tv Morning Joe MSNBC February 5, 2021 3:00am-6:00am PST
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point. the winter is getting to a lot of people. i want to say you're not alone. we're there with you. we'll get through it together. wear a mask. try and get those vaccines. fingers crossed, we'll see the other side of this soon. thank you for getting up "way too early" with us on this friday morning. don't go anywhere. >> i want to have a national prayer breakfast. for so many in our nation, this is a dark, dark time. so where do we turn? faith. >> this morning a defiant president trump flashing a newspaper that shows he was acquitted at a bipartisan prayer breakfast in washington, taking direct aim at democrats. tphaeps, who has repeatedly say she has prayed for him and romney. >> i don't like people who use their faith as justification for doing what they know is wrong. nor do i like people who say i
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pray for you when they know that that's not so. >> the bible tells us weeping may endure for a night but joy cometh in the morning. we need top lean on one another, lift one another up. >> but we had tremendous success on "the apprentice". and when i ran for president, i had to leave the show. and they hired a big, big movie star, arnold schwarzenegger, to take my place. >> may god bless you all. >> a different time. >> very different. >> you know it reminds me of a bible verse. i googled it while i was watching that. matthew 7:15-20. where are false prophets which come to you in sheep's clothing but inwardly they are wolves.
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ye shall know them by their fruits. willie, you know, i've been to that prayer breakfast, know the people who run it. saw what donald trump, through the years, talking about "the apprentice". . >> himself. >> talking about himself, attacking political -- again, know them by their fruits. it is the antithesis of everything that you see in red letters when you read through the gospel of jesus christ. and he got 90% of the evangelical vote. . >> yeah. . >> wow. >> that prayer breakfast with evangelicals just another group that bent the knee to donald trump during this. and we're going to hear from senator ben sasse from nebraska in a few minutes who put out a really striking video making the point this should not be about
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the worship of one man. it should be doing what's right and good for the country and good government. we saw time and again the last four years, people throwing everything to the side to bend a knee to donald trump. >> you know, they reduced also -- well, we were just talking about this prayer breakfast because i can hear people say, what about abortion. you have this bizarre, and it is bizarre -- it is bizarre. you have had this bizarre trend in evangelical christianity to reduce jesus's entire message to abortion. it's -- it's just not there. read the red letters. yes, i'm saying this as somebody month voted pro life all the time. but you cannot reduce jesus's ministry to that. and yet, mika, you have one
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preacher after another preacher, after another preacher selling their entire congregations out. a lot of them just to touch the cloak. not of a holy man, but just to touch the cloak of a failed reality tv host who was the antithesis of everything they preached their entire life. we know this because i grew up in the church, southern baptist church. i heard those sermons. and they're holding up somebody who says and who has said, oh, i've never had to ask god for forgiveness. no. i never really thought about it. i don't need to ask god for forgiveness. i have to ask god for forgiveness not like every day but every hour. we all do -- christians are supposed to understand that.
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but a total sellout. i'm so glad -- i didn't know we were going to start off the top like that, mika. i'm so glad we did. once again, it just shows the hypocrisy of religious leaders who cowtowed to this fall profit to have a little glimpse of power. . >> and what a disgrace he made of the prayer breakfast. you can see the difference that we just showed you. and ben sasse speech we'll be playing for you. it was pretty incredible and brought home the message on a different level. we have pulitzer prize winner and msnbc political analyst, eugene robinson. capitol hill correspondent and host of "way too early" kasie hunt, and senior correspondent for the washington examiner, david drucker. we have a lot of stories to get to this friday morning.
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former president donald trump rejects democrats' request for him to testify at his impeachment trial. president biden lays out his vision for u.s. foreign policy. the u.s. voted on amendments through the night bringing democrats one step closer to passing president biden covid relief package. in the latest associated press poll, joe biden's job approval rating is at 61%. that's quite high. . >> willie, i'm not good at this politics things. i'm not following it much. is that usually where presidents are? >> no, not at 61 % in a divided nation. he is putting his head down and trying to avoid the fight happening over impeachment in the united states senate and show he's getting things done. it continued overnight, as mika said, with another step toward the passage of this covid relief bill that people are waiting for. . >> the thing is, again, you look
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at those numbers. and david drucker, even among conservatives that i know who voted for donald trump. and i was talking to so many of my friends and family members. i'm like, you're voting for him why? they say he exhausts me. i'm just so exhausted. i wish he'd shut up. i wish he would just sign bills. there was such an exhaustion. i wonder when we see 49% to 61% approval with joe biden, if it's not even some moderates out there, maybe some moderate republicans who didn't vote for joe biden who is just like, god, you know what, it's really good to be able to have dinner with a family and not be talking about the latest crazed, dangerous thing coming on it of washington, d.c. >> right. that was one of the things that hurt from the and the campaign, especially with the coronavirus. at least voters in the right places that mattered in the
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presidential election wanted to see competent management. and they wanted to have this idea that somebody at the top was leading and taking care of everything. and for a lot of voters they couldn't get that sense from president trump because he was constantly blaming governors, blaming mayors for problems happening with the virus and the pandemic. and he wasn't telling everybody, i'm taking care of it. here's step one, step two, step three. the interesting thing about voters, sometimes they will overlook, and we have seen this with a lot of approval ratings with governors at least over the first six, seven, eight months of the pandemic. even if things aren't going well and the things that they are doing, that a politician is doing is not working, if they get the sense you're being upfront about the problem, that you are trying to fix it and you're taking steps and you're in charge, they will give you a lot of leeway and feel good about the job you're doing. over time, they will start to look at the results. over time, they will start to
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look at the agenda a little bit deeper. and over time they might get -- voters might get upset. you might see approval ratings change. we have seen that with certain governors. in california, governor newsom is one example of that. right out of the gate, joe biden is producing a different style of management than his predecessor. and people feel like he is taking steps to fix the problem. and if he -- if they can feel like there is progress, then this sort of reaction from voters will continue. if they begin to feel like he's not geting if the job done, we'll start to see angst from voters, and he'll have to deal with that. . >> as far as gavin newsom goes, a lot of it has to do with the timing of his dining choices. but one thing that you see that has surprised me, i always thought we needed to stay in paris as a conservative, i thought we needed to stay in the paris accords.
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it's always interesting looking at some of these presidential orders he signed. okay. that's going to be 50/50. that's going to divide the country. a lot of these things that he signed already are like 70/30 issues, 80/20 issues. sexual orientation, discrimination, whatever -- that part of his agenda that he signed. i was like, okay, that's a 50/50. because we heard an awful lot from the right on that. i think that clocked in at 75/25. 80/20. issue tear -- libertarians saying come on. a lot of them are 70/30 issues. . >>er they are. and i think the other thing people react to go, joe, is what actual government looks like. what -- you know, it's not a
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bunch of crazy tweets. it's actual serious actions, proposed legislation, things moving pretty much through some sort of regular order. there are updates by the scientists and the doctors on coronavirus. president biden comes out and explains his policies and what he's trying to accomplish and how he's trying to help people. how he is trying to help communities and families across the nation. and of course, yes, it's one thing to explain how you are trying to do it. it's another thing to actually deliver. just the sort of normalness and peacefulness and sort of noncraziness of this administration i think is reflected in that 61% figure.
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it's like people are starting to remember, oh, yeah, this is what it is supposed to be like. it is not supposed to be the way it was the last four years. . >> yeah. so let's get to the latest with the civil war within the republican party. after house gop leadership failed to take action against congresswoman marjorie taylor green for her inflammatory social media posts and spreading of violent conspiracy theories. democrats yesterday took the measure into their own hands with the unprecedented move to strip her from her committee assignments. 11 republicans joined all democrats in backing greene's removal from her two committees. 199 republicans voted no. speaking on the house floor yesterday, minority leader kevin mccarthy warned that democrats were setting a dangerous new precedent. >> if people are held to what
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they are said prior to even being in this house, if majority party gets to decide who sits on what other committees, i hope you keep that standard. because we have a long list you can work within your own. . >> wait, wait, wait a second. . >> hold on. i want to show you what steny hoyer said. >> do you have a long list, kevin? do you have a long list of a member of congress calling for the assassination of donald trump? do you have a list of a republican member of congress calling for the lynching of george w. bush? do you have in that joe mccarthy list of yours that you are talking about, do you have a name of a democrat joseph mccarthy that called for the
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lynching of secretary of state colin powell? oh, wait a second. you know what, you don't. you're lying. you're lying again. but, kevin, this is just what you do. you don't have have a list of anybody that has said anything remotely resembling what this qanon lady has said. burning forests in california. kevin, you know, she actually supported the assassination of your counterpart on the democratic side. nancy pelosi. on that list of yours, i have a list of 237 communists in the -- what's wrong with you, kevin?
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>> a lot. >> do you think we're as stupid as you? because i would love for you, go on the house floor today, kevin, and give us the name of the democrat who, before they were democrat, called for your assassination, called for a bullet into your brain. give us the name, joe mccarthy or keep your mouth shut. we're not that stupid. the four years of mccarthyism is over, all right? it's over! so stop your lying to the american people! . >> and shortly after -- >> you've got a list. god. swear to god! why don't you just have a picture of joe mccarthy behind you. >> shortly after the comments by kevin mccarthy. >> happy friday. >> -- steny hoyer pointed out how soon some of the incendiary rhetoric has been.
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on the house floor he displayed a social media post from greene's campaign showing her holding an assault rifle next to three -- well, pointed out three progressive democrats. >> and this is an ar-15 in the hands of ms. greene. this was on facebook just a few months ago. an ar-15, that can carry a clip up to 60 bullets. i urge my colleagues to look at that image and tell me what message you think it sends. here he is with a deadly assault rifle pointing at three democratic members. >> hours before the vote,
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congresswoman greene took to the house floor to recast herself claiming her days as a qanon follower are over. . >> you see, school shootings are absolutely real. and every child that is lost, those families mourn it. i also want to tell you 9/11 absolutely happened. i remember that day crying all day long watching it on the news. and it's a tragedy for anyone to say it didn't happen. i never once said during my entire campaign qanon. i never once said any of the things that i am being accused of today during my campaign. i never said any of these things since i have been elected for congress. these were words of the past. and these things do not represent me. they do not represent my district. and they do not represent my values. >> she continued to use q
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rhetoric as recently as this week. on sunday she tweeted in part, what would the list of the anti-trump pedos and associates look like? it would likely contain all the people currently frothing with mtg hate. that's a tweet from marjorie taylor tpraoepb. greene. democrats, people in the media, other people she doesn't like are pedophiles and candles and satanic worshippers. here is marjorie taylor greene as a candidate last july. . >> in the video you say, quote, q is a patriot. do you believe that? is that what you believe? . >> i've only ever seen patriotic sentiment coming on it of that source and other sources. you know, there's a lot of censorship from big media. this is the censorship americans are so tired of.
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i think twitter has just announced recently last week that it will be removing anyone that associates themselves with qanon. yet there's never been any dangerous rhetoric coming out of people like that. . >> kasie hunt that's july 2020, candidate marjorie taylor greene saying i have only ever seen patriotic sentiment coming out of that source. yesterday in the floor speech she asked for mercy, she doesn't believe any of those things anymore. she said i was allowed to believe things that weren't true. passive voice. . >> i never thought i would ever see a speech like that on the house floor. i don't know about the rest of you guys. but watching that yesterday, i was just stunned that someone had to go down there and say, oh, yes, 9/11 happened. i saw it on tv. i saw it myself.
