tv The Reid Out MSNBC February 5, 2021 4:00pm-5:00pm PST
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other than the fact that he might slip and say something. >> that's what it looks like when one person is in power, and someone else is out of power. thank you for watching "the beat," and you can always follow me on social media. "the reidout" with joy reid is up next. ♪♪ good evening, everyone. we begin "the reidout" tonight with the troll party. okay, so, this is a troll. now, while he's cute, look at his little, furry blue hair. but you wouldn't want him running the government, because he's a plastic doll. this is not far off from some in the party i'm actually talking about, the current republican
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party, the one that elected the world's most infamous internet bully as commander in chief. and now they're atop the smoldering heap of the once grand old party. and marjorie taylor greene, just one day after being voted to kick her off of two committees, she had a press conference with no contrition. instead, she said she had been freed. >> so if i was on the committee, i would be wasting my time. because my conservative values wouldn't be heard, and neither would my districts. it would be a waste of my time. >> she says now with no committee business, she has plenty of time on her hands.
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which would seem to be the opposite of why her constituents voted for her. but she said he's only in it for the trolling anyway. which prompted adam kinzinger to note, this is why i voted yes. she just has a huge desire to be famous. and she's right. kinsinger is just one of 11 house members who voted to strip greene of her assignments, and also to impeach the animated troll doll who was in the white house. and now, he who shall not be named took a party that has long had the cruelty, racism, and trolling, and made trolling the purpose.
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colorado's lauren boebert, her entire m.o. is spectacle. she's more concerned about dodging metal detectors than delivering anything to her district or state. and madison cawthorn telling his colleagues, i've built my staff around comms rather than legislation. which sounds a lot like matt gaetz. >> bravo, marjorie taylor greene. i almost had to smoke a cigarette afterwards. >> first, ew. ew! but much like greene and cawthorn, he's not much interested in doing his job.
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gaetz said he would resign to defend her if she asked. today, marjorie taylor greene was very precise. >> republican voters support him still. the party is his. it doesn't belong to anybody else. >> the party is his. it doesn't belong to anybody but him, him, nobody else. i'm joined by kurt and michelle, some things have just broken. president biden has given an interview to cbs, and this is what he said about whether the apparent god, worshipped by all republicans, who must be worshipped by all republicans or they get in trouble, whether he should get intel briefings as an ex-president. >> should former president trump still receive intelligence briefings? >> i think not.
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>> why not? >> because of his erratic behavior unrelated to the insurrection. >> what is your worst fear if he continues to get these intelligence briefings? >> i'd rather not speculate out loud. there's no need for him to get the intelligence briefing, what value or impact does it have, other than the fact that he might slip and say something. >> or deliberately say something. kurt, i wonder, given the abject worship of republican members of congress of the ex-president, what good does it do to deny him briefings? do you trust jordan and nunes not to just fly to florida and
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tell him? >> the republican party is led by conspiracy theorists, who have sold out our country, they're in the same boat as donald trump. but president biden is right. the words donald trump and intelligence have no business being in the same sentence with one another. we've learned that after four or five years of this. and donald trump is willing and able to say things publicly in meetings with russia and with putin that are classified. i don't think anybody has any question that he would sell our secrets to the highest paid bidder. so blocking him from the intelligence briefings, it's an act of self-defense for our country, and the president is right, that's what needs to happen. >> and, you know, michelle, the
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whole marjorie q. greene, the qanon lady, people are so much more angry at liz cheney than her. here's what she said, when asked if she would apologize for saying she wanted to see the speaker of the house killed. >> i think you heard my speech yesterday. you owe the people an apology. you lied about president trump. i've done mine yesterday. >> jim jordan has basically made this whole thing about cancel culture. said, who's next? if we cancel margie greene, who is next if we throw her out? what do you make of this turn for the republican party? >> first they came for the people who threatened murder
