tv MSNBC Live MSNBC November 27, 2020 4:00pm-5:00pm PST
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good evening. welcome back to the second hour of our special. this black friday. we have plenty to cover after several days of big news about president trump legal challenges. latest from pennsylvania. aids to the president do their best to avoid visiting the oval office out of fear they could be in legal fights. and latest from iran. a top nuclear scientist has been assassinated. later with doubts ant safety of
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the coronavirus vaccine we look at a new idea floated by a former presidential candidate. paying people to take the vaccine. a look at president-elect biden proposed economic team. dealing with two major crisis on day one. coronavirus pandemic and the recession. first in pennsylvania. wednesday a pennsylvania state judge temporarily paused the state from certifying the election results which republicans celebrated as a win. today a federal appeals court rejected the trump campaign lawsuit over his pennsylvania defeat. a trump appointee, the judge wrote the opinion for the court including this. charges of unfairness are serious. calling an election unfair doesn't make it so. charges require specific allegations and then proof. we have neither here. end quote. where does this leave us? to help us sort it all out.
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reporting live from pennsylvania for months and months. my friend, one of the lawyers the one who you see standing with rudy giuliani and sidney -- the other day at the press conference. tweeted a few hours ago. rudy giuliani and me on third circuit opinion. the ruling today. the activist judicial machinery in pennsylvania covers up the allegations of massive fraud. we are thankful to have an opportunity to provide proof onto the supreme court of the united states. the activist judicial machinery she's talking about in the case the judge who threw out the efforts are one trump appointee and two bush appointees. what on earth are they talking about? >> i'm glad you made that point. rudy giuliani has been saying this is giving them full access
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to do what they want to do next is bring the case to the u.s. supreme court. there's a disconnect looking at a republican appointee panel of judges and still calling them activist machinery. they are upset they're not getting their way. this was the lawsuit that attempted pennsylvania officials conducted the election in way that discriminated against those who voted for trump. initially the judge called it frankensteins monster. the evidence was put together in a half way and didn't make sense. and the trump campaign appealed asking for a revision. of the same case. it was submitted with type os and rejected again. the ruling saying he's calling it light on facts and breathtaking in the request. so you see the trump campaign elevating this or attempting to elevate it to what will be a
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conservative supreme court and hoping this will help them. we need to wait and see if the supreme court will take the case. >> right. we're not sure what it is they're taking up. in the same tweet, she talks about going to the pennsylvania legislature. what we learned from michigan is that the legislature can make rules for elections it can't change the results. and every piece of evidence the trump campaign has brought forward alleging fraud in philadelphia or pennsylvania more broadly has been thrown out. there's no evidence of fraud anywhere. they keep talking about mountains of evidence. they will be pouring in. i don't know what you have seen, i haven't seen any. >> i haven't either. to be clear when you're talking with the state legislature looking at cases again and the republican lawmakers getting involved, remember the vote by mail process was agreed upon in pennsylvania prior to the pandemic even happening. this was the first time it was
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allowed here in pennsylvania. it was something that was voted in by both sides of the state legislature. they agreed upon it. now we're seeing the case coming in saying the way it was conducted was unconstitutional. obviously they didn't have the issues prior to the election. >> can you talk about the certification, the stay of the certification. we're all learning about this process. the votes are counted, secretary of state does something, and then what happens? the pennsylvania -- they stayed the certification. what happened and what's happening now? >> it's confusing. we saw the news the state certified tuesday and shortly after that the judge ruled for the certification to be paused. or related activity. we're wondering what that means. and what need to happen after the state certifies election results the governor sends a
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certificate of ascertainment. in washington d.c. and it's a formal letter saying here's our slate of electors. they will be voting december 14. then the governor needs to send copies of the certificate to each of the 20 electors. that makes it legally binding to show up. on december 14. basically if it hadn't happened yet the judge ordering the pause would have made that stop. however the governor confirmed they had already done this before the judge order came down. even though we saw republicans celebrating this order as a win. it didn't really do anything. it's not exactly a win. the certification still stands in pennsylvania. >> okay. you have really spent more time in pennsylvania than any of us. including me. to the best of your knowledge, has the presidential election in pennsylvania been certified with
