tv Politics Nation MSNBC January 3, 2021 2:00pm-3:00pm PST
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good evening and welcome to "politics nation." tonight's lead? reckoning. it was unsuspected that 2021 would be so contentious before its first week even began. but even with the trump era down to its final days, our democracy remains hostage. and the president is still expecting ransoms. the bombshell news today that he tried to get georgia's republican secretary of state to literally find enough votes to flip the state in his favor. >> the people of georgia are range, the people of the country are angry, and there's nothing
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wrong with saying that you've recalculated. so, look, all i want to do is this. i just want to find 11,780 votes, which is one more than we have. because we won the state. >> where the president isn't pushing a coup himself, his partners in congress are doing it for him. a dozen republican senators now declaring that they will obstruct the certificate of joe biden as donald trump's ouster in wednesday's joint sessions of congress, calling for a last-minute audit in states where republicans insist, without evidence, that disputes were credible. two months after the election and after dozens of failed lawsuits. of course, the white house is obliging the obstruction.
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vice president mike pence already welcoming the efforts of those senators as he goes into the joint session over which he will preside. the president is reduced to tweeting in support of the support ahead of the rally for georgia's gop senate candidates, david perdue and kelly loeffler. and the georgia senate race cast a long shadow over the new congress that was sworn in today. the prospect of a democratic senate offering a potentially easier path for nancy pelosi, who was re-elected house speaker just moments ago, and no doubt watching the runoffs closely, i'm sure. but i want to take a moment to evoke some of my own dealings in georgia, because make no mistake, the showdown in the peach state is a testament to the black vote. and the longstanding work of the
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activist community harvested by the democratic party to give biden his first certified win in november. and now driving yet another record turnout in georgia is the largest early vote ever. that is, of course, to say nothing of the actual consequences of democratic victories in those senate races as both president trump and his collaborators find themselves the subject of a legacy undone. joining me now, governor of new york, andrew cuomo. thank you for joining us, governor. >> good to be with you, reverend. happy new year. >> happy new year to you. governor cuomo, something that kind of outraged me i want to go to first. i want to play a little more of that audio from the top. president trump leaning on georgia officials to basically give him a win there.
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listen to this. >> we won the election, and it's not fair to take it away from us like this. and it's going to be very costly in many ways, and i think you have to say that you're going to reexamine it and you can reexamine it, but reexamine it with people that want to find answers, not people that don't want to find answers. >> now, i've known you a long time. how would you, as governor, react if you heard that the president was trying to lean on your state officials like that? >> well, reverend, as shocking and disappointing as it is, the movie is going to end the way the movie started, right? this is a president who never respected the position, who never respected the law. that happens for four years, and that's why he's no longer going to be the president.
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i think they're desperate, they're clearly desperate. the election is over, i think it's pointless. but yeah, that conversation is right on the line of ethics or legality. it sounds like find the votes, it sound like he's suggesting the secretary of state commit election fraud, and an aggressive prosecutor could say there was a conspiracy to commit election fraud. you can't find votes. that doesn't happen. people cast votes and you count them. you don't find them. >> you and i worked a lot down through the years of trying to get people to register to vote, get people to come out to vote, and how disheartening is this to hear people that have already been cynical about voting that we finally got some enthusiasm
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of chicanery of donald trump that's coming out of the president of the united states. >> i'm trying to find the positive, right, because we've seen enough darkness. the good news is it was rejected. these tactics of the president is not new. this telephone conversation is not new. he has violated the law, in my opinion, all through his presidency. the good news is the people of this country realized it, rejected it, came out, voted in record numbers and he lost. but i don't see his behavior here as anything different than he has done for four years, i'll tell you the truth. they're more desperate about it. they're looking at the clock and they're counting the days, but it's not new, rev. it's what they've done from day one. >> and i join you in giving credit to the people, as well as to the republican officials that resisted this, republican
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officials in georgia. governor, i understand, and why i asked you to come on, you have some big news regarding the vaccine in your own efforts to calm fears, particularly in the black and latino, in the latin-x communities and distribution in new york. a lot of us have been unfair about distribution and you have news in that area. >> reverend, we should be aware of fair distribution. covid has shown us the injustices we have in society, the socio and economic injustices. blacks died at twice the rate of whites during covid. the hispanic community died at 1.5 times the rate. higher infekction rate in black and hispanic and poor communities and less covid testing, because these are health care deserts and there
