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tv   Velshi  MSNBC  January 2, 2021 5:00am-6:00am PST

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good morning. it is saturday, january 2nd. happy new year. i'm ali velshi. there are 18 days left until president-elect joe biden's i inaugurati inauguration. the president is cutting his time away from the golf resort by one day. there are four days until scores of republicans forever link
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themselves with the coup attempt. this wednesday, january 6th, congress will convene to certify the results of the electoral college. josh hoawley of missouri and 14 house of republicans will be on to the swing states won by biden. at least 141 republicans are reportedly about to publicly participate in the attempt to reject the voice and will of the people and have the results of our democratically held election overturned lim overturned literally for no other reason that their candidate lost. no voter fraud in any state. talk of it is just that. a sham and scam. every single one of the dozens of lawsuits and claims have been
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profoundly rejected, debunked and denied. including twice at the supreme court. none of these claims have any basis in truth or reality. donald trump's recount in wisconsin resulted in biden getting more votes and winning by an even larger margin. the trump talking point of dead people voting seems to have only been done by republicans as is the case with the pennsylvania republican who allegedly voted for trump not once, for himself and his dead mother and dead mother-in-law. things have gotten so ridiculous, a federal judge was forced to take up and reject the republican attempt led by gohmert to throw out the federal court's 1887 law laying out how congress handles vote counting with the goal of giving vice president pence power to overturn the results of the
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presidential election. this ridiculous lawsuit sought to give sole power of the united states president to one man who could reject the will of the people and decide who he wants to lead the country. these republicans are trying to rewrite the rules because their candidate lost. this is a coup attempt. it continues to come during the out of control pandemic for a wanna-be dictator where we are losing thousands of americans every day. 349,000 americans are now dead from covid-19. a number that gets worse every day. december was the deadliest month of the pandemic by a long shot. with more than 77,000 dead just last month alone. 77,000. the number of americans who died in december more than doubled from the month before. there were more deaths in
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december than october and november combined. the country surpassed 20 million cases of covid-19. more than 100,000 new covid cases in the united states every day in december and much of the month it was closer to 200,000. now the contagious variant first detected in the united kingdom is now hereis likely everywhere. hospitalizations are at record levels and growing. in some states, icus are filled with hospitals in california saying they will need to ration care. we're still in store for the spike from december holidays expected in the next few weeks. on the vaccine front, the negligence appears to have disastrous consequences. the outgoing president promised the american people that 100 million vaccine doses would ship by the end of 2020.
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in december, the outgoing administration admitted it was a lie. closer to 50 million vaccine doses. in fact, 14 million doses were delivered. with only about 2.6 million people receiving one of the two necessary doses. the outgoing administration has a litany of executicuses. blaming the weather and holiday which is no surprise. here is how badly behind we are. review by nbc news shows america's current rate, it would take almost ten years to vaccinate to crush the virus. during the rambling propaganda video posted to social media on new year's eve, the outgoing president bragged about the vaccine and claiming sole responsibility for the medical miracle and years from now they
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will be talking about it. they will talk about the great thing we did with the vaccines before concluding everyone is calling to thank me. it doesn't surprise me. donald trump told me to my face in 2016 that muslims were calling him to thank him for his proposed muslim ban. it is a reflectix line for him n he lies. the vaccination program nationwide is a lie. the only program is the federal government delivering and failing to deliver the drooses the states who are left to figure it out on their own. it is no wonder the rollout is off to an ineffective start with issues in several states. including sabotage in wisconsin. people given the wrong treatment in west virginia and seniors in florida told to line up for hours in the cold and rain like cattle.
