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tv   The Reid Out  MSNBC  January 29, 2021 4:00pm-5:00pm PST

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consider pain, delivered. pain says you can't. advil says you can. good evening, everyone. happy friday. we begin "the reid out" tonight with an exercise. now imagine for a moment that you had to go into the office every day fearing that your co-worker tried to have you killed, that this co-worker liked comments on their social media calling for your boss to be executed by putting a bullet through her head and that your other co-workers broadcast live for months, they put you and your family at risk of harassment, infection, even death? wouldn't that be a massive
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priority for your company's hr department? a conflict management issue of, say, epic proportions? all of those examples are happening right now to members of congress and nothing is being done about it. certainly not by the one person whose literal job it is to manage his party's caucus. where one republican house member is quickly becoming the ultimate toxic employee. instead that republican who is a promoter of the qanon cult now sits on the house education committee despite having publicly claimed that school massacres are staged. and i can't believe that i'm actually about to say this, but we have now learned that the same toxic congresswoman also believes that laser beams from outer space ignited california's deadliest ever wildfire. laser beams from outer space! but here's the thing, maybe, just maybe marjorie q. greene
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isn't the republican outlier that some imagine that she is. maybe she's more representative of the republican caucus than anyone in the party would like for you to think. remember, a majority of house republicans, a majority, as well as six senators voted to try to overturn president biden's victory, and that's after the mob stormed the capitol. again, imagine if this was your workplace. would the hiring of a known racist anti-semitic islam mow phone be permitted? would your can be's antiharassment policy stand for any employee berating another employee while not wearing a mask? would any of this be okay where you work? so why is it okay for congress? joining me now is congresswoman cory bush of missouri. congresswoman, thank you for being here. you have been all the talk today because of this confrontation between yourself and marjorie
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greene. you're now moving your office away from hers. please explain why. >> yeah. so, first of all, thank you for what you just said. you know, it is unbelievable that this is how so many of us get to go to work every day when, you know, i've worked fast food, i've worked in child care, i've worked in health care, i've never been in a work environment like this before. and, you know, one day i was -- it was -- we were just walking down the hallway through the tunnel headed to go and vote and i'm hearing this loud talking behind. this loud talking in the hallway. i kept going. it was no big deal. all of a sudden as i'm walking down the tunnel i'm hearing the voice get louder and louder, and then the voice was closer and closer. and then at one point i realized that it was right behind me. so i turned around because now -- because it was aggressive and it was loud. i'm like, why is this right behind me?
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so i turned around and it was marjorie taylor greene without a mask on. and so -- and so i looked and i'm like -- so i turned back around. i didn't say anything at first. i looked at my team and i'm like, she does not have on a mask. let's keep walking. i thought about it, you're putting me at risk, you're putting my team at risk, everybody else in this tunnel is at risk. just the day before we found out that our colleagues had contracted covid after being on lockdown with this same person and other people who were unmasked. so, no, i'm a nurse. i take care of my community. i take care of my people. you will not put us at risk like that. so i moved out of the way. i saw my little brother john bowman down the hall and as she's passing, i'm like, you know, look, she does not have on a mask. so i said, put on a mask. and then she started to, you know, go off some more. she's on her phone like live
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streaming. my point with that, joy, was that she has the audacity to be walking through this space on her phone showing people that she was bucking the system, showing people that she was not going to adhere to the rules of the house and so i wanted it to be on her live stleem we are saying put your mask on and then her team turned around and her too, but then her team is yelling, stop inciting. stop inciting violence black lives matter. what does black lives matter have to do this, put on a mask and save lives? >> yeah. i just want to point out to the audience that on january 12th the house leadership, the speaker announced there is a mandate that on the floor of the house all members must wear a mask. what was the policy as of -- as you were walking through? was it -- i mean, as you said, you had just known that several members had been diagnosed with covid after locking down on january 6th with republicans who refused to wear masks.
