tv Morning Joe MSNBC December 14, 2020 3:00am-6:00am PST
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either way. when you look at the street legislation to solve problems in the country that can't be rolled into one year end package that we stay up until 4:00 in the morning and they magically find the 218 votes for in the house and let's give congress more time. they could get up to 29, 30. this congress is young. we have a couple of weeks to go. so i think that's a very good point that you raised and my suggestion to you and the bad story idea, quit your show, you can have a nice, soft life, you know, being a professor somewhere. leafy campus, it's a win. >> it is totally. then, you know, people can write columns in the washington street journal and calling me kiddo. thank you. this is make or break week if we're going to get covid relief to millions of americans it has to happen this week. where is your congress?
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call them right now. that was "way too early" for a monday morning. don't go anywhere. "morning joe" starts right now. we have an announcement to make, joe biden is president-elect of the united states. >> in the state of georgia, where there's currently a hand recount being done, joe biden is the apparent winner. >> nbc news is projecting that when every last vote is counted in the state of arizona, joe biden will be awarded 11 electoral votes. >> joe biden is again confirmed as the winner of the state of georgia. >> trump campaign paid for a recount and that has ended for $3 million. they picked up 87 votes. joe biden actually. >> georgia's secretary of state recertified the results after the second recount which once again found that joe biden is
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still the winner. >> joe biden has officially received enough electoral votes to become president as california certifies the results. >> the united states supreme court has denied a challenge from a republican congressman to nullify the certification of pennsylvania's election votes over the mail-in voting law. >> breaking news. the supreme court has formally rejected the gop lawsuit that had tried on a long shot bid to argue that states should overturn over states' results that should result in joe biden being president-elect. >> i want to note, is he tired of being winning yet? >> he's got to be exhausted. i heard that expression years ago, do you get tired of winning? damn straight. it took five years for you to come through on that, mr. president. but yes, i think most of americans are just tired of winning. watching joe biden, day after
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day after day and the lawsuits getting crushed by your own trump appointed federal judges who you were so sure would rig the election for you. >> keeps letting you down. >> you really, really should have read the constitution and a little bit of history before you got into office. i heard you had mein kamp by your bedside, you should have had the constitution. the supreme justices they can't do what you want them to do. >> from the pricey recounts to the supreme court slapdowns this morning's meeting of the electoral college when joe biden and kamala harris will once
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again win the white house. >> going to win the day. >> biden -- >> going to win the day. you know, he really could have -- he could have handled this in a way, actually, that would have been in his best interests. >> my gosh. >> go ahead and say it was rigged and dada dada, mail-in ballots and blah blah blah and locusts descending from the heavens, blah blah blah, give your statement and then say, i'm going to move on. then finish strong over your last two months. and don't set yourself up for losing every single day which you still keep doing. it does not work. it makes you look week and pathetic for all the countries you want to go around to and grift off of. you think the saudis want somebody that loses like 50 or 60 times? i know you want to go there and make money. you think the chinese, the russians want like a 30 or 40 time loser? you're playing this all wrong.
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>> the back drop -- >> oh, let's get the guy that's lost 50 times and make a speech for $10 million. like you're hurting your own grifting schemes in the future by setting yourself up to lose every single time. >> so today, joe biden and kamala harris are expected to easily amass the 270 electoral votes needed for victory and the first states vote at 10:00 a.m. the next step is january 6th when a joint session of congress meets to count the votes. good morning and welcome to "morning joe." it is monday, december 14th. and with us we have white house reporter for the associated press jonathan lemire. nbc news capitol hill correspondent and host of "way too early" u kasie hunt. and host of msnbc's "politicsnation" and president of the national action network, reverend al sharpton. >> jonathan lemire, how do you expect today to go? i think a couple of people didn't vote for trump back in
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'16, we expecting any strays out there? >> joe, we're looking for that. that's always a possibility. but what i can guarantee you will happen today is more rage and fury from the white house and baseless allegations of a rigged process, indeed. electors are going to meet in all 50 states today and the district of columbia to cast their ballots. these are ones that are certified in the first week of january. that is yet another point where trump and his allies perhaps will play a stunt that's when congress meets to certify the result. none of this will change of course the ultimate result. more defeats for president trump, but again, more dangerous efforts to undermine the faith in the electoral system and the credibility of joe biden's election. >> yeah. a lot of crack pots who actually would have been crack pots regardless of what donald trump did. like democrats have crack pots
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and they have had crack pots in the past. we thought george w. bush was on the inside of the 9/11 attacks, don't get pissed at me. i've got the polls, democrats. but yeah, but the difference there is it was crack pots, in the far reaches of the internet who were pushing that. here, kasie, we have the president of the united states acting in a more dangerous way. he had over 100 members of congress who were calling for sedition. calling for sedition against the united states of america. who were calling to undermine an american democratic process. it's not an overstatement, it really isn't. and these people are posing the greatest risk, the greatest threat to american democracy. the greatest challenge since the civil war. they suck at what they're doing. they really suck at this. they're just horrible.
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it's all gestures. and the losers that signed on to this bill, they suck at this too. but again, it's all gestures. that said, it's a horrible precedent because there may be a totalitarian in waiting that's going to go to school on everything that donald trump has done. hey, republicans, guess what, it might be a democrat. it might be an independent. might be a fascist, a marxist, you don't know. you're being stupid as hell sniffing this guy, following him around until the very end. all that said, kasie, how is that a lead-up for this question. what are you hearing on capitol hill? >> well, i have a feeling i'll be hearing more after that, but no, look, these members of congress are still afraid of donald trump. and they are more afraid of what he may do to them than they are of what they are doing to the country. which i think tells you a lot.
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you know -- >> what about their own reputation? doesn't -- wait. do they not really care what their children think of them, what their spouses think of them? what their grandchildren think of them, what history is going to think of them? are they really so afraid what's gonna happen over the next four weeks that they're willing to shame themselves? like this is -- they do know historians are going to write about this chapter in american history and they're going on on the side of sedition. they're the modern-day benedict arnolds trying to undermine democracy. they're more scared about a reality tv host than they are being that dramatically wrong about american democracy and history? >> i feel like i have been asking that -- a version of that question to so many people of these members of the republican
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party, both privately and publicly, in public interviews and privately and they all find a way to push back against it. i think privately, yeah, they realize that history is going to judge this period likely in a very harsh way. but that doesn't seem to change their public actions and there's a handful of exceptions as we know. but every time, right, every single time it's a little worse than the time before. in the beginning it was nasty insults, things outside the norm but not necessarily full of, you know, policy heft or significant consequences that you're laying out now. eventually it was the bible across lafayette square and then i -- i've said this to you as we were heading into the election that all of my reporting indicated that they weren't going to go down this road. they weren't going to take down the republican, trash the republican brand in the name of donald trump if it was clear that he lost the election.
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they just weren't going to do it and here we are and that's what's happening. this status quo of deferring to donald trump just has not ended and to the point that they're signing on to lawsuits like this. so i mean, at this point it's really hard to believe for me to believe even when i hear people say, yeah, we understand how bad this is yeah, this is obviously a huge problem it doesn't reflect america or my values but we're trying to figure out how to live with it. i can't -- it's hard to believe them anymore. >> the republican leader of the state of texas, reverend al, called in effect for secession. that they secede from the union because the united states supreme court followed the law. they had no choice but to follow the law and as the new -- as the
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national review pointed out last night, i believe it was, even when the trump lawyers go before the judges they have no facts to support their outrageous claims and in fact call no witnesses because they have no witnesses. introduce no evidence because they have no -- they stipulate to the facts on the record at the beginning of the case which means we agree with the biden camp, we have nothing here. we've got nothing here, judge, because they know of course if they put out a false claim they will be sanctioned by the court. and yet, texas is going to secede from the nation? i'm wondering how does that do for business development? like what companies want to move into the state where the most dominant party is now calling for the state of texas to secede from the union. >> when you walk through the
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halls of congress as you have as a member of congress, when you walk through the hallowed halls of the senate or the white house, the consistent thing is is the great pictures of the people throughout the nation's history. do they really think anyone will -- when they get to this period and look at their pictures think of them as anything but symbols of disgrace, of people that tried to rip this country apart because of their personal fears of a demagogue? i don't understand how you walk through history every day to your job and never think of how you're going to look in history. this will be one of the pivotal moments in american history and in the middle of a pandemic and election. this will be a real point where history stops and takes an observation. and they will be permanently recorded as cowards and people that bow to someone who was a shallow and in many ways
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self-serving and megalomania and they didn't have the courage to stand up to him because we're not talking about evidence here. we're not debating which way america should go conservative or liberal. we're talking about people that is too cowardly to stand up for the constitution that they put their hand on the bible and swore to uphold. >> they carry around the cute little pocket institution and don't believe in anything there and perversely enough actually claim to be dedicated to the original intent of the framers. well, the original intent of the framers is not for them to subvert democracy, to undermine american institutions. they're making fools of themselves every day and yes, mika, the president -- everybody knows the president is lying in congress. yet, they sign on to these seditious letters and trying to undermine an election that they know is legitimate when they get off the record they'll tell you
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that. what is it doing? well, it's inspiring actually violence. white supremists roamed through the streets of washington, d.c. and beat up and knifed people in washington, d.c. and that's the sort of violence that donald trump has been encouraging that's the sort of violence that the republicans are responsible for because again they're spreading this lie. and preachers are responsible for it. they're spreading this lie. death beth moore yesterday condemned christian nationalism where, you know, basically christian nationalism being code words for being -- instead of being a fellowship of christ, being part of a trump personality cult. very dangerous. and beth moore said it. other people have said it. but you have religious leaders across america who were lying to
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their people. lying to their flock, buying into the trump derangement cult that they're a part of and they know it's a lie. the blood of people getting beaten up by white nationalists as well and they know it. >> well, look at the number on the screen as we get so close to 300,000 dead from the coronavirus. that's your back drop with ers that are overflowing with patients. some that are maxed out. and this happening across america. as long as trump is enough, as long as he's there, this damage will continue and you get the feeling every day that he doesn't plan on leaving. >> he's going to leave, as we said, he's going to leave, he's got no choice. >> right now, the very first doses of coronavirus's vaccine
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are making their way to hundreds of hospitals across the country. health care workers and nursing home residents are expected to get the very first shots today. nbc's gabe gutierrez captured not only the rollout of the first vials in michigan, but also low the vaccines are being transport. >> reporter: this a rare look at the painstaking process, sub arctic freezers holding the potentially life saving vaccines and then vials packed into the boxes and shipping containers filled with dry ice. a reminder of how tough this mission is. gingerly rushing a medical marvel to all 50 states and 80 degrees below zero. this is a historic moment. the first trucks carrying the vaccine, pulling out of the pfizer plant escorted by u.s. marshals. it's the moment so many americans have been waiting for after such a devastating year that's taken the lives of nearly 300,000 people across this country.
