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Nancy Pelosi
  MSNBC Specials  MSNBC  January 19, 2021 7:00pm-8:00pm PST

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our special coverage of the biden harris administration begins at 6:00 a.m. tomorrow. 6:00 a.m. counts as late night for me, not early morning. i won't be here but i'll be here mid-morning with joy reid and the whole gang. don't go anywhere. joy reid's exclusive interview with house speaker nancy pelosi starts right now. ♪♪ good evening from the united states capitol where 14 hours from now joe biden will take the solemn oath as the 46th president of the united states. and kamala harris as the nation's first woman and black and asian-american vice president. they'll take their oaths on these hallowed grounds that
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still bear the scars of their deadly insurrection wrought by donald trump. it's the united states capitol turned fortress with security on wartime footing unprecedented in modern history with more than 20,000 national guard troops in and around the capitol grounds. as president-elect biden confronts an unprecedented series of crises on day one, the administration will have a powerful partner, the woman presiding over it all, madam speaker nancy pelosi. after leading the house in a second impeachment of donald trump, this time for inciting the deadly insurrection, the speaker now confronts the task of overseeing the ongoing investigation and ushering in a new political era of unified democratic control of government in washington for the first time in a decade. she's certainly up to the challenge. while battling donald trump, speaker pelosi has kept her ideologically diverse caucus together. her leadership was forged by some of the most contentious
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political battles in recent history. her first history-making turn as speaker came on a wave of voter anger over the lies and mismanagement of the iraq war, which swept democrats into power in 2006. and then in 2010, tea party agitators inflamed by the election of the country's first black president and by democrats daning to expand health care swarmed capitol grounds, threatening lawmakers with chants of kill the bill and worse. speaker pelosi led members of her caucus in a march to the capitol for a vote on a historic bill that would eventually become the affordable care act. she marched alongside the late, great congressman john lewis after the civil rights icon endured booing and spitting and shouts of the n-word the day before. the same racial resentment that fuelled the crowds then was later exploited by donald trump's own racism and lies. he fanned the flames of white
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supremacy and antidemocratic fervor leading to the siege that took place here. and i'm joined now by the speaker herself, nancy pelosi. madam speaker, i want to thank you for welcoming us to the capitol. >> well, it's my pleasure to do so. i wish it were under other circumstances. because of covid we have to keep our distance. because of security we have our limitations. but in any event, it is the temple of democracy, and it's my honor to welcome you as speaker. >> thank you. and it is such a grand place that, you know, the -- it really sort of does give a different context to be here in this space given what's happened in the last couple of week. i do really appreciate you having us here. so, tomorrow at noon the trump presidency will end and a new era will begin. >> at 11:59. i guess it is 12 noon okay. >> not that you're counting. what does that mean?
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what does that mean for this country? >> well, welcome you to the capitol just two weeks after the current president of the united states incited an insurrection against our democracy. and again, this temple of democracy is something so harmful and heal -- it's hard to heal from, but we must. so, what tomorrow means is that joe biden will be president of the united states. we look forward in a very optimistic way. your question about what does it mean that the current president no longer will be there, well, it will mean a complete breath of fresh air for democracy, for america, for our future. >> yeah, and how do we get back? i mean, there is something so grand about the idea of the temple of democracy. the united states for so many immigrants, people who come
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here, including my parents, there's such a grand meaning to it all. i think you think about what happened in the last couple of weeks and it feels like something is broken there. >> it's so sad. when you think of what this is a symbol to the world, a symbol of democracy, a, and then for immigrants you think about the statue of liberty must have tears in her eyes, this beacon of hope to the world. so, it -- and how he has treated newcomers to our country and really people who came a long time ago as immigrants and had their contribution denigrated by him. but anyway, let's not think about him. let's just think about what the future will hold. we must hold him accountable because no one is above the law, and this president engaged in incitement of insurrection.