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it's just mind boggling. and to pick up on joe's point about kevin mccarthy and republicans, not wrong to say it's unprecedented for the majority party to strip members of their committee assignments. but i think it's also worth pointing out that when ilhan omar, congresswoman, made remarks that were considered to be anti-semitic and she was criticized by members of her own party, republicans called for her to be stripped of her committee reassignments but she faced a resolution on the house floor condemning the comments she made, condemning anti-semitism. anti-semitism is one of many things that marjorie taylor greene is accused of. islamophobia. you saw the poster put up on the house floor. just to give you a sense of how tense things are inside the capitol now, walking to and from the house floor to these votes,
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she gets in a fight with another african-american member, cori bush. nancy pelosi talked about that. there is legitimate fear she does in fact -- the apoloies are not real. she does support violence fence them. it is more than just the campaign poster. suddenly there are members of congress who do feel like their safety is in jeopardy, especially after january 6th. so it's -- it is an incredible statement about where we are that she had to give that speech and that republicans in her party stood up and said, no, actually, it's fine. we want her to be on her committees. >> well, and, again, she didn't back off. for instance, on 9/11, she believed 9/11 happened. she always believed 9/11 happened. her conspiracy theory about 9/11 is a plane never crashed into the pentagon. she didn't back off of that yesterday. she didn't say i'm sorry.
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i screwed up. no. what she said, i was led to believe. i was --. >> allowed. . >> i was allowed to believe this. and, again, lied about the fact that she continued defending qanon throughout her campaign. listen, let's just talk about a couple of weeks ago. we said it yesterday. it's worth repeating today. on the 6th she was encouraging people to come out to this rally. she said she met with donald trump and basically said we've got a lot coming today. and then the 7th, the day after cop killers, after trump supporting cop killers stormed the capitol, killed the cop, brutalized other cops. the cop killers, cop beaters, insurrectionists pour into the united states capitol. the heart of american democracy.
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when i walked on the house floor i thought, my god, i'm standing here at the center, not only of freedom the chamber that guarantees freedom. freedom for the world. because i believe in american exceptionalism. and she, the day after that place was ravaged by terrorists --. >> show it. >> -- she said the next day that she would have done it all again. . >> here's the interview. >> all fine. she's fine with it. . >> representative marjorie taylor greene did with katie hopkins, which was uploaded to youtube january 8th. but it may have been filmed january 7th, the day after the attacks on the u.s. capitol. because greene appears to be wearing the same clothes. . >> where the cop was killed. >> as an in an interview shot then. this is how they talked about the capitol riots.
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>> i speak for no one but myself. auto ima foreigner. i'm an outsider. you choiced our british as out of her here. i need to tell you, and it is emotional, that on behalf of so many of us that look to this place for hope and look to trump for hope, you are that. and what you did was so brave and made a difference to so many people, and i personally wanted to say thank you for being that person >> thank you. thank you, katie. thank you so much. that is so nice. yeah, it was a hard thing we did yesterday. but i wouldn't do anything else. i wouldn't do anything else. and i would love to trade you for some of our people who have no appreciation for our country. and i'm grateful. truly grateful. that is sick. this is as sick as it gets. >> i wouldn't do anything else. cop killers. >> they're getting all welled up
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and holding hands over the maga siege. >> mag ga cop killers, they're it to sleds, the heart of democracy to sleds, commit acts of terrorism, brutalize a police officer with an american flag. and she is saying, oh, you know what, i wouldn't do anything different. that was of course the day after the mob attack and the day after she voted to discount the votes of millions and millions of black americans. and she was proud of that. took a victory lap the day after the cop killers stormed in and tore the united states capitol to shreds. i ran across a video. and, you know, there are times where somebody will write something that you wish -- you say, well, that's exactly what i
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was thinking. that's what i was saying. or somebody will say something, and you say, okay, that's what i've been trying to say, how i've been trying to say it. i ran across a video of ben sasse talking -- sending a message to the nebraska republican steering committee. and i thought, this is what i've been trying to tell my family members that i love and my friends that i love for the past four and a half years. ben sasse said it better than i have been able to say it for the past four and a half years. and i wish every republican, people like nikki haley, who were wanting to run in four years. or mike pence, who is looking to run in four years. or all of these people who are lining themselves up to run in four years. i just wish they would be honest enough to say these words to
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their followers. take a look at what ben sasse said. >> i listen to nebraskans every day. and very few of them are as angry about life as some of the people on this committee. not all of you but a lot. political addicts don't represent most nebraska conservatives. the anger in the state matter has never been about me violating principal or abandoning conservative policy. i'm one of the most conservative voters in the senate. the anger has always been simply about me not bending the knee to one guy. what americans saw three weeks ago was ugly. shameful, mob violence to disrupt a constitutionally mandated meeting of the congress to affirm the peaceful transfer of power. it happened because the president lied to you. he lied about the election results for 60 days. despite losing 60 straight court challenges, many of them handed down by wonderful trump-appointed judges.
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he lied by saying that the vice president could just violate his constitutional oath and declare a new winner. that wasn't true. he then riled a mob that attacked the capitol, many chanting hang pence. if that president were a democrat, we both know how you'd respond. but because he had something has definitely changed the last four years, but it's not me. personality cults aren't conservative. conspiracy theories aren't conservative. lying that an election has been stolen, it's not conservative. acting like politics is a religion, it isn't conservative. nebraskans aren't rage addicts, and that's good news. you are welcome to censure me again. but let's be clear about why this is happening. it is because i still believe, as you used to, that politics isn't about the weird worship of one dude.
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the party could purge trump skeptics, but i'd like to convince you not only is that civic cancer for the nation. it's just terrible for our party. . >> you know, willie, a lot of people can look at this and said, gee, i wish he had said this the past four and a half years. i get why he is saying it now. we had a cancer in the body politics. we still have a cancer there. i want good people on both sides who can reach out to whoever they want to reach out to and start sending this message over and over. blah, blah, blah, see you on twitter. why didn't he do it here? we're moving forward. willie, that's an important message that any republican who wants to lead this party, who wants to lead this country in 2024 needs to start sending to their base. and i love the line especially,
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love the line especially where he said, yeah, something has changed the past four years, but it's not been me. it's so funny when people come up to me in the airports and go, yeah, i used to like you when you were a conservative. i smile. i stop people dead in their tracks. i said, okay, let's talk through the issues, sir. 20 minutes later they're like why did i ever stop this guy? because something has changed. but it's not it's not what is and what isn't conservative. it is the republican base who followed this failed tv reality host and joined a personality cult. and also for me and for what's most important to me, it is that people in my church, people of my faith, pastors, they've
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replaced a personality cult and they have replaced politics for faith in god. and they've been moving that direction for 20 years. but over the past four years, man, i agree with ben sasse. too many people have replaced their faith with politics. >> everybody ought to go watch that video. it's about five minutes. you can find it on youtube. whether you agree with him or not, whether you like him or not, it is worth listening to the message at this moment in our country. the reason he sat down and made that speech is the nebraska state republican party, a committee within that party, is debating a censure of ben sasse, its senator, because he spoke out against the election lie. he called the lie a lie, and did from the beginning. he said i don't like it, but joe biden is the president of the united states. move along. and for saying that, for speaking that truth, the republican party in the state of nebraska wants to censure ben
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sasse. david drucker, i guess the question is, will other republicans look at the example of ben sasse? he talks about in that speech he made he got a primary. what a lot of republicans fear is if they speak out against trump, his movement and his voters, they get a primary and lose their seat. ben sasse said i didn't vote for him in 2016, didn't vote for him in 2020. he got a primary. he won his primary by 50% p. 5-0 percent. and then of course went on to win in a romp in the general election. will other republicans look at ben sasse -- i know it's harder in many house districts. but will other republicans look at his example and say, hmm, the cost of speaking out when you think it's worth it isn't that you lose your job. it's people say i trust that guy. >> well, i think it's going to vary from republican to republican because so many republican voters, and we have discussed this, believe
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president trump's depiction of what happened in the election. and to joe's point, not by issues anymore, but whether or not you have the right enemies and by whether or not you're willing to fight even against the truth. because they don't look at the truth the same way. and so i think ben sasse is in a unique position where he has just won re-election to a six-year term. he was very quiet leading up to his primary in nebraska, which tells you even he was being very careful about not stoking an anti-trump backlash of voters who wanted him to be more closely aligned with trump. and we're always uncomfortable with where he was. republicans are dealing with this on a daily basis. you have seen by senate republicans led by mitch mcconnell, the willing to butt their nose into house business and speak out against marjorie taylor greene because they are worried about this strain of
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republicanism will pollute the party and hurt the party in next year's midterm elections. by the same token, you still have such a strong strain of loyalty to president trump because every time these republicans go home, their voters are telling them we still believe in trump and nothing that happened january 6th has changed that. so i think the party right now -- the word civil war is a little bit too strong. but there is a schism and intramural family food fight, if you will, as some republicans say to themselves, it's no longer worth it. if i lose, i lose. but the majority of republicans still want to be around washington for a lot longer than trump was. and they're not willing to go home and tell their voters something that they really don't want to hear. and i'll just say this.
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this is a lot more difficult for them to do politically than explaining even a bad or a tough vote. that's the kind of thing that's almost easy by comparison when you look at how their vote others in many of these districts and states, view what happened in the election. >> yeah. and great example of that is mark sandford. he got caught in a scandal. he went around and just talked to everybody. he said this is what i did. i screwed up. i'm very sorry. he went voter by voter by voter. asked for forgiveness, asked for their vote, and they gave it to him. he got elected back to congress. but when you only vote for donald trump 9 out of 10 times, when you only vote with donald trump 90% of the time like mark sanford did, that gets you voted
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out. that's where the republican party has been over the past four years. political scandal, that's fine! vote with donald trump 90% of the time, not good enough. that's weird. >> now to the ramifications of the big lie. suing fox news for $2.7 billion over false reports it was part of a conspiracy to steal the 2020 election. the lawsuit filed in new york state court accused lou dobbs, janine pirro and maria bartiromo that they continued the narrative that the election was stolen from former president trump. our pro-trump attorneys rudy giuliani and sidney powell.
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the company ceo said fox is responsible for this disinformation campaign which has damaged democracy worldwide. and irreparably hammered smartmatic and other stakeholders who contribute to modern elections. fox news responded saying fox news media is committed to providing the full context of every story with in-depth reporting and clear opinion. we are proud of our 2020 election coverage and will vigorously defend this meritless lawsuit in court. let's bring in former u.s. attorney, now nbc news law enforcement analyst, chuck rosenberg. chuck, what do you make of this lawsuit? how significant is it? . >> well, i think it's very significant. but i think, mika, it is hard for public figures or a public company in this case to win these lawsuits.
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because the people court has said that if you're a public figure and you're defamed, then you have to show actual malice. and that's a hard thing to do. not impossible. frankly, the statements that were made on fox news by its anchors and guests were so false, so recklessly false, so defamatory, it might be the case here that smartmatic will re prevail. their business of undermined. their reputation was damaged. and they have every right to try this case in court. . >> the threats of such lawsuits may be resonating to those outlets that have broadcast conspiracy theories. here's a segment on news max earlier this week where one of the hosts has to cut off the founder of my pillow, mike lindell, as he began an attack
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on dominion voting systems. . >> mike, mike, you're talking about machines that -- we at news max have not been able to verify any of those kinds of allegations. we just want to let people know that there's nothing substantive we have seen. let me read you something there. while there were clear evidence of irregularity, the election results were certified and news max accepts the results as legal and final. the courts have also supported that view. >> so that happened a number of times. it kept going until that host actually walked away from the camera. . >> okay. so t.j., let's find that clip. because that guy -- i've got to say, when he walks away, that's a hero move right there. >> when did he become an expert,
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mr. pillow? >> he had to read a statement mr. pillow kept talking. finally he said screw this, guys, i'm out of here. and he leaves. it was a pro phaouf. move. . >> i miss the days when he was on in the middle of the night with a pillow with his creepy important mustache. we welcome all views, including those of mr. pillow. and he will be back on this network soon. so they are sort of being torn in a bunch of different directions. >> okay. gene robinson? >> well, you know, i've been a journalist all my life. i do not like frivolous libel and defamation lawsuits. i think they are a threat to to free speech. this is not that at all. a question to chuck rosenberg,
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just sort of on the scale of defamation and libel. this looks to me that a case that could actually prove malice than 90% of such suits i have ever seen because there were two months worth of evidence of actual malice. court after court after court found this untrue. these people continued to say it. it shows reckless disregard for the truth. but it's not really a leap to go to actual malice, is it, chuck? . >> well, gene, i think you're right. it really is not a leap. there is a 276-page lawsuit that i have to work my way through. i'm doing that. but you're right, the statements in this case about smartmatic, were just absolutely wrong. they were false.
