tv Weekends With Alex Witt MSNBC November 21, 2020 9:00am-10:00am PST
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republicans from michigan poured twold water on his attempt to reverse the count there after a white house meeting. and this after voters from michigan sued trump, attempting mass voter suppression particularly among black voters by pressuring election officials into not certifying the results. of a of this comes against a backdrop of amare of coronavirus in the united states. and president trump's son don junior confirms he test positive to the virus. and covering latest developments for you constantly changing by the hour, first go to nbc's josh letterman in washington. josh, happy saturday to you. with this last hour we learned about a move from the gop in michigan, but first, the president summoning these
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republican michigan lawmakers to the white house to little effect. right? >> reporter: from what we can tell, the president was unsuccessful in that meeting at the white house yesterday, alex. in convincing republican leaders from the state legislature in michigan to try to intervene in the certification of the elections results. those lawmakers almost as soon as they left their meeting wit president release add statement saying they used their time with the president to emphasize the need for kov covid relief for michigan and not yet made aware of information changing the outcome of the election in michigan and as legislative leaders we will follow the law and the normal process. going on to say the person who got the most votes should win michigan's electoral votes. that seemed a blow to the president's efforts. as you mentioned, alex, new information just in the last few maintains about a new republican effort to try to pressure
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michigan not to cert fight the results as planned when they have a meeting scheduled for tomorrow where they could vote on certification. a new letter from the republican national chairwoman as well as the chair of the republican party in michigan. they are calling for the state canvassers not to certify until there is a 14-day delay they want to do abon audit specificay about concerns raised in wayne county. see if the new pressure effort is able to yield any results, but this is supposed to have a meeting tomorrow where they could certify the results in favor of joe biden in the state of michigan, alex. >> thank you so much from the white house. go now to nbc's ali vitali from wilmington, delaware. not much in terms of public events. always a lot going on behind the scenes? >> reporter: always, alex. especially rounding out now two full weeks of this transition
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suspended in bureaucratic limbo because the general as much as administration has yet to obtain results of the election leaving more people frustrated here, impatience mounting including on the part of president-elect joe biden who we're told is growing impatient with the pace of this transition. his advisers echoing that sentiment. some democrats, while pressure is mounting on the hill for the gsa to explain themselves and why we're still in this position of lem boimbo, some are pressur biden to do more legally. listen. >> i think if president-elected by weren't to go to court, a court would quickly say, yes. she is required to take that action. it is more than apparent he's the overwhelming person who has been elected as president of the united states for the next term. you can't rely on the intelligence community and other countries to come and talk to him.
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my goodness. i mean -- this is becoming, really, a travesty. and it's time for us to speak up about it. >> so democrats definitely starting to speak up about it, but in terms of tangible paths forward on the legal front, we're cold biden advisers and heard it from biden himself, a reticence to taking it to court. the idea there's a potential the court might not see things the way the biden team sees them and not as clear cut as the congresswoman just said it would be and reserving the right to move forward with legal action at some point. still an option on the table. listening to joe biden this week, despite showing more public frugs trastration would o build consensus over this. republicans are tiptoeing up to the line saying he should get intelligence briefings and thinks like that but not going as far as to say he is the next president of the united states.
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it's worth, alex, pulling back a little and looking when ascertainment happened over the course of past elections. your control room has a full screen helpful to people pup see these things happened quitly after election results become clear. you look at in 2000. came right after al gore conceded. of course, that election stretched on well into december, because of the legal battles here. but the more obvious ones, look at 2016. election for donald trump ascertained the day after. of course, the thing that happened in all of these scenarios is there was a concession. that's not legally binding or anything, but makes it easier tore the general services administration to see a natural close point to the campaign season. in this case, though, we see the electoral totals come in in all of these states and the president pressing forward on legal challenges. same time, those legal challenges are not going to change the makeup of these states so drastically, if at all, that states start flipping
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from biden to trump. so it's clear why there's frustration building on this side here in wilmington and they're preting forward where they can on policy discussions with people like nancy pelosi and chuck schumer would like to get it firing on all sill ders. >> thank you, ali. joining me, sirius xm and host of the show zerlina on peacock. and chrisl lew and congressman from florida and msnbc politis on a saturday. chris, start with you first. the white house meeting talking about with michigan lawmakers comes as trump's lawyer call for state legislatures to name trump electors in states won by president-elect biden. these lawmakers said afterwards
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they were not made aware of any information that would change the outcome of the election. so big picture. what is your reaction to this spectacle of this all? >> well, it's a spectacle. let's look at some of the facts here. joe biden's margin now in michigan is 14 times bigger than what donald trump's was in 2016. donald trump is trying to challenge votes in detroit. he actually received more votes in detroit this year than he did in 2016. joe biden received fewer votes than hillary clinton did. this isn't about trying to ferret out voter fraud. the disenfranchising black voters in the same way it's happened in this country 150 years and you see it happening all around the country. in wisconsin, trump campaign asking for recount in the two counties with highest number of democratic voters. look, this isn't about counting every vote. we stick late every vote should be counted. this is about filing one frivolous lawsuit after another to delay certification.
