tv The Reid Out MSNBC March 25, 2021 4:00pm-5:00pm PDT
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and more of the entertainment you love like apple music. and the beautiful iphone 12 on us when you buy one. only from verizon. tonight...i'll be eating loaded tots for march madness. ( doorbell ) thanks boo. ( piano glissando ) i think you better double them tots. no, this me was last year. i didn't get my madness last year, so we're doing double the madness this year. good evening, everyone. we begin "the reidout" with breaking news out of georgia. just moments ago the rip governor signed sweeping new voter restrictions into law. passed along party lines in the republican-led state legislature the measure curtails early voting in runoff elections,
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limits ballot drop boxes and requires documentation to vote by mail. voter suppression efforts came up at president biden's first press conference earlier today and elicited his most passionate response. >> what i'm worried about is how unamerican this whole initiative is. it's sick. it's sick. deciding in some states that you cannot bring water to people standing in line waiting to vote? deciding that you're going to end voting at 5:00 when working people are just getting off work? the republican voters i know find this despicable. republican voters. this makes jim crow look like jim eagle. i mean this is gigantic what they're trying to do. and it cannot be sustained. >> biden committed to do everything in his power to ensure equal access to the
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ballot box. he also called for the reform of the senate filibuster which has been used by mitch mcconnell to kill democratic legislation since the obama/biden years. biden says the system has been abused and he warned republicans that he could back efforts to gut the filibuster agreeing that it is a relic of the old jim crow south. >> we're going to get a lot done. if we have to, if there's complete lockdown and chaos as a consequence of the filibuster then we'll have to go beyond what i'm talking about. >> regarding the filibuster, at john lewis' funeral, president obama said he believed the filibuster was a relic of the jim crow era. do you agree? >> yes. >> biden opened the news conference with the announcement that he set a new goal in the fight against the pandemic, doubling the goal to 200 million vaccinations before the end of his first 100 days having met the initial mark. when it comes to immigration he dismissed the knee-jerk
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criticism from republicans who are standing in the way of a solution. >> have you had any talks with senate republicans who are threatening this administration with not considering the immigration legislation that was passed in the house until the situation at the border has been resolved? >> no, because i know they have to posture for a while. they have to sort of get it out of the their system. but i'm ready to work with any republican who wants to help solve the problem. joining me now is adrien elrod, jason johnson, professor of journalism and politics and david plouffe, former obama campaign manager. i'll go to the center of my screen to jason johnson. breaking news out of georgia. you've covered georgia a virginia long time and you know the players involved. brian kemp tonight tried to make an excuse and say people who are accusing people like him of
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being jim crow characters are wrong. but this bill seems very much aimed at two things in my view. number one, making it much harder for black and brown folks particularly in fulton county to vote and possibly getting brian kemp re-elected against stacey abrams. your thoughts. >> brian kemp knows he's in trouble next year. brian kemp knows his state is trending against his idiotic policies and brian kemp is a feckless coward and always has been. this is the trick with trumpism, right, joy? he thinks that bypassing this bill, somehow that's going to protect him next year. no, it won't. republicans will kick him out of office because republicans know if he goes head-to-head with stacey abrams, he's going to lose next year. people like black voters matter and the new georgia project and everyone else is organizing to
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put pressure on coca-cola, delta and everybody else because these laws aren't just foolish, these laws aren't just racist but are destructive to a functional democracy. they're taking power out of the hands of local elected officials. they're making it more difficult for people to even go to drop boxes. so there is no value to this. i think this is just the opening salvo. i think there's going to be a long extended battle in this state and ultimately i think they're going to lose because the demographics of georgia and the financial incentives in georgia make keeping laws like this on the books dangerous for everybody involved. >> two words, tyler perry. the new hollywood in the south in georgia. georgia ain't the same georgia that it was before. david plouffe, you have had the experience of electing a black man named barack hussein obama to the white house which is not an easy feat to do in the united states of america. it strikes me that the idea that you beat a growing demographic that is diverse is by attempting to do open suppression of that