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they were patently false. number one, don't blame the company for doing this because it undermined their reputation and damaged their business. to your point, number two, i think you're exactly right. i think the defamed company, in this case smartmatic, can actually win. but you have to show actual malice. if the courts decide it is more like a public figure, it becomes harder. if they decide it is more like a private individual or private company, it becomes easier. but you're absolutely right, eugene. this is a case they can win. smartmatic did very little business in the united states in the 2020 election. i believe they only worked in los angeles county. most of their business and most of their revenue for election security work comes from abroad.
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so the they worked in cahoots with the former president, the dead president of venezuela is just insane. so can they win this lawsuit? yes, they can. >> so, chuck, the number, $2.7 billion. we heard some other numbers when dominion was talking about suing specific members, some of the attorneys involved a couple weeks ago, the attorneys. it sounds like an outlandish number, perhaps they are just throwing that out there. if you were any of the defendants listed, would you be be worried about prosecution, number one, and having to cough up a bunch of money, number two. >> yes. as to one and yes as to two. i would absolutely be worried. look, as a guest on a show, which i am now, i'm entitled to state my opinion. so if i wanted to say xyz company, willie, made awful vanilla worst cream, the worst vanilla ice cream on the planet,
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i can say that. that's my opinion. and opinions are protected. i can say if it was true, if there was some way to determine if it was true. but i couldn't say xyz is controlled by hugo chavez and they manufacture it on mars made by aliens. that's false. that's a lie. yeah, if i was on a show as a guest or anchor or host when i was lying about smartmatic and what they did and how they did it, i'd be worried. >> yeah. hey, chuck, thank you so much. we really appreciate you calling in. greatly appreciate it. and willie does make the worst ice cream ever. . >> no! . >> in the summer, we will go out in the street, the kids come around, he will be tpraoeupbding the rorbgs. it doesn't work. . >> it's runny. i don't have patience. >> you just don't have the patience. you really don't. >> stop!lot of different issuesr
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as a media outlet. yeah, we'll see how that goes. i'll tell you, the people who really have a lot of reasons to be worried, rudy giuliani. >> yeah. >> sidney powell. mr. pillow. people are saying hugo chavez founded this company. and all the bizarre theories. you see those two people right there? those two people are attorneys. they not only took the bar, they practiced law. they had to understand, willie, that they couldn't defame a company but they did it knowingly, willingly, repeatedly. right? he sells pillows. so he's still in trouble pause he just kept lying about it.
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i'm sure mr. pillow has lawyers that told him he was lying about it. for these individuals, especially these lawyers, whoa! i think a hard rain is going to fall. >> yeah. that's who i was really asking about with chuck. are people like rudy giuliani and sidney powell, who went out and tried to make legal arguments again and again before microphones, on tv, and in courts even, what is their exposure? he says if you're a public company or a public figure, people can say whatever they want about you. but you can't make up lies that defame and hurt the bottom line of the business. was it $2.7 billion worth of business? i'm not sure about that. you don't have to take it from me. you heard from chuck that rudy giuliani and sidney powell should be worried this morning. >> why haven't they been disbarred? like, seriously. bill clinton got disbarred for committing perjury in a deposition.
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by the arkansas supreme court, the united states supreme court. these people have been going around spreading lies, filing baseless lawsuits in federal court and they haven't been disbarred. are you kidding me? they're screwing with american democracy. they're lying about american democracy. they're lying in federal court. why haven't they been disbarred? i need an answer. somebody needs to give a good answer on why these people have not been disbarred. >> some okay. we want to mentioned season 4 finale of "the oath" with chuck rosenberg is available now where you get your podcasts. >> i can't believe the
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cliffhanger. he has the cliffhanger at the end and you think did t.j. really do that? we will have to wait to see. >> it's friday. thank you both for your reporting. still ahead on "morning joe", the president says he is open to targeting stimulus checks to those who are suffering the most from the economic downturn. steve ratner joins us to break down the options. plus, president biden declares america is back. in a speech at the state department. we'll talk about his plans for u.s. diplomacy with richard haass. you're watching "morning joe". we'll be right back. . >> mike, mike, hold on one second. let's talk a little bit about just what is happening overall in terms of censorship.
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i have great confidence in my intelligence people. but i will tell you that president putin was extremely strong and powerful in his denial today. and what he did is an incredible offer. he offered to have the people working on the case come and work with their investigators with respect to the 12 people. i think that's an incredible offer. >> i made it clear to president putin, in a manner very different from our predecessor, the days of the united states rolling over in the face of russia's aggressive actions, interfering with our elections, cyber attacks, poisoning its citizens, are over. we will not hesitate to raise the cost on russia and defend our vital interests in our people. >> boy, i'll tell you what, it is so telling. you look at that clip.
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>> how embarrassing. >> he says he's a strong leader. he's praising him as a strong leader. he's strong and powerful. . >> it sure sounds like he's telling the truth. oh. >> and in response to whether our elections were interfered with in 2016 and whether he believes the intel agencies are putin. he said he's very strong. and he went on to say he believed vladimir putin more than he believed every u.s. intel agency, even though he appointed most of the people by the time running those intel agencies. it reminds me, going back to 2015 when we asked donald trump if he would con definitely vladimir putin, december 2015. three months before i think the first primary contest. if he would con definitely vladimir putin. and he said, well, he's a strong leader. and i said but he kills journalists. and he kills political opponents. he said, yeah, but he's very
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strong. a strong, powerful leader. something along those lines. he kills members of the media. and he said we do a lot of killing too. said he respected vladimir putin. he was strong and powerful as he was interfering with u.s. elections. and as he was saying i trust him more than i trust all of america's intel agencies. again, most of whom run by people that donald trump in 2018 had appointed himself. >> that moment was a huge turning point for us. there was something very -- i mean, everyone could see it because it was happening before our viewers eyes. the man is somehow beholden to putin. it was striking. you could see it on our faces. joining us the president on
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council of foreign relations and author of "the world, a brevin troe deduction," richard haass. morning. good to have you both. the debate over the covid relief bill. steve, you've got charts on the bill, particularly when it comes to the proposed $1,400 to households. how is that going to work? who is going to get it? what's the debate? >> it's become a debate, mika. is it too big, is it well targeted? the stimulus checks are the focus for the moment. and nonbinding resolution, the senate voted 99-1 to limit the incomes of americans who get these checks. let's see why this has become such a controversial issue and why biden's proposal is in some jeopardy. it compares the biden proposal,
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the modern proposal and democratic proposal. if you look at the top line, it shows you the 5 600. it sends over to $150,000 for family income. it starts to decline but doesn't phase out until you get to $262,000 of income per family. obviously way above the median. 95% of americans will get some kind of a stimulus check, some portion of that, $1,400. the next line over is the revised or the alternative democratic proposal. it stops at $100,000 for full payment. and phases out to 212,000. 88% of americans would still get a check of some sort. and in the red, it starts to
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phase out at $75,000, phases out at $110,000. 71% of americans still get a check. so if the goal of this is to get money to people at the bottom, people who are hurting most, the $450 billion of the biden proposal does spread it very, very widely. >> steve, can i ask you a quick question on this first one? >> of course. . >> can you explain to me and other viewers who may be asking the same question, you look at that republican number and households getting 110,000 would get a stimulus check. and joe biden has said it's going to be $1,400. and i suspect it will end up being $1,400. i think that's one thing he is not going to negotiate on. what would be the economic justification of giving $1,400 stimulus checks to people who make more than $110,000?
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>> joe, i think the point of this chart is to try to show that i don't see the economic justification, for a couple of reasons. first, because they're not that well targeted. remember, we do have high unemployment, we do have a lot of people hurting. 90% of some odd americans are doing their jobs. as i will show you in a second and are quite well off. we should be focusing on the people who are unemployed, businesses have gone under or are going to go under, those kind of areas. this is a very general stimulus that i don't know that we need at the moment. and it costs $450 billion for the full biden proposal. >> well, i mean, i hear so many people out there talking about this proposal. if you question anything about $1.9 trillion, the broad outlines of it, there are people obviously on twitter. others say, well, we need to just blank. nine democrats at least agree with me. say you give $1,400 to everybody
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who is making $110,000 or less, then you're targeting the people who need it the most. you can also target the small business owners who need it the most. instead of -- again, instead of this sort of broad approach that is giving stimulus checks, let me say it to people who don't need it. i know that will upset a lot of people watching today. but some people don't need a government check. if you're out of work, struggling, a small business owner and you have problems, yes, you need a stimulus check. we need some stimulus in the economy. but, again, if you're making over $110,000 and you're doing okay through this difficult time and the economy is projected to grow at 3.75% over this year,
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steve, and i'm kind of doing a lot of your work for you here. and we have had the stimulus programs we have had in the past, then i kind of agree with richard haass, which is we needed that $1.9 trillion plan a year ago. we have had several stimuluses. what have we seen? a lot of really rich people getting a lot of money. so keep taking us down through your charts. sorry for interrupting. it sounds like you were the nine democrats who want this to be targeted to the people who need it. >> i do, joe, very much. and i'm going to give you some more ammunition for why you're right on some of your broader points. a lot of americans are utter hadding. let's take a look at what has happened in the overall from both an income side and from a spending side if we can get the next chart. there we go.