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as mitt romney said, they have not been developed at the federal level and sent to states is incomprehensible and inn excusable. he is right. joining me now is dr. camara jones. she spent time working for the cdc. they is the former president of the american public health association. the author of the piece in the washington post. dr. jones, thank you for being with us. >> thank you for having me. >> dr. jones, you have written about and people talked about the inequity of health availability and access to health care in the united states. we were all talking for months how we are not going to let that happen here. black and brown people and i impoverished communities and
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multigenerational households would all get the vaccine the same way. that's not happening. >> no, it's not happening. it is not even written into the prioritization phasing. the phase 1-a, health care workers and to folks at long-term care facilities doesn't follow the national academy of science recommendation that long-term care facilities in the same category you think of people in prisons or detention centers or jails. you think about people in homeless shelters. i agree that we need to get the health care workers first. we also need to address people who are in long-term care facilities, but expanded definition. the problem is the states are left on their own once they get the vaccine to use whatever guidance comes from the cdc and interpreted. that samecademy of
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science framework suggest they use a vulnerability index. the cdc social index or covid community index to look at all of the communities in the state and those that are at the 25% highest vulnerability are the ones to get the vaccine in any group first. within the long-term care facilities first or next tier. people 75 and older and other essential workers. that's still within those categories. those in the most vulnerable communities be given the vaccine first. >> you are an epidemiologist. you, like others, expect a variant or mutation. the idea if we were on the vaccine schedule that we had been promised, at least that would have helped. you talk about vulnerability. people in closed situations like long-term care facilities or
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prisoners and detainees. i'm very worried that once this new strain gets to them, people are confused. they think because it is not more deadly, but contagious, that is not as bad. it is substantially worse from the especialpidemiology perspec? >> that's true. the fact it is more contagious means that what it is saying is that given no other controls, this virus will instead of doubling in five days, it doubles in three days. people don't understand exponential spread. what we are seeing is not just a post-thanksgiving surge and post-christmas surge, but exponential spread. it will not die out on its own. in addition to the vaccine, we need to be very, very strong on our public health interventions because the vaccine, in my mind, if this is a raging fire, the
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vaccine is like a fire resistant garment for person by person. you know, firefighters, when they have on the garment, they don't get to the fire and stand in a circle and hope the fire dies out. they act. we in this pandemic, we are all firefighters. as we get our individual garments of the vaccine, we also need to act as individuals with our masking and our physical distancing and avoiding crowds. staying home as much as possible and ask government to give us the equipment. the water we need and fire trucks and helicopters and powder to put on raging fires so the government interventions will be paying people as many people as possible to stay home. make sure those who go to work and go to work safely with all of the protective equipment they need. >> can you just imagine if we had followed these protocols that people like you have been
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talking about since day one? i had this discussion since march. you knew this all along and we could have done this differently. dr. jones, thank you. we have more to discuss. i would like to have you back on to talk about it. dr. camara jones. epidemiologist and former president of the american public health association. we need to treat it like firefighters. joining me now is lieutenant general russel honore. the disaster in 2005. that is him on the right. honore was given control of relief efforts across the region. ray nagin then at the time said this. he came off the chopper and started cussing and people started moving. president bush sent one john wayne dude down here. i believe general honore is here
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with us on the phone. we need to treat this like we're fighting a fire. in your words, we need to treat this like the military. go in and help people get this vaccine into their arms. >> absolutely. ali, we need a national strategy. we need to turn this into full federaling with the states. we have been caught up in the political season now as this virus attacked. the holiday season. we could be looking at 5,000 dead a day by the end of january. we have to come up and president-elect joe biden has to have his plan in place and on the afternoon after taking his oath, they need to change the leadership in the pentagon and put a former secretary of defense in there like colin and
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mobilize the nation. military active and national guard with specific instructions to governors. right now, the weak link in the chain, if you get the shot to the states, the state is not prepared to get the shot. the excuse is they don't have the resources. bs. they have the resources. send that money they have to set up the areas to get the shots. with the national guard forming with state public health and cdc and hhs and set up 24/7 shot operations. the virus is attacking 24/7. we are giving shots from 8:00 to 4:00 in the back door of some hospital. that's bs, ali. we need to move forward. i pleaded with the doctor to
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pr proceed. 5,000 a day dead. that is more that died in 9/11. this is ridiculous. we have to move forward. >> general honore. i have talked about, you know, crossing the rubicon and the army is not supposed to be used against the people. that is something the president is thinking about as he calls for a rally in washington and at an excuse to mobilize the national guard from maryland like he did last time. the military and national guard and army can be used as we saw in 2005 in joint force katrina is do the things that they can do better than anywhere else. when you bring the army corps of engineers in like in 2005 to deal with the dams and levees. when they brought you in and said let's rescue people and do the things that otherwise can't
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be done. this is that moment. are you puzzled as to why we don't have tents out like we did during small pox to get everybody vaccinated? >> yes. i think we got caught up in the political season. we need to transform the government. we have to do this. we have the capacity to do this. warp speed will get the shots to the states. we have states like florida telling elderly people first come first serve. we have states like texas telling them you are on your own. in florida, they let every county establish their own protocol. that will not work. it does not instill confidence in the american people that we can run a shot program like israel. or like the state of west virginia. mobilized its guard and had a joint task force. they have given more shots than
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anybody per capita. ali, we have to fix this. president biden. he cannot give an order. he better be talking through his plan and talking publicly so on the afternoon after he takes office, it is not about inauguration. it is about getting the operation mobilized and get shots in people's arms. that's got to be job one, ali. >> general honore. thank you for what reminding us. the former commander of joint task force katrina. congress voted to overturn the veto of the authorization act. the first veto of the presidency. he issued that in part because it authorized the renaming of the military bases currently named after confederate soldiers. later, the senate adjourned squashing the efforts to raise
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the stimulus checks to $2,000. i'll have more on that late neither show. this next story may make you angry. millions of americans during the pandemic were hungry and losing their jobs and struggling to keep the roofs over their head, 56 people in the united states became billionaires. how a handful of people are hoarding america's wealth. e are hoarding america's wealth. up at 2:00am again? tonight, try pure zzzs all night.