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joe biden as its winner? >> that's correct. yes. given what we know and all the activities that need to be done around certifying and the follow up after that, it is certified and the next and very final step happens december 14. when pennsylvania 20 electors go to vote. for a president-elect joe biden. >> it's not that you're not a very good explainer. it's that i never had to ask a question so in ways. there's so many different inputs. this should be a normal process. vote, count them, certify them, send it in. electors vote. election is over. pennsylvania has been a complicated thing to cover. you have done a remarkable job. thank you, friend. with president trump exhausting all legal challenges to his election some new reporting is providing a picture of the west wing right now. advisers deliberately avoid the
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office out of fear that quote the president might ask them something that would draw them into the legal battle. that's an actual quote. administration official said usually everybody is looking for an opportunity to go in. now it's the opposite. you never know where it will be the moment he is like why don't you do xyz crazy thing. joining me now a reporter on the story. white house reporter for the "wall street journal." we're at a time when you write stories that you think might have appeared in the onion. people are actually scared of getting roped into some kind of crazy theory. it all you have to do is loolk at twitter. the president strategy and opinion and talking points on this does change and shift every few hours. >> that's right. it's interesting. what our reporting showed is the president is continuing a public fight. very vocal on twitter and speaks to reporters yesterday insisting
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he'll continue to fight. there's a different thing going on privately. adviser really do by and large the white house aid and a lot of the campaign adviser acknowledge there isn't a path forward. and they think the president is coming around to that thinking. and there have been conversations about what he might do next. does he run in 2024? what's the role in the party look like. there are people who might have said there was a path a week ago. and now don't see one. there's some shifting privately even as the public -- you're seeing that with public action as well. obviously the president sees the legal cases are not moving forward that the votes are being certified in key states and the process is starting. the transition started. >> so hear giuliani or ellis with the tweets. i don't know whether they
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believe what they're saying. they are quite committed to saying it and moving forward with court cases. yesterday you heard trump and the meeting in pennsylvania called into he talked about the mountains of evidence and tweeted today that joe biden will have to prove his 80 million votes were not fraudulent. do rank and file people in the white house believe that non-sense? >> what we have heard from white house aid. saying there is universal acknowledgment in the white house that this is over. results are not going to change. the white house not that many people are there at the moment. given the moment that we're in. the holiday and covid. post election. people are thinking about their next move. there's an increasing acknowledgment that this is not going to change. >> yesterday we got some level of commitment sort of kind of when the president took questions from reporters about
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the fact in the electoral college votes for joe biden on december 13, which trump wants you to believe is an if. he will leave the white house after the inauguration. as far as we know has he stuck to that. he subsequently tweeted joe biden has to prove his votes he received were not fraudulent. >> as far as we know, this is kind of the thinking. adviser say they don't expect him to make a formal concession speech. no one expects -- there's a fly in the shot. no one expects he is going to stay in the white house. post january 20. >> i was doing a show from arizona. i had a fly on my head more three minutes. it was right after the debate. the director told me you have a fly on your head. it was after the debate. i thought he was having fun with me. i didn't swat it away.
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and found out he wasn't having fun with me. coming up a high level nuclear scientists appears to have been assassinated. we'll go to teheran. and paying americans to take the covid vaccine. i'll be joined by former presidential candidate to talk about his unusual proposal. we all have our own journey ahead of us. our own hopes and dreams. we'll pass many milestones.
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iran top nuclear scientist reportedly assassinated near teheran. according to the defense ministry. first reported by several state run media and israel news. the iran government condemned the killing. foreign minnesoister calling it act of state terror. thank you first of all for being up so late in teheran.