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so if you look at this chart, this compares americans' incomes to their spending the last year or so. the straight lines are a long-term trend of what probably would have happened if there had not been covid. on the income line, this will come as a shock to many people. americans' income was up 13% last year. that's because government programs, whether it's unemployment or stimulus checks or other things count as income. you can see them in the two big bumps. one in march and one last december. 13% higher than it was the year before because of a lot of this. then on the bottom side of that you can see, not surprisingly, americans haven't been able to spend because they have been locked down. you can see the huge dropoff during the early stages of the pandemic. it started to recover. it's still not back to where it was. when you combine extra income
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with reduced saving, there's 1.6 trillion, with a t, of excess cash or dry powder floating around in consumer's bank accounts and pockets ready to be spent. then you get to the question of what happens to that money and who spends it? this looks at the earliest stimulus checks last month, the lighter blue color, temperature toys. it is income level. no more than 40% of those checks were actually spent. the balance was taken by people and either used to pay down debt, which is a form of savings, or just saved outright. they didn't go into the economy. the second set of bars, lighter blue bars, show what's a happened to the checks issued in december. $600 checks. and you can see first across every income level much less was spent. and you can also see that as you get to the higher incomes, only
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the tiniest amount, 8%, was spent. the rest went into savings accounts or went to pay down debt. so they are not being used to go out and spend money. they're essentially going for the most part, into savings or paying down debt. this does raise significant questions about the size of the stimulus checks and who should get them for $450 billion that president biden has proposed. >> yeah. so of course we are past the top of the hour. forgive us for being as shameless as we are. we want to get as many viewers that we can. we put on steve ratner's rocking charts. the kids absolutely love this stuff. like elvis on ed sullivan in the 50s. . >> they're my ring tones. >> steve, let's break this down, okay. let's break this down really quickly. if the idea is we want to stimulate the economy. like this is what i would hope
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would happen, i would hope people are hurting, would get the checks they need. so they're not evicted. so they can pay for their kids schooling in college. i would hope they would be able to get some money that will get them through rough times until this economy really does kick start again. but also i want them to spend money. i want them to go to restaurants, small business owners. i want them to go back out to small business owners and lift them up. what you have just said is, and it makes an awful lot of sense and your charts show it. if somebody is wealthy, they're making 500,000, 400,000 and above, they will get the check and put it in their bank account. that is not going to stimulate the economy. if somebody is struggling, a family making $110,000 or less, i don't know, $150,000 or less, they probably need that check. and they will put that back out
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into the economy. that will help small business owners in my town, your town and every town usa, right? >> yeah, joe, that's essentially right. even though i showed you a lot of money gets saved. as a matter of practicality in terms of getting the money into the economy, you want to give it to people closer to the bottom. now, you're hearing increasing talk whether 1.9 trillion, the size of president biden's proposal as a whole is too much. the 1.6 trillion on the sidelines, i would commend you an op-ed that larry summers has laying out some of the questions whether we really need 1.9 trillion. when you put it all together, we would all be well served by having some adjustments, shall we say, to the biden proposal. probably the overall size as well as the point you have been making, the excellent point you have been making, it needs to be
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more targeted to the people who are actually going to spend the money and need the money. . >> steve ratner, thank you so much. absolutely love the charts. important message for our policy leaders in washington to hear this morning. we greatly appreciate you being on with us. mika, a lot to talk about this morning. . >> yeah. >> and just following up on steve's point, you're hearing from joe manchin, other democrats as well. they want to target these checks to the people who need them the most. by the way, that's the right thing to do. and it's also the best thing to do for our small business owners, for our small restaurant owners, for people on main street that are trying to keep their businesses open. that's the best way to stimulate the economy as well. so you're helping the truly disadvantaged and you're also helping small business owners and entrepreneurs. >> so here are some of the other
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stories we're following this morning. johnson & johnson asks the fda to okay its single shot covid vaccine, single shot. but how long will it take to get this third u.s. vaccine on the market? plus, all three of south florida's house republicans side with parkland families over georgia's qanon congresswoman, voting to strip her committee assignments. we'll get to that in just a moment. there's a lot to talk about. but richard haass and joe and of course the president is working on presenting sort of a new front to the state department, setting the stage for the next four years after the past four years we're fairly shaky. . >> that's a kind way to put it. of the 11 republicans that voted, the way they did against
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qanon, i think six of them were either from the miami or new york media market, which also is a media market that covers parkland and sandy hook. so those lies about the horrific deaths there certainly had an impact. richard, i want to get to joe biden's foreign policy address and the broad outlines of the biden doctrine. i want to hear your thoughts on this stimulus package, what you heard from steve ratner, larry summers op-ed yesterday, and what these nine democrats are saying, which is, yes, we need stimulus checks, $1,400 stimulus checks going out. but we need them to be target to the people who need them the most. >> it is bigger than it needs to
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be. it is not as focused on or targeted as it needs to be. two real concerns. one is inflationary pressure it may add to the economy. several years from now, we are not going to want to raise interest rates but we may well have to. and larry summers and others is pointed out, it's misdirected. you only have so much capital. why isn't this targeted on police reform, infrastructure, on schools. why don't we really steer it at the major social needs in the united states right now. i'm hoping what happens is there is a bit of a pause and adjustment of the details of this package. but this is an interesting debate, joe. it's one of the first real tests for the new administration. >> so, richard haass, mika mentioned the speech that joe biden did make yesterday at the state department. he was introduced bisect of state blinken. it looked very normal for
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starters. it looked the way, as you know, state departments typically function. what stood out to you about that speech? they talked about yemen, stopping arms sales to the saudis. but what broadly stood out to you as you listened to that address? >> there is a new sheriff in town. this is once again the united states. diplomacy, believes in multilateralism, distinguishes between the friends, foes and competitors. very big on promoting democracy, tough on russia, tough on china. and three most interesting specific things were essentially stopping any talk of troop withdrawal from germany given the russian threat. distancing the united states 100% from the war in yemen. no more support for what the saudis have been up to. and opening the possibility of refugees coming into the united states in significant number.
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those to me were the specifics that were interesting. . >> richard, i touched on this before. and we talked about this privately. but i'm curious what your thought is about what russia and china's reaction will be to joe biden's talk. yes, it was tougher. but they certainly know that he's been the guard rails. there's a return to normalcy. vladimir putin, as much as i'm sure he enjoyed trolling americans, the more donald trump spoke the way he spoke, the less likely it was he was going to get any sanctions relief because members of congress would go the opposite direction and actually feel the need to take a harsher tack. i wonder if president xi and putin, despite the tough words,
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might actually welcome a return to normalcy where they can -- diplomats can sit down at the table and try to move these relationships forward a bit. >> joe, i think the they will like the normalcy of it but won't like a lot of content of it. he sees it as a threat to his rule. but i think he's prepared to essentially shrug it off. we talked about navalny the other day. i think he feels like he can ride out whatever sanctions we impose. china is the same way. they are going to keep doing what they're doing in hong kong, keep doing what they're doing against the uighers. the question for the united states, what do we do? yes, the president can say these things. china is going to shrug it off. we're not in a position to hold them hostage to our concerns about human rights and democracy. we simply don't have that kind of leverage.
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we want to work with china on north korea or other issues. one of the challenges for the president is going to be how do we follow up on the kind of peach he gave yesterday where we articulate this democratic agenda. obviously our standing to do so is much diminished. but just as important, our ability to influence the behavior of others. even myanmar is quite limited. and i think that's one of the challenges that opened up. the other is he talked about global challenges like climate change is and the rest. our ability to bring them together is quite limited. joe biden has the misfortune of becoming president at a time when the country is in real disarray and america's ability to shape the world in the way it wants is not what it was. that is going to be a continuing challenge for this administration. >> richard haass, as always,
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thank you for being with us. i want to bring in walter isaacson. i want to get your thoughts on the two issues we talked about with steve and also with richard. first of all, joe biden's approach to foreign policy that he presented yesterday, a and i personally believe a far better approach to where the united states' role should be in the world. and also to the current debate how targeted this love covid relief package is going to be. . >> to start with the foreign policy, i'm going to build on ideas that richard, before me, has written about a lot, which is you've got to have a foreign policy begins at home. you have to have strength there. but here's something else. we have a friend, joe nye. i'm going to add one specific thing to this discussion.
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which is that russia and china are producing large amounts of vaccines. they're not ones that perhaps i would feel quite as trustworthy. but the sputnik 5 vaccine in russia, the cons.e.c. o and the other in china are being exported and used around the world and places all the way from mexico to the middle east. and that gives a lot of advantage, a lot of diplomatic and, you know, soft power to russia and china. i think we should be moving faster to make sure we help the rest of the world vaccinate. doing that would mean i think we should be moving faster to get the johnson & johnson vaccine, astrazeneca, novavax. they are all in the pipeline and have proven to be absolutely safe. we're not sure the efficiency. we have to be moving further along so we are helping the world get out of this pandemic. i'm watching china and russia do
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it, and that's expanding their influence. secondly, when larry summers has written and others that, yes, the stimulus package is important, but we should focus on infrastructure right now. that gets people good jobs, good waepblgs, back to work. with low interest rates, to me, that's where i would throw my focus is building up everything from roads, airports, to next generation air travel control to, you know, projects in cities so we can use this opportunity to get people not only back to work but back into a country with great infrastructure. >> let's get to the latest now with the civil war within the republican party. after house gop leadership failed to take action against congresswoman marjorie taylor greene for her inflammatory social media posts and spreading of violent conspiracy theories, democrats yesterday took matters into their own hands with the
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unprecedented move to strip her from her committee assignments. 11 republicans joined all democrats in backing greene's removal from her two committees. 199 republican lawmakers voted no. speaking on the house floor kwrerbgsd minority leader kevin mccarthy warned that democrats were setting a dangerous new precedent, something speaker pelosi is not concerned about. >> if people are held to what they are said prior to even being in this house, if majority party gets to decide who sits on what other committees, i hope you keep that standard. because we have a long list you can work within your own. . >> i remain profoundly concerned that b house republican's leadership acceptance of extreme conspiracy theorists. that's just so unfortunate. you would think that the
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republican leadership in congress would have some sense of responsibility to this institution. . >> are you worried at all about the precedent it would set? . >> not at all. not at all. if any of our members threatened the safety of other members, we would be the first to take them off the committee. >> let's bring in nbc news and msnbc national affairs analyst, host and executive producer of show time's the circus and the hell and high water podcast from the recount, john heilman. editor-at-large at the nonprofit newsroom, the 19th. and contributor aaron haines. john heilman, i want to start where nancy pelosi started off there. is there any concern that you make certain rules or take certain actions that those can be held against you? i mean, it's obvious that marjorie taylor greene is extreme. anybody like that in the democratic party, i don't think nancy pelosi would want around.
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>> well, right, mika. i think, you know, if there's a concern, i think it's, you know, nancy pelosi said the right thing yesterday, which is of course if there was some member who was that extreme they would take the action themselves. if democrats have any concern in the long run it's that a republican majority will use this to unfairly punish democrats who are not as extreme as marjorie taylor greene. i thought what kevin mccarthy was doing is threatening democrats. look, i'm not going to name these people, but you know who i'm talking about here. if you mark my words, if you go ahead and do this right now, when we get back in the majority whether it's 2022 or 2024. we now have the grounds to start stripping committee assignments from your members. not on a legitimate basis. mccarthy wouldn't see it that way. if democrats had concern about what they did yesterday, it's that republicans will use this precedent to punish democratic
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members at some point in the future. at the same time, i think nancy pelosi looked the sentiment of her caucus was overwhelmingly that the things this woman has said over time were so outrageous there must be some accountability. and if republicans weren't going to provide that, democrats had to take that risk and say, look, we're the ones who have to provide the accountability, we're going to take that step and see what the future brings. the moment for this is urgent. again, she had a lot of members in the caucus who were generally scared of marjorie taylor greene, scared of what kind of thing she incites and fuels within the house. so i think democrats are very comfortable with what they did yesterday. . >> so here's why some of the members are scared. steny hoyer pointed out how the rhetoric has been deployed. on the house floor, she displayed a social media post from greene's campaign showing her holding a semiautomatic rifle next to three progressive
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democrats. . >> this is an ar-15 in the hands of ms. greene. this was on facebook just a few months ago. an ar-15, that can carry a clip up to 60 bullets. i urge my colleagues to look at that image and tell me what message you think it sends. here she is with a deadly assault rifle pointing at three democratic members. 12k34r. >> that's pretty clear. what kevin mccarthy wants people to believe is that she's repentant.