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marjorie taylor green was one of the people who was mocking lisa blunt rochester trying to give them masks and she was mocking them. this is while they were being locked down. this is not the video. it's cut 2 that i wanted to show. we'll pull that back. there it is. there it is. there she is mocking other members. so at the time that you were confronted by her or she's yelling in the hallway, wasn't it generally accepted that people should be wearing masks in the tunnel? >> yes. we're supposed to wear masks but the fine, i believe the fine -- >> >> gotcha. now she went on twitter when my colleague, tiffany cross, tweeted at her that she may want to go on the cross connection, which is tiffany's show which airs tomorrow, and explain
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herself. she then accused you of lying about the interaction and she posted a piece of video. now i want to just for the audience let you know that we're not playing the full video because before the part we're showing she's ranting and raving about black lives matter, about you, about members of black lives matter being a part of congress and then this happens. here she is. this is the video where you describe where we only see her face because she's live streaming showing her own face as she's walking. you can see she doesn't have a mask on and here's what she said. >> then they supported bail bond links -- bail bond links for criminals. >> you know what, yeah, don't yell at people. you know what, you shouldn't bring covid positive members in here spreading covid everywhere. stop being a hypocrite. >> yeah, this is how it is here now. >> she is claiming that that
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disproves your account. what is your reaction? >> it actually -- it actually says exactly what i said. she was walking behind me, correctly behind me. you know, and she's yelling into the phone directly behind me. i moved out of the way because now you're a threat. you know, yo you are' a threat to me and then you don't have on a mask. you don't care enough about us to put on a mask. i said -- now mind you by the time you heard my voice, she was further down the tunnel. we're in the tunnel so of course it's echoing. but you could hear me saying put on a mask. what happened? she put on a mask. but i was not -- and let me say this, too. we're here with staff, team members, congress members yelling at other congress members. where did you hear that happen at? that doesn't happen. for her to turn this around to be a black lives matter issue, that's not what it was. you should care enough about your colleagues. and if you don't believe in
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that, if you don't believe we should have safety, if you don't believe that this is a true health crisis with 400,000 people in this country have lost their lives, if you won't, if you will not honor that and respect those families and respect the people in your community, 750,000 that you are supposed to protect, that you are supposed to serve and protect, if you won't do that, then let go of this job. it is not for you. she can say whatever she wants to say, but the thing is she did not have on a mask in that tunnel and i absolutely spoke up and it's not just about her, joy, this is anybody. any congress member who will not wear a mask. i'm going to speak up. lisa spoke up. if many of us, we will speak up, not just about that. we don't want you bringing your guns on the house floor. we don't want you bringing your guns into your office. we don't want you to evade security and try to run through the metal detectors. no. abide by the rules so that we
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can do the jobs. we moved our office, joy, not because i'm scared of her. not because i think i can't -- like i'm oh, my gosh. that's not why i moved my office. i moved my office because i am here to do a job for the people of st. louis. they deserve that. what i cannot do is continue to look over my shoulder wondering if a white supremacist in congress by the name of marjorie taylor greene or anyone else, because there are others, that they are doing something or conspiring against us. our focus has to be on st. louis and the work that we can get done and also my team deserves better. they should not have to come to work and have to wonder if that door is going to open, that does not have a peephole, if that door is going to open and it is somebody that does not want to do them well. >> congresswoman cori bush, very eloquently said. i think at any workplace people would want that just as a minimum condition to go to work today. thank you for spending time with us this evening. please stay safe.
