tv Politics Nation MSNBC January 23, 2021 2:00pm-3:00pm PST
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. ♪♪ good evening and welcome to "politics nation." tonight's lead, for the first time in four years his name will not be mentioned in my opening. he who left behind nearly 16 million americans unemployed, 50 million people, 17 million of them children, right now going hungry. of course, the pandemic, which we'll get to later. but because with all of that in context tonight, the nation and, of course, the biden administration are urgently moving forward from even this
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historic week because there's far too much, too much damage to repair. president biden wasted no time in his first 72 hours, moving swiftly to increase food assistance, to raise the minimum wage to $15 an hour for federal employees, and a slew of executive orders to shore up employment, the economy and the social safety net. then, of course, there's the debt. no, i do not mean the national debt but the nation's debt to communities that gave joe biden the white house and at least constrained trumpism in the senate with georgia's historic wins this month. black voters will rightfully be looking to mr. biden to honor his pledges on criminal justice, race relations, police brutality. but the most immediate issue for
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the disproportionately infected black community is the pandemic, and it is there that the president, and i'm relieved to be referring to joe biden, is hitting the reset button on his predecessor's failed containment of the virus by retaining the expert who should have had the predecessor's ear all along, as dr. anthony fauci remains the face of two administration's covid responses. he will have to contend with, among other things, the black community's fears around vaccine distribution and the vaccine itself, but it should be at least a lot easier now that he has at least one more adult in the room. so on this very first "politics nation" show of the biden era, who better to start with than the administration's lead doctor, the white house chief medical adviser on the coronavirus pandemic, dr. anthony fauci.
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thank you for being with us this evening, dr. fauci. >> thank you, reverend sharpton. thank you for having me. it is a pleasure to be with you. >> now, dr. fauci, from conversations we've had and you've got the mlk service award from national action network last monday, you understand why there's a historic distrust in the black community of mass medicine, due in large part to our racist past. what can the biden administration do differently from what was happening under the previous administration to ease those concerns? >> well, there are a couple of things, reverend sharpton. the thing i think is important is to respect the concern of the african-american community about their hesitancy of getting involved with a federally-funded program such as a vaccine program. because historically there's reason to be skeptical, but the one thing that we also want to do is to make sure we reach out
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at the community level to partner with the african-american community, with the african-american leaders the way, as you know, the way you and i have done over the past couple of weeks, to make it clear that the reasons for the scepticism, although we need to respect them, that we need to understand and explain that vaccination, for example, is extraordinarily important for the protection of the individual, for the protection of your family, and for the protection of the community. so we have a lot of work to do of sincere reaching out to the community and partnering with them and to also -- and president biden made this very clear, that in the distribution, for example, of the vaccine to realize and appreciate that in many of the areas where brown and black people live they don't have as easy access to the vaccine distribution. so we've got to have community vaccine centers, pharmacies, and
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even mobile units that will get out to them. so there's a lot of things to do, and president biden has made this a very important part of his agenda. >> now, you've been in conversations that i have shared with, with the conference of black national, black churches with choose healthy life and others. i want to ask you about some numbers, though, that n b kr picked up from the kaiser health report. 16 -- but in 16 dates that released data by race, white residents are being vaccinated at significantly higher rates than black residents. in many cases, two to three times higher. what do you hear from black americans hearing that and fearing that the vaccine seen
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won't be equitably distributed? >> there are probably a complexity of issues that lead to those statistics, reverend sharpton. one of them is the inherent hesitancy of brown and black people to get vaccinated, which relates to the comment i made a little bit ago and that's the reason we've got to reach out to them and convince them why it's torn to get vaccinated. but we also must realize that the accessibility to vaccinations may not be as easy tore brown and black people as it is for the majority of white individuals, such as where you live, the kinds of facilities available to you. we've got to do two things simultaneously, we've got to reach out and convince them of the safety and the efficacy and why it's important to get vaccinated but we've also got to provide the capability of getting the distribution to them in a way that's easier than it is right now.
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because in some cases, as we know when you go into the community, into the trenches and try and find out what the issues is, you find out that it is not as easy, for example, public transportation might not be as readily available. many individuals don't have an automobile to drive to where the vaccine is distributed. so we've got to go into the community with the accessibility of the vaccine to make sure the numbers become equequitable. >> we know president biden is calling for 100 million vaccine nations in the first hundred day. here's andrew cuomo this morning, a day after his state essentially ran out of doses of the vaccine. he says -- take a listen to this. >> we have to get help for new york because the congress members are right. new york got hit hardest.
