fox he was back to old 2016 tricks accusing the opponent of unexplained criminal activity and whining about the rules of the debate. where he stand to get muted. >> we have to get the attorney general to act. he has to act. and fast. he's got appoint somebody. this is major corruption. this has to be known about before the election. >> the commission has changed the debate rules for the last debate. in two days. >> the whole thing is crazy. this commission i had problems with them four years ago. they stifled out my mike. this is the way it is. it's so set up. it's incredible we have been winning for so long. >> except he's not winning.
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let's be clear. when he says you're tired of the pandemic. he mean he's tired of dealing with the virus that sickened 8 million americans. kp claimed the lives of 220,000. you know who's more tired? sick and tired of a president spending more time dancing on stage than looking out for health and safety? a whole lot of american people. early voting kicked off in wisconsin. and a crisis level surge of coronavirus cases. people are voting. a lot of unexpected voices. first endorsement ever. calling on voters to elect joe biden and reject donald trump. also the man in charge of the operation to bring down osama bin laden. retired admiral. writing in the "wall street journal" joe biden will make america lead again. adding to the course today former republican national committee chairman michael steel. second former chair to endorse
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biden. rejecting his parties nominee. in a new ad for the lincoln party he explains his closing argument. >> for four years many said there will come a moment. this is the moment. because this ballot is like none ever cast. i'm a lifelong republican and still a republican. this ballot is how we restore the soul of the nation. electing a good man. joe biden. and a trail blazer kamala harris. and ensure an orderly transfer of power. or plunge our country into chaos. >> joining me now. michael steel. former rnc chairman. and editorial board member of the "new york times." and white house correspondent for pbs news hour. let's get into this. i have been debating with you on television since 2011. i know that you are very much a republican. you're ideology hasn't changed. it's so fun to debate with you.
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you have now done what only one other republican national committee chair has done. ever. it's yourself and mark. voting for the other guy. what brought you to this point. what do you think will come of it of your decision? >> thank you, joy. this was a journey. this is not something you wake up one day and say i'll vote for the other guy. this has been in the making for sometime. in watching a lot of the things that i value as a republican that brought me into the party just get sidestepped. pushed aside from spending to how we treat our fellow man and woman. and this president has come to represent for me an enormous character flaw in the office. and we have to resolve that character flaw. and he has to be replaced i think with someone who actually cares enough to listen.
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cares enough to put empathy and concern for us over his own interest. that's joe biden. i know a lot of folks want to fall back on policy prescription or something like that. this not about it. it's not an election about policy. no one is having great debates in the living room over tax policy. people are talking about the character of the country. and talking about the character of the man who will sit behind the resolute desk. come january. that's what matters to me. it speaks volumes about us. the president of the united states is a representative and extension of us. >> i will note for the audience. people forget the obama administration was the obama biden administration. you were working against biden for four years. when you were the chair. it's a big deal you are saying i'll go with that guy. what people are talking about is
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the coronavirus. it's just over taking everything. it's created the economic collapse that we have seen. people are out of jobs. people can't pay rent and mortgage. it's ruined people's ability to see grandmothers. it's overwhelming. it's influenced the way the protests have worked out. and what people have to do to be safe. black lives matter and others. there's a poll showing that on coronavirus which is the biggest issue for most people in the election. biden is leading. it's not even close. 54 to 40. other stuff on the supreme court nomination. this is a "new york times" poll. biden is ahead on that. law and order, trumps big thing. unifying america. that's not close. economy is a wash. it's a tie. you look at this, on that thing, especially the economy bit. and really now being not even an
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advantage for trump anymore. that being what they want the closing argument to be. what do you make of this closing? >> i think what michael said is exactly right. you can look at all the policy areas, but really it's not about policy. it's actually about right and wrong. and democracy or something much darker. and american voters are not choosing between trump's policy on fighting the virus and joe biden's policy on fighting the virus. to your point there is no plan. there is no rescue plan for the american people. for people who lost loved ones and jobs. who like me are still fighting to get back to full health. months later. there's no plan or help. except donald trump himself who got treatment that no one else received. and living in the peoples house. while others are being evicted from homes and having to go to
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food pantries. covid-19 exposed the problems that this country already was going through. in terms of income equality and the decline of the middle chasz that we need to reverse. when the "new york times" endorsed joe biden, we didn't do it because the "new york times" is a partisan newspaper. we're actually not partisan. i think we did it because we see him as the best chance at saving our democracy. and can add policy debates later. i know michael and vi had them too. this isn't about election democrat or republican. this is really about right and wrong and saving the soul of the nation. >> yeah. i want to let you comment on the stall situation. if you're doing an interview she wouldn't have her mask on. and trump left. i want to get from you on the reporting side. you talk with administration
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officials. behind the scenes off camera. do they understand what's happening outside of the white house? or they're so deep in the bubble they don't get it. trump is winning men over all. not as much as in 2016. but he's just getting decimated among women. he is winning white voters. as all republicans tend to do. it's not overwhelming like before. age groups he's getting washed out with everyone except my gen x. do white house people understand if the last sort of argument is attack lezly stall. do they understand what they're facing in the majority of the way people feel about the president. >> there's two ways i have been talking about are approaching this. they are putting on a brave face and saying we're back in 2016.
