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tv   The Reid Out  MSNBC  March 17, 2021 4:00pm-5:00pm PDT

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thanks for watching "the beat." thanks to all of our guests including the kids. the reid out starts now. good evening, everyone. we begin the reid out with a shooting spree in atlanta that left eight people dead including six asian women. the ram page occurred tuesday at three spas locations across two counties and he was planning to continue his killing spree in florida, to attack some type of porn industry. the lone suspect robert aaron long was arrested after a brief manhunt. he's charged with eight counts of murder and one count of aggravated assault.
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the shooter told investigators according to a sheriff who spoke at a press conference today that the attacks were not racially motivated. it is fair to ask whether we have any reason to believe or take on its face that an accused spree killer said but that is what authorities are telling us so for now that is the official word. what we can't deny is that some attacks against the asian-american and pacific islander communities, something we've reported on extensively on this show and something that president biden and kamala harris herself a member of the community underscored today. >> whatever the motivation here, i know that asian-americans are in very -- very concerned, because as you know i've been speaking about the brutality against asian-americans for the last couple of months and i think it is a very, very trouble
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some. >> it is tragic. our country, the president and i and all of us, we grieve for the loss. we're not yet clear about the motive. but i do want to say to our asian-american community that we stand with you and understand how this has frightened and shocked and outraged. >> according to data by stop aapi hate there have been nearly 3800 anti-asian hate in the last year. 68% of the attacks, more than two-thirds were against women. the atlanta shootings have raised questions over what constitutes a racial attack, especially for communities frequently ab sent in conversations on race, misogyny and class. the shooter claimed to have a sexual addition and saw this as a temptation he needed to eliminate culminating in lives brutally stolen. a crime that one official characterized as the gunman
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having a, quote, very bad day. >> joining me now is blaine alexander in atlanta. what is the latest you could give us. >> reporter: we certainly got a lot of information today. i'm going to tick through the points that stood out to me. the first, i want to come off the point that you spoke about, even though officials were quoting what the suspect told them as hi motivation, it is important to note, when we talk about motive, officials have not ruled out race as a potential factor playing some sort of role in his motivation they are still very early in the investigation and despite what he said they say that initially it doesn't appear that race is a factor but authorities have not ruled that out as a factor. now a couple of things stood out. we talked about the fact that we know that there were eight people killed, six of them were asian women. but what kind of stands out is that this whole thing unfolded over a stunning kind of spread of land that was almost 200
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miles. so where i'm standing here in atlanta, you see the gold spa behind me, this is one and just here where i'm standing only a few feet away are two of the locations that were targeted yesterday. those are right here in the city of atlanta. but the spree started about 45 minutes to the north, that is where the first shots rang out and the first call came and that is where four people were killed. and then it was several hours later when the suspect was apprehended and that is two hours to the south where i'm standing. so this man covered a lot of ground before he was picked up by authorities. another thing i do want to point out, it is rather chilling, he told officials when he was apprehended that he was down to florida by his own admission to continue his spree. that he was going to do more shooting down there. so certainly the fact that he was apprehended rather quickly ultimately saved some lives. a couple of things to point out. you spoke about what officials are saying about his motive and he had some sort of sexual
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addiction. in that same news conference we are heard from keisha lance bottoms familiar to our audience and she was asked about that and she spoke to those in atlanta but as far as she knows and as far as atlanta police know, these are operated as legal businesses. they are legally operating businesses and haven't had any sort of calls or complaints and they're not on a.p.d. radar so that is important to point out. and then finally, you mentioned the stop aapi hate about the number of hate crimes happening, it is something that we've seen mirrored here in the state of georgia. in fact that same group put out data when it comes to georgia. we've seen more than 30 of such incidents here in the state of the majority of them targeted for women, the majority of them verbal assaults. but again we know that georgia is an increasingly diverse state. we saw that in 2020, that means a growing asian-american population as well.
