tv Politics Nation MSNBC December 26, 2020 2:00pm-3:00pm PST
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good evening and welcome to "politicsnation." tonight's lead, a nation in limbo. it would usually take a severe scandal or national catastrophe for a lame duck president to dominate the news cycle with barely three weeks till inauguration. of course, the trump presidency remains a four-year combination
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of both. and with the pandemic still raging and millions on the brink, the president is not in washington for the holidays, but he left chaos as a gift to the country. more than a month after his election loss and he's still leaning on his own lawmakers to overturn that defeat. also at a loss of millions of americans totally lost on when or if they'll be getting much-needed financial help because the holidays are largely behind us, and the new year offers hope and nothing else. the vaccine is promising, but its distribution will continue to offer logistical hurdles even after president trump leaves office and president-elect biden takes his place, and supervise cruelty, the financial catastrophe of covid will be papered over be $600 with
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economic duct tape posing as relief. care of the president's helpers in congress this week. more on that shortly. meanwhile, the president remains unleashed and unpredictable, spitting fire and saying nothing. but he's still the most powerful person in the world with the singular ability to fix some things, something that might drive most people even in their last month in office. predictively, though, the only thing that still driven donald trump for months is the one thing he can't change, leaving office as a loser. joining me now is congressman gregory meeks, democrat of new york, the incoming chairman of the foreign affairs committee. thank you for being with us tonight, congressman. >> always good to be with you,
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rev. >> now, congressman, unemployment benefits for americans in need, it expires tonight, this night, if the president doesn't sign the covid relief bill. what will be the process for those people to get help if they are, in fact, losing their unemployment insurance tonight. >> it's clearly -- the president is throwing up smoke screens again. if he stops this whole bill, then the people that need the help will receive nothing. in order for the bill to become law, the president must sign it or veto it. and then we can override the veto. so i'm waiting to see what this irrational person who happens to be the president of the united states does. he's already vetoed the ndaa bill, the defense bill, and we're waiting to see what he does with this. there's a lot on the line. >> now, you're on record in
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favor of the covid relief bill, calling it better than nothing. of course you're speaker, congressman pelosi, is scheduled for vote for a stand-alone bill for an compress of direct payments. what's your take on its chances? >> look, rev, you're absolutely right. i wanted more in the beginning. democrats wanted more. we wanted more than the 0eds that was agreed upon. we tried to do that that back six months ago with the h.e.r.o.e.s. act. we were asking and trying to talk about -- that was $3.2 million to make sure people got their unemployment insurance, to make sure renterenters and homeowners receive their money as well as a larger stimulus check. the president had mnuchin -- they refused to move past $600, and that's why i made my statement that something was better than nothing because we were faced at that time with
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$600 of nothing because the president and mcconnell, the republicans in the senate, said there was absolutely the top they would go. now here they are now threatening to entire bill and everything that's in it that is so important for americans who've been stricken by this virus, this pandemic, and leave us in a state of uncertainty. you're right. deadlines are about to happen. that's why we passed two or three bills so we wouldn't get to this point. so we're prepared and we will be -- i will be back in washington, d.c., on monday. speaker pelosi will put up the bill for $2,000 to see whether or not the president can persuade mcconnell and the republicans -- what they're going to do about that. but we need to pass that. he needs to sign it or he needs to veto it and then we need to override that veto to get the help to the american people.