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fairness dictates that this nation now responds to us with the appropriate aid. we had more pain in this state than any other state, and our federal resource allocation should reflect that. >> you and i both being brooklyn boys certainly would want to see new york treated in a way that the governor does not have to va things like that. how do we deal with trying to make those states not only new york but including new york, get what is necessary as you rightfully say we have to make it even more accessible to those -- the parts of the estate, those communities, that have been disproportionately neglected given the social factors. >> it's a great point, reverend sharpton, as well as the point that governor cuomo made. if you look at the strategic
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plan of president biden for addressing covid-19, the specific details are there and to do everything you possibly can to expand the availability of vaccines, to do things like invoking the defense production act to get materials such as needles, which are much more suited to making the most out of the doses that are available. to do those kinds of things. for example, we know now there will be more vaccines coming online from different companies. so the commitment of the biden administration now to address the issues that you're talking about, i can tell you from personal intense discussions with the president and the vice president about that, they're going to do everything we possibly can to ratchet up those numbers of doses, not only for new york but for all those areas of the country that require them. >> and you've spent time talking to influencers and people in the health field like deborah
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frazier house and leaders like reverend richardson and others trying to really deal with these issues. i can say i've been in those conversations and you have been spending a lot of time trying to deal with this issue. thank you very much for being on the first "politics nation" of the biden era and the harris era. thank you, dr. anthony fauci. let me bring in my panel now. happy to have on the panel tonight patrice colors, founder and chair of reform l.a. jails and co-founder of black lives matter and tim miller, writer at large at the bulwark and former communication director for jeb bush's 2016 campaign. let me go to patrice first, who bears the only license to call me an o.g. patrice, we are currently in the midst of a hunger emergency in this country with 50 million
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americans, including 17 million children considered food insecure. how does the biden administration get to those millions in need that you advocate so strongly for? >> well, thank you so much for having me on, reverend al, o.g. i appreciate everything you've been doing over the last four years and it feels very different to be on your show under this administration, let me tell you that. but i think we have a long ways to go. as you said, currently folks are going hungry. one of the first things this administration could do is issue those $2,000 checks, ensure that folks who are houseless right now are getting housing under this current administration, and really pushing forward an agenda that reaches the poor, not just the middle class but also poor people across the nation.
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>> tim, let me ask you this, in a "new york times" we learned the former president plotted with a justice department lawyer to oust the acting attorney general and overturn the election. how much more are we likely to learn about trump's criminal behavior before the impeachment trial gets under way? >> i think significantly more opinion look, rev, there are some people that were quite trump loyalists who are expressing their concern. i think trump was very much on an island in his administration in how far he was willing to get to try to overturn this election and really bring an end to our democratic experiment. so i think we are likely to learn more. whether the republican senators will care about the facts or do
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whatever their pro-trump voters tell them to do needs to be seen as an open question. i think this is going to continue to look worse and worse for the president and this anecdote for "the new york times" about him pressuring the justice department is worse than anything that happened in watergate. and so i think that it's a very clear move right know. i don't think it's any clearer he should be prevented from running again but politics is going to get in the way. >> you co-founded black lives matter, you pushed the issue of race and class. weekly jobless claims were still near 1 million mark last week. what biden initiatives could help to turn the economy around to those at the bottom? >> one, definitely raising the minimum wage. and i think that is one step
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closer to closing the wealth gap, but we have to be bolder than that as well. i think we can also look at college education. we all understand that that brings us closer to getting a greater job, but many folks don't have access to going to college because of how much it is. so we should get free education. that should be a no brainer. and we also need to make sure folks who are currently in serious debt because of their college education, that that's wiped away. there should be no student debt. >>. >> many of president biden's early taxes are overturning overreach by his predecessor. how can they overturn order when they never objected to trump's choices in the first place? >> i think they'll manage to
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find a way to complain about it. this is the danger of governing by executive order. you govern by executive order, you're ungoverned by section tiff order. that's something the biden administration has to be careful about as well. the 17 executive orders that he signed on the first day, 16 of those are wide live popular with even swing voters. this is a popular agenda, as much of that as he can have ratified through congress while they have the senate majority and the house majority is really important. the republicans are going to win again sometime. you can see how quickly progress is wiped away if you're governing only as executive order as president donald trump did in the last two years of his term. >> yesterday at the white house, president biden laid out his case for the urgency of bipartisan priority. listen to this.