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>> that is delight ahead of us you hear the cheers behind gabe as the trucks are rolling out. >> yeah. >> with good reason, joe. >> for good reason, and jonathan lemire, we heard that the white house may be getting the first vaccines which of course doesn't make a lot of people happy. but i must say, if you want to make sure you prioritize things, yes, probably be good to have the white house and the joint chiefs and the leaders of congress getting vaccines early. >> well, joe, what happened yesterday was more of the mixed messaging we've heard from this white house throughout this pandemic. let's remember of course, from the beginning they poured a lot of money into the vaccine and the president would say this is the end game, the vaccine is what they're working towards even as they were blatantly disregarding health and safety measures throughout the pandemic. then -- but by doing so, by
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downplaying the threat of course, he planted a lot of doubt in the supporters' minds about whether or not how real this virus is, how seriously they should be taking it and there's real concern on the coronavirus task force, among dr. fauci and others that the anti-science view that the white house has taken throughout the pandemic may in fact discourage people from taking the vaccine. that they don't want to trust it. they don't think they need it, arguments along those lines. so yesterday, of course as the first shipments start to roll out, word gets out the national security council said among the first doses as well as the front line health care workers and senior citizens that the top officials across the federal government to keep this country going, would indeed be among some of the first to get those doses. that includes white house staff. there was some blow back to that. and in many cases they didn't take this seriously, but this is
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safeguarding the continuity of government, the people who work around the president and then last night president trump counters that, saying that's not the case. he does not believe the white house officials should be getting the vaccine at the beginning which appeared to be according to our reporting a blowback to some of the media coverage. suggesting no, we don't need it right away. he didn't want that sort of black eye in terms of pr and this further muddles the conversation and further confuses the messaging to his supporters about whether or not this vaccine is needed. if the white house doesn't need it, why should we? that is of course of great concern and this complicates things for the biden administration coming in. very -- of course trying to push the use of the vaccine including among their own staff, worried about the president-elect's health and others. this comes as the white house is launching a more than $200 million very tardy ad campaign to boost awareness of the vaccine, to suggest that americans need to use it,
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because they have been hearing on the show though it's a modern miracle that the vaccine is ready so quickly, it doesn't do anybody any good if people don't take it and further confusing messaging from the white house only hurts that cause. >> of course, when it first came out, i thought that's going to put president trump in a difficult position because a lot of the anti-vaxxers, people spreading conspiracy theories like anthony fauci has three heads and killed a lot of people during the aids epidemic, he has the vaccine that he and bill gates and the trilateral commission are going to make trillions of dollars on. well, isn't that interesting so they'll get to the first responder -- i think they should. i think the biden transition team should. i think the supreme court should. i think joint chiefs should, they run our country, so no fake populism here from the peanut
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stands if that's okay. then the president backs off, says, oh, wait, no, we're not going to do this after all. >> it is classic donald trump. he creates a situation that when it is caught in a wrong or negative category, he makes it worse and he stirs the pot that he keeps boiling himself in. it is amazing. i think that we have enough to do in this country to deal with those that have doubts. some legitimate, some just based on their own cynicism. some conspiracy theory. but we've got to deal with that and then make sure there's fair distribution. if at the highest level of government and those with influence can set the example, that's all the more necessary given these things that i just outlined and that we're going to have to deal with. this is no time to play games as mika reminds us every morning.
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we are dealing with over 3,000 people a day dying. this is not an academic study here. this is real. 3,000 people and more are dying daily. we need to all put our egos, agendas, cynicism, suspicions aside, superstitions, when grandma told us in the rocking chair and deal with we are in the middle of a disaster. how do we get out of this? >> 9/11 every day. we're having a 9/11 every day and yes, donald trump should be the first person getting this shot with the cameras on him and joe biden should be the second getting this shot with the cameras on him and send a message to america that this vaccine is safe. >> and good luck getting that vaccine to the people that even i saw over the weekend gathering at concerts without masks and all over the place in bars. i took a drive with my daughter and couldn't believe my eyes. i don't think they're going to believe it and these going to be half the problem. once again, thanks to this
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president. i want to take a moment to talk about a column that was printed in the "wall street journal" over the weekend. that garnered a lot of attention. >> oh -- holy cow. >> it got all of the attention for the wrong reasons. maybe they were look for clickbait, i don't know. it was low brow. the journal's editorial page published an article. madam jill biden, kiddo, a bit of advice on what may be a small but i think is not an unimportant matter. any chance you might drop the doctor before your name? dr. jill biden. sounds and feels fraudulent. not to say a touch comic. and the column goes downhill from there. he was dead serious when he wrote that. the piece hit quite a dubious
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trifecta and an attack on jill biden's doctorate that managed to be petty, elitist and misogynist all at once. >> triple crown winner there. >> the staggeringly accomplishment to the 69-year-old woman was to toll the kiddo who received two masters as well as a doctorate she shouldn't use the term doctor unless she delivered a baby. we don't have to ask if this would have been written about a man. >> it never is. >> thank you. yeah. it would have been -- >> never is. you actually had somebody that you have loved in your life who oh, i don't know. people have called a doctor for decades. nobody ever called dr. brzezinski a kiddo.
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>> it defies the journal's own standards. the same paper referred to dr. kissinger -- >> what, did he deliver babies? dr. kissinger is an ob, really? i never knew that side of dr. kissinger. >> earlier this year, "the wall street journal" quoted a conversation the president-elect had with my father when biden was in the senate. quote, doctor, doctor, we should have you here more often. i appreciate you taking the time. we have two distinguished panelists who are going to reset and go vote again. doctor it's a pleasure to have you here. dr. brzezinski. >> dr. brzezinski, they have no problem with that. dr. kissinger, they have no problem with that.
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>> no. >> but dr. biden, let's see. >> a problem. >> how are they different? hold on. you keep going, mika. >> she cares about -- >> she's a woman, actually, okay. kiddo. >> so like "the wall street journal" and the president-elect, "the new york times" has always been comfortable using the hon rick like doctor, choked with emotion several times and the obit piece upon my father's passing did as well. dr. brzezinski was a captivating lecturer. >> tell me, did your father deliver you? >> no. >> did he ever deliver any babies? >> did not deliver a baby. i'm fairly certain that dr. kissinger didn't deliver a baby either. this writer epstein may not take issue with my father and henry
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kissinger being called by doctor because they earned their degrees back in the good old days, the columnist dismisses dr. biden's academic feat because she only acquired hers 15 years ago. long after the days when as he describes in this piece a secretary sat outside the room where these examinations were administered and a pitcher of water and a glass on her desk. the water and glass were there for the candidates who fainted and note the gender he assigns to the secretary. so let's just be clear about the true worth of dr. biden's title. one she earned at the age of 55 when she returned to school to get her doctoral degree she never gave up on her career and her dreams no matter what, even after raising children and continuing to support her husband's career as well. dr. biden is an educator who chose to teach even during the
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eight years that she served as second lady of the united states. in fact, she continued teaching when her husband was running for the senate, for the vice presidency, and for the presidency. she would fly to iowa and fly back and make it to class. i know jill biden well. she's all wanted her staff members to call her jill. they call her dr. biden out of respect for a highly accomplished woman who deserves much more than the condescending column that "the wall street journal" stooped to public this weekend. this is a woman who knows her value and with her in the white house, she will help so many others do the same. for more on dr. jill biden go to and as for "the wall street journal," you owe the future first lady an apology. we'll be right back.
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great news. millions of real americans are switching from fox news to newsmax because newsmax tells them the truth that donald trump could still win this election and because of our recent success we're launching sports max. sports max is the network for real -- giving you the truth about america's favorite football team. >> listen, i have in my hand right here sworn affidavits from 500 where they witnessed a jets win. only a really bad team would only score three points in a football game and the jets are
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the greatest team ever. so something's not adding up here. >> the whole house of cards collapses. >> long story short, the jets are going to the super bowl. that's a promise. >> place your bets no now. >> all of our broadcasts are guaranteed to end in a death win. >> that is so good. that is so good. it's so awful. all right. so let's get back, speaking of awful, let's get back to the "wall street journal" editorial page and the response -- they had a response. there was a response -- i have to admit, i said it all along. i mean, this is the op-ed page i have been reading my whole life. so it's quite an embarrassment to see them acting the way they've acted over the past four years. too often, apologizing for donald trump and forgiving the
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unforgivable. so oh, my god, the biden people are attacking us, because it's like donald trump's people, they have written letters and tweeted things, it's terrible. >> can you imagine a tweet -- >> just as bad as trump's. wait a second, hold on. donald trump borrowed stalin's phrase enemy of the people to talk about the press. let's see, he actually -- donald trump actually applauded violence against the press, encouraged the violence against the press, and anybody in "the wall street journal" get beaten up this weekend or have a stalinist phrase thrown at them? i don't think so. let's see. oh, how about this one.
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did anybody accuse you of murder? anybody accuse you of murder because that's actually what donald trump did with me 11 times. you know anybody in your life, paul, who died? anybody ever worked for you who died? because donald trump actually is still terrorizing the family of a woman who worked for me 20 years later and slandering her name. i'm just curious, did that happen to you, paul, this weekend? because if so, you should probably keep your mouth shut. when you're drawing these false equivalencies between what donald trump does. >> what's happened to them? >> and -- i mean, what happened with your stupid little article? just like trump. it's a joke. it's not even close. you got a long way to go. if you're going to write this
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broken down pony into town, it's going to be a long four years for you. there's no comparison and you know it. so stop lying to your readers. stop acting like your readers are that stupid and also the kiddo thing. paul, you said it was okay that he called a 69-year-old woman widow? who has two masters degree and a doctorate degree. an educator who continued to work while she was in the white house for eight years, continued to work when she was campaigning. she would wake up at 4:00 a.m. in iowa, and fly so she didn't miss her class. classes that morn on the east coast. kiddo. hey, here's the thing, paul. like mika, i don't really want to get personal but you know when we're alone in our house, sometimes i call her baby.
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>> oh, my god. don't say that. >> sometimes i call her honey or sweetie. she says the same thing back to me. you know, you know that doesn't give you a right to actually call mika sweetie in an op-ed. or honey. i mean, you can do it, if you're like a gutter internet publication. but you're not and you know that. so my point is, kasie, let me bring you in here. they should really -- donald trump has made all of us look foolish. i'll start with myself over the past five, six years. you admit the mistake you made, right? like he should just admit the mistake he made, say he's sorry to dr. biden. doctor, doctor, and then just move on. instead of twisting himself up in knots over an op-ed that was
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just outrageous on its face. that he's defending himself, saying you should be able to call a 69-year-old accomplished woman kiddo. and talk about secretaries sitting outside of rooms with glasses of water, female women, to hand it to tough men like dr. brzezinski going in -- it's really -- this was -- there are really no words for this. >> i too, got stuck on the word kiddo reading through that script this morning. that's how that they would refer to someone -- i mean, can you imagine if -- i mean, melania trump doesn't have the educational credentials but i doubt that they'd ever refer to melania trump in their pages as anything but mrs. trump or with her full name, whatever she deserves to have. i mean, they also cite in this journal response a story, that oh, well, some other newspaper
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had mentioned it before, that a long-time political reporter that a story that joe biden told that she was frustrated all of the mail was addressed to mr. and mrs. joe biden and she wanted it to be a addressed to dr. and senator and that helped motivate her. it was important to her have this credential. they cite that as evidence she shouldn't get that credential. i think for every woman that's ever worked really hard for something like this, you know, it's very easy to understand what's going on here. and, you know, i would also just say, joe, you mentioned she'd fly back from iowa to teach at her class, we know she's continuing to do it as first lady in the white house. that's ground breaking. she's going to be the first person to do that. the first first lady to do that and it's such an example to women and girls and that was true regardless of political party. laura bush was the first lady to have a master's degree in the white house.
