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tv   Dateline  MSNBC  February 14, 2021 10:00pm-11:00pm PST

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people right on the border with mexico. in august 2019, el paso added its name to america's seemingly never ending role call of mass shootings. the shooter here opened fire in a busy walmart. >> i started hearing noises like firecrackers and smelling what i know now as gun smoke. >> trapped at the walmart as the rounds flew was michelle grady. >> when i turned around, he had his weapon up, and then i understood what was going on. >> s.w.a.t. teams moved in and evacuated a nearby mall. while panic shoppers hid. for michelle, there was no escape. >> i tried to run, but as i ran, the first gunshot hit me.
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i have a gunshot here. i was also grazed here. now, i do also have a hole in my hip. >> michelle, bleeding profusely, secretly dialed her phone for what she thought would be her last call. >> i call my mom. >> what did you c say? >> i said, mom, there's an active shooter at walmart, and i need you to call 9-1-1. i was really calling to say good-bye because i didn't think that i would make it. blood had started to come from my mouth. so i really didn't intend for her to finden me. >> did you say good-bye to her? >> she wouldn't let me. >> you tried? >> i tried. >> but michelle's mom and dad did find her as she was being wheeled out by walmart employees. shot three times, michelle
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survived. but 22 others did not. >> would you bow your heads with me? father, we thank you again. >> michelle's father michael is theer pastor at the prince of peace christian fellowship. >> we know the atmosphere has been disturbed about what happened on august the 3rd. but we are el paso strong. amen. ♪♪ >> pastor grady took me to the place where his daughter was shot. >> out of the darkness, out of the ashes comes life. >> theco fence outside the walmt had become a shrine with messages of love and support from around the world. >> this shouldn't have happened. this terrible thing that happened to our city, to our people. >> president trump and the first lady flew to el paso after the shooting. the president said he was well received by appreciative first responders and that his visit gave comfort to grieving families.
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well, not all of them. >> you didn't wantl to see him? >> no. didn't wantm? to see him. didn't feel that he had anything to say. i felt it was just going to end up being another photo op. we put a sign on our door "do not disturb." >> the gradys were in no mood to welcome president trump. shooter had white supremacist sympathies. and many in el paso blamed the president for encouraging that hate that led to the massacre in their city. >> he sort of to me had the rhetoricd of white supremacist. i'm not saying that he's a racist, but his words certainly arerd racist. >> if you look at the border and you look at the hundreds of thousands of people that aret invading. that's an invasion. i don't care what theyat say. peopleey hate the word invasion but that's what it is. >> andit that same word invasio featured prominently in a document the el paso shooter allegedly published online
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before he opened fire. the diatribe said his intention was to attack hispanic invaders. he even drove hundreds of miles across texas to target hispanics and african-americans who got in his way. in the document, the shooter said he hadn't been inspired by president trump. others begged to differ. >> the president has always been someone that people look to for leadership. i have tried my best to excuse him of certain things, but there's just no excuse for this continued rhetoric of racism. >> do you see the connection, the rhetoric, the fear e mongering, and then the shooting? >> yes. because it'sng almost like he's sending a message to white supremacists. if you have any of that hate in your heart, it's easy for you to
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be e triggered. >> some had concerns even before el paso. >> i don't know what's in the president's head or heart, but what does worry me is the fact that the white supremacists are trumpeting president trump. the racists feel like they have someone who's in their corner. i think it's deeply disturbing when white supremacists feel like they're taking cues from our t commander in chief. >> we bless you father, but what you're doing in the life of michelle -- >> for the grady family, it's clear-cut, words matter. in their view, president trump's fiery rhetoric helped inspire a real-world tragedy. but el paso wasn't the first city, nor will it be the last to feel the deadly consequences of this age of hate. coming up, i head to germany to meet neo-nazis taking their
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cues from america's commander in chief. >> so they're giving out hats. m.g.h.a., make germany hate again. where do you think they got that?ny ♪ ♪ ♪
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i describe myself as a white nationalist. i was skinhead before and probably still am. we've got to have a homeland that doesn't allow outsiders to procreate, breed, vote. ♪♪ >> to investigate what's motivating america's white nationalist revival, i went to las vegas. away from the bright lights of the strip where anything goes, there's another vegas in the sprawling suburbs. and that's where i'd come to meet a 46-year-old welder named keith. we agreed not to use his last name, for fear of reprisals. >> welcome to my home.