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it's 4:00 a.m. there. what can you tell us about who he is and how important he is to the iranian government. >> hello, it's never too late to be on with you. i can tell you he was the top nuclear scientist. he was instrumental in the nuclear program but in their missile program, the research development. and defense capability. he was to iran's nuclear program was qassem soleimani was to international operations of strategic and great importance. his loss is a big blow to the country. it's not only a big blow because of his scientific ability, but also from what we understand his ability to gather personnel and keep the operation very secretive. as you well know, this is an
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opaque society. it's a very hidden society. and for scientists and senior members to gain the trust of the senior officials in the country takes a lot. these are not people easily replaceable. this is also a big blow from the nuclear point of view and also exposes a major security breech in the country. this is iran's top nuclear scientist. he's coming back from a weekend break with his family. and gets assassinated on a main road in iran in broad daylight. this will raise a will the of questions in the country as to why they can't protect their top officials. let's not forget beginning of the year qassem soleimani was killed and now the top nuclear scientist has been killed. >> the distinction between the two things is u.s. is behind the
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killing of qassem soleimani. in this particular case, iran speculating and speculates with its favorite adversary, israel, united states and sometimes saudi arabia. or certain internal elements in iran. it looks like a sophisticated take out. what does response look like from iran? the day of one administration and trumps pension for getting into it with iran. >> they have a tough choice to make, there's a will the of calls for revenge. from military officials. head of the arms forces is calling for revenge. the head of the security council is calling for revenge. there was a protest this afternoon who are military group working under the irgc that all u.s. assets in this region have to be targeted over the next 40
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days until trump leaves office. and they're saying iran has to do this because if they don't, it will only em bolden the enemy. as you know iran is good at playing the long game. they can wait and choose the moment when they want to exert revenge. if they were going to do this, before donald trump leaves office, they are risking triggers some sort of massive reprisal from the united states. before trump leaves office and that's obviously a factor that plays in the minds of officials. we know he's taking a hard stance on iran. he was considering hitting iran's nuclear facilities just a couple of weeks ago. and we know that he's unpredictable. and too aware of that here. it would be a huge risk to pull off a major attack against u.s. or israel assets in the region
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before he leaves office. but at the same time they don't want to lose face and look like they're weak. again we're in a predictably unpredictable situation. iran, america and israel. >> of course you worked with john kerry on the nuclear deal. he will be part of the add mirg. in a different role. is there sense from moderates in iran who say one way or the other things probably look better for iran under a biden administration than trump administration. >> they certain le don't want to admit that. a lot of the rhetoric you hear in iran is that biden and trump are two sides of the same coin. and change of administration isn't going to translate into a change of policy towards iran. but it seems a little disingenuous. trump killed qassem soleimani.
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iran is plaming the u.s. and israel for killing their top nuclear scientist. it's hard to imagine those situations would be playing out with president-elect biden who wants to in some way or another revive the nuclear deal. this has been a very tough period for iran and even though they don't want to admit it, i think when the results of the u.s. election came in and it was evident that joe biden had won, there was a major sigh of are relief in the power in iran. that's not saying this is plain sailing going ahead with joe biden. it's an extremely complicated affair trying to get this nuclear deal back on track especially if president-elect biden wants to talk about caveats like ballistic missile program and the regional influence. and of course the assassination of this nuclear scientist. is going to make negotiations much more difficult.
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people are here are saying that you must not talk to the united states. there are posters going up in teheran and the holy city. with the tag line saying this is where negotiations get you. there is a large sway of the hard line elements in iran that want to be done with the united states. and possibly take all of the programs under ground and say we don't want anymore meddling from the united states. negotiations don't work. it's not getting us anywhere. >> my friend, thank you for joining me. in teheran. on this developing story. thank you, sir. all right. coming up. what a headline. pay americans to take a coronavirus vaccine. the writer of that opinion piece former maryland congressman. joining me live after this. - [announcer] welcome to intelligent indoor grilling
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anywhere. relax your shoulders john. each member and every instructor here to lift you up. so join in now. breathe in breathe out. and see your best self in the mirror. as the world waits for the coronavirus vaccine to be available. there's growing concern millions of americans might not be ready and willing to take the vaccine. the united states has now
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surpassed 13 million covid-19 cases and 260,000 deaths. what about paying people to take the vaccine? that's a solution being floated by former democratic congressman. of maryland. who is suggesting a $1,500 one time payment to get vaccinated. send proof. get a $1,500 check. he joins me now. good to see you. it's been a while since we have talked. i want to ask the control room to put up a poll that people who were agree to take the vaccination or not. in september, 50% said no. by october end of october beginning november that dropped to 42%. i suspect the less donald trump has to do with this, the more people will agree to take a vaccine. donald trump said they will be here by a date certain causing people to distrust it. do you think we'll see big
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numbers of people not taking this vaccine by spring? >> i do. it's nice to be back. those numbers back in may were 69%. positive. so 69% of the country wanted to take the vaccine. the most important thing for us to do, you had the tragic numbers on the screen about the virus doing to the nation and so many lives lost. the most important thing to do is get 75% of the country vaccinated. the sooner that happens the more lives that will be saved. and the faster our economy will return to normal. that should be our clear eyed goal. how do we get 75% of the population vaccinated as soon as possible? in my opinion we should pay the american people to do it. and by the way the american people need a stimulus check anyhow. they should have had it already. that's the goal. >> you're putting a few things together.