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she had to say 9/11 happened, school shootings happened. i don't believe that anymore despite what i have said. she approving posted on social media or at least liked posts that called for bullets to the head of nancy pelosi, the hanging of barack obama and hillary clinton. the list goes on and on and on. but kevin mccarthy and 199 republicans in that house said effectively, she made the speech. time to move on. >> right. and the speech supposedly is going to make up for all the things that she ran and that her voters elected her knowing a lot of -- >> errin, we are having trouble with your audio. i'm going to jump in just a second. let's get that fixed and go back to john heilman. is kevin mccarthy effectively saying time to move on. because he convinced in a closed
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door meeting to go out on the floor and make that speech. >> yeah. willie, i'm told that speech was almost identical to the speech she gave behind closed doors to the caucus, which earned her standing ovation from half the caucus the night before. that was enough behind closed doors and mccarthy pwraeufbgly asked her to go about and do the same thing in public. kind of astonishing. one of the 11 members of congress who voted from the republican side was adam kinzinger. we talked about it. he has taken a stand of principle on this. he basically said, you know, both in the caucus room and on the floor, i didn't hear an apology in either case. and i think he was actually open potentially to if she had been genuinely remorseful he said he could have been suede because of these issues about whether it's fair to have the majority taking away committee assignments from minority member.
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what he has told me last night, he said i didn't hear an apology to either place. and he was astonished at the caucus wednesday night to see half of the members stand up and give this woman a round of applause for the speech you heard yesterday. we know that she said in the caucus, including things like, okay, i believe 9/11 actually happened. that is what earns you a standing ovation from half the republican congress now in 2021. it's mind blowing, guys. but that is where we are. you know, kevin mccarthy says nothing to see here. let's move on. the political analysis today is more than than it was yesterday when we talked about it. republicans have handed democrats the ability now to call republicans the party of qanon. 190 plus of them voted to support her yesterday. that's the takeaway. they're with her. they're with marjorie taylor greene. democrats will make that point over and over and over again and hang this vote around the necks of those gop republican members
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of the house for the course of the next two years. it is an enormous political twist to nancy pelosi and kevin mccarthy's leadership here is utterly just exposed for its utter bankruptcy these last three days. >> just the stupidity of it all. good luck for kevin to be able to go out and raise money for a party that is okay with a woman who is again threatening the lives and speaker of the house. calling approving calls for the lynching of barack obama, the lynching of secretary of state clinton. the list goes on and on. taking a victory lap the day after maga cop killers went in and killed cops and brutalized cops with american flags. it's really -- and, again, she didn't back off 9/11. she always said 9/11 happened.
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she just suggested there is a conspiracy theory that no plane ever crashed into the pentagon. john, i wanted to ask you -- let's move to the other side of the capitol and talk about what's going on in the senate. it's fascinating seeing develop what i think you and i have talked about and have always known was going to develop. the democrats start with a $1.9 trillion package that is not really focused. overwhelming majority of americans get it. we know joe manchin, kristen cinema, hickenlooper. they will help those who needed it the most. that is exactly what's happening right now. where do you see this going? where do you see this negotiation going on this final covid relief bill? . >> well, i think, joe, put aside, you know, whatever one's
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opinion is. just take the politics of this. i don't think the administration ever believed that 1.9 trillion would be the vital number. i don't think the number will be anywhere close to the number that the republicans brought up to joe biden, that 600 and some billion they walked in with earlier this week. you have the mod rats on the democratic side who would like to see this be slightly more targeted. look, the administration has a couple powerful things on their side. one is in terms of keeping them very large. the one is the precedent. they look back at 2009 and the conventional wisdom in the biden administration and the democratic caucus is the mistake made in 2009 was passing too small a bill, not too big a bill. you only get one bite of this apple. if you make a mistake, make it on the high side rather than the low side. that is one thing guiding the biden administration and most of the democratic caucus on the
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senate side. secondly, look at joe biden's numbers right now. the approval rating, he's been touting this $1.9 trillion package for weeks. his approval rating is north of 60%. and the support level for the package is higher than that. i'm not rocket sign activity. but when you have the numbers that joe biden has and the package has that kind of support, we may not see a package that ends up 1.9. it will probably come down a little bit. it will be closer to 1.9 than to 600 billion i'll tell you that i think in the end. that's where i think the momentum is. they are perfectly happy to pass this thing. joe biden would like some republican votes, but i think he is content with 70% approval in the country with no republican votes. if that's the way it has to go, i think he has made miss peace with that. . >> john heilman, thank you. errin haines, what is your take on how the progressive wing will handle this? >> well, i think that they
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certainly are wanting to go big, closer to that 1.9 trillion that john was just talking about. look, you know, joe biden, president biden has been talking about equity across government and the pandemic and pandemic relief. but that is not something we have seen happening in these early days, whether we are talking about the vaccine rollout or whether we're talking about how this relief is going to be dolled out. what we know about this country, when we're talking about equity, that is something that does not necessarily happen organically but when folks are intentional about that. so i think, you know, progress if's are certainly saying that the coalition that elected president biden and vice president harris, this is certainly what they voted for. this is what a lot of democrats went out and told voters not just in georgia but told democrats across the country this is what they were going to
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deliver if, you know, the senate runoffs were delivered, to give them the democratic majority. these were the things they were going to fight for. i think that is what they were committed to and trying to harness some of that momentum and the president's popularity here as they are attempting to get to a bill that looks a lot more like what the president has proposed. >> all right. still ahead on "morning joe", the biden administration is looking to crackdown on domestic terrorism in the wake of the capitol riot. but there could be some significant hurdles. nbc's ken dilanian joins us. elissa slotkin will also join us. you're watching "morning joe". y. . but i've seen centuries of this.
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welcome back to "morning joe". the senate intelligence committee will examine american extremist groups like those who attacked the united states capitol on january 6th. the committee's new chairman, democratic senator washing warner of virginia, plans to do a, quote, significant dive into the anti-government movement in the united states. the committee will also look into ties the groups have to organizations in europe, as well as to russia's amplification to their messages. joining us is covering national security and intelligence kin discipline yann. he is out with new reporting headline, quote, biden may have trouble tracking down on domestic terrorism because of free speech and the fbi. good to see you. good morning. walk us through this a little bit. it does seem straightforward to a lot of people. if we can go after international terrorists, why can't we do it
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at home. >> good morning, willie. i took a deep dive and found there are two main reasons it's going to be harder. one is a reason of law and the constitution and free speech. but another is a reason of culture and politics inside the fbi. the law is pretty clear, we don't designate domestic terrorist organizations in this country the way we do al qaeda and isis and the way other countries like canada designate domestic organizations. canada designated the proud boys the other day. we don't do that. so that takes away some legal tools that are used against al qaeda and isis sympathizers, particularly a statute that materializes support for terrorism. that's one big issue. there is a debate whether that should be changed. another issue i found talking to fbi agents who have done this work for years, there just wasn't the same interest and emphasis inside the fbi to go after particularly far right wing violent extremists.
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and they had to struggle, those agents, to make those cases. and the outcomes were very different. the tools they were allowed to do very different, even within the law. and i looked at two particular cases, two white middle-aged deposit workers from the washington, d.c. area, both of whom are white supremacists. one developed an affiliation with isis. d.c. metro transit officer. they ran informants on him. fisa warrants. finally, they got him to purchase $245 worth of phone cards for isis. another called for president obama to be shot in the head. he purchased an illegal machine gun, according to court records. and he got 12 months in jail. so those two cases to me said it all about the disparity in how the law and the fbi have treated these kinds of domestic
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terrorist cases. >> ken, stay with us. i want to bring newly named chairwoman intelligence and counterterrorism sub committee democratic congressman elissa slotkin, member of the armed services committee, served as middle east analyst for the cia and served as acting assistant secretary of defense for international security affairs. congresswoman, it's good to see you. you were on this show a few weeks ago and said something that i think jumped out to a lot of people. the post-9/11 era were our greatest threats that are external is over. we have internal divisions within our own country that serve the greatest threat. what more can be done from where you sit to go after domestic terrorists? >> yeah. i mean, i think ken has it right. the question that we will be taking on in our sub committee, do we need this new federal
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domestic terrorism law? there's going to be real debate bit. some people feel it's just a matter of giving the department of justice, the fbi, law enforcement better topdown direction using the law they already have. some people feel we need a new law altogether. obviously people who are concerned about civil liberties are watching very, very closely. i think we should have this as a public conversation. and make sure that we learn the lessons of the 9/11 era, right? right after 9/11, we made a lot of policy and made a lot of law that looking back may have been a bit emotional. we talked about rendition and allowing the standup of gitmo and torture. i mean, we did some things because we were, you know, reacting strongly to what happened on 9/11. i want to take a more measured, thoughtful and serious approach. >> you have proposed things like increasing holocaust education. you're going deep to the root of this problem in our schools to remind people of the truth of what happened and what didn't happen as some of these
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conspiracy theories drive people to violence. what are some other specific policy proposals that you would like to put out that you think might make the country stronger in this way. >> sure. well, i think, again, the lesson of the 9/11 era, you can't kind of fight your way through the problem, you can't bomb your way out of the problem, and i don't think you can arrest your way out of the problem. if we can increase the amount of division and the folks will climb the ladder and become violent, we need to get to kids younger. holocaust education is something i think should be mandatory so people understand the roots of this. there is digital literacy. things we can do to up the critical thinking when we look at information coming at our kids online. we can't leave out the need to punish those who do use violence to further their goals. so the terrorist watch list. right now you can get on the terrorist watch list and it's unclear what that means. you're not automatically on the
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no-fly list. it's unclear what it means. why don't we do look at that and strengthen some of the restrictions if you make it onto the list. . >> bring ken back into the conversation for a question. >> you mentioned those concerns by civil liberties group. they cross from the far right to the mainstream aclu and those types of groups. how do you think democrats will respond? they sent a letter, 130 groups opposing any new domestic terrorism. yet there seems to be a lot of desire among mainstream democrats to move forward. how do you think that debate plays out. . >> i think we should focus on the facts. everyone is kind of putting their marker down because they know we're at the beginning of any new administration, congress. we should have literally hearings and hear from law enforcement in the field, air that conversation in public and
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decide if it's a requirement that we need a new law. if we don't need new law and direction can come from the top down with new administration, new attorney general, then let's go to that first. if we have gaps and we can't prosecute using violence, we have a problem and we need new law. i am trying to draw it to a fact-based debate. >> so in terms of former president trump's impeachment, i know democrats are hoping he will come and speak before congress, testify, and he has refused. can he be compelled to come speak before congress during the impeachment trial, and do you think the impeachment trial is connected with everything that we're talking about here today? >> i think they invited him and
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that's going to be it. in terms of how it fits into domestic terrorism, this is my point. that the division between us as americans is really a vulnerability. and certain people are going to take that to the next level and decide to become violent, to start plotting, to kidnap, kill, tack. and i think we need to separate the people who are truly violent to those who have been receiving a ton of information and disinformation and convinced of something that maybe isn't true but creating sort of supporting fires for the folks who are truly becoming violent. that's what we need to separate. we need to bring the tone down. we're going to have the trial next week. then i want to get on with the business of focusing on where we overlap on things related to covid. >> congresswoman elissa slotkin, thank you for coming on the show. and ken, thank you for your reporting as well this morning.
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walter, big picture as we have played the sound bite earlier of marjorie taylor greene talking about i was allowed to know things that weren't true, disinformation has pervaded our politics. fueled by facebook, twitter, and people who have decided not to embrace the truth as they push their agendas forward. how do you see the impeachment trial, helping or hurting where america ails right now as it pertains to disinformation? >> i think we very much have to get the truth out. we have to focus on the truth. here's an important point i heard. which is republicans, with some justification, are making their main issue free speech and the first amendment. and whether it's off the wacky side with marjorie taylor greene writing free speech on a mask.
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then people like rupert murdoch, including mainstream conservative intellectuals saying we have to protect free speech and the first amendment, not try to suppress these things as we understand the dangers of hate speech. so that is going to be a tricky thing to walk especially for democrats. because i suspect the big issues republicans are going to take on is you're trying to be cancel culture, stop free speech, you don't believe strongly in the first amendment and you are trampling on our rights. you see them picking on democrats who have expressed less than full support for the first amendment >> all right. coming up, one of the world's most pressing humanitarian issues deals with china. and keir simmons joins us live with his new reporting next on "morning joe".