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thank you. i want to bring in tim miller and malcolm nayem. this is serious. tim, i'm going to start with you. you have members of congress, you just heard the congresswoman speak, that her staff and she have to worry that on the other side of the door with no peephole on it could be somebody who is a member of congress who might be armed, who has made very vocal statements against black people, against black lives matter, who has an issue -- she was ranting about black lives matter as marjorie greene was walking down that hallway. she has a fixation, negative fixation on it and cori bush was a black lives matter activist before she was in congress. i don't understand how ms. greene is still a congresswoman, do you? >> i thought congresswoman bush said was right on. look, this is the reality, joy. marjorie taylor greene and lauren bogart and a number of
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others in the house caucus, mel brooks, were on the side of the domestic terrorists. there have been a lot of other republicans, we can talk about this, who have been basically coup neutral. when it comes to marjorie taylor greene she was on the side of the domestic terrorists that stormed the capitol. this is not something that we have a precedent for in modern america, right? so i think that it is absolutely appropriate for congresswoman bush to be concerned about that and why is she still in congress? well, it's because the republican leadership doesn't have the courage to stand up to her because they think their base is on her side and they're probably right about that. look, i think the most telling thing that happened this week, joy, was that matt gates flew to wyoming to chastise liz cheney, not because of her positions on any policy issues, but because she was willing to say no to the domestic terrorists, insurrectionists. meanwhile, not a single republican has said anything about marjorie taylor greene, flown down to georgia, talked
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about how we need to get rid of her, expel her, kick her out of committees. i think that tells you where the committee is. >> this is matt gates. this is a rally that he did. this is shocking to me, anyone would do a rally like this, malcolm, after what we saw on the 6th inciting the people and naming the people he wants the crowd to invade. take a listen. >> leadership doesn't mean backing a nancy pelosi dual impeachment. you can help me break a corrupt system. you can send a representative who actually represents you! and you can send liz cheney home. >> malcolm, you wrote a really great piece in the washington post that we're not taking seriously that we have an insurgency embedded in the republican party. they are exemployeding that
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vacuum to seize political power. how concerned are you that this -- that these people are an actual insurgency like what we see in places like iraq? >> well, you know, i mentioned this on bill meier's show in november after the election, that we were looking at the face of insurgency and after the election we saw their strategy which was to completely discredit the entirety of the election, mobilize their people and create a false narrative, a false reality that led to a full scale attack on the united states capitol. these people were not there just to protest and to show their support for donald trump. they fully intended to stop the certification of the election and i mentioned this on this show before, that there were likely assassination teams, what we would call a murder cell, within that group. we're finding the fbi is charging people for that very
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conspiracy. they intended to go in, find, and kill high value persons just like nancy pelosi and aoc. this is not the end of this. what we've seen happen is only the beginning of what will be a long-term series of insur rekt shuns. matt gates speech was him recentering the body of conservatism to show old school conservatism, lynn cheney, they're done. they're done forever. it is now the war party of donald trump and all they're doing is waiting for trump to talk. we're going to have a multi--year problem. you know, it could go -- it could be as bad as northern ireland. who knows. >> you know, tim, the thing is that there have been so many warnings, right? you can go all the way back to timothy mcveigh era. the national -- the narol points out that some of the same people that were a part of that
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insurrectionist mob have popped up at quasi violent antiabortion protests as well. they're part of that movement as well. i want to play for you a gentleman named alan west. this is the kind of talk that we heard from a member of congress, alan west from the state of florida, back when president obama was elected. this is in 2009. >> if you're here to stand up, to get your musket, to fix your bayonet and to charge into the ranks, you are my brother and sister in this fight. you need to leave here understanding one simple word. that word is bayonets. >> and i remember because i was covering florida politics at the time, tim. he would say this all the time. this was not considered remarkable speech in the republican party. he's talking about bayonets, muskets, march on the capitol.
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that was then. he then loses ultimately to a democrat, but that has existed for a while in the party, no? this kind of talk. >> now he's the chairman of the texas republican party, joy. i don't know if you knew that. he's moved across a little bit. he's not going anywhere, he's talking about secession now. i think that, yes, you know, you can point signs at this going back all the way to the tea party, but i think really the bright red flashing warning signs when donald trump was running in 2016, when he said he covered the legal bills for his fans if they beat up protestors at his rallies, then you have the domestic terror in el paso and caesar sayock and get chen whitmer, attempts to capture and assassinate her. so many warning signs where it had moved from the area of rhetoric to action and so none
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of those things were wakeup calls for people in the house or in the senate in the republican caucus. you would have thought when it came to their house that they would have had a wake-up call. it seemed like there might have been by 24 hours, mitch mcconnell was talking differently. here we are three weeks later and it's like business as usual again. >> absolutely. >> i agree with malcolm on the point there's no reason to believe this will stop if nothing changes in the way republican officials are dealing with these insurrectionists. >> kevin mccarthy was warned. nothing to stop it. tim miller. thank you very much. malcolm nance is going to be back later in the show. up next on "the reid out," charles blow joins me on how white nationalism and qanon went extreme in the party. plus, new covid concerns.
