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tv   Velshi  MSNBC  January 9, 2021 6:00am-7:00am PST

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i'm warning you, what you're about to see is disturbing. [ bleep ] [ bleep ] >> [ bleep ]. >> [ bleep ]. >> [ bleep ]. >> [ bleep ]. >> there's so many people. i don't want to see you -- there's so many people out there. we will make a path. >> i want you to go home!
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>> let's go! [ bleep ] >> let's go! [ screaming ] >> there's a gun! there's a gun! he's got a gun! >> oh [ bleep ]! [ bleep ]! >> shots fired! shots fired! >> [ bleep ]! >> back up! >> yesterday flags at the capitol flew at half staff to honor another individuals lost in the insurrection, this man, capitol police officer died from injuries sustained in wednesday's attack.
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he was 42 years old. and then there's this video, showing rioters crushing against police. one officer shown in agony as he crushed in the middle of onslaught of unrelenting insurrectionists. they forcefully entered the capitol, threatened the safety of lawmakers, tried to put democracy on hold by electing the counting of votes. plain and simple, this was the continuation of a coup attempt, albeit a badly executed one, excited by a meg lmegalomaniac. president donald trump said these rioters need to be dealt
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with by the full extent of the law. and this is trump's son. even after inciting the entire event, trump made no apology, just placed blame squarely on his reporters. >> i'd like to begin by addressing the heinous attack on the united states capitol. i am outrage id ged by the viol and mayhem. we have just been through an election and tempers are high. now tempers must be cooled and calm restored. a new administration will be inaugurated on january 20th. my focus now turns to ordering a smooth, orderly and seamless transition of power. >> too little, too late.
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this was the straw that broke the camels back for many of the administration officials, even some cabinet secretaries. don't mistake that for principle, it's mover like ra-- like rats fleeing a sinking ship. members of congress say trump is not fit to remain president after his incitement of insurrection. he must either resign or the house will move again to impeach him. nancy pelosi said she will move forward with an impeachment if trump doesn't step aside. he may be the first president in history to be impeached two times. quote, mcconnell's office will
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not reconvene for substantive business is the 19th. good ol' mitch mcconnell, isn't that sweet. twitter has permanently suspended trump's personal account citing his risk of inciting further violence. joining me to discuss, yamish alcindor. i was standing on the other side of the capitol when that video was release, the heavily edited video donald trump talking about how disappointed and disgusted he was by the lawlessness and mayhem. mazing because he was there in what looked like the control center, rallying the troops. he's the one who told them to come and said he'd be there with
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him and suddenly it's about lawlessness and mayhem. >> this is a fitting end to president donald trump's presidency. he watched people whose minds he poisoned with lies and corruption from a security bubble at the white house as everyone else who was in the capitol's lives were in danger. president donald trump watched this look it was his grand plan to end his presidency. people i talked to at the white house, close to president donald trump they said in some ways he felt this was an extense of hio his power. and these are the people he sent to the capitol to try to put a period on his presidency, knowing it was going to end. all of these people were told the president was going to come to the capitol, but the president as soon as he saw that crowd moving to the capitol ran back to the white house and did what he has done throughout his presidency, which is watch all of the chaos he's wrought on tv
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from the residence, from the white house. and the thing that is sticking with me is that the president -- this is the way it had to end. there were just too many lies, too many conspiracy theories, too many times that the president pushed democracy. he said what we saw was democracy pierce the very heart of democracy peierced and it sticks with me that the president who has vilified so many pro ttesters who that he called terrorists and thugs and when the real thugs came to the capitol, they were wearing his symbol and his name, that is something that is sticking with me. we've seen so many people arrested for doing far less in so many cities like ferguson and baltimore and so many others. >> i think this is a remarkable point, the false equivalency
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being portrayed between those people who in the summer protested against police injustice, lack of justice, police brutality and these people who were carrying on an attempted coup attempt in the name of the president of the united states. it was a bridge too far for too many people but it was not actually a bridge too far for lindsey graham, it wasn't a bridge too far for kevin mccarthy, the house leader. there are a whole lot of people for whom even this is not enough to call for the president to step aside. >> no. even now mike pence apparently doesn't want to invoke the 25th amendment. donald trump incited a mob, some of whom wanted to murder mike pence, hang him up from the gallows and he still doesn't want to. it feels like ground haug dog d when we talking about
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impeachment and being removed from twitter. imagine if twitter shut him down a year ago. i wrote a piece a year ago saying trump will move and when he goes, he'll incite violence. when someone shows you who they are, believe them and trump's been showing us who he is for four years. >> covid. 4,100 people died in a day on thursday of covid. the president is not doing nothing, he's actively fomenting this coup attempt and no explanations about covid and the vaccine distribution, still no national policy on how to prevent the spread of a covid variant that is now more con
