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tv   Deadline White House  MSNBC  October 23, 2020 1:00pm-3:00pm PDT

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hi, everyone. it's 4:00 in new york. the state of tkes of the next 1 no less than life or death. that is the case that joe biden is making on the campaign trail. against the back drop of an alarming new record yesterday set in this case, u.s. cases of enough coronavirus infections topped 77,000 for the very first time. officials are warning that the numbers are rising ain the vast majority of states across the country right now. a trusted model from the university of washington projecting nearly 360,000 americans will have lost their lives to the coronavirus by inauguration day if the country continues on its current course. a dark winter is how joe biden described it last night and based on our current trend, that seems inevitable. joe biden is taking his candidacy on changing that trajectory and finding a way out of the sickness and death and
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economic devastation he says could have been avoided if only we'd had a leader willing to listen to the experts and tell the american people the truth joe biden's message today, a call for a nationwide mask mandate, coordinated distribution of ppe, a unified strategy a strategy. here are just some of joe biden's remarks from the last hour. >> we're more than eight months into this crisis and the president still doesn't have a plan. he's given up. he's quit on you. he's quit on your family. he's quit on america. he just wants us to go number and resign to the horrors of this death toll and the pain it's causing so many americans.
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it's as if he decided to go on offense for the virus, holding rallies with no masks, no social distancing where people contracted the virus, inviting the virus into the white house, hosting what dr. fauci called a super spreader event. the longer donald trump is president, the more reckless he gets. we don't have to be held prisoner by this administration's failures. we can choose a different path. we can do what americans have always done, come together and meet the challenge with grit, compassion and determination. a pandemic doesn't play favorites. nor will i. as i said, no red states, no blue states, just the united states, united in our response, united in our purpose to stop the spread of covid-19 and beat this virus. >> it is difficult to imagine a starker contrast between joe
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biden's proposed path forward if he wins the presidency and what amounted in last night's final presidential debate to a shrug from his opponent, donald trump, whose official line on the virus heading to election day has hardly moved an inch from what he told jonathan swann nearly three months ago, quote, if is what it is. here are both candidates on their drastically different visions for the country's path through the pandemic. >> we're learning to live with temperature we have no choice. we can't lock ourselves up in a basement like joe does. he has the ability to lock himself up. he's obviously made a lot of money someplace. but he has this thing about living in a basement. people can't do that. >> he says we're learning to live with it. people are learning to die with it. you folks at home will have an empty chair at the kitchen table this morning, that man or wife going to bed tonight, reaching out to try to touch out of habit where their wife or husband was is gone.
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learning to live with it? come on, we're dying with it. >> the pandemic and presidential election officially in its final stretch. amy stoddard, associate editor and columnist for "real clear politics" is back. and jonathan lemire and the reverend al sharpton, president of the national action network. jonathan, let me start with you. and that grading on this bizarre sort of low bar if donald trump isn't interrupting and spitting all over the room and spreading covid, he's had a better night than the first debate, that's better to anybody with eyeballs, but the argument on the case and the answers and substance of what he said on covid, did i miss something? is he inching the company toward accepting what is clearly his preferred approach, which is
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herd immunity? >> well, certainly, nicole, we can set aside any sort of style point. yes, he approached last night's debate differently than the fishs b first, but his context of how they should approach the pandemic hasn't changed. they don't use the term herd immunity, though it has been used by dr. scott atlas who has the president's ear on the issue. the nation is facing a thousand deaths a day from the virus and high records in terms of hospitalizations with infections spiking in many cases throughout the country, including some where the president has been holding call pain rallies. i think joe biden in a debate that didn't have many memorable zingers or one-liners, but he had a line that will stick with a lot of americans in which he said anyone who is responsible for that many deaths should not
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remain president of the united states. that is sort of the central argument from the biden campaign, all along saying the president is unfit for office because of his temperament, his rhetoric and unwillingness to distance himself from white supremacist groups. but at the heart of inability and failings to handle this pandemic, which is rattling out of control across the country and even after his own disease hasn't changed in terms of his rhetoric and is still refusing really to accept any responsibility. >> a.b., you were one of the first people to say on this show this election is permanently and irreparably remade by the pandemic. it's so stunning to me that there isn't any built-in defense of the approach. because the president still
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maintains the base of support, people that will follow him anywhere, people who aren't offended by his embrace of white supremacists, people who will not discouraged for voting for him after the "access hollywood" came out, people not offended by his constant stream of attacks on the intelligence and law enforcement agencies in this country, he could save them and the fact that there's no message to them. they're losing grandmas and moms and dads and neighbors and kids as well. what do you make of where trump's landing on covid? >> i find it amazing. i think we did all expect by the time we got this close to the election that there would be more of a curb in community spread. all these months that we've watched all this anguish and all this loss and all this financial devastation and untold problems that result just from isolation, drug overdoses, suicide,
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depression, anxiety, and the idea that he would be describing it still as an annoyance, something he's asking us to surrender to when we're having explosions of transmission and new cases and we're on the verge of heading to 2,900 deaths a day is so outrageous. and joe biden's line was perfect. he said, no, we're learning to die with, it you're asking us to learn to die with it. when if we were covered in bombs falling from the sky, no president to turn to the american people say just hide under a desk and take it. president donald trump has never done it. any time anyone has wanted to help him reelection and curb the virus and do this and do that, he's disinterested, he's anti-science, he has now attacked dr. fauci in the waning days of the campaign and has
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basically time and again dismissed it, even when he got it. he knows if he did not receive exceptional presidential treatment that others can't get, he might be another old man in a new york hospital clinging to life and maybe who died with underlying conditions. but he still continues to tell us it's nothing. and the idea that he wouldn't take that opportunity last night one last time to even fake some empathy and some urgency about it in that final opportunity when he could have put on quite a show is incredible. >> rev, it is. i don't even know what to say. we pick up on everything that was just said but add some voice to th to this number. we set a record yesterday in new coronavirus cases in america. right now we have the most disease and death and infection
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of the pandemic. >> the real alarming thing when you get past the politics, get past all of our views of donald trump is we're eight or nine months into this pandemic, and there is no plan. the meetings that donald trump and his administration has had is to meet on how to spin what is going on, not how to solve it or address it or deal with it. and what is as frightening to me as the actual numbers that keep going up and up and up and that we're breaking records is that it's not that we are criticizing a plan that's not working, there is no plan. there's no one that can tell me or you what is the trump plan to deal with this pandemic? it's all we're going to spin today, it's all there's hope for
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tomorrow. it all goi it's all going to go away. it's all let's blame it on china. if i'm in the hospital, i don't want the doctor to tell me why i have it. i want them to tell me how and can we solve it. telling it came from china does not solve the problem and does not clearly tell the american people this is my plan. this is where joe biden has really effectively shown the difference in leadership. he has proposed this is what i would do about face masks, this is what i would do about social distancing, this is who i would convene and listen to. donald trump has done none of that. he meets with his experts and then with the governors trying to convince people to help him with a spin, not a strategy or plan. >> i want to show you some more of what joe biden had to say today about his plan. but the reason we're still debating masks in this country,
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the reason joe biden said this today is because people still aren't wearing masks in this country. if you want film evidence of that being lo that, look around at a trump rally. he's obvious cognizant of the appeal of that look. he said a couple of times "look at the people behind me." do you know why the people behind donald trump where masks and nobody else does, jonathan? >> yes, we do. because they're going to be on television. that's a phenomenon that's been in place now for a month or more. i noticed it at a rally i attended back in nevada six weeks or so ago, where staffers were handing out masks, trump 2020, whenever they had to say that day, to the crowd that was behind the president. he was still a good 10, 15 feet away or more but rather because they would be captured by cameras in the back of the hall.