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>> thank you very much. >> keith, who's spent almost a decade in prison describes himself as a prominent member of america's white nationalist movement. >> our main agenda is just to secure the existence of our people and have a future for our children. >> think of what we're talking about. we're talking about securing the existence of your children and their future. how can that be a negative thing? >> do you think america is at its heart a white nation and that that is at risk? >> no, it's not a white nation anymore. it's a multi-cultural nation, but i would say this nation was founded by white men, and we've already lost control. and, quite frankly, the statue of liberty doesn't say send us your hateful, violent criminals waving their own flags. >> keith showed me snapshots of his vacations. mostly trips to germany. he likes visiting nazi landmarks, including adolf hitler's occasional home and headquarters.
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the place is so sensitive, authorities don't allow visitors to take pictures so it won't become a shrine. >> oops, that's private. >> there are many people in the united states who accuse president trump of being a white nationalist. do you think he is? >> well, i agree he's definitely white, and i would agree he's definitely a nationalist, but to put the two together is suggesting that he has some kind of desire to be associated with people like myself. and i don't believe that he does. >> nevertheless, keith is devoted to his president. >> having a national leader who makes common sense decisions that happen to be in line with your own beliefs is great. certainly makes you feel empowered. >> with trump as president, is it a good time to be a white nationalist in america? >> i think it's always a good time to be a white nationalist everywhere. >> keith told me he was heading
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back to germany to attend a neo-nazi rock festival, where he hoped to meet and learn from european white nationalists. three quarters of a century ago, hitler's nazis pushed across europe with their own brand of white nationalism. while many germans are ashamed of their country's past, today's neo-nazis are inspired by the dark history. they call this "hate rock." or sometimes "reich rock." as in the nazi third reich. i'd come to germany to see the neo-nazi scene first hand.
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and arranged to meet keith just outside the entrance to the hate rock festival at a bar called the golden lion, run by and for neo-nazis. >> how are you? >> keith had made sure he was dressed for the occasion. there is a lot of symbolism in all of this. so that sign on your sock. >> thor's hammer. >> thor's hammer. i got my 14-hole boots on. each represents one of the 14 words. we must secure the existence of our people and the future for our children. >> would that be like the commandment? >> it is. >> he likes to hang out with people who thinks the same way he does, views that have gotten him into trouble back home. >> i don't have those scuffs all over my boots by chance. >> that's from what, from kicking people? >> kicking and fighting, you know, scuffling. brawling. >> brawling.
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>> basically, yeah. >> but you don't want to get into any brawls today. >> no. >> is that possible? >> oh, absolutely it's possible. >> do you think i will have any problems? >> no, not at all. because you seem civilized to me, and you're caucasian, we're inviting all caucasians to participate. >> what about non-caucasians? >> i wouldn't recommend them to attend. that would probably be a bad idea. >> the white nationalists don't hold back, but there are some restrictions under german law. >> what would happen if you, i don't know, did the nazi salute? >> they would come right over and arrest you. >> would you like to do that? >> i've done it many times. i believe it's a show that i have no weapon in my hand and you're my comrade. as we ride into battle we signal each other in such a way. >> i'm curious to see this concert, and hopefully there will be no issues. >> oh, there'll be issues.