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and again, it's not a partisan thing. it's reflective of the way families work now, the way women work now. to try and undermine that with this argument is really i think -- it's something else. i mean, kiddo, really? >> she's committed to her career and the reason she kept going was that she's committed to her students who the professors working and teachers working as community college educators are helping these young people, some of them adults going back to school and trying to get a leg up in life and trying to achieve the american dream. she wants to be a part of that. >> yeah. >> she's received the credentials to do so and she continues to use them even with everybody pulling at her from all sides, now becoming the first lady. she's committed to her career. what's wrong with that? >> yeah. yeah. i mean, it's a good question and reverend al, again, it's just --
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>> painful. >> yeah, it's just painful, really. i don't know if they were trying to -- just trying to inflame their base. just -- i mean, so much more to write about. just a stupid attack. >> it is shameful also in the broader context of the misogyny they're trying to normalize. you know, dr. biden has certainly earned that and has been respected as that. i know her in the eight years of the obama and biden administration, i was privileged to be around her a lot. she is all that and a bowl of chips, but to show the misogyny they will not treat the husband of the vice president like that who's the first second husband in history. they will not deride his achievements because this is clearly because she's a woman and as long as we have periodicals of respect like the
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"wall street journal" it's offensive not only to women, but to me the father of two daughters. you cannot normalize this at the highest level of american society. the first lady of the united states is just kiddo, not the earned doctor she is and the first lady that everyone should aspire to be like her in both ways. >> by the way, they defend it by saying the attacks are just identify politics, stupid. i'm critical of the identity politics, i'm skeptical of identity politics, call it out. but the second i read it, 6'4" white guy born in the suburbs of atlanta, going to two southern state schools who again thinks political correctness and identity politics are actually bad for this country, i didn't get past the first paragraph where i'm like what? >> i did, because i thought it was a joke. >> insanity. >> just -- no identity politics
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here. just really stupid decision making on your part, paul. and on the part of everybody that let that be published in the "wall street journal" on, again, on an -- in a part -- opinion page that i had been reading my entire life. >> all right. amid the coronavirus pandemic, the question of american decline has taken on renewed urgency. our next guest is looking at china's role in the world -- on the world stage and how to measure a country's level of power. joining us now distinguished professor of global affairs at johns hopkins school of advanced and internal studies cal brands, his latest column for bloomberg, china's global power atops the u. u.s. also with us from the council of foreign relationships, richard haass.
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good to have you both. >> hal brands, thank you so much being here. greatly appreciate it. so hal, i'm so glad to read this article. actually read some of the connected studies because i have been hearing about how we're going to collapse at the feet of china for years. just like i have read in 1987, 1988, 1999 that we were going to collapse at the feet of a rising japan and that we were going to be japan's granary in 30 years. i know this is the far greater challenge to the united states, but explain how we haven't collapsed to second place quite yet and that we actually -- other than our political system we actually won't for quite some time. >> sure. i think the historical comparison that you mentioned are quite apt. ever since the united states became the world's leading power after world war ii we have gone
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through the fear of decline where we worried that the soviet union was going to catch us or japan was going to overtake us and the united states would be relegated to second place. that manifested itself in that china is ten feet tall and is destined to zip past the united states, but that's probably not the case. whether you look at questions of overall economic power as opposed to just figures like gdp which are essentially snapshots in time and not particularly accurate ones, if you look at the degree of power the united states wields by being at the center of international financial networks or international alliances like nato and our asian alliances or if you look at the way that the ideals of the united states has traditionally represented free markets and democracy enjoy far greater esteem around the world than the authoritarian values that china espouses there are a lot of good reasons to think that the united states will have
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a significant power advantage over china for years to come. >> richard haass, we often bring up things like hong kong, human rights abuses in china. concentration camps for the uighurs. we often bring that up and bring it up just in terms of our concerns as it pertains to human rights. but those exact a great price on china on the international stage as well. hal was just talking about financial centers being in places like new york and london. you have hong kong on that list, but not good when the security services come in and occupy it and actually break treaties that they had with the british and the rest of the world. >> look, joe, that's all true. but i think rather than thinking of this as a competition between the united states and china
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which is -- which it is in some ways i prefer to think of it as a competition between the united states and itself. we'll do just fine vis-a-vis china or anyone else, also long as we do what we need to do. that means anything from dialing with our dysfunction and improving our school and i think the real competition is here at home. if we get that right, then we'll do just fine in the world. my only question is whether it makes sense to be -- you know churchill's line about americans could be counted on to do the right thing, after they have done everything else. i think it the question is whether we're still in the position to do the right thing. >> yeah. that's of course what we -- how you look at what's going to happen over the next four years. it seems to me that joe biden and republicans have a real responsibility to explain to the united states has an important
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role on the international stage. we have to be engaged after four years of retreat and then before that eight years of a president who was focused on not being bush and cheney and not doing stupid stuff and leading from behind and then eight years before that we were ensnarled in wars. i mean, it's been a rough 20 years in the first -- in the first fifth of the 21st century. we have a lot of clean-up to do. >> i think that's right. i would agree with what richard said with respect to the fact that alarm can actually be a good thing. so if you look back at the reforms that the united states made in the early 1990s to clean up what was by a standard at the time a pretty significant budget deficit part was motivated by the fear of falling behind japan. during the cold war, the united states tackled segregation in
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part part of the ideologies that the cold war generated. i think the biden generation have an opportunity to once again use the prospect of competition with -- in this case china to spur the united states to do things that it ought to be doing anyways, whether that's reinvesting in infrastructure, tackling corruption or trying to improve the vitality of our own political system. >> jonathan lemire's with us and he has a question for you, richard. >> richard, first of all, condolences on your giants yesterday, but i wanted to drill down further on this relationship with china that the biden administration is obviously inheriting, it's certainly a low water mark right now. at least for some decades considering the pandemic and the harsh rhetoric from president trump towards beijing. what sort of challenges do you see here? what steps would you recommend the biden administration take as they try to walk this delicate
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balance between you know, threat and friendly overture toward beijing and what is a defining relationship for the next decade and beyond? >> first, since you mentioned the giants, it's dr. haass to you, not richard, kiddo. look, with china, i think a couple of things. one, we need to approach them with allies. one of the things that hal writes about in his article is the structural advantage of foreign policy. we have partners and allies let's use them. whether it's to deal with the china's economic challenge or a strategic challenge. we need to avoid overreach. secretary pompeo i think is dead wrong when he trains his guns so to speak on getting rid of china's communist party. we won't change china that fundamentally. we ought to emphasize the behavior and how do we push back against china everywhere we must over what they're doing with human rights, with what they're doing with taiwan or the south china sea or stealing intellectual property.
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how do we keep open the cooperation where it serves the american interests? say vis-a-vis north korea or on climate. that's the structure of the american foreign policy and we need a real private dialogue with china to begin to set that up. >> all right. dr. haass and dr. brand -- >> doctor, doctor. >> thank you. kasie hunt, where does do things stand on capitol hill in terms of relief as we edge towards christmas and toward 300,000 dead and palpable pain and suffering happening across the u.s. especially at the many ground zero locations across the u.s. and that is our nation's ers? >> just an unbelievably difficult holiday season for so many families who are either going to be celebrating with people they have lost or who are struggling right now with people who are in the hospital and as you point out these benefits expire the day after christmas.
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so the whole thing right now is on pretty thin ice. they had to give themselves another week to try to figure it out. we're going to hear a proposal today from the bipartisan group negotiating. they're trying to split off the contentious pieces of this, so the democrats want money for state and local governments and republicans want protections for businesses from lawsuits around covid. they're going to put it in a separate package and keep the unemployment benefits and other things in a separate bill. they're going to try to attach it to the government funding bill, but again, we just don't know if they're actually going to be able to come to some sort of agreement. the circumstances seem like they should be right. there's a deadline, people actually agree something needs to be done. that is a bipartisan across the board situation, so that's the good news. the bad news is that we have been in this stalemate for so
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long and chris coons the senator from delaware was on sunday saying that he puts blame for this at the feet of mitch mcconnell and he's somebody who really tries to work across the aisle that's a pretty partisan way to put it. so i view that as a little bit of a warning sign about how this week going to go. mika? >> all right. still ahead, the first covid vaccinations could be administered as early as today. the inside story on how the vaccine was developed in record time. "morning joe" is coming right back. if your dry eye symptoms keep coming back, inflammation in your eye might be to blame. looks like a great day for achy, burning eyes
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remember when donald trump said to inject bleach and i did a stanky little face and i almost whispered no. >> welcome back to "morning joe." it is monday, december 14th. oh, my gosh. >> thank you for being with us. hey, so we have some news that kasie, mika and were on a call during the break. let's go through the details of what it looks like is going to come up on the senate floor, according to our sources. two bills. one for $748 billion. there's -- your source, our source says total agreement on that. emergency funding for ppe, unemployment, vaccines, all the rest. then a second bill for $160 billion where new state and local money will be in there as
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well as liability limits. our source again saying some democrats are going to actually be on that bill. so that will allow the liability limits part to pass as well. so mika and kasie and my source say we are going to see great confidence those two bills are going to pass separately. the problem solvers are going to try to pass it all in one bill. but that is not expected to be successful. so kasie, based on what you have heard and breaking news here, what does it look like to you? what's happening? >> well, joe, they're trying to get over those pieces that they hadn't been able to agree on. we talked about this on the show last week, liability and state and local money and mitch mcconnell had suggested, throw that all out. we'll just do the stuff we all agree on and democrats are like, we need to get the state and local much out.