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as much as they are cognizant of that, they're not hand being out masks to the rest of the crowd. they're encouraged, not required. there is no social distancing. the president has more rallies, he'll have three a day going forward every day, his campaign says, including into states where they're having skyrocketing infection rates. i'll also note that just a few hours ago in the oval office and i was part of the press pool for this, the president assembled a lot of his foreign policy team to announce the normalization of relations between israel and sudan. he had their primes on the speaker phone and there was 40-plus people crammed into an oval office, an indoor space. the only people in the room with only a couple exception wearing masks were us reporters. his senior staff, most of the other aides in the building, almost all of those working for
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the administration were maskless again. >> let me show you that additional tape from the biden speech today about masks. >> i'll go to every governor and urge them to mandate mask wearing in those states. and if they refuse, i'll go to the mayors and county executives and get local masking requirements in place nati nationwide. wearing a mask is not a political statement. it a scientific imperative. it's a point of patriotic pride so we can pull our country out of this god awful spiral we're in. it's a testament of the values we were taught by our families and by our faith, love thy neighbor as thyself. >> charlie said yesterday wearing a mask and protecting yourself is manly. joe biden is trying to take that message to the country.
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>> right and in chris christie's op ed, he said he was wrong. but joe biden is right. the study are in. you look at mitigation effects -- i mean measures that took effect in arizona after a massive spike and mass mandates and other mitigation measures brought the virus -- it spread way, way down radically immediately. but also what's interesting when we were talking about trump never having a plan is what joe biden said today about testing, how free we would be to move around society and improve the economy and be in schools, even the movie theater but definitely be able to hug our loved ones and have thanksgiving dinner together if we had a testing j
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regim regimen. it doesn't require a vaccine immediately for us to start having a semi-normal life again if we wore masks and the defense production act had been used as biden described today to bring the kind of numbers and effective tests to us so that we could all reduce community spread ourselves. and that's something that the president is still on the record last night saying untrue things about testing and he's very open, he was with leslie stahl on "60 minutes" that testing is bad because it brings up the number of cases. he literally does not want to screen the population so he can bring the spread down. >> that's been from the beginning when he didn't want the sick covid passengers from the cruise ship to come off board because then they'd be in the country and the country's numbers would go up. i want to show you kristen welker's final question last night because if any moment
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encapsulated the evening, this one did. >> the other side wanted to get together, they wanted to unify. success is going to bring us together. we are on the road to success, but i'm cutting taxes and he wants to raise everybody's taxes and he wants to put new regulations on everything. he will kill it. if he gets in, you will have a depression the likes of which you've never seen. your 401ks will go to hell and it will be a very, very sad day for this country. >> i will say i'm an american president. i represent all of you, whether you voted for me or against me, and i'm going to make sure that you're represented. i'm going to give you hope. we're going to move. we're going to choose science over fiction and science over fear. we can grow this economy, deal with systemic racism and at the same time we can make sure that our economy is being run and moved and motivated by clean
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energy, creating millions of new jobs. and that's the fact. that's what we're going to do. and i'm going to say, as i said at the beginning, what is on the ballot here is the character of this country, decency, honor, respect, treating people with dignity, making sure that everyone has an even chance. i'm going to make sure you get that. you haven't been getting it the last four years. >> rev. >> there you have the contrast. you have one candidate that is saying this is what i affiaffir this is what i want to do for the country, these are the areas i'm concerned about from coronavirus to climate change to dealing with racism. and you have another candidate that can only smear and tell you this guy's no good and try and -- he'll cause a depression, fear. one's dealing with saying this is where we need to be going and we can get there and selling hope. another trying to put you in
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fear. is the kind of person, who else in the world, not only the united states, in the world who would come out of the hospital from having coronavirus themselves and their wife and son and think should i come out with a superman suit under my shirt and bust out in the superman shirt? i mean, who does that? this is the mentality of somebody not thinking about recovery, not thinking about saying we need to deal with the gravity of the hour, it's do you really think i can get away with a superman outfit under my suit and tie and just burst it out? that's who woo vee have walking around with the nuclear bomb accessible to him. this is scary when you think about it. a grown 74-year-old man thinking of wearing a superman uniform out of a coronavirus situation in the hospital. that's just frightening. >> it is. and jonathan, anyone knows by
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the time kids are 6, 7, 8, they're too grown up for superman. donald trump at a rally at the villages, a retirement community, so everybody there ostensibly in a higher risk group, doing exactly what you said, largely maskless and not a single instance of social distancing as far as our cameras can see. i think everybody there has the preexisting possible condition of their age. >> no question, nicole. that's a scene that we get at rallies night after night. i was with him in eerie, pennsylvania three nights ago with the president. but this one is particularly striking because the village is the nation's largest retirement community. we know that of course the virus is particularly deadly for older americans. and it should be noted those there obviously are trump supporters. they're turning out on a friday afternoon to see the president.
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the president has lost a lot of support among seniors. that is where he has really seen declines and has alarmed advisers. it's a rare on-the-record admission of that when the campaign manager acknowledged they lost support there. it goes to show a lack of trust for a lot of seniors into how this president has handled this pandemic and they're breaking toward joe biden that could really spell the doom for the president on election day. >> i think the number in pennsylvania is about ten points. i know it one of the reasons bill stepien has been worried about arizona for many weeks now. >> when we come back, trump last night presented with an opportunity to apologize for the human collateral damage of his own family separation policy and the question of why over 500 kids remain separated from their
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parents even after the policy was ended. trump unable to muster even an ounce of remorse. plus as more and more and more polls say the very same thing over and over again about the race, that donald trump really, really is behind his democratic challeng challenger, we'll go inside the baggage that the media and the democrats are carrying from 2016 and ask are we helping trump by ignoring the polling reality? and it's being called illegal voter intimidation. the trump campaign has been videotaping people dropping off their ballots. we'll talk to a long-time reporter from pennsylvania on just what is going on in that all-important state. "deadline: white house" continues after a quick break. don't go anywhere. r a quick bre. don't go anywhere.
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back in january, we knew that this was really, really bad. we had ample forewarning. but we did almost no testing, almost no contact tracing. completely ignored the science, completely ignored the warning signs. there were things that could have been done. a lot of people have died needlessly, and there's nothing more frustrating than feeling like you're fighting against someone who should have your back. we are not going to stamp this out unless we have a change of leadership. ff pac is responsible for the content of this ad. sweetheart, do my forearms look bigger? they look the same. i've been spinning faster recently. i think they're getting bigger. feel them. [ television plays indistinctly ] yeah, they kind of feel bigger. yeah, cool.
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[ grunts ] sorry. switch to progressive and you can save hundreds -- you know, like the sign says.
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a defining feature of the trump presidency is utter cruelty on full public display. the separation of migrant children from their parents and putting them in cages did this perhaps most starkly, maybe worse is the news this week that the parents of over 500 children are still unable to be located years later. trump addressed that news for the first time last night and what we heard was a stark contrast between trump's answers and joe biden's. >> do you have a plan? >> yes, we're trying very hard. a lot of these kid come without parents, they come through cartels and coyotes and through gangs. >> these 500-plus kids came with
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parents. they separated them at the border to make it a disincentive to come to begin with. we're really tough, we're really strong. and guess what. coyotes didn't bring them over. their parents were with them. they got separated from their parents and it makes us the laughing stock and violates every notion of who we are as a nati nation. >> i will say this, we went down and brought reporters and everything. they are so well taken care of. they're in facilities that are so clean. >> we have seen with our own eyes where they are. they're in cages that look like prison cells and if being well taken care of means that they sleep under mylar blankets -- this is not people inside the trump administration is proud to be associated with.