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ta -- contagious than the last one. >> when america needs leadership the most, president donald trump is distracted and focused only on his own political future. he is not at all interested in talking about the pandemic. we can see that very plainly. now we see a president who is only thinking about himself, only thinking about how he can spin this to try to still look like he is somehow still in control and of course he is not in control anymore. it is in some ways a dereliction of duties. it's frankly something that is stunning. let's also recall that the president hasn't come out to answer any sort of questions about this. the president has been releasing these videos, talking about -- sending mixed messages. saying he's going to now ensure a smooth and peaceful transition of power. how can we ever call 20 and 2021 smooth and peaceful? that's gone. you have of course i should -- you have to note black and brown
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people being affected the most, the people that the president has vilified affected the most. >> yamiche alcindor, thank you and thank you both. joining me is representative jama jamaal bowman. lives were lost while counting votes to elect joe biden as next president of the united states. this was in your first week of the job. you are now in the process of drawing up articles of impeachment. >> absolutely. the president must be impeached immediately. we need to also look to invoke
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the 25th amendment. whatever we can do to get him out of office as quickly as possible is what we must do. but we need to understand white supremacists have just waged war on the united states government. so white supremacy has been around since america has been around for 401 years. trump has fanned the flames, trump has directed violence, he needs to be held accountable, we need to direct our attention to white national iists and white supremacists, law enforcement is in cahoots with them in many instances. they may have infiltrated capitol police. we have to stop the rise of white supremacy in our country. >> as a black man, you actually want to draw some contrasts here. you tweeted brother jumps a turnstile on his way to work and
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spends time at riker's island because he can't afford bail. you're drawing attention to the fact there appears to be a double standard with inciting violence on the capitol and the way people get treated on an every day basis. >> look at stop and frisk. look at the high rate of those stopped and frisked and not charged. look at who is incarcerated, in terms of who dies at the hands of police. look at the police presence during peaceful protests throughout the summer against police brutality. contrast that to what happened with capitol police on wednesday. they opened the gates and allowed them in. they took selfies with them. and as we dig deeper into what's happening on social media and
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the relationships there, there seems to be a lot of overlap between white supremacists and police across this country. this country is rooted in racism, racism continues to persist and if we don't do something about these white nationalists, i fear for what's to come in the coming days, weeks, months and years. >> and i'm showing pictures on the screen contrasting the black lives matter protests of the summer with this pro-trump rally on the capitol. there continue to be people who draw equivalencies between these two saying the media and others didn't criticize violence at the black lives matter protest but there's a real difference in the underlying complaint between those who took to the streets in the summer to protest police violence and this complaint, which is my guy didn't win the election. >> absolutely. your guy didn't win the election. he's fanning the flames claiming that the election was stolen. he gave a speech telling the
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rioters that he would march with them to the capitol. he highlighted the fact that strength wins and weakness does not and he turned whoever was there for a peaceful protester into a rioter, into an insurrectionist. this has not happened since the war of 1812. white nationalists are well documented, whether it's the ame church in south carolina, the christ church, you know, the tree of life synagogue, they have a well-documented history of terror in this country and they continue to get a pass, whereas after 9/11, we turned our attention on the entire arab world and identified them all as terrorists as opposed to what's happening right now. we got to have the same urgency and sense of zeal as we go after white nationalists and white
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supremacists. >> what were you feeling as this was all going down? >> complete shock, complete fear, complete worry for my staff and my colleague. shocked more at the lack of preparation. why weren't there more capitol police present? why wasn't there coordination between capitol police and fbi and the department of homeland security prior to the event? we've seen pro trump rallies. there's always violence at pro trump rallies. i couldn't believe they breached capitol police, i couldn't believe there wasn't more of a resistance to what was going on. i thank god my colleagues were safe but five people lost their lives because of this and got to understand it could have been much, much worse. so going forward we need to share intelligence, we need to work in collaboration and we need to dig deep into capitol police to see if anyone in capitol police was complicit in the events that took place on
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wednesday. >> jamaal bowman, thank you for joining me. as the angry pro trump move descended upon and stormed capitol hill on wednesday, staffers grabbed three mahogany boxes as they were evacuated with boxes. in those boxes, the electoral college votes, the very symbol of democracy. the staffers that grabbed them, the guarders of law, order and freedom. more next. law, order and freedom. more next. means... world dom! or just the west side. run payroll in less than five minutes with intuit quickbooks. they were able to give me a personal loan so i could pay off all of my credit cards. i got my mortgage through sofi and the whole process was so easy.