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more broadly when they fail, as they have around the country, it's trying to subvert the will of the people and do an end run going to state legislatures in violation of federal and state law. the crazy part about all of this is how little there's been said by the republican party expressing dismay about this. this is undercutting our elections and an entire political party is not saying anything about that. >> yes. interesting, too. picking up on this with you, zerlina. part of this lawsuit is from a group of voters in michigan which says, repeating false claims of voter fraud thoroughly debunk, defendants are pressures state and local officials in michigan not to count votes in wayne county, the county seat and disenfranchise hundreds of thousands of voters. tactics worst abuses in our nation's history as black americans were denied a voice in american democracy for most of the first two centuries of the republic.
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got to ask for your thoughts on this. >> well, i'm sitting in front of a picture of my grandfather right now, alex, who marched in soma. i think the right to vote and the sacrifices black americans have made in order to exercise that right are absolutely under attack right now by this administration, but also by the republican party writ large. this is culmination of decades of rhetoric around voter fraud that doesn't exist, when the voting rights act was gutted by the supreme court, and this is the second election in a row when we didn't have the voting rights act protections to prevent many of the shenanigans that republicans on the state level played in this particular election. i think that it's really important as we go forward to the biden-harris administration that voting rights be a very big priority of that administration, because as you see, if the system doesn't work to allow the people's voices to be heard, then you can't really make
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progress the way you would need to on policy. in this moment, alex, you have a president who has ceased doing the job of being president, and he's trying very hard to avoid becoming a defendant in the future. while americans are dieing every single day. that's the reality of it. >> so, david, the president and his lawyers, essentially pressures republican officials to overturn will of the voters. all but a handful of republicans in congress, they've been silent about this. you're a former republican lawmakers. what do you make, first of all, of the position that these officials are being put in? >> yes. so, look, clearly whether or not donald trump is engaging in a crime by trying to influence canvassing boards or not, he is engaging in fraud on the american people. his republican allies on the hill are doing the same thing. alex, i want to expose a nuance showing opportunity for republicans. it's this -- the ability of donald trump to
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challenge findings in court even though most sane people know it won't overturn it is fine. that's not going to break the system. in fact, warren crihristopher wn he worked wore al gore during the recount, it's not a constitutional crisis. it's the way lawful countries decide disputes, based and law and the decisions of courts. donald trump's going to lose in court and joe biden will be the next president of the united states. but where republicans on the hill are failing the american people and are engaging in a fraud on the american people is they should speak to the legitimacy of our system. the legitimacy of our election. they can defend donald trump's right as a candidate to pursue legal claim, but where are the voices suggesting that this is a legitimate election and a legitimate process? because the worst-case scenario is not these court cases. it's that we get to january 20th and a large portion of the country doesn't believe in the legitimacy of our election. republicans can defend the legitimacy of our election while
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also saying, yeah, let donald trump do his thing. he's entitled to it. >> zerlina, to david's point about the outcome of the election, nbc news reports also the president says he knows he lost. "he wraunants to make it at leas difficult for democrats as he believes they made his transition into office." curious of your reaction to that? the psychology behind trump's refusal to concede or do you need a ph.d. to figure that out? >> well, i think it's pretty selfish to prioritize the fact you want to get revenge on democrats for perceived lack of cooperation at transition when this transition is happening in the middle of a pandemic, alex. i mentioned, with thousands of americans dieing every day and more getting sick, and who are projected to die before the end of the year. the president has focused on his revenge fantasy instead of focusing on getting the testing and the tracing and the ppe in
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place that is part of his job. i can't imagine a scenario in which i would try so hard to keep a job i stopped doing. that's what the president is doing right now. he's playing golf, probably, this weekend, again, while thousands of americans are dieing. we can't ever forget that. much as it's entertaining to talk about what perhaps is going on in this brain, i think what is important for us as americans to focus on is the impact of his inaction and his inability to actually do the job he's trying to keep. >> listen, got to tell you. probably a lot of the reason why he has lost this election. whatever the outcome of these frivolous lawsuits, people probably did have that in mind going to the ballot boxes. so we had this really bizarre press conference, the president's legal team led by rudy guiliani, had that conference this week where they failed to produce any evidence of voter fraud. but they did use a bunch of conspiracy theory buzz words. take a listen to those.