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that's why we impeached him, and that's why he will go on trial. so, we must hold him accountable. but let's think in a brighter way about what the future can hold as we reach out and respect each other to unify our country. nobody better at that than joe biden. >> well, you know, you talk about a breath of fresh air. tomorrow, you as our first woman speaker, will be there as the first woman vice president, the first black, asian-american vice president is sworn in by the first latina member of the united states supreme court. talk about turning the page. can you just put that in context for us, especially from your very, very unique position as speaker of the house. >> and it's hard to talk about it without getting emotional, but it is pretty exciting. first woman, first african-american, first asian-american sworn in by the first latina member of the supreme court. all of it under the leadership of joe biden, a person who recognizes the beauty of -- the
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beautiful diversity of america. it is something that i hope people will appreciate, that children will see the prospects for themselves in all of that. and not only are they the first, the first, the first, but they're great. they happen to be latina, asian, african-american, a woman, but they're the best. so, that is what is pretty exciting also to see. for my capacity as first woman speaker, i always thought we'd have a woman president before we ever had a woman speaker because this institution is a very male-dominated for hundreds of years place. and i thought the public was way ahead of us. but unfortunately it did not turn out that way much to our dismay for our country -- yet. but nonetheless, vice president, pretty excited. >> yeah, you have seen so much of that history take place. obviously the black president
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you were a great ally of, particularly on things like health care. but i came to that inauguration in 2008 and i had never seen so much security. and thank god, right? because we're all thinking, you know, all of us, african-americans were holding our breath watching this man take the oath of office and thinking just of the fear that a lot of people had for him. this security that we're seeing now tops that tenfold. i've never seen this much security, the amount of the 20,000 national guard troops -- thank god for them -- that are out there. this is unprecedented. and for the threat to have come from within, some of the people who serve in this great building having been sympathizers to that insurrection, how do you then go forward in a congress that includes people who, you know, some of their democratic members have said they're afraid of them. there are people who said, i don't know. people said they were afraid of their own colleagues because they see them as having been on the other side.
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>> first, let's go back to barack obama being sworn in as president. i'll never forget while he was making his beautiful inaugural address, i just kept thinking of his mother and his grandparents and his family and how proud they and all were of him. and then to contrast it four years later to one of the most disgusting speeches ever under any auspices by a president for inauguration, a very, very dark day. so, here we are now because of the instigation of that president, that dark president, we have security beyond any history or just anybody ever thought would be the need. and why? because this president has been telling people that the election was not legitimate, and these people believe him. they believe a president. they believe a president. presidents words are important. they weigh a ton. and if you're donald trump talking to these people, they believe it.
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and they used his words to come here. so, when we talk about did our -- any of our colleagues collaborate? well, that remains to be seen. we have to get the evidence of that. and if they did, they would be accessories to the crime. and the crime, in some cases, was murder. >> yeah. >> and this president is an accessory to that crime because he instigated that insurrection that caused those deaths and this destruction. so, again, we'll have to see what the evidence is. and if they -- if that's the case, it's not a question of whether we're comfortable serving with them. it's about their prosecution as people who are accessories to the crime. but let's see. we have other concerns with them. they want to bring guns on the floor. the disrespect that they have for the institution of congress is -- is so palpable. i mean, you can see it all the time. they don't think any rules apply to them. but that's another order of
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business. one is prosecution. if they wittingly or unwittingly contributed to the -- aided and abetted the other -- how they obey the rules of the house and how we keep people safe who are serving here. >> and, you know, 139 of them supported the big lie, which also fuelled what we saw take place here a couple of weeks ago. and i wonder if you look at some of those members who were the chief instigators of that big lie, do you think that people should be expelled from this body who were some of the lead instigators of what we saw happen a couple of weeks ago? should they just be expelled? >> let me just say on that score, these people were totally lying. they don't know or they don't care to know what the truth and the fact were and that the number of them that voted to support these objections, really their judgment is seriously
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impaired and will be recognized as such. so, i don't know what their future is here in terms of anybody respecting their judgment. but i will say that it's up to their people -- their own constituents to determine who serves here. there should be a price for them to pay. and i hope that, having said that, that the members of congress -- the republican members of congress -- would say to donald trump, stop the violence. concede the election. tell people that you, you know -- back off your lies about the election being stolen because you are instigating violence now even more so after the sad lesson of january 6th. >> and we know one of the things that happened when those insurgents, capitol rioters, whatever we're calling them today, you know -- >> terrorists.