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so certainly something that mirrors the national numbers as well. joy. >> really quick, blaine, on that two-hour time line, do you know and is there reporting on whether or not there already calls coming in that this was happening, is this somebody that was being sought because it seems like he had a lot of time to commit a lot of killings? >> reporter: very good point. so what we know is that the three shootings happened in less than an hour. so the 45 minutes to the north, officials say this he committed that crime and then sped down here to atlanta so while officials were still working on that crime up there, they were getting calls for these two things right here. what happened and what allowed him to be apprehended a couple of hours after that, is that there seemed to be a lot of surveillance images, people in the first shooting location were able to put out surveillance pictures and officials say it was actually his own family members who recognized the suspect, called authorities and
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said, hey, we know who that is and we want to help you bring him in. so his family members saw him, recognized him and worked with police to get him in custody, joy. >> thank you very much. blayne alexander, we appreciate your reporting. thank you. and joining me now is connie wong, co-founder of aapi women lead and attorney and contributor katie phang. and i want to start with you, i had any howard university class and they're young jirnlists in the making and i think everybody is asking, viewers as well, is on the subject of seeming to dismiss the idea that this was a hate crime and taking the word of the alleged shooter for it that it was not racially motivated. that bothers a lot of people. it doesn't seem to make sense. could you define, in legal terms, hate crime is a legal term, an enhancement on a crime, right. >> right. >> is that something that the sheriffs should be speaking about before the full investigation is done?
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>> so, two-fold answer for you, joy. one i think it was irresponsible for the press conference that the sheriff's office did today to basically promote a narrative that could potentially be false. justice may be blind blue that doesn't mean she's stupid. so when you put out into a potential jury pool that the shooter said that was not racially motivated but then you hear the shooters other family turned him in, have we heard whether the family would corroborate this is not a racially motivated crime. the cops have to do an investigation and look at his social media, his organization alliances and affiliations but ultimately the cops have charged him with eight counts of murder for the eight counts of the poor victims in this case. but then the state attorney's office or the district attorney will look at the evidence as well but that doesn't preclude the sheriff's office for saying that these were hate crimes and racially motivated and that
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these were the results of the kill in this case wanting to target intentionally asian victims. joy, this is not a random indiscriminate crime. this man got in his car and went to target asian women. so i think it was irresponsible for law enforcement to put into public consumption today the idea that this guy has a sex addiction and he a bad day. i think that dehumanizes our victims and it makes it problematic for a prosecution later on if a jury pool thinks, you know what, these were just sex workers. we hadn't heard that either. so from a prosecution standpoint i think it is a bad idea. >> and connie, that is what bothers me about this press conference. number one, taking this alleged spree killer's word for it, what his motives were before the full investigation and then sort of only hearing his point of view and talking about he wanted to stop quote/unquote porn businesses and casting these
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women as something that there is no adjudication over what was going on or what they were doing. but almost seeming to minimize them. and it also bothers me that we haven't heard a lot, where the families of these women. are there people that should be interviewed or tv interviews, are they talking or speaking, the people that worked in these establishments. they seem to be silent and cast aside as well, as katie just said, these were sex workers. we don't even know that that is true. >> so i appreciate you saying that. i think this moment is about, you know, the ongoing and history of hyper sexualization and sexual violence against asian women. sexual violence is the invisibleization of our stories and our life. this goes back to the racial and colonial wars in vietnam, in the philippines, in cambodia, in korea, the sexual violence we
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experience overseas, abroad is cared over here and the way that takes place or that could actually happen is if you don't see us as human, if you see us as only as objects for your sexual issues, i think that is what they called it, right, or his sexual addiction, right, you could only get away with that if you see us as nonhuman. so i think that is really is important. and i also know that these women in particular are part of a, you know, a low-wage labor work force. that means they were unprotected, he also knew and society knows they tend to be disposable, right. especially if your from a stag mattized and criminalized work force like massage parlor or sex workers. you've put us in a position, society has put us in a position to where we are extremely vulnerable to violence and the policing he had a good day.