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demographic and anyone else who isn't white. it seems these bills are motivational to the very people they really don't want to vote in georgia. i don't understand the politics of it from kemp's point of view. i agree with jason, he's already an anathema because he isn't trumpy enough for the republicans. why he thinks this isn't going to further bury him i don't understand. but can you understand this as politics? >> joy, it's political malpractice in the long term for the republicans but they don't think beyond their nose. they just want to advantage themselves in '22 and '24. but we saw in 2008 after barack obama's first election a whole bunch of legislation was passed out in the states to make it harder to vote and register. we did try to use that as motivation. but what's happening in georgia, this is a death sentence for democracy. if we see laws like this across the country. making it harder to register, getting rid of drop boxes, early votes. but joy, they are taking power
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away from election officials and giving it to the state legislature. they're also talking about that in arizona. which means they don't like the result of the election, they will overturn it. if the senate does not pass the for the people act, we should turn the lights off on the democracy. this is the beginning of the end. there will be lawsuits and a lot of pressure like jason talked about in georgia. we need it all. but the senate has to act or we are going down the tubes quickly in this country. >> exactly. adrienne, i think the thing that is the most shocking is these republicans pretend that they oppose what happened on january 6th when supporters of donald trump laid siege upon the capitol. now they're quickly trying to enact the very kinds of things these people were demanding. as david just said they are trying to enact in the state of georgia as well as arizona laws that would allow republican legislatures to simply overturn elections. to do what donald trump demanded of those officials. he's now being investigated for trying to do this illegally in georgia. they want to make it legal.
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that simply the legislature can say we didn't like the way those fulton county people voted, to hell with those black voters and brown voters. we're just going to put the person we want in as president, period. that is what they're trying to do. your thoughts. >> that's exactly right, joy. you know, they -- they fear the fact that democrats are so organized. they fear the fact that democrats -- i will never forget, joy, those long lines of black voters in georgia when early votes started who waited in line 10, 11, 12 hours with these looks of determination. we're not going to let what happened to stacey abrams happen to joe biden, kamala harris, anybody else here on the ticket in georgia. we're not going to let that happen. i do agree with jason i think this is going to back fire. but to the point plouffe made, this is a systematic effort republicans are making across the country. we're seeing this in georgia and arizona. any state that has a republican-held legislature,
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we'll start seeing this happen everywhere. so make no mistake, we've got to get organized. the senate simply has to pass hr-1, that is just the bottom line, because our democracy is at stake and the republicans are not going to stop until they try to get their way on in. >> david, let me go back to you for just a moment. joe biden did call it sick. he talked about the fact this is jim crow sort of legislation, but we have some democrats who seem to sort of relish the old jim crow days the way the senate used to operate. i'm thinking of people like joe manchin who is clinging to the filibuster like a binkie saying he'll never let it go. having a law passed like this in georgia is more than just trying to disenfranchise votes, messing with absentee, that affects republicans. so you're messing with them. but if you're just saying we can erase the results of elections and just install donald trump if he runs again in 2024, that is anti-democratic. do you think that winds up
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moving somebody like manchin or is he pretty much going to dig in on the dixiecrat line here? >> now that it's real -- by the way, georgia obviously was the most important state in the 2020 election, presidential and senate. >> clearly. >> you're going to see this pass in other states. so the republicans are being quite loud about their intentions here. so i think it should create the permission structure for a joe manchin, for kyrsten sinema to allow them to finding a way to say yes. at the end of the day we'll get to the end of the pandemic, the economy will rebound. but if we basically hand elections over to politicians instead of the voters, again, the lights are out on america. so i think that in a way the republicans are being so brazen here, it is giving the permission structure hopefully to the couple of reluctant senate democrats because this isn't about senate niceties.