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i know two senior officials who are trying to make a start in private life who are terrified of any stench from this hideous and heinous cruelty of the child separation policy. >> yeah, i think the president was thinking that he would have a way at coming back at joe biden by saying that the actual holding facilities and cages were constructed in the obama years, but this policy that you're talking about of brutalizing families at the border and intentionally separating parents and children now permanently was completely deliberate and was done as a deterrent. this has been extensively reported by your colleagues and in other books and reports as well. this is public knowledge. like you, i, too, have been walked through this recently by a high-level official and it was so stomach turning and so heart
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breaking that behind the scenes discussion about what the worth the political fallout in the beginning because they were just sure it was the right move to basically bring the crossings down, it doesn't matter if these children are at the 4 seasons. they're not with their parents. the idea that they're going to be happy with their lives traumatized because they're in a clean facility is the most disturbing thing that president donald trump could have said last night. it's an incredible stain on our history and it is amazing in all of the outrage of the trump years that this has sort of disappeared from the headlines but for a few weeks several years ago. >> you know, it's a fair and important and good point and it's on us that we allowed it to do so, rev. i want to ask you to talk about this as a voting issue. because we know from donald trump's public statements, his
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begging behind the podium for women to like him, his tweets targeting suburban women, that that's where he feels like his 2016 coalition has fallen apart. tim alberta, a great reporter at politico had a great point that he made this week that we're overthinking this. here's the deal, any parent, any mom or dad who has lost their kid even for a nano second at costco or at a fair has felt the horror, it is physical, it visceral and it is painful. it's painful for the parent or p painful for the child. i thought he left joe biden all that room to make these
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arguments. it's a black mark on the administration that has largely faded from the headlines. >> absolutely correct. when you look at the fact that he loses a lot of the suburban women he has because of the stark insensitivity, he's not talking about these young kids. and i went down to texas and saw some of the conditions and talked to some of the people with a ministerial group. this is real. he's talking about them like they're not human beings and mothers and suburban housewives, those that were a lot of his supporters are looking at this, these are kids. and the answer to that isn't, yeah, okay, i separated you from your mom but i gaveow and sheet. what are you talking about? we're talking about separating you from the woman who brought you into this world and protects you while you're a child and vulnerable. the other part of this that he really, really doesn't get because it doesn't register with him and his moral compass is
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that to stand up and say your defense is i didn't start it, you started it, biden, well, you're continuing it. it's not like you think there's anything wrong with it. i mean, my defense is you started stealing. so what if i stole more? we're both thieves then. it doesn't in any way justify what he's in many ways exhilarated a policy that many democrats were saying, wait a minute, there's too much deportation going on under the obama administration. he blamed it on them and he didn't say that you started it, therefore, i ended it. he's saying you started something or you laid the tracks because they weren't doing nearly what he's done, but he's not saying you laid the trap and i just turned it around. you laid the traps and i'm taking it and building it to some proportion that no one ever imagined.
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it's amazing. >> i want to show both of you another contrast. this is on race. let's watch. we'll talk about it on the other side. >> the fact of the matter is there is institutional racism in america. >> i am the least racist person in this room. >> we've been constantly moving the needle further and further to inclusion, not exclusion. this is the first president to come along and says that's the end of that. >> nobody has done more for the black community than donald trump. >> this guy is a dog whistle about as big as a fog horn. >> with the exception of abraham lincoln, possible exception of abraham lincoln, nobody has done what i've done. >> a.b., it is such a window into his private life that no one can get him to stop saying that about lincoln. he's said that so many times, he sounds like a moron every time he says it. i cringe for him. why does he say that? >> it just sounds like a line of
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late night comedians came up with to mimic donald trump years ago, but it's actually something like a very stable genius that he says about himself, repeatedly. and he turned questions about systemic racism or what it's like for american families who are black to explain to their children that they could potentially be targets of the police, beaten by the police, shot by the police, it's always something he turns into something about himself. the problem for last night is that if you were a voter leaning into joe biden but you just needed to make sure that he had it all together and he wasn't se senile uncle joe, you tuned in and saw he has it together. if you tuned in to see donald trump whether he had empathy on any subject, and you thought he
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could fake it, even though he was calmer and more in control, he just couldn't show empathy. >> rev, i think that's perfectly put. it's actually the best analysis i've heard. where were you last night, a.b. i want to go back to the question a.b. highlighted. each candidate was given the opportunity to speak to black families and black moms and dads who have tell tell their kids what to do if they're pulled over because it end very differently based on the color of your skin. that was the question he used to smear joe biden about russia and ukraine. on the question of race, he had nothing. >> he had nothing but trying to attack him on ukraine and then attack him on the '94 crime bill that joe biden has said many times was a mistake.
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while he, himself, donald trump is advocating things equivalent to the crime bill right now. rudy giuliani, who is the architect of stop and frisk, which has proven to be racist, is trump's personal lawyer. the question was about a conversation that black parents have to have with their kids. he didn't even remotely show any sensitivity about that kind of conversation, what it does to the parent and what it does to a child to have to be explained to why you're treated differently. it shows his total lack of capacity to even understand the hurt and the feelings that one has to go through to have the conversation. he uses that to say i've done more for y'all than abe lincoln. as ludicrous as that is, what does that have to do with you addressing this conversation that black american parent have to have with their kids?
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and if you don't understand that, if you can't be sensitive to that, you ought not be the president of the united states. >> and it's not just black families and black americans who feel that way. more than 70% of americans in the most recent polling associated themselves with the goals and aims of black lives matter. it's so nice to talk to the two of you. thank you so much for starting us off. when we come back, are the experts and pundits, people like me overcorrecting and not saying what might be the real reality? doesn't look so good for donald trump. for donald trump.
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yeah, i don't think there's any reason. i think we're leading in a lot of states that you don't know about. i think we're going to win. i think if you start looking at what's happening in these states and the votes that are coming in and the amount of votes that are coming in and the great red wave hasn't hit yet. that hits in a few days. it's going to be a great red wave like you've never seen before. >> hitting with the red wave. with 11 days to election day, president donald trump is banking on what is based on all the data a hidden red wave to carry him to an upset win. he actually predicts a landslide for himself. it's that possibility, though, that 2016 will repeat itself in
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2020 that is keeping democrats and some folks in the media up at night. but if the data is right, democrats and many in the media could be overplaying trump's odds. as politico points out in a great new piece of reporting, any previous campaign in trump's circumstances, bad polls nationally, behind in multiple must-win states, coming after four years of low favorability ratings and steady off-year and mid term losses for the party he leads would be facing coverage that would be the political equivalent of a hospital vigil for a very sick patient. let's bring in the reporter, daniel littman writes for political and also author and historian, our friend john meacham. this piece is so smart but so scary to even read out loud. i know most of you are viewers are living in fear of a repeat of 2016.