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mutates strains look ominous but -- but, there is hope with new vaccines on the way. >> over the last 24 hours there have been the announcements of two other trials and the results really are very encouraging. back with more of "the reid out" after this. s. [szasz] we take care of ourselves constantly; it's important. we walk three to five times a week, a couple miles at a time. - we've both been taking prevagen for a little more than 11 years now. after about 30 days of taking it, we noticed clarity that we didn't notice before. - it's still helping me. i still notice a difference. prevagen. healthier brain. better life.
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it should come as no surprise that the goal of the capitol insurrectionist was to exert their perceived white privilege to try to overturn the will of millions and millions of voters, specifically black voters. it's a battle black and brown voters have had to wage ever since our right to vote was affirmed. what's especially troubling is how common the rhetoric has come from public officials fanning the flames of the far right groups. >> when mexico sends its people, they're not sending their best. they're bringing drugs. they're bringing crime.
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they're rapists, and some i assume are good people. >> the generations of black and hispanic men, do you want to know what holds them down? gangs. being in gangs and dealing drugs is what holds them down. the gangs are holding them back. it's not white people. >> all of these people trying to force their way in, it's called an invasion. >> we have to study the history of slavery and its role and impact on the development of our country because otherwise we can't understand our country. as the founding fathers said, it was the necessary evil upon which the union was filled. >> i care about everybody. if you're a young african-american, an immigrant, you can go anywhere in this state, you just need to be conservative, not liberal. >> the 2020 election illustrated not only the first female vice president but the first black and asian-american in that role and "new york times" columnist
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charles blow describes in his new book how moments of social advancement for black americans nearly almost always coincide with white backlash. the emancipation and the civil war gave rise to the kkk which formed months after the war ended. the election of the first black president gave rise to the tea party which was formed soon after barack obama was sworn in. and joining me now is charles blow, "new york times" columnist author of "the devil you know." i'm so excited to talk to you. favorite columnist. your books are amazing. i am partway through this wonderful book, "the devil you know." >> thank you. >> of course. we were just talking with congresswoman cori bush having to go to work in fear. not because she's afraid of this one individual person, but the movement that this fellow
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congress person represents is hateful toward black people, hateful towards black lives matter and fixated on it. from your point of view, where are we in this country? >> it feels like we're stuck in a ground hog day of racial oppression in this country. every now and then the ground hog pops his head back up and never having truly gone away. there is hard to find a period where this hatefulness doesn't resurrect itself, where white supremacy doesn't react violently to change. this is a fixture of american society and we keep -- not we, the people keep trying to make an excuse for it, blame it on something else saying that now, you know, there's an economic anxiety or now, you know, there's anxiety about displacement at the ballot
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boxes. white supremacy -- >> i'm sorry. i didn't mean to interrupt you. go on. >> i was done. >> well, i want to show you -- let me show you this picture. this is one of the most galling images of the siege, which 1/6 is like 9/11 and we should never let it go. this is the picture of somebody carrying a confederate flag into our capitol. they managed to fly the confederate flag proudly, didn't bother to put a sheet on, openly do that. are we in some senses still in the aftermath of the civil war? it almost feels like the civil war is the war between north and south korea, that it's an armistice, that it didn't even end in a lot of ways. >> well, they've been trying to win it back ever since. one story the south lost the
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civil war in 1865 but then they won it in 1890. that's when they called all of these constitutional supremacy into the laws. that's a different form. that's the idea. it keeps coming back because it's never going anywhere. that is the part of the whole discussion that we don't grasp. it's never going anywhere. you have to deal with it as a thing that cannot be compromised with, it cannot be placated, it cannot be assuaged. they're trying to coax it and control it for 150 years after slavery. >> your book is subtitled black power manifesto. i think it's important that you include that subtitle because as this white supremacist monster has continued to thrive like the