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we got down to one meal a day that we were sharing. then i realized that would last another week and a half. i just started giving the meals to my mom. she would have half a meal. i would eat spoonfuls of peanut butter. i don't understand how this is america. this is not how the country works. >> that is evan fowler. i spoke with him last month when the go fund me page was the only relief he found for himself and ailing mother. i read the letter on air and you responded by sending him money so they can stay in their apartment and eat. he was eating peanut butter for dinner and others lost jobs. the united states minted more than 50 new billionaires. sounds like a parallel universe. he was right.
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this is not how america should work. this is america. during the most devastating and unstable year in history, the rich got richer and poor got poorer. the united states gained 56 new billionaires bringing the total to 659. the wealth held by that small group of americans has jumped by $1 trillion in the months since the pandemic began. $1 trillion. according to data compiled by forbes, the billionaires hold roughly $4 trillion in net worth. that is double the 165 million poorest americans are worth collectively. 165 million on one side of this. a handful of americans are hoarding the wealth while the rest is being left behind. wall street closed the year with record highs. making the people who were
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already rich, even richer. nbc news colleague martha c. white said the stock market ended 2020 immune from the contagion on main street businesses. i said this before and always again. the stock market is not the economy. the pandemic has distorted economic reality and amplified the inequity. jeff bezos is one of the billionaires who profited off the pandemic. bezos got $90 billion richer since march. according to the non-profit consumer association, bezos could pay every single one of his amazon employees $105,000 and still be as rich as he was before the pandemic. clearly he will not do that. here is math for you. $600. congress agreed to give struggling americans breaks down to $1.64 per day for the year. no wonder people like evan
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fouler are resorting to peanut butter in lieu of proper meals. we must do better in 2021. the outgoing president and republican party are having trouble with that. coming up, the latest ploy on the coup to overturn the election results. and the first ever house chaplain. margaret grun kibben is the first to serve in either chamber of congress. she served as the chief navy chaplain. she will be responsible or opening house proceedings with the prayer. her integrity will serve the congress and the country well. r. u this aveeno® moisturizer goes beyond just soothing sensitive skin? exactly jen! calm + restore oat gel was designed for sensitive skin. uh! it's incredible! we formulated it with a super nurturing ingredient.
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prebiotic oat. it soothes skin and strengthens its moisture barrier, too. uh! i love it! i love it! aveeno® healthy. it's our nature.™ oh. wait! wait! sabrina! there's a serum, too? of course, there is. of course, there is. i knew that.