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against the speaker of the house, and then i didn't speak out. look, i think that she -- you know, it's been obvious for a while that she represents the vanguard of this party. the one thing, joy, that i would disagree with you about is when you said earlier that that's not why her constituents sent her there. i think it's very possible that that's why they sent her there, to be a troll, to own the libs, and to go beyond, to threaten to kill the libs. it's very instructive that you saw 60-something people vote to discipline liz cheney, and 11 members of marjorie greene's caucus voted against her. and i think, i wonder if that number would be different if it was a secret ballot the way cheney's was. the fact is, that's where the voters are in this country. you see that in state republican
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places all over the country. nebraska, they just censured ben sasse, arizona, they first tweeted out a call for martyrdom on behalf of donald trump, and censured jeff flake and cindy mccain. and a member of the party in wyoming is talking about secession. the republican party has become a radicalized cult, and there are a lot of republican members of the house that may not like that, but they're accountable to their voters. >> and, you know, you would know that first-hand, kurt. you've dealt with breitbart up close. and isn't michelle right? you worked on house staff. if she doesn't have any committee assignments, what will
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she do all day but troll? people like ben sasse saying you're not supposed to worship one dude, he voted with trump 84%. kinsinger, 90.2%. they've all been loyal to trump's legislation, but you have to be 100% loyal or else the base hates you. >> i mean, listen. if the voters of the republican party actually cared about tangible results, we would have a very different country right now. listen, we have how many hundreds of thousands of americans dead from the coronavirus, how many americans out of work and struggling, who didn't benefit from the corporate relief package that republicans and trump passed just earlier last year. time and again, the interests of
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the republican party voters is constantly betrayed by the people they send to represent them. it's the ultimate con, actually. because the people who are they, they don't care about republican voters or improving their livelihoods or making anything better. they're just there to be pundits commentators, and to try to get famous, enrich themselves, and troll and own the libs. that's their only purpose. they don't care about legislating, policymaking, substance, fact, or truth. they want to make a fox news segment brought to the life every day, that's the republican party, and at some point, the voters will wake up and see. they've lost georgia twice now. they lost arizona.
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they lost in in california, in pennsylvania. the republican party is in very big trouble, as they continue this retreat to the conspiracy corners of the internet. joe biden has a very high approval rating. the majority of the country agrees on what we need. the republican party continues to alienate themselves from that, and a permanent loss of elections is ahead if they continue down this road. >> and you do have a class of republican voters who don't care about legislation. as you saw, biden did better with people who make under $50,000 per year. when you actually need the $15 an hour, you may vote differently. when you're a little more affluent, you can say i only
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want to send madison cawthorn there to own the libs. but as the economic pain starts to drift up into the working class, into more of the middle class, then they have a problem if they're not delivering anything. because biden said tonight, they may have to do the $15 separately. if republicans are just for trolling the libs, how many elections can you win based on that? >> i think it's incumbent on democrats to show they can deliver for the country. part of this phenomenon are people that have given up on the idea that government will help them. if government will not actually help you materially, at least it can give you the psychic rewards of punishing the people that you hate. if there are actually real material stakes, that changes. but it's important that biden and congress take the very narrow window they have before
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the next midterms to show they can actually deliver for people. >> that is so smart. because you're absolutely right. if you think government can't do anything, you just want the feel good of them pummeling people you hate. michelle, kurt, thank you both very much. up next on "the reidout," president biden's fast start. he's popular, and so are his policies, and his party is behind him. and also, leslie odom as sam cook. ♪ you got it you got it sounds so good yeah ♪ ♪ oh, yeah that's the sound of the man working on the chain ♪ ♪ the gang that's the sound of the man working on the chain ♪