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again, dismissing our lives and then lifting up his own humanity as if he gets to have a good day and the rest of us get to just die. >> yeah, and katie, just the fact that this person is allegedly say that he's fixated on asian women. that is obvious. that undercuts everything else and the fixation on the sexualization, it negates everything else being said. but i want to talk about the underprotection. we had increasing violence directed toward asian people, all over the country, over the last year. we saw the data. there was not more protection being deployed in these communities. there was not increased police protection. he was able to drive around for hours doing this. there have been lots of threats, atlanta has seen increase in negative hate speech toward asian communities tied to the elections where asian-americans
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voted mostly for biden. do you think this is a case of underpolicing, that then meets sort of police relating in a weird way to the killer or humanizing the killer, i should say. >> i think part of the problem is georgia just is catching up with the jones' when it comes to hate crime laws. just last year, as of july 1st, 2020, that is where georgia was enabling the state crimes law. it is one of the only four states that did not have hate crime laws on the books. so think about this. the last hate crime law was found to be unconstitutional in 2004 and now if you look at fact that the shooter is saying that he was targeting these particular women, then you basically meet the hate crime law statutory definition. when you target a victim for this race, gender, religion or sexual orientation. now in georgia these are enhancements on the crimes and so we'll look to see what the
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criminal investigation turns out to tell us. >> yeah, i wish we had more time. we have run out of time. so we'll have you both come back. thank you both very much. we'll have you back because this topic is not going anywhere. up next, the biden administration challenge at the border with a growing surge of migrants and an opposition party only interested in demagoguery. >> the situation is undoubtedly difficult. we're working around the clock to manage it. we'll also not waiver in our values, in our principles as a nation. >> julian castro joins me on what president biden needs to do next. and plus the new secretary of housing and human development marcia fudge is here since taking over a department ravaged by the previous administration. the reid out continues after this.
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the migration challenge that we are facing at the southwest border is not new. and it is a reflection of the fact that our system is broken. >> in his testimony today,al hand yo mayorkas was blunt about the challenges at the border and saying that it needs a legislative solution after he reported yesterday that the number of apprehensions at the border there year is on track to exceed the surge of 2019 and possibly reach a 20-year high. while the biden administration is slowly dismantling the harsh asylum policies of his predecessor, they're still trying to turn back single adults and some psalms just not unaccompanied children. and republicans have been quick to demagogue the issue for their political benefit. kevin mccarthy traveled to an el paso border facility on monday to blame the president for the influx of migrants and a
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superpac is running ads accusing of biden of opening the border echoing similar claims from gop lawmakers that should know better. this is an interview with abc news. >> the idea that joe biden said come because i heard the other day that they're coming because they know i'm a nice guy and i won't do -- >> they're saying this? >> yeah. well here is the deal. they're not, the adults are being sent back. number two, what do you do with nun accompanied child that comes to the border? do you take what trump did, hold them in cells, we're not doing that. i could say don't come over, in the process of getting set up and it is not going to take a whole lot of time to apply for asylum in place. so don't leave your town or city or community. >> secretary mayorkas pushed back on the apprehension represents a crisis given what
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happened under the last administration. take a listen. >> i agree with you. it is going to be the most we've seen in 20 years. you may call that only a challenge, but i call that a crisis. >> a crisis is when a nation is willing to rip a nine-year-old child out of the hands of his or her parent and separate that family to deter future migration. that, to me, is a humanitarian crisis. >> joining me now, the former secretary of housing and urban development in the obama administration and former mayor of san antonio, texas, julian castro and secretary thank you for being here. you're in a unique position to discuss this as a texan and somebody who ran hud and a former mayor of a texas city. do you have a sense, could you get your arms around what is the poll right now. "new york times" has some reporting that smugglers, human smugglers may be telling
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migrants this is time to go, biden is going to let people through, that that is getting people to come. do you know what the pull is and what the push is from the triangle countries? >> i think what we saw over the last several years is donald trump dismantled our -- through policies. >> we're having some trouble. there we go. we're mixing your audio together. your audio is a little choppy. so hold on for a one second and make sure that your audio is coming through. tart again, if you could. >> so trump left our immigration system in tatters through policies like remain in mexico through metering, through title 42 which allowed them to expel thousands of people to deny them entry including over 13,000 children. so he created a pent up demand, this bubble of people who want to come in and claim asylum. and that is part of what we're
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seeing. it's true that we've had people presenting themselves in waves before we saw that under press obama and we saw it in 2019 under donald trump. but trump weakened our ability to handle the situations so basically joe biden is left to pick up the pieces of a human rights catastrophe that donald trump left at our doorstep. now the difference between the trump administration and the biden administration, when it comes to immigration, is that with joe biden you have someone who is competent, you have an administration that is taking the steps necessary to solve this challenge. you heard secretary mayorkas, but among other things, they've increased the inner agency cooperation, they have cut through a lot of the red tape that actually gets these children who are unaccompanied into acceptable housing facilities and then more quickly get them to host families so
