tv Velshi MSNBC March 27, 2021 5:00am-6:00am PDT
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election being stolen. find out who is in hot water for lying this time. "velshi" starts now. good morning. i'm ali velshi. as a country we have now grown accustomed for hearing about morbid recorded, but new records of vaccine were administered today. in total 137 million doses of covid-19 have been administered in the united states. during his first solo press conference since assuming office, president biden doubled his original vaccine goal. >> i'm setting a second goal, that is we will by my 100th day in office have administered 200 million shots in peoples arms. >> even with the positive news on the vaccine front, covid-19
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deaths remain above 1,000 a day. a number that is slowly decreasing, but still represents enormous pain and heartbreak for families across the country and now new cases of covid-19 are rising. averaging around 57,000 a day. one of the reasons for the continued high covid-19 numbers, states relaxing or eliminating pandemic health restrictions. consequently that's playing a part in other good news, weekly jobless claims were just 684,000 last week. still a huge number. but the lowest level in more than a year. in fact, it's the first time during the pandemic that we've seen weekly claims below 700,000. the situation is aided by biden's newly enacted relief package which zero congressional republicans supported. not a single solitaire gop soul could get on board with helping american people still suffering under enormous economic pandemic pressure. instead many republicans have been attacking voting rights in
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the name of a delusional lie and with racist undertones. in georgia republicans have passed massive new voting restriction laws full of draconian measures aimed at making it harder for certain populations to vote. for example, in georgia, it is now illegal to take food or water to american citizens waiting in line to vote. i beg anyone to explain to me what good that is supposed to do. what benefit to democracy that new law breaks. in a statement president biden called the new measures un-american and jim crow in the 21st century. he's also made several impassioned public remarks. >> what i'm worried about is how un-american this whole initiative is. it's sick. >> it's an atrocity. the idea -- if you want any indication that it has nothing to do with fairness, nothing to do with decency, they pass a law saying you can't provide water
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for people standing in line while they're waiting to vote? you don't need anything else to know this is nothing but punitive and designed to keep people from voting. >> the situation is so undemocratic that georgia state representative park cannon was arrested and literally pulled out of the state capitol by state troopers because she knocked on governor brian kemp's state house office door as he was signing the bill into law during a cowardly closed-door ceremony. remember two months ago when armed domestic terrorists were allowed to enter and exit the united states capitol and in some cases police were seen taking selfies and holding doors open while the insurrectionists entered and exited. this georgia law gives the historically republican legislature the power to overturn the election results
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demanding that state gop officials magically find votes in his favor. that was central to the failed former president's strategy to stay in power after losing the election, it included a demand that georgia's secretary of state commit voter fraud. >> so, look, all i want to do is this, i just want to find 11,70 votes, which is one more than we have, because we won the state and flipping the state is a great testament to our country. >> now it's important to remember these voting restrictions which are being enacted in many other states like arizona, texas and iowa are being done in the name of something that did not happen. something that does not exist. the phantom republican calling card that is mass voter fraud has been proven over and of again to be nonexistent. in the case of the georgia
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election recounts time and time and time and time again have shown the election to be solid, secure and accurate. donald trump's big lie of voter fraud is as real as the loch ness monster and big foot and injecting bleach into one's body to kill the coronavirus. this attack on voting rights, this is the fraud. joining me now is the democratic congresswoman, barbara lee of california. she's the chair of the majority leader's task force on poverty and opportunity. she's a member of the appropriations and budget committee and a former chair of the congressional black caucus. she joins us today from el paso, texas. congresswoman, i have to talk to you about this issue that is going on in georgia. the companies that are based in georgia that are apparently turning a bit of a blind eye to this, the idea that all of these changes are just meant to make it harder for people to vote and do not have any apparent tie to this voter fraud that everybody