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they're terrorists. >> more accurate, absolutely. >> okay. >> and one of the things that they did was they stole your laptop. they stole many things from inside this building. are you concerned that there was anything on that laptop that we're now hearing that the person wanted to sell to the russians? are you concerned about what might have been taken and may be being sold to a hostile power. >> i'm not concerned about that particular laptop, but that doesn't matter. it could be any laptop. any time a member -- a constituent writes to a member of congress, it is confidential. that is personal that person relaying their own concern, their situation, whether it relates to social security or immigration, whatever the issue is, it's a secret. it's confidential. so, for them to take that is a violation not only of my office but of my connection to my constituents. that happened to be one that we use for zooms and stuff like
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that i think. i don't know what other information could be on there, but that person doesn't know and they would jeopardize all kinds of information. now, let me just say this. they broke the speaker -- the big mirror in the speaker's office. they violated our desks and blah, blah. that's unfortunate. what is sad though is how they traumatized staff. staff on capitol hill are largely young. they come here idealistic whatever their point of view. they come here. and to see the trauma that they experienced by these people banging on doors trying to get to them -- they came for people. understand, they had fun with the stuff. and i'm not a big stuff person, although i do respect the institution and the country. more important than that is they
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harmed people physically draw matically as well. and this president instigated it all. >> and this president will throw himself a military style festivity. he's not going to greet the incoming president, which may be appropriate since he tried to undo the election. but we now have for the first time in our history something other than a peaceful transfer of power. >> that's right. >> what does that mean for us writ large? >> well, i do think that we're bigger than all of this. donald trump was a stain on our country. i don't think we could have sustained our democracy if he had two terms in office for what he was doing to our institutions or what he was doing to our constitution. he dishonored it. what he did to our people he -- he denigrated people. new congress in our country. he degraded our people, denigrated our environment from
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sea to shining sea, god's gift to us and beyond that. he degraded that. and he, again, dishonored our values of who we are as a democratic country. so, he in every respect was unworthy to be president, did not respect the office that he held and certainly did not respect the office that the rest of us hold as well. i respect the office of the presidency, of the president, more than he did for how he mistreated it. so, in any event, he's gone. we have to let -- we have to -- how can i say it? it's not lessons learned because it was so evident all along what a disgrace he was. but to find out how we can bring people together, that's our responsibility. and, again, nobody better than joe biden and kamala harris to do that. >> it's a big job. we're going to take a quick commercial break. we will continue. we're going to fit in after that
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break. up next donald trump is the first president to be impeached not once, but twice. more with the woman responsible for giving him that dubious distinction. ous distinction. it's either the assurance of a 165-point certification process. or it isn't. it's either testing an array of advanced safety systems. or it isn't. it's either the peace of mind of a standard unlimited mileage warranty. or it isn't. for those who never settle, it's either mercedes-benz certified pre-owned. or it isn't. the mercedes-benz certified pre-owned sales event. now through march 1st. shop online or drop by your local dealer today. research shows people remember commercials with nostalgia. so to help you remember that liberty mutual customizes your home insurance, here's one that'll really take you back. wow! what'd you get, ryan? it's customized home insurance from liberty mutual! what does it do bud? it customizes our home insurance so we only pay for what we need! and what did you get, mike? i got a bike.
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♪♪ and we are back with speaker nancy pelosi. and madam speaker, let's talk about impeachment. it hangs over really everything that's happening, even what's happening tomorrow. when will you send the articles of impeachment to the united states. >> we'll be -- we'll send it when we're ready, and it will be soon. it is our managers -- and i'm very proud of them led by lead manager jamie raskin, but beautiful diverse member of our caucus, lawyers, et cetera, they're preparing the case for the trial. the -- i'm so proud of our members. this happened on january 6th, as you know. actually, the opposition to the election fed into the next morning until 4:00 in the morning. one week later, january 13th, we
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passed the article of impeachment. our members were just -- they understood their responsibility. ted lieu, jamie raskin, and david cicilline, david took the lead. they were writing it practically when we were under assault. members embraced it. has its simplicity, the united states of the incited insurrection against our country. and it passed in a bipartisan way in the house. now we prepare for the trial. >> is there a strategy behind holding it back? are you thinking about sort of timing it with the biden cabinet nominations getting through with things that he wants to get done? is there a strategy behind holding it back? >> well, it's not a question of holding it back. the senate is not in session. so, we couldn't even send it until -- well, now they are. today they're in session.