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>>. >> we're in a national emergency. we need to act like we're in a national emergency. so we've got to move with everything we've got and we've got to do it together. i don't believe democrats or republicans are going hungry and losing jobs. i believe americans are going hungry and losing their jobs. we have the tools to fix it. we have the tools to get the virus under control and our economy back on track. we have the tools to help people. so let's use the tools, all of them. use them now. >> we are in an emergency but some of us are disproportionately impacted, patrice. and we understand the need to reach out, but we don't want to see him fall out with the base that brought him there.
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how do we deal with having him thread that needle of being bipartisan in his reaching out but not forgetting those that have been disproportionately impacted and those that put him there to bring balance to the redevelopment and reforming. disaster we've had to go through the last four years? >> i think that's a great question. much who i'm thinking about in the last 72 hours are victims of police violence and largely are from poor black neighborhoods. this administration needs to set a new tone around police violence and mass incarceration. i'm hoping we hear from this administration to talk very poignantly about where they're going to go when it comes to those issues.
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>> thank you both for being with us this evening. coming up, remember those weekly memo i used to write to mr. trump? he's moved out of the white house and it's time for us to move on, too. next my call to americans to rise up. first my colleague richard lui with today's top news stories. >> good day. some of the stories we're watching for you, the cdc says right now over 20 million vaccine doses were given. coronavirus still climb now to over 25 million and fatalities over 416,000. now, florida saw its deadliest day so far friday. 277 people taken by the virus. statewide now over 25,000 deaths, the nation's fourth highest. and near live 1,100 protesters and 70 russian cities were arrested. they want the release of russian opposition leader alexi navalny, a vocal critic of vladimir
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putin, he was arrested when he returned to russia last week. he was being treated for a near-fatal nerve poisoning. it's believed russian agents did that. >> and legendary talk show host larry king died today at the age of 87. king says he believes he did over 40,000 interviews. he interviewed celebrities such as frank sinatra, jerry seinfeld and political figurers including vladimir putin. more "politics nation" right after the break. nation" right after the break. (rocket ship) hey! hey! heads up. thank you! water tastes like, water. so we fixed it. mio
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segment called rise up. it will be a recurring call to action and a spotlight on those people in the news every week who are already putting in the hard work as youth poet laureate amanda gorman put it at the inauguration. >> to forge our union with purpose, to compose a country committed to all cultures are colors, characters and conditions of man. >> wednesday was a member that contained multitudes because even as we celebrated the swearing in of a new president and the milestone ascendancy of the first black woman vice president, we must remember inauguration might have been the first step in a return for normalcy but normalcy has never been enough for million was of
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americans. we must now get down to less glamorous work of repairing the fire damage. perhaps now we can live up to the words of another american poet, emma lazarus, inscribed upon the base of lady liberty, quote, give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free." those huddled masses must include the least among us. those of us who can fight must raise our voices for those who can't. so even as they are still cleaning up from wednesday's celebration, we must continue our fight for freedom. keep the pressure on your elected representatives, keep marching for racial justice and against oppression, continue the hard work in your own community every day until every hungry child is fed, every homeless person housed and every injustice rectified. now, that might sound like a pipe dream, and it's true that
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accomplishing those goals will likely be the work of many lifetimes, but if every one of the millions of americans who voted for this return to normalcy makes it their mission to stay in the struggle, if white folks join the fight for racial justice, men join the fight for gender equality and straight folks join the fight for lbgtq liberation and the haves start fighting for the have notes, we might finally be able to start rising together and build the nation we promised centuries and one base on the reality of liberty and justice for all because in the less famous worlds of emma lazarus, until we are all free, we are none of us free. we'll be right back. free. we'll be right back.