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this is how they're trying to break the logjam. they're putting everything we know they agree on in the larger package that you're talking about and then they're going to break off these smaller pieces. the contentious pieces and put them together. it sounds to me based on what you have learned like there are a few democrats who would be willing to sign on to that compromise on liability. and that seems significant to me because perhaps it would allow them to wrap this in, give them the opportunity for a separate vote. if there were enough democrats willing to go along with that, then perhaps they could -- there would be a mechanism for them to move that. of course, this is all going to hinge on what leadership wants to do. and how they're going to move forward with it on the floor and i think some of the details are still evolving. because it does seem like there's certainly the possibility of promise here that they could actually get this done. even if that liability and state and local money gets hung up, if
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they can do the rest of it that's really going to send a lot of help to americans that's the extension of the unemployment benefits. that's more money for ppp, help keep food on the people's tables. it's encouraging, you got a phone call like that this morning, that there are people saying okay, i think we have a path forward. obviously, as you know well, nothing is done until everything is agreed on so we'll have to follow this closely through the week. but seems like we're starting off with some good signs. >> well, jonathan lemire, the roadblock has been for some time the new local and state money as well as the liability limits. republicans are very skeptical about the new local and state money. democrats were critical of just an umbrella basically liability really. looks like the logjam has been
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broken based on what we have heard this morning by them dividing the bills. the thing that everybody agrees on. they pass that in the 700 base -- basically $750 billion bill. the remaining $160 billion. they pass that by doing state and local funding and also doing the liability limits. and picking up some conservative to moderate democratic votes on that. so they get over -- they get up to the 50 votes they need and everything passes and all of this moves forward. not in the way that people on the far left and far right are going to be happy about. but does look like a compromise that most members of the senate can live with. >> yeah. this is certainly seeming to be a promising step towards that compromise although i'll echo kasie. it's not done until it's done. we have seen recently the white house re-engaging on these talks putting some more effort behind the bigger number for relief
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over $900 billion. the president said that again over the weekend. during the interview during the army/navy football game. but you're right. this is something that perhaps could put some money into the pockets of americans who so desperately need it. who are suffering so greatly during this pandemic. we'll need to see how it plays out in the coming days, but it shouldn't be lost that how -- frankly, how disgraceful it is it's come to this point. some sort of a package, some sort of relief wasn't agreed to long before then. this is a country so many people, millions of people have been hurting, really devastated their lives economically because of the virus. seeing their businesses close or lose most of their customers. wondering where their next paycheck is coming from and the fact it's here in the middle of december before this potentially positive step is taken towards that compromise it's sad it's taken this long. >> all right. so amid the ground breaking news
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from the food and drug administration, allowing emergency use for the pfizer vaccine, the american death toll is quickly closing in on 300,000. yesterday, the united states reported over 205,000 cases and nearly 1,500 deaths. currently almost 110,000 people are hospitalized with covid-19. meanwhile, all 50 states are preparing to set up vaccination sites as early as today. according to the chief operating officer behind the federal effort to develop a vaccine, 145 sites across the country set to receive the pfizer vaccine today. followed by 425 on tuesday and 66 on wednesday. joining us now former acting director of the cdc, president and ceo of the robert wood johnson foundation, dr. richard
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belser. explain the process that we are witnessing this week. a lot of hope in the vaccine but i think also wondering when it's going to get into the arms of all americans. >> yeah. mika this is monumental that less than a year after this virus was discovered we have a vaccine starting to go into people. for those who receive it, it will start to provide some protection, you know, not fully protected until you have had two doses but that's really exciting for most of us and the nation. this is not going to change the trajectory this winter. those horrendous numbers that you just shared, hospitals that are overwhelmed. that's going to be changed by us coming together and wearing masks and staying apart and washing our hands and congress passing legislation to support people so everyone can protect themselves. it's also not going to help those people who don't trust in the vaccine or the vaccine
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practice so some of the money coming to them will help them in the outreach and that people's questions could be understood and addressed. very, very important. >> and as we work on the next couple of days and of course give great credence to the unbelievable task that has been accomplished, what though is the time line for people at home watching for normalcy? for this vaccine to get to everybody it's still a process that of course the next president will be taking over with his coronavirus task force. will it move more methodically, more quickly or do we have roadblocks ahead? >> well, this is going to be a very bumpy process. this is the most complex vaccination campaign in u.s. history. and we don't know all of the bumps that are going to happen. there needs to be full transparency between the administrations so that when the biden administration comes in, they understand fully what's
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been plan and and what hasn't. it's hard to predict when everyone will get the vaccine. you hear the predictions of late spring/early summer. it will depend on how much the companies -- pfizer which does have emergency reuss and moderna which is up for consideration for this week, how much vaccine they can produce. but a number of other vaccines are coming. we haven't seen the results of those large clinical trials but if they turn out to be really good and they can produce them in big numbers then we'll get the vaccines sooner. but i worry, mika, people will see all of the enthusiasm this week and they're not going to remember that this winter it's really doing those things that we keep talking about, that people are tired of hearing about. but it's wearing masks, it's saying that this year, you know, for the holiday season, we're going to -- we're not going to get together. we recognize how dangerous that is and for our loved ones. we are not going to get together. it's just too risky.
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>> doctor, how discouraging was it to you to see the white house chief of staff -- it was abhorrent, ahead of the fda saying you have to approve this vaccine by the end of friday or in effect you're going to be fired. the disservice that does. >> well -- >> everybody involved, it's just remarkable. talk about that. >> yeah, if the goal is to engender trust and we need trust. people don't believe that the process has been free of political interference, then they're not going to want the vaccine. as a pediatrician, as a parent, as a son, i'm not going to want to recommend the vaccine to my family members, i won't recommend it to my patients. if i don't feel the process has been straight up. i watched a lot of the hearing of the scientific advisers to the fda they asked tough questions and i came out feeling great. you know, they voted
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overwhelmingly to approve this. i think it's safe and effective. let fda write up the emergency use authorization and get going but it's a process. i was very disturbed to see political pressure on that. you have to let the fda do their thing. it was a matter of another day or so. and what came out i think is appropriate, the fact sheets are appropriate. but it damages trust when you see that kind of behavior. >> absolutely. dr. richard besser, thank you for coming on the show this morning. today the electoral college is expected to make joe biden and kamala harris white house win official. the nation's 538 presidential electorals will meet in the separate states and district of columbia that will seal donald trump's fate of having lost the election, again and again. but this is official. it's also because it's a unanimous vote.
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the supreme court on friday dismissed the hail mary attempt to invalidate key victories in four states won by joe biden. the justices issued a short, unsigned order denying oral arguments in the texas lawsuit that was joined by the president and backed by 17 states and more than 100 gop members of congress. the order said the plaintiff had no standing adding texas has not demonstrated a judicially cognizable interest in the manner in which another state conducts its elections. justice samuel alito added a statement joined by justice clarence thomas saying he didn't think the court had the discretion to deny it by another state so he would have granted oral argument. the two added however, they would not have upheld the claim to toss out the electoral votes.
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joining us now, donny deutsch. u.s. national editor at financial times, ed luce. political science of fordham university, christina greer and rev and sharpton as well. >> so ed luce, we have been talking about the institutions over the last five years if they'd hold up whether president trump became president and in the last four years if they'd hold up to the attacks from all sides. it seems to me these latest spate of court cases ending with the supreme court case really does show that in my opinion, at least, that the institutions did hold up. that while the republican senate acted shamefully and continues to act shamefully that in the end we are as the supreme court has been saying for hundreds of
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years, we are a nation of laws, not men. and in what was first written by justice john marshall, it was proven again this weekend. we are a nation of laws and not men. >> yeah. i think it's particularly striking and useful in demonstrating the point that you just made that a large number of -- i think it's now 59 cases that the trump campaign has bought to the states and 58 have been thrown out. there was one very minor technical victory in pennsylvania but i think it's very, very useful that a large number of the judges are not just republican judges, but trump appointed judges. and the thinly concealed contempt with which they've thrown out the petitions has i think been a very useful
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teachable moment for the large number of trumpians out there claiming this is a stolen election. of course it won't persuade them because theirs is based on revelation, not reason and judges have to operate on reason. the larger concern here though, maybe it's an opportunity for those who want to reform the electoral college, is that they are discrediting the larger system and they're discrediting their -- to it. if you want to replace wit the national popular vote, the case is being made by the trump campaign which is ironic because it's a system that benefits them. >> yeah. christina greer, one institution that's not held up has been one of the two political -- major political parties, the
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republican party has shown itself to be post democratic, antidemocratic. and more committed to overturning the results of an election than defending american democracy. what is the lasting impact of that? >> well, i think we might be looking at a party realignment at some point in time. you know, joe, i keep going back to george washington's farewell address where he warned us about the moment and he warned us about having a president that's susceptible to power and he warned us about the polarization of the parties. as was mentioned, yes, our institutions help, but we have not emerged on the other side just yet. and we don't know what our democracy will look like. i mean, this sets a really dangerous precedent for a future president to come forward with a much more capable and competent legal team to try and make some of the challenges that donald trump has put forth in these
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past few weeks. you know, the only thing i think that's saving this nation right now is the gross incompetence of many of the lawyers and they're setting a blueprint and a dangerous precedent for someone else either a governor or a future president to try and just ignore the will of the people and that's what i think is really dangerous. and it's really long standing effects. as for the republican party moving forward, i mean, we don't know if the trump factions will dissolve and go away when donald trump is no longer on the television every day. hopefully he will not be because he won't be the president after january 20th or will we see the faction of the republican party essentially subsume what was once a party that actually believed in policy, that believed in science. that believed in sort of real robust debates about the future of american democracy and we have not seen that from the party on sadly local, state and the federal level. >> so donny deutsch, new polling from cbs news shows most voters,
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62% of them, believe that the election is over and settled. however, 79% of trump voters disagree with this and believe the election should be contested. only 18% of trump voters believe biden is the legitimate winner. meanwhile, a fox news poll asked registered voters if the election was stolen from trump, 77% of trump voters and 68% of republicans said yes. so let's look at those numbers and the fact that you know donald trump, you know him well. you know the people around him well. and i think it's safe to say you would agree he doesn't accept losing. he doesn't -- he can't even -- he can't even accept it as a concept and that this behavior will keep going. these norms will keep being broken and the question is how far will he go. will he go, meaning will he leave and how does biden govern
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with these numbers? >> he will leave and, you know, i'm going to quote karl rove which i often do. i have karl rove quotes next to my bed. you know, america doesn't like a sore loser, they like a comeback story but something in our culture, who we are, what we're about that a sore loser is kind of the bottom of the food chain. i think that's going to stick with trump. you know, we have seen -- you mentioned the polls, the gallup poll he's lost six points in approval ratings since the election whereas most candidates who actually lost an election they grow in approval ironically. trump has gone backwards and i think this kind of sore loser whiny little -- i'm going to use a word i'm not going to use because i won't be able to be on the show anymore, but sticks with him. as the vaccine gets into people's arms and as the economy continues to grow, i think it will continue to stay strong.
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as we are dealing with a little peace as opposed to chaos, i think donald trump will be a moment in time. i don't think donald trump is permanent. i don't think donald trump is the future of the republican party. i think he will go back to that kind of like maggot infested place he was in, like the p.t. barnum circus reality critter and if you look at him, i challenge everyone at home, as you watch donald trump and images, i used to see the images and i would squirm and get angry and i would get frightened. now, you kind of chuckle and he looks weak. he feels weak. he sounds weak. and as the great karl rove said, he's just a little baby sore loser. >> okay. well, first of all, donny deutsch with a light touch it's bedbugs. well, there they be bedbugs in bed minister and there's a lot in doral.