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their with their sponsor or host family instead of in one of he's facilities. they have done the compassionate thing which is not to say no, not to reject an eight-year-old or ten-year-old child when they present themselves as at the border unaccompanied. that reflects our values as americans. i don't consider this as a crisis. agree it is a challenge. it could be managed and that the administration is effectively managing. >> well, you know, what of course the right does, they're sort of backing, they're kind of default mode, which have to portray these people as, you know, potentially terrorists, you heard lindsey graham basically say these children will grow up to be terrorists, to do the brown scare, to say democrats just want to add more brown people because they know if they become citizens they'll become democrats and all of the things to gin up their base of white working class americans who fear their jobs will be
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taken by these people. they're doing what they normally do. i wan to play a fox news reporter asking jen ptaki some questions. take listen. >> do you a limit or a cap to the number of unaccompanied minors allowed in the u.s. >> a limit or a cap? so should we send some kids who are ten back at a certain point. is that what you're asking me. >> i'm not setting the policy. i'm asking you what the policy is. >> we're not going to send a ten-year-old across the border. that was policy of the last administration, that is not our policy here. >> and there is a poll out today, reuters say 22% of republicans consider immigration to be the most important problem up from 7%. it is back to the same thing. that there is a lack of compassion on the other side, it's a fear more brown people will come. how can the biden administration manage that? because the other side isn't providing a political solution or offering to get on board
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immigration reform, they're just saying be afraid of these brown people. >> well, you're right, joy. i mean, this is part of thur playbook. it is something that we've seen so many times before. it is fear-mongering and this time they're doing it because they can't argue with the biden administration in terms of serving the needs of every day americans. the american rescue plan was just passed. that distribution is going along very well compared to what it was under the trump administration. people are more confident now in the economy and also that we're getting to past this pandemic. so they go to a red meat issue for their base and try to dehumanize these folks, many times at a 12 or 16-year-old child trying to seek a better life. what the biden administration can continue to do is to manage this effectively and to do it consistently with our values as a country, do it compassionately with common sense, humanly and
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again that trump did everything that he could to leave our immigration system in tatters so that it would be difficult to actually manage this. but, you foe, as unprecedented as his actions were, as cruel saz his actions were, when you consider how the biden administration is handling the situation compared to the trump administration, they're doing it more effectively, but they're also doing it more humanly. and so i have confidence that they're going to be able to handle this going forward. >> yeah, i mean when a family shows up, and you just literally take the child from them, as they're screaming and say that is going to deter future people, that is as cruel as it gets. very quickly, we'll have your successor marcia fudge coming up. do you have any advice for her that she's getting this job that you used to have. >> my number one piece of advice is fight for as many resources
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for affordable housing as possible. which i know she's going to do because she's a great champion because america sorely needs it out there. >> absolutely. julian castro, thank you so much. really appreciate you. and up next, as i just went ahead and spilled the beans, our new secretary of housing and urban development marcia fudge is here to talk about turning that department around after four years of the florida man and his cronies trying to tear it all apart. do you not want to miss it. stay with us. with us we look up to our heroes. idolizing them. mimicking their every move. and if she counts on the advanced hydration of pedialyte when it matters most... so do we. hydrate like our heroes. ♪♪
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for a 3-month prescription. over the last four years, donald trump and his cronies found ways to damage nearly every facet of our government. no stone was left unturned. 5 million households have relied on housing assistance through the department of housing and urban development. it is a life line to keep roof over their heads and leave it to the florida man to put someone with no housing experience to oversee the agency, ben carson, celebrated neurosurgeon. that lack of experience was readily apparent in how the gifts hands ran into the ground this essential cabinet department. instead of looking for more funds, he pushed for steep cuts to the same type of housing
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assistance programs that carson said his family benefited from when he was growing up. at the same time, he wanted to raise the rent on low-income americans getting housing assistance and in some cases by three times the amount. carson attempted to roll back the agency fair housing rules put in place by the obama administration that were designed to fight discrimination against black americans. and instead of fixing low income housing, the number of hud apartments cited for unsafe and unhealthy living conditions rose. so who has ben carson been helping or who was ben carson helping during all of that time. well we do foe that carson's only family members enjoyed some of the perks of his position. his son ben jr. who was not a federal employee couldn't stop helping out daddy. organizing a listening tour in baltimore and inviting companies who he potentially had business dealings with to participate. and then there was eric trump's wedding planner lynn patton who somehow found herself overseeing billion dollars leading hud's
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new york and new jersey offices. but what we should have expected under don le wrong, campaigning on the scourge of public housing. now as the country facing growing public housing crisis, there is at least an adult back in charge and joining me next, the new secretary of housing and urban development, marcia fudge. a for 45 years. i've been taking prevagen on a regular basis for at least eight years. for me, the greatest benefit over the years has been that prevagen seems to help me recall things and also think more clearly. and i enthusiastically recommend prevagen. it has helped me an awful lot. prevagen. healthier brain. better life. as the covid-19 vaccines become available you might be asking yourself...