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everyone thinks he's down and a sure fire going to lose. we know the polls were wrong four years ago and as a result he can pull off the surprising victory. you talk to the people including people who battled the virus themselves who know people who battled the virus that are very scared about numbers. they realize the number one thing they don't want to talk about is the coronavirus. they understand the president has really bungled this. and struggled. and americans including those who support him who lost loved ones and seen states turn into coronavirus hot spots and see a president who is really trying to get his feet and trying to essentially put it in the rearview mirror. and trying to do that for months but can't to this. i came back from a trip in florida. a number of business owners told me i would love to open my business and go back to normal. we can't do that if the virus isn't contained. those are people who want to buy the idea that people are tire
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covid-19 and want to be normal. but they can't do that. his closing argument is joe biden is a socialist and communism. if you are a trump supporter maybe you are eating that up. for people worried and looking for a plan to deal with the coronavirus, calling joe biden a socialist and continue to attack him az character. that's not buying the idea you have your hands around this pandemic that is killing americans. >> if you're a 50 cent you are rich now. you can only care about your tax rate. most people are scared of dying. it used to be your job to think through how to get your party to win. whether it's in the congressional race or white house. to the point that she was reporting on. they're not winning on the other stuff. law and order. they're losing on that. unifying america. that's not close. they're not winning on the scotus nomination.
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that's the touch stone of republicanism. most people don't want any of it. you are among many prominent republicans who come forward. jeff flake kp kasich and mccain. most republicans have been fair to say cowardly. when it comes to trump. they only say they don't like him and what he turned the party into off the record or quietly. or on a call with constituents. they won't say it in public. do you get calls people saying i feel the way you do but i'm scared to say it in public. >> i don't get that call. i hear from folks on capitol hill through various net works i'm tapped into. and even with my announcement today, there were quiet head
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nods. and thank you. i can't focus on that anymore. we have to stand in the breech. we have to stand in the space and my colleagues on this panel have noted. where we are right now. and why this is a moment. this is so important. look at the attacks these women of color have had to suffer at the hands of president of the united states. they do their job. they are professional women. they bring the news, they bring information. they're not trying to shape the president's story. or tell lies on him. yet they're subjected to harassment and disrespect. i ask americans if they're doing -- if he does that to them, you're next. don't think you're not. i tell republican friends, you have seen the republicans who licked the boot only to have it placed in their rear end. when it's no longer served
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donald trump. you have to get the grip. we have the grip. we know where we are on this end. we're just welcoming and ready for the rest of you to join us. >> yeah. do you get those calls? off the record. are there republicans who wish they could do what he's doing? and are afraid. >> not calls. but eye rolls. when president trump has done something out landish. saying coronavirus is on the down tick. when you have several red districts that are on fire with the virus. you get the eye rolls. i think i have been interested in seeing people like senator cornen come out and saying supporting president is marrying a women and hoping she would change during marriage. people don't change. >> by the way -- sorry to correct you.