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>> congressman meeks, let me, again, congratulate you on your new appointment as incoming chair of house foreign relations committee one week ago you were brought to that new title. it was revealed, i want to raise to you, an unprecedented cybersecurity attack linked to russia may have compromised much of our government and our financial sector. but then the scale is still being fully assessed to my understanding. of course, the president has either been silent or downplayed it, pointing to china without any evidence, while our national security teams, republican lawmakers, and even our own secretary of state that trump appointed says it's russia. it's really bad and likely, at best, continue, if not worse. what can you tell us about the scale and about our readiness or
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lack thereof? >> well, this big question with reference to cybersecurity, in the bill that the president vetoed, the ndaa bill, there is provisions in there cracking down hard on russia for violations of cybersecurity. one of the reasons why this president who has always protected russia and russian interests vetoed that bill, along with the fact that we know that he did not want to rename some of the forts that were out there that were named after confederate soldiers. but it seems clear in all of the intelligence, here again, all of our intelligence points to the cybersecurity violations was done by russia, not by china, not democrats, but republicans, his administration -- as you said, the secretary of state, the attorney general, all of our military all say that all of the evidence shows that the one that
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violated our cybersecurity was russia. and here this president is again protecting russia, in fact, veto ing a bill that put in protections against russia of violating cyber space. it's just unbelievable what this president and who this president is. and i think that once he's out of office, it will be a lot of individuals looking into it. i know that i will continue to look into it as chair of the house foreign affairs committee. >> well, again, congratulations on becoming chair. i remember you when you were prosecuting bad guys in queens and running for the assembly a little under 30 years ago. and i was marching in the streets 30 years later, you were going to be chairman. i'm still marching in the streets, even though i have a tv and radio show, i'm still doing that and you're still going after bad guys. congressman meeks, thank you for
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joining us. >> good to be with you. i'm going to march with you. i started out 30 years ago and i'll keep doing it. >> you have continued marching and we don't exchange wardrobe. we did not know both of us would have boxes on your jackets tonight. good to see you. happy holidays. with me now is brent stevens, an op-ed columnist for "the new york times." let me go to you, brent. congress will convene on january 6th to formally count the electoral college votes. some republicans in a show of loyalty to the president are threatening to raise formal objections. does this gambit have any success at all? any possibility of success? >> there's a possibility of denying president-elect biden
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the presidency when he assumes the oath of office later in january. but it actually has the prospect of doing very grave damage to republicans themselves, which is bad news if you're a republican, maybe much better news if you are a democrat. but it really goes to show that the president is intent on taking everyone down on his own personal titanic. >> now, let me go to this with you, danielle, before you weigh in on the question that i asked about the vote. the president is also using his pardon power extensively in his final weeks, pardon ago motley crew of his personal associates, corrupt gop politicians and actual war criminals. is this the draining of the swamp this president promised?
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>> -- oval office and in washington, d.c. it's a disgusting and a disgrace, reverend. we know how many black and brown people are in prison right now for low-level drug offenses, but donald trump is excusing the war acts of criminals and his friends in order to keep their mouths closed. this is their payback, right? during the mueller report they didn't offer up information or ride to the fbi, and this is their payback. this is a quid pro quo president and this is what he's been doing. these people are the swamp and until we get rid of him and them and get to the root of this, i fear that america is going to continue drowning. >> let me add to that what is morally outrageous to me, aside from everything you said, he has reinstituted the federal death penalty and they've executed two people in the same ten days that he's pardoned these criminals,
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some of whom admitted to a crime. it's an outrage that in the same ten days, you're killing people that even members of the jury said they don't think they ought to be executed while you're pardoning people who said, yeah, i'm guilty of a crime. >> i mean, it's disgusting. michael flynn is a convicted felon. you have those four men from blackwater that killed 17 people, including children. >> right. >> and he allowed them to walk free. i mean, it is an abomination. and i say this to folks on the podcast is this. donald trump is a gift to the united states because he has shown us how weak our democracy is and just how much power the executive branch has. but until we decide to do something about what has been revealed about the fragility of our democracy, unless we do something about it, then what comes after donald trump is going to be worse. and i don't want to imagine that at all. >> brent, let me go back to you.