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it really does make some assumptions that are pretty whacky, that the polling is more wrong that four years ago, that no polling entities machanges t correct for four years ago and that some event that could shift the dynamic is something that's going to happen in the next ten days in an election year where almost 50 million people have already voted. take me through sort of what you report out and where you land in this reporting. >> sure. so i talked to a number of top strategists from previous losing campaigns, presidential campaigns to test the thesis, and they seem to all agree with me that the media for those in the sense of they want to create some drama, they want to have a real race and they also are gun shy from 2016. and democrats, they're happy for the media to say this is a real race because they don't want their voters to not show up to
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the polls. they want people to stay excited, but what the media does not really -- is not really counting is that americans have seen this presidency for almost four years. and so previously the trump presidency was a theoretical exercise and people thought it could surprise on the up side, and no one expected a pandemic to cost the lives of 220,000 americans under donald trump's watch. >> tim, what do you think of this theory? this is what everybody in media circles and in sort of democratic political circles is talking about, this anxiety, this whispered i think trump's going to do it again. what do you make? >> i think daniel and john, both of whom i love, it's a kind of an analog argument honestly, which is fine, but we always fight the last battle. but in a crisis that is for most of us existential, that there is
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a constitutional order at stake, much less the norms, the buoys that mark the channel of our lives, i think that trying to say that trump is going to lose in an interesting way, not that this should be anyone's concern necessarily, but in an interesting way it would play into his drama. it would be leading with the chin to some extent because he's built his political life on grievance. a president who wasn't even born here. last night he said biden wasn't from scranton in one of the odder swing state illusions. who knew it would be a birthering swing state. he has this kind of -- he needs these enemies. again, i'm not saying what a media organization's agenda should be, but i, for one, as a
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citizen am just as happy to have biden running scared as opposed to acting as though this was in the bag. >> you don't report that donald trump east going to lose, you report that people covering the race are as adverse to data and was in as we often accuse republicans to be. that's where this felt like something i also am guilty of. is that the more important part of the argument? >> yeah, i think people don't -- the media does not want to get this wrong again. so they'd rather be cautious. they don't want to assume that biden's going to win when it seems like trump is pretty like harry houdini. he always slithers out. he's the cat with nine lives. so that's kind of the way the media has played this. and so that's what we report. >> so let me just come back to you. on the same point because i think you're right.
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i am one of them, which is why this piece felt like a part of my own therapy process here. i am one of them that is like, i don't know. during the convention every night, oh my god, he's going to win again. but i wonder if there's any sort of historical parallel for someone whose political support was undetected in the polls not once but twice? >> twice i can't think of off hand. the great example of a late-breaking campaign where there was quiet support that manifested itself but then stayed out in the open is ronald reagan in 1980. he wasn't in to the -- they had their only debate a week out in cleveland on october 28th of 1980 and carter was up i think by three points. and then by that weekend it broke for a pretty significant reagan landslide and republicans
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won the senate for the first time since the pelopan isian wa. reagan said they think i'm a combination of the mad bomber and ebenezer scrooge. >> you are both right, anything can still happen. dale, it's a smart piece of reporting and i'm glad to have you here to talk about it. and up next, new details about what the trump campaign is up to in the crucial state of pennsylvania. to in the crucial state of pennsylvania
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after nearly four years of rejecting climate science, gutting protections for our air and water, and putting us at risk, isn't it time to wipe things clean? joe biden has led the way, with a bold plan that protects our environment while creating new jobs. and tougher rules for clean air and water. so all of us can live healthier lives. it's time to get back on track. lcv victory fund is responsible for the content of this advertising.
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tonight... i'll be eating roasted cauliflower tacos with spicy chipotle sauce. [doorbell chimes] thank you. [puck scores] oooow yeah!! i wasn't ready! you want cheese to go with that whine?? i'm urging any supportires to go into the polls and watch very carefully. because that is what happen to happen. i'm urging them to do. i'm urging my people. if it is a fair election. >> you're urging them what? >> if i see tens of thousands of ballots being manipulated, i can't go along with that. >> donald trump urging his supporters to go into polls and watch very carefully. not so subtly raising the idea of using intimidation tactics at voting sites. now it looks like they heard the message and they have. in the key battleground state of
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pennsylvania. members of trump's campaign acknowledging they have been videotaping ballot drop boxes accusing voters of depositing more ballots. it could amount to illegal voter intimidation. here he was on msnbc just a short time ago. >> if we determine that their intent is to try to intimidate voters at the polls or dropping off their ballots, you could damn well be sure we're going to shut that down. we're not going to tolerate it here. >> joining me is -- and first of all pennsylvania is the new florida. ground zero where it is must win. what is going on in the state right now? >> sure. nicolle, pennsylvanians are turning out in the thousands to vote here.
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dropping off mail-in ballots. they have authorized 2.9 mail-in ballot applications and vast majority going to democrats, about 1.68 million. you could see them standing in line waiting to drop their ballots in drop box. where i am outside of harrisburg, the same scenario is unfolding in carlyle pennsylvania. >> local editors have a much better handle on on the dynamics in the state, what is the dine ammi ammics in stage there. >> joe biden is up over donald trump. statewide, what is interesting if you start going out into the counties from eerie, and north hampton county, democrats are energized like they weren't in 2016. in fact the polling data now
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shows joe biden up 12 points over donald trump. a county that trump carried by four points in 2016. >> that is interesting. and it is -- it must be that both campaigns are getting the sape read. i always have this sort of fool stream that republicans could carry pennsylvania and donald trump defied when he turned it. how did the people that took a chance on him feel that it went? >> so, nicolle, if you go up into northern pennsylvania, the lunch box voters in zern county, you do find some buyer's remorse up there. the unemployment rate is higher than the rate of the state, statewide. so they're not seeing the same recovery in pennsylvania. that is not to say that he might not still carry it but there were some people who are
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reconsidering now. >> it is reassuring to hear that some of the things that we talk about we're not wrong about and interesting to get ahead of the dynamics and the granularity in a state we'll talk about. i hope you come back and spend time with us. thank you very much. >> next hour of "deadline: white house" starts after a quick break. don't go anywhere. k break. don't go anywhere. 133 million americans have pre-existing conditions
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such as high blood pressure, diabetes, and asthma. this administration and senate republicans want to overturn laws requiring insurance companies to cover people with pre-existing conditions. they're rushing a lifetime appointment to the supreme court to change the law through the courts. 70% of americans want to keep protections for pre-existing conditions in place. tell our leaders in washingtn to stop playing games with our healthcare.
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there is a reason why he's bringing up all of this malarkey. he doesn't want to talk about the substance issues. it is not about his family and my family, it is about your family and your family is hurting badly.
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if you're making -- a middle class family you're getting hurt badly. you're sitting at the kitchen table and deciding we can't get new tires because they're bald and are we going to pay the mortgage or who will tell her she can't go back to community college. like i grew up in scanton and claymont. they are in trouble. we should talk about your families but that is the last thing he wants to talk about. >> hi again, everyone. four years ago on a debate stage donald trump said hillary clinton should be in jail. it capped a week's long effort to convict and sentence her in the court of public opinion for her use of personal email. the 2020 rerun of that playbook on joe biden is largely a flop so far. "new york times" described it this way, the extended back and forth was the most prominent airing so far of the negative message that mr. trump clearly seeing as his best chance of
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undermining mr. biden in the final days of the presidential campaign. but the clash did not yield the kind of explosive confrontation that strategists on both sides had anticipated and in some cases feared. but it isn't because trump aren't trying really, really hard, harder than speaking to the fears about the 70,000 new covid cases yesterday. >> we're fighting it and we're fighting it hard. there is a spike. there was a spike in florida and it is now gone. there was a very big spike in texas, it's now gone. there was a big spike in arizona and it is now gone. and there are spikes and surges in other places. it will go away and as i say, we're rounding the turn. we're rounding the corner. it's going away. >> no one thinks we're rounding the corner. but on biden smears, trump was much more detailed, full of supporting so-called data. >> you were getting a lot of money from russia. they were paying you a lot money. and they probably still are.