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is apparently chasing. your thoughts on this attack on democracy that has taken place this week? >> thank you. good morning. let me tell you, these are fundamental attacks on our democracy which they're un-american. we're at a very defining moment. i mean, what has taken place takes place under dictatorships. i have monitored elections in many, many countries, making sure that they're fair and free. and what has taken place here in the united states is very similar to what has taken place throughout the country in terms of dictatorships, so i am very concerned that these actions are taking place in terms of voter suppression and targeted towards people of color specifically. that's why we have to pass hr-1 which increases and makes sure there's voter access and the john lewis voting rights act,
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which is hr-4. that has to happen. we have to have federal protections. otherwise we're going to go back to before the days of jim crow. we'll go back to days where african-americans were quite frankly not seen as human beings. so we are continually fighting back. i'm so proud of representative cannon in georgia. she stood up. she fought back. you can see what voter suppression looks like in terms of how she was treated when she was just trying to gain access to what she should have been able to gain access to. >> let's just remind viewers about that. i will ask my control room if they have the video of representative cannon. she was trying to gain access to the governor's chambers. there was a signing in there. the imagery was remarkable as she was being arrested what was going on inside the governor's office. a number of white men signing this bill into law in a big hurry. they were actually signing it under a painting believe it or
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not of a plantation, a slave plantation in georgia. this is what we know of as civil disobedience, the arrest of a legislator. it's something we've seen in the united states. it's something we saw in south africa. it's something we've seen all over where someone is trying to protest a law that is in place that is unjust. it is a remarkable thing to be watching in 2021 in georgia. representative? >> yeah. it's outrageous. remember the images and what took place when our beloved john lewis and those who fought to gain the right to vote marching across the edmund pettus bridge. remember how they were beat, jailed, what brutality they experienced as a result of trying to gain their full democratic rights, the right to
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vote. here we once again see how an african-american woman representative is being treated by the police, trying to deny her absolute rights to witness the signing of a bill. it is just -- it's scary in many respects, but i tell you one thing, african-americans are not going to stand for that. we're fighting back. we're making sure that we have the votes to move forward on these two bills. we have got to end this filibuster so we can pass hr-1 and pass hr-4. this is, again, a fundamental moment where our democracy is at stake. i have seen dictatorships and i have seen what's happened to people when their rights are taken away. this is also an issue of human lights. i've served as a representative to the united nations. i know what violations of human rights are. >> representative, speaking of human rights, you are in el paso, texas because you're bearing witness to the situation at the southern border. depending on who you ask, the
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characterization is different. the homeland security secretary is talking about the u.s. being on pace to achieve the highest number of border crossings in 20 years. border patrol says they encountered an average of 5,000 undocumented immigrants a day over the last 30 days. what's your view of what's going on down there and what needs to happen? >> sure. thank you. i was born here in el paso, texas into an immigrant community. i have to tell you, what we're doing, first of all, we visited right outside of san antonio. we talked with many of the young children who were being held there until they can be transferred to their parents or their sponsors through the office of refugee resettlement. these young people are coming here fleeing violence, fleeing poverty and we have asylum laws. this past administration just destroyed all of any asylum laws
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that we have. so what the biden/harris administration is trying to do is repair the damage of the last four years in terms of immigration. we're trying to make sure these children are healthy and that they're safe and that they provided the opportunity to get with their parents or sponsors in an expeditious fashion. now today we're in el paso looking at the border and many of the wonderful non-profits here who are making sure they ensure these children have a safe and healthy place to live. >> representative lee, it is early for you this morning. we're always deeply appreciative that you take the time so many mornings to join us and our viewers to let us know what's going on. democratic representative barbara lee of california in el paso, texas. i want to bring in caitlin dickerson from "the atlantic," her new piece investigates how