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were underlying health care disparities. we're now going to do the vaccine. let's learn in 2021, and let's understand that we need to have special efforts to reach out to these communities. i don't think there's been enough focus on this, frankly. if we just do the vaccine the way they're talking about doing the vaccine, frankly, richer people, white people, they'll find the vaccine. it's going to be the poor communities that are left behind. so what i said is, here's my statement. i'm not going to take the vaccine until the same people are eligible and it is available in the black and hispanic and poor communities in this state. that's where the focus has to be. it was a terrible injustice during covid. it has to be corrected during the vaccination process, and we'll do it in this state and it should be done nationwide. >> so you are not going to do the vaccine until you're sure that those communities have access to the vaccine, and
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you'll do it at the time that they can do it as well? >> that is exactly right. you know, i understand the elected officials, they're taking it first. i'm theoretically an essential worker, i could take it first. i think there's something to that statement, that you want to show people it's safe, and i agree with that. my mother, matilda, who you know, is going to turn 90 years old. don't tell anyone i said that. but she is going to take it as soon as she's available. but i want to make a different statement. i want to say that i'm going to take it when it's available to my group, my age group, and the black, hispanic and poor communities in this state. because there hasn't been enough focus on coming up with special efforts to get it into those communities. the covid testing never got into those communities. health care treatment has never gotten into those communities.
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let's learn in 2021. it has to be a conscious effort and that's where our focus should be. >> i think that's a big statement. that's big news coming from the governor of new york, and i think that when you do get to that measure and decide to do it and do it publicly, that makes a statement that a lot of people should acknowledge. you're right, there has been neglect in covid testing and in vaccines, and i think you setting the bar there, i think, has some serious implications for those of us who have been raising this issue. >> yeah, and rev, you know, at one point you put your money where your mouth is, right? don't get me wrong, i believe in the vaccine, i want to take the vaccine. i'm over 40 years old. i know it's hard to tell. i move around a lot, i see a lot of people, and i would like the comfort of having the vaccine.
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but more, i want to make the point, everyone feels that way. not just governors and congress people and big shots. it has to be available to everyone fairly. so i'll take it when it is available to the poor communities and the south bronx and the east side of buffalo, et cetera. but it has to be a p -- everywhere. how do you explain the rate of death in the black community? how do you explain that? let's learn and let's move on and that's what 2021 is all about. >> all right, new york governor andrew cuomo. certainly that is a big statement you made tonight. thank you for joining us, and i've known you probably 40 years. i could say you are over 40 years old. joining me now is the newest
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sworn-in congresswoman of new jersey, cory bush. thank you for joining us on a day you were sworn in, by the way. >> yeah, so actually we're waiting. we're waiting to be sworn in second now. >> i'm glad you dashed to do us and go back to your swearing in. i wanted to play a bit more of that audio. >> we won the election, and it's not fair to take it away from us like this. and it's going to be very costly in many ways, and i think you have to say that you're going to reexamine it and you can reexamine it, but reexamine it with people that want to find answers, not people that don't want to find answers. >> howwhen you have a president
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leaning on a secretary of state and implicitly saying that they want to try and direct some members of congress by encouraging many people who have questions about voting. the signal this sends, how do you respond to this with the president of the united states? >> it can't be the president pushing something, especially when there is no evidence to the fact. what we know is there was a widespread voter fraud. let it go, the people of president donald trump. let it go. the issue is, when you continue to push this, then you're feeding into the notion that our
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votes don't count because they won't be counted properly. but then we're also talking about some of the same people who are the kings and queens of voter suppression in their own community. we need him to move on. do what you do. you have a few more days, go do that. we'll take over that. we will take over. president-elect joe biden and vice president-elect kamala harris and all of us that will be sworn in today, we got this. >> let me show you some data from the brooklyn institute on the impact of the black vote in three republican states, and in georgia 33% make up the black
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population, michigan has 14%, pennsylvania, 12%. so you had these states where black voters couldn't be suppressed in handing joe biden his victory. the results they made possible at a historic peril to themselves is being denied now. >> we can't turn our heads and, you know, not acknowledge all the work that was done by so many groups and organizations, from the grassroots and up. so many people that were part of the protests over the summer and that did the work. those groups that were showing up and are still so much. people who showed up at the very first, we're not going to throw that away. and how dare he think that's okay, but then to go to another