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a man who a businessman. you're saying we should have been giving people some more relief money anyway. we can we might need incentive to take the vaccine. if they don't, that delays our economic recovery. you're thinking we tie them together. we kill two bird with one stone. how likely is it that you would get people would support the idea? given we can't get a republican controlled senate to approve any direct payment to americans for anything right now. having to do with coronavirus. they are worried about debt? >> i agree. you can actually hitch this to a lot of republicans by saying listen, the sooner we get the economy open, which this will do. this will undoubtedly get the economy open. two, three months sooner. you can calculate the savings. we won't need as much money in other programs. 50% of small businesses may not open.
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that goes up and up. the sooner you pull forward the opening of the economy the bennetter it does and more people pay more taxes and sales tax and payroll and income tax. that will lower the debt. you can pitch this to fiscal conservatives. and the direct payments which everyone should be supporting of at this point. it works. american people need it. it was one of the more bipartisan aspects of the last relief bill. the other thing, this idea around the world countries have particular will developing world they have done these things and increase vaccination rates in india 600%. this will work. and more people will get vaccinated sooner. americans get money in the pocket. which is a good thing. and we'll save lives. a thousand deaths a day. if we get to 75% which dr. fauci says we need to be to have a
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vaccination driven immunity. that could be 100,000 lives. >> i know enough about you to know that you're a numbers guy. and you ran the math. in addition to the fact we save lives, you figured out for conservatives who say $1,500 for something they should do on their own. you have done the math. get them vaccinated quickly the return on investment. many of them have no money. they are food insecure or can't pay rent. that will go into the local economy. no americans who get the $1,500 are investing in swedish stock market stock. they will spend in america. >> exactly. you're right. the 383 billion. i think pays for itself. easily. through putting the money in the american peoples pockets dh they
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put into the economy. and getting the economy open sooner which will result in fewer are leaf programs. we'll have a bunch of relief programs for a while in this country. some big some small. the sooner the economy is open the fewer we'll need. the more we can invest in infrastructure and stuff that like positive investments instead of doing the stuff we have to do because of this pandemic. i think this pencils out easily. most importantly, this will save the lives of human beings in the country. i don't think anyone thinks this isn't going to work. people will get the -- if you're a family of three. $4,500. half the country can't afford a $500 expense. people should be get the vaccine. we have to stop the antivax. the science is clear. experts are on this. people should get the vaccine. >> good to see you. thank you ffr joining us. a compelling and stimulating
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idea. pay americans to take the coronavirus vaccine. >> we have a bit of breaking news. the milwaukee county board of canvassers officially completed and certified a recount of the presidential election results. the big take away, there were zero instances of fraud discovered. the president continues to say there was. biden won milwaukee county. he won it by so much. he won it again. the results were called fair, transparent and secure. the vice chair of the who is a republican says he expects the trump campaign to pursue further lit galgs. litigation. closed business signs. long unemployment lines. president-elect will inherit an economy that needs a jump start. what does the economic team have in mind?