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as a mob descended in the capitol three days ago, we saw the putrid runoff of what has within stoked, distilled and fomented by donald trump since the beginning of his term. nothing that happen was spontaneous. it was planned and encouraged by the president of the united states of america. the halls of our capitols have
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only twice seen such insurrecti insurrection. the u.s. senate was unable to meet in the old his to old histg room after this. the federal law dictates the certificates of each state's electoral votes which were cast on december 14th in a direct reflection of the results of the november 3rd election be forwarded to the congress an chamber and counted. the field certificates were stored in three-wooden boxes. staffers took those boxes with them as they were ushered out of the capitol. those three boxes represent american democracy, law and freedom. neatly contained within three ceremonial 18 x 10 inch mahogany
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boxes lined in leather. douglas wrote "a man's rights rest in three boxes, the ballot box, the jury box and the cartridge box, meaning the vote, the law and the right to defend one's freedom. no class of people without them could live and floor uurish in country. somehow i think the staffers as they were ushered out of the capitol that was under assault knew what they were doing by grabbing those three boxes and not allowing them to fall into the hands of the assailants. symbolically they were doing what we must all do, our part, no matter how big or small in defense of democracy, law and freedom against a president who would subvert them for his own gain. or his own gain when a hailstorm hit, he needed his insurance to get it done right, right away.
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america has stood for some very important things, an idea of freedom and democracy and i'm reservedly condemn encouraging people to behave in the disgraceful way that they did. >> what we witnessed was an assault on democracy by violent rioters, incited by the current president. >> what happened today in washington d.c. is not american, definitely. we believe in the strength of our democracy. >> after the ratification of the constitution in 1787, the united states was the most robust democracy in the modern world, a beacon of hope for other countries, many of which would use its example, this image, to engage in their own revolutions. this country showed with enough resolve, overturning tyrannical rule is possible. many of us believe the democratic ideals upon which america was founded are some of the strongest in the world, if
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imperfect. democracy, as we know it, many of us believed would not falter. the reality is that nearly every democracy in the history of human kind has ended in tyranny, most notably the greek and roman republicans. the roman empire relevant because most supporter of the president told the president to cross the rubicon, which referred to julius caesar turning rome into an empire. even our very first president, george washington, established the norm of a peaceful, orderly transition of power when he left the presidency after two terms. it appears some radicalized americans are no longer in favor of this democratic i've deal, that any interest in peaceful transition and fair elections are dubious at best. how do we return back to
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democracy? i'm joined by the author of "twi "twilight of democracy." ann, thank you for being with us. words matter when we're describing what has happened, this attack on democracy. some are worried about it being called a coup or insurrection but that is what it is. and both words are useful because they indicate the intent of both the professional tetest people who incited them. the intent was to prevent the transfer of power, the counting of the electoral votes and interrupt joe biden from becoming president. it's the culmination of something that began four years ago when donald trump first came to washington, his first speech, inaugural address, was an open
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attack on washington itself on the democratic process. he talked about washington is one thing and you, meaning his followers, is something else. here people in washington don't represent you. he's been using anti-democratic language since he first arrived in the white house and encouraging his followers to think of themselves as somehow outside the system and this is, if you will, a kind of final result. >> i want to read from your book on conspiracy theories, this is an excerpt. oup the emotional appeal of a conspiracy system is in its simplicity. it offers the believer the satisfying sense of having special privileged access to the truth. for those to become the one-party states' gatekeepers, the repetition of these conspiracy theories also brings another reward: power."