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>> there will be issues. >> entering a neo-nazi festival is complicated. police set up multiple checkpoints. concertgoers must pass a breathalyzer test and walk past anti-fascist protesters. cameras were not welcome nor appreciated. everywhere you look, there were tattoos and t-shirts. the most particular t-shirts for sale were from a brand called "division." it's all part of a uniform, designed to intimidate. and this year there was a new accessory that seemed familiar. >> so they're giving out hats. mgha "make germany hate again." where do you think they got that? the man behind the hats was patrick schroder, who makes a living selling nazi-themed clothing. very to ask, what's with the hat? it seems like a rip-off of donald trump. >> that's right.
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our model of this is make germany hate again. >> now they're giving them out to everybody. >> yeah, it was our gift to everyone who comes gets the red hat so it looks like a donald trump party when he got elected. >> to make this rally look like a donald trump inauguration rally. >> we also understand some kind of, we're not a bad person, we don't want to kill everyone. ♪♪ >> but violence is never far below the surface with the neo-nazis. german law prohibits incitement of hatred. it's illegal to show tattoos of swastikas. so they hide them under band-aids. and it's why by the time keith arrived he'd removed his favorite, 14-holed doc martins. >> so you changed? >> yes. the boots are foreboden.
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if i wore them, they'd arrest me and give me a fine. >> because they're sort of a weapon. >> they are a weapon. >> they really are a weapon. >> [ bleep ] yeah, you get kicked with steel-toed boots, what's going to happen? >> you could kill somebody. >> theoretically, right. >> keith had already told me he'd been in a skinhead gang and gone to prison. it seemed time to find out what he'd done in the name of white nationalism. >> you do have a pretty extensive criminal record. >> i do, and it's all my fault. i made the choices to do the things i did. >> in fact, keith was convicted of solicitation to murder. >> did you kill someone? >> i was involved in a kidnapping and conspiracy to murder. and, no, i didn't kill anybody in that particular instance. >> in that particular instance? suggests there's another time when you killed someone. >> there's been other times when other shootings occurred.
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i've been in about 15 different shootings, charged on about four separate occasions of shooting at people. >> at people. >> yes. >> and they died? >> i'm not really sure what happened to them. >> keith was eager to change the subject. we settled in to watch the show. it wasn't long before our cameras were attracting attention again. and the organizers, the aryan brotherhood, became anxious that things could get out of hand. it was time to leave. >> hey, guys. >> when we come back, the internet celebrity couple. >> white nationalist royalty, there you go. >> using social media to push the far right's message into the mainstream. the lexus es, now available with all-wheel drive.
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the rx crafted by lexus. lease the 2021 rx 350 for $429 a month for thirty six months. experience amazing at your lexus dealer. in the far east of germany, the summers are long, hot and quiet. ♪
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well, until the nazis show up. a hard-drinking, hard partying crowd that has come here for a series of hate rock concerts. back-to-back events over several weekends. to celebrate the white race. >> i say i'm a nazi, yes. not a socialist, nazi. yes. >> keith has joined the concert tour, dedicating his summer to vagabonding between shows to see as many bands as he can. >> home sweet home. >> he isn't the only one watching the performers, a special unit of the german police is on site. they're monitoring the band's lyrics to see if they veer into hate speech. nazi slogans like "heil hitler" are off limits, but most other things fly.
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they take what precautions they can. >> i feel like they're trying to take our beer. i feel like i haven't had enough to drink yet. >> but keith hasn't just come for the german lager. he's using the festivals to trade ideas with white nationalists. >> i try to veer away from the racism as much as possible. i do have an ethically-based decision-making process, but it doesn't necessarily negatively impact other cultures, because i would consider myself to be more indifferent to them than anything else. i work with them. i co-exist with them peacefully, usually. but i don't want to conjoin myself to their social and economic and genetic shortcomings. >> like many white nationalists, keith sees an existential threat. believing that unless people like him mount a fight, white people are going to become an ethnic minority.
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>> we can't just sit home and eat cheeseburgers anymore. it's time to mobilize, i think. >> germany's past is impossible to ignore. but the authorities here believe that rather than force the movement underground, it's better to allow the white nationalists to gather out in the open with some limitations. other white nationalists are much harder to spot. i traveled to austria to meet a modern phenomenon. >> behind me, you can see the beautiful austrian landscape. >> martin is an online influencer and founder of an image-centered youth movement with a very specific agenda. >> i caught up with him at his apartment in vienna, which is also the base for his online media operation.