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have you notice how quiet your twitter feed has been recently? no late night all-caps tweets full of misspellings and exclamation points? do you feel less stressed these days? you're not talking about the white house, because we finally have an adult sitting behind the resolute desk again. today, president biden said he's going to act fast in getting millions of americans the aid they desperately need. >> i've told both republicans and democrats that is my
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preference to work together. but if i have to choose between getting help right now to americans who are hurting so badly, and getting bogged down in negotiation, or compromising on a bill that is -- that is up to the crisis, that's an easy choice. i'm going to help the american people who are hurting now. >> and it appears his approach is resonating, with 61% of the american people approving of his job over the past 2 1/2 weeks. but you haven't heard that from biden. he doesn't need to impress you, he just wants to do his job. joining me now, congressman jim clyburn. one of the things that people anticipated if biden became the nominee and president, there may be a fractional war between the left and the center in the
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democratic party. that has not happened. one headline says progressives have said, we've learned to love the guy. his approval ratings are high, his policies are popular, people support the dreamers getting citizenship, the stimulus payments, the $1.9 trillion relief bill that just cleared another hurdle in the senate, so far, so good, right? do you see any problems in this pretty good narrative so far? >> thank you very much for having me, joy. absolutely. i have always expressed great admiration, great respect, even love for joe biden. and you may recall, when i made that endorsement that everybody talks about, i said at the time. i know joe, we know joe. but most importantly, joe knows us. and i think the vast majority of
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the american people are beginning to see that joe biden knows the people of this country. and he has that heart, and he will do what is in the best interests of the american people, irrespective of what his interests may be. he's not going to -- [ inaudible ] >> it's good you say that. because we saw vice president harris having to cast the tiebreaking vote, it was a pure party line vote. president biden has given an interview to cbs, the pre-super bowl interview that everyone does, and he said he doesn't think the increase to $15 an hour will survive the bill. and that democrats may have to do it separately because of,
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when you have to do reconciliation, there are all these technicalities. if the $15 an hour increase doesn't make it into the $1.9 trillion bill, do you see it passes the house and the senate as a separate bill? >> i think so. i really believe so. i heard a few people that we're concerned about in the senate speak to this a couple of days ago. joe manchin for one, who i admire a lot. we don't agree all the time, but i hope we can get together on this $15 issue. he's for the $15, as i understand it. but he wants to see it phased in over a period of time. and that makes sense in many ways. so that people can digest the new expense. so i think we're going to get that done.
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as you know, we have to tie reconciliation issues directly to the budget. and we've not been able to make the case for the hourly wage. but i think we can make the case for increasing it at a later date. >> do you agree with the other thing that president biden said, that trump should not be getting intel briefings? are you concerned the former president may sell u.s. intelligence or use it improperly? do you think he should be denied intelligence briefings? >> or give it away. i do believe he's an intelligence risk. we saw it time and time again. any time you would accept putin's views over the views of your own intelligence people, it tells me that something is amiss here. and so why should this administration share with him information that they have when
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they know full well he's already said he prefers putin over our own intelligence. so, no, he should not get intelligence briefings at all. >> my last question to you, sir, you're serving in a very narrow majority in the house. on the other side of the majority are some strange people who believe in conspiracy theories and oppose miscegenation. do you think kevin mccarthy can control his caucus? >> we've had similar issues, and we've dealt with it. and we've said to those offenders, this is the way to go about this. we know what your intentions
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were. but they've come across a little different than you intended. apologize if you must. and we've had that. but here's a guy refusing to in any way call in to question these crazy, idiotic is too good a word, stuff. and he won't do a thing about it. i'm concerned that kevin just does not have whatever it takes to control his caucus. >> it is a concern, i think, for many, many more people than yourself. leader jim clyburn, thank you very much. have a great weekend. still ahead, congressional democrats deliver emotional testimony on the events of january 6th, and we'll hear from one, next.