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we're 18 days away from
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swearing in biden as the next president of the united states. the republicans attempt to overturn the results. election. this coming wednesday, the republicans will make objections from the votes of the electoral college. votes cast 306-232 in favor of the biden/harris ticket. as many as 140 house gop will join to contest the election results followed by josh hawley in the senate. then chambers need to vote and come to the same conclusion and that will not happen. the measure will not pass in the senate where most of the senators from the gop are put in the position to vote against the move to make president trump president again. the last ditch coup attempt will not go anywhere. among them is ben sasse. he called the plan to contest
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the results a dangerous ploy led by lawmakers who are playing with fire. the gravity of what could take place could be understood after mitch mcconnell told his conference this week that his vote on certification of the election could be quote the most consequen con sequence of his time. and the trump campaign has lost every court case it brought. our courts have yet again upheld democracy after the judge rejected gohmert's claim that mike pence can ignore the electoral vote. he can essentially decide the election himself. the case got thrown out last night as expected. nonetheless, trump and his
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conspiri conspirists claim. let's talk about this with kimberly atkins. congratulations, kimberly. great to see you. i don't know if i lied to my audience by telling them the end is neigh. the last thing to happen is this wednesday in congress. i don't know what else republicans have up their sleeves. in theory, by the time congress votes to confirm the electoral college slate or if they drag it out, that should be it until inauguration. >> that should be. what i expect is republicans who support the effort by donald trump to overturn a free and fair election will continue. at the very least, they will continue to say that something
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went wrong. try to convince the americans who support them that there was some fraud that was committed although every stitch of evidence we have seen points to the contrary. ali, i appreciate the way you describe the lawsuits and other efforts. they are not long shots. they are not last ditch. they are false and frivolous. democracy worked. i think one thing americans need to keep in mind watching these efforts. democracies are strong and the framers made the constitution and other documents with protecting democracy in mind from everything including tyrants. it only survives if people protect it. what i will be looking for are the people who speak out to protect congress. you mentioned ben sasse. there are republicans like him and mitt romney and adam
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kinzinger who have been speaking truthfully about this. that is important to protect democracy. >> part of the issue here is that josh hawley is thinking he will run for president in 2024. he seems to be laying ground work to take over trump supporters. you know, by aligning himself with trump and a vast network of conspiracy theories and qanon sp supporters. the senators you are talking about are conservative republicans and think a real republican party should show its head again. >> i think that is tis true. a lot of the people supporting the frivolous efforts were until a couple of years ago were considered conservative republicans. this is a big problem with the republican party. they are no longer led by
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principles or conservatism. they are led by whoever is the strongest man within the party. we have seen that shift from more establishment republicans to the tea party. we have seen the ebbing and flowing a few years now. then donald trump comes in and since the beginning of his time in the public arena has clearly only been interested in serving himself at the expense of everything else including democracy to have people back him and declare him the head of the party and seeing that shift is really an existential threat to the party. it is tough to see where it goes. it is tough to see where in the party there is room for people like senator sasse. this is not just a critical moment for democracy, but a party really in peril right now. >> kimberly, good to see you. thank you for joining us. kimberly atkins. she is an msnbc contributor. the lieutenant governor of
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texas, dan patrick, offered a $1 million reward for anyone who could provide evidence of voter fraud. two months later, despite the fraud allegations, dan patrick hasn't given that reward money. one person is unhappy about that. one in pennsylvania wants the cash. he found voter fraud committed by republicans who committed illegally in the election. joining me now is lieutenant governor john fetterman. look at him. does he look $2 million richer? he found fraud. lieutenant governor, good to see you. talk to me about what you have found in terms of voter fraud in pennsylvania. >> my counterpart in texas, as you mentioned, put out the handsome reward. $1 million for voter fraud. he did not specify where or which party. i said, hey, dude.
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we have three case of it in pennsylvania. where is our handsome reward? all three of those cases involved, two of them dead mom voting for the president. the other one involves a living democrat's son having his ballot cast on behalf of the president. while that is hilarious, it is also emblematic of how rare it is to perpetrate voter fraud. >> the president is really focused on pennsylvania along with michigan, wisconsin and georgia. he keeps going at it. he tweeted last night how he is really the president and if everybody in the states would do their job, that would be the case. he said the voting is illegal and invalid and should include the two senate elections. wisconsin's voters not asking for applications invalidates the
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election. all of this without discussing the fraud votes cast or altered. he claims there is a momevementn pennsylvania to uncover the fact there were more votes cast than actually voters. what do you know? >> oh, well, yeah. we have our group of snakehandlers. i say about 15 or so tried to turn this into something it really isn't. it is a tiny fraction of the republican caucus here in pennsylvania. what is so wonderfully ironic about that is it would invalidate their own standing as representatives or senators if this were true. we haven't sworn everyone in. we will do that tuesday in harrisburg. of course, it is illogical. so is carnival barking. it never stopped them before. >> what is the effect of this? it is remarkable this continues. you think after a few lawsuits they would get the point.