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you do your show from here. >> exactly. it's like info war headquarter. this is essentially the place where i live, work, sleep, it's my training room, my office, my headquarter for political activism. >> i always look at people's books whenever i go to their houses. >> this is my poetry section, philosophical books. those are more right-wing. >> blueprint for revolution. is this what you want? you want people out on the streets making change, demanding change, for what? >> migration is at the moment the most burning issue of identity. i think there are also other issues like globalization, environmental issue, but i think the migration issue at the moment at the most is important. >> in 2015, more than a million people, many fleeing syria's civil war arrived on europe's borders. the influx of refugees roiled politics around the continent and across the ideological spectrum.
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europe's far right in particular saw it as a direct threat. and it gave rise to a growing movement called the identitarians, who harness the power of social media to take the ideas of white nationalism to a new, mainstream audience. their goal? to keep immigrants out. martin is a leader and the poster boy of the movement. the identitarians are branding big believers in appearance, building and branding an ideological army. >> while it may look like a sportswear commercial, gi, generation identity, shares much of the same world view of the neo-nazis we just met.
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>> they're younger, more sophisticated. they've lost the white hoods and are utilizing technology but promoting a disgusting and despicable message, racist, anti-semitic and violence. >> their greatest weapon is publicity. this is one of the biggest magazines in austria. >> you're on the cover. >> all the time, you know. they are hitting us, demonizing us, but in the end, it's helping us. they put my name to google, and then chances are they just end up at a video one of, like i'm making right now. >> every time you're in the media, somebody googles you, your numbers go up. >> exactly. i've seen them after all these attacks against gi we got more recruits, more people interested in the work. that's why this thing here, you know, is my real weapon, you know? or like my camera. >> this is your weapon. >> that is my weapon. that is my weapon against oppression, against lies and attacks and links me basically to my supporters. >> and it's working. generation identity is expanding with multiple branches across europe. >> you see this on the doors of
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people, that they sent to me. >> these are like fan mail. >> exactly. some of them are funny. >> this is another. >> best gift we ever got from a supporter. >> so that's you? >> that's me, you see the glasses, but that's britney and she resembles the true britney. >> they made dolls of you. >> yes, because the media called her a new nazi barbie. >> she is a white, right wing internet celebrity. >> to build the border wall. hungarian culture is incompatible with islam. and, i mean, western culture in general just is. >> she picked up clicks and likes, campaigning against migration. right now i'm with martin zellener. >> she and martin met when she interviewed him for one of her online shows.
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>> especially america and canada, they are experiencing the same problems. >> mm-hm. >> mass immigration and political correctness. >> in the summer of 2019, the couple tied the knot in a fairy tale wedding. we are mr. and mrs. zellener. >> and as you'd expect from the barbie and ken internet world, the pictures were posted online. their new life together chronicled on martin's web show. >> i have kind of a daily show. it's on youtube and has been successful across 100,000 subscribers. i think the second biggest patriotic channel in germany. >> you're going to do it now? >> exactly. >> so we can see it? >> sure. >> one of martin's favorite themes is that he receives unfair representation in the mainstream media. a claim that resonates with his online audience.
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on his youtube channel, martin often sounds very low-key, reasonable even. >> we're just normal austrians who want to preserve the identity. >> generation identity's actions, though, are a different story. erecting a mock fence in the alps to secure europe's borders and unfurling banners criticizing islam and then covering them with fake blood. zellener loves to provoke outrage. >> people have been living here for thousands of years will be the endangered minority in their own countries. >> identitarians are claiming that migration is leading to a growth in islamic terrorism. and they even staged fake isis-style executions to drive home the message. the social media giants have started to clamp down.