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>> two venezuelans, george soros, affiliates of chavez and maduro. >> big tech. >> mayor daley, 1960s. did any of you here believe that was possible? >> chris, give this to you. what do you make of the legal str strate strategy? is there one there? >> fair to say when rudy guiliani are making conspiracy claims, this is not a legal strategy. this is a public relations strategy aimed at one person. i chuckle when i hear this. xep it's dangerous. if there's a vast conspiracy they've been unable to unkwover any person in on this conspiracy. which apparently we as democrats only did in certain battleground states at not others. we also did this in not flipping senate seats and nair oeg the gap narrowing the gap in the house. quite a conspiracy theory. not about counting votes or legal challenges. this is about the president trying to delegitimize his
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successor and undermining the national security and homeland security of this country during a pandemic. it's irresponsible. >> david, read something written by peggy noonan, column in the "wall street journal" writes a bokus dispute is doing real damage and writes trump's staff and supporters should know trying to change the outcome are doing harm undercutting respect in and hope for democracy. republican senators and rep r representatives in their silence allowing the idea to take hold the whole system is rigged in their institution and party's reputation. republicans once protective of who we are and what we created in this democratic republic long ago. give me a sense how damaging these conspiracy theories are? i mean, circulating around this country. what about the future of the republican party? >> yeah. alex, what i alluded to earlier. glad peggyput it in print. this is the worst-case scenario. we have a constitution and
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system to deal with actors like donald trump. wee saw impeachment, courts throw out his election challenges because they're without merit. we'll see a peaceful transition of power. the constitution is set up to protect all that. peggy is referring to, we have not been in a moment where someone has used the bully pulpit like donald trump has to delegitimize the legitimacy of our democracy. worst-case scenario live in a nation the a third of the country next year says i don't believe we have safe and secure elections. what does that mean? the next time somebody goes to enlist in the armed force tos what are they enlisting to protect? an old word autocracy without legitimate elections or enlisting to protect the greatness of the country? what mikes the united nations unique? add one thing. this conversation about trump the psychology is not the defendant but to provide insight having been an incumbent who lost after being redistributed.
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the psychology is interesting when loss. for a year your opponent told the american people the incumbent is doing a bad job. i can do a better job. when that competitor wins, all right, buddy. you said you could do a better job, go do it. don't asked for my help. that's where the calling of leadership's in a moment in this pandemic and for purposes of national security, donald trump in a losing incumbent should rise above it as bush 41 did and engage in that transition. we're not seeing it from donald trump but account make evaugs a eevaluations why. largely because of his charac. r >> thank you all so much. and shocking as ever. no matter what you heard before,
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to you latest effects from the pandemic. 12 million coronavirus here in the u.s. adding more than 1 million new cases in less than a week. the country set another record high adding almost 195,000 new cases friday. people across california are getting ready for a new curfew beginning tonight in areas with rising cases. residents cannot leave home for non-essential activities between 10:00 p.m. and five a.m. that order in effect until december 21. and philadelphia banned all indoor dining and new restrictions on outdoor dining. gatherings from private residences prohibited. new restrictions last to end of the year. college football taking another hit. clemson/florida state game set for today postponed hours before kickoff after medical personnel
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from both teams could not agree it was indeed safe to play making now 18 total games canceled this weekend. msnbc news correspondent across the country. we go to the west first. at dodger stadium. how much has testing ramped up there? treated all week to scenes of so many cars packed there after a workday. >> reporter: that's right, alex. seeing that same scene playing out here at dodger stadium in los angeles. demand for testing has doubled in the past two weeks. administers some 30,000 tests a day here in l.a. county. much of it happening just behind me. this is the largest testing site in the state capable of administering some 13,000 tests a day. these people will get results, officials tell me in 24 to 48 hours.