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the united states still does not have a coherent immigration policy despite the surges at the southern border, seemingly becoming the new normal. it's good to see you. i think we have to keep on saying this, we have not had cogent, coherent sensible immigration policy that meets the needs of this part of the world where we live with our own labor needs in the united states and dovetails that with our own obligations with respect to asylum seekers who are not the same thing. we're not there yet. >> we're not there yet. and, you know, comprehensive immigration reform through congress is one of the hardest things that the biden administration is going to try to tackle. we've seen so many administrations now try and fail. but that's why we have these explosions at the border where you have, you know, government facilities that are completely overfull and conditions that are really concerning for people. i mean, look, the last time our immigration laws were updated
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was in 1996. that was a very long time ago. it's a different world now. in particular it's a different world in central america. all these things that are asylum laws were built to protect against violence and persecution and untenable living standards, those are things that have become commonplace throughout central america. that's why we have so many people coming to the united states in that way. at the same time, as you alluded to, they are coming here to seek refuge, to seek humanitarian protections, but also part of our economy that they work all over the american economy and help to support it. the way our laws are written now aim to separate as if they're two separate populations, people who come to the united states for work and come for humanitarian protections. because there's no opportunity for somebody who doesn't have a lot of education or money but is eager to work, there's no opportunity in the current law for them to apply for a work-based visa, they will come
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the way that's legal, that's asylum. that's why you have so many people coming across the border and overwhelming the government on a consistent basis at this point. >> you are so clear on these things. i will keep talking to you about this until we have a solution to it, then i encourage people to follow you on social media and read your material. it is really important right now not to read headlines and not be misled by the words used but to analyze this very, very serious and important question. caitlin, thanks again for joining me. caitlin dickerson from "the atlantic". mitch mcconnell falsely claimed he's not talked to president biden since the inauguration. maybe he's confused because mcconnell wouldn't know bipartisanship if it hit him in the face. up next, the next installment of hypocrisy from the gop. gop golds are your crispy currency to pay for bites of this...
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during an interview on fox, the senate minority leader mitch mcconnell said i don't believe i've spoken with him, meaning president biden, since he was sworn in. mitch mcconnell's office later confirmed that wasn't accurate since mcconnell told himself last month that he and biden spoke about issues in myanmar, the budget process and the coronavirus relief bill. but mcconnell said "there's been no evidence whatsoever by the president or the administration to do anything in the political center." the political center. that's an amazing statement from mitch mcconnell who i'm not sure could navigate himself to the center of a tootsie pop, but mcconnell may be confusing doing things his way with what the word bipartisanship means. joe biden's been in the office for 66 days. the paint in the oval is still drying. there's no pattern of behaviors just yet. the momentum to work together
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has been probably been greater in the last two months than the last four years. biden hosted republicans to discuss the $1.9 trillion economic stimulus plan, a plan for which numerous polls showed broad bipartisan support before and after it was passed. a plan for which not a single republican voted. president biden has also met personally with other groups of republicans and now the white house is in touch with gop senators to talk about infrastructure and immigration. there's probably a lot more that the biden administration can, will and should do. but the literal last person to speak about a bipartisanship is mitch mcconnell, the man who could have worked hard to achieve things with president obama during a recession and recovery but said instead the single most important thing we want to achieve is for president obama to be a one-term
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president. 82 million american voters voted for president biden in the 2020 election count. the highest vote count ever received by a presidential candidate. while the country is deeply divided, america voted for joe biden and kamala harris. there are a lot of important issues america needs to work on including infrastructure, the economy, our global relationships, getting the country closer to normal after a brutal pandemic. joe biden's five decade-long track record in politics strongly suggests that like it or not, bipartisan efforts will be used to get us there. so, mitch mcconnell, rather than whine about things two months in, how about setting an example for your party and live up to the leader part of your title.