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you got thrown off some platforms. >> instagram doesn't let me post. facebook doesn't let me post. >> do you ever think maybe i'm doing something wrong here? >> no, i don't think so, you know, just because people try to silence you doesn't mean they're right. >> do you think youtube's going to be next? do you think they're going to kick you off? >> quite possible. >> in fact, a few weeks after we had filmed at his apartment, martin was temporarily taken off youtube as well. but being deplatformed was only the beginning of martin's problems. when we come back, how martin is under investigation for his links to an alleged mass murderer on the other side of the world. and take. it. on... ...with rinvoq. rinvoq a once-daily pill can dramatically improve symptoms... rinvoq helps tame pain, stiffness, swelling. and for some rinvoq can even significantly reduce ra fatigue.
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western germany. in february this year, a suspected far-right extremist entered two bars and shot dead nine people.
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german police treated it as a terror attack. germany has become used to violence from the far right. once again, in october 2019, a lone gunman opened fire on a synagogue in eastern germany, live streaming his attack. two people were killed, and german prosecutors said later the suspect confessed to being motivated by far-right extremism. weeks earlier, the city with its large immigrant population primarily from the islamic world, had been the site of one of martin zellner's identitarian actions. >> we've been here for about one and a half hour to give people all the necessary information. the event will just go on, will probably make a demonstration from there. >> our cameras were there as martin arrived at the train station. his plan was to march with supporters to the other side of
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town. where more identitarians were waiting, singing traditional german songs and celebrating their heritage. the crowd was eager to welcome the arrival of the guest of honor. >> martin selner is of course a huge person of impact. >> back at the station, martin was running into problems. some people had shown up for the march wearing the division t-shirts we'd seen for sale at the neo-nazi concerts. the police took the shirts to mean the people wearing them were hardcore. and in concern for public safety, they blocked everyone, including martin, from leaving the station. so the march was off. >> the identitarians say, we just love our identity. we don't want to hurt anyone. we just want to protect our culture and traditions from being diluted and replaced. what do you say to that? >> well, that's, that's a lie.
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i would say that's a lie. because their notion of protecting white culture, if you read any of their literature, if you check out any of their chat rooms, that notion of protecting white culture is grounded in violence. make no mistake. despite what they say, there is nothing peace loving about this movement. it is predicated on hating the other. >> back in his native vienna, martin is closely monitored by the austrian authorities. late one night he showed me what closely monitored means in practice. we went to his office. >> do you normally hide your movements? >> martin tries to keep the location secret, but the police know where it is. we visited just after detectives had raided the place. >> so the police brought you here? they had already been at your house, and the police brought you here?
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>> they brought me here. and you see they looked behind this picture. they trashed everything. >> and what were they looking for in particular? >> basically, they always look for cameras, sd cards, hard drives, computers, look everything like that. and they wanted membership lists, anything that gives them insight about our structure. >> and these are what, normal police? or is this intelligence? >> intelligence police. >> martin has been investigated for hate speech in austria. he is currently barred from entering the u.s. and the uk. and he's under investigation because of his connection to the gunman behind a devastating massacre on the other side of the world. in march of 2019, brenton tarrant, a self-professed white nationalist entered two mosques in christchurch, new zealand. he murdered 51 muslim worshippers in cold blood, live streaming as he went. the investigation led back to martin. >> more than one year ago i got information by this terrorist,
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you know. >> the shooter from christchurch. >> he sent money on my bank account. >> you personally. >> exactly. >> how much? >> 1,500 euros. >> did you know the shooter? >> no, not at all. >> he sent you this money, but did you communicate? did you e-mail? >> we had an e-mail exchange, of course. >> one e-mail? >> several. he sent me the money, and then i wrote him, thank you very much. and we exchanged a couple emails. i told him when you're in vienna we can go for a coffee or a beer. that's what i do with all of my donors. >> that was a big donation for you? >> very big. and after one year and a few months he committed this terrorist attack. >> he didn't tell you he was going to carry this out? >> no, of course not. if he would have told me that, i would have of course reported him to the police immediately. >> but martin's connections to the gunman in christchurch run deeper than donations.