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i would never correct my award winning reporter sister. he said he compared himself to a wife of an abusive man. and essentially made a rather sexist sort of statement. that somehow she's can control him and maybe cook a better dinner. he won't be an abuser. that's not a good analogy for you. i don't think so. i wish i had more time. mr. cornen, come on the show. trumps covid-19 self-dielusion. we're living with it. it's far from over. especially in wisconsin where hospitals are in bad shape. >> n 95 masks do not absorb tears when you're at the bedside removing somebody and letting the family face time to say
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keeps tells us this virus is going to disappear like a miracle. my lord, it's not disappearing. in fact it's on the rise again. it's getting worse as predicted. >> it's really sad about all this, the president knew. he knew back in january how dangerous this was. and hid it from the american people. >> trying to claim with woodward he didn't want to panic the american people. the american people do not panic. trump panicked. >> donald trump has given up the fight. bored by the effort it takes to mitigate the spread of the virus
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and prevent needless death. he's not doing anything. the head of the nih a member of the coronavirus task force said trump doesn't bother to attend the briefings anymore. >> there's not a direct connection between the task force members and the president. as there was a few months ago. >> right now cases are exploding across the country. north dakota, south dakota and montana seeing 700 new cases a day. wisconsin hit a new daily record today with 5,000 new cases and 33 deaths. hospitals are overwhelmed and health professionals are pleading to stay home. pleas that are early similar to this spring. >> there's rooms for people that passed away. we go in and have to clean. and it's not an easy thing to do. when you know somebody just passed away in that room. >> since august it's gotten bad.
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and it's getting much worse. we have many patients who have come in here and the last words before we put a breathing tube in, they didn't realize it was as bad as it was. >> this is not something that you want to catch. this is not a way that you want to die. people are dying every night. there's nothing we can do about it. the virus is just beating them. >> experts warn the upcoming fall and winter could be as bad as the spring. if not worse. for more i'm joined by global health policy expert. thank you for being here. i played it in the last segment. i want to play it again. this is donald trump on his favorite channel fox news. saying that it's over. he doesn't have to worry about it anymore and neither do we. >> if the numbers keep going up and we don't want to shut down
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again, what is the plan to live with it while staying safe from it. >> well, we are living with it and we're having the vaccine come out soon. with or without the vaccine we're rounding a turn. >> all across europe which tended to be two weeks ahead of us in terms of the cases. they're locking back down again. they had a somewhat normal summer. they fought the virus. ireland instituted a six week lock down. england. the tier approach. france is putting cities under curfew. spain and italy. all going back lock down. what do you make of the president of the united states doing the opposite and saying open up. it's all good. nothing -- we have turned the corner. >> good evening. we have not turned the corner. what your seeing is essentially he talked about herd immunity.
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what he's doing is deploying it. he's deploying the strategy. the reason i say that, i'm putting on my doctor hat. yesterday we just got a plea from hospitals in south dakota our nationwide convening body. put out a call for volunteers to go to south dakota. if they could. not just icu. but nurses and respiratory therapist. similar is happening in utah and wisconsin. indiana the chief medical officer said that 95% of the beds are taken. right now -- i hate to say it. we're all exhausted. i wish we had better news. what we're seeing are icu surges. not just a surge in cases. people get tired of the case ticker going up. it's hospitalizations rising 36 states. and beds not available.
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the concern here is in the absence of any federal response, let's take it as a given that for the next two weeks nothing will be done. and potentially january 20. nothing will be done for a vaert of reasons. variety of reasons. 80 days of the most uncertain time of the pandemic. there will be no federal response. i'm a military reservist and there's a military medical core that we haven't mobilized but we could if we had a federal response. what about out of state license requirements and making sure that all 50 states remove them so tomorrow we can all descend on utah or south dakota without paper work. these are things that require federal leadership and messaging. without it, here we are. >> i agree. we have been talking about this on the show for quite a while. if herd immunity is not the official policy. they are faking it real well. he's trying to get as many people to get it as possible.
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his own supporters. and people who live in the states of his supporting governors. let's go to north dakota. far goe. a county commissioner who is following the trump model and going against the idea of mask wearing. here he is. >> the facts are i'm just as protected as you are wearing that mask. of covid-19. it passes right through that mask. isn't that correct? >> no. it isn't. >> okay, no public comment. don't ask rhetorical questions to the crowd. >> basically a virus doesn't go -- it goes through the mask. for us to start mandating something that doesn't work, that doesn't make sense. >> 59% of americans support a
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mask mandate. 39% do not. that elected official was that real, true or bs. >> it's almost no word to articulate the public health incompetence and lack of basic health literacy. this is not expecting somebody to do a full peer review of the manuscript. this is basic common sense. the fact he can't just regurgitate a talking point. it's a larger point. that i can't understand. masks work and it's shameful and irresponsible. here's the problem. the vast majority of elected fishls in power at the high levels have not been close to anybody who died from covid-19. much less cared for an individual with covid-19. they can lack empathy.