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in this family, everyone does their own laundry, but they all do it a little different. honestly, i add a couple of tide pods and just stuff everything in. it works. and of course, everyone thinks their way is right. i stood in line for hours to get this. it has to be washed on delicate. it has to be cold water, it's better for the planet. the secret is, with tide pods it all works. of course it does. told ya! they're going to do it their way, and i get a break from the laundry. no matter how you wash, it's got to be tide. we look up to our heroes. idolizing them. mimicking their every move. and if she counts on the advanced hydration of pedialyte when it matters most... so do we. hydrate like our heroes. ♪♪
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mass shootings in our country, that's according to the gun violence archive an independent data and research group which shows in the last 85 days, nearly 10,000 people have died from gun violence and more than 7,625 have been injured. but those statistics are quickly becoming outdated because just overnight there was a mass shooting in virginia beach leaving two dead and eight injured. the suspect in the recent boulder, colorado grocery store shootings used what should be considered a rifle but under current gun laws is not and because of that the weapon is not bound by strict regulations. a gun of the same caliber and considered a rifle would have included at purchase a more intense background check with forms of i.d. and fingerprinting. a former new york city police officer described the weapon this way. if you cut off the back end of an ar-15 and you shorten up where the bullet comes out,
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that's the same thing, you have taken this deadly ar-weapon and made it concealable. if it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it may be an ar-15. most gun deaths in the united states are suicides. successful suicide attempts are much higher in the united states than the average of similar countries, but according to a 2019 study published by the american journal of medicine the gun homicide rate in the united states is 25% higher than other high-income countries. of 23 countries with half the population, the united states accounted for 82% of all firearm deaths. that's a terrifying percentage still we see these tragedies repeat themselves again and again even as broad polling shows bipartisan support for stricter gun laws shows 71% of americans favor banning high capacity ammunition.
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one from public policy polling shows 83% of gun owners support expanded background checks on firearms. the same study shows 72% of nra members support that. why is it so difficult to get anything done on this issue? joining me is someone i talk to a lot when these things happen. he's the president of the independent firearm owners association, fair to call this guy pro gun. east a former nra lobbyist and author of "ricochet." you and i slowly eke towards a common understanding of how this works. we are both gun owners and think respectable gun owners who -- what is the right way to approach this? >> if you take a step back, we're talking about policy.
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whenever we focus on the congress or legislative branchs they're talking about politics. the two don't mix that well on this issue. you have to analyze what the problem is and deal with the problem. not how the politics helps your side or hurts the other side and that's been the problem we've had in this country for 20, 30 years. >> you just to give our viewers history on you, they might not know that you've been around this long, but you gave ronald reagan his first shooting lesson on a customized ar-15 in 1992. and you worked with bill clinton on a child safety lock for guns. i guess i need to ask you, when it comes to restrictions -- maybe the words are the thing that get gun owners backs up, but when it comes to restrictions or certain controls or expanded background checks, things like that, we do get
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caught sometimes on the semantics of it when, in fact, an overwhelming number of americans believe we should do things to make sure people are responsible gun owners and responsible gun owners are not subject to what they think are draconian laws. >> yeah. perhaps we make a mistake looking at what the public thinks. it's not always what the public thinks is the right answer. it's what the experts know. when you do background checks, it's only as good as the data that you can input. if we deal with the different problems as we have discussed, negligent misuse of guns, the criminal intentional misuse of guns, of course the most difficult issue of all, the crazed lunatic who has just decided to go out in a hail of gunfire, that's really the most difficult and most unusual. >> let's look at this situation in colorado.