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that began this week. and my next guest is the author of a new book, "long time coming, reckoning with race in america." joining me now is michael eric dyson. dr. dyson, you have said for a long time now the preeminent public interbe elect you'll scholar of this generation and you've come out with this book at this time and you trace the history of racism in america and address many victory of systemic racism and police brutality, many of whom happened within this past year. what inspired to you quite a book that takes this deep dive into what is america's original sin? >> thank you so much, reverend sharpton, for your kind words, from the greatest leader we have today. i was inspired after the death of george floyd and breonna
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taylor and ahmad ashbury to the commitment of the nation to ending systemic racism, challenging anti-blackism and take up the call of anti-racism and understand how of we can reckon with race in the aftermath of those tragedies. in the 1990s they talked about a sindemic, the pandemic of race under one hand and the pandemic of the global virus on the other. while we were enduring the global virus, we are an eruption and outbreak of this racial pandemic. and the law enforcement's's treatment of black people was again under the spotlight, something you've been helping us understand at least since the 1980s. what i wanted to do was
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-- focus a serious light onpar. i didn't want to write about our ancestors, i wanted to write to them. >> wow. so the book is written to the victims. a national hero, hank aaron, died this week. the baseball player broke barriers, especially defined racist critics in the 1970. will we continue to see movements that spur racial reckoning through sports in your opinion? >> that's a great point. i think we will. i mean, the golden era of muhammad ali, jim brown, althea gibson, and think of hank aaron, who broke the record of babe
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ruth and we might add, reverend sharpton, just this year, not long ago, the major league baseball decided to accept the records and fuse them from the negro leagues and the major leagues. that's going to challenge a lot of records and put on a different setting of those system players. like mr. aaron who hit 30 more home runs per year more than any other figure in the game and an extraordinarily conscientious and awoke activist, there's no doubt that has transferred over to a lebron james, a candice parker, the nba players, the nfl players, the wnba players and we've moved from merely having outrage against social just in hank aaron's day, then to social service in the 90s and then i think now back to social justice
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activism. what i mean by social service, go to a hospital, see young kids, go to, you know, visit and help people build homes who are poor. but now it's about social justice, economic inequality and racial antagonism that we have to confront and i think these athletes are doing a great job of underscoring the necessity of getting involved when the wnba and the nba walked out, refused to work and said this shooting in that time of jacob blake in kenosha, wisconsin is more important than playing, that sent a serious message to the nation and i think they have upheld that tremendous tradition of players standing up for those who are vulnerable. >> you know, lloyd austin iii, he became. first black secretary of defense in u.s. history this week. couple that with kamala harris, the first female vice president
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and first black female vice president, the biden administration has made themselves out to be an administration of firsts, for women and black americans with a diverse cabinet. and this after years of struggle. you can't talk about any of them -- you can't talk about austin without benjamin mays -- i mean talking about benjamin davis is who i'm thinking of. can't talk about kamala harris without talking aboutshire live chism and reverend jesse jackson, the first to raise up that we should have a woman vice president. do you think this will help president biden and race relations in the country, that he has such a diverse cabinet? >> yeah, that's a great point. and not only that, as you said, but trans folk, indigenous folk as well as gay people. yes, i think he's had one of the most diverse cabinets ever. not only that, he put kamala
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harris in good standing to become eventually, potentially, the first female president of the united states of america and he's broadened the pathway for black people to join the administration. and the first president i remember, that i recall, who, first of all, said black people i owe you and because you helped me, i'm going to have your back and then to announce in the inaugural speech that he's standing up against white supremacy and fighting, you know, white supremacy and racial injustice. >> and he said fighting systemic racism, i've never heard that in an inaugural address in american history. >> never, rev. and ithink he's followed through. people have to give him a chance. the man has stood up. he said i'm going to have a diverse cabinet, he followed through, committed to ending systemic racism and fighting against white supremacy.
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we have to give him a chance to do so. i think he's off to a very good start. >> and we're going to be watching and holding him accountable, but he is off to a start that we have not seen. the book is called "long time coming," it's a verse from sam cook's song "a change going to come," "long time coming, reckoning with racial america" by dr. eric dyson. thank you for being with me. as the biden administration faces generational challenges in public, domestic terror and race relations, its messengers will be just as important as its message. joe biden will preside over an administration singular in diversity, an asset hopefully in this urgent first 100 days, which this week one of the top advisers called, quote, a down payment. he joins me now to explain those terms. i'm talking about cedric richmond, senior adviser to the
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president of the united statess are immediately i don't know and director of the white house office of public engagement. let me say this, mr. richmond. i have certainly had good dialogue over the years with president biden and certainly a good relationship with vice president harris but it is you that many of us trust that is in the west wing, which puts a heavy load on your shoulders. this was how you broke down the first 100 days of the biden administration to politico this week by, quote, saying 100 million vaccinations wrapping around our arms around this pandemic, putting a down payment on racial equity, on climate and immigration and investing back into the american infrastructure and the american people. that's a lot to explain. so it's good we have a lot of time. you explain to us how you feel that's a down payment and what
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you hope that you and the administration can do in those first 100 days to put that down payment. we know you can't solve everything but to make the down payment. >> first of all, thank you for having me, reverend al. look, the one thing i can say about the president and the vice president is that they are laser focused on the american people, not themselves. that mean we do what's necessary to help people who are being crushed by this pandemic, whether it's the health aspects of it or the economic aspect. we've lost over 400,000 americans to this pandemic. and we want to make sure that we lose as least as we possibly can and that means getting 100 million vaccinations out in the next hundred days. and so what we saw over the last 38 days, they averaged around 450,000 vaccinations a day. we're going to have to double that and get up to a million a day. it's not an easy task but we think we're going to achieve it.