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here. as i saw it, i said to myself, thank god i'm not there. >> that was an emotional testimony from congresswoman rashida tlaib. as a muslim woman and a target of frequent death threats, she was one of several house democrats who made comments last night. >> we know the feeling of being trapped in the room, and believing that being taken hostage may be the best case scenario. >> this is a traumatic experience for all of us, on both sides of the aisle, and for our nation. it cannot be swept under the rug. >> how can we trust that you will address the suffering that white supremacy causes on a day-to-day basis in the shadows, if you can't even address the
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white supremacy that happens in front of you, in your house? >> congressman dean phillips talked about what it was like to be in the chamber when the mob was clamoring to get in. >> i screamed to my colleagues to follow me, to follow me across the aisle to the republican side of the chamber so that we could blend in. but within moments i recognized that blending in was not an option available to many colleagues of color. so i'm here tonight to say to my brothers and sisters in congress and all around our country, i'm sorry. i'm sorry. for i had never understood, really understood, what privilege really means.
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>> i'm joined by democratic congressman dean phillips of minnesota. i saw that last night on lawrence o'donnell's show, it was very moving. thank you for saying what you've said. what has been the reaction from democratic colleagues and if any republicans have reacted to it? >> thank you, joy. i'm grateful to hear those kind words. you can imagine in this day and age, i received some wonderful comments of joy and gratitude. some tearful messages, and also some disgusting, dismaying vitriol. but it only inspires me to tell this story more, and encourage people to open their hearts and minds. if it affects just one person, it makes it all worthwhile. >> i don't know how i would go into a workplace where i was not
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sure if all of my colleagues were not on the side of the people who may have killed me. people like women in the squad, who were definitely targets, or the speaker. you already had louie gohmert, one of the people whipping up the mob in advance, andrew clyde, accepting $5,000 fines for evaing the magazines. you still have members trying to bring guns on to the floor. are you afraid to work with these people? >> not afraid, but i'm disgusted. these very people who are willing to pay the fines or shove police officers, do they do the same with the tsa agents at the airport? i think not. it's ironic that in the people's house, the legislative chamber in which laws are started, even elected members of congress are
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not willing to abide by the rules we set to govern ourselves. it's a sad commentary. but, no, i'm not afraid. i'm emboldened, energized, and resolute. as are democrats are many republicans. there are many republicans that feel exactly the same, many who want to recapture the traditional center right republican party. and i hope that happens, because frankly america needs it. >> adam kinzinger is one of them, but he's gotten rebuked by his home state republican party. anyone who pokes their head up, even people who have been loyal voters on the trump agenda have been pummeled by state parties. do your republican colleagues tell you that makes them afraid to go public the way he did? are they maybe even afraid, frankly, of their own voters
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becoming violent toward them and their families? >> absolutely, joy. that's unfortunately the state of affairs right now. i think many as adam kinzinger pointed out, many used their voting cards more out of fear than out of possibility and principle. and that's the truth. i have to tell you, joy, we should be saluting those courageous republicans that are doing the right thing right now. not with any political reward, if anything, with the likelihood that they could lose their seats. and most importantly, even their lives. and i don't want to diminish the fact that just like my brothers and sisters on the democratic side of the aisle are receiving threats, so are republican colleagues. some horrifying, disgusting threats to themselves, their families. and we're all in this together, we're all humans. i think it's time that we take a step back, and open hearts and minds, recognize that the greatest risk to our country
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right now is not foreign threats. it's ourselves. and we have a choice. we're at a fork in the road, and my hope and expectation and all my energies will be directed towards pursuing that path with any like-minded person of decency. and i think we all have a role to play. >> i will be the first to join you. i disagree with probably everything adam kinzinger voted for, but i will be the first to praise him for speaking up. i will absolutely join you in praising him in particular for that. what do you make of the people that the people who committed this terrorist act are getting what looks to me like light treatment, they're being allowed to go home, being allowed to wait at home, one has not shown up, they're not being treated the way regular, ordinary black