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alien in the aliens series of movies, black people have actually managed to acquire real power. in small ways. there have only been 11 black united states senators. not in huge ways. but managing to claw power out of this system. what do we do in this moment in terms of how we exercise it, in terms of how we grow it in this system as it is? >> so right now we have mostly municipal power. the 1200 majority black cities in america, 90% of them in the south, by the way. but we don't have a lot of state power, but georgia is a window into how that can be achieved. you just mentioned we've had i think it's now 11 black senators in the history of america. all of them before warnock were elected by coalitions led by somebody other than black people. warnock is the first black senator in which the -- major
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part of the coalition who elected him, majority of it was black people. and that is a real shift. it is a seismic shift in understanding how power can be exerted. you know, that is partly because of the reverse migration. in 1990 there were only 1.7 million black people in georgia. it has doubled. 2020 it was 3.4 plus million black people in georgia. you want to be able to elect who you want on a statewide level and exert some state power, that is required. >> and we're seeing already the backlash to that. we started off this conversation talking about backlash. we're already seeing bills popping up all across the country including in georgia,
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arizona instead of clawing back the decisions of the voters to be mandated in the end. are you more hopeful or do you see more peril ahead of us in the short term politically? >> this is what is going to happen. people do not relinquish power easily. absolutely systems built on white prem sprem ma see easily. they will do whatever they can to maintain that power. if you are interested in acquiring that power, you have to be just as resilient, just as diligent, have just as much steadfastness to hold on and to stay in that game and to stay in that place. this is a revolutionary act. >> indeed. indeed. indeed, indeed. charles blow, every column you write i wish i had written it. this book is fantastic and thank you so much for being on to talk
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about it. >> thank you. >> really appreciate you, sir. be safe and be well. >> thank you. >> thank you so much. today by the way on his way to visit wounded soldiers at walter reed national military center, president biden stressed the need for coronavirus relief with or without republican support. >> i support passing total relief with support from republicans if we can get it, but the covid bill has to pass. there's no ifs, ands or buts. >> we will have more on the coronavirus including the news that a third vaccine could be coming soon. don't go anywhere. we'll talk about that after the break. bout that after the break. evidence-based recommendations to our patients. in a recent clinical study, patients using salonpas patch reported a 49% reduction in pain severity. with 9 out of 10 using less or a lot less oral pain medicines. patients reported improved sleep, mood and the ability to work. effective relief.
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the real honey you love... plus, the powerful cough relief you need. mind if i root through your trash? new robitussin honey severe. strong relief for your severe symptoms. there is good news today from pharmaceutical company johnson & johnson which announced that its vaccine trial was 72% effective in preventing moderate to severe cases of the coronavirus. the vaccine, unlike two of the two currently available, can be administered fully in one dose instead of two and it doesn't have to be frozen. the company plans to ask the fda as soon as next week. the company says it was less effective against the highly contagious south african variant of covid-19 which was currently spreading inside the united states. both pfizer and moderna has said this is less effective against a particular strain of the virus.
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dr. fauci called the news a wake-up call. >> this is a wake-up call to all of us that we will be dealing as the virus uses its devices to evade pressure, particularly immunological pressure, that we will continue to see the evolution of mutants. this all tells us that it is an incentive to do what we've been saying all along, to vaccinate as many people as we can as quickly as we possibly can. >> joining me now is dr. celine gounder. dr. gounder, just to set the stage here, 25.9 million cases. 437,000 deaths. i almost gag reading these numbers every time. now on top of all of that death we have this new variant. dr. ashish zsah tweeted this.