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they can be ridiculous. they can be careless with the facts. like the president was last week at the town hall. saying 85% of individuals who wear masks get covid-19. he didn't read the study. that was not remotely the take home of the study that the cdc published. he pulled it out of thin air. the fact he's willing to articulate that while people are dying at rates we haven't seen yet. we need him to lead and federalize a response. military and non-military. to get things they need. not just peddle non-sense that doesn't help anybody. people want advice with the holidays coming. i get out reach from teachers and pregnant women. should i be traveling. probably not. >> please do not have an in house thanksgiving. his people listen to him. the governor of florida says
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it's no reason to shut down school because of a pandemic. keep it open. they all listen to him. my only laugh was your statement about donald trump reading a study. made me laugh. i find that idea to be ridiculous and not something i think ever happens. thank you for being here. >> trumps getting increasingly desperate. helping the attack on joe biden son will somehow make a difference with voters. his own kid are causing the biggest headaches for the intelligence agency and judicial system. i wanted more from my copd medicine, that's why i've got the power of 1,2,3 medicines with trelegy. the only fda-approved, once-daily 3 in 1 copd treatment. ♪ trelegy ♪ the power of 1 2 3
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doing? ivanka, my beautiful. my wonderful. she's a good kid. can you imagine? >> but his e-mails. donald trump is returning to his 2016 play book in a desperate effort to claw back an election he's in the process of losing. today 50 former intelligence officers said the phony scandal has the classic earmark of a russian information operate. trump doesn't care. he can't even articulate what crime he committed calling for him to be locked up. this isn't happening in a vacuum. by spewing charges two weeks before an election he exposes his own family to scrutiny. his children have spent four years battling allegations of corruption. let's start with his beautiful ivanka. who works for her father in the white house. and violated the hatch act multiple times.
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her unethical conduct ranges from receiving trademarks from the chinese government while her father was in talks with the chinese president. to a complaint to access violated federal law profiting from a tax program they had championed. there's also the time kushner's family business received loans from firms who works in the white house. and eric trump. who was questioned under oath part of the investigation into whether the trump organization committed fraud. and who along with his siblings brought secret service money, paid for by your tax dollars. straight to trump property. joining me now. trump whisperer and senior columnist. you know this family. kushner is the guy who said don't give any money to blue
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states. they won't help us politically. let people there die. is he a corrupt character? >> i think the trump family is just a clan of -- from the tree. let's pause to remember donald trump his first business partner in atlantic city were mobbed up. one was a bag man for the crime family. of philadelphia. roy cohn his lifelong lawyer represented mob figures. including fat tony. a partnership dating back to 2005. who has organized crime ties. a career criminal. trying to get a business deal done with him in moscow. when he was running for president.
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54 of the 74 years on the planet. his children learned at his knee. as you noted. eric trump is being deposed in what looks to be a tax fraud case. ivanka managed to get trademarks fast tracked in china. japan and canada. after she met with the leader of the countries. don jr. -- >> a target in the russian investigation. >> go ahead. >> we're having a little bit of trouble with your audio. we didn't get to jared kushner being a slum lord. or tweeting out a fake photo of 50 cent and ice cube. they all have problems. the internet gods don't want you to tell us more about that. hopefully most people got most of what you were trying to say. thank you. the trump family is one interesting clan.
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uber and lyft are like every big guy i've ever brought down. prop 22 doesn't "help" their drivers-- it denies them benefits. 22 doesn't help women. it actually weakens sexual harassment laws, which are meant to protect them. uber and lyft aren't even required to investigate sexual harassment claims. i agree with the la times: no on 22. uber and lyft want all the power. so, show them the real power is you. vote no on prop 22.