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it's a drive-thru testing site. traffic stretch for miles. authorities are telling me that a couple factors are driving the surge and demand for testing. first you have unprecedented numbers of covid-19 cases across the state. unprecedented covid-19 crisis they're seeing now but also the thanksgiving holiday. officials tell me many of these people want to get tested for peace of mind prying to meeting their family and friends for thanksgiving, and it's the kind of thing that officials here are urging people not to do. the mayor saying that a negative covid-19 test is not a passport to party. just because you test negative, say, on a saturday is no guarantee you'll be negative for covid-19 on a thursday which is why they're really urging people to sit out this holiday, to stay at home with their own households and to avoid traveling, but the question is, are people listening? i can tell you. i was just at l.a.x. airport
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last night. 10:00 p.m. on a friday. totally packed with travelers. it's setting up what officials say is potentially a nightmare scenario. seeing this surge in cases here in california and the potential super spreader event come thanksgiving. officials here really trying to take steps to stop this surge right now. implementing that so-called curfew from 10:00 p.m. to 5:00 a.m. non-essential businesses will not be able to be in operation. californians, though, we talked to are taking it in stride. take a listen. >> i think if that's what's going happen that's what's going to happen to curb this thing. if more people go along with the guidelines maybe wouldn't have to have it. at this point, just have to do it. >> it's a tough pill to swallow. honestly, i feel we need it. honestly think we need to shut down like six weeks. people need to get paid for that six weeks to eradicate this
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thing and get back to our normal lives. >> reporter: officials here are saying that if this doesn't work, they're unable to stop the spread, the current trajectory of this virus, looking at full stay-at-home orders for the state of california. >> oh, boy. thank you from dodger stadium in l.a., erin maclachlan, and governor andrew cuoco warning his own crackdown could come within days. and welcome. what will an orange zone declaration actually mean practically speaking for new yorkers? >> reporter: good to be with you, alex. means a lot more restrictions than we're already seeing. saw this week schools, much to parents dismay, close down. closed at least through thanksgiving week. now indoor dining could be next. you have this french raunlt cafe
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restaurant cafe. doing what they can to keep people safe and warm. it's more of a question, when, not if, indoor dining shuts down and could happen as early as the next week or two. what's causing the spike we're seeing? dr. fauci and other medical experts say seeing skyrocketing of cases across the country because of covid fatigue. people not wearing they're masks or social distancing and cooler weather forcing people inside where the virus spreads more easily. here in new york doing a strategic microcluster system. taking things block-by-block, designated in yellow, orange or zed zones. now what's confusing is the number system between the city and state. both giving different numbers of the positivity rate. that rolling seven-day average. according to state of new york city, teetering around 2.5. the number to watch. if that surpasses 3% that's when the state could put new york city in that orange zone shutting down indoor dining.
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the restaurant owner tells me shuts down 25% of his business now. again, mayor bill de blasio talking about the likely inevitability of that. let's listen. >> we will bring our schools back, but we're going to have to reset the equation. for everyone who honestly might feel somehow a little better in they knew that indoor dining was going to be closed or gyms, sorry to tell you that for the sake of those business owners and everyone who loves those gyms and loves indoor dining, just a matter of time. it's very likely to be in the next week or two. >> reporter: so other orange zone regulations. gyms would close. hair salons, nair salons, spas and mentioned indoor dining. alex, now it's a beautiful, sunny day. people out here want to be out here. a couple days ago, that wasn't the case. really cold here in new york city. the owner here of cafe said no indoor dining and for example, a
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snowy day in new york city, they're not opening their doors at all that day, that's coming, too. thank you, lindsey reiser. joining me, dr. natalie azar. welcome. many of us are taking precautions. why are we hitting these levels? where are people catching this? there's no way to know. >> i know a lot of alex, a lot of us heeding warnings. the rise in cases really has to do with human behavior. yes, we are experiencing covid fatigue, as was astutely pointed out. biggest culprits indoor gatherings in people's homes and bars and restaurants as well, unfortunately. it's important to scrutinize the policymakers in different states. the areas having the worst outbreaks right now are where policymakers did the least. that's important to note, because all of the things that we're recommending people do and all of the, you know, shutdowns and things like that really, really do make a difference.