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this scares me because this variant seems like it is really scary. do you think that this new johnson & johnson news means that we can fight this new variant or is it still working on the old version? >> look, the most important thing we can do to stop the rise of variants is to stop transmission of the virus. every time the virus moves from one person to another it is given the opportunity to mutate and for new variants to emerge. there is a reason that the countries from which we've seen variants emerge, united kingdom, south africa, brazil, these are countries that didn't do as good of a job controlling the virus, they allowed the virus to spread like wildfire through the population, and that is why we've seen some of these new
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variants emerge from there, not from countries like south korea, vietnam, japan, some of the other southeast asian countries that did a good job of controlling the infection. we need to use all of the tools at disposal whether that's the vaccine, social distancing, masking. >> i've been saying i feel like the coronavirus is like the alien in aliens. you are like ripley. every time it jumps into someone's body, it jumps out as a new alien. apparently the u.s. didn't do a good job of sequencing this new variant. does that mean it might have been here longer and we just didn't know it was there? >> yeah. i mean, this is a great example of massive under investment in public health over decades. this is technology that was at our disposal. the u.k. uses it routinely to look for variants. we were not doing so.
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we were doing a handful from every state over the last several months. that's not nearly enough. and so to really stay ahead of something like this you need to be doing the testing, and that means investing in public health, investing in the labs, investing in the bioinformatics necessary to analyze these variants and to figure out how to move forward. >> that means we're doomed. we don't even have a national health system. let's talk about the johnson & johnson efficacy of that version of the vaccine. it seems great because it's only one shot, right? that's what's alarming a lot of people, when they say it's only 72% successful in the u.s. at preventing moderate severe disease but it's only 57% effective in south africa where the variant comes from. i didn't realize that the flu virus is only about like 50% effective, too? so is 72% good news? >> i guess it really depends on what is it you're focused on? are you focused on not getting
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coronavirus at all or are you focused on preventing hospitalization and death from covid? the johnson & johnson vaccine was 100% effective in preventing death. no, it may not prevent that cough from covid, but if it prevents the death, if it saves your life, to me that is a tool worth having. >> that will be 100% good. gentleman, absolutely. dr. celine gounder, thank you for that clarification. appreciate that. stay safe. up next, apparently republicans need a reminder of what happens when you start to tear down the framework of democracy. well, we've got that covered. stay with us.
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the regime in russia is bracing for another weekend of
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protests over the detention of alexander navalny, the anticorruption activist and chief opposition leader to vladimir putin. he was arrested upon returning to russia from germany where he was being recovered from being poisoned. there was little doubt the kremlin was responsible. with his chief rival behind bars putin is cracking down on the pro democracy protesters who are pushing for navalny's release. literally trying to snuff out the opposition. after all, putin has plans to remain in power until 2036 thanks to a fraudulent referendum last july. it's the kind of man who ended his flirtation with. he tried to lock up his opponents, encouraged officials to fabricate votes and attempted
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to steal an election. the orange one's envy of putin is why he was so solicitous of putin. and that brings us to a young former air force specialist, reality winner who leaked proof of russia's malign activity in this country back in 2017. that leak was intended to expose the kremlin and bolster u.s. security, but her identity wasn't protected by the very news outlet she entrusted with that message and we're going to shine a spotlight on her case next. (coughing) hi susan! honey? yeah? i respect that. but that cough looks pretty bad... try this new robitussin honey severe. the real honey you love... plus, the powerful cough relief you need.