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it has been more than 50 lawsuits. none where they granted relief except recounts. this is pointless and it continues. the effort will continue to washington on wednesday when the president is, in fact, inviting people to come there for a rally to protest the mundane counting of the electoral votes. >> i think it is wonderful, personally. it will all conclude with the supernova of completion for the gop. i hope they investigate. i'm concerned. how did the president secure 100% of the dead mom vote in our commonwelt commonwealth? i think we will have a lot of clarity. it is a mathematical certainty what will happen on the 6th. everybody knows that, including the president. if you want some sad piece of performance art before you go out, that is up to them. i hope they all vote for it, frankly. like i said, it is going to be a
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supernova of final humiliation. >> you pointed out, by the way, the state representatives in pennsylvania making the allegations, snake handlers, they all voted by mail. >> of course they did. they are claiming the own election with zero fraud. the people love me. i won my race. of course it is illogical. that is the national past time within the gop fringe. a raging sycophant. that is how it is rule eis rolle last two months. i hope they all vote on the 6th. it is all going down. >> if you were on with me the other day, this is inside baseball. folks in pennsylvania who felt you wanted your $2 million from dan patrick in sheets gift
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cards. wawa people wanted to split the two. >> i represent all of pennsylvania. i have said that we will go half. half in wawa gift certificates and half in sheets. i represent all of pennsylvania. if dead beat dan pays up, that is how it will go. >> good to see you, sir. lieutenant governor john fetterman. >> thanks for having me on. a group of mostly millionaires who are republican united states senators are arguing over to give the american people $2,000 instead of $600. republicans love to cry sociali socialism, but socialism is not giving people a meager $2,000 to pay bills. senator bernie sanders explains it. >> talk about socialism for the rich. it is not the bill that puts $2,000 into working class hands all over the country.
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that ain't socialism for the rich. this is socialism for the rich in the bill. here is jeff bezos' company. amazon. they received a tax rebate. they paid nothing in 2018 in federal taxes. that's a corrupt tax system to begin with. on top of that, they received $129 million as a tax rebate. that, senator thune, is what is socialism for the rich. cialism h oren... then easily and automatically pay your team and file payroll taxes. that means... world domination! or just the west side. run payroll in less than five minutes with intuit quickbooks.
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this week, the house of representatives approved giving millions of americans $2,000 relief checks rather than the agreed upon $600. that is a big deal. $2,000 checks could ease the pain long enough that this is the good our government can do
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in moments like these. so, of course, the bipartisan bill was met by mitch mcconnell with the words the senate is not going to be bullied into rushing out more borrowed money into the hands of democrats rich friends who don't need the help. what is rich is mitch mcconnell, estimated to be around the ninth wealthiest person in congress and makes $193,000 a year talking about rich friends. starting with the 1,2$1,200 che in march and now we are talking over $11.85 a day. let's do saturday morning math. the relief bill as it stands with the $600 relief checks totals $900 billion. increasing the checks to $2,000 would cost additional $464 billion. that would be a total of $1.36
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trillion in relief. $1.3 trillion is not a lot of money. it is a lot of money, i should say, but a lot less than the $2.3 trillion cost of the trump tax cuts that took mitch mcconnell less time to get on board with and benefitted fewer people in need. the tax cuts which actually mostly benefitted corporations and the rich, had overwhelming republican support in the senate. this democratic bill to increase payments to $2,000 won't get a vote in the republican controlled senate which mcconnell brags where bills go to die. when you are as wealthy as mitch mcconnell, estimate estimatesed worth more than $35 million. you cannot choose between food or the electric bill. when paying extra for masks and sanitizers is not extra money. congress is an exclusive club. we are not expecting miracles. a little basic empathy will
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understand that many workers and small businesses, there is no extra money. no deep well to keep paying the rent and buying the groceries. i. did you know you can go to
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even after multiple touches. try microban 24. this has been medifacts for microban 24. as americans, one of the most important things we can do is vote. our civic duty. the nation's democracy is hanging by a thread as georgia will hold a pair of runoffs on tuesday. early voting has become the way to do it in the state. as of friday morning, over 3 million people in georgia have voted early by absentee or in person. that comes very close to the 3.9 million folks who voted early in november's election. roughly 5 million georgians in total voted in the 2020 race early and on election day. voting is your right. the right that georgia republicans are challenging in that state.