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this administration is going to give it our all. we're going to be laser focused on the american people. so we're going to wrap our and best we can around the health pandemic and disaster that has occurred. we're going to ask americans to mask up and social distance. we're going to do all of those things so we can kind of get a grasp on the pandemic. but the other part is we know that too many american families are hurting through know fault of their own. and in order to get this economy back together, we have to do certain things and one is the president's american rescue plan, which means we need that money so that we can give money to school systems, so that we can get kids back in school but safely so this we can do the testing and put the infrastructure to make sure that they're safe, so that we can invest in our front line workers that have been risking their lives every day to help us get through this. so it's a robust plan, it covers
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an awful lot. but we didn't stop there. the president also talked about raial equity and he's going to have a government professional to breaking down systemic racism all across government. and that wasn't enough. we also moved to protect and strengthen our dreamers, introduced and rolled out an immigration bill so that those front line workers, the people who have been here and adding to hour economy have a pathway to citizenship. it's been four days but it feels like a year because we've been doing that much, and it's simply because president biden and vice president harris have decided that they're going to go all in on behalf of the american people. >> clint, you were one of the first major lawmakers to endorse president biden and of course you were his national campaign co-chair. now you're his director of
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public engagement, tasked more than anyone else to communicate being the president's message to the people and vice versa. i'm asking you until recently you were the chair of the congressional black caucus, how will the white house deal with that? i talked earlier with dr. fauci. how will you focus on the black community and the imbalance and how this covid-19 virus has impacted and affected us? >> that's one thing i like about this administration. we know what we know, what we don't know and we know where we need help. i was tasked weeks ago -- i convened a call with black male influencers, radio show hosts, athletes, van jones, we all came together to talk about the skepticism that black males have with taking the vaccine.
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and it was a raw conversation, it was straight to the point and the surgeon general was on the call and he answered the tough questions because we know we have work to do. there's a lot of distrust of medicine, especially coming after this administration who had problems telling the truth and transparency and convincing people that facts were facts. so we're going where people are and we're going to answer the hard questions so that they have the confidence in the vaccine that we have. you saw president biden and vice president harris take it themselves. i've had the vaccine. but i wanted to answer the questions that i hear when i go to the barber shop, the distrust dates back to the tuskegee experiment. and the only thing i can harp on is that joe biden is an honest person who cares about the american people.
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that's why you saw him masking up early in his campaign. that's why you always hear him talking about other people. so i just want all of the population, especially populations that have a distrust for government, understand that we are serious about this, we're telling them the truth and that this is the best way to not only protect themselves but to protect their parents, their grandparents and get us out of this slump of an economy that we're in and get kids back to school and beat this. we don't pretend it's going to be easy. in fact, we know it's going to be difficult. but in you know joe biden's story, president biden's story, nothing in his life has been easy and we don't expect the presidency to be that, but we're going to let, you know, our moral compass be our guide and we're going to do the best we can for the american people. >> i take it from your comments you didn't put bleach in your veins but i'll leave that alone. i won't ask for the president's support convicting his predecessor because he's been firm he supports whatever
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congress decides, but with the senate set to start the impeachment trial in two weeks, i will ask you if the president is concerned about further division, possibly violence, as this trial begins and certainly if donald trump is convicted as a result, are you and the administration and the president concerned about what the outcome could be given what happened january 6th? >> look, the president has and if you -- and i sure you did, reverend al -- he talked about unity. this republic doesn't care whether you're democrat or republican, black or white, rich or poor or whether you live in the suburb or the rural area. it's affecting everybody. our vision and goal is to bring everybody together and beat the simultaneous disasters that we're having and we're going to
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ask the senate to do what every american family is doing right now. that's to juggle their schedules, to do multiple things at one time. you have too many parents who are working at home and virtually schooling their kids at home. this is not an easy time. we're going to ask people to roll their sleeves up, including the house and the senate. i worked with all those people. they're some of the most talented and smartest people i ever met in my life and i'm sure that they can do it but our focus is on bettering the lives of the american people. we have all the confidence in the world that congress and the senate will do what they deem necessary to protect and defend the constitution. and while they're doing that, we're going to be focused on this pandemic and the economic disaster that these families are facing. and, reverend al, i don't have to tell you, we have kind of seen it our whole life but there are so many families that are just busting their rear ends to keep a roof over their head, food on the table and clothes on their back.