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but up until then, they could not receive the article. so, now we have our options open us. they'll tell us what the rules are for us to proceed. the leader -- majority leader schumer and mitch mcconnell, minority leader, will have their discussion and then will proceed from there. but it's about -- again, this doesn't take a lot because everybody saw what the president did. he incited by his words. his call to action was for something that was imminent. go right down there. it was inciteful. it was imminent and it happened. >> yeah. >> right there in that -- now, there's so much else that was a pattern of behavior, but right then and there in that period of time, he called for the -- he incited, he directed, they went
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and acted. >> yeah, liz cheney, representative cheney said exactly that. are you more surprised -- >> wasn't she wonderful to do that? that took real courage. >> it did indeed. are you more surprised that ten republicans voted for impeachment or that so many voted against it? >> i'm never surprised around here. that's just a word that doesn't work for me. i'm very pleased that ten did vote with us because it did took real courage on their part to do so. they say -- i don't know -- they say more would have but they feared for their families and their safety if they were to go down that path. i don't know. but nonetheless, they have placed themselves in a category of saying the president is above the law. we saw with our own eyes that he ins sited insurrection in our country and we will hold him accountable. they'll have to answer to that too. >> that would include your
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counterpart, the house minority leader who has been on the other side of this entire question. how do you work going forward with someone like him given where he's placed himself and which side of history he's decided to be on? >> i always quote abraham lincoln. i have his painting in my office, the speaker's office. he said public sentiment is everything. with it, you can accomplish almost anything, without it, practically nothing. i think our message of unity has to go out to the american people so that they see what is in their interest and that hopefully will create some bipartisanship, which we have a responsibility to reach out. we must find our common ground. if we can't, we must stand our ground like a rock. that's what thomas jefferson said, like a rock. but nonetheless, i do believe that there's some areas, infrastructure is something that
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has for the most part not been a partisan issue here, creating good paying jobs right away for the american people. the covid -- we have to crush the virus. we have to put money in the pockets of the american people. we have to honor our heroes. i would hope there would be bipartisanship for that. >> here's one that probably won't be bipartisan. a lot don't trust the senate republicans to hold the president accountable. in theory, there could be a crimes commission, a 9/11-style commission. >> yeah. >> do you think that there should be something like that so that we can have truth and reconciliation? and should it have subpoena power? >> definitely, absolutely. i myself introduced the 9/11 commission resolution a long time ago. i lost. they wouldn't -- republicans wouldn't vote for it. then the families of 9/11 rose
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up. so, tim roamer, my colleague on the intelligence committee, he introduced it. that bill passed but it was resisted at first. we have to have truth. truth and trust. then we can govern. people have to have trust. so, we have to have that. and we will. i -- in the meantime, i've asked general russell honor to take a look at how we can improve things in the short term, the infrastructure of the security here, the interagency relations, all those kind of issues that protect the congress, our democracy and our visitors, our press who come, everyone who interacts with our democracy. but we must have that commission. and that will talk a bipartisan legislation to pass house and
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senate signed by the president. >> we're going to talk a lot more about that agenda. we're going to take another quick break. we'll be back with much more with speaker pelosi. democrats will control the house, the senate and the white house. how ambitious will they be? what are their priorities? stay with us. their priorities? stay with us my body is truly powerful. i have the power to lower my a1c. because my body can still make its own insulin. and trulicity activates my body to release it, lowering my blood sugar from the first dose. once-weekly trulicity responds when my body needs it, 24/7.