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again, the republican party, how do they put humpty dumpty back together again with all of these glaring displays of inconsistencies and insensitivities? >> i'd like to agree with what danielle said because i, who have always been a conservative all of my life, i find these pardons just absolutely nauseating resembling something out of mafia tactics where in change for corrupt friends remaining silent in the face of prosecution, they are now getting their get out of jail free card as danielle said when thousands of people who are in our prisons who are so much more deserving again. i don't know how you put humpty
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dumpty back together again. my hope is donald trump takes the people he brought on board in the republican party down with him, that this party needs to remain split. i believe a democracy is well served when it has a morally, well-founded, central, centrist-leaning movement. there are always going to be conservative parties in every democracy, and we need a healthy one. and the only thing i can say, segueing from what cannel said, evan mcmullin has spoken about it, to refound, maybe call it a a liberal republican party or something else that sticks to some of the principles of an open society, fidelity to the constitution and to the best aspects of the declaration of independence, and that breaks with the kind of populist nationalism that donald trump championed in his four years because they're toxic not only
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for conservatives, it's toxic for the world writ large. donald trump has led a movement of populous for anyone who cares about free and equitable societies. >> following that up, he's vetoing the defense bill, and the president is threatening to veto the covid relief bill, putting republicans in a difficult position of publicly refusing trump or going on record opposing larger direct relief payments. do you think this will impact the georgia special elections, brent? >> yeah. i think it's going to have a direct impact, especially when it comes to the defense authorization act. georgia's a big military state, and this is going to be difficult for his allies,
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senators perdue and loeffler, to justify. the trump presidency is a neurosis. we see that neurosis play out in these final weeks of his office where what really matters isn't some kind of fidelity to a principle or politics. it's his entire alwadesire to a the center of attention and to dominate situations even though he's losing at the expense of his friends and allies. so this is what we're experiencing now. >> i'll have to leave it there, show you how bad this has been, you have brett stevens quoting danielle moody and al sharpton reading brett's columns in "the new york times." maybe he does know thousand unite some parts of america. thank you for being with us. coming up, a special
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christmas message from president trump for his dwindling days left in the oval office. i'll be gifting him some words of wisdom. but first, today's top news stories. yasmin, take it away. thank you, rev. stories that we're watching this hour, the coronavirus vaccine rollout is in full swing with over 961,000 doses having been administered in the united states. this as december marked the deadliest month on record for the pandemic. there are more than 18.9 million confirmed cases and more than 330,000 deaths overall. we also have breaking news about the christmas day explosion in nashville, tennessee. nbc news has confirmed that law enforcement officials are searching a home in connection with the bombing. a google street view image of the home shows an rv that matches the rv identically that police say was used in the
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bombing parked in the backyard of a home in antioch, tennessee. our affiliate in nashville says that rv is no longer parked at the address. federal law enforcement officials are investigating whether the owner is, in fact, connected to the blast. also, columbus, ohio, police chief thoums quinlan is calling for the firing of an officer who fatally shot 47-year-old man andre hill earlier this week. body cam footage was released shortly afterwards detailing the confrontation with the unarmed black man. officer adam coy has since been suspended, pending a preliminary investigation. and a woman has suffered serious injuries after her car went over a cliff at fort funston in san francisco on christmas morning. fire crews responded and the woman was taken to a trauma center after being rescued from the overturned vehicle. she is currently in serious condition. it is still unclear how the car did, in fact, go over that cliff. more "politicsnation" with the
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rev after a quick break. he fina my grandfather founded industrial bank in 1934 so black people would have a bank that would work with them. because our doors are open, other doors are opening to more opportunities for our community. we're excited to work with citi, so we can realize our dreams of expanding our reach and impact. citi is committed to working with black-owned banks like industrial, so they can continue to support their clients and communities.
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for this week's memo to trump, i wanted to keep the holiday spirit by comparing the president to a famous christmas character. and i won't lie, mr. president, at first i considered the grinch. after all, your heart and your hands seem to be at least two sizes two small. but i believe in the classics, mr. president, and a good morality tale at christmastime. like "saturday night live" before me, i settled on charles dickens "a christmas carol," with you as the perfect ebenezer scrooge. i hope you'll accept me in lieu of the ghostly spirits as we take a look at your past, present, and future. i'll spare your childhood, mr. president, and we'll go back
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only as far as the early '80s. you were busy trying to force people out of their homes for your own profit during the holiday seasons. according to reporting by "the washington post," you used homeless folks as a threat and banned a lobby christmas tree display, which is both impressively scrooge-like and ironic since, considering your impassioned defense of the holiday during your political career. so let's move on to the more recent past and the last three christmases you spent in the white house. in 2017, instead of enjoying your first holiday season as president, you spent the advent season railing against your made-up war on christmas. in 2018, you presided over a christmas government shutdown, whining about being all alone in the white house while thousands of americans suffered from your hubris, and not content to run