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that's the reward donald trump has been looking for. he explains away things that would have otherwise a logical explanation but the goal is to remain in power. >> the purpose of a conspiracy theory when used politically is exactly that. it organizes your followers around a set of ideas and puts them in opposition to reality. it creates their identity, it makes them different from others. it also makes them much more liable to follow orders, as we saw a couple of days ago at the capitol. i mean, i can't tell you the degree to which if you look around the world and you look at autocracies how much each one is dependent on a set of conspiracy theories, a set of lies, a set of falsehoods autocrats seek to get people to believe in, how does my reality really
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work? is my society fair? people inevitably want democratic solutions, they want rule of law. and autocrats need to distract people from that and get them to focus on culture wars and conspiracy theories and keep them away from the business of politics. that was the danger of donald trump from the minute he arrived in the white house. >> a lot of people are comparing what happened on wednesday to the black lives matter movements but in fact that was the seeking of justice, it was a social justice movement. it was about the rule of law. it was about black people who wanted the rule of law applied to them the same as white people. you write an article, "what trump and his mob taught the world about america," the events at the capitol yesterday did not represent a policy dispute, a disagreement about a foreign war
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or behavior of police. they were part of an argument over the validity of democracy itself, a violent mob declared that it should decide who becomes the next president and trumped encouraged its members, so did his allies in congress and the far right propagandists who supported him and for a few hours they prevailed. that stood out to me, for a few hours they prevailed. is this over or can they prevail again? >> this group of people, the cultists, the qanon followers, the people who follow far right propaganda, they're still there. they still live in an alternate reality in which they don't accept the rules of american democracy and dealing with them and finding a way to reintegrate them, finding a way to reach them, that's a really important task both for the biden administration and for the republican party itself. it needs to reach out to its own members, its own voters and find
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a way to bring them back into the fold. i should say that historically there have always been people on the far left who have also disliked american democracy and been doubtful about it. a few of them around today and i'm hoping that they also see these events and draw the conclusion that democratic solutions are the only solutions. but that doesn't take away from the fact that the real threat right now absolutely comes from the far right. >> i want to underscore how real the threat is. luke russert tweeted "i cannot stop thinking about how close the one, two and three in the line of presidential succession came to being physically hard on. the terrorists had operable bombs, killed app officer and ransacked difficult-to-access areas of the capitol. this isn't as crazy as it looks on tv. this came close to working."
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>> it looks like there was a mix of people inside the capitol. there were some people who were mentally ill, detached from reality, didn't seem to understand where they were and what they were doing. and you're right, there was a group of people heavily armed, they had handcuffs with them, as if they were planning to kidnap people. they had bombs with them they were planning to send off. yes, absolutely there was a group of people who were there to stop the democratic process from unfolding and do as much damage as they could to members of congress, to the vice president. many of them were angry at him for refusing to stop the counting of the votes of the electoral college. really, the republicans themselves, republican politicians should take this on board because it was against them as much as it was against the democrats. it was against the elected representatives of the country and against the laws of the country. >> thanks for your writing, ann
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applebaum. her book is an important read. the indonesian rescue agency con fi confirmed that an aircraft carrying 62 people lost contact with air traffic controllers. search and rescue operations are now under way. the plane is believed to be a 27-year-old boeing 737,500. again, this is the second crash off the coast of indonesia in just over two years. a boeing 737 max crashed off jakarta in 2018. this is a developing story. we will bring you updates as they become available. twitter permanently suspended donald trump but the suspense came almost four years too late.
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how wednesday's assault on the capitol was years in the making is next. capitol was years in th is next. anywhere convenience. everyday security. bankers here to help. for wherever you want to go. chase. make more of what's yours.
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it is the end of a long and embassy as youi exhausting error. donald trump has been permanently removed from twitter. the infamous at the real donald trump twitter page that had endless online traffic and had 88 million followers looks like this, account suspended.
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cronies promoted the quanon conspira conspiracy. three cheers to twitter for finally doing something it should have done years ago. too little too late. the insurrection was an attack by our democracy fed by an ongoing disinformation campaign fueled by the president. my colleagues the web routinely so i don't have to. online forums popular with conservatives and far-right activists have been thrilled with let's of radicalism and violence. many naively believed it was confined only to the dark went
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but qanon's infiltration has exploded into the main stream and a qanon supporter was sworn in just on wednesday. >> and according to this woman'ses sowoman's s so -- social media. she believed wednesday would be, quote, the storm, when qanon mythology holds that trump would capture and execute his opponents. she became consumed and ultimately died as a direct result. i expect the weeks leading up to the election traveling this country, speaking with american voters, some of them genuinely believed the lies they were fed on the internet. a women in wisconsin telling me
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she's voting for trumps because unlike democrats, he's against pedophilia. and another told me that numbers about the coronavirus was false. disinformation is the weapon and it is conveyed by social media. donald trump has used facebook, twitter and the like to spread disinformation. is it really a surprise the capitol was seized by those with the goal of sedition? of course not. of course not. the clock may be ticking towards worse... parodontax is 3x more effective at removing plaque, the main cause of bleeding gums parodontax
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secret aluminum free helps eliminate odor deodorants only mask odor? instead of just masking it. and is made with 3x more odor fighters. with secret, keep it fresh every day. secret. and before the break i told you about donald trump's permanent suspense from twitter, but it came only after trump supporters stormed capitol hill. instead of playing dumb, it time
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social media companies fess up to the role they've played propagating dangerous and even deadly disinformation on the internet. joining me is the david austin professor of management at mit and director of the mit initiative on the digital economy and the author of an important book "the hype machine" how social media disrupts our elections, economy and health and how we adapt." you say while some claim fake news is benign, during froess and confusion, it is a threat, not only to the election but to the sanctity and peace of the lebs process. if the election were to be contested, fake news could escalate the contest perhaps to violen violence" ". you wrote that and that's what happened. >> that's right. i predicted this in my book and in an article that i be
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published in october in more detail but i don't consider myself an oracle, ali. experts who have been studying this have been warning for months, if not years, that this would be the inevitable communicated over social media is essential to the riot process. it motivates rioters, it coordinates them as we saw in the attempt to kidnap and kill the governor of michigan. it was coordinated over facebook. it provides social proof that others are going to join you in engaging in something like this. underlining all of that is the steady misinformation that creates anger and fear and creates different realities in the minds of the different people who stormed the capital in an act of insurrection. >> you talk about that article you wrote in october. called the greatest threat to the american democracy is the violence, not the vote.