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we have been laying out the foreign policy changes facing l keir simmons. today you're focused on china? >> good morning to you. yeah. that's right. yesterday president biden talked about china's advancing authoritarianism and committed to countering what he called china's attack on human rights. perhaps there isn't greater symbol of that than the xinjiang region of klein where the uighurs live. we've been talking to a uighur woman who lives in the u.s. she is a lawyer there in the u.s., her brother is imprisoned in china. listen to what she said to me. i'm in america following my
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american dream. if i had gone back to china i would be in a prison camel like my brother. >> my brother is my best friend. >> reporter: rahanna's brother disappeared in 2016. just as she graduated harvard law. he promised to attend her graduation. >> i was in tears. >> reporter: this is her brother, a young tech entrepreneur on capitol hill that same year, on a prestigious state department program. but when he returned to northwestern china, he was arrested. >> we haven't heard a word from him. >> reporter: he and his sister are uighurs, the mainly muslim ethnic group the united states now says are victims of genocide. >> my judgment remains that genocide was committed against the uighurs. >> reporter: now nbc news received an extraordinary letter from a senior chinese government official after we wrote asking
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for information. he says her brother is sentenced to 15 years for inciting secession. >> absolutely stunned that they can't even keep their story straight. >> reporter: the chinese official's letter said he confessed, but the family has profound doubts. >> you believe he was forced to confess? >> just not knowing if he's alive, that's already painful. but learning that he's been through more than i can even remotely imagine, that's -- i can't fathom. >> reporter: china has been accused of locking up as million as 1 million uighurs here in what it calls vocational training camps. when we visited those camps a year ago, we first met the official who wrote us the
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letter. we saw rows of adults sitting and studying in state-approved lessons. many of them sleeping in spartan dormitories. this mother, a widow, was only allowed to see her 4-year-old daughter once a week. he denied it was cruel. >> tell me that it isn't brutal to take a mother away from her 4-year-old daughter when her father has just died? tell me that is not a brutal thing to do. >> translator: she can go home once a week. >> her father died and her mother was taken away and could only see her once a week, you say that's fine. now he says the mother has been released. her daughter is fine and living with her now. and that she had found a job for 2,000 yuan.
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nbc news cannot verify that. another assertion from his letter that the camps we saw are now closed of left idle. the education and training centers in kashgar city which you visited last year have been shut down, he writes. even a year ago it wasn't clear we were getting the full story. at this camp in kashgar we were prevented from viewing one area. we can go across the road to the other side? where there are bars on the windows in. >> that's a normal school. it has nothing to do with us the camp director said. now analysts at the australian strategic policy institute have identified a new high security camp close by with 13 five-story buildings and surrounded by a 26-foot wall and watch towers. >> we're seeing that a number of facilities, over 60, have expanded in the last year. so this is an enduing and
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permanent part of the landscape, these arbitrary detention camps. >> reporter: china wants to tell the world its communist system is superior. we were sent glossy videos to show how the region is prospering. ♪♪ mr. xiu asserts the policy has gotten rid of the psychological control of terrorism and religious extremism. he says they're doing their utmost to help poverty-stricken people. but rahan says even her parents still living in china cannot discuss the situation. >> they are terrified to speak about him. >> that's a devastating report. good for you, keir for walking into that camp and confronting a chinese official under those circumstances. we heard from the biden administration calling this genocide. are there signs that america is going to be more aggressive? that the world will be more
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aggressive in putting a stop to this? >> there are signs. i think what the biden administration can do is ask the tough questions. rahan's family are model citizens. the biden administration can ask about individual cases. i think hold out to beijing that countries are judged by the way they treat their own people. this is a bipartisan congressional letter about rahan's brother's case. i want to read a bit of it about what they say about him. they say he's dedicated to philanthropic efforts and cultivating ethnic harmony. the question for beijing is this, how does it advance china's interest to arrest a guy with that kind of clean, if you'd like, reputation? how -- never mind the human rights question. this is what the biden administration needs to be holding out to beijing. never mind the human rights question. how is it in china's interest to
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be treating its own people this way? >> it's appalling. we know you'll continue to ask those questions. keir simmons, thank you so much as always. mika? >> all right. as we close out this hour, we turn to our celebration of black history month. all month we're asking our guests to tell us of the black americans who have inspired them. aaron hayes, who are you looking at this morning? >> thanks for asking. i want to highlight paulie murray, a pioneering lawyer during the civil rights era. helped to write some of the defining legislation around gender discrimination. you do not have a justice thurgood marshall or justice ruth bader ginsburg without her. she was a brilliant legal mind. she was also a pioneer in the
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episcopal church. was the first black woman to be an episcopal priest. just really with ruth bader ginsburg's passing, there was much more attention brought to pauli murray. i hope there's more attention not just for this month but the role that she played in helping to bring about a freer and fairer democracy for all americans. >> i appreciate it. thank you. walter isaacson, who are you highlighting for us? >> thanks so much for asking. dr. norman francis is somebody for me and for all of my fellow citizens of new orleanses who is a living saint. he is somebody who represents the civil rights movement, but also the quest for equality, equity and justice for more than 40 years he was president of xavier university.
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longest serving college president in america for a while. he was given the medal of freedom. there i am as a young guy when i first worked with norman francis. he's in the red vest. i didn't have gray hair back then. that was his wife and brother who was the catholic bishop of louisiana. what he did was help bring the freedom riders when they came to new orleans, he put them up. he helped with those who were arrested during the sit-ins. and then he was chair of the louisiana recovery authority. i got to serve as his vice chair. just this past month, you saw that street sign, that used to be jefferson davis parkway. here in new orleans we decided it should be norman c. francis parkway. >> love it. thank you. up next, senator ben sasse of nebraska clarifies what a conservative is and is not after republicans in his homestate
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advanced a measure to have him censured. plus qanon congresswoman majorie taylor greene tried to clean up her past remarks just before the house voted to pull her committee assignments. we'll tell you what happened when "morning joe" comes back in just 30 seconds. eeper for peace of mind. your books are all set. so you can finally give john some attention. trusted experts. guaranteed accurate books. intuit quickbooks live. ♪ ♪ charlotte! charl! every day can be extraordinary with rich, creamy, delicious fage total yogurt. along with joe, willie and me, we have pulitzer prize
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winning columnist hugh gene robinson. host of "way too early" kasie hunt. and senior political correspondent for the washington examiner, david drucker. we have a lot of stories to get to this friday morning. former president donald trump rejects democrats request for him to testify at his impeachment trial. president biden heads to the state department and lays out his vision for u.s. foreign policy. the u.s. senate voted on amendments through the night bringing democrats one step closer to passing president biden's covid relief package. and in the latest associated press poll, joe biden's job approval rating is at 61%. >> that's -- >> that's quite high. >> willie, i'm not good at this politics thing. i haven't been following it much. is that usually where presidents are? >> not out of the gate like that. 61% in a divided nation.
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he's putting his head down and trying to avoid the fight over impeachment in the united states senate and to show he's getting things done. that continued over night as mika said with another step towards the passage of this massive covid relief bill that the american people are waiting for. >> the thing is, again, you look at those numbers. and david drucker, even among conservatives that i know who voted for donald trump. and i was talking to so many of my friends and family members. i'm like, you're voting for him why? they start by saying he exhausts me. i'm just so exhausted. i wish he'd shut up. i wish he would just sign bills. there was such an exhaustion. i wonder when we see 49% to 61% approval with joe biden, if it's not even some moderates out there, maybe some moderate republicans who didn't vote for joe biden who is just like, god, you know what, it's really good to be able to have dinner with a
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family and not be talking about the latest crazed, dangerous thing coming out of washington, d.c. >> right. that was one of the things that hurt from the and the campaign, especially with the coronavirus. at least voters in the right places that mattered in the presidential election wanted to see competent management. and they wanted to have this idea that somebody at the top was leading and taking care of everything. and for a lot of voters they couldn't get that sense from president trump because he was constantly blaming governors, blaming mayors for problems happening with the virus and the pandemic. and he wasn't telling everybody, i'm taking care of it. here's step one, step two, step three. the interesting thing about voters, sometimes they will overlook, and we have seen this with a lot of approval ratings with governors at least over the first six, seven, eight months of the pandemic. even if things aren't going well and the things that they are
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doing, that a politician is doing is not working, if they get the sense you're being upfront about the problem, that you are trying to fix it and you're taking steps and you're in charge, they will give you a lot of leeway and feel good about the job you're doing. over time, they will start to look at the results. over time, they will start to look at the agenda a little bit deeper. and over time they might get -- voters might get upset. you might see approval ratings change. we have seen that with certain governors. in california, governor newsom is one example of that. right out of the gate, joe biden is producing a different style of management than his predecessor. and people feel like he is taking steps to fix the problem. and if he -- if they can feel like there is progress, then this sort of reaction from voters will continue. if they begin to feel like he's not getting if the job done, we'll start to see angst from voters, and he'll have to deal with that. >> as far as gavin newsom goes, a lot of it has to do with the
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timing of his dining choices. but one thing that you see that has surprised me, i always thought we needed to stay in paris as a conservative, i thought we needed to stay in the paris, as a conservative i thought we needed to stay. it's always interesting looking at some of these presidential orders he signed. okay. that's going to be 50/50. that's going to divide the country. a lot of these things that he signed already are like 70/30 issues, 80/20 issues. sexual orientation, discrimination, whatever -- that part of his agenda that he signed. i was like, okay, that's a 50/50. because we heard an awful lot from the right on that. i think that clocked in at
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75/25. 80/20. libertarians saying come on. a lot of them are 70/30 issues. >> they are. and i think the other thing people react to go, joe, is what actual government looks like. what -- you know, it's not a bunch of crazy tweets. it's actual serious actions, proposed legislation, things moving pretty much through some sort of regular order. there are updates by the scientists and the doctors on coronavirus. president biden comes out and explains his policies and what he's trying to accomplish and how he's trying to help people. how he is trying to help communities and families across the nation. and of course, yes, it's one thing to explain how you are trying to do it.
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it's another thing to actually deliver. just the sort of normalness and peacefulness and sort of noncraziness of this administration i think is reflected in that 61% figure. it's like people are starting to remember, oh, yeah, this is what it is supposed to be like. it is not supposed to be the way it was the last four years. still ahead democrats strip extremist majorie taylor greene from committee roles but what's to stop her from still acting out on capitol hill? you're watching "morning joe." we'll be right back.
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5:12 am
after house gop leadership failed to take action against congresswoman marjorie taylor green for her inflammatory social media posts and spreading of violent conspiracy theories, democrats yesterday took the measure into their own hands with the unprecedented move to strip her from her committee assignments. 11 republicans joined all democrats in backing greene's removal from her two committees. 199 republicans voted no. speaking on the house floor yesterday, minority leader kevin mccarthy warned that democrats were setting a dangerous new precedent. >> if people are held to what they are said prior to even being in this house, if majority party gets to decide who sits on what other committees, i hope you keep that standard. because we have a long list you can work within your own.
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>> wait, wait, wait a second. >> hold on. i want to show you what steny hoyer said. >> he has a long list -- do you have a long list, kevin? do you have a long list of a democratic member of congress calling for the assassination of donald trump? do you have a list of a republican member of congress calling for the lynching of george w. bush? do you have in that joe mccarthy list of yours that you are talking about, do you have a name of a democrat, joseph mccarthy, that called for the lynching of secretary of state colin powell? oh, wait a second. you know what, you don't. you're lying. you're lying again.