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the shooter published a document online before he began his attack. it's called "the great replacement." it's the same slogan that generation identity has made its battle cry. it's also the exact same language used by keith, the white nationalist from las vegas. >> i just want to come here and volunteer and participate in putting up some kind of resistance to the great replacement. >> so i wanted to find out more about this idea. i tracked down the man who came up with the conspiracy theory of "the great replacement." he's a reclusive french academic. what a place. his main argument is that traditional white culture is under attack because of immigration. so what is it specifically, the great replacement? >> it's a change of people and of civilization. >> so is this about the people
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coming to europe? and also the united states? >> yes. >> from other countries with other cultures? >> yes. >> and replacing the indigenous culture. >> yes. great replacement is the darkest thing which can happen. i think the crime against humanity in the 21st century is the great replacement. >> you think it is the crime against humanity of our times. >> yes, yes, very much so. >> camu is a soft-spoken intellectual, but his theory that white people are being replaced has become the call to arms for racist, mass murderers across the globe. from el paso, to new zealand to norway's anders breivik who killed people in 2011, to dylan
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roof who shot churchgoers in south carolina. why is it that you think some very extreme people like this idea, like this ideology and grab onto it, neo-nazi movements, white supremacist movements. if you look at people who talk about the great replacement the most, it's these people. why do you think that is? >> they don't like my work or they've not read me. god knows i've never recommended the slightest violence, quite to the contrary. >> but he does support forcibly deporting immigrants, what he calls remigration. it's a view that has gotten camu into trouble. since we spoke to him, he received a two-month suspended sentence for hate speech and inciting violence. camu is appealing the sentence. his book was originally published in french. it has since been translated. >> the german edition was worked on by martin zellner.
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despite repeated police efforts to shut him down, he's still busy drumming up support. and documenting his every move for his online followers. >> old people, young people, working class, normal people. middle class people. they all tell me the same. this is not the city anymore. they feel like they're losing their homes. >> they feel they're losing what it is to be in vienna, what it is to be austrian? >> exactly. they're losing the sense of feeling at home in this place. and we are the only ones to say it's happening. it's a great replacement and we need to stop this. >> martin chooses his words carefully. and critics say it's his air of respectability that makes him so dangerous. >> how often are you called a fascist, a racist, a nazi? >> well, in you count the internet and internet comments, on a daily basis, hundreds of times. but i accept it. >> what do you say to people who think that you are really just the nice face of a neo-nazi movement, that you're better
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spoken, better dressed, but really, scratch the surface and it's the same thing? >> i think those people have a conspiracy theory and a prejudice. every time i've been called a racist, nazi, whatever slur they use, people are waking up to the truth of what i'm saying. >> so the negative publicity just makes you stronger? >> everything makes you stronger. if you don't talk about us, we get louder. if you don't talk about us, we get stronger. it's just true that too much migration is bad for society. and it is also true that our demand is completely moral, completely normal, and completely mainstream. >> and that's martin's mission, pushing the great replacement conspiracy theory into the mainstream. when we come back, the great replacement theory comes home. ♪ ♪
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august, 2017 americans watched as whites marched in a unite the right rally in charlottesville, virginia. >> a bunch of neo-nazis, about 300 or so came to the virginia grounds and surrounded students and community members including me. >> for emily who tracks hate groups, it was a chance to see white nationalists up close. a little too close. >> they pepper sprayed us, hit us with torches. they assaulted us. there were riots on the streets. brutal violence that spilled from the park into the streets around charlottesville. >> the violence between the white nationalists and the antifascists or antifa continued through the weekend and boiled over when a self-described neo-nazi drove his car into the crowd.