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elected official. so to go fish for these 11,000 votes, it is dishonorable on his far and the thing is, you have to tuck your tail and walk away, anyway, you might as well keep the bit that you still have recall. >> you're going to support a black lives matter opinion. >> since we're still in a covid-19 relief, ufts sochlt we have to make sure that's in
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place because i'm fighting for the $2,000 recurring payments to our people. that has to happen. then we have to look at the conditions people were in pre-covid. definitely making sure the criminal legal system is forefront of poverty. $15.80 minimum wage rkts making sure that you have turnld. making sure they have the resources they need, the tutors, the equipment, that's what we have to do right now. and making sure the resources are there for them to be able to eat. some children, that was their
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meal for the day, just being able to go to school. speak up, though, the people who understand all these pieces what poverty really looks like and fooelz like, wefl. where i come flrks it it. tlal tha logical keechlt. if you are working with people who have not worked with the working poor or have never worked, people living with a chronic illness, if you're not looking at all of this, then your work is not done. i have to get sworn in. >> you have a background in nursing so you look at this from a different vantage point, even from understanding the health side, as well as those health
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deserts. and with education, as you said, the broadband deserts, when they tell people, just take your schooling at home, that's impossible for youngsters that live in areas that, as you raised with broadband deserts, because they can't go on line if there's no broadband where they are, no fault of theirs, no fault of their parents. >> exactly. we talk from that standpoint, we look at the entire person but also their situation, their surroundings. so i can make sure you're good while you're in my chair, but what home life do you go into? do you have safe housing, clean water -- i have to go get sworn in. i can't miss this. >> you have to go get sworn in. again, congratulations, congresswoman cori bush. thank you very much. coming up, this soon to be
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abu mahdi in iran. i in iran. or they don't remember things as vividly as they once did. i've been taking prevagen for about three years now. people say to me periodically, "man, you've got a memory like an elephant." it's really, really helped me tremendously. prevagen. healthier brain. better life. for double the protein on footlong subs and the new protein bowls. and if you want to go pro like marshawn, don't let anything get in your way. here we go! yeah, appreciate you, man! go pro and get double the protein for just $2 more.
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starting a special two-part series about trump's dirty dozen. with all the turnovers, resignations and firings in this administration, i wanted to make sure we remembered those with the dubious distinction of sticking around for all four years. these people have at worst carried out some of the most
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corrupt and evil acts undertaken by this president, and at best, they stayed quiet, complicit and employed. let's start with treasury secretary steve mnuchin. perhaps best known for posing in this photo with his wife at the u.s. mint looking like comic book villains. mnuchin started his tenure in the trump administration by misleading the public about the republican tax bill and ended it by pulling the plug on essential lending programs in the middle of a pandemic. meanwhile, commerce secretary wilbur ross has mostly managed to fly under the radar when he can stay awake. but his finances have been under federal investigation for years. he served on a chinese board while running the disastrous u.s.-china trade war. and he's leaving office while being investigated for possible
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census malfeasance. former director and secretary of state mike pompeo brought this country to the brink of war with iran a year ago, and he's spending his final weeks in the trump administration trying to boost his own political reputation for a possible future presidential run. then we have mick mulvaney, o and b director, probably the most ominous part of his life came before he joined the trump administration, when he called trump, quote, a terrible human being. unfortunately, he quickly became a sycophant, saying we were overreacting to coronavirus, a pandemic that has cost more than 360,000 american lives. white house social media director dscovina started out a
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president trump's golf caddy and now he's even got mims reprimanded from discussing campaigning with house politics. finally, there's ben carson who started his tenure as a trump administration employee by claiming povr eitherty is a sta mind, then had to cancel a $31,000 dining table and chairs for his office. a few months after that, carson had to walk back his cool plan to triple rents on the nation's poorest americans. in just over two weeks, these people are going to try to melt back into polite society, and we can't let them. there has to be consequences,
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there must be consequences for their actions or we'll send them higher back into the next republican administration, whenever that may be. but keep in mind, this was only the first half dozen corrupt trump officials, i'll name the rest in the coming weeks. so to mnuchin, ross, pompeo, mulvaney, scovina and koscarson i'll be watching you. you don't get to serve a tyrant for four years and then quiet acceptance from a nation you worked to tear apart. i'll keep reminding the public of your corruption, your silence and your complicity for the rest of your lives no matter where you are, no matter where you turn. i gotcha. i gotcha -versus only 16 grams in ensure® high protein. and now enjoy boost® high protein in café mocha flavor.