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if you smell gas, you're too close. leave the structure, call 911, keep people away, and call pg&e right after so we can both respond out and keep the public safe.
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if you see wires down, treat them all as if they're hot and energized. stay away from any downed wire, call 911, and call pg&e right after so we can both respond out and keep the public safe. my first priority as secretary would be to alleviate that crisis and get people the support they need to come back from the edge. we need to expand resources for hud's programs to people who are eligible. we need to deliver on the administration's commitments on improving the quality, safety and accessibility of affordable housing. we need to make the dream of home ownership a reality. and the security and wealth
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creation that comes with it. it needs to be a reality for all americans. >> joining me now is the new secretary of housing and urban development and the first african-american to lead the department in more than 40 years, marcia fudge. congratulations on the gig. thank you so much for spending your first prime time interview with us this evening. i have to make you laugh. we talked about ben carson in the setup. only 16 republicans voted to confirm you in the united states senate. that means that 34 more republicans thought ben carson, the neurosurgeon with no experience, was more experienced than you. used to be a mayor and, that is not a question, that is just a comment. let's talk about the needs in terms of low-income housing. the national low-income housing coalition, 7.2 million americans, more housing units are needed in country. and 75% of extreme low income families pay more than half of their income in rent and one in
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four need assistance to rent an apartment. what could hud do about that? >> you know, joy, this is the perfect time for me to be in this role. as a result of the american rescue plan hud can do an awful lot. in this bill people are talking about the $1,400 checks going to families an children, but there is $40 billion, 4-0, in this legislation for housing assistance. there is more than $20 billion for rental assistance, more than $10 billion for homeowners assistance. and joy, it is so important right now because as we look at what has happened over the last four years, you look at the fact that only, as i saw, one in four people who qualify even have an opportunity to be housed in this country and to get help from hud. in the morning, we're going to release a report, it is called the annual homeless assessment report. that is going to show that in 2020 on a -- any single night,
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more than 580,000 people in this country were homeless. this was before covid, joy. so the crisis is real. so what we're going to do now is find ways through these resources to help at minimum 30,000 people off the streets right away. we are going to assist cities and communities to purchase housing for people who are on the street. we're going to assist homeowners in staying homes and renters staying in their apartments. there is enough money here now to assist us in making sure that the situation doesn't get any worse. but also, joy, and this is a big thing, the racial wealth gap is larger now than it was 50 years ago. so we're going to be focusing on assisting homeowner buyers with down payment assistance, with
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technical assistance, talking with them about making sure they have access to credit. because we historically have been left out, whether it be in the rental market or the home-buying market. this is our opportunity to make a real difference in the lives of people we serve. >> yeah, and speaking of that, and you talked about the bill, there is already some blowback in the state of iowa, the republican governor kim reynolds could be signing a bill that would block people being able to use housing vouchers. and here is what it is. the des moines register reports that the bill would allow iowa landlords to reject applicants for using section eight. the republicans are calling it a win for property rights of lands owners saying they don't have to take the vouchers and democrats say it would allow more discrimination that you could cover under the vouchers but use it to discriminate on race. how do you beat that kind of negative politics?