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this isn't about different policy positions. this is literally about the survival of our democracy and the georgia bill goes so far but it's going to become the model. i think you're going to see other states embrace it. it's the furthest point that rips can go. yes, it should give manchin and sinema to say i didn't want to do this. it's clear republicans are intent on suppression and taking control away from elections officials so i'm left no option but to do this. i think the permission structure should be there now for these reluctant democratic senators. >> or to make d.c. a state and make joe manchin less relevant. just for our audience, you understand this is nbc's reporting, this bill that brian kemp, the governor of georgia has just signed, would dramatically limit early voting required for runoff elections. limit the election that elected jon ossoff and reverend warnock,
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require mail-in voters to have their driver's license numbers or documentation instead of signature verification. they would limit drop boxes. you can guess where they're going to limit them, jason. it would allow the state to take over local elections. basically meaning that you couldn't have another close election like what you saw there because the state, brian kemp, could simply take it over and put in the result he wanted. kemp finalized the bill just over an hour after it cleared the general assembly. the legislation passed along party lines, 34-20, meaning local elections count here, 100-75 in the house. the georgia bill according to cnn underwent major changes going from a narrow bill into a sweeping omnibus package to the brink of becoming law. it is sweeping, jason. i guess the question to you, then, is how do you get to 51 votes in the democratic side of the senate with people like joe manchin and kyrsten sinema in place? >> so, joy, last night i was
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talking to some of my contacts in georgia and they have all said this is going to take federal legislation. there's no amount of lawsuits that the doj could do that would be enough because trump has stacked the court so much. so this is going to come down to house bill 1 and house bill 4. i have said all along, think about this. it's like nobody is coming here for you, otis. nobody cared about joe manchin three years ago. this is the most popular he's ever within in his entire career. it's the most popular he will ever be. he will milk this until they change it to the john lewis/joe manchin bill. but when that happens. when everybody is prostate in front of him and begging him, he will allow some change to the filibuster. he'll get all the attention, be rallied around like a hero and then be absolutely irrelevant. that's what he also realizes. the moment that he allows any change in the filibuster, his power is weakened. buuld affect even him at one
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point. if this same sort of policy were to be moved through in west virginia, maybe comes and challenges him, i think he will eventually change his mind. not because it's the right thing to do or he cares about democracy but because it will satisfy his ego, which is ultimately a driving force unfortunately for all too many members of congress. >> not somebody, jim justice. the richest man in west virginia who is on the right side of the $15 of an hour when manchin was on the wrong side of it. when jim justice decides he's going to run against him and this bill could put him in no matter what voters say, joe manchin might get religion. adrienne elrod, joe biden i think made some pretty clear and strong statements about his support for voting rights and his opposition for what we just saw happen in georgia. what can he do to sort of move the process along? everyone has said where they
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stand on things like the filibuster. d.c. statehood could also be a factor. what do you think pragmatically he should be doing tonight? what calls should he be making. >> first of all, he should be calling joe manchin and kyrsten sinema and make sure they are supporting hr-1. this should not be a democrat versus republican issue. this is about the voting rights of all americans, the most fundamental right we have in america. if he can find some republican support, great. joe biden knows the senate very well. when it comes to the filibuster, he made it very clear today that he is open to options. he is open to at least some sort of reform on the filibuster. and the bottom line is this, joy, he's got to get his agenda passed. he knows that. and at some point he is going to do whatever it takes to make that happen because he's got such a finite amount of time to make it happen so i'm confident that he's going to get to the place that he needs to be so we can get some legislation passed. >> joe biden has a chance to be
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lbj but he's going to have to act like lbj real quick because he has a very interesting caucus he has to deal with. thank you all very much. up next, much more on president biden's first news conference including how he pushed back against republican misinformation on immigration. plus the latest on the breaking news from georgia as a series of anti-democratic bills become law designed to suppress the vote because republicans think that, killing democracy altogether, is the only way that they can win. and there is senator mike lee, the same mike lee who believes that protecting voting rights for black people is the work of the devil. he's now saying that taking deadly assault weapons off the streets is racist. and while it's precious and adorable that mike lee is claiming to be concerned about racism, he is actually not tonight's absolute worst, believe it or not. that dubious honor goes to one of his colleagues who is saying even more bananarama things about guns. "the reidout" continues after this. "the reidout" continues after this
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the empathy that won joe biden the white house was on full display today when addressing a key point that's often missing in the immigration debate and that is the reason why migrants are coming. >> it's not like somebody is sitting at a hand hewn table in guatemala or somewhere in mexico or guadalupe saying, i've got a great idea. let's sell everything we have, give it to a coyote. have him take our kids across the border into a desert where they don't speak the language. won't that be fun? let's go. that's not how it happens. people don't want to leave. when my great grandfather got in a coffin ship in the irish sea, the expectation was, was he going to live long enough on that ship to get to the united states of america. but they left because of what the brits had been doing.