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>> wait. so many bedbugs. so itchy. >> let me go to reverend al and let's take this to the higher level. >> thank you. >> a lot of bedbugs at doral. so reverend al, you wrote this weekend about what happened to my party over the past 50 years. what happened to the conservative movement over the past 50 years. a lot of us that grew up in the baptist church, southern baptist church and other main line protestant denominations are asking what in the world is happening with our church? with the evangelical movement. and beth moore for those of you who are outside of the evangelical movement, beth moore has had -- long had an extraordinary voice. i remember being in pensacola, florida, she'd go to the pensacola civic center and fill
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it up. women all across the area, men would go there and fill it up. she's had an extraordinary following among evangelical women especially over the past 30, 40 years. she wrote this yesterday, rev. i do not believe these are days for mincing words. i'm 63 1/2 years old. and i have never seen anything in these united states of america, i found more astonishingly seductive and dangerous to the saint of god than trumpism. this christian nationalism is not of god. move back from it. >> good for her. >> the thing i'm having trouble with, rev, and i guess you are not as quite as shocked because i have heard that, you know, before my time, white preachers
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across the south would also support segregation and also some would justify slavery. so maybe this isn't quite so shocking to you for a kid like me that grew up in a church after that time period, at least the churches i went to, i'll call them out, first baptist in chamblee, georgia, first baptist in meridian, mississippi. first baptist in pensacola, florida, calvary in tuscaloosa, alabama. we were, you know -- a lot of matthew 25 christians there and it's shocking to me to see what's happened to the church i grew up in and i don't have the following in that church like beth moore but to hear beth moore say what no other evangelical pastor, leader, like this is -- there is dangerous, folks. this is -- don't believe the
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lies. and yet, you've got preachers that are repeating these lies that even amy comey barrett and the six conservatives on the supreme court are saying are absolutely garbage. >> you can't fire them. >> the most stunning and painful thing for me during this period of the trump presidency and his rise has been to see the evangelical and faith leaders that have surrounded him literally anointing him and putting their hands on him in the oval office while he lied to the american public about a pandemic and admitted it to woodward on tape and admitted it. at what point do you make it look like a lie and those of us preach with a certain passion,
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when you can just anoint someone who is committed to wickedness. this is not a guy who has made a mistake and did some wicked things. he's committed to this and continues to show that and how he is fighting this election. let's not forget, joe, you mentioned those in the south who from the pulpit supported segregation and i'll go to professor grier on this because she can give us the real historical references here, but the historical letter from a birmingham jail from martin luther king jr. he wrote from a cell with walker was to white men and moderates in birmingham. it was not to the ku klux klan. it was to clergymen who would not stand up against segregation, dr. grier. >> i agree, rev, it's not just the clergymen but he warned us in future writings about white
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liberals who stood by while these things were occurring. >> latte liberals. >> when it comes to the evangelical community we have seen consistently these are people who have at once said they believe in the sanctity of life and they believe in equality yet and still they continue to support a president who has upheld violence when we talk about charlottesville and both sides, an innocent woman was killed in the name of hatred, the president was silent. he was silent after kenosha, when kyle witten house shot and killed someone. as we see the anointing of donald trump in this false god-like caricature, we know that donald trump has never walked into the religious institution and never cared about anyone but himself. for those of us in new york we
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have seen this for decades. this is a man who is emotionally bankrupt. he's been financially bankrupt several times but he's spiritually bankrupt. the corruption that has been allowed by the evangelical community is something as we we move forward, the effects of a donald trump presidency will be felt for not just years, but possibly at least a generation. where does the evangelical movement go, right? what can they say after donald trump leaves office? you know, looking at what they have done and refused to do. now they sat by silently while he's said and done the most egregious things not just domestically but abroad as well. we have to think about what he's done with the treaties that are broke within the environment. we can start there. so i think the question is moving forward how do we heal as a nation and how do we look at people who are once held in high
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esteem and look at them and try to move forward with them and that's a much harder question. >> well, some religious leaders said evangelicals are now out on the tip of the spear spreading the conspiracy theory saying they're ready to die for donald trump and other people should be ready to die for donald trump. this is not christian theology. this is jonestown theology. look at the facts. >> it's crazy. >> it's basic. ed luce, tell me, we're kind of grappling with what's happened in the united states over the past four years. and looks like britain's still stumbling towards possibly a no deal brexit. what's happening there? and when are the british people and when are british politicians going to get their act together? >> that's like waiting for
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gadot. they're not showing any signs of that. there was a farcical dinner last week between boris johnson, britain's prime minister, and ursula van delion, and he turned up and made a couple of jokes about the french. tried to appeal to here as a german and just slumped into silence and let the officials do the talking over the dinner. it was a comic book display. they have since yesterday which was supposedly the last deadline to prevent a no deal crashout, they since agreed to go the extra mile and continue more negotiations. i suppose from the british point of view the fact they said mile and not kilometer is a good
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thing. also a mile is longer than kilometer so it's quite far to go. but the chances that this will -- this will -- no deal brexit is going up, and, you know, i guess the fact that britain has had a vaccine being distributed over the last week is the silver lining of everything. this dark winter is affecting us on both sides of the atlantic and that silver lining is becoming more of a problem. i think today it will be the first vaccine administered that we find somebody called mark twain or john steinbeck to give it to. britain started with william shakespeare as you know. >> exactly. ed luce and christina greer, thank you for being on the show on this monday morning. let's get to some of the other stories making headlines this morning. russian hackers broke into u.s. federal agencies and private
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companies as part of a global month long cyber espionage campaign according to u.s. officials. the fbi is now investigating the cyber attack which "the washington post" cited sources of saying appears to be the work of russia's foreign intelligence service. the targets included internal email traffic at the treasure and commerce departments which sources speaking to reuters believe is only the beginning. without naming a culprit a spokesman for the national security council said quote the united states government is aware of these reports and we are taking all necessary steps to identify and remedy any possible issues related to this situation. the russian foreign ministry denied the allegations saying it was an unfounded attempt to blame russia for cyber attacks against u.s. agencies. country music legend charley pride passed away over the
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weekend due to covid-19 complications. pride died at the age of 86 on saturday in dallas while in hospice care. as a black singer in the largely white music genre, pride broke multiple barriers including placing 52 records on the top ten charts from the '60s to the '80s in a career that saw him sell more than 25 million records. of his 29 singles to reach number one on the country music charts, some of his most popular were "kiss an angel good morning." he was second in record sales only to elvis at his label at rca. another notable passing, the legendary british novelist john lecarre died this past weekend after a short battle with
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pneumonia at 89. lecarre whose real name was david cornwell wrote 29 novels after working for british intelligence in 1949. among the best known novels was the 1963 book "the spy who came in from the cold" about a spy carrying out a risky operation in germany where he had been based for mi-6. the others were "a perfect spy" "the constant gardiner" and one that was adapted into the academy award winning film in 2011. still ahold on "morning joe," the inside story of the all hands on deck mission that resulted in the fastest developed vaccine ever. plus our next guest is beloved in her community which is why the boston globe is asking, quote, can reverend liz walker persuade people of color
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to take the vaccine as they face the perfect storm of distrust? we'll talk to the iconic news woman turned pastor who is working to do just that. you're watching "morning joe." we'll be right back. ♪ ♪ ♪ smooth driving pays off. ♪ with allstate, the safer you drive the more you save. ♪ you never been in better hands. allstate. click or call for a quote today.
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dr. corbett, kizzie corbett is right at the forefront of the development of the vaccine. so the first thing you might want to say to my african-american brothers and sisters is that the vaccine that you're going to be taking was developed by an african-american woman. and that is just a fact. >> dr. anthony fauci's message to african-americans who may be wary of getting the coronavirus vaccine.
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joining us now long time news anchor turned senior pastor at roxbury senior presbyterian church dr. liz walker. she's a member of the massachusetts coronavirus advisory board. good to see you again, and in this role i think you work every day on figuring out how to communicate effectively. what will be the challenge to african-americans pertaining to this vaccine? >> well, the biggest challenge and i'm delighted to be on this program with you and joe this morning, thank you for having me. the biggest challenge for my community is trust. people just don't trust systems, they don't trust what they are told and there's lots of reasons for that. so what we're trying to do is to begin to stem the tide of that distrust and mistrust that's in our community. people not only know this from
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history. the stories of the tuskegee experiment or the u.s. government experiment on men in tuskegee, it's not just the historical perspective on things that have been used to abuse black people, but it's the day to day experiences of not being -- or the perspective of not being respected, not being heard, not being listened to in doctor's offices, in health care systems. so it's an enormous challenge. very valid reasons that people don't trust, not to mention the politicization of this virus and the remedy for this virus. so there's just so many things that have come together and people simply don't trust what they're hearing. >> reverend al sharpton, jump in. >> reverend walker, you know, i'm very glad you're on this morning because doesn't it also
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speak to what we were talking about in another subject about courage among evangelicals politically. doesn't it require courage for faith leaders and influencers in the african-american community to have the courage to stand up even though we may be questioned, challenged and even criticized when we see the disproportionate amount of people that are dying and infected in our community to say let's go by the science. like dr. fauci said, there was a black woman that is part of this vaccine and yes, there's reason for us to have doubt, but we've got to stand up at this point in history and deal with if the science is there, we need to go with the science. even if we're going to take some clapback in the beginning. >> reverend sharpton, you are absolutely right. i try to remind my congregation,
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luke was a medical man and to say this is science versus religion this is a flawed debate because we need to look to god makes scientists, and god uses everybody. it does take courage, and that's what faith is about, right, dr. al? >> that's right. i think you're right. i think that faith is courage and i think that if you don't have courage, you ought not to be in the pulpit and if you don't have courage you ought not to be a leader with influence and if there ever was a time in the history of our lives to show courage and stand up this pandemic really will be the test on that. >> absolutely. there's a great risk that i have been talking about with people about this in my community that we're going have to take a risk and so the leaders of the community are doing that first. we're speaking out and we're saying it's not just me. there are many people who are
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working on this in boston and all over the country, of course. we're going to have to say, yeah, i'm taking a risk, and you have to take a risk. but love is risk, faith is risk and now's the time to stand on what you believe and i'm willing to stand there, you're willing to stand there and we're asking other people to stand with us, but i believe people need information. there's so much stuff out there and if we get the right information and the correct and true information, we can make the right decisions. >> reverend liz walker, thank you very, very much for being on this morning. we really appreciate it. we want to turn now to science writer for the "the atlantic" magazine, ed yong. he has a new article called the manhattan project and he explores how arguably the most important science project of our time came to be and boy, did it
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ever. i know that president trump is taking a lot of credit for this, but a lot of the vaccine companies pulled together something in record time. tell us about how it happened and why it was such an astounding feat. >> so i think it's more than just the vaccines. we have learned about this virus so much in such a short period of time because at the start of this year while the rest of us were worrying about the pandemic, a huge flood of scientists pivoted to studying this virus and never before has a disease been so thoroughly scrutinized in a short a amount of time. there were good and bad sides to it, but the positives are clear. you know, we understand as far as much better than many others that have been known about for a longer time and in less than a year, we have developed a
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multiple effective vaccine against it. those vaccines hinge on investments and work and research that preceded the rise of sars-cov-2 and it will help us to develop vaccines more quickly against future threats and we should be thankful for it. >> jonathan lemire, next question. >> ed, i wanted to focus on what you just said there. your final point. not to be particularly gloomy, but this won't be our last pandemic. so tell me, talk to us about a little bit about this search for a vaccine for covid-19. is there something in particular about this virus that made it -- that made a vaccine more easily developed? is this sort of a unique situation or are we learning techniques that the science is so good and getting better that the next time and let's hope it's a long time from now that something like this happens we
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would be able to put together a vaccine this quickly? >> well, previously, vaccines were built sort of bespoke, in a very artis natural way and they have been investigating on the platform technologies which means you have essentially the same payloads that you customize to every new threat. and these new vaccines, the pfizer and moderna ones work like that. you take a small piece of the virus's genetic material, you load it into the body and the body uses that to build a small noninfectious fragment of the virus and that the immune system can look at and use to prepare its own defenses ahead of time. that approach should be very easy to customize to whatever pathogen arises in the future which means that we should be entering this new era of much faster vaccine development.
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the flip side to that i think is that we -- the biomedical sciences as a whole have been overly focused on technofixes like drugs and vaccines. having a vaccine in december is fantastic. but we have so many months in write the lives of all of us depended on social interventions, using things like masks, uses of inequity, of poverty. things that actually help the spread of viruss and that were well recognized in 19th century and get overlooked in the purely biomedical lens in the fights between the individual and the virus. i think if medicine can restore that social side to complement the biomedical aspects we will be in much better states to deal with pandemics in the future and in the time that we wait for a vaccine to be developed. >> the new issue of "the
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atlantic" is out today. a worthy read. ed yong, thank you very much for coming on the show this morning. and coming up, after failing to reclaim his seat in what will once again become the only republican district in new york, congressman max rose is setting his sights on a different way to represent new yorkers. he joins us the conversation next on "morning joe." i got uh sausage - you can do better, steve! get a freshly made footlong, from subway®! you can even order on the subway® app! did i just get picked off by deion sanders? you sure did! now in the app, get a free footlong when you buy two. because it's footlong season™!