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and then while doing that, they can't hug their parents, they can't go visit grandparents. so when we think about it in that sense and you know the president and what he's about in terms of family, we just want to make sure we get past this because we know what lies ahead in terms of better days, but we have to get through this rough patch and nobody is going to mislead the american people and tell them it's going to be easy. >> when you say that, i remind people all the time i've agreed over the decades and disagreed sometimes with vice president biden, i've worked with kamala harris but i think one of the things that everyone takes away from president biden is his sensitivity. i'll never forget when he and you and dr. jill, the first lady, met with george floyd's family right before the funeral in houston, the sensitivity he shows, is a decency that we have not seen in the last several years. and if that sensitivity is guided by people like you, i
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believe maybe we can get some things done. as you know, weir going to be watching and we're going to be shoulder to shoulder pushing in the right direction. i thank you for being with us tonight. senior adviser to the president, cedric richmond. up next, my final thought. stay with us. ♪ ♪ when the chapstick goes on. it's on. get yours on at
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over the past few days, we lost two great americans. hank aaron, who rose from a young man in segregated alabama, who took the catcalls and being called the n word, as he approached, and then broke, babe ruth's record in baseball. but never left -- lost his cool. just kept knocking the ball over the wall, and knocked himself into history. that will forever call his name. and then, larry king. the legendary broadcaster, who always opened up his airwaves to all kind of people. celebrities, activists, politicians, heads of state.
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always, open. always asking the question. someone that i have known for decades. did his show many times, even six weeks ago, did his podcast. as we saw them make their transition, we saw this nation bring in a new president. and a new vice president. to keep building on history. joe biden, who i have dealt with, for decades. sometimes, we disagreed in the '90s on the crime bill. but then, i saw him work diligently in the eight years of the presidency of barack obama. i have seen him grow, and become even more sensitive. and we need that sensitivity, in now more than ever as he presides. and we will hold him accountable, and make sure promises made are promises kept. and then, kamala harris, who is now the vice president of the united states. a woman, that i have, also, known a long time. her commitment, her firmness, her candor, and her charisma,
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has made her rise to the heights we've not seen. we know she's there, as a result of many sacrifices. and she has the opportunity, now, to bring that experience and to bring her own knowledge to the highest levels of government. but they can't do it without us holding them accountable. without all of us putting our shoulder to the will. not sit back, and wait and see what they do. but, what we are going to help make them do. and make the senate do, and make the congress do. and what we're going to do with our local officials. we cannot say biden and harris won an election. we must say that we won a new selection. we select decency, fairness, equality, and justice, for all. it's not enough to get the stench out the white house. that, alone, won't bring in the aromas of freedom and justice, for all, in the halls of government and in the halls of
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that does it for me. thanks for watching. i will see you back here, tomorrow, at 5:00 p.m. eastern for another, live hour of "politicsnation," where i will be joined by ohio congresswoman and new chair of the congressional black caucus, joyce beatty and squad member, jamal bowman, representative, from new york. my colleague, alicia menendez,
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picks up our news coverage now. >> thank you, reverend sharpton. hello, i am alicia menendez. tonight, it is down to business, which for team biden, means starting from scratch. from covid to the economy to immigration, how he plans to get it all done. and tonight, new reporting on how republicans are already throwing up roadblocks. all, as we go through impeachment 2.0. one of the house-impeachment managers here to lay out the case democrats are going to bring, as we learn new details of just how far donald trump was willing to go to stay in power. and how doj officials kept him in check. this is "american voices." we begin, with america's new era, which means, for president biden and his administration, it is go time to fix the just unbelievable number of crises facing america. to jump start efforts, the 46th president has issued a flurry of
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