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but now with what came out today, it is even worse. all of the emails, the emails, the horrible emails of the kind of money that you were raking in. you and your family. and joe, you were vice president when some of this was happening and it should have never happened. >> it is part of an elaborate effort dealt a lethal blow by today's "wall street journal" which reported out that records by the journal show no role for joe biden in the deal that trump is trying to draw attention to there. politico ryan lizza summed up the side show, which would have been lost on any viewers, one of the hallmarks of the trump era is the punchent for peddling dubious stories in the political circus. trump worked overtime to do that again on thursday but it did not go particularly well. trump has alarmed his advisers with the lack of focus in the waning days of his campaign. over the last few days he's not sustained i coherent argument
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for himself or against joe biden that comes close to the sharp attacks he leveled against every event against hillary clinton and on behalf of the forgotten men and women. it seems that trump has forgotten those men and women this year. >> i get along very well with anthony. but he did say, don't wear a mask. he did say, as you know, this is not going to be a problem. i think he's a democrat, but that is okay. we have plenty of money. in fact, we beat hillary clinton with a tiny traction of the money that she was able. take a look at what is happening with your friend in michigan where her husband is the only one allowed to do anything. his vice president, i mean, she more liberal than bernie sanders. the democrats want it. >> he thinks he's running against somebody else. >> did you follow that? i didn't. the trump fog machine is where we start this hour with our favorite reporters and friends.
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congresswoman and washington post contributing columnist donna edwards is back and john heilemann from the recounts and producer of showtime's the circus and jason johns is back, from morgan state university and contributor to the agreea. lucky for us. all political analysts. so john heilemann, it is our job to keep sort of a little side eye on fox news. and i consider -- i try to read the new york post and watch what information or disinformation is being pushed through that eco-system. i could not follow all of the attacks that donald trump was trying to launch at joe biden yesterday. what did you make of the effort and is there any more explaining we should do to anyone that doesn't have it as on occupational hazard to keep an eye on the attempts of creating stories in the right wing media. >> hi, nicolle. happy friday.
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>> thank god it is friday. >> i know, right. it is one of those weeks. you may recall the last time we met we were discussing this very story, i believe i said that the phrase radioactive turd on several occasions in relation to this story. i won't repeat that except for having just repeated it. but it is still a radioactive turd. it is more of a turd than ever and more radioactive than ever. and you said you couldn't follow it and watched fox news and you can't follow it. you who else. donald trump can't follow it. because if you listen to him last night, you think about all of the efforts they put into it, this is it. this is the comey revelation that will change everything. i had steve bannon a few weeks saying we have a big surprise. rudy and i will roll it out and it will change everything and this thing that will come out and it so stinky that fox news
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won't run it. now it is here. they bring this guy to the debate yesterday who is supposedly like the killer fact witness who is going to say these emails with true, these text messages are true. it is just like the 2016 debate when bannon brought bill clinton's accusers with him to st. louis. so that is all a big setup for donald trump to go into the debate and tear joe biden limb from limb and prove joe biden is a crook and a criminal and i watched last night and i understood the story better than trump did. he could not -- he was just -- he was just jibbering on stage. and there was literally no one who wasn't already deeply immersed in this radioactive turd that could make hide nor hair. and trump doesn't do any debate prep so it is not like he could land a clean hit without just speaking fox news-ese.
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all of the sense, what is he talking about, money, i don't know what he is talking about. it makes no sense. so i think the combination of how badly it went in the debate for him last night because he didn't execute on it and the fact that there is nothing there and the fact that the "wall street journal" sort of drove a stake through the heart of it this morning. i don't think it will cause joe biden any problems. does that mean donald trump is not going to talk about it any more. i'm sure his henchman will talk about it for the next 11 days but it doesn't affect the real lives of people in america. >> donna, it reveals how far apart the polarized media came bers are and when i worked in the white house, fox news have the most favorable take or the most balanced take on the story of the day. cnn tried to play it straight and would call us the dumbest
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and worst people night after night but they covered the same story and started in the same place by enlarge. one of the blessings of fox news being an arm of the state under donald trump, is that they bolster his feelings. one of the dangers is that they only talk to each other. and it would seem that the debate stage was the very last place that donald trump would have in the next 11 days to talk to anyone outside that chamber he's already got. he's got the trump viewer. they are in. that is the trump voter. those are the people at his rallies and taking hydroxychloroquine and hopefully not injected bleach into their lungs. but those are not the people you're talking to on a debate stage. what do you make of this strategic blunder, i think john perfectly encapsulated the failure to execute. >> well this is been, nicolle, the entire campaign. and frankly his entire presidency, where he's only talking to this very sort of captured and already there
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crowd. i mean, i was with a group of six women and when donald trump started doing all of that, all of us had to pull out our devices and look it up. >> google it, right. >> talking about it. and even then we didn't understand why this was relevant. and part of it is because we know as joe biden said, we know him, we know his character. we don't think he's corrupt. and no matter how much donald trump tries to throw all of that stuff on him, all it does is joe biden acting like a fan and blowing it all back on to donald trump. and after all, it is only donald trump who has a secret bank account in china. not joe biden. >> that is a great point. jason, to speak on the point about projection, i thought this was interesting last night for all that it revealed that donald trump and the people around donald trump don't understand about campaigns. i mean, he won and that is not nothing four years ago.
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buzz he didn't do it because he had a good campaign because jared kushner was a good political mind and he didn't and he's not. and last night was evidence of that. and i want to read you the coverage because we know that donald trump lives and dies by the reviews. this is what the washington post wrote about it. during the final presidential debate president trump made reference to the laptop from hell. aoc plus three. i had to google that one. russia, russia, russia. yes, said three times in a row. the material was very familiar to and only familiar to regular viewers of fox news opinion host such as sean hannity. he borrowed from the nightly themes and copied the same phrases the opinion host used on her tv shows. trump accused biden of hiding in his basement something hannity does on a regular basis even as the former vice president has made more campaign stops over the past few weeks. the presidency, as a radio show, doesn't work. i mean you've got hannity and got hannity rowing in your
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direction. the presidency is supposed to be something different, isn't it? >> yeah. but that is -- nicolle, that is always donald trump's problem. every single thing that he said only works if you're sort of a mean veenl angry person. huh huh joe biden is hiding. you're superintendented posed t. and i kid is supposed to be wearing a helmet and seat belt. i was watching with some friends who are not doing this every day, the whole time. and the reaction pretty consistently is this. joe biden has been in office for 47 years and the only dirt you could find on stuff his kid did. and when donald trump without the power of being able to interrupt and do bomb bast over and over again. he failed to do the single most
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important thing which is make the case for why he should keep the job. and if those weren't convincing, he didn't convince anybody of anything. he shouldn't have skipped out on the second one because maybe he would have had some practice. >> i think that the fact that even joe biden is leaning into this, and remaining on offense in the sort of face of attacks against his son, which john heilemann, you know better than me, considerations about the impact on his family was the last gate that he had to get through. he and jill had to get through when they decided whether or not to do this a couple of years ago. let me show you joe biden saying judge my character. >> what is happening here is you know who i am. you know who he is. you know his character, you know my character. you know our reputations for honor and telling the truth. i am anxious to have this race. i'm anxious to see this take
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place. i am character of the country is on the ballot. our character is on the ballot. look the us closely. >> doesn't sound like anybody worried about a character fight. >> no. not worried about a care aquifer fight, nicolle. and the couple things to say about this. the first is just to go back to what you said a second ago, in 2016 there were a lot of reasons why joe biden didn't run. he was obviously still shattered over the death of his son beau but he knew there were stories that would be like these stories that would come out about his other son's troubled personal life. genuinely troubled. and he felt as he needed to not put the family through that coming so closely on the death of beau. and so its way big factor in why he didn't run in 2016. and when it came up to contemplating 2020 there was a lot of discussion and they knew again and very familiar with the troubles that hunter has had and there was a family decision made
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to go forward into this race. knowing that, at one point or another, we would end up here. so the least surprised person, the least surprised person in america that donald trump has taken this -- to this place is joe biden. so he's ready for this. he's not happy about it. it upsets him and angers him and hurts him but he's ready for it. and i'll say the other thing here, this is something you and i both know, and donna and jason too, you go through a hard campaign. almost no one comes through a campaign with higher net favorables than they started out with. the story of politics, especially at the national level is, you start in a good place and then you take a lot of incoming. tens of millions of dollars worth of ads, negative free media and scandals and then you get to the end and limp across the finish line and you're lucky if you're in net positive, more positive than negative. joe biden has come out of this campaign seeing his favorables rise over the course of the last six months.