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by that i mean it will be the first time this year i traveled to memorialize an unarmed black person shot to death by police. on tuesday the family of andre hill will lay to rest the 47-year-old in columbus, ohio where a police officer shot and killed hill in a friend's driveway during a disputed confrontation two weeks ago. the city's mayor and law enforcement leaders have condemned the shooting, citing the officer's failure to activate their body cameras at key points and their failure to provide medical care for an estimated 10 minutes as hill lay dying in the cold. on tuesday i go to columbus for andre hill's funeral in my capacity as the national head of network and a minister. i'm so sorry to his family that it's a time they are grieving as
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many will come. and it's the first of its kind that i will attend this year. joining me now is civil rights attorney benjamin crump representing the family of andre hill, his sister shawna barnett and his daughter karissa hill. karissa, let me go to you first. what kind of dad was andre? so people understand the human being here. tell us about your dad. >> well, he was very hands on. he always played with the kids. they called him big daddy, so whenever he would come in the door, they would all run to him, big daddy, big daddy. and he's always wrestling, playing. played a game with them, played sitting down. he taught me how to play b barbies. >> when you say kids, you're talking about his grandchildren. >> yes, his grandchildren. me as well, though. he did the same for me as well.
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>> shawna, he was mr. everybody's guy, i read, that he was the guy around the neighborhood that could do everything. tell us about him as a brother. >> he was an awesome brother. he's my little brother. he was very supportive of everything i did. he actually was more the protector, provider, he basically took the lead. he was the class clown, the favorite. anyone in contact with him liked him. everybody loved him. he was my best buddy. >> attorney crump, i wanted to give the viewers a sense of, because you and i get involved in a lot of these cases and people forget we're talking about real human beings. we're talking about people with a family that did not do anything wrong, unarmed, and that they become a cause. but, shawna, that's her brother.
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to the grandchildren and his daughter here, that's his daughter and their granddaddy, just gone for helping out a neighbor, a friend, during the christmas season and getting back in his car and all of a sudden, those that are sworn to protect him, he's gone with no rationale. we know one of the officers involved in this shooting has been fired. the other placed on administrative leave, and a special prosecutor has been appointed by the county. obviously no one can bring mr. hill back. but please tell our audience, attorney crump, what you and the family need to see from the city. >> reverend al, it's important that we remember the facts of this case. he was holding a cell phone. he had no weapon. he was completely unarmed. it was a 3119 emergency, non-criminal call, so it's inexplicable why police would
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get out with their guns, and as their partner said, officer cory shot him multiple times, claiming he had a gun, even though she said she saw no gun. she says she felt no threat, and she said that he gave no verbal commands, and that, andre, he had never said a word. so it was shoot first, ask questions later, and to add insult to injury, reverend al, like we saw in george floyd, no humanity whatsoever given to this unarmed black man. they let him lay there dying, gasping for breath, never offered any medical assistance. then after five minutes and 11 seconds, the supervisor handcuffed him. he's still breathing and they handcuffed him and let him remain down there for 13 minutes, not offering him any medical assistance. this is a couple days before christmas. where is the humanity?