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but, kevin, this is just what you do. you don't have have a list of anybody that has said anything remotely resembling what this qanon lady has said. talking about jewish space lasers. california, kevin, burning forests in california. kevin, you know, she actually supported the assassination of your counterpart on the democratic side. nancy pelosi. i'm wondering, kevin, on that list of yours -- i have with me a list of 237 communists in the blah, blah -- what's wrong with you, kevin? >> a lot. >> do you think we're as stupid as you? because i would love for you, go on the house floor today, kevin, and give us the name of the democrat who, before they were democrat, called for your assassination, called for a
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bullet into your brain. give us the name, joe mccarthy or keep your mouth shut. we're not that stupid. the four years of mccarthyism is over, all right? it's over! so stop your lying to the american people! >> and shortly after -- >> you've got a list. god. swear to god! why don't you just have a picture of joe mccarthy behind you? # >> shortly after the comments by kevin mccarthy -- >> happy friday. >> -- steny hoyer pointed out how severe some of the incendiary rhetoric has been. on the house floor he displayed a social media post from greene's campaign showing her holding an assault rifle next to three -- well, pointed at three
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progressive democrats. >> and this is an ar-15 in the hands of ms. greene. this was on facebook just a few months ago. an ar-15, that can carry a clip up to 60 bullets. i urge my colleagues to look at that image and tell me what message you think it sends. here she is with a deadly assault rifle pointing it at three democratic members. >> hours before the vote, congresswoman greene took to the house floor hoping to recast herself, claiming her days as a qanon follower are over. >> you see, school shootings are absolutely real. and every child that is lost,
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those families mourn it. i also want to tell you 9/11 absolutely happened. i remember that day crying all day long watching it on the news. and it's a tragedy for anyone to say it didn't happen. i never once said during my entire campaign qanon. i never once said any of the things that i am being accused of today during my campaign. i never said any of these things since i have been elected for congress. these were words of the past. and these things do not represent me. they do not represent my district. and they do not represent my values. >> congresswoman greene did espouse qanon during her rhetoric. as recently as this week she
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tweeted in part what would the list of the anti-trump pedos and associates look like? it would likely contain all the people currently frothing with mtg hate. that's a tweet from marjorie taylor greene. democrats, people in the media, other people she doesn't like are pedophiles and candles and satanic worshippers. here is marjorie taylor greene as a candidate last july. >> in the video you say, quote, q is a patriot. do you believe that? is that what you believe? >> i've only ever seen patriotic sentiment coming out of that source and other sources. you know, there's a lot of censorship from big tech on social media. this is the censorship americans are so tired of. i think twitter has just announced recently last week that it will be removing anyone that associates themselves with qanon. yet there's never been any dangerous rhetoric coming out of people like that.
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>> kasie hunt that's july 2020, that's candidate majorie taylor greene saying again of qanon i've only ever seen patriotic sentiment coming out of that source. yesterday in the floor speech she asked for mercy, says she doesn't believe any of those things anymore. she said i was allowed to believe things that weren't true. passive voice. someone allowed her to believe those things. >> i never thought i would ever see a speech like that on the house floor. i don't know about the rest of you guys. but watching that yesterday, i was just stunned that someone had to go down there and say, oh, yes, 9/11 happened. all of those people died. i swear, i saw it on tv myself. it's just mind boggling. and to pick up on joe's point about kevin mccarthy and republicans, not wrong to say it's unprecedented for the majority party to strip members of their committee assignments. but i think it's also worth
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pointing out that when ilhan omar, congresswoman ilhan omar made remarks that were considered to be anti-semitic and she was criticized by members of her own party, republicans called for her to be stripped of her committee assignments, she wasn't, but she actually faced a resolution on the house floor condemning the comments she made, condemning anti-semitism. anti-semitism is one of many things that marjorie taylor greene is accused of. islamophobia. there's a long list of others. you saw that poster she put up on the house floor. just to give you a sense of how tense things are inside the capitol now, walking to and from the house floor to these votes, she gets in a fight with another african-american member of congress, cori bush.
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nancy pelosi talked about that. there is legitimate fear she does in fact -- the apologies are not real. she does support violence against them. it is more than just the campaign poster. suddenly there are members of congress who do feel like their safety is in jeopardy, especially after january 6th. so it's -- it is an incredible statement about where we are that she had to give that speech and that republicans in her party stood up and said, no, actually, it's fine. we want her to be on her committees. coming up, we'll hear from republican turned democratic congressman charlie crist who is signaling he might look to reclaim the office of florida's governor. "morning joe" will be right back. lactaid is 100% real milk, just without the lactose. so you can enjoy it even if you're sensitive.
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let's be clear, the anger in the state party has never been about me violating principle or abandoning conservative policy. the anger has always been simply about me not bending the knee to one guy. what americans saw three weeks ago was ugly. shameful, mob violence to disrupt a constitutionally mandated meeting of the congress to affirm the peaceful transfer of power. it happened because the
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president lied to you. he lied about the election results for 60 days. despite losing 60 straight court challenges, many of them handed down by wonderful trump-appointed judges. he lied by saying that the vice president could just violate his constitutional oath and declare a new winner. that wasn't true. he then riled a mob that attacked the capitol, many chanting hang pence. if that president were a democrat, we both know how you'd respond. but because he had republican behind his name, you're defending him. something has definitely changed the last four years, but it's not me. personality cults aren't conservative. conspiracy theories aren't conservative. lying that an election has been stolen, it's not conservative. acting like politics is a religion, it isn't conservative. nebraskans aren't rage addicts, and that's good news. you are welcome to censure me
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again. but let's be clear about why this is happening. it is because i still believe, as you used to, that politics isn't about the weird worship of one dude. the party could purge trump skeptics, but i'd like to convince you not only is that civic cancer for the nation, it's just terrible for our party. >> you know, willie, a lot of people can look at this and said, gee, i wish he had said this the past four and a half years. i'm glad he's saying it now. we had a cancer in the body politics over the past four years, we still have a cancer there. i want good people on both sides who can reach out to whoever they want to reach out to and start sending this message over and over. yes, they should have -- blah, blah, blah, see you on twitter. why didn't he do it here? we're dealing with today and moving forward. and, willie, that's an important message that any republican who
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wants to lead this party, who wants to lead this country in 2024 needs to start sending to their base. and i love the line especially, love the line especially where he said, yeah, something has changed the past four years, but it's not been me. it's so funny when people come up to me in the airports and go, yeah, i used to like you when you were a conservative. you know, i smile and i let everything go past, now i stop people dead in their tracks. i say, okay, let's talk through the issues, sir. 20 minutes later they're like why did i ever stop this guy? because something has changed. but it's not -- it's not what is and what isn't conservative. it is the republican base who followed this failed tv reality host and joined a personality cult.
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and also, for me, and for what's most important to me, it is that people in my church, people of my faith, pastors, they've replaced a personality cult and they have replaced politics for faith in god. and they've been moving that direction for 20 years. but over the past four years, man, i agree with ben sasse. too many people have replaced their faith with politics. coming up, you think dealing with mitch mcconnell is tough. our next guest says managing a reckless xi jinping will be harder. nick kristoff explains why president biden's nightmare may be china. "morning joe" is back in a moment.
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available wherever backwards helmets are sold. >> dr. fauci said we can't have super bowl parties, it has to be you and the family watching brady and mahomes. >> yeah. exactly. it's friday. obviously big game on sunday. any predictions? >> okay. so chiefs are the better team. full stop. no question about that. i think i've said this before. i would never bet a nickel against tom brady. even at 43 years old. the same way i wouldn't bet against michael jordan in the nba finals, i wouldn't bet against tiger woods on sunday at augusta. i would not bet against tom brady. what about you? >> do you know what the line is? >> i don't have it in front of me. three and change. >> anybody know? >> we're looking. >> yeah. i certainly -- listen, the chiefs are a better team. and you've got two quarterbacks, one who is 43. the other at the peak of his
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physical prowess. at the same time it's 3 1/2. i just wouldn't give -- i would not give 3 1/2 points to tom brady on super bowl sunday. i say that, you know, i'm a falcons fan. it's been a long, painful ride since 1966. i think that's when they started, '66. you know, my brother called me up in the third quarter and said can you believe we'll win the super -- i said be quiet, george. brady's on the other side. this guy can do things in the super bowl. i think the stats that have come out -- i was watching an english premier game and they were talking about some crazy stat there. something like 70% of all super bowls played since brady came into the nfl, like he's been a part of it or -- >> wild. >> one unbelievable stat after another. >> i mean, the other guys over history are not close to him
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anymore. this is his tenth super bowl. montana and bradshaw won four. he set himself apart from everyone else. at 43 years old, he looks good enough to play next year, the year after that. he said this week he would play until he's 45 and then see where he is there. that's astonishing. the nfl is constant punishment every day in practice and in the games on sunday. most guys are out of the league if they're lucky late 20s, early 30s. he's 43 years old. >> also have a correction from alex. so he has played in exactly half of the super bowls including this year that have been played since he's been in the league. which really is crazy. i've stubbornly stuck to joe montana because it was just unbelievable how that guy could just, you know, cut apart defenses and how great he was under pressure. but this year i -- i have to say
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joe montana is the second best quarterback in nfl history. especially in the big games. brady without a doubt number one. >> it's going to be fun to watch on sunday. we got breaking news. the labor department released the first jobs report of the new year. it shows the u.s. economy added just 49,000 jobs last month. the unemployment rate ticked down 0.4% to 6.3%. >> a little anemic. an anemic start to the year. but we're going to see if you believe most economists we're going to see that economy pick up and get stronger throughout the year as we move because of the vaccines and a lot of other things as we move beyond covid. let's bring in florida congressman charlie crist. it's great to have you with us. you know, you and i, charlie, have known each other for a long time. probably spent more time talking when we were both republicans, when we were republican
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representatives. >> neither of us are anymore, joe. >> you obviously are a democratic congressman right now. as a guy who spent most of his life as a republican before, as you say, the party left you. what were your thoughts watching the overwhelming majority of your former party members defending a woman who supported the assassination of nancy pelosi and the lynching of barack obama and secretary of state clinton? >> incredibly disappointing. i don't know how else to put it. it's an abomination really to have somebody with that kind of hate speech, i hate to say that, no pun intended, but it pains me to say that. to have this rhetoric going on after january 6th, what happened at the capitol seven blocks from where i am right now, it's appalling. i don't understand it. you know, they must feel beholden to her connection with trump. and that's unfortunate.
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maybe they're fearful of a primary opponent. i don't know what it is. it's awful. i want to say this. i'm proud of the 11 including mario diaz-ballard and a couple of floridians who are new to the congress, proud of their courage. >> i wonder if those in the new york media market voted the way they did because of sandy hook. that's just one great example of the pain that the parents have experienced. the unspeakable pain that they have experienced since parkland and sandy hook. you have somebody saying they were phonies. they were actors. again, you stack that on top of the political violence that she's called for. you stack that on top of what steny showed us yesterday on the house floor where she is holding an ar-15 and aimed at three members of congress' images.
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it's really unbelievable. >> it is. it's unconscionable and it's unfortunate. that's mild terminology. i'm trying to be a gentleman. when you hear that kind of rhetoric and that kind of incendiary language talking about the speaker in that way, you know, endorsing putting a bullet to her head, that shocks the conscience of any decent-minded human being. where is the humanity in somebody who comes up with that stuff? it's so off the chain i can't believe it. really. >> charlie, this past year you have spoken out pretty aggressively about the need to support law enforcement. you were very critical of some left wing activists talking about defunding the police. and you said our law enforcement officers need to be defended. need to be protected. and, you know, you sounded like a conservative.