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they were in real, real trouble. they didn't want to leave. but they had no choice. >> president biden was also unwavering in his policy regarding unaccompanied children. >> the idea that i'm going to say, which i would never do, if an unaccompanied child ends up at the border we're just going to let them starve to death and stay on the other side, no previous administration did that either except trump. i'm not going to do it. >> joining me is congressman from new york. congressman, i want to start with you. you have been to the facility that our own reporter went to yesterday, our nbc news reporter went to yesterday. can you just talk us through what's really happening there, because i feel like the conversation gets very simplistic when it comes to these migrants and we're not really fully understanding both the pull and the push that are
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putting people in that position. >> that's right, joy. i think the conversation is more complex than meets the eye. so in this facility in texas, you have basically adolescents, kids from 13 to 17-year-old boys, 700 plus of them. there you have a facility with medical services, mental health services, classroom work. you have in addition to that covid testing and a host of services. we went to see their sleeping quarters, their mess hall. pretty good shape. but, you know, it's never good to have 700 young people anywhere, so we must transition quicker to bring them to their family members. we must make sure that they are connected with their loved ones as quickly as possible. it's as simple as that. but it requires resources. the realities of the trump
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administration did not prepare hhs or the office of refugee resettlement for any of this, including also the border patrol facilities. they are not prepared at all for any of this. not for covid and not for this. so we're doing the best we can. we've got to do better. and i do believe the same thing that the president laid out today, that is really the root causes of this issue that are so relevant. a drought for seven years. two hurricanes that hit guatemala and honduras. a recent eruption, volcano eruption in guatemala. violence that propels a young man that's being recruited by a gang to leave to the border. so these are the issues that we must address to ensure that we really address this issue once and for all. >> you know, today there was sort of an obsession among sort of the questioners about like is
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biden sort of decency as a human being to be inspiring people that i want to walk a thousand miles. i feel like that is part of the simplistic nature of the question because he got repeated questions about whether his kindness is the sole compulsion for people coming over. >> look, i guess i should be flattered people are coming because i'm the nice guy. the truth of the matter is nothing has changed. did anyone suggest that there was a 31% increase under trump because he was a nice guy and he was doing good things at the border? that's not the reason they're coming. the reason they're coming is that it's the time they can travel with the least likelihood of dying on the way because of the heat in the desert, number one. number two, they're coming because of the circumstances in country, in country. >> can you talk a little bit
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about, because i know you have been in central america in the triangle area doing some reporting. what are people telling you, migrants that you've talked to, about why they are coming. >> of course. i think we all have to understand that there is nothing stronger than desperation. desperation has always been there. it defies any sort of deterrents. it devise policies, defies walls. i was recently in a jungle in the panama border and as we are speaking there are migrants crossing this jungle. migrants from cuba, from haiti, from all over africa appeared the middle east. we think about this as a central american issue and focus on the u.s./mexican border but migrants are coming from all over the world and in this jungle they are fleeing gang violence, snakes, scorpions, jaguars just to reach the united states and just to come to this country. so i think what president biden
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asked everyone to do, if you're a father and if you're a mother and you have children, what do you do? i think the biggest contrast that we saw today is that president biden is someone if a child comes knocking at your door, he opens it. president trump never did that. so that is the clearest contrast we can possibly see. >> let's play a little bit of that. this is part of your package that's going to be airing on showtime. take a look. >> i'd say there's at least 100 people here. there are children from the ages of 5 to literally 3 months old. you can sense a true anxiety, particularly among the women who are trying to ensure that their children are safe. >> congressman, have you talked about president biden directly about this? because that looks incredibly dangerous, incredibly perilous. is there a plan to go in, in terms of where this migration is starting and to do more on that end, not just when people get to the border. >> these people are right now on the ground in honduras,