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donald trump has tried to attack him from every possible angle, has spent a billion dollars on mostly negative media, none of it has stuck to joe biden and not only has none of it stuck but joe biden is viewed more favorably by the country today than he was on the day that he won the democratic nomination. i think it is unprecedented to see that and that is another reason why joe biden is not backing down because he know people have judged his character and in a positive kay. >> it is such a smart point. and donna, i mean, this is the structural part of campaigns, right. when you're a staffer you think you could just engineer everything like an october surprise which the ones at work are never engineered. so the idea that they're trying so hard is the first mistake. but this idea of the human beings behind the politics is something that joe biden always let us into. so when the human beings who became political fodder became the story for trump or the tarkt
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target, we already knew. and i said this before. the only person that i've ever seen in american public life in politics or entertainment or news, to have their hacked material tell us something better than we know from their teleprompter speeches might be joe biden. whose message is to his son, my beautiful boy, get better. and i think in the emails that we saw or the texts that we saw, hunter biden was feeling pain from a column that had been written about his problems. but there are human beings and real families behind this. and i think some of what people don't like about politics is something that joe biden is taking us inside and showing us how to do what john heilemann just said, stay on the right side of this by being open and being yourself. >> well, i think that one of the things that joe biden really benefits from is his ability to
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both humanize the process and to continue to show to the american people his authentic self. and i think for the attacks that were made against him, those messages revealed something that all of us want as parents and that is to try to be there no matter what for your child. and i think that when americans look at that, they don't think that is a bad thing. they think it is a good thing. and i think joe biden really benefits from showing people who he is. and showing his soul. and demonstrating that he will lead in that same kind of way for the rest of us and for our families. and, you know, i think that donald trump thought he was going to, you know, strike a death blow to joe biden and what he did was allowed joe biden to continue to show to the american people why it is that they would want to cast their vote.
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and let me just say, nicolle, at the end of the debate, both candidates were really offered an opportunity to speak to the american people about their visions and about where they wanted to take the country. yoo joe bidens used that in a poignant way and donald trump spent his time attacking so we still don't know why he wants to be president again. >> jason, i just want to end on a quick point. i mean, obama vetted, he could have had anyone he wanted for vice president and one of the things that was a very private process but one of the things reporters covering it knew was that the vetting was intense and extreme. because then senator obama knew the scrutiny that he would be under and his campaign would be under. so joe biden came to this as one of the most vetted politicians. and then donald trump got impeached. trying to have his government and another foreign government take him out.
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>> yeah, nicolle, you can't convince me of something negative about somebody unless there is already a crack there. the reason that you could harp on emails with hillary clinton is because there are previous things that she had done. there is reasons to atrack george bush because you didn't like the war but you can't attack joe biden on being a dirty corrupt politician when people have seen him as a politician for 35 years. they may say he's boring or flip-flopped but none of us believe he is corrupt. the man has been in office longer than i've been alive and you can't find any attacks on him because you can't find any good scandals and this is why, andly say this quickly, this is why trump got impeached and always afraid of joe biden. because he knew he was the one guy that he couldn't rebrand to the american people and we're seeing that in last night's debate. >> such a smart point. you're all sticking around. when we come back, new concerns for republicans in places they
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never imagined having to worry about as one former gop senator said his party is heading for a massive rejection at the polls. how donald trump is weighing down his entire party with 11 days to go. that is next. plus trump may tell us that coronavirus is just going to go away but we just hit the highest single-day number of coronavirus cases since the pandemic began. we'll ask a doctor what we need to do right now to beat back the fall rise. and later lebron james is fighting against misinformation aimed at black voters and there is a lot of it out there. we'll tell you all about his later efforts. "deadline: white house" continues after a quick break. don't go anywhere. k break. don't go anywhere.
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back in january, we knew that this was really, really bad. we had ample forewarning. but we did almost no testing, almost no contact tracing. completely ignored the science, completely ignored the warning signs. there were things that could have been done. a lot of people have died needlessly, and there's nothing more frustrating than feeling like you're fighting against someone who should have your back. we are not going to stamp this out unless we have a change of leadership. ff pac is responsible for the content of this ad.
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with two new haunted houses, the screams are just getting started. wear your favorite costumes and the fun never ends. come get your halloween on, happening now at universal orlando resort.
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this november, hundreds of republicans are up for re-election and with their good will run out, many have given up hope. republicans worry their re-election won't survive trump's presidency. there is mourning in the republican party and under the leadership of donald trump, their party is weak and scared, and powerless. and now, many are asking if we have another four years of donald trump, will there even be a republican party? >> will there be a republican party. that's a question that keeps a few members of the gop up at night including jeff fake who said this about his traditionally red state. for new york magazine, flake believes there is no chance that trump will win a second term in office and accepts with resignation that democrats are likely to assume power at all
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levels throughout his state. he added that the degree to which the party will look in word will be determined by the degree of trump's loss, a massive rejection was the best shot we have to change what the republican party has become. there is no future with this, he said. millennials and women and minorities are running away from the party. and there are just a few anyoning white males like myself to keep the party afloat. we have a change. we're back with donna, john and jason. john, you went to a couple of weeks ago now the lincoln project headquarters and talked to them about this mourning in america ad is just sort of the stuff of folklore in the republican party. they weaponized it against republicans in a pretty interesting way. talk about this new version, this one against republicans is the second ad in a series it would appear. >> well, i think there is a couple of things going on with the lincoln project.