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killing a 32-year-old counter demonstrator named heather heyer. the violence shocked many americans. so did the response from president trump. >> i think there's blame on both sides, and i have no doubt about it, and you don't have any doubt about it either. but you also had people that were very fine people on both sides. >> president trump seemed to be giving the white supremacists a pass. though two days later, after heavy criticism, he did offer a clarification, announcing that racism had no place in america. >> racism is evil, and those who cause violence in its name are criminals and thugs. >> there is a person who is responsible for giving a lot of this cover, and that is the president of the united states, donald trump. what he's doing is giving quite a bit of vocal support to these people. >> president trump has been accused of amplifying the
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message of the far-right, especially over twitter. he retweeted a video promoted by a british hate group. he retweeted an account sympathetic to the white genocide conspiracy theory that says whites are being replaced by a migrant invasion. in the months before the el paso attack, president trump tweeted about invaders or an invasion of migrants on multiple occasions. >> he's launching a blatantly racist attack. this is the agenda of white nationalists. >> in the days before the massacre in el paso, president trump openly insulted a group of four democratic congress women, including ilhan omar, who was born in somalia. >> as far as i'm concerned, if you hate our country, if you're not happy here, you can leave. >> president trump tweeted that omar should go back to where she
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came from. even though omar is an american citizen and an elected official. that call became a cheer at a trump rally. >> send her back. send her back. >> president trump has welcomed proponents of racist ideology into his inner circle. leaked messages show his senior policy adviser stephen miller is an admirer of white supremacist theories. >> i think the term racist, chris, has become a label simply to try to silence and punish. >> but miller has been accused of bringing racism to the white house. he helped draft the so-called muslim ban to prevent people from muslim countries from entering the united states. and in 2015, according to emails obtained by the southern poverty law center, miller encouraged editors at the right wing media group breitbart to read a white supremacist author and write more about the pitfalls of immigration.
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as his speech writer, it's miller who sometimes puts the words in president trump's mouth. >> make no mistake, when the commander in chief is going to espouse some of these ideas, it's deeply problematic. >> because the world is listening. >> the world is listening. >> we asked the white house to respond to jonathan green blatt's comments, which they declined to do. we also asked if the president or his advisers were familiar with renaud camud's replacement theory. this is the statement the white house sent to us. president trump has consistently and repeatedly rejected racism, in all its form. nbc's slanderous efforts to try and link the president to these horrific tragedy is not only grotesquely ignorant of history,
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it's disgusting, irresponsible and outrageous. >> back in el paso where our journey began, pastor michael grady, whose daughter michelle, was shot in the massacre, feels america is slipping backwards. >> we've normalized hatred in this country. and even in this 21st century, we're still dealing with the issue i thought had long since died. >> but when president trump says let's make america great again, do you think he's signalling to a certain portion of this country -- >> of course. >> -- let's make america white again? >> great to them is white. remember, when the constitution was written, the union didn't include african americans. it didn't include mexicans or spanish americans. and so when you say make america great again, from my perspective, when has america been great? america has always been white. america has always been us against them. >> in the wake of el paso, the department of homeland security for the first time since it was
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created after 9/11, added white supremacist violence to its list of priority threats. at the prince of peace church, pastor grady held a special sunday service. ♪♪ he organized a fund-raiser to help his daughter on her long road to recovery. then the guest of honor made a surprise appearance. it was the first time michelle had left the hospital. >> having what this community teaches has seen me through countless bad days since this has happened. the support of my fellow church members has been profound. they're praying for me. it's helped me a lot to know that i have support. i felt like it was important to show that, you know, i'm still here, not only am i still here, i'm getting better.
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>> michelle must learn to walk again and says america must learn to love again. ♪♪ >> it's just so terrible that someone could walk up to you while you're grocery shopping and murder you because they don't like the color of your skin. i'm not going to let the hate rub off on me because that's also another way hate spreads.
10:58 pm
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11:00 pm
as we start a new hour, the impeachment is over. now what? we break down what to expect when congress returns to hill and why the end of his trial might mark the beginning of donald trump's legal woes not to mention what happened this weekend. how it's going to shape the political attitudes of young voters for years to come. this is "american voices." >> former president donald trump may have escaped a senate conviction twice but no court of political


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