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♪♪ and we are back with speaker nancy pelosi. madam speaker, i want to read a quick quote from former president barack obama wrote about you in his new autobiography. he wrote, politicians, usualty men, underestimated nancy at their own peril. the italian-american daughter of baltimore's mayor tutored in the ways of long shoremen unafraid to play hardball politics in the name of getting things done. she didn't care that republicans made her their favorite foil, nor was she phased by democratic colleagues. the fact was nobody was tougher
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or more skilled legislative strategist than you. so, that's high praise for your political skills. let's talk about where you plan to use those now. what are some of your prioritys in your view that you share with the biden administration or maybe even that maybe different that he might want to know about? >> when people ask me what are the three most important issues facing congress, i've always said the same thing, our children, our children, our children. their health, their education, the economic security of their futures, a healthy safe environment which they can thrive, world peace in which they can reach their fulfillment. it's always for me about the children. so, i've said -- and people laugh when i say it. but i always say to candidates, and especially women candidates, when you come into this arena, you're in the arena. you're going to have to be able to take a punch. you have to be able to throw a punch for the children.
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for the children. so, that's kind of my motivation. and what's sad for me is when people on the other side of the aisle just, you know, they have children. they care about children, i guess. but they never see the relationship between public policy and a better future for our children. so, again, that's my why. i always say to people, what is your why? why are you doing this? why i'm doing it -- i have five children. my husband and i, paul and i, we had five children. and it bothers me as a mom that one in five children in america lives in poverty, goes to sleep hungry at night. that's my why. and that's what my fight is about. whatever -- however barack obama described it, it is about the children. >> well, and the -- you know, the legislative top priority agenda for president obama of course was health care, which as you said was about making sure
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the children can thrive, making sure their parents and they can have a decent life not worrying about health care. but now we have the biggest health care catastrophe since the so-called spanish flu during the woodrow wilson era. the covid virus is forcing children to have to learn at home, some of whom do not have wifi and the ability to do it. it's forcing parents into poverty, forcing people into homelessness. it is such a catastrophe. getting our arms around it, how can the congress lead? now that democrats do have control of all -- you know, both houses as well as the white house, what can we do to get out of this mess? >> well, we must crush the virus. and when you think back a year when it first reared its head and the president -- then-president was calling it a hoax and a delay, denial, distortion of what it was. now this week 400,000 people will have died from that. many of them people of color. the injustice of it all.
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and that's why in all of our legislation, barbara lee, karen bass, our members had very strong language to address the fact that, again, testing, tracing, treatment, now the vaccines and the rest have to be equitably distributed so that we address that injustice. because if you're a child who -- for a while, if you were african-american you are five times more likely to go to hospital as a child with covid than a white child. if you're a hispanic child, eight times more likely to go to the hospital. this is absolutely unacceptable but yet they would just erase all that disparity language from any legislation. so, now we do this, it's about everybody, everybody. but we do have to recognize certain communities are more negatively affected than others. none of us is safe unless all of
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us is safe. even if compassion is not in your heart, pragmatically understand that everybody must be protected. >> and what happened on january 6th has raised, i think, america's alarms about a lot of things. one of them police reform. just thinking about a, the fact that you did have capitol police who did not have the back up to do what they needed to do and some of whom were overwhelmed or they were overwhelmed. but you also have off duty police officers who were part of that riotous, as you said domestic terrorist action. you have police reform that feels really urgent. then you have voting reform, voting rights. >> that's right. >> the john lewis voting rights bill, i know, is something that's out there. this is something he fought for. and the trigger for that unprecedented insurrection against the united states was that predominantly black cities, places like fulton county,
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places like detroit, michigan tipped the balance for joe biden and people's refusal to accept an election in which people of color tipped the balance for joe biden. that triggered what we saw. can there be, will there be meaningful police reform legislation and voting rights legislation? >> you have it exactly right. >> yeah. >> the fact is that everything this president for the moment is talking about in terms of the election not being -- stolen. he's talking race. he's talking about people in cities. he's talking about blue states. and it's a dog whistle. his people hear it the way he is saying it. what is he saying? he's saying that only white people should vote in our country? and those are the votes that should count? the -- we have hr1, our legislation, and hr4, which is
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the voting rights act. we would hope we could pass -- senate one i believe in the senate -- for our cleaner government initiatives that clear the way. i mean, the fact that they would not vote for a voting rights act is so beyond the pail. when we passed it before, it was overwhelming. i think unanimous in the senate. only a few people voted against it in the house. and george bush -- george w. bush signed it with great pride in 2006, the bill for 2007. so, it was bipartisan in every way. now not. as far as police reform is concerned, our george floyd justice and policing act is something that we hope would be able to not only pass the house again but also pass the senate. it is calibrated to get the job done. it is fair. it is respectful.