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>> yeah. there's this new study. it shows rapid testing, 75% of a city, every three days, could drive the epidemic towards extension with six weeks. going on to say, better to have a less sensitive test result today than more sensitive results tomorrow. do you agree with that timeline and do you think a fast test result is more important than a more accurate result? >> well, generally speaking, alex, the place where a less sensitive test has most utility, when it's used broadly and in high volume, because you will be able to pick up asymptomatics that way. remember, what does the sensitivity of the test actuali. your sensitive is low you get a lot of false negative tests. that's really important, because then you have, telling people they're okay when they really aren't.
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ideally what we need and what the fda actually issued as the first eua this week for an at-hole molecular pcr test, the one most sensitive, need a test for people to do at home. get rapid test within 30 minutes. this eua for this product is encredibly exciting but not available until the spring, however. you'll need a doctor's prescription and it costs $50. that's limiting's we need more of these tests to get into the market driving down the cost. basically you want a test that's as easy to do as a pregnancy test to get accurate results very, very quickly. >> yeah. very good points you make, as always, dr. natalie azar, thank you. one of the most critical decisions the incoming biden administration has to make with global implications and a race against the clock for a president biden. what happens if the clock runs out?
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president trump is ramping up efforts to block the certification of joe biden as president-elect. in fact right now the president and his allies are attempting to derail results in five key states that helped deliver biden his victory. joining me, msnbc news analyst and reporter for the "washington post" and good friend of hours. walk us through what happened with michigan. how did everything make a full 360 in a matter of three hours? >> start with this -- joe biden is winning michigan by 150,000 vote. vote not at all close. although will are disputes over a few hundred ballots in the detroit area nothing on the table that would actually change the outcome. that said, michigan is one of the places president trump tried to pus the most pressure to flip the state and change the electorate. yesterday seemed he made progress. a bunch of republicans aimed to washington, flew to washington to met with president trump, met
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more than an hour and seemed to be listening to this pitch. they left saying essentially nothing changed. hadn't seen any evidence the vote had been fraudulent in michigan and didn't see any reason to change the way michigan electorate went. didn't seem trump was any further ahead in michigan. >> any reporting what donald trump's reaction to that was? >> well, we have twitter, thank goodness. on twitter this morning trump basically tried to make the case again. said, well, you know, michigan, republicans officials had said, once all the votes are counted the winner of the popular vote in michigan should get the electorate. that's biden by a large margin. trump wrote on twitter, wait, wait. we're going to show massive thought prove he actually won michigan. a complete fantasy. his reaction. sort of persist in his fantasy even as republicans come away saying, look.