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just 14 days until we sart tally up the vote. record shattering early voting continues across the country. in person voting began today in wisconsin. with long lines in many places. even before polling places opened. florida shattered the opening day record for in person early voting yesterday. with 360,000 votes cast. more than 30 million americans have already voted. 20% of the total turn out in 2016. the new national poll from the "new york times" has biden leading by nine points. the polls in battleground states are closer. "washington post" poll has biden up by win point in north
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carolina. also up by one point in a florida poll. in georgia is tied according to the "new york times." it's all going to come down to voter turn out. we have new numbers today that give a specific illustration of the where things stand right now and why trump should be worried. they are fascinating. we'll be right back. there's an easier way. try mr. clean magic eraser. just wet, squeeze and erase tough messes like bathtub soap scum... and caked-on grease from oven doors. now mr. clean magic eraser comes in disposable sheets. they're perfect for icky messes on stovetops... in microwaves... and all over the house. for an amazing clean, try mr. clean magic eraser, and mr. clean magic eraser sheets.
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black voters have long fuelled democratic election victories. after seeing a record turn out during obama years there was a big drop off in 2016. not only are those numbers on the rise again, in a number of important battleground states we have found that those black voters who haven't cast a ballot since 2008 are voting again. in huge numbers. especially critical for biden's chances in florida. which trump won last time by 113,000 votes. joining me now. congresswoman karen bass of
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california. chair of the congressional black ka caucus and. and opinion writer with the "washington post." i'll go to you first, president obama is back out on the trail. starting and he's coming back out as you're seeing some of his and joe biden's 2008 voters getting back -- coming back online. what do you anticipate here in terms of the scale of african-american voter turnout this time? is it going to be something like 2008? something like 2016 or different? >> well, i don't know if it's really going to be like 2008, where barack obama was on the ballot, but i do think that the interest, the enthusiasm and the concern is very high, and i'm excited to see those numbers that you talked about. i think that people understand the fact that by the time the election happens over -- over
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250,000 milliamericans will hav died. and at this point, in our communities, i think everyone knows someone who has died from covid or who has been sick. and i think we know what this administration has not done, how they have not cared, especially because of who is dying. >> yeah. and, you know, the push for black voters, jonathan, particularly when it comes to black men, donald trump is making a last-ditch push where he seems to think that he can just, like, say i'm going to, you know, look how many jobs i got you back before the deep recession and why don't you vote for me and making these pitches, but he's also had a little bit of help. he had ice cube come out and say he was working with the trump administration. i don't know how many people take their political cues from ice cube, but there that is. you had 50 cent come out and say he's voting for trump because he doesn't want to pay taxes. eric trump tried to take advantage of that today. any time a celebrity goes anywhere near them, they're like a fly swatter, the plant that
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eats flies -- >> a fly paper. >> no, i mean the plant. you know there is a creepy plant that gobbles up flies when it comes near them. >> venus fly trap. >> they could have used that at the vice presidential debate. that would have been helpful to mike pence. ice cube was like, well, i can't say what he said, but, no, that's not an endorsement. what do you make of the fact the sort of desperation getting to the point you're putting out fake photos to try to make it look like, you know, both these guys are with you when only one is? >> right. well, look, the whole trump play for black voters, particularly black men, is really not about winning over the black vote no matter what the president says. he's trying to shave off black support from biden. and if he shavs off enough, he thinks that he can use that to squeak by and win re-election. now, he got double-digit support
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-- i believe it's maybe 12% black support -- black male support in 2016. and there was a poll that came out late last week -- or maybe it was earlier this week. you know, time is elastic. could have been yesterday. but there was a poll that folks were talking about about how african-american men support president trump is about 17%, 18%. that's an increase over -- over 2016. and there are lots of theories about that. i did an interview on my podcast at "the washington post" with professor brittany cooper who makes the argument very strongly that it could be that those black men who are supporting president trump buy into that sort of -- for lack of a better description, toxic masculinity that he represents. >> yeah. >> so, you know, she also makes the point that overall, by and large the majority of african-american men aren't as my cousin used to say, they
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aren't studding president trump. they're not going there. they know who he is and they know what he represents. >> absolutely. yeah, there's -- there was a great jimmy kimmel piece where he went out and they tried to ask as many black people as possible. they were like no. let's talk about these new constituencies. i new story that jacob soboroff and julia ainsley broke. parents say they cannot find 545 of the migrant children, 2/3 of the 1,000-plus parents separated from their kids under a 2017 pilot program. they were deported before their parents could be reunited with them. that's probably a lowball number of the kids who are missing. i wonder just your reaction, congresswoman, to this story, and does this wind up playing somehow in the campaign? donald trump's also been making a big show of getting, you know, increased or at least flat support from last time with latino voters, and i think with women, this is also a story that's got to play. >> yes, and i think part of the
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play was black voters really is to disencourage people from voting, especially black men, but i think in terms of the latino community and other communities -- i mean, i think people around the country were absolutely outraged at what they did to these families, and i think that number of 500 is very low. and just think about that for a minute. we took these kids away and we don't necessarily know where they are. at all. we don't know if they were handed over to traffickers or what. and some of these children might not ever see their parents again. i think it's a crime and i think it's something that we have to account for. i'm working on legislation that says that the u.s. government, number one, should be responsible for the reunification because right now we are not. should be responsible and should also pay damages to these families because these kids will suffer for many years because of the trauma that they've been faced with. >> yeah.