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christmas on a large scale, you challenged a 7-year-old's belief in santa claus in an apparent attempt to spoil the holiday magic one child at a time. and last year you spent christmas enraged about your own impeachment, which bring us us to your christmas present, your final christmas as president, as a lame duck loser, a pathetic shell of a man reduced to pardoning his even more pathetic lackeys. if that's not enough, your veto of the bipartisan covid relief bill has added uncertainty over another government shutdown to the long list of worries americans are already dealing with as a result of your dereliction of duty around the pandemic response. as for your christmas future, well, your guess is as good as mine. i'm not at all an all-knowing
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spirit like mr. dickens masterpiece, but here's my best guess. your legal liability is extensive, mr. president. i'd say best-case scenario, your christmas future will see you as forgotten or a laughing stock. at worst, you'll be in prison. this is the part in a christmas carol where ebenezer scrooge has a change of heart. he becomes imbued with the christmas spirit, overflowing with generosity and love and is forgiven by bob kracht and tiny tim. unfortunately, mr. president, we've seen you show more love to inanimate objects than your fellow man. so i don't think absolution will come so easily, because real life isn't as simple as this christmas morality tale, and the american people have longer
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memories than the victims of ebenezer scrooge's greed. if you want forgiveness, you'll have to start with repentance, a concept you've yet to grasp in your 74 years on this earth. still, 'tis the season. you could try taking responsibility for your cruelty, your greed, and selfishness. as tiny tim so famously cried, god bless us, everyone, because that would be a true christmas miracle. we'll be right back. and take. it. on... ...with rinvoq. rinvoq a once-daily pill... ...can dramatically improve symptoms... rinvoq helps tame pain, stiffness, swelling. and for some... rinvoq can even significantly reduce ra fatigue. that's rinvoq relief. with ra, your overactive immune system attacks your joints. rinvoq regulates it to help stop the attack. rinvoq can lower your ability to fight infections,
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just a few days ago, congress agreed to terms on a massive and much-needed covid relief bill. the deal seems safe enough that the top democrat on the senate's small business committee senator ben cardin told reporters that he expected a new wave of paycheck protection program loans to start rolling out by the new year.
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that was before the president and congressional republicans threw a research into the process with trump threatening to veto the whole package without larger relief checks to americans, a provision that democrats have long supported. but republicans in congress have flatly refused to consider. joining me now is senator ben cardin, democrat of maryland, ranking member of the senate small business committee and member of the senate finance and foreign relations committee. let me go right to it, senator. the nearly $1 trillion covid package is being held up by the president's veto threat. if he doesn't sign it by monday, the government will shut down. what happens during a shutdown in the middle of the transition? and could this last until president-elect biden takes office? >> reverend sharpton, it's good to be with you. this is tragic .
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a shutdown at this particular moment would be devastating to our country in the middle of a pandemic. and the president could pocket veto this bill. he could just hold it until january 2nd. on january 3rd, a new congress takes the oath of office. this is tragic. it's tragic for our economy, it's tragic for dealing with the vaccinations to try to get through this pandemic. i met with small business owners. every day this aid is delayed, more small businesses are going to have to close their doors. congress came together. it's not easy. congress came together. we have a bipartisan package. got 92 votes in the united states senate. and now president trump for his own reasons is being very punitive to the american people. >> now, senator, you tweeted about the president's recent pardons this week, calling them disgraceful and saying the president's actions will, quote, cheapen american democracy. how should we as a country handle this kind of cronyism at
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the highest level of our government? >> well, it has really hurt our national security. pardoning war criminals. here america has shown such global leadership and holding people accountable for atrocities, and this president used it to pardon war criminals, against those who interfered in investigations. he's used the pardon for political favors. he's you'd used the pardon for members of his family making recommendations. you talk about nepotism and cronyism, this president has really stooped to an unbelievably low level on the use of these pardons. >> as we look at it and you're on those committees, as we look at it, small businesses closing, some never to return, all of them goiemploying many people around the country, people sat at their christmas gatherings, which were not large due to the
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pandemic, with total uncertainty of what their future would be. >> this pandemic has been so hard on american families. small businesses have been particularly hard hit, particularly those that depend on large gatherings. this bill that we pass will help them. but every day it's delayed, more small businesses are going to go out of business. unemployment checks stopped yesterday or the day before yesterday, so we're really talking about a real sting to our economy in addition to what has happened as a result of covid-19. this is an unenforced error. this doesn't have to happen. the president could just sign this bill and move on. he needs to recognize that joe biden will be president on january 20th, and he needs to put the american people in view of what he's doing. he's hurting them in his last days in office. >> let me make one thing clear. if the president wanted $2,000 to everyone, which democrats agree to, why didn't he say that
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during the negotiations where mitch mcconnell and your republican colleagues in the senate were fighting to bring down those figures? and why didn't he say that to his white house staff that were part of those negotiations? i mean, why this late entrance by the president to all of a sudden want something that he could have brought up in the middle of the negotiations which would have helped the democrats in wanting to do more? >> the president's negotiating team, the people from the white house made it very clear that the president supported a package that we passed last week, including the $600 payment. he worked to get that into the package. because originally republicans were refusing to put anything into the package and we were able to get the $600 direct payment for all americans. so the president gave a clear signal through his negotiators that he supported this package.