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>> i want to be ex police anytime that again, because, you know, we always talk to you, we look to you as the attorney general for a black america. they let him lay there for over five minutes, and then the officer said, he's still breathing, handcuff him. then he laid there longer handcuffed while he's fighting for his life, trying to breathe, trying to keep going. how do you ever justify this not only with firing, but where are we not talking about these officers going to jail? >> exactly, reverend al. there is video for everything we articulate during the day. and the mayor and the police chief said it was the most inhumane thing they've ever seen in their life, this black man laying there handcuffed while they're all walking around with fla flashlights as if he doesn't
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exist at all. >> and this is the second killing of an unarmed black man in columbus in a month. shawna and karissa, what do you want to say to the nation? what do you want to happen in this situation? >> well, personally, the family first wants him arrested and prosecuted and put in jail to the fullest extent possible. that's the first thing. and for all the other officers that were there that allowed this to happen and continued to walk around like he was just another -- like a leaf on the ground and no kind of empathy, compassion or anything for him, we want some charges against them as well, because you are in a position to protect and serve. instead you decide to destroy, and that's not acceptable. so the whole nine yards, because
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it's unacceptable. >> we will also be calling for fairness and justice. shawna and karissa, keep the fighting as those who call on you to fight. coming up, georgia on my mind. the president and the outrageous phone call the president made to the senator of the state there. you really can't make this stuff up. we'll be right back. right back. season, after season. ace your immune support, with centrum. >> man: what's my my my livelihood. so when my windshield cracked... the experts at safelite autoglass came right to me... with service i could trust. right, girl? >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪
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shows the president is trying to leverage the state's special election in his latest coup attempt. >> you have a big election coming up and because of what you've done to the president -- you know, the people of georgia know that this was a scam. because of what you've done to the president, a lot of people aren't going out to vote, and a lot of republicans are going to vote negative, because they hate what you did to the president. >> joining me now is brittany packnit cunningham, an activist extraordinaire and rick, analyst. when you hear the president of the united states leaning on the secretary of state about a vote count that was recounted and recounted and just the vote is not there that apparently the president wants to have there, i
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mean, governor cuomo was on earlier saying this borders on all kinds of things. >> rev, it's great to be with you, and i was glad the secretary of state of georgia was able to keep the president on the phone as long as he did, a full hour in talking, because he clearly -- this is criminal behavior. i'm not a lawyer, but i've worked on elections for 30 years. you are not allowed to blackmail an election official. it's clear that on several instances, as reported by the "washington post," intimidating, berating, and it was interesting also that the secretary of state of georgia thought well enough to have his counsel on the phone at the same time. imagine that, a president of the united states calls an elected official in a state that needs to have this counts marathon to keep him running afoul of the law.
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we're glad we got this phone call, but we need to get serious about this. there needs to be repercussions. this warrants an investigation, and i hope that the justice department would look into it, and i hope that the biden justice department would look into this. >> you know, brittany, you're one of the outstanding young leaders that's emerged nationally in the country among the other things you did. and i know you were steaming when you just heard the whole case in columbus. i was tempted to text your husband and say, she might be leaving in a couple of days. that's another discussion, but when you look at how hard you and others worked to get people to vote and to hear this, you can suspect what you want, but to hear the president's voice, what does it do to the record number of young people that people like you help to get out to vote when you're telling them, you've got to go out and
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vote, your vote will matter, and then they hear a tape like this of the president really making mockery of the whole process? >> you know, honestly, reverend al, i am chuckling because this is what desperation sounds like. donald trump is trying to play with our fate, most likely because he wants to avoid prosecution, when, as you heard from the family of andre hill who is mourning their father, their brother on this day and on this week, this is not a game for any of us. but what is true, i believe, is that trump has focused his energy on georgia not just because his attempts to win this election have failed in other states, but also because georgia was supposed to be the place where it was all figured out. brian kemp, of course, had successfully repressed votes to seal the governornatorial election in 2016, so it was