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folks who are arrested for having a bit of marijuana are treated. one judge has allowed one of these defendants to travel to mexico. her name is jenny cudd, a florist from texas, has been given permission to go on a work retreat outside of the united states in mexico. what do you make of that? >> joy, part of my mission, my personal mission, is to ensure that everybody is treated the same under law. no matter your race, religion, geography, or politics. when that doesn't happen, we have problems. i don't want to opine on the specifics, and i'm not an attorney and i don't have the data. but it troubles me when i see people being allowed to mexico, when i see different people being treated differently for the same offenses in different jurisdictions or of different colors. we have to reckon with that, and that was at the heart of my
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speech last night, to recognize the privileges afforded to so many of us. i had that singular, lightning bolt moment, when all of the issues on our tvs and phones really struck me. and i considered myself woke before. but, no, i really learned what that meant the other day. it has to do with our justice system, judicial system, law enforcement system, economy, so many elements of our country. and the good news is, we'll be a better country when we address these issues. we all have some work to do. we all have some work to do. >> congressman dean phillips, thank you. a true ally, and we need him out here in the world. and i want to thank you for that. have a wonderful weekend. still ahead, next up, okay,
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one night in miami, which is streaming right now on amazon prime, is a fictional account of a very real meeting that took place on february 25th, 1964, between four legends. soon to be boxing legend cassius clay, who had just won his first heavyweight championship. malcolm x, who had recruited clay, but was on his way to a break with the nation of islam's leader. sam cook, and nfl great jim brown, who the nation had once called, the nation magazine had once called part of the holy
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trinity of activist athletes with muhammad ali and bill russell. they got together in the hampton house in miami. where many famous names of the era did. just hours after clay had stunned the boxing world in the ring, and had announced he was changing his religion and his name. really, in just everyday life. each of them represented the plaintive demands of black american men, women, and children to be treated simply as human beings and as americans. something that in 1964 was still far from a given. cook would become one of the few
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african-americans to own his own record label, meaning he would be able to benefit financially from his dozens of top 40 hits. unfortunately, one of his most iconic songs came out after he was already dead. when we come back, we'll talk with the man who plays sam cook, golden globe nominee leslie odom, along with my friend michael eric dyson. you do not want to miss it.
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start your day with secret. secret stops sweat 3x more than ordinary antiperspirants. the new provitamin b5 formula is gentle on skin. with secret, outlast anything! no sweat. secret by secret. >> it's been a long time coming. but tonight, because of what we did on this day, in this election, at this defining moment, change has come to america. >> that was a very youthful barack obama the night he was
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elected the first black president of the united states quoting sam cook's civil rights anthem, a change is going to come. the past four years taught us anything, it's that the work continues from george floyd to breonna taylor, we're facing the same struggles. and we're fighting the same battles over voting rights with over half of the republican legislatures pushing to make voting harder. the more things change, the more they stay is same. for more, i'm joined now by michael eric dyson from vanderbilt university and author of "long time coming" and leslie odom jr. the actor who stars at sam cook in "one night in miami." and, listen, i love michael eric dyson. but i'm going to leslie first. i'm so excited to talk to you. thank you for coming on. i'm a huge fan.
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loved "hamilton," love you and can't wait to see this film. talk about what it made to play sam cook who is such an important figure in the civil rights narrative. >> well, you know, when i grew up i remember the saying your arms are too short to box with god. and it felt like my arms with a little too short to box with the god sam cook. but regina saw something in me that i didn't see in myself. it took me a while to believe there was a sam in me, but i trusted regina. >> i think there should be t-shirts that say "trust regina king." she could make a movie about the abcs and i'm going to watch it. michael eric dyson, talk a little bit more about this night. this is the meeting of, you know, my personal hero, muhammad ali, malcolm x, jim brown and
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sam cook. can you talk about the context of it and what it meant for the culture and the country. >> yes, it was an extraordinarily important night. glad to be here with leslie odom jr. i'm a huge fan, my brother. here you have a young, brash cassius clay, soon to become muhammad ali, 22 years old, you had jim brown at the peak of his career about to announce his retirement from the gridiron to become a movie star, you had malcolm x, an extraordinary leader who was going through a tremendous transition to find his own voice, and, of course, you know, you had the remarkable sam cook, a singer of