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we know from authorities that the colorado shooter passed a legal gun purchase background check. he would not have been able to purchase the gun because he had a 2018 misdemeanor assault, a felony conviction. he would not have been able to purchase the gun if that were a felony. so now what do you do about that? this is a guy who had a misdemeanor assault charge. should he have been able to purchase a gun in your opinion? >> it's a good policy issue that almost gets no discussion in this country. we have this arbitrary line, if you're a convicted felon you can't buy guns. if you're conducted of a violent misdemeanor you can. many times you're arrested for violent felonies and you plea bargain them down to misdemeanors. perhaps we should adjust where we want to draw the line. perhaps it's violent crimes regardless of whether they're misdemeanors or felonies. and if you're convicted of tax fraud and it's a felony, perhaps
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you shouldn't lose your second amendment rights. >> let's ask you about this. jason crow, the congressman tweeted i grew up as a hunter and served as an army ranger. i didn't take my deer hunting rifle to afghanistan. nor did i take my assault rifle deer hunting. weapons of war have no place in our communities. what do you think of that? >> that's politics speaking. you know, being shot is being shot. that's the issue not the type of bullet that you're being shot with. that's somewhat secondary in the situation. it's being shot at all. we want to keep guns out of the hands of anyone who is going to misuse them. and not draw distinctions around, well this caliber is okay, and this caliber is not okay. that really isn't the issue. the issue is keeping the guns out of crazy people, violent predatory people, and juveniles
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who are going to be negligent with their misuse. >> you have a history as a sports shooting guy. does it confuse you that everybody wants a war-like weapon and that most of these shootings are done by an ar-15 type weapon? it's what these shooters tend to like. >> but it's always cosmetics, having a folding stock, whether the gun looks like it's a weapon of war, and whether it functions just like any other hunting rifle is all in the eyes of the beholder not in the technical -- not in how it functions. the functionality of the gun is what's important, not in its appearance. >> richard, good to talk to you. we'll have much more of this to discuss. this is a big problem to solve. richard feldman is the president of the independent firearm owners association. imagine being sick for 14 months straight and having a fever for 105 straight days.
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your sense of taste, your sense of smell missing after months. those are some of the lingering effects of long-haul coronavirus. relief may be in sightful i'll explain after a quick break. ♪ a pair of jeans that fit just right ♪ ♪ and the radio up ♪ get 5 boneless wings for $1 with any handcrafted burger. only at applebee's. kevin bacon here. you know me from six degrees of well... me. but it's time to expand.
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with burning feet, labored breathing and twitching legs. he had a fever of 101 degrees for 105 days. he says most frustrating of all is the brain fog. >> pop in the car, i get two blocks away, i couldn't remember where i was going. >> you couldn't remember the fast food place you were going to. >> i couldn't remember the name. i had to pull over and look at my phone like five minutes later. >> listen to the emotion in his voice. there are reports that the vaccine is helping to alleviate long haul symptoms. joining me now is dr. nani albandian, she's a lead studier on post covid-19 syndrome in "nature." this is something that caught peoples attention. we have not studied it a lot nor seen many people have this for a long time. according to your study, 51.6%
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of survivors of post-acute covid-19, meaning symptoms longer than 12 weeks, are people of color, they're black. these symptoms can be terrible. >> yes. thank you very much for having me on to discuss this important topic. what our paper was is a review study or review paper of studies which have been published thus far investigating or trying to characterize what these symptoms are, how long do they last for and who are the patient groups at risk that may experience these symptoms. so our paper was summarizing studies published in the united states, the united kingdom, france, spain and china which has been following patients for a period of one month up to six months out after either their
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hospital discharge or diagnosis of covid. people are suffering shortness of breath persistently either at rest or exertion, they can have that brain fog that ty was describing, cognitive disturbances, sleep related issues, and fatigue. and that what's important that we recognize is that a patient who has covid may continue to be at risk for having symptoms and we have to screen our patients for this. if we don't recognize the problem we can't help mitigate what they're experiencing. >> you also noticed that some of the stuff has similarity to sars in 2003 and mers in 2012. do we have some sense about whether over time, you understand the vaccine can alleviate some of this in some of the instances, over time are there longer-term cures for this? you know the story of the texas road house ceo, kent taylor, who
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took his own life the other day because he struggled with tinnitus, a ringing in his ears after covid and he couldn't take it anymore. >> yes. i think that's really -- this whole pandemic has been isolating for patients, then for patients to begin to hear they're not alone, there's -- you know, there's other groups of people that are experiencing the maleffects of this acute respiratory illness, whether the duration of this will be mitigated by what we've -- the therapies that we're continuously trying to investigate, whether the vaccine will help that, a lot of that remains to be seen. again, what i would first emphasize is that we have to screen patients, we have to be very -- play detective as we often have to as physicians, but then also have the patients recognize they're not alone. it's not unique to them. and that once we get past the initial acute illness, we have
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to be very in tune with how they're feeling thereafter. i encourage patients to remain engaged with their health care providers. >> some of those things are going to be harder to identify with covid like a brain fog, like ptsd, anxiety. so it is important that we get this word out there that this might have been connected to your covid and there may be some solution coming or to your point you're not alone. dr. nalbiandian, thank you for joining us. georgia, as you know, passed its most blatant pursuit yet to suppress citizens. georgia republicans are literally trying to keep the black man down. details on the bill and its impact ahead. impact ahead with payments, payroll, banking and live bookkeeping.