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it created the kindling that could catalyze a blaze of violence across the country. the spark could very well come from social media in the forms of fake news and coordinated conspiracies plotted over facebook and twitter. you were analyzing information. has anything changed? is shutting down donald trump's twitter account fundamentally important in the control of the flow of information out of the internet is this horse out of the barn. >> well, it is important -- >> all right. looks like we just lost his line there. we're going to to see if we can get it back. in addition to what he has written about, many of you know that roger mcnamee so often appears on this show. he's the author of "zuck." he wrote platforms have to pay for their role in the
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insurrection. he said internet platforms have prioritized their own profits and priorities over democracy and the health and safety of people who use their products. mcnamee goes on to say they're very often created by people who have no incentive to precipitate, much less prevent harms. it's encouraged the development of a predatory ecosystem with platforms, users, and politicians alike. i was quoting from mcnamee's cart kl article in "wired." we saw the manifestation on wednesday right here at the capitol. >> well, you were asking about whether banning trump is a good idea. i think it's an important move, but i think we have to extremely careful right now because we are witnessing the splintering of society in real time. twitter was banned -- trump was
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banned on twitter and facebook. fringe conservatives are orchestrating a mass exodus to parler and rumble. mark levine and russ limbaugh have suspended their accounts and a vast number have joined them. and it's been made clear there will be no monitoring of parler. how will this splintering occur? will it be the fringe leaving the rest of society, or will they take a larger swath of conservative society with them? that's the next key information concern that we have to have on social media when it comes to banning or not banning various actives. >> for some people that's a first amendment issue. for some it's a censorship issue. the larger political issue may be to your point.
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what happens when we start disengaging, the splinter becomes full? how do we solve this problem where we're not going into our corners but we're having some sort of productive conversation that's not steered by conspiracy theory? >> i'm appreciative of books like "zuck." my book likes to take off where those books and movies leave off, which is, what can we do? we have to address the major issues before us, privacy, election integrity, the spread of misinformation, competition in society, and we have to do this in a nuanced and logical and regional way. i flow's a lot of anger right now. people are calling for mark zuckerberg go to jail or jack dorsey to go to jail. we have to make sure our response is measured, rational,
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and embedded in a logic of fairness and as well plans for the few turn. that's exactly what we try to describe in the books, articles, and science that we're writing now. >> we're going to have to pay a lot of attention to this, because this matter cannot be left unsolved. sinan, thanks for your time. he's the author of "the hype machine." to his point, he does talk about what we should be doing from here on end. that does it for me this morning. thank you for watching this special edition of "velshi." join me tomorrow morning at 8:00 for a new show. coming up on "cross connection," tiffany cross with representative val demings. stick around. i'll see you in a little while. you're watching msnbc. but not every tomato ends in the same kind of heinz ketchup.
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♪ good morning. i'm tiffany cross, and we begin the "cross connection" with breaking news. there's just 11 days left of trump's presidency, and for more than 200 lawmakers, that's 1 1 days too long. after president-elect joe biden
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rebuffed calls for impeachment, speaker of the house nancy pelosi issued an ultimatum to trump, either resign or be prepared to make history as the first president to face impeachment twice. nbc news has learned that at least one article of impeachment is slated to be presented to the house of representatives on monday with a likely vote as early as midweek. but the outgoing senate majority leader mitch mcconnell told his caucus that if the house were to take up impeachment, a senate trial couldn't even begin until january 19th, the eve of president biden's inauguration -- president-elect biden. but as pelosi explains in a "60 minutes" interview set to air on sunday, democrats are resolute. >> is anybody running the executive branch of the government? who is running it? >> sadly the person who is running the executive branch is a dera


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