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extraordinary capacity. one of the greatest ever. so you had the convergence of four epical black men who were building with each other, arguing in a beautiful and sublime way and also forging connections in order to change history. in order to change history, they have to change their minds about some things. they have to test each other. because they were so famous that only each other understood what the other was up against. and so that coming together that might was extraordinary and i'm telling you, when you see that film, it's a remarkable film. regina king is to be given all the kudos in the world for unpacking what each man was about and giving us the power of their togetherness. i got to say one thing, though, i don't want to break anything here tonight, but i passed up on
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the sam cook part so my man, leslie odom jr., could have -- [ laughter ] >> that was my part. let leslie have it. >> man, whatever, michael. can you talk about -- embodying this character. you are a phenomenal singer. you are one of the greatest singers in this generation. your voice is perfection. did you connect with the songs by singing as leslie odom or by trying to sing the way that sam cook sang? >> well, you know, singing is an oral tradition. sam is one of my teachers. you only learn how to do this by listening to the greats and imitating them along the way. sam's been in my ear for most of my life. i never in a million years thought i would play him. but getting cast in the role, i
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went back to those early days of training, of listening to mom and dad's records and, yeah, i did, i tried to sound as much like sam cook as i possibly could. >> yeah. and, michael, your book even is that hint of that homage to sam cook. where do you think he stands -- we don't talk about him a lot when we talk about civil rights. he really did do a thing which was dangerous at the time which was to sing about liberation when the music industry wanted him to just do pop music. >> absolutely right. he owned his own record company, he was a young man who was a pop matinee idol. the women loved him and the men wanted to be him. he was flawlessly handsome, as is leslie odom jr., an extraordinarily able to show off
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his both. he turned it into one of the most prized possessions of any singer. but as a civil rights figure growing up in chicago, coming out of gospel music, recipient of some of the most brutal forms of racism, he turned it into a craft and an art in the same way leslie odom jr. you listen to leslie sing and you think -- hey, how are you, fine? he's like, hey, how are you doing? and then you hear -- >> it's extraordinary. >> it's an art. >> you didn't tell me this was going to be a roast. [ laughter ] >> it is an homage. i have to ask you one more question, leslie odom jr., if you don't mind. a lot of people are hungry to see theater again. my son was ushering at "hamilton" before the whole collapse of covid. do you feel like we're going to
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get theater back any time soon? >> i certainly hope so. two of the projects -- the only reason why we're talking today is because of "hamilton," of course, and "one night in miami" started as a theater piece as well. so the theater is still really the life's blood of some of the, you know, great american art of the last, you know, 25, 30, 50 years. so i definitely -- we're going to have to remind people about why it's necessary and why they need it in their lives because they're going to have been without it for so long. but i want to be a part of, you know, of that reminder. because it's -- we need it. >> anything that you're in, trust me, i will just get advance tickets and get there. sometimes you have to sell a house to get a ticket to something you're in because you're really great. i promise i will invite you back onto roast michael eric dyson.
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michael eric dyson, my friend, i appreciate you guys, have a great weekend. before we go, if that was not joyful enough, that was amazing, it is friday. so it comes from our -- our moment of joy will come from our not so favorite florida retiree who quit the union before they could quit him. classic move. the union wanted to re-evaluate his membership after he egged on the january 6th attack on the capitol. so he announced his departure in epic fashion writing, who cares. i'm proud of my work in movies such a home alone 2 and the "the apprentice." and that right there sparked many moments of comedic gold last night which brought us joy. >> yes, who could forget his
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role as himself in "home alone 2" or himself in "wall street 2." he's a chameleon. >> i was positive he was going to be the next james bond. >> trump quit his union. now if he wants medical coverage, he has to sign up for obama care. >> and that is tonight's "the reidout." "all in" starts right now. tonight on "all in" -- >> a lot of folks are losing hope. so i'm going to act. i'm going to act fast. >> biden says get on board or get of the way of covid relief as the new green party stakes its claim. >> there were ten that voted for impeachment against president trump and they definitely paid the price. they heard fro
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