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joe." ten minutes before the top of the hour. a live look at new york city. we are on the cusp of the vaccine beginning to get to the american people. donny deutsche, we were just talking about the trust issue. what should be the branding or the ad campaign to help people feel comfortable taking this vaccine? >> you know, in the most simplest term, we overuse the
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word influencers. remember the nike commercial be like mike? we need to take leaders in every -- business leaders, celebrities, everybody, and almost do live scenes. every hour on the hour watching a different popular person, kids, people get this vaccine. it's a word of mouth. that will make people comfortable, seeing others do it. this a great opportunity for tech companies, facebook, google to put billions and billions behind in terms of ad messaging because you have got it give people permission. give people permission. and it's got to come from the tech comes. use the best influencers. just do it s. something action oriented. democratic congressman max rose of new york is a veteran in the war in afghanistan and is a
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recipient of the bronze star and purple heart. and he has just launched an exploratory bid to run for new york city mayor. max, great to have you back on the show. tell us why this is the direction you want to go in and what are you finding out? >> thanks for having me. look, when you look at new york city, and i say this as a proud new yorker, someone raising my family in new york city, somebody who is a fourth-generation new yorker, covid has completely decimated new york from a public healthy perspective as well as economic perspective, and we need someone to lead us out of this crisis, someone willing to rip up the playbook and who is willing to risk it all, who does in the care about the next election. let's also not forget about what new york city, what the promise of new york is. it's a place where underdogs make it, and that promise, that no matter where you come from,
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what you loike, you can live yor dream in new york city. previous to covid that was slipping through new york's fingers a fingers and for many it was long gone. fwhaes we have to rescue. we will do that with bold policies, with policies that set the example not just for america, but for the world. things like a universal basic income for working new yorkers, things like k through 14 for all. and, most importantly, infrastructure projects that will end our community nightmare. it's been killing outer borough new yorkers commuting three hours day. this is possible in new york city if we have vision and leadership. that's why i am exploring, consideration for a mayoral bid. we have to rescue our city and show the rest of the country and the world why new york city remains the greatest city in the history of the world. >> all right. jonathan lemire, you have got
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the next question for max rose. >> hey, max. as you know, whoever the next mayor of new york city is going to be is going it inherit an extraordinary amount of challenges. the economy has taken a beating during the pandemic and there is questions raised about its future. we also have a crowded field of potential candidates, some from within city government, some from without. how do you make your case? how do you make your case, you know? there is going to ablot of voices to the left running for this job and you are someone who is, you know, represents largely associated with staten island. the most conservative borough of new york city. how do you make the case that you are the right person for this job in a city that is growing deeper blue by the year? >> first of all, jonathan, good to see you. let's not forget during times of crisis new york city does have a tendency to elect short mayors, whether it's laguardia or
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bloomberg. so history is on my side here, my friend. but whoever you consider in this mayoral race, this cannot be about lanes. people are sick and tired of this type of politics where someone says that's my lane, i am going to slice and dice the electorate accordingly. what new yorkers desperately want is someone not playing games, someone who rises above the fray, and someone who is not going to play this insider game, where they are going to talk about a tale of two cities and proceed to reward power brokers and reward insiders. i am the guy that in a district that donald trump won twice by double digits who impeached him. i have risked everything to do what i think is right. that's what new york needs right now. and we need someone who is resolutely, unequivocally on the side of those hard-working new yorkers who have been ignored
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all too long. and when they are not getting ignored, they are getting ripped off. wages have stagnate while rents skyrocket, people getting displaced. that's why we need a universal basic income in new york city so desperately. we see hundreds of thousands of open jobs in new york city, and our educational system does not -- is not wet quipping them to get those jobs. that's why k through 14 is so urgently needed in new york city. new york can set the sample. but you can't to that saying i am the progressive, not the moderate, i am the moderate, not on the progressive. i am on the side of working people. i am unafraid to say that and that's the only people who i'll care about when i'm the mayor. if we proceed with this. >> max, reverend sharpton. >> how are you? >> i am fine. we know each other while you were -- you went to my daughter's school. you have obvious talents.
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let me ask you this. if you run, what will be the message? i'm hearing different policies, you laid them out when we met in person. what will be the message you think resonates even at this time? you would be going into a primary that we would still be in the middle of coming out of this pandemic. what message do you think will resonate with new yorkers of all political persuasions, races in the middle of these dire times? >> well, rev, great to see you again. it was an honor to sit down and speak with you. plain and simple, new york has got to be put back on the side of working people who have been ignored and ripped off. you see folks throughout new york city whether in queens. >> the bronx, brooklyn, who have seen developments rise up all around them and they never get to share in the gains. you see politicians who over and over and over again say i am going to do something for you,
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and then all they do when they get elected is give a massive giveaway to the wealthy, a massive giveaway to insiderers and power brokers and they don't do a damn thing for that person commuting three hours each way except for call them essential. it is time that all new yorkers get to share in the gains of new york city being the best and most prosperous city in the history of the world. we have seen people talk about it, but then they buckle once they have power. i am the guy who day after day did what i thought was right, politics be damneds, electoral consequences, i don't care. we need a mayor who is going to say the day he or she is elected i am not leaving new york city for at least two years. we have had an absentee mayor whose head has been in the cloud. sweetie, if you want a vacation, we are going to breezy point. city island, if we want to have a special time, that's what we
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need. and that's who i would be. >> so, congressman, one of the reasons why you have this opportunity to run for mayor is because of your election bid, re-election bid in congress. what do you think the prescription is for keeping democrats like you in the congress? >> well, when it comes down to it, and every race is different, a lot of folks have been saying that i lost because of the defund argument, and did i take a hit for the allegation, the false allegations that i wanted to defund the police? of course. but what the democratic party cannot afford to do is retreat. the democratic party can't afford to look at -- and say we are going to take a step back from pursuing justice for all, we are going to take a step back from economic equity, we are going to take a step back from criminal justice reform.
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the democratic party wins when it focuses on trust building and when it focuses on simple and nonetheless bold policies that will be there for all americans. and i believe now more than ever that that is the pathway not just for electoral success, because this can't be about elections. this has got to be about helping people. and that's the pathway for the democratic party. >> congressman, max rose, thaws so much. donny deutsche, i am going to ask you the same question. it doesn't just have to be about winning, but one needs to win to help people. what is the prescription foreign policy the democrats to keep these seats? >> step away from socialism. 75 million people voted for trump. a lot of those people are i am afraid we are going too hard left, 80% taxes, defunding the police, all that. step away from socialism. this country lives right of center, so you better be moving towards that center. >> all right. up next, health care workers are
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expected to be the first in the u.s. to receive the coronavirus vaccine as early as today. more on the medical marvel ahead on "morning joe." plus, the constitutional formality that's getting extra attention as the electoral college meets today to make joe biden's win official. for many, it is deja vu all over again. >> we have an announcement to make. joe biden is president-elect. of the united states. >> in the state of georgia where there is currently a hand recount being done, joe biden is the apparent winner. >> nbc news is projecting that when every last vote is counted in the state of arizona joe biden will be awarded 11 electoral votes. >> joe biden is again confirmed as the winner of the state of georgia.
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>> trump campaign paid for a recount and that has ended for $3 million. they picked up 87 votes. joe biden, actually. >> georgia's secretary of state recertified the results after the second recount, which once again found that joe biden is still the winner. >> joe biden has officially received enough electoral votes to become president as california certifies its results. >> the united states supreme court has denied a challenge from a republican congressman to nullify the certification of pennsylvania's election results over its mail-in voting law. >> breaking news. the supreme court has just formally rejected this gop lawsuit that had tried on a long shot bid to argue states should overturn other secretaries of state' results. >> i wanted to know. is he tired of winning yet?
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>> he has to be exhausted. >> win, win, win. >> i heard that expression. you get tired of win sng damn straight. it took five years to come through, mr. president. but, yes, i think most of americans are just tired of winning. watching joe biden day after day after day and the lawsuits, getting crushed by your own trump-appointed federal judges who you were so sure would rig the election for you. >> they keep letting you down. >> you really should have read the constitution and a little bit of history before you got into office. i heard you had "mein kampf" near your bedside. should have been the constitution. should have been a little bit of history and you would understand that supreme court justices can't -- they can't do what you are asking them to do.
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>> you can't fire them. >> we have institutions in this country that actually have not folded to a failed reality tv host. >> from pricey recounts to supreme court slap-downs, this morning's meeting of the electoral college when joe biden and kamala harris will, once again, win the -- >> going to win again today. you know, he really could have handled this in a way, actually, that would have been in his best interest. >> absolutely, my gosh. >> say it's rigged and da-da-da and mail-in ballots and blah, blah, blah and locusts descending from the heavens, blah, blah, blah. give your statement and say i am going to move on and then finish strong your last two months and don't set yourself up for losing every single day, which you still keep doing. and it does not work. makes you look weak and
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pathetic. for all the countries you are going to want to go around to and grift off of, you think the saudis wants somebody that loses like 50 or 60 times? i know you want it to go there to make money. you thigh the chinese, the russians want a 0, 40-time loser? >> the background -- >> let's get the guy to come over and make a speech for $10 million. you are hurting your own grifting schemes in the future by setting yourself up to lose every single time. >> so today joe biden and kamala harris are expected to easily amass the 270 electoral votes needed for official victory. the first states begin voting at 10:00 a.m. the next step comes january 6th when a joint session of congress meets to count the votes. good morning, and welcome to "morning joe." it is monday, december 14th. with us we have white house reporter for the associated
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prets jonathan lemire, nbc news capitol hill correspondent and host of "way too early" kasie hunt, and host of msnbc's "politicsnation" and president of the national action network reverend al sharpton. >> jonathan lemire, how do you expect today go? i think a couple of people didn't vote for trump back in '16. do we expect any strays out there? >> joe, we are looking for that. that's always a possibility. what i can guarantee what will happen today is more rage and fury from the white house and baseless allegations of a rigged process. electors are going to meet in all 50 states today, joe, and the district of columbia to cast their ballots. they will be certified in the first week of january. that is yet another point where jump and his allies perhaps will play a stunt that will be when the congress meets to certify the vote.
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none of this will change the ultimate result. these awill be more defeats for president trump and more dangerous efforts to undermine faith in the electoral system and the credibility of joe biden's election. >> yeah. a lot of crack pots who actually would have been crack pots regardless of what donald trump did, like democrats have crack pots in the past. george w. bush was on the inside in the 9/11 attacks. don't get mad at me. i have got the polls, democrats. but, yeah. but the difference there, it was crack pots, the far reaches of the internet pushing that. here, kasie, we have the president of the united states acting in a more dangerous way. you got over 100 members of congress who are calling for sedition, calling for sedition against the united states of america, who are calling to undermine an american democratic
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process. folks, it's not an overstatement. it really isn't. these people are posing the greatest risk, the greatest threat to american democracy, greatest challenge since the civil war. they suck at what they are doing. don't get me wrong. they really suck at this. they are just horrible. it's all gestures, and the losers that signed on to this bill, they suck at this, too. but, again, it's all gestures. that said, it seems a horrible precedent because there may be a totalitarian in waiting that actually knows what they are doing that's going to go to school on everything that donald trump's done and, hey, republicans, guess what? it might be a democrat. might be an independent. might be a fascist, a marxist, you don't know. you are being stupid as hell sniffing this guy, following him around until the very end. all that said, kasie, how is that for a lead-up to this question?
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what are you hearing on capitol hill? >> well, i have a feeling i am going to be hearing some more after that. no, but, look, these members of congress are still afraid of donald trump and they are more afraid of what he may do to them than they are of what they are doing to the country, which i think tells you a lot. >> doesn't anybody -- do they not really even care what their children think of them, what their spouses think of them, what their grandchildren think of them, what mystery's goi -- history's going to any of them? are they so afraid what's going to happen the next four weeks they are willing to shame themselves? they do know historians are going to write about this chapter in american history, and they are going to be on the side of sedition. they are going to be the modern-day benedict arnolds trying to undermine american democracy.