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guatemala, el salvador region or the migration, most of it is coming from those countries. however, the reporter is right, you know, i see cubans, haitian, dominicans from my own home country that come through the border. no one wants to leave their homeland, no one wants to leave their family. you will flee violence. you will flee hunger. there is a foot security issue in central america that nobody seems to talk about that's horrible. so a mom will come when her children, yes, a mom will take that dangerous trip several thousand miles to get to the united states border. and so we must address it. he knows there are people there from the biden administration right now trying to get to the bottom of this and trying to get to the root of the problem. we have resources that we should be deploying to that region immediately. >> yeah, absolutely. and as president biden made the
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point today, many, many of the irish endured coffin ships to do the exact same thing which is people like joe biden's folks got here. paola's piece airs this sunday at 8:00 p.m. on showtime. you don't want to miss it. please tune in for that. the new draconian voting restrictions that just became law of the land tonight in georgia. just became law of the land tonight in georgia. ♪ pepto bismol coats and soothes your stomach for fast relief and get the same fast relief in a delightful chew with pepto bismol chews. challenging times are nothing new. neither are resilient people. there's strength in every family story. learn more about yours. at ancestry. so you want to make the best burger ever? then make it! there's strength in every family story. that means selling everything.
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it doesn't happen often. everyday people taking on the corporate special interests. and winning. but now, the for the people act stands on the brink of becoming law. ensuring accurate elections. iron-clad ethics rules to crack down on political self-dealing. a ban on dark money. and finally reducing corporate money in our politics. to restore our faith in government. because it's time. for the people to win. ♪♪♪
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more now on tonight's breaking news. georgia's governor signed a 95-page bill that heavily restricts voting rights in the wake of president biden and two democratic senators winning the state. some of the many restrictions include a limit on early voting for runoff electioning from three weeks to as little as one week as well as a reduction of the hours for early voting. the bill also requires mail voters to have a copy -- include a copy of their driver's license or documentation to verify their identity and restrict the location for drop boxes, only allowing them inside election offices and early voting locations, which entirely goes against the whole purpose of having a drop box at all. one of the most shocking details of the bill includes a prohibition on people bringing food and water to voters who are waiting in line. republicans pushed the bill through without a single democratic vote. of course kemp, brian kemp,
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pushed back on the neighborhood -- narrative that it restricts access but defends himself that voting restrictions are inherently racist. >> according to them if you support voter i.d. for absentee ballots, you're a racist. according to them, if you believe in protecting the security and sanctity of the ballot box, you're a, quote, jim crow in a suit and tie. >> joining me now is latosha brown, co-founder of black voters matter. i know you've been at a couple of protests today. i just want to get your reaction to brian kemp sneaking off and signing the bill. let me show our viewers, a democratic representative, park cannon tried to get in where kemp was signing the bill and was actually arrested as kemp signed this bill in secret. your thoughts on all of that? >> they are out of control.
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all that is doing is attempting to go in while he was signing the bill. she was duly elected in the state. they have lost their minds. the state of georgia is so egregious around voting rights. we are seeing those that think they're going to bring jim crow back and they are not. so what we are seeing even with this bill to make any legal and criminalize groups like ours that provide water and snacks for people that stand in line for three, four, five, six, even 11 hours, it is a shame. we should hang our head tonight to say that this is a democracy. >> it's hard for me to understand making it illegal to provide food and snacks for people standing in line. what is the explanation for that? is the idea here that they want people to be hungry and thirsty and so abused physically that they get out of line? is that the goal here? i don't get it. >> the explanation is anything that can deter black voters.