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not doing it. >> wow. go to georgia with the certification there. about to complete its counts. what states will be targeted next? >> five states are sort of possibilities. none of them appear to be very likely targets for trump. he will try in, next week pennsylvania that will certify its election results. i don't see really any road blocks to that happening. then nevada, arizona. and wisconsin. wisconsin will probably take the longest, because trump asked for a very time-consuming recount in the state's two most large democratic counties. nothing that will seem to change the outcome. trump pushing for a delay, but really -- >> no delay on us wanting you back on the broadcast. soon as you can. thank you so much. just as donald trump campaigned for years ago on
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withdrawing from the iran nuclear deal, joe biden promised to rejoin that accord. nbc news reports biden faces a race against the clock in that effort with the agreement's fate resting on results of another election, this one in june, when iran holds its election. while the current iranian president, hassan rouhani supports the 2015 deal, there's no guarantee iran's next leader will agree. joining me now from tehran, nbc news tehran bureau chief. iran has actually accelerated its nuclear program in recent months. so if rejoining that 2015 agreement is still on the table, is this the best way to show it? >> reporter: hi, alex. you think it would be counterproductive for iran to ramp up its nuclear program, but i think this is part of a carefully calibrate ed strategy from iran to gain reserve ratch in future talks. over the last four years one thing i heard from iranian
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officials they don't want to negotiate from a position of weakness and this is exactly what they're doing by ratcheting up the nuclear program. they're making breaches after breaches on the program, but not big enough to set off major alarm bells that iran is on the precipice of a bomb. what iran is doing is saying that the breaches they have made be easily reversible and their point will be in any future negotiations with president-elect biden, that we've lived up to our end of the bargain. rolled back all of these breaches we've made. now it's time for you to get rid of the sanctions, and in doing that, they're going to try and avoid talking about other sticky issues like their missile program and regional influence. they want to concentrate everything on the breaches, that they'll roll back as a point of leverage. in a may backfire. we'll see how any negotiations go forward with the two sides. >> okay. i want to get something that came out of left field recently. of grave concern from the "new
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york times" reporting last week, ali, that president trump sought options for attacking iran to stop its growing nuclear program. how much concern is there that donald trump could literally blow up any chances of deal during his final weeks in office? >> reporter: there was a lot of concern here, alex. especially over the last few weeks, but there was a few moving parts that made people here quite anxious. there was the trip by elliott abrams, chief iran envoy to the white house to israel to meet with prime minister netanyahu. staunchly against the nuclear deal. followed by a trip by secretary of state pompeo. the firing of mark esper being replaced by he'll seen to be loyal by donald trump made people feel here that something was brewing. that there could be a covert or an overt attack against iran by the united states or the u.s. may give the green light to
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israel to pull off a stunt like this in the twilight of president trump's presidency. and they said that they're ready for it. the iranians said if there was an attack against them they would deliver a crushing blow to the united states, but also important to point out, they said they wouldn't only kill the nuclear deal. it would set off an all-out conflict in this region. so they dug in. they said, if you want to attack us, we're ready, and that will enflame the whole region. but they also added a caveat. they said that they didn't think president trump was actually serious about attacking iran, because of the consequences in the region. but, you know, it's hard to talk about how much distrust there is between these two sides. so anything could happen at any time. we're awfully glad you're there to report from tehran. thank you.
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the donald trump end game. three parts to it according to my next guest, and one of them is what a former president trump fears the most. tell you about that right after the break. state right there. ere. to directly engage floors and dig deep into carpets. pick up more on every pass with no hair wrap. shark vertex with duoclean power fins. to help you build a flexible wealth plan. you'll have access to tax-smart investing strategies, and with brokerage accounts online trades are commission free. personalized advice. unmatched value. at fidelity, you can have both. and now your co-pilot. still a father. but now a friend. still an electric car. just more electrifying. still a night out. but everything fits in. still hard work. just a little easier.
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the expertise that helps keep hospitals clean, is helping keep businesses clean too. look for the ecolab science certified seal. welcomeis that your home?o live. dun, dun ,dun. hold on, stop! you accessorize with a sloth? this is belt. [ chuckling ] great sash. oo-la la! when you start having attempts to block, negate, overturn the people's vote when there's no actual evidence that
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there was anything illegal or fraudulent taking place. these are bold assertions repeatedly rejected by the courts. i'm less surprised by donald trump doing this. i'm more troubled you're seeing a lot of republican officials go along with it. >> former president barack obama there candidly giving assessment on the battle president trump is still waging on the 2020 election. the trump campaign and gop have at least ten active election lawsuits in two states but the legal ballots flailing after losing more than two dozen of those challenges. joining me now, anthony scaramucci and former white house communications director under president trump. good to you have on the broadcast. you heard president obama say he's troubled to see a lot of republican officials go along with the president's re-election challenges. by do you think so many republicans are still backing trump on this? what's in it for them as president trump will be leaving the white house?