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they got to understand that, kasie, right? they are really more scared about a reality tv host than they are being that dramatically wrong about american democracy and history? >> i feel like i have been asking that, a version of that question to so many of these members of the republican party, both privately and publicly, in public interviews and privately, and they find bay to push back against it. privately, yeah, they realize that history is going to judge this period likely in a very harsh way. but that doesn't seem to change their public actions. and there is a handful of exceptions, as we know. but every time, right, every single time seems to be a little worse than the time before. in the beginning, it was nasty personal insults, things that were offensive and outside of the norm, but not necessarily full of, you know, policy heft or significant consequences that you are laying out now. eventually, it was the bible
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across lafayette square. and then, and i said this to you as we were heading into the election, that all of my reporting indicated that they weren't going to go down this road. they weren't going to take down the republic and trash the republican brand in the name of donald trump if it was clear that he lost the election. they just weren't going to do it, and here we are, and that's what's happening. the status quo of deferring to donald trump just has not ended to the point that they are signing on to lawsuits like this. so, i mean, at this point it's hard for me to believe when i team say, yeah, he with understand how bad this is, this is a huge problem, it doesn't reflect america or my values, but we are trying to figure out how to live with it, i mean, i can't -- it's hard to believe them anymore. >> ahead, all the evidence you could possibly need to see one elected republican after another throwing away their reputations to follow donald trump into the
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the republican leader of the state of texas, reverend al, called, in effect, for secession. that they she is seed from the union because the united states supreme court followed the law. they had no choice but to follow the law, and as the new -- as the "national review" pointed out last night, i believe it was, even when trump lawyers go before trump judges, they have
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no facts to support their outrageous claims. in fact, call no witnesses because they have no witnesses. introduce no evidence because they have no -- they stipulate to the facts on the record at the beginning of the case, which means we agree with the biden camp. we got nothing here. we got nothing here, judge, because they know, of course, if they put out a false claim, they will be sanctioned by the court. and yet texas is going to he se? who wants to move where the most dominant party is calling for the state of texas to he secede from the union? >> when you walk through the halls of congress, when you walk through the hallowed halls of the senate or the white house, the consistent thing is the pictures of great people throughout the nation's history. do they really think anyone
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will, when they get to this period and look at their pictures, think of them as anything but symbols of disgrace, of people that tried to rip this country apart because of their personal fears of a demagogue? i just don't understand how you walk through history every day to your job and never think of how you are going to look in history. this will be one of the pivotal moments in american history. in the middle of a pandemic, an election, this will be a real point where history stops and takes an observation. and they will be permanently recorded as cowards and people that bowed to someone who was a shallow and, in many ways, self-serving and megalomania, and they didn't have the courage to stand up to him. we are not talking about evidence here. wi we are not debating which way america should go, conservative or liberal. we are talking about people too
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cowardly to stand up for the constitution that they put their hand on the bible and swore to uphold. >> they carry around the cute little pocket constitutions. don't believe in anything there. perversely enough, actually claim to be dedicated to the original intent of the framers. well, the original intent of the framers is not for them to subvert democracy to undermine american institutions. they are making fools of themselves every day. yes, mika, the president, everybody knows the president's lying in congress, yet they sign on to these he seditious letter and they are trying to undermine an election that they know is legitimate when ne get off the record, they'll tell you that. and what are they doing? it's inspiring, actually, violence, white supremacists roam through the streets of washington, d.c. this weekend beating up and knifing people across washington, d.c., and, of
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course, that's the sort of violence that donald trump has been encouraging. that's the sort of violence that these republicans are now responsible for because, again, they are spreading this lie. and preachers are responsible for it. they are spreading this lie. beth moore yesterday condemned christian nationalism where, you know, basically christian nationalism being code words for being part of, instead of a fellowship of christ, being part of a trump personality cult. very dangerous. beth moore said it. other people have said it. but you have religious leaders across america who are lying to their people, lying to their flock, buying into this trump derangement cult that they are a part of, and they know it's a lie. the blood of people getting beaten up by white nationalists
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on their hands, as well, and they know it. coming up, will the trucks shipping the coronavirus vaccine make a pit stop at the white house? the latest on the mixed messages from the administration that top trump officials will be among the first to get the doses. "morning joe" is back in a moment. ♪ ♪ still warm. ♪ thanks, maggie. oh, alice says hi. for some of us, our daily journey is a short one. save 50% when you pay per mile with allstate. pay less when you drive less. you've never been in better hands. allstate. click or call for a quote today.
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the very first doses of pfizer's coronavirus vaccine are making their way to hundreds of hospitals across the country. health care workers and nursing home residents are expected to get their very first shots today. nbc's gabe gutierrez captured not only the rollout of the first vials in michigan, but also how the vaccines are being transported. >> reporter: this a rare look at the painstaking process. hundreds of sub arctic freezers holding the potentially life-saving vaccine, then trays of vials carefully packed into boxes and shipping containers filled with dry ice. a searing reminder of just how tough this mission is. >> gingerly rushing a medical marvel to all 50 states at 80
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degrees below zero. >> this is a historic moment. the first trucks carrying the vaccine, pulling out of the pfizer plant, escorted by u.s. marshals. the it's the moment so many americans have been waiting for after such a devastating year that's taken the lives of nearly 300,000 people across this country. >> that is the light ahead of us. you could hear the cheers behind gabe as the trucks were rolling out. >> yeah. >> good reason, joe. >> yeah, good reason. jonathan lemire, we heard that the white house may be getting the first vaccines, which, of course, doesn't make a lot of people happy. i must say, if you want to make sure you prioritize things, yes, probably be good to have the white house and the joint chiefs and the leaders of congress getting vaccines early. >> well, joe, what happened yesterday was more than mixed messaging we heard from the white house throughout the pandemic. let's remember, of course, from
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the beginning they poured a lot of money into the vaccine and the president would say, look, this would be the end game, the vaccine was what they were working towards even as therapy blatantly disregarding other health and safety measures throughout the pandemic. but by doing so, by downplaying the threat, of course, he planted a lot of doubt in the supporters' minds about whether or not how real this virus was, how serious they should be taking it. there is concern in the west wing on the coronavirus task force, dr. fauci and others, that this anti-science view that the white house has taken throughout this pandemic may, in fact, discourage people from taking the vaccine, that they won't didnwant to trust it, the don't think they need it. so yesterday, of course, as these first shipments start to roll out word gets out that the national security council, other places acknowledge, yes, among the first doses as well as with those front line health care workers and some going to senior citizens, of course, that the top officials across all branches of government, the federal government, to keep this country going would, indeed, be
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among some of the first to get those doses. that includes white house staff. there was some blowback to that. the white house staff in many ways did in the take this virus seriously. as you say, this is a safeguarding the upper levels of government, the continuity of government, people who work around the president. but then last night president trump tweets and counters that and says that will not be the case, that he does not believe white house officials should be getting the vaccine at the beginning, which appeared to be, according to our reporting, a blowback to some of the media coverage saying we don't need it right away. he didn't want that to sort of black eye in terms of pr. this further mudles the situation. it further confuses the messaging to his supporters about whether or not this vaccine is needed. if the white house doesn't need it, why should we? that is, of course, a great concern. it also complicates things for the biden administration coming in. of course, trying to push the use of the vaccine, including
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among their own staff worried about the president-elect's health and others. this comes as the white house is launching a more than $200 million, frankly, very tardy ad campaign to boost awareness of the vaccine, to suggest to the americans to use it. as you have been hearing on this show for months now, though it is a modern miracle that the vaccine is ready so quickly, it doesn't do anybody any good if people don't take it. confusing messaging from the white house confuses that. we will talk about the herculean effort to vaccinate the country against the coronavirus. doug brinkley wrote the book on jfk's moonshot and he weighs in on today's massive undertaking. "morning joe" is coming right back. lactaid is 100% real milk, just without the lactose.
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breaks out and the courts have ruled then president-elect biden is going to be the next president. as abraham lincoln said, a house divided against itself cannot stand. our nation, our conservative movement, our republican party can't stand if we are divided against ourselves. so at some point we have to come together for all of those reasons. >> republican senator bill cassidy of louisiana with that call for republicans to unite under the realization that joe biden won the election. but the division within the party will take a lot longer to heal as members and movements continue to blindly follow donald trump's refusal to admit defeat. among those are some members of the evangelical community. yesterday on twitter the prominent southern baptist evangelical leader beth moore called out to people of faith for not moving away from
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trumpism. she tweeted, quote, i do not believe these are days for mincing words. i am 63 1/2 years old and i have never seen anything in these united states of america i found more astonishingly seductive and dangerous to the saints of god than trumpism. this christian nationalism is not of god. move back from it. she went on. fellow leaders, we will be held responsible for remaining passive in this day of seduction to save our own skin while the saints we've been entrusted to serve are being seduced, manipulated, used, and stirred up into a lather of zeal devoid of the holy spirit for political gain. wow. let's bring in senior editor at the dispatch, a columnist for "time," david french is out with his own warning against fealty to the president entitled the
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dangerous idolty of christian trumpism. also with us historian and rogers chair in the american presidency at vanderbilt university jon meacham, who unofficially advises president biden. and republican strategist and senior advisor to the lincoln project, susan del percio joins us. good to have you all here. >> david french, i am not sure. i don't know if beth moore is a baptist or not. we just assume in the south that everybody is a southern baptist. but it's a pretty good assumption. occasionally, when you have somebody to tahat talks real pr, they are episcopalian, that's why we got meacham here. beth is a fascinating case because i grew up, you know, first baptist church, i never met beth burks she had come to pensacola and i was like, yeah, she fills up the pensacola civic
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center. she was really -- she has been one of the most important voices in the evangelical movement for a very long time, especially among women. and i thought what she said was really consistent with what she has been saying over the past few years, except she was just a lot more direct with it. i will be really honest with you. a lot of people i have looked up to my entire life have just acted shamefully over the past four years in trumpism, a lot of pastors in pensacola, florida, that i know and love acted shamefully during the age of trump. let me say it again, shamefully guiding their flock in the direction they know is a lie. but this obviously is heavy on your heart, as well. tell me about it and your column. >> yeah, you know, i think both
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beth and me and it was incredibly brave of her. she has been brave throughout this entire process speaking truth here. and i think a lot of this, me included, beth included, others watched what happened in the gare comarch in d.c. which included other christian leaders. what we saw there was was it, you know, normal what you would call normal political -- normal christians involved in politics or normal vochld of christianity in politics. we saw dangerous fanaticism. this is something that i think people need to be aware of. there is a subset of christians who support trump, certainly not all. i don't think most. but a subset of christians who support trump who believe that god has a very specific call on his life and that any intent -- any effort to stop him from having a second term is demonically inspired, it's satanically inspired and it's
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breeding this degree of fanaticism, this degree of religious fanaticism that i think could have real danger. i don't think it's any coincidence that we have seen violence later that same night. this is something that needs to be addressed squarely and directly and condemned squarely and directly, including by christian leaders who supported donald trump. >> so, david, this is just -- it's nauseating because you and i both were -- are you southern baptist, by the way? >> no, i'm presbyterian. >> oh, my gosh. >> look at this. >> holy cow! you are a lefty. anyway -- >> no, no, no. sorry. >> that's true. exactly. okay. so, you and i in the 1990s, how many sundays did we go to sunday school and have people telling us, you know, character counts and you can't have a godly
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nation if bill clinton is in the white house. and we heard it from the pulpits and we heard it on wednesday night supper and we heard it in training in our kids. we heard it everywhere. it permeated all of christian culture from 1992 to 2000, when character mattered. it's all we heard. and now, and now you have people saying, like, i am going to say former christian leaders saying, you must die for donald trump. this is worth dying for, for a man who -- i judge nobody -- twice divorceders all right? if i figure this out, twice divorced. my god, have mercy on these other people who are perfect saints. every beautidue, donald trump is
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the anthesis. he is not a little off on the beattitudes. he is the anthesis of every beattitude by the standard that they use on public, by the standard they used on every leader they've ever voted for. donald trump fails time and again, and now they are saying he is worth dying for? >> oh, and even worse. one compared people who are letting this election normal transition occur lawfully to germans who acquiesced or enabled the rise of hitler. i mean, this is the level of discourse we are talking about here. and it wasn't just 1992 to 2000 that evangelicals valued character. evangelical we evangelicals placed character the highest value of all of the american religious subgroups in evaluating leaders until around late 2015/early 2016. i wonder what happened then?