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one of them is that they are in the business really fundamentally, there is a lot of liberal donor porn that they make and things that get a lot of democrats excited to watch and obviously they're very clever and make clever cutting ad that have been hilarious and fought trump in a lot of different ways that you didn't think, which is every inch and minute of the news cycle. the one place you don't think you could fight a battle is in the relentless game and he's around all of the time and they said well going to go after him the say wam. we'll make up stuff that is fast on twitterond his own terrain. they are trying to target largely republican voters and give a small sliver of republican voters the permission to abandon their tribe and walk away from donald trump. so a donald trump who gets 91, 92, 93% of republicans is a
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dangerous donald trump. electorally. a donald trump in the mid-80s with republicans can't win. and so those guys along with the republican voters against trump and other groups have been focused on that task. trying to just peel off just enough republican voters to say to them, it is okay to go against your tribe, to go against your habit and be against this guy donald trump who is not a real republican any way. and then i think there is the longer term question for them. which is if donald trump does lose this election, what happens next? and those guys all say and i have no reason to disbelieve them, but they say the game is not just getting rid of donald trump. the game is fighting a battle for the soul of the republican party in which they drive the trumpists, all of the trump enablers, drive them into the sea and then try to remake the party. we'll see if they've that kind of commitment and if they have the fundraising to accomplish the first goal but they say
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they're in it for the long haul to do. >> donna, there are not, there is not a more talented group of republicans than tim miller, who is running one of the groups, reed galen and steve schmidt and working on the lincoln project, the ad we just ran and i know most of them personally from any own time in republican campaigns. but john's last point is really important. their target isn't just trump. the book is called burn it all down. their enemy is trumpism is the forces of racism and isolationism and xenophobio and now you have white supremacists doing interviews with john's colleague alex wagner. they are so brazen. it would seem that the work, and again we don't know how the election will turn out, but should trump lose, should republicans lose, a lot of those supporters are still out there and there some ways they could be more dangerous without an
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organizer. >> well, and i think part of the challenge is not only are a lot of them still out there, there will still be a lot of them in the house and the senate. because the people who don't lose will be there and the question is what they do. and i'm not talking about, i mean there is a very sort of narrow window of people any more who are even moderates. but i mean there are group of republicans in the trenches in elected office that would have to be removed, too. especially in these solidly republican directs. and what you see is that in those districts, and house seats you actually have the more moderate candidates running against that right and it is really tough to beat them there. so i don't know what the strategy is. but i do believe that republican the party has to be reinvented. and this is about the only play to allow that to happen.
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>> that is a great point. jason, i don't want to lose from where we started though, jeff flake, a conservatives conservative from the once conservative state home of john mccain, barry goldwater, arizona. this is the first trump state that i heard the trump campaign saw as gone. they attributed it to three things. one, trump's performance on covid. two, four years after tacks against john mccain and three changing demographics in the state. what do you make of the rebuke from jeff flake? >> it's -- he's reading the writing on the wall. i was reading a story earlier this week, in a local tucson paper about border concerts being held to repudiate the racism and bigotry of people being held at the border. this is a state where you have six, seven, 8% of the early voters and people trying to be first time voters.
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arizona is a sign of how far republicanism has failed in maintaining its control and what was not just a red place, but also fiercely independent voters. that is what used to have in colorado and nevada. these are people that are look don't tread on me. that is the big mistake that trump has had. but if we're looking forward, we have no idea how this election goes but the idea, if we go back to the lincoln rothecproject, le clear, if lindsey graham keeps his job, he will hug him the first time he gets into office. >> that is such a good -- carrying his golf bag next. >> he'll be carrying his golf bag next and saying i always liked joe biden. that is what he's going to do. but there is a number of republicans who have always leaned into this and they will say, you know what, the only reason why trumpism failed is because he was so racist and
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sexist. if we could get a less vulgar version of this, we could win again. that is what i think people need to understand. trumpism is not dead even if donald trump is removed from office and that is running up against the changing dem demographics of texas, arizona and nevada. >> john you want a last word. >> hey nicolle. stewart's book is called it was all a lie. it is a great book and it is that -- it is all a lie. a great title. and two, if you want to hear a good conversation about all of this, check out my new podcast called hell and high water with stewart stevens and mike murphy talking about the future of the republican party and the long-term struggle and the need to purge the trumpist and number three have a great weekend, my friend. >> you too. do we have weekends? do we get weekends? you don't. >> we do. for you. for you, you could have a weekend. get some sleep, nicolle.
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>> thank you my friend. thanks for spending some time with us. donna and jason are sticking around. when we come back, donald trump's claims that the coronavirus is going away couldn't be further from the truth. as cases hit a new single day record. that is ahead when "deadline: white house" continues. adline: white house" connuties frustrated that clothes come out of the dryer wrinkled? next time try bounce wrinkle guard dryer sheets. the world's first mega sheet with 3x more wrinkle relaxers. look at the difference of these two shirts... the wrinkle guard shirt has less wrinkles and static, and more softness and freshness. to tame wrinkles on the go use bounce 3in1 rapid touch up spray. bounce out wrinkles with bounce wrinkle guard dryer sheets and touch up spray! both, with a money back guarantee. good morning, mr. sun. good morning, blair. [ chuckles ] whoo. i'm gonna grow big and strong. yes, you are. i'm gonna get this place all clean. i'll give you a hand.
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with a bold plan that protects our environment while creating new jobs. and tougher rules for clean air and water. so all of us can live healthier lives. it's time to get back on track. lcv victory fund is responsible for the content of this advertising. you're having one more bite! no! one more bite! ♪ kraft. for the win win. once we get our federal state and local governments working together, once there is universal masking, enough ppe
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and testing to go around, science backed guidance to help us make the right decision, then we could get our kids back to school safely. our businesses growing and our economy running again without wasting any minute. as i said last night, i'm not going to shut down the economy. i'm not going to shut down the country. i'm going to shut down the virus. >> joe biden this afternoon on how he would handle the pandemic here at home where startling record numbers overnight are perhaps the biggest wake-up call yet as to how bad the situation is for us right now. yesterday the u.s. reported more than 77,000 new covid cases. nearly 2,000 more than the single day record set back in july. experts say we're heading in the wrong direction as we continue to climb this massive third peak with an average of more than 62,000 new cases nationwide every day. 32 states have reported more
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than 1,000 cases just in the last 24 hours. so far there have been more than 8.5 million infections in this country. and sadly more than 225,000 americans have lost their lives. more than 900 of them just yesterday. but despite the tsunami of bad news, the sitting president donald trump sees it another way. >> more and more people are getting better. we have a problem that is a worldwide problem. this is a worldwide problem. but i've been congratulated by the heads of many countries on what we've been able to do. it will go away. as i say, we're rounding the turn, we're rounding the corner. it is going away. >> dr. peter hotez from the national school of tropical medicine at baylor college. have we done anything that anyone would model in another country struggling with rising covid numbers? >> well, no. we've had the worst covid
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epidemic of any nation globally. we lead the world in number of cases and number of deaths. and it is been a horrible american tragedy. and today we've reached some horrible milestones going along with that. so we're back up to 77,000 new cases a day. which is potentially a record for us. and there is no end in sight. we'll probably be at 80,000 new cases a day by next week and it will continue to increase throughout the fall and into the winter. so we're looking at a really awful time this winter for the nation. and now the other important piece of information, the institute of health metrics in seattle has come out at the university of washington come out with new estimates with the terrible number of -- they estimate 511,000 americans will lose their life by february