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it's your wireless. your rules. only with xfinity mobile. in 2017, reality winner was a 25-year-old air force veteran working as an nsa contractor when she leaked some of the earliest evidence of russia's attack on our voting system. she printed out a classified
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report confirming russian hackers targeted an election software company and 122 election officials and she sent it to the news outlet, the intercept. that leak served as a warning about the vulnerability of our voting system. something that even the department of homeland security was slow to acknowledge at the time. the winner was quickly arrested thanks in part to the carelessness of the reporters at the intercept who failed to protect her identity as the source. as "the new york times" details, the lead reporter on the story sent a copy of the document which contained a crease showing it had been printed out to the nsa, media affairs office all but identifying ms. winner as the leaker. ultimately pleaded guilty in 2018 and still serving a sentence of over five years. that's the longest ever sentence imposed in federal court for an unauthorized release of government information to the media, according to prosecutors. winner is languishing in prison
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while edward snowden. went on to pardon his cronies. winner's new president, with a harder line toward russia. joining me is reality winner's mom. billy winner davis and u.s. intelligence expert. and ms. winner davis, thank you so much for being here. a long road trying to get to this interview to happen. thank you for being flexible as breaking news overturned our previous attempts to do this. talk to me about reality. what was her goal in your mind and do you think she was treated the way other leakers have been in the past, put it that way. >> so first of all, thank you so much for having me on. it is such an honor. i'm truly grateful. i believe that my daughter, first of all, my daughter and i
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have never ever had a conversation with regard to why she did this vital piece of information but knowing my daughter and her social media posts and the interrogation that the fbi did with her, you know, my daughter believed that trump was the very worst thing that could ever happen to america for many reasons as a lot of us and here my daughter was torn with hearing the lies that this administration was telling the american people trying to say the russian investigation was all a hoax and my daughter had a piece of evidence right in front of her and she needed this to get out to the american people and no one else was releasing it and she took it upon herself to do it for us. >> do you think that she went to this particular news outlet because it had been involved in
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the past in issues like the edward snowden case? did she think that was a sympathetic outlet for her and what do you make of what happened as a result of that same news outlet not really concealing her identity? >> i'm not really sure about why reality went to the intercept. i know that, you know, anybody in nsa is warned about edward snowden and i know that there's a natural curiosity to go to "the intercept." so i really don't know that piece of it and i do realize that mistakes were made. mistakes were made by "the intercept" and my daughter that led the fbi straight to her door. but i can't blame the intercept for what happened. i blame trump and trump's doj for what happened to my daughter. they're the ones who arrested her, denied her bail, persecuted
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her under the espionage act, denied her compassionate release and when have made sure she got the longest ever sentence for a crime of this nature in the united states. i blame trump. i blame his doj for this. >> we've talked a lot about the snowden case and he is a cause celebre for those who see themselves as civil libertarian purists but the house report in 2016 found the vast majority of the documents mr. snowden stole really had nothing to do with programs impacting privacy interest but pertained to the military defense and intelligence programs of great interest to america's add ver tears and he's now in russia where she has safe haven and you see republican lawmakers pushing the former president to pardon him. there's a lot of people on other side of the aisle pushing for a pardon for him. why do you suppose that reality's story has not become the kind of cause celeb.
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>> my thanks to ms. winner's mother. i know where she was coming from. i was an arabic lin kwis. went to the same schools and training facilities and assigned the same place she was at some point in her career. you could understand the allure of wanting to make a significant impact in a very important story of the day, but on the other hand, what she did was wrong. she released classified information, and there's a way to do this. look at colonel alexander vindman and others. that's water under the bridge but why the right-wing has
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edward snowden as a cause celeb? he's a traitor. he released i swore to protect to die. with the intent to release the information -- the person who released lots of classified information. there is a way for miss winner to get a pardon. she needs to show remorse, come out and expose what she did. we all know what that is. and to show that in comparison, general michael flynn, the former director of defense intelligence agency was committing crimes that he admitted to the fbi. put it in context. there's a system out there now. there's a new president and, you know, it won't be considered a corrupt pardon if reality winner is released as opposed to, i don't know, steve bannon.
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>> is that something you intend to do and are you hopeful it will happen now there's an administration that sees russia as an adversary and not something to aspire to duplicate? >> so right now, reality has a petition for clemency on file and that's pretty much what we're pushing right now. just commute her sentence. let her out. she is suffering, not only in a maximum security prison, but in a maximum security prison that is infected with covid and also, they're in lockdown conditions. she is suffering and i just want her home. i want her out. we can look at the idea of a pardon later on. but what i want right now is i want joe biden to look at her. she's no threat at all to society. there is no reason to keep her locked away in prison at this time and i just want for
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president biden to look at her and to commute her sentence to bring her home. >> yeah. well, we hope that your daughter does get that opportunity to and that the biden administration will get that chance. that is tonight's reid out. thank you for watching. all in with chris hays starts now. >> tonight on all? >> once it's gone, freedom doesn't come back by itself. it's earned with the price of blood. the republican party radicalizing against democracy from inciting an insurrection to the unprecedented congressional attempt to overturn electoral laws, to a new bill in arizona that would let the state house toss out election results. >> it absolutely 100% under any circumstances allows a legislature to undermine the will of the


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