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karen bass did a beautiful job putting it together, working with cory booker and kamala harris in the senate but with our congressional black caucus over here. so, we think it's the appropriate calibration and has to happen. when the bill was brought up on the judiciary committee, the family came. george floyd's family came. and they asked me -- i greeted them, and they said, madam speaker, will you name the bill for our brother because his daughter needs to know. and i said, i will only name it for george floyd if you think it is worthy of his name. and they did. and we're proud of it. and we hope that it will go. george floyd, breonna taylor, say her name. we carry these people in our hearts. it's so heartbreaking. again, there are many police officers -- people in blue who do their jobs very well, but
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they have to recognize that the status quo cannot continue in this way. it's a double whammy. they're saying, look, look, millions of people turned out peacefully week in and week out around the country, around the world, and republicans ignored it, wouldn't pass the bill. little children were killed in kindergarten and first grade. republicans ignored it. kids in high school shot in their high school. republicans ignored it. pulse, las vegas, mother emanuel church. we just can't -- we can't cannot ignore. so, for public sentiment to weigh in people have to know. and joe biden and kamala harris as president and vice president have the bully pulpit beyond the house and senate back and forth. and i feel very optimistic about the difference that it could make in terms of how we respect
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people, their vote, their safety, justice. >> we're going to take another -- >> this is what it's all about, justice, justice, justice, justice in health care, justice in policing, justice in environmental justice, justice in the economy. it's all about justice actually. martin luther king, he said peace is not just the absence of dissension. it is the presence of justice. >> we're going to take another very quick break. we'll have much more with madam speaker nancy pelosi. stay right there. here you're on it. staying fit and snacking light? yup, on it there too. you may think you're doing all you can to manage type 2 diabetes and heart disease... ...but could your medication do more to lower your heart risk? jardiance can reduce the risk of cardiovascular death for adults who also have known heart disease. so, it could help save your life from a heart attack or stroke. and it lowers a1c. jardiance can cause serious side effects including dehydration, ...genital yeast or urinary tract infections,
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madam speaker, we just celebrated martin luther king jr. day at a very difficult time in this country. and his pastor, the pastor of the -- the pastor of the church where he presided will be a united states senator. the state that he called home
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was a pivotal state in terms of giving democrats control of the united states senate. and looming over it all in so many ways is the spirit of john lewis, his great lieutenant, his grand lieutenant and civil rights hero. i want to say i wish he was here to view this moment, but in so many ways he is. and i want to give you an opportunity. in the break you were talking a bit about him. what do you think it means to have john lewis' state, dr. king's state, the state of georgia, be the one that changed america in so many ways. >> it really did. i'm a believer so i believe john was very instrumental in all of this. he had his values we all admired. he had political astuteness too. and he knew -- he knew how to win. so -- but when john was leaving us, i went to see him over fourth of july, and i brought
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him this pin that says "one country, one destiny." i brought him that and his family wanted me to write out the notes so they had for the record and stuff. and this statement, kuhn country, one destiny is what was embroidered into abraham lincoln's coat the night he was killed. one country, one desty. john lewis, abraham lincoln. it wasn't a couple of weeks later that john lewis was lying on the cat hawk that was built for abraham lincoln when he left us. so, their connection. and they were so connected in terms of respecting the dignity about every person. so, it is -- it is -- we feel he went there, joined elijah cummings and the rest and
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they're dancing with the angels to prove what they did to protect our democracy. >> and you mentioned elijah cummings, which is one of my favorites, i will admit. you are a baltimore girl. your dad servesed in this body in the house of representatives as well as being a mayor. i do wonder what you would have thought of -- is this where you thought you would be at this place in history, at this position you were in when you were a little girl in baltimore, is this where you thought you would be? >> no, i never ever thought of it, and i was not -- we were taught that we had responsibility to other people and that you had to -- we were -- i was born into a family, very catholic, deeply religious, fiercely patriotic loving america, proud of our town and american heritage,
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staunchly democratic. we saw all of that going together. and we that responsibilities to other people. that was our faith. that was our party. but i never -- i never -- i was very shy actually. so, it was never -- my brother became mayor. he was the most wonderful. he was the most wonderful, kind person i ever knew in politics or otherwise. but i was never in -- i was a '50s teenager rocking around the clock, elvis the whole thing. i was into normal. but we all -- there wasn't an election that happened that we didn't participate in in a very strong way because it was -- it wasn't -- and that was a long time ago. it wasn't about the environment. it wasn't about women's rights to choose. it wasn't about these things. it was about whose side are you on in term of america's working families. and we would hope that we could join -- everybody could join
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together. but the fact is that there's a difference as to we're there to protect and we saw that as the democratic party. >> history has some poetry. your dad this congress in world ii. you talk about your catholic faith. we will now have our second catholic president. joseph biden will be the second one. we're going to take one more quick break and we will be back in a moment with more from speaker nancy pelosi inside this majestic building, the site of an attempted insurrection just two weeks ago. don't go away. y. 's one that'll really take you back. wow! what'd you get, ryan? it's customized home insurance from liberty mutual! what does it do bud? it customizes our home insurance so we only pay for what we need!