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supposed to be in the bag, and you think particularly tap dances on donald trump's last nerve that it was young people, generation z, millennials and black women who snatched georgia back from his clutches. it was latosha brown and so many people that have been registering brand new high school graduates between the last election and this runoff, who had been getting out the vote, who had been driving a bus all around that state, who had been setting up food trucks, actually having a plan. they have shown us through the grassroots to the grass tops, we should not be counting the south out. you've got randall wood in bir ming ham, you have tammy in memphis, they are not willing to surrender power to white supremacists who would rather drag this back to antebellum
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years. the reference of the moment is this is what desperation looks like. he clearly does not care about following the law than he did the day before, and we are witnessing a desperate, desperate man. guess who brought him to that desperation? all the people that voter suppressors, including brad raffensperger, would like to count out. >> now he's specifically including the senate runoff elections. how is this helpful to either his cause or to the two gop senators in georgia? >> well, it's certainly not helpful, rev, to the election and the republicans running in georgia now. but guess what? and you know this. trump does not care. he does not care about the republican party, never has. he would just assume stick it to mcconnell who has now recognized the obvious, which is that vice president biden is now
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president-elect biden, so he just doesn't care. trump is going to trash the whole system. by the way, mcconnell should get ahold of these republicans in the senate, the 11 plus 1, josh hawley, ted cruz and the other clowns, because now you have a president it seems obvious, in 69 court cases lost because it provided absolutely no evidence of fraud, as the secretary of state of georgia said over and over again on the call, that the election in georgia was fair and the election in georgia was accurate and mcconnell had to get ahold of these people. because, guess what, donald trump is the one who is cheating in this election. and this is just the tip of the iceberg. i think there's going to be a lot more. >> we're out of time, but brittney, when you see cory bush, who was a black lives matter activist in ferguson, i remember her when i was there. you are from there, turning pain into power, it's happening if we just stay on the case. >> indeed, that's what we do. >> all right. and you might know, rick, that
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brittany is a pk, a preacher's kid, you can tell by the oratorical skill. brittany patnick cunningham, thank you both. up next, my final thoughts, stay with us. up next, my final thoughts, stay with us. want to brain better? unlike ordinary memory supplements- neuriva has clinically proven ingredients that fuel 5 indicators of brain performance. memory, focus, accuracy, learning, and concentration. try our new gummies for 30 days and see the difference. twto treat acute, non-low back stmuscle and joint pain doctors with topical nsaids first. a formulation they recommend can be found in salonpas. a formulation they recommend can be found in salonpas. salonpas. it's good medicine. hisamitsu.
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last night and tonight, down through the last nine years on this show, we've had everyone from president barack obama and one of his last sit-down interviews for an hour talk about his presidency. we've had then-vice president joe biden and then presidential candidate joe biden, all the way to some of the first interviews with the family of george floyd, who i gave the eulogy at his going-home ceremonies or funeral services, and many grassroots activists and many members of the senate and heads of state. and that is what we're going to continue to do, because what is important is that people hear not only from those in power or those that are speaking truth to power, but that they hear questions and opinions that they may not hear elsewhere. yes, there are those of us that are happy to see the end of the
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trump presidency. and i certainly have made that known. but i intend to hold joe biden and kamala harris accountable, just like anyone else. the fact that i've known both of them well has nothing to do with. we must stand up and fight for justice and fairness, no matter who's in office. and if you can't take the accountability, you ought not be in office. so "politics nation" '21 will be like it was the last four years, speaking truth to power and giving you the information, politics from the grassroots to the top, from the outhouse to the penthouse. we'll be right back. ououthse to the penthouse. we'll be right back.
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that does it for me. thanks for watching. i'll see you back here next weekend at 5:00 p.m. eastern. up next, my colleague, alicia menendez picks up our news coverage. >> thank you, reverend al. we'll see you back a little later on tonight, help us dig through tonight's big breaking news. thank you and thanks to all of you at home for being here. i'm alicia menendez. that breaking news, the president of the united states on tape tearing into georgia's secretary of state with a torrent of disinformation. the president pressuring him to find the votes to help overturn the will of georgia's voters. tonight, you're going to hear the audio for yourself. did we just witness a s
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