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and then since that time it is one thing to say trump's republican, i am a republican, he supports my policies, i may not like his character, but i am making a tough, tough choice. that's not what we have been seeing lately. what we have been seeing people willing to demolish the constitution, the rule of law to keep this person in power. i know many of the 126 members of congress. i am very aware of many of these 126 members of congress who signed this connecticut shenable amicus brief trying to reverse the election in four states. most guys would say that they are absolutely christians. the texas gop, which called for secession is saturated with christians. so this is a level of commitment to the man donald trump that the whole argument about holding your nose, that's over. that is yesterday's news. these people are all in on him, believing he has a very specific mission from god, and that america will fall, america will fall. again, not all christians, but
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his core. they believe that the fate of the church and the fate of the united states are inextricably bound up together with donald trump. it's a stunning argument and it's creating dangerous fanaticism and i am very worried about its effect now and in the future. >> dangerous fanaticism. jon meacham, he is right. david is right. this went far back before we had bill clinton in the white house and the hypocrisy there. but how absolutely revolting that you have a movement that actually started in earnest in 1980 that was supposed to prote protect evangelicals against the radicalism of american politics, the radicalism of the left, and they have become the radicals.
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they have been the ones that have undermined the constitution, that are undermining americans' faith in democracy, that are doing all of the things that they have long accused their critics of doing. >> yeah. you know, the initial wall of separation between church and state was not supposed to protect the state from the church, but the church from the state. that was the original image roger williams talked about, protecting the garden of christ's church from the wilderness of the world. and the conflation of the two in this, as david was talking about, in this particular man and moment is remarkable. it's also unscriptchural, put not thy trust in princes. god shows no partiality. there is neither slave, nor jew,
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we are all one in christ jesus. the scriptchural -- it's that your loyalty as a believer is not to caesar but to a larger order, and that larger order has different rules and different aspirations articulated, as you just did in the sermon on the mount, and that's what a believer is called to do, is to follow a law that creates a certain conduct in space and time, but which is -- are just a law grounded beyond space and time. and what we're seeing now is this conflation of worldly power with the symbolism and language. but i would argue not really the genuine sentiment. at least the called for sentiment that's called for in the tradition.
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it's an enormous mess. that's a technical term from st. paul. i don't know how that would translate to greek. but it really is. and what it calls for is not -- and i go back and forth on this, so i throw this to you all. it calls for clarity and a kind of honesty, if you think what i just said is true, but i, we, have to be careful about judgment. and what is it that makes these folks so disassociated from history that they are using this sacred story to find their kway within time and space? what is that? is there anything we can do about that? and so i don't want to cast stones here. >> i understand that about judgment burks there are a lot of republicans, jon meacham, who
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know exactly what they are doing. susan delpressio, you have a piece thaw wrote about trump loving republicans basically saying, wait, hold my beer. >> yeah. you know, the issue of judgment is very interesting because what i find so amazing, no matter who you look at that supports donald trump, is that you usually support someone whom you stand by their convictions, their principles, their morals. donald trump has none. so i don't understand where their face comes forward with donald trump. on the other hand, when you look at the actions of some of these politicians, especially those in congress who got behind that bogus lawsuit or the seditious 17 toeattorney generals that go behind the attorney general from texas lawsuit, is that they just are trying to survive. they look for publicity stunts, anything to make donald trump happy, to maybe stay out of jail, like the attorney general from texas who is now under
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investigation by the fbi, or perhaps the state legislator who decided it was a good idea to succeed -- for texas to secede from the nation. he probably wants a better standing with leadership coming into the statehouse. so i find them all false. i find their devoutness to donald trump based in very little, ex set for what helps them. >> so, david french, what do people like you and i do? those a these are not -- i can talk about this and be very angry generally, but these are my friends. these are my loved ones. these are may family members. these have been my friends for 57 years. and when i sit and talk to them, it's not like, you know, it's not like they've got forked tongues. they all have their reasons and
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all of their reasons -- they all stink, but still, you know, what do you and i do, because we know that this secular nonsense is temporal. the bigger prize, at least in your eyes and if in n my eyes, well beyond any political election in aur lifetime. so what do beth moore, what do you do moving forward? >> yeah, you know, i think we have to draw a distinction between the people all in on the conspiracies and all in on sort of the treatments and vision that is donald trump is god specific man for this specific time and opposition to him is demonic -- >> that's what i am talking about. >> those folks, there is not a lot to do. there are a lot of people i would call conspiracy cure kbio. they sort of process the election like this. yeah, i think it was stolen. what was the score of the
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alabama game? in other words, it's not a closely held belief. there are other things that they are prioritize in normal life. a lot of these folks i think where you need to concentrate your efforts because if you are talking about people who are all in on the conspiracy, your brainwashed. these are people who believe that they have a specific kind of knowledge that i just must be totally ignoring. why would i ignore a dream or a vision about donald trump? i would call them the conspiracy curious and these are the people that can be reached. these are the people that can be reached with evidence. these are the people that can be reached with scripture and theology and i think you just keep plugging. you just keep trying and the whole thing doesn't end when joe biden is sworn in. there's going to be weeks, months, years and you just keep trying. a lot of people all in, they just kind of have to burn out. like we see happen with other fundamentalist movements. and that's what this is. this is much like a fundamentalist movement than a
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political movement. >> david, thank you for being on. as we follow today's start of americans getting the coronavirus vaccine, the race for the vaccine has become an international endeavor similar to the cold war effort to dominate space. >> why choose this as our goal and they may well ask, why climb the highest mountain? fly the atlantic. why does rice play texas? we choose to go to the moon. we choose to go to the moon. we choose to go to the moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy but because they are hard. >> that was president john f.
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kennedy at rice university. joining us now, douglas brinkley. among his many books is his most recent "american moonshot." john f. kennedy and the great space race. >> so doug, we said, we were talking at the beginning of this pandemic. what an extraordinary thing it would be to have all of the most gifted minds in the world focussing for the most part on the one thing. but i must say, i don't think any of us ever expected it to be turned around this quickly as it has. compare the moon shot to what we've seen over the past nine, ten months. >> you know, they both grow out of world war ii when we learn to do things quickly that we started trusting in scientists and the engineering community. so as you're writing about harry truman, joe, you know all those people that serve truman came out of world war ii experience to build up on the atomic energy
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commission. dwight eisenhower created nasa in 1958. it's a response to sputnik and the soviets getting icbms. they were able to get the talent. the head of nasa, james webb, was a marine radar expert in the pacific theater where he really learned his chops, and then kennedy knew that he did not want a korean war. kennedy did not want a, you know, to have a nuclear showdown with the soviet union so why not put it in a football rivalry like you just showed. my university. that was september 12th, 1962 and kennedy said, we believe in the scientists. joe, in 1960, scientists were chosen as "time" magazines persons of the year. this year fauci easily could have been chosen. they picked biden and kamala
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harris, and probably rightfully so, but at least a lot of the public believes in the scientists today. >> jon meacham, let me ask you the same thing. compare this to the moon shot but also compare how scientists were viewed then in the early '60s and how they had been viewed by donald trump and unfortunately, too many people in this country over the past four years. >> well, there's an ebb and flow in american life between a reverence for expertise and a skepticism of it. after sputnik, as doug is saying, into the '60s you had this sense that as kennedy said on another occasion, man's problems could be solved by man. and then it turned out that maybe that was harder and so you had a conservative reaction to that. but, doug, where do you think we stand on this question. in many ways seems to me that
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the success of the space race, the excitement of it, helped raise a certain level of confidence in the public sector in critical years. do you think that the vaccine plus, god willing, a successful distribution would create any kind of capital for more of the public sector or are we at a point tribally where people just don't bank that kind of capital and faith in the government. >> what a great question, jon. i think it depends on whether the vaccine distribution works and how quickly it works. we're an impatient people. we want results. we don't want failure. if i -- i eventually believe that people believe in our research and development in our country, in our medical infrastructure, at least at the very top levels, but we were prepared for this pandemic just like perhaps we
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were militarily prepared for the japanese attack at pearl harbor. there may be more pandemics down the line so we are going to have to build a medical infrastructure in this country and start celebrating our doctors and nurses, find ways to have stockpiles of surgical gowns and medicines that can be used, even in the '90s with bill clinton these medical stockpiles around the country were in pretty good shape but they got depleted by 2020. so i'm hopeful, jon, that joe biden created the cancer moonshot before he decided to run for president that maybe we can all take on eradicating cancer. hopefully biden's leadership will start pulling the country together on tackling some of these medical, you know, quandaries of our time like alzheimer's which we're starting to make some breakthroughs on. >> doug, we've been talking a lot about joe's book.
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you mentioned his book on president truman "saving freedom" and we've been talking a lot on this show about what joe biden can learn from past presidencies. bad and good. who do you think he should draw from to look toward the future and perhaps bring with him some form of blueprint. >> well, it's an amazing book. i've read it all. i think biden is doing what harry truman did. truman built this amazing apparatus around him to have at your disposal people like george marshall and dean atchison and averell harriman and others and john mccloy and robert lovett and people like that. there's a story -- i did my doctorate at georgetown and my dissertation was on dean atchison and i came across a story where truman picked atchison to be secretary of state. he said dean kind of modestly
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said, look, i know four or five better people than me for the job and truman glared at him and said, i don't know those people. there are probably 100 better. i know you. you're it. people he knows and trusts, which is a good sign. you're building a cohesive administration right out of the gate. >> doug brinkley, thank you so much. his latest book is "american moonshot: john f. kennedy and the great space race." we appreciate your being on. >> thank you so much. let's get final thoughts. susan del persio, we'll start with you. >> just looking at doug's book and thinking about the patriotism that came out of the moonshot and maybe this is a time that the country can get behind our president-elect as he starts this big, tremendous project of distributing the vaccine and getting us all
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together because i think we need to have an american moment. and this could be it. >> jon meacham? >> the electoral college meets today in the various states, according to the constitutional procedure. and, god willing, by the end of the day, we will have seen the triumph of the rule of law over the cult of personality. >> all right. jon meacham, susan del persio, thank you for being with us. one final note. we asked beth moore to be on the show to -- following her tweet. i believe we've asked her to be on many times. she's not doing press and we certainly understand and respect that. but just know that she has been invited on the show, and we welcome her on the show any time. >> and we appreciate her voice and what she's been saying, especially given that it must be
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tough, given the environment she's in. and that does it for us this morning. stephanie ruhle picks up the coverage right now. >> hi there. i'm stephanie ruhle, live in new york city at msnbc headquarters. it is good to be back with you on this monday, december 14th. a huge day in this country for the presidency and the pandemic. as we will watch history unfold in the coming hours. on the very same day the electoral college is expected to officially make former vp joe biden the next president of the united states, the first doses of pfizer's covid vaccine has been arriving at hospitals and distribution sites all across this nation. a long-awaited moment. a moment of hope after a very long and very difficult year. 3 million doses are going out to 145 distribution sites. u.p.s. and
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