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madame speaker, i will admit that it is -- it's something emotional for me to be in in building, knowing what happened here. to you, is there something about
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it that feels different? >> difference in resolve. it is vulnerable, which we never thought. and that we have to lift up its protection. this building had not been invaded except by the british in the war of 1812 and now by the instigation of the president of the united states for insurrection on the capitol. that is what makes it so tragic. physical things don't mean much to me. they are symbols. but the impact of democracy, the impact of the people who work here, it's almost unforgivable. >> we were preparing to walk out here about the maintenance staff, largely black and brown folks who had to come in after all this and clean up after it.
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it's so disrespectful to these people, and also to this. >> well, the injustice of it all, that i have to salute the custodial staff, they make it what it is, for us to come to work. for press to cover, for staff to serve and they do it quietly, invisibly. until this mob of terrorists instigated by the president of the united states violated, vandalized this building. the custodial staff rose to the occasion. they row stored it all without complaint. but there is an injustice there that must be corrected. these terrorists, slobs would come in here and desecrate this
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place, and that these good people had to clean up their mess. it's just -- the injustice of it all, it really makes he angry. >> we're standing in the hall. it's hard to believe that people would have disrespect for the building, and those of you and your staff who serve. i don't know if you have seen the video of people screaming your name, where's nancy? looking for you, hunting you. i don't even know how i would react to that. how do you react how personal it was towards you? >> well, i was more thinking about my staff and my colleagues who don't have the protection that i had. but also think of this. this is statuary hall. this used to be the chamber of the house.
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abraham lincoln's desk used to be in this room. lincoln served here. in the chamber they were trying to bombard is where the abolition of slavery took place, war was declared to protect our freedom. history was made. giants of america served with whom we are all colleagues. but they are some of our friends in the congress and no respect for that. in fact, they were here to destroy it. >> if you had a message for the outgoing president, what would you say to him? >> firstly, i would say to him, accept the results of the election, concede to the president, joe biden, and call off the terrorists you have
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unleashed. that is what i would say to him today, for tomorrow. so he does not jeopardize the safety of anyone tomorrow. because whatever the motivation of some of his people, they still believe the president when he says the election was not legitimate. so if i had to leave him a note, it would be very short. man up! concede the election. nothing more. >> so there will be no notes apparently left for joe biden, and again, for the best maybe. if you were to leave the incoming president a note in the tradition that normally would be left by the outgoing president, what would it say? >> it would say, be yourself. be yourself. be your wonderful, authentic,
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caring joe biden. bringing your vision, your knowledge and judgment, your strategic thinking, your connection to the american people to the floor. be yourself, joe. >> madame speaker, thank you so much for inviting us to be here. it's an honor to be in this capitol. an honor always to speak with you. best of luck. it's going to be a challenge. >> thank you once again to madame speaker nancy pelosi, and thank you for watching. good night. ♪♪ well good evening, once again, day 1461 of the trump zrags. was the final full day of the trump administration. 13 hours from now, joe biden will be the nation's 46th president. in the intervening hours, however, joe biden and the rest of the country mugs first get through a highly unusual