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president-elect joe biden takes office in january he'll inhertd the coronavirus pandemic and the economic recession. obviously linked. with millions struggling to make ends meet the picks for the economic team will be critical in providing much neechded help to make it through a dark winter. we have vaccines coming. by the time everyone gets one we could be into or probably past next summer. his announcement is set for next week and the name at the top of the list. janet yellen. the choice to lead the treasury department. a staff writer at the new yorker joins me now. i want to talk about biden's economic policy. let's talk about janet yellen the boss at the federal reserve. everybody thought she was doing a good job. there was no reason to replace
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her. trump didn't like her because she was obama nominee. the first woman to hold the position and first human ever to hold the three top economic jobs in america. chair of the economic advisers. the first woman to chair the -- federal reserve and treasury secretary. no human man or woman has done that before. >> she's a really interesting choice for a nrm of reasons. she has a very deep background in government and economic policy expert. so in some sense she's suggests that biden will be turning to people with a will the of deep experience. to help right the ship and arrest the sense of chaos we have had. another thing to note about yellen is that she has a very storied career as an academic
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economist. look at research and get a sense of what policies she's likely to pursue. and one of her passions has been studying poverty. the causes and how to alleviate it. she's very concerned always about the employment rate. and sees a important role keeping interest rates low during high employment. we can assume that those will be big priorities for her. especially now. she probably would also be a little less likely to embrace bail out policy, rescue packages. that favor big companies and wall street. which is what we have seen over the last few months obviously. >> so, how does had e get that done? zero question as you point out that she understands economics. but we have a a republican controlled senate right now that
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either doesn't understand economics or isn't moved by the study. they will not approve the relief that americans need. despite having been passed congress in october. how does yellen or the biden administration negotiate that? as treasury secretary she is going to be the one negotiating with congress. trying to get a deal that everybody will accept. >> as we know, from studying the current treasury secretary performance in the role, it's tricky when republicans control the senate. watching mnuchin maneuver that was interesting. he was wall street friendly. friendly to the republican and they were tough with him. he failed to get a second covid rescue package passed. even though he had a big success earlier in the year passing the initial cares act. as treasury secretary, she will
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have a hard time. and it will depend on the balance in congress. the result of the special elections in georgia and whether republicans decide they really want to help ailing americans or not. >> in 2008, both republicans and democrats at the beginning of recession took this very seriously. the numbers seemed so big. $757 billion. and what we need now is so much more. we're talking about a $2 trillion bill. back then, everybody agreed it needed to be big. is biden coming in ask looking for something big like infrastructure, like this kind of a plan, some really big thing to get people back to work? or is the hope that the vaccine will come and things will get back to normal soon. >> i think biden indicated he is ambitious in terms of what to do. if you look at the policy ideas
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he's out lined such as embracing $15 minimum wage and more aid to families who are hurting. more direct aid to businesses. that are perhaps run out of rescue fund from the previous cares act. he has big goals and again the vaccine news is really exciting. and encouraging. we all have to be prepared for it to take a while for them to be distributed safely. if you are a fiscal conservative who is concerned about too much government spending, this is really a bridge. this is a temporary sort of path way to get us on the other side and finally the end is in site. we can see vaccines are coming. we have had really encouraging trial results. i think that will soften up some of the previously resistant people in congress. they can see there's an end in sight. and a few mopts ago we didn't know. it could go on for 18 months and
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now suddenly it's hopeful. >> thank you for joining me. a staff writer at the new yorker and author of the book black edge. more than 10 million jobs disappeared since the pandemic hit. data suggests they could take decades or generations to come back. jake ward has more on the service workers that are facing a very tough holiday season. >> that's right. the pandemic has effected every american industry. we discovered that a few line of work have been hit harder than others. >> just at the road from where she grew up in san francisco. she owns studio hair salon. >> i have been doing this 35 years. i was going to be a nurse. >> you like being with people. >> the service industry is hurting. according to job site openings for shifts are down 56%.
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valets 51%. and stylists 50%. business is half of last year. and she has to pay for protective gear. >> losing half of my tickets. no retail. a ballpark estimate i'm doing 20% in the hole. >> healthcare jobs suffered. these bay area ma sssage therapists were hit hard. >> i'm negotiating with landlords and car payments. back to the college days. let's do the budget. >> it's wiping out academic positions too. the question is whether we can come back from this. >> i'm afraid of today with big job loss and lee sure and hospitality. and retail and low skilled service. many americans will leave the labor force completely. >> increase job openings in hospitals and warehouse. the solution maybe education and training programs. skilled work is plentiful.