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>> well, i think they're trying to figure out what happens post-white house. the 73 million people that voted for donald trump, they're trying to figure out if that's a signal, alex, or a noise. and i think that's what's got them all tongue tied the way they are. it's very predictable. look what they did during the impeachment process. tucker carlson saying no evidence and rampaged by trump cultists. the smarter people in the party, the people that have very i i.q.s saying what should we do? they're making a decision rightly or wrongly to wait and see. so obviously, people don't know what's going to happen. i can offer my prediction. i think the president's going to be annihilated here. leave office unceremoniously and likely face criminal investigations into new york when all of that unfolds, it will cause the end of trumpism
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and then you'll see the shape shifting going on inside the republican party sort of pretending they didn't really have anything to do with him. like the seeds in "casablanca" about being gambling in the casino. >> shocked! >> i'm a leitch-long republican, sad to watch and these guys have no backbone. >> an analysis port saying trump's goals were so apolitical, that his attacks on the election could undermine the new president's efforts to unify a fractured nation and fuel trump in his next endeavor. whether that's another white house run in 2024 or a high-profile media venture. do you think donald trump is putting himself over the country and why? trying to figure out what he'll doing next jo. >> i don't think those of the reasons. he's not that big of a longtime planner or thinker, strategic thinker. he wants a non-pross cuecutoria
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work with him on a non-prosecutorial degree. that's not a pardon. anything done prior to january 20th i don't want to be prosecuted for. so it's more powerful than a pardon. i think that's what he's working on. i think it's thoughtful writing by the a.p. but don't think he's there yet. he thinks in much shorter time increments than that. know there's a bullet coming to the trump organization, the trump family andpersonally and why he's doing this. >> and "we will survive our bad breakup with donald trump" and say it must be promoted by the media. his twitter account suspended
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because of its toxicity. fox news disassociate and newsmax do the same. his media presence must be thwarted. how likely is that to happen? do you think donald trump's future success depends on him staying high profile? >> it does. i added in very likely, because, again, these indictments and the things he'll be working on post his presidency i think will cause people to disassociate from him. there's very high levels of toxicity right now. an aftermath of that toxicity and then, of course, when people start to uncover potentiality of frauz and people are innocent until guilty, i think he will surprise people how quickly this flames out. the point being that responsible people in the media, what he's doing with his team right now is seditious. they should stop doing it. it's reflecting poorly on the
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united states around the world and reflecting poorly on the people of the united states, and hopefully media executives and people in the media will see it for what it is, and disassociate themselves from him, but i predict they will. >> can you give me concisely the three points you say, tantamount to his end game? >> non-prosecutorial agreement, doesn't want to be prosecuted in the state of new york, city of new york or the feds. number two, wants to get out of this thing and pay those loans back. then the last thing is he'll focus on media ventures or other things but never running for president again. not going to happen. >> you're sure of that? huh. >> i would bet the ranch on that. same way i'd bet the ranch who would lose this election, bet the ranch he's not running for president again. doesn't have capacity to run again. too many young people in that party that are going to melee him the minute he walks 0 s out door. he knows that, why he has a
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non-scalable fence around the white house now. >> would you bet the ranch he's not going to be prosecuted? >> a good question. sow a lot more havoc over the next 60 days. we'll see what happens. if people have the stomach or the havoc he's about to sow. he's about, a very devious guy, we you know. whatever you're thinking about he's way more devious than you or your viewers. think worse than the way you're thinking now. it's going to be nasty over the next 50, 60 days. see what you have the stomach for. may blink on him and that's what he's hoping for. >> appreciate your candor. the covid pandemic dramat dramatically changing the thanksgiving holiday. some you may not know. details on some of those, next. contactless curbside pickup is here! just tap for tasty in the app. and pickup contactless. cause it's safety first.
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new facts to share in the coronavirus pandemic this hour. total cases in the u.s. surpassing 12 million today with 49 states reporting an increase on friday. now, hospitalizations are up nearly 50% over the last two weeks. per reuters tally. a ban on indoor dining in effect in minnesota. the new restrictions also prohibit indoor gatherings at private homes, closes gyms and theaters and that order remains in effect through december 18th. the mayor of newark, new jersey, orders a ten-day stay-at-home order beginning wednesday. all non-essential businesses are asked to shut down and the city is closing some streets to non-residents from 8:00 p.m. to 35 3:00 a.m., and new measures. vis eitors must provide a negate test before boarding a plane. if not, arriving without a
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