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this was not -- what we saw in these bills that happened, this was in response to the historic black turnout that happened this last election cycle. instead of really addressing the issue to prevent people from standing in lines from issues, instead of expanding access, bringing more machines on line, strengthening the process, they're doing absolutely the opposite. everything in their power to deter voters who participate in the process. brian kemp has been voter suppression in chief. he sits in his office right now because he cheated and suppressed the vote in 2018. but just as we came out in greater force in 2020, we're going to remember this because it's not over yet. >> let me read stacey abrams statement. she said georgia republicans' shapeful efforts to suppress the vote and seize the power demonstrate how critical the fight for voting rights remains. every business and civic leader must maybe their objection
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clear. as the fbi round up seditionists, republican state leaders willfully undermine democracy by giving themselves authority to overturn results they do not like. we continue to fight against these blatantly unconstitutional efforts that are nothing less than jim crow. she's referring in part of this to a part of the bill that would essentially allow the state legislature to overturn elections. they want to allow the republican legislature if they don't like the results of the next presidential election to hand the election to the person they prefer. i was at the tyler perry studio opening. one of the other people who was there in atlanta was the governor, brian kemp, who stood around there as if he was some sort of an ally to the film community and to the african-american community. you have started a campaign to pressure businesses, corporations, companies that are based in georgia to get on the right side of history regarding these kinds of laws.
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>> absolutely. >> do you believe that a boycott of georgia is in order now that brian kemp has signed this law? >> i absolutely do. i think that all things should be considered on the table. the bottom line is that 56 years ago, there were black people in this country from my native city of selma fighting for the right to go. it's one thing to say you have policy differences and for people to see different aspects of policy. but the fundamental access to the ballot, that is a right that is guaranteed us. so what we're seeing republicans not only be racist but anti-democratic and there are companies, all of these companies that we're looking at the metro atlanta that came down with a watered down, very disrespectful i think statement today, companies like delta and home depot, delta airlines, home depot and coca-cola, like they said they make these statements around racial equity, this should be low-hanging fruit. this is a clear issue targeted at black voters to marginalize our vote and really be able to
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weaken democracy. and so we have launched a campaign right before i came on the air. there's a coalition of folks that are at the airport that are protesting delta airlines right now saying you are homegrown organization, a business that we serve. you have more black workers than any other airlines, how dare you not stand with us to make sure that we fight and protect voting rights in the state of georgia. >> dollars are also a powerful tool, and the film industry in georgia, let's just be clear, it is the new hollywood. it is a multi-billion dollar industry where film and tv is being done there and the people who live there and are resident there, it's being made harder for them to actually vote to change the governor in georgia. the brennan center has counted 253 proposed voting restrictions in 43 states that are similar to what brian kemp did. this is now on a national scale, latosha. what can be done? because you have some recalcitrance in the united states senate, people like joe
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manchin and kyrsten sinema. what can be done because this is going to be everywhere that republicans have legislative control. >> this is really a question around democracy. this is a question around are we going to go backwards or are we going to move forward. that georgia show up for america. we expect that america will stand and show us for us as well and all voters in this country. so we need to immediately pass hr-1 and hr-4. we need stronger legislation to put teeth back in the voter rights act. we need to expand so these states that are passing these draconian laws will be held accountable and we're going to go to the court system. it is a shame that we're in the space we're in right now. if we're talking about america as a democracy, then we have to make it be so. >> let's just be clear for everybody who's watching this right now. what republicans are saying is they're going to make it torture for you to vote in line by
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having fewer machines, beat-up machines at places in urban centers, places where black folks live, suburbs where black people live, make it impossible or torture for you to vote in line. then impossible for you to vote by mail. they're going to lock off every way that you can vote. even if you survive all of those restrictions and finally get your vote in, then they're going to say ways out, we are not going to count what you did because we don't like who you voted for because we're going to give it to the other guy. this is the end of democracy in america. this is minority rule. this is saying we will rule over the objections of the majority of the american people. this is the most serious thing that we've seen happen since the january 6 siege. it's another kind of siege. it is absolutely bizarre and i will say it's unamerican. it's old school american. it's jim crow american. latosha brown, this u for being in this fight.