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she is not giving up yet. >> if it continues for another year. it's not a business. it's a hobby. >> it's worth noting the losses are being felt most by women. before the pandemic, half of american women were already working a low wage job. now women have fallen out of the job market at four times the rate of men. it will take something big to pull us out of this. >> coming up next europes brutal battle with covid. countries are trying to stop the spread of infection. the signs what they're doing could be working. two medical societies have strongly recommended to doctors
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is helping keep businesses clean too. look for the ecolab science certified seal. as the united states continues to fight its second wave of the coronavirus, europe is also having a difficult start to winter. we've seen new lockdowns across the continue net in the united kingdom, france and germany among others, and for the first time they're seeing signs the measures might be helping to stop the spread. nbc's keir simmons reports. >> reporter: britain is preparing for the holidays, knowing full well the coronavirus won't take any time off. >> prime minister boris johnson. >> reporter: the prime minister, addressing the uk's world-famous parliament from isolation. >> tis the season to be jolly, but it is also the season to be jolly careful, especially with elderly relatives. >> reporter: europe's fight against the second wave of covid was failing.
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it's winter restrictions turning cities into ghost towns. now those lockdowns, set to be lifted, but slowly. the hope that next year new vaccines will arrive. prince william congratulating oxford university vaccine researchers. >> huge, huge congratulations to you all and your teams. >> reporter: for now, only able to speak with them remotely. and there's no sugar coating it. europe has had a very difficult time with coronavirus in recent months. the world health organization says 28% of global infections happen here, 26% of deaths. get this for a statistic, every 17 seconds in europe someone dies from covid-19. the very, very difficult question now is how much to ease restrictions for the holidays. the fact is the lockdowns have simply hit the pause button. what we know from bitter experience with the coronavirus, as soon as you begin to relax again the virus begins to spread again.
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keir simmons, nbc news, london. that's keir simmons reporting. a new cdc report says the real number of covid cases in the united states could be eight times higher than what's being reported. nbc's gabe gutierrez has more. >> happy thanksgiving. >> reporter: for many families it was a thanksgiving they never envisioned, dinner to go. >> we just had to do something different. >> reporter: this colorado couple, who usually hosts, setting out takeaway orders for friend and family. >> i will be there at 1:15, i will be thereal 1 at 12:30, or want both or just white meat. >> reporter: a scaled down macy's parade, as the daily covid toll remains relentless. 2,000 more deaths, the most since july, at least 263,000 lives lost in the u.s. since the pandemic began. the cdc now says it believes the country is severely under counting the number of cases, and the real number could be
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eight times higher. >> i work in the covid units almost daily. they are filling up very, very fast. >> reporter: after the supreme court blocked new york from enforcing crowd restrictions on houses of worship, saying it violated religious freedom, the state's democratic governor called the decision irrelevant because the measures had already expired. >> i think this was really just an opportunity for the court to express its philosophy and politics. it doesn't have any practical effect. >> reporter: in south dakota, where the covid positivity rate is 43%, the republican governor is still strongly resisting a mask mandate. west virginia's governor is defending his mask mandate as the state breaks its covid hospitalizations record. >> i had many, many people that were calling and they were saying to me over and over and over, we want to be like south dakota. we want to be south dakota. well, i don't want to be south dakota. >> reporter: in denver, mayor michael hancock has ignited a
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furious backlash. for weeks he encouraged people not to travel. >> i'm asking, i'm urging, i'm pleading with everyone, please stay home. >> reporter: even tweeting that message on wednesday, just before boarding a flight to mississippi for thanksgiving with his wife and daughter. the mayor now apologizing, saying, i humbly ask you to forgive decisions that are born of my heart and not my head. >> that was nbc's gabe gutierrez. that does it for me this hour. thank you for watching. catch me again tomorrow morning from wrl a. 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. hosting "velshi." i will be hitting the road for another installment of "shevels across america." look forward to seeing you then. e before each load and enjoy fresher smelling laundry for up to 12-weeks.
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