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28th. but other piece to this is the fact that if we could have 95% mask coverage, we could save 129,000 lives by that time. so it is never too late to implement control. but without any kind of national strategy or plan, and widespread and aggressive advocacy around vaccines, we'll be at that 511,000 number. and so i was pretty happy with the president -- the vice president's remarks today, vice president joe biden for the first time articulated what we've been talking about all year, nicolle, which is we need a national plan and road map. and finally, the vice president has come through with this very robust and muscular approach saying we're going to have the full force of the federal government behind this. and the cdc and in order to make things happen and the u.s. government, the federal government will provide the models an the expertise and the
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guidance and maybe hopefully some directives as well as the vice president will pick up the phone and contact governors to get masks being worn. we have for instance, last night the governor of south dakota issued this horrible, i guess i'm using horrible too much, this tragic tweet. >> it is appropriate. >> i use it a lot. what else could you say. there is just so much adjectives to describe what is going on. but she is still putting out there she's not going to demand masks of everyone. people have the right to choose whether or not to wear masks. really? south dakota is the number two state in the country behind north dakota in terms of number of new cases of covid-19. they are in middle of the a dire public health crisis where hospitals are running out of beds and staff and she still is not promoting masks. and it's unconscionable. and again we can't allow that kind of terrible, irresponsible
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behavior by our governors. so we really need the vice president to come along and fix this. the problem is that he doesn't get in until january 20th and if the election goes his way and there is still a lot of damage that will happen between now and the end of january. >> that is my question for you. regardless of the outcome on november 3rd, donald trump is the country's president win or lose until january. and you just gave us a number that is shocking. 488,000 americans could be lost by february 1st. what are our opportunities to turn that around without leadership on social distancing and mask wearing absent a vaccine? >> well that is right. there is no national strategy. and now this virus is sweeping across the northern part of the country. so we have the added problem now with -- i don't know what happens to this particular white house, if it is a lame-duck
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session and if the election goes against the president, but we'll have the psychological impact on the country as people feel it and then working on mental health counseling for the country and figuring out social distancing, that is going to be a priority and who does that without a federal executive branch of the federal government. >> unbelievably harrowing state of affairs today. talked to you a lot of these days and i don't think i've detected the alarm that i hear today. so that means a lot. this conversation is to be continued. dr. peter hotez, thank you so much for spending time with us today. when we come back. he's already recruited thousands of poll workers and helped transform nba arenas across the country to mammoth voting centers. now lebron james has a new mission, fighting back against misinformation aimed at black voters. that story when "deadline: white house" continues. house" continus
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with oscar mayer deli fresh it's not just a sandwich, far from it. it's a reason to come together. it's a taste of something good. a taste we all could use right now. so let's make the most of it. and make every sandwich count. with oscar mayer deli fresh ♪ i try so hard, i can't rise above it ♪ ♪ don't know what it is ♪ ♪ get a dozen double crunch shrimp for one dollar with any steak entrée. only at applebee's.
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this year we're playing to win. three things to know. one, sometimes good people have bad information. that wild uncle sent you about an conspiracy, it might be from mock ow. what you could do. fact check the family chat but do it with finesse. you don't need a ref to see not everyone is playing fair. it might not be real. you could be talking to a bot or a paid troll. what you could do. ignore the internet and only fight with your teammates.
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register and vote, early if you could. under review, a partnership with more than a vote and win black. >> you might recognize the voices. that is part of a collaboration from lebron james por than a vote as you heard it is called under review. a new rapid response operation aimed at flooding the zone as they say with facts in order to counter political misinformation targeting black americans and black voters. on lebron james latest venture, "the new york times" reported, recruiting 40,000 poll works and helping people regain voting rights and aiding the push for nba arenas to be converted into polling locations. we're back with donna edwards and jason johnson. i don't think lebron james efforts off the court get as much attention as they deserve, jason. i mean, we've been covering them because they're so much deeper and so much more tactical than using the bully pulpit.
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what are you in having awareness of what else is going on in the grassroots. what is the impact? >> so this is what i like about what lebron james is doing this time and he was sort of in "the new york times" article. he talking about issues instead of a candidate. in 2016 he did a lot for hillary clinton in ohio. but you can't change how people feel about hillary clinton. but you could talk about your local district attorney and what is your school board situation, is anyone taking care of your grandmother who has to deal with covid and this is the nonsense that is targeting. there is so much effort to suppress the plaque vote, in particular the african-american male vote that lebron and all of the other players recognize they have to be the antidote to ice cube and 50 sent which will represent a smaller portion of the african-american vote and african-american male vote than lebron represents.
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i like the fact that he's tactical and not making it about joe biden, making it about a problematic system. >> and he's right. i mean, donna, one of the greatest threats to political information is disinformation and in of scoobie doo on. it's smart and has a wide audience. how do you, it pains me as a worries fan to acknowledge lebron's greatness but he's a good political strategists, as well, donna. >> he is and he's the perfect messenger for this targeted group of voters who are inundated with disinformation. i've been tracking some of the messages coming through and they're definitely designed to tell people it doesn't matter. there is nothing in it for you. just stay home.
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i think that hurt in 2016 and what lebron is doing is important. he's speaking to people where they are. they are doing it with messages short and sweet and use the right language and i love this because jason used the word agency. this gives a group of voters left out for so long in so many ways, the agency and power to say we can change this and so i celebrate lebron all the time. not just about basketball. watching him grow from an 18-year-old to this man who recognizes his power and his ability to change minds and hearts has been really just so overwhelming and powerful to see. >> one of my favorite twists of
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the lebron james political activist and a smart political strategists is shut up and dribble was answered with revenge served ice cold. thank you very much. when we return, as we do every day, remembering lives well lived. y, remembering lives well lived. here? nah. introducing the all new chevy trailblazer. here? nope. ♪ here. ♪ when the middle of nowhere, is somewhere. the all new chevy trailblazer. making life's journey, just better.
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to cover people with pre-existing conditions. they're rushing a lifetime appointment to the supreme court to change the law through the courts. 70% of americans want to keep protections for pre-existing conditions in place. tell our leaders in washingtn to stop playing games with our healthcare. a beloved family in nevada this afternoon coping with considerable pain and loss.
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this is tony. he died from complications of the coronavirus on monday. according to the nbc station in reno, he was an owner of a half way club, the longest continuously run restaurant in nevada open since the 1930s. they announced his death on their facebook page and almost immediately, the post was flooded with replies about how cherished tony was. stories of old laughs and stiff drinks, about all the little things he did to make people there feel loved. it's a tragedy compounded by another. tony's mom died back in september unrelated to covid. but that's two foundational members of the family who are gone now in the span of just a few weeks. let's talk about resiliency now. after consideration, they decided to keep the family business going. they plan to reopen on november 3rd. we will be right back. ok everyone, our mission is to provide complete, balanced nutrition for strength and energy.
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♪ [ engines revving ] ♪ ♪ it's amazing to see them in the wild like th-- shhh. for those who were born to ride, there's progressive. we knew that this was really, really bad. we had ample forewarning. but we did almost no testing, almost no contact tracing. completely ignored the science, completely ignored the warning signs. there were things that could have been done. a lot of people have died needlessly, and there's nothing more frustrating than feeling like you're fighting against someone who should have your back. we are not going to stamp this out unless we have a change of leadership. ff pac is responsible for the content of this ad. scott wiener immediately went to work,
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thank you so much for letting us into your homes during these extraordinary times, especially when i'm blurry eyed. we're grateful. "the beat" with arri melber starts now. >> i'm a little bleary eyed. thanks for joining us on "the beat" with arri melber. we're 11 days out as joe biden reinforces donald trump's record. >> when trump was asked this week what he'd do differently to get the pandemic response right from the start, his answer was and i quote not much. if this is a success, what's a failure look like? as president, i'll mandate mask wearing in all federal buildings and all interstate transportation. because masks save lives period. >> biden especially animated hitt


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