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we will stay with us. a u.s. congresswoman displays her ignorance on the border and guns with a truly bizarre and offensive tweet and earns her place as -- brian kemp might beat her tonight but at least until brian kemp signed this, she was our absolute worst. stay with us. this, she was our e worst. stay with us erate to severe ulcerative colitis or crohn's disease? i did. until i realized something was missing... my symptoms were keeping me from being there for him. so, i talked to my doctor and learned. humira is for people who still have uc or crohn's symptoms after trying other medications. and humira helps people achieve remission that can last, so you can experience few or no symptoms. humira can lower your ability to fight infections serious and sometimes fatal infections, including tuberculosis, and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened, as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. tell your doctor if you've been to areas where certain fungal infections are common and if you've had tb, hepatitis b,
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meet bob minetti, loving husband, father and pancreatic cancer survivor. i am so glad i learned what was possible for me. to learn more about the latest research, including clinical trials, visit pancreatic cancer roughly two hours after police responded to a mass shooting at boulder's king soopers supermarket, colorado congresswoman lauren boebert sent out an email. you'd think she might have tried to help some of her constituents. it was a fund-raising e maim. she vowed to fight this new attack on our sacred rights with everything i have. you see she is a proud gun enthusiast. how can we forget this little skype backdrop that she conveniently ditched this week. she named her restaurant
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shooters. she also likes to reminding people over and over and over again that the reason she and her employees carry guns at shooters is because a man was beaten to death right outside her restaurant. but here's the thing. that origin story of hers is mostly fiction. according to "the washington post" the guy died of a drug overdose. but who needs facts? she went on newsmax to defend the precious by invoking deadly body parts and household tools. >> the common theme in colorado with all of these tragedies that we see is defenseless victims. a law didn't protect them. they needed a way to physically protect themselves. in america, we see more deaths by hand, feet, even hammers. are we going to start legislating that away? are we going to be like other countries who even ban knives? if hammers are the cause of more deaths than firearms, then maybe we need to start having background checks on hammers.
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look out, black & decker. >> firearms accounted for more than 10,000 deaths in the u.s. hands, feet and fists, 600. blunt objects like hammers, 397. also i'm pretty sure hammers are not efficient killing machines like assault weapons that can mow down a dozen people in just minutes. boebert's hammer performance makes her pretty awful. but you know what makes her the absolute worst. this tweet. where she says background checks for guns are a nonstarter. she follows up with we should start discussing universal background checks for the thousands of people pouring across the borders. watch ou quickly background checks will become racist to democrats. okay, now lauren, lauren, lauren, just come on over here and sit down. just sit down. now, i know thinking is hard, i know. but maybe you should have had your congressional staff google that for you before you tweeted it to your followers. because here's the thing, here's
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the thing, lauren. immigrants already do undergo background checks. a congresswoman should know that. according to our border protection authority, asylum seekers undergo screening that includes national security, terrorist and intelligence vetting. the fbi also does a name check and fingerprint check. i could keep going but i won't. bottom line, lauren, now that you know that universal background checks are already happening for immigrants, does that mean that you'll now endorse background checks for gun purchasers? hmm? because that's what your own logic suggests. well, i'm guessing not. and she's also the absolute worst. stay tuned after the break to hear from a colorado politician who, unlike lauren boebert, isn't just into the performance art of politics, he's actually serious about his job. seri ouabs out his job.
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as calls for new gun reforms have increased after monday's mass shooting in boulder, colorado, lauren boebert isn't the only gun loving in the caucus spreading lies about gun legislation to expand gun background checks. >> really it's to create a gun register. then joe biden wants to outlaw ar-15s. then they're going to outlaw guns. when we say come and take it, we damn well mean it. >> why do they all have the same haircut? what is normal america?