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>> well let me just say this, joy. as a lawyer, what i know is that fair housing is the law. it is the law of the land. we passed a fair housing act in 1968. we also know that discrimination zoning is a violation of the law. now if they want to get into a fight about it, we're ready to fight them about it. the president seld we're going to find resources and housing, you can't build it when they say not in my backyard, you cannot house people when they are purposely making it more difficult for people to find housing. it is a violation of the law. >> and so are you talking about potential lawsuits in cases where states and pass laws like this or are you saying these could be the subject of lawsuits. >> it would be my recommendation that we do it. but it is a discussion that i would not need to have with the department of justice. but i could clearly believe we're within our rights to
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demand that these communities cooperate with what we are doing. absolutely. >> and you had, during the trump, tail end of the trump presidency in his campaign focusing on suburbs and scaring people about public housing, squaring people that cory booker was coming to get that. i never understood that, he's a nice guy. but making people afraid that anything like hud, an agency like hud could do to essentially bring more people of color in the neighborhood and somehow that is a bad thing. do you think that at this point hud could kind of be a part of changing that narrative or is that a narrative that you just have to fight through? >> no i think that we're going to be a part of changing it. it was a pattern, practice and pattern to say to people outside of the normal core urban communities, you don't want people like me in your backyard. i mean, it was just his practice
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of devaluing public houses, which he did. and it is very clear that he did it. when we look at budget for 2021, ben carson requested a 15% across the board cut. a cut. in the four years that he was in office, he lost 20% of the staff. so what we have now is a hud that is understaffed and overworked, in a situation that the crisis is growing larger and more critical every day. they actually don't care about housing. i mean, i don't think that the administration did anything to show us that it was a priority. it is a priority with this administration. and it is a priority with me as well. >> you also have in your state the attorney general has sued to block part of the $1.9 trillion relief bill and republican dave yost argues that the bill unlawfully restricts the state's ability for tax cuts.
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they want to use the money for tax cuts instead of people who need it. your thoughts? >> anyone who would say that people in need are less important than those who have much, which is what dave yost is saying, we don't want to help people who need help, we want to help people who don't need any help. we don't want to do the most for those who have the least. what we want to do is make rich people richer. it is at most despicable thing that i have seen in a long time. why would you turn down money to help the people that you serve? i'm from ohio. i think it is a great place to live. but my goal is to be sure that we treat every single individual in that state with the dignity and respect they deserve. every single person in this country should have a roof over their head and so dave yost, all i could say is that you are very misguided in what you are doing and it is really a shame that
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you would once again vilify people who are in need. >> secretary marcia fudge. you could see the passion for the issue. good luck to you and thank you so much for being here this evening. really appreciate you. >> thank you, joy. it is my pleasure. >> cheers. okay, well up next, republicans are now admitting, oops, they bungled on covid relief handing president biden a major victory in his first few months in office. okay, okay, raise your hand if you think they've learned anything from this? yeah, me neither. we'll be right back. 'll be righ. we look up to our heroes. idolizing them. mimicking their every move. and if she counts on the advanced hydration of pedialyte when it matters most... so do we. hydrate like our heroes. ♪♪
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on the anniversary of the affordable care act he'll head to ohio which happens to have a senate vacancy in 2022 as the treasury department announced 90 million stimulus payments have been issued. the biden administration is leaning into the american rescue plan which according to a poll is incredibly popular. 72% of the population supports the plan and 55% of the country is moving on the right direction. republicans are now mounting an expost facto war against the money. florida senator scott who used to be the governor of florida told the governor desantis to return it. send it back which desantis declined to do because republicans always take the dough. meanwhile senate majority leader schumer announced to bring forward the senate's version for the people act, an anti-corruption bill. last night president biden
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signaled he was open to changing the senate's filibuster rules to make way for this kind of legislation. >> i don't think you have to eliminate the filibuster. you have to do what it used to be when i first got to the senate to stand up and command the floor. once you stopped talking you lost that and someone could move in and say i move the question of. so you got to work for the filibuster. >> you are for that reform, bringing back the talking filibuster? >> i am. that's what it was supposed to be. >> while this news marks a shift for the president senate democrats have work to do in their own caucus. roughly nine democrats have been reluctant to scrap it. joe manchin is one of them. he told reporters that not much could change his mind on the subject, not even republican obstruction. we have invited him on this show multiple times and asked him again tonight and he decleaned. for more i'm joined by charlie