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i remember interviewing an aclu guy who could not guarantee that children weren't being adopted out. some too little to say who their parents were because they were infants. let's talk about other constituencies that the trump team in the last minute -- at the last minute, they're going for it. we're going to go for black voters. we're going to go for all these different voters. tiffany trump is now out there communicating. she's not heard from a lot. she did a pitch for her father in florida. it was a trump pride event at which she was making the case that her father is great for the lgbt community. she -- let's listen to just her do it. i'm going to let her do it. >> i know what my father believes in. prior to politics he supported gays, lesbians, the lgbqi a-plus community. it saddens me. i have friends of mine who reach out and they make up stories. how would you support your father. we know you.
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we know your best friends are gay. i say it's because my father has also supported all of you. >> jonathan, is that -- is that -- is that -- is that -- is that an effective pitch? i'm sorry. >> i mean, it might be to the dozen people in the room. no, it is not an effective pitch. it doesn't -- it didn't ring true because it's not true. the human rights campaign and other organizations -- you go to their websites, they keep a running tally of the rules, laws, regulations and other things that have been stripped away, undone, overturned by the trump administration that gave a modicum of respect, dignity, safety, legitimacy to lgbt, tiffany, qia community. and so you got, you know, from little kids who used to be --
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there used to be a regulation about bullying in schools. that's gone. all the way up to the president of the united states taking to twitter and saying if you are transgender in the military, you're serving your country, you're not welcome. so i'm sorry, tiffany trump, i mean, i know you love your dad, but your dad is not a friend of the lgbtqia community. >> can i just say something, too? >> at least she tried. >> it is pretty pathetic that a president has no surrogates. the only surrogates he has have the last name of trump. has that ever happened before? >> trump. they all related. i don't think so. >> no one will speak for him. >> it's a good point. very quickly before we go, you've had mitch mcconnell warning the white house, saying don't make a stimulus deal before the election because that's going to get in the way of us getting amy coney barrett who is also not going to be super helpful to these constituencies as well. josh holly who replaced claire
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mccaskill in the senate said he's not into any kind of deal if it includes a, quote, blue state bailout. i just want to point out as i ask both of you to constituemme this. the states that actually take the most money from the federal government, more money than they put in, red states. virginia, maryland, kentucky, ohio, alabama, pennsylvania. the states that give the most money are blue states, new york, georgia, the states they think are the takers. each of you very quickly. congresswoman? >> well, i'm not sure why california isn't on there because california is a big donor state. but i also don't understand the senators that represent the red states because people are hurting there, too. >> yeah. absolutely. congresswoman -- we don't have any more time. congresswoman karen bass -- jonathan capehart, i want your shelves. don't be mad if i copy them and buy them. they're so cool. that's tonight's re"reidout."
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i want to give a shout-out to all my voting mvps. your pictures are giving me life. there is one thing left to do, vote. get your friends and families to the polls. send me your pictures. use #votingmvps. thanks so much for watching. "all in" with chris hayes, look at those beautiful pictures. it starts right now. tonight on "all in." >> they may not like me, but they like what i'm doing. >> two weeks until the election, americans aren't just rejecting trump, they're rejecting his ideas. >> he should be in jail. he's a criminal. and he should be in jail. tonight as the president threatens to jail his opponent and lashes out on covid, new polling and new reporting on what america wants from its leader. then as wisconsin voters line up in the cold weather to cast their votes, the alarming and unprecedented covid surge in the midwest. and the supreme court ruling that looked like a
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