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you sounded like actually -- sounded like a lot of democrats we also interviewed like jim clyburn and others. do you find it ironic that the same republicans that are talking about law and order, defending the blue. defending cops, are now basically saying we need to just forget about cop killers that invaded the capitol. we need to forget about terrorists that used american flags to brutalize law enforcement officers? >> it's ironic. ironic is a subtle word for it. it's a bit hypocritical. i have to call a thing a thing. that's strange to me that they would come around to that view. listen, i was attorney general of florida, you know that. as such you're the chief legal officer of the state, you work with law enforcement every day. and i love those people. the courage they have. they and the military are in a
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very close scenario in the courage they display. the fact they're both willing to risk their lives for our freedom and safety. but good training is important, too. we have a great chief of police in st. petersburg. he's a great man. african-american. he does a superb job. i was standing side by side with him, and we had some of the disturbing kind of people who were upset about what happened to george floyd. that was beyond upsetting what happened to that poor man in minneapolis. unbelievable. but, yeah, law enforcement is important. we need to have safety. it even says in the constitution we have to ensure domestic tranquillity. i get that. but we need good training to balance it, too. that's equally important in my humble opinion. >> congressman, good to have you on the show this morning. it's wiley geist. i'm curious of what you make by the $1.9 trillion package proposed by the white house
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right now, which may move through coming off a vote overnight, moving through with reconciliation. does that package get it right? is it too big? too small? what's your view? >> i think president biden is spot on with that. this is a man of great compassion, willie, as you know. great empaempathy. look at what he's been through in his life, the loss of his first wife, a daughter, his son, bo. so i can understand it. that's why i think the president, president biden, has such a keen sense of the right thing to do. for him it's not right versus left. it's right versus wrong. it's wrong not to help the american people suffering right now. a lot of people can't pay their mortgage, can't pay their rent, can't put food on the table. if we can't be compassionate to our own fellow americans in a time of need, historic time of need, in my state of florida, over 200 people are dying every
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day from this virus, from this pandemic. it breaks my heart. i love florida. i love her people. you know, it just pains me we're handling it so poorly in the sunshine state. florida deserves better. >> do you think that minimum wage hike to $15 an hour within that package is a good idea? >> i think it's a brilliant idea. i have a dear friend, john morgan, great lawyer, was a partner with him during my five years after i left the governor's mansion and before i was elected to congress. you know, he basically self-funded that as a constitutional amendment in florida. and it passed by over 60%. the threshold by which that has to happen to get a constitutional amendment put through. god bless john for that. i love him. the fact he dedicates so much of his time -- joe, you know john, too, he's a great individual. he dedicates so much of his time to that and his practice at morgan & morgan, that time of
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humanity in people is essential. i don't know if you can see it, i wear these yellow wrist bands on my hand every day. it basically talks about the golden rule. do unto others as you would have done unto you. the wristband says practice the golden rule every day. if more of us would do that, follow the teachings of jesus christ, a lot of these problems would go away. the resurgence of humanity, goodness, decency, coming together thank god joe biden got elected our president. god bless him. >> before i let you go, there's some talk, i'm sure you heard it, too, in the state of florida about you running for governor. again, you served as governor once, you ran in 2014, you lost that race to rick scott. are you open to being florida's governor again? >> i am. you know, i'm enjoying my time in congress. especially now. you talk about an important time
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to serve in the congress. you know, what's going on in our country. being able to help people again with this stimulus package. that was going on when i was governor back in 2009. president obama, you may be able to see his book in my background here. great man. great president. he came before to fight for that stimulus. the recovery act. i joined him. he hugged me after i introduced him. that was it for me as a republican public servant. i'll tell you. i'm optimistic about the future. i'm considering a run for governor again. my dad is a doctor, practiced 5 years as a doctor in st. pete. he always used to tell me and my three sisters, god gave you two ears and one mouth, listen as twice as much as you talk, you will learn a lot more. that's what i'm doing, i'm listening. willie, one more thing -- >> yeah. >> we have a game in my home
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area. go bucs. i agree with your prediction. i say it will be 38-28. sunday night. >> wow, a ten-point win for brady and the bucs. they are playing in their home stadium. maybe that gives them the edge. congressman charlie crist, thank you very much. good to see you. we'll keep our eyes on that gubernatorial race. coming up, breaking down what he says will be president biden's biggest problem on the world stage. keep it on "morning joe." incomparable design makes it beautiful. state of the art technology, makes it brilliant. the visionary lexus nx. lease the 2021 nx 300 for $359 a month for thirty six months. experience amazing at your lexus dealer. i think the sketchy website i bought this turtle from stole all of my info. ooh, have you looked on the bright side? discover never holds you responsible for unauthorized purchases on your card. (giggling) that's my turtle. fraud protection. discover. something brighter.
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with us now we have columnist for the "new york times," nicholas kristoff. he wrote a piece on why a piece biden's nightmare may be china. that is what he said. what we're going to do, instead of reading it, we're going to ask nick kristof what he said. nick, talk about -- talk about the article. talk about your column, and why china actually may be the biggest challenge in front of joe biden over the next four years. >> sure, straight from the horse's mouth here. so, look, i've been trying to watch her for most of my career, lived in china a long time. and it seems to me that the coming years are going to be the most dangerous for the two countries. and, you know, that's partly because china is making moves on, and is building its
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capacity. vis-a-vis taiwan, and at risk of some kind of a spark that would lead to conflict, either around taiwan, or in the south china sea, you know i think it's still unlikely. but it's much more possible than it was in the past. and i guess in addition, you know, there is such nationalism on the chinese side and such hostility toward beijing on the u.s. side, you know, been burned by the actions of xi jinping that there's very little room for maneuver and diplomacy. on the other hand, president biden, you know, he needs to work with china on climate change, on controlling fentanyl, on reining in north korea. i think it's going to be very difficult to manage xi jinping in these coming years with some real risk of a blow-up. >> president xi has been
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described as the most powerful chinese leader since chairman mou. he has down much to consolidate power. there's also been some concern expressed, certainly over the past year, that he may be less conservative. i say that with a small "c," less conservative than chinese leaders who have seen the arc of history in terms of decades, centuries. and more concern of instability with his leadership. what can -- what insights can you give us about that? >> well, first of all, i would push back a little bit at the idea that he has completely consolidated power, and, you know, it's true that if you look at it formally, then i would say he's the most powerful since mou, it looks as if he will add another term as leader, as communist party leader at the next party of congress. but on the other hand there are
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an awful lot of elites in china who are scathingly critical of him in private, who see that he has gone after other people for corruption, even as his own family has amassed huge wealth. and, you know, it's -- it's certainly possible that his -- that he may be -- that other elites may go after him at some point if they sense weakness if, for example, the economy slows down. but, you know, i think your point is right, he's very much shaped by the cultural revolution. he deeply fears chaos, and that has led him to, you know, brutally go after anybody mounting any dissent, and particularly in the far west. he is mounting effectively a cultural genocide and locking folks up in concentration camps. you know, it may be the -- it may be the greatest interning of people based on religion or
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ethnicity since the holocaust. >> so, nick, we had a devastating piece from keir simmons a few minutes ago on that very issue, an account from a family, a young woman who went to harvard law school, lives here in the united states but whose brother was arrested and sentenced to 15 years. >> i know her, yeah. >> you know the story. what do we do now? what's the now posture for the biden administration? what should the state department be doing and saying about a genocide that's taking place within china? >> so, i don't think we have a lot of leverage over xi jinping, but we do have some and i think it largely comes from naming and shaming. china has been deeply embarrassed by the reports coming out from this. for example, we can use our intelligence community and satellite abilities to -- and that doesn't solve the problem,
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but it does raise the cost of mass sterilization of people, of locking people up in enormous numbers. and, you know, it also does mean that china's going to be a little harder to work with on some other issues. but when you do have a cultural genocide going on i think it's worth paying that price. >> and you've also pointed out that we don't -- there's this balancing act between being tough on china and not poking them in the eye, and embarrassing them on the international stage. ideas like boycotting the 2022 olympics in beijing. showing more strength in taiwan. you say are not necessarily a good idea. why is that? >> so china sees foreign affairs through this prism of western powers trying to humiliate it, trying to dismember it. that's very much what is called humiliation education that people are trained in. so particularly vis-a-vis
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taiwan, i worry that the u.s. will engage in actions that will confirm that narrative, and actually lead china to be more likely to make a move on taiwan in particular, in ways that would be disastrous for everybody. so, you know, look, taiwan deserves more international recognition. it deserves support but i think we should do that very carefully. the trump administration sent a green beret to train taiwan forces and then released photos of that. i think that releasing those kind of photos essentially is poking xi jinping in the eye and we should do that kind of cooperation, but not -- china will know about it. we don't need to release those kind of videos and those kind of images. >> nick, another blinking red light on president biden's radar is, of course, russia, here's what he had to say about putin yesterday. >> i made it clear to president putin, in a manner very different from my predecessor, that the days of the united
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states rolling over in the face of russia's aggressive actions, interfering with our elections, cyberattacks, poisoning its citizens, are over. we will not hesitate to raise the cost on russia and defend our vital interests and our people. >> nick, we know president biden confronted president putin on a phone call last week, brought up navalny, brought up all these issues that president trump had looked the other way on, frankly. what are the implications of this tougher stance from a new administration? >> well, it's certainly going -- it's going to complicate other areas of diplomacy but frankly we don't need russia very much on other issues the way we need china on other issues. i do think that navalny's success in galvanizing across the country does show where we do get leverage. navalny got that leverage with this extraordinary report about putin's palace on the black sea.
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and, you know, i think that underscores that russians, chinese, people in other countries are deeply sensitive to ways in which their own leaders are corrupt. and navalny did that on his own. we have an intelligence community that can also gather that kind of information about leaders' corruption and maybe link it occasionally in ways that undermine putin, or perhaps xi jinping. >> nick kristof, we'll be reading your work in the "new york times." appreciate it. the screen actors guild has lost one of its members. >> really? >> yesterday former president donald trump preemptively submitted his resignation from the artist union after the group last month announced it would remove him for his role in the attack on the capitol. in the letter trump wrote, quote, who cares? followed by a list of his accomplishments in film and television, including -- look, i just want to tick through a few
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here. "home alone 2," "zoo lander," wall street, "money never sleeps," he went down his list of credits and, of course ended with "the apprentice," he closed the letter with his formal resignation saying -- he wrote, "you have done nothing for me." regards, donald j. trump. sag afterward responded with a two word statement "thank you." >> how sad, what we have lost, willie, and with those performances, he gave us memories that will last a lunchtime. any final thoughts for today and this week? >> here he is at the plaza. oh yeah, telling macaulay culkin which way to go down the highway. he was in "zoolander". >> when you get out of the union, do you stop getting those
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checks, every time "home alone" is on hbo, you get a check for like $23? >> i don't know. when the plaza was the plaza. have you seen libowitz and marty? >> i've seen clips of it. >> oh, god, it's so good. >> maybe it's me this weekend. >> it is so good. well, listen, willie, it's been a great week. i want to thank you for your patience with me, and thank -- >> generally, or just -- >> just generally. >> yeah, okay. >> and i also want to thank people watching, thank them for their patience watching me yell, and it's -- it is great, though, isn't it, willie, it's great to have this show, and the ability to be able to do this every morning, even if we have to bake up at 2:00 in the morning, it's an honor. >> no question about it, it is a privilege and it's a privilege to throw to our good friend right now, chris jansing who is standing by. >> willie, i'm touched by your concern about whether or not donald trump gets those
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