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you have to say something. you have to do something. those aren't my words, they're the words of georgia's own john lewis and they hang over the state as georgia's governor signed into law sweeping restrictions into the state's election process, including new voter i.d. requirements, and allowing state takeovers of county level elections. these restrictions are quite simply designed to make it harder for some people to vote in the state. if you can't beat them using the rules, just change the rules. the law appears to disproportionately target poor people and people of color. the law makes it illegal to provide food or water to people like this standing in line to vote. in november's election, georgia doesn't have enough voting places. specifically many black voters had to wait five or more hours in line to vote in november.
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that was pretty quick compared to those who voted in the state's primary election were some were forced to wait 8 to 10 hours in the georgia heat of summer. last night raphael warnock highlighted the serious attack on voting rights. >> they see what's happening right here in georgia. they see legislators deciding that it's a crime to give people water who are standing in lines that they're making longer? folks keep asking what we're going to do about the filibuster. i think they ought to ask my colleagues on the other side of the aisle what are they going to do about voting rights? the most fundamental question is where do you stand on voting rights? we wouldn't have to have this debate about the filibuster on this issue if the folks on the other side would do the right thing and stand for voting
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rights. >> voting rights advocates say the new law disenfranchises voters. state representative park cannon serving dekalb and fulton counties was arrested and forcibly removed from the capitol by georgia state troopers after knocking on the governor's door as he signed the bill in a cowardly private session which, by the way, took place under a painting of a slave plantation. come on, guys. joining me now is andrea young executive director of the aclu of georgia. you and others, other groups have started to take legal action now. obviously you had worked against this law becoming the law. now that it is the law, the only option at least in the short-term might be in the courts. >> yes. good morning, ali, thank you very much for covering this very important issue. i always appreciate your perspective. i'm a big fan. we are exploring our legal
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options. we have been throughout this process. the aclu has been very involved in pushing back against this legislation. believe it or not, this is not the worst version of the this s. so we have preserved automatic voter registration. we have preserved no-excuse absentee voting, and our weekend voting days which are critical. in addition to the litigation options, we are also during the 2020 elections and the run-off, we were very involved in working with counties to improve their election administration, recruiting poll workers. so we will double down and expand that work to make sure that our counties are in a position to resist. and if we have to defend them from attempts at this, you know, state takeover, fulton county in particular was named during the
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hearings as one, of course, they have their eye on. that's where the city of atlanta is. so we are looking with our integrated advocacy model of litigation, of advocacy as well to resist and, you know, the continued marches and protests that you saw happening. we will continue that. we're not going to take this lying down. >> you know, the aclu, the cl stands for civil liberties. we have been fighting for this particular civil liberty since the 1700s in america. it is it was the civil war was based on, what the suffrage movement was based on, what the civil rights movement was based on. there has been a fog of confusion about the fact that in georgia and arizona and iowa and michigan they are doing this to somehow protect the sanctity of voting, to keep fraud out of the system. but the secretary of state in
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georgia, a republican, has been very clear that there was no security issue in georgia's voting. they counted and then they counted again and they counted a third and fourth time. there was nothing wrong, there was no measurable voter fraud in georgia. >> in every single -- you are so right. every single vote that was counted by hand in fulton county, it was done under video surveillance and our affiliates, news affiliates were covering. so there's videotapes. when they say, oh, this happened, if you look at the whole tape you see exactly what happens. you see what every single ballot was, every single county. it is such an insult to the workers and volunteers in 159 counties that allowed georgia to pull off an election with the largest participation in our history, 5 million voters, counting in 159 counties. but this is what they're trying