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georgia senate republican caucus says it will work to reform election laws by proposing new legislation to eliminate no excuse absentee voting because of false claims it is rife with fraud. in georgia is not a new concept. it been used since 2005 when it was introduced and passed by guess who, the state's republican party. but back then a majority of mail-in ballots are republicans. now it appear republicans are hating the players and the game because according this them voting is only good and no excuse voting is only good as long as republicans win. biden received more than 400,000 more mail-in votes than trump did and in the end won the state by 12,000 votes. if you take out absentee votes, trump might have won the state. now resiliency is on the ballot in georgia. joining me, an msnbc
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contributor. jelani, i'm fascinated by the idea that reforming voting means taking away no excuse absentee voting. it does seem like the rules only change if black people vote too much and for someone else. >> that's pretty much it. and also we have to say right at the top that this is clearly part of a legacy of the voting rights act being essentially gutted by the decision in 2013. and this kind of legislation, this type of change in voting would have typically gone before a federal judiciary to see if it has any discriminatory impact. that doesn't happen now. so you can see there's this chang in the voting particularlies and policies afoot in direct relationship to the changing demographic in
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georgia and the extent to which those people are now coming out to vote. >> you wrote a piece in the "new yorker" that says american elections are vulnerable, not just in the ways that some republicans in georgia are claiming. donald trump has already tweeted last night that the runoff election in georgia on tuesday is illegitimate. i don't know why he's bothering to campaign there if that's the case. it's illegal and invalid and would include the two senatorial elections. talk to me about this. >> first of all, this is a profoundly dangerous thing to say, profoundly dangerous. because you are potentially delegitimizing two democratic
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senators. and we've seen people flirting with violence in response to these kinds of statements. it's really amazingly irresponsible and profoundly dangerous. aside from that, it has political implications. this is effectively the new birtherism. people were saying that they didn't have to listen to barack obama because he wasn't actually a citizen, that he was not to be accorded the rights and respect of the presidency because he wasn't a legitimate president in the first place and you're now seeing the same such things being cast on joe biden's win, as well as potentially the win of two democratic senators if they can pull it out in georgia. so it is essentially leveling the playing field or tilting the playing field such that democrat wins are never considered to be legitimate.
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>> so gejelani -- i'm going to t the control room know there's something wrong with the audio. they're calling for a rally in washington. some people think it's a pretext, his supporters will come out, others will come out, that i am get into a fight, maybe he'll be able to bring out the maryland national guard or maybe it's a pretext to bring out the military and engage in this marshal law thing. you and i are both supporters of the right to protest in this country, but what do you recommend for people on wednesday? >> i think that it's probably likely energy better spent for people who are interested in these things looking at what's happening in georgia to see what they can do to see if they can bring out people voting in georgia, pressure the senate to mack a move on the potential $2,000 addition to the stimulus. those are things that are think
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are much fundamentally more useful than republic responding to whatever it is that's going to happen, which is going to be likely a pure debacle. >> what happens after this? what do we take from this whole experiment in 2020 in disenfranchising people? how do we fix this so it never happens again? >> i think we're going to have to have a reckoning. one of the things that donald trump did unintentionally, he pulled back the covers on the voter fraud thing. republicans could trot out the argument again and again and again. but now because trump has dragged these allegations out into the bright sunlight of the day and people have gone through the election with a fine tooth comb, that excuse has really been laid bare as invalid. maybe we'll see people trotting
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this out and having an increasingly difficult time. these cases that have been struck down in many instances have been struck down by republican-appointed judges this is simply partisan. this is not pure partisanship. >> good to see you as always. thank you for joining me. >> speaking of georgia runoffs, this morning my colleague tiffany cross will speak with reverend rafael warnock. and watch on tuesday for special coverage of the georgia runoffs that will determine the control of the senate. the great steve kornacki back at the big board. coming up in the next hour, we'll take a lock back at the year that transformed the
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conversation on racial justice and how the movement will carry momentum into 2021. "velshi" continues after a quick break. "velshi" continues after a quick break. over four hundred national parks protected. in fact, subaru and our retailers will have proudly donated over two hundred million dollars to national and hometown charities through the subaru share the love event. (vo) get 0% for 63 months and subaru will donate 250 dollars to charity. vicks vapopatch. easy to wear with soothing vicks vapors for her, for you, for the whole family. trusted soothing vapors, from vicks
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good morning and happy new year. it's saturday, january 2nd. i'm ali velshi. covid cases continue to climate alarming rates. on


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