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and now, of course, after it's passed the senate, after it's passed the house, we're now in the last few days of this congress. the president's saying i'm going to hold the whole thing up. it's not that he wants more. he's just trying to mess things up. he recognizes he's lost this election, he's holding on, trying to be relevant, but he's doing it in a way that's hurting our country, hurting our national security, hurting families. mr. president, sign this bill, don't close government, don't cause more harm. >> all right, senator ben cardin, we appreciate your time. coming up, the separation of church and race. the way we talk about race relations in the country has changed. but not everyone is happy about how loud the conversation is. we'll be right back. looking to save money this holiday season?
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. if nothing else, 2020 was the year that anti-racist sentiment was mainstream, with black lives matter signs in suburban yards across the country and major american streets renamed in the movement's image. but the louder conversation on race on the left, there has been inevitable pushback from the right. and a growing battle over the use of critical race theory in our institutions. we know where president trump
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stands. earlier this year he ordered the theory that racism is systemic in american life be removed from federal training, and that, of course, is government, which is secular. and now after a sweeping rejection of critical race theory by its leaders, the nation's largest protestant denomination is wrestling with the literal exodus of black ministers and their flocks. joining me now is the reverend dr. ralph west, founder and senior pastor of church without walls in houston, texas, and the reverend w. franklin richardson, senior pastor of grace baptist church here in new york. i might add for being open, both of them are members of national action network's board. reverend west, let me go to you first. the president of southwestern baptist theological semitheir came out this week defending his
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and five other sbc seminary president statement that critical race theory is incompatible with baptist teaches. at the same time he apologized for, quote, unintentionally offending black pastors. several black ministers are slated to meet with the sbc leadership next month over this split in the convention. what do you think as one who expressed your concern about what they had done, what do you think they'll need to hear to come back? or is that even possible? >> hey, al. how are you doing? thank you for inviting me to be part of it and get right into it. i think what has to happen first is that on the side of the president of the sbc, they need to be truthful and honest. that's first thing, is just tell the truth. the second thing is that they neither have the genuine, robust
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conversation. it's easy to dismiss that there is no systemic racism when you're not african-american, that you're not brown or poor. you ask any person that fits that category, they will tell you that there is something die bollically wrong in institutions and systems. you don't live long without experiencing it. i have personally. i often reflect when i moved into my community, i was welcomed with a shot through the window and racial epithets sketched on the jack nicklaus golf course. even at that, some of my neighbors said these words, and i quote, we just have no idea what they're talking about. it was on the one neighbor that came across the street to say all of us do not think, act, or
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behave like that. it's easy to dismiss racism when you're not black, brown, poor, or marginalized. and so the comments that were made after the writing of the letter, in some ways, really made things worse rather than better. so i'm glad that they will meet with a group of african-americans in the sbc and hopefully they can come -- the only way there's a resolution is that there is a public rerecanting of them saying we were wrong, we change our direction. anything other than that, it won't fly. it won't pass. >> dr. richardson, aside from being a leading churchman, you also chair the conference of national black churches and have a long history of activism. it has always been some forces in the white church as we talk about the black church that were
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resistant to dealing with race and change. the historic letter from a birmingham jail that dr. martin luther king jr. wrote while being jailed in birmingham fighting racism was two white ministers. are are we seeing now even in the 21st century after george floyd the resistance, the same with some leading churchmen in the white community, the largest denomination of propertestants the country? >> the answer is yes. but let me elaborate a little bit to say that this is not new conduct for these denominations. they have often given us rhetoric, rhetoric that is not backed up in actions. there is a merging in america in colleges lick ole mississippi and others of people beginning to rise up and affirming the critical race theory. for these seminary presidents to come out and disown the impact
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of racism on black people is a betrayal of the gospel. not only is it a betrayal of the gospel, but they have failed to demonstrate radical change. the white church was a participant in enslavement and southern baptists apologized for that. but unfortunately they have turned around. this trumpism, this whole mentality of trumpism that has invaded american culture being carried out now in the church and is being carried out in their actions. they want a reversal where we made progress on inclusion. and now they want to turn the clock back and renew the old ideas that race doesn't have anything to do with the condition of people's lives in this country. >> dr. west, you pastor one of if not the largest congregation in texas, three campuses, church