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president biden demanded the senate take up two past pieces of legislation. today congressman joe neguse sent a letter to president biden urging just that, an execive action banning semiautomatic rifles. last night colorado senator michael bennet issued an impassioned plea to his colleagues as he honored the ten people killed in monday's strategy. >> the scar will always be there. my daughter's generation will always bear the burden of a national government that did nothing to protect them. the senate needs to act. there is nobody else to act. >> the suspect appeared in court today. he faces ten charges of murder and is being held without bond. today boulder police noted the handcuffs used were those of
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slain police officereric tally. the plea for the senate to act is easier said than done, since joe manchin is once again flexing his diva act. he is opposed to the house background checks bill that the president and the leader of his party, by the way, supports. for his part at the white house news conference when president biden was asked if he had decided on plans moving forward on gun control or gun reform it was a matter of timing. biden spoke with boulder's mayor yesterday to offer his condolences to the community and the families of those lost. with me now is mayor sam weaver of boulder, colorado. thanks for being here and condolences to the community on the loss of those ten souls. you talked with the president. what did he say to you? >> he started with condolences and sympathy, joy, as you might expect. his thoughts were first and foremost with the victims of
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this tragic massacre. and we talked for a while about what could be done as far as gun law reform goes. and some of the points that he raised for he had some powers through executive authority that he talked about what was still left over from the trump administration that he needed to fix. and he talked about assault weapons ban, how he had been part of passing one in 1994. unfortunately, it had a ten-year sunset. and he regretted both that it had a sunset and that it was not renewed. so, i asked him if he could push for congressional action to get an assault weapons ban reinstated. >> you know, i say it all the time, i grew up in denver, colorado. colorado when i grew up was a very gunny state. lots of people hunted. lots of neighbors had them. we never saw them. it's becoming a weird state, high capacity magazines, more mass shootings on average in denver than any other city of its size in the country.
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colorado also had decent laws. there was a strong assault weapons ban there before a judge overturned it. what do you think that denver, colorado, boulder, cu -- it's a great state. what do you want to see the federal government do to help you to make boulder, to make colorado safer? >> i want to see universal background checks. so, i want to see mental health registries that are linked up with approval of weapons purchases. i want to see misdemeanors that are violent be a bar to being able to purchase weapons. i want to see an assault weapons ban on the state end or federal level. the actions are clear we need to take. it is people like lauren boebert who stand in the way of us being able to do anything sensible. most of colorado does not agree with someone like lauren boebert. they agree with joe neguse, senator bennet and hickenlooper. >> i find it shocking she got
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elected in a usually fairly sensible state like colorado. she put out a statement lying about president biden's press conference today, saying clearly he's coming for our guns. it's just mater of time. he was asked about going after ghost guns and going to cities and states battling gun reform. he said it's a matter of timing, all of the above. but people like her who do the gun fetishism -- they treat guns as awe fetish, as something you need to display, something you need to show everybody you've got them and put them behind you so you can be like i got guns and i'm going to talk about guns. that culturally was a fake wild west. the wild west was very regulated in terms of guns. do you worry that theater acts like lauren boebert are making matters worse for people with mental health issues like this person is going to apparently claim in his defense, this shooter? >> yeah, absolutely. i mean, guns is a fashion
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accessory of just stupid. there's no point to it, right? it's telling people that something, which is very dangerous to a lot of human beings, is something that you should carry around and display and show off. i own weapons. i hunt. and to me nothing that you show off, they're tools that you use for the thing that they're designed for and assault weapons are designed for one thing. that is hurting people and killing them. and so most people aren't fit to use weapons like that, and we should keep them out of most people's hands. >> yeah, i mean all the bad people i know have guns don't know you their guns because that's why they're baddass. they don't have to be like i got guns, look at all these guns. that's a sign of weakness and poor showmanship. do you want to see the filibuster go away if that's what it would take to pass real gun reform? federally? >> i think the filibuster -- the filibuster is a relic, and it should go away. you know, it was not intended to
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be that way by the people who wrote the constitution, and it is -- you know, if you have to stand up there and hold your ground and talk, then great. have a filibuster. but if you can just do it procedurally, it's terrible. >> yeah, absolutely. you said it very well, sir. boulder mayor sam weaver, thank you so much for being here. condolences again to community there in boulder. "all in" starts now. tonight on "all in," georgia turns trump's big lie into a sweeping new voter suppression law. tonight the growing backlash as democrats prepare lawsuits and why the president may have just foreshadowed a voting rights break through. then one year later, a study in contrast. >> i think easter sunday and you'll have packed churches all over our country. >> my predecessor -- oh, my god, i miss him. >> tonight the new biden goal to stamp out the pandemic and the damning new reporting of what a year of failed
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