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sykes and michelle goldberg. charlie, before we get to joe manchin, this is a popular bill. people like getting checks in the mail. republicans' answer is send the money back. we'll sue. you can't use it to get housing. nah. this should have been a no-brainer. money is popular. what are they supposed to do? what can they do now? nothing? i don't get it. >> they're behind the eight ball. looking down the barrel of the 70% approval ratings on not just this bill but the infrastructure bill that will be coming along, possibly of tax hooks for people above $400,000 and this is what you get for four years of donald trump who obviously was not interested in fiscal restraint. during those last weeks not plotting a coup he was endorsing sendsing checks to americans so i think that a lot of the republicans are hoping that you would have 2009 all over again and the public turn against this
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but they're not and again not an original thought but the tell has been the fact that they are much more interested in the culture war issues than talking about smaller government, fiscal restraint. i think they know that it would be hypocritical to talk about the debt and deficit at this point and lost the narrative and you're seeing how they flail in the post-trump era. >> yeah. their whole slogan should be, look, a brown child. talk about this voting rights bill that appears to be joe manchined. here's senator and reverend warnock calling for essentially the passage and for us to preserve voting rights. >> some politicians did not approve of the choice made by the majority of voters in a hard-faugtd election in which side got a chance to make its case to the voters. and rather than adjusting their
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agenda. rather than changing their message, they are busy trying to chang the rules. we are witnessing right now a massive and unabashed assault on voting rights unlike anything we have ever seen since the jim crow era. >> and yet, michelle, the answer from joe manchin and eight other senators is i and we don't care. we want the old filibuster from the old dixie crat era. i'm shocked. are you? >> i don't know if i'm shocked but i'm dispairing about it because if we don't have some sort of democracy reform it doesn't matter if democrats continue to muster the majority of the votes as they did in the last election. they're going to lose power to a
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minority faction and a minority faction that is governing in the kind of extreme culture war fashion that it is precisely because they don't have to appeal to the majority of the voters so democracy reform, it is not just that i think it would help the majority of people in this country be governed as they choose. it would also moderate some of the lunacy that we see from the republican party. i at least am hopeful because joe manchin has shon some openness to reforming elements of the filibuster to bringing back the talking filibuster as has joe biden and maybe they do that and then they see that biden's agenda is still sigh mied and maybe inspires them to go further. >> we shall see. joe manchin is welcome to come on the show any time he's ready. let's talk about this vote for congressional gold medals for
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the capitol police. supposed to combine everything that the republican love. gold is everything that they -- what? 12 of them voted no! 12 of them and 11 of them were people that voted to overturn the election and the complaint was that the language included called the people who invaded the capitol a mob of insurrectionists and that the capitol was called a temple of american democracy. can you explain this to me please? >> this is the hard core seditionist caucus. maybe a list. can i say something about the filg buster? i'm not so disparring about this. if the issue is the john lewis rest ration of the voting rights act i think there's a possibility of a carveout. republicans decided that gettinging the supreme court nominees so important to el limb nate the filibuster. democrats could say, you know
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what? restoring democracy is -- in the states is worth a carveout that would restore democracy in the senate. for a bill like that, a narrow carveout, i think there's a possibility. remember, the voting rights act passed in 1965 with 79 votes in the u.s. senate. we are in a weird moemtd where it is not bipartisan. not only 79 votes but then it was reauthorized under president bush. republicans had no problem with it. this is a mountain i think for democrats to die on. challenge republicans. are you going to -- will you vote against the john lewis act? if they don't i think a lot of people that support the filibuster might be willing to go with a carveout. >> your thoughts on that, michelle? >> from your lips to god's ear. i certainly think that -- i hope that's the case. it seems to me that the republican caucus is pretty
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united in opposition to voting rights and to democracy, frankly. i don't see -- so, again, i hope you're right. part of the problem, part of the kind of democratic doom loop we are in is that you could say i challenge you to vote against the john lewis voting rights act but when you are only beholden to a minority faction taking unpopular votes doesn't hurt you as much. >> they say, yeah, we are voting against the john lewis voting rights act. thank you. "all in with chris hayes" starts right now. tonight on "all in" -- >> this is an issue that's happening across the country. it is unacceptable. it is hateful. and it has to stop. >> an american tragedy driven by misogyny, racism and guns. eight people are dead in georgia killed by an againman that


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