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without walls, it's hard to keep all of them in the walls. and even during the pandemic your virtual following rivals rock stars. so it is difficult for you, who pastor many people in the black community and brown community, of different classes that face racism every day to stand up before your flock and deny what they deal with every day. is it that the white church leaders don't understand the reality? or is it that they are intentionally taking a blind eye to what goes on in american life every day? >> yeah. i think it might be both of them. it's probably both. one is a deliberate denial of what black and brown people experience in america. in another way, it's a matter of insensitivity. you don't have to be a rhodes
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scholar to know if you're sitting in a room with people that have been selected to give leadership and stewardship over theological education, and you dismiss a theory that they ascribed to a couple years earlier saying here is what allows to us look at the conditions of human beings in america, particularly race and institutions. that's not incompatible with the gospel of jesus christ. when our lord made his appearance in his hometown and preached from isaiah's, the spirit of the lord was upon him, he summarized what his ministry was going to be. it was to proclaim the good news of the poor and oppressed, and everybody that was restricted he was going to unlock those doors and set them free. this would be the announcement of the coming of our lord. we are commission today carry out that same gospel. one of the problems with white evangelicalism is they try to
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play the vertical line that salvation is just vertical, it's just up. and at the same time when they cry that, they're always saying something about other areas, for instance, abortion. and they're they'll cry abortio abortion, that they're pro-life. and i'll argue that they're anti-abortion but they're not pro-life. pro-life is life beyond just at birth. what do you do with hospitalization? what do you do with health care, day care, what do you do with education? what do you do with community development and housing and where people are going to live and where they're going eat? that's what pro-life. i tell them i'm apologetic. i'm pro-life from the womb to the tomb. many time they'll sit down and say i'm anti-abortion, the same people that says we are pro-life or the same one that hold up for capital punishment. you can't have it both ways. and race is the same issue. you can't do it.
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either you stand against racism or you standing for racism, period. >> all right. i'm going to have to leave it there. i see you have your book behind you, reverend richardson, "journey with grace." thank you both. up next mix, final thoughts. stay with us. ♪ ♪ irresistibly smooth chocolate. to put the world on pause. lindor. made to melt you. by the lindt master chocolatier.
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christmas is not about what you get. christmas is also about i think even more importantly about what you give. that's why for the last 29 years of the life of action network, we give toys to toddlers and food to adults on christmas eve and christmas day. and yesterday was no exception. thousands of people came as the mayor of new york bill de blasio and public advocate jumaane williams joined us in handing out food bags because we couldn't have them eat there because of the pandemic. but they lined up more than usual because we're in a year where people are facing uncertainty, and many of them working for small businesses facing times where they need a meal on christmas or toy for their kids. i think that it is important that if we really want to
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celebrate the birth of christ, that we feed the sheep and we care for those that he came for, if that is your belief, as it is mine. after doing the work two days, the volunteers we took and had a little dancing and a little fun to thank them for giving up two days with no pay to serve people in the spirit of christ. but even in all of the fun after of those hard days of work, we still remember that andre hill was killed by a policeman in columbus, ohio, the second police killing this month in ohio. we still think of that lady that was humiliated in chicago, made to stand naked as police handcuffed her, having broken in her house, finding out later it was the wrong house and the wrong lady. we still have to fight because
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injustice and bigotry doesn't take a holiday, which is why we work even when the calendar says it's a day off that does it for me. thanks for watching. a quick programing note. sunday is our tenth annual revvie awards. it's where we celebrate the best and worst in 2020 and give awards to those who deserve it. that's tomorrow at 5:00 p.m. eastern. you do not want to miss this year. up next, my colleague alicia menendez picks up our news coverage. ents of color typically do not have access to high quality computer science and stem education. ♪ i joined amazon because i wanted to change education and i am impatient. amazon gives me the resources to change the world at a pace that i want to change it. ♪ we provide students stem scholarships and teachers with support. ♪
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i'm a fighter and i'm fighting for all students. when i was a postal worker we had some tough times. we old timers will often tell how hard we had it. but we never had a year like this. today's postal workers delivered for you, with millions of pieces of vital mail, medicine and packages. 65 million ballots, and now holiday gifts... all during a pandemic. they've made america proud, and deserve all of our support,
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