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to do, is consolidate power. they have chosen power over democracy. in hearing after hearing we urged them to defend our democracy. the voters have spoken. the results were accurate. stand for democracy. this is, in fact, the election that elected them. so do they repudiate those results? but they chose power over democracy, and we will continue -- you know, the aclu is non-partisan, we are fighting for democracy. we want voting to be easy for every citizen. that's our principle. >> brian kemp won a narrow election over stacey abrams, so this is designed in some degree, some people say, to help him. here is something latosha brown said to my colleague joy reid on thursday about the idea georgia is full of major corporations, is headquarters to home depot, to delta, to coca-cola, to u.p.s. here is what they discussed on
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thursday. >> do you believe that a boycott of georgia is in order now that brian kemp has signed this law? >> i absolutely do. i think that all things should be considered on the table. the bottom line is 56 years ago there were black people in this country from my native city of selma that died for the right to vote. it is one thing to say that we have policy differences, people see different aspects of policy, but the fundamental access to the ballot is a right that is guaranteed us. so what we're seeing republicans not only be racist but anti-democratic. >> and that's the distinction, andrea, that latosha brown makes. it is not about companies supporting republicans because that's what companies do, they don't want to be overregulated or whatever the case is. this is actually about democracy and there are growing calls on these companies who have done something, they did go some distance, but they haven't gone all the way to repudiate this law. >> yeah, and, you know, of
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course it is important to understand that the prosperity of georgia is based on our embracing civil rights, our embrace of democracy, our embrace of diversity. companies come to atlanta for diversity. frankly, this is also an attack on our urban centers. you know, there was a time in georgia where the rural counties, 32% of the population dominated the elections. that's the time -- that's what they're trying to roll it back to, where the rural areas are really dominating. so this is a danger to the formula. you know, we like to call it the atlanta way, this formula, this partnership that says, let's prosper together. if we include everyone, if we expand the pie, everyone prospers. that's why u.p.s. and delta and home depot thrive, why google is building a tower. so they've got to speak up because this is -- this is harmful to our economy and the
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reputation of georgia as a diverse, hospitable, modern, global center. >> andrea young, good to see you again. thank you for joining us this morning. andrea young is executive director of the aclu of georgia. i am talking to angie craig about the disinformation seeping into the lives of social media months after the insurrection at capitol hill after the break. i'm ali velshi. back after this. ali velshi back after this. who trust in e and comfortable, long-lasting protection. because your strength is supported by ours. depend. the only thing stronger than us, is you. good morning, mr. sun. good morning, blair. [ chuckles ]
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good morning. i'm ali velshi. it is saturday, march 27, day 67 of joe biden's presidency. as we begin the hour with a bit of good news, the country continues to be successful on the vaccine front in the fight against the covid-19 pandemic with record number fs of americans vaccinated daily. so much so biden doubled his original vaccination goal, pushing for 200 million doses of covid-19 vaccine to be administered by his 100th day in office. however, biden's efforts and indeed the countries are hampered by a new online stop the vaccine movement which falsely attacks the safety and efficacy of vaccines and which has essentially picked up where stop the steal, which pushed donald trump's big lie about the election, left off. in fact, many of the same racist extremist groups are involved including the proud boys, a group heavily involved in the january 6th insurrection. i'll have more on that in a moment. in an
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