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tv   The Reid Out  MSNBC  March 31, 2021 4:00pm-5:00pm PDT

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before we go, a programming note we're doing something special tomorrow on "the beat. we're gathering severalen j raisings of civil rights leaders to reflect on the legacy of martin luther king, jr., the beat mlk's america: the road ahead. i hope you will join us for that special tomorrow "the reidout" starts now. >> good evening, everyone. we have a lot to get to tonight including the increasingly bizarre story of trump's favorite little congressman matt gaetz for possible sex
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trafficking and we'll break down what we know and what gaetz is claiming and we begin the reidout with day three of the murder trial of former minneapolis police officer derek chauvin. george floyd's life mattered and that was the emotional crux of today's testimony and a day we haven't seen much of since george floyd died under chauvin's knee almost a year ago. today we got to see george floyd alive. here's surveillance video inside cup foods before he was stopped by police, footage that was unseen by the public before today. you can see george floyd in a black tank top dancing around and you can see him interacting with customers and cashiers. one of those cashiers testified today. his name is christopher martin and he's 19 years old. floyd bought cigarettes from him the day that he died giving him a $20 bill and martin testified today that he was suspicious, but because of a store policy that made employees pay for counterfeit bills out of their own paycheck, martin reported it
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to his manager, a decision that set off a chain of events that would end with chauvin kneeling on floyd's neck for more than nine minutes the violent, brutal death of george floyd and the national outrage over his killing that reverberated far beyond minneapolis has undoubtedly traumatized the floyd family and their loved ones what we're seeing up close this week is the trauma experienced by those who happened to witness the final chapter of his life. to be clear, they are not at fault. they were powerless in the face of armed police officers to even intervene. there are people who happened to be on that exact street corner on the day that george floyd was handcuffed and pinned to the ground either they happened to work at cup foods or like charles mcmillin, they happened to be driving by when police first tried to put floyd in the back of that car. he saw the struggle unfold, tried to advise floyd to cooperate telling floyd, you can't win and today on the witness stand mr. mcmillin
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re-lived the incident again after watching prosecutors play bodycam video of george floyd's death. [ crying ] >> oh, my god. >> i can -- i felt helpless. i don't have -- i understand him. >> joining me now is shauna lloyd, and cedric alexander former member of barack obama's task force on 21st century policing and former director of public safety for dekalb county, georgia. mr. alexander, i want to go to you first. we are so accustomed in this business, unfortunately. i've covered a lot of black lives matter cases and there's a
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lot of grief, a lot of trauma and a lot of strain. the george floyd case has allowed us to see the strain of witnesses very much up close so many people witnessed this man die or were near him before they died and they're experiencing a trauma and let me play a montage of witnesses who actually expressed guilt and they played no part in expressing his guilt take a listen? >> what was going through your mind during that time period >> disbelief and guilt >> why guilt >> if i would have just not tooken the bill this could have been avoided. >> there was no medical assistance on scene, and i -- i got there, and i could have given medical assistance that's exactly what i should have done. >> it's been nights i stayed up apologizing and -- and apologizing to george floyd for not doing more and not
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physically interacting and not saving his life. >> as experienced public safety director yourself is that something that you're familiar with seeing that kind of trauma and guilty feelings by people who witness a killing? >> well, i'm familiar with it on two counts here, joy one being a 40-year veteran in policing and certainly have seen these types of event, but nothing to what we witnessed today or continue to witness this is horrific it's just absolutely a horrific event and embarrassing for the law enforcement profession it is not reflective of certainly of all of the men and women out there, but what we saw from the beginning of their interaction was george floyd was just wrong and quite frankly, if you think about the fact that this may have been a counterfeit $20 bill it didn't have to go into an arrest, but the second piece here as a former
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practicing clinical psychologist we are seeing people who are tremendously traumatized each day in court, but not only on the streets of minneapolis and their families, but across this country people are traumatized and people are feeling heartfelt about what they're seeing every day. this is horrible. >> indeed. shauna, this is an experience that everyone has experience individual these black lives matter cases tamir rice, that could be our baby you see trayvon martin, that beautiful face you relate because you relate to them isn't the challenge here that the one person who couldn't seem to relate to george floyd's humanity -- well, the four people are these officers. meanwhile, a juror today halted the trial because the juror had a stress-related reaction. this is a white woman in her 50s and suffered what the judge called a stress-related reaction and had been having trouble sleeping and had been awake
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since 2:00 a.m. and isn't that the crux of the case, right? the four people that needed to see george's humanity didn't >> i definitely think that that is a very significant and impactful point and i think the prosecution is layering that in by having each one of these bystanders that had such a different experience and different training and different background still, each one of them had a visceral reaction to what was happening. they all came to one general body and consensus of thought that this is unacceptable and that's significant and that's not going to be lost on our juror. >> you will hear mr. mcmillin begging him, just cooperate. you can't win. it is so striking. let's go through and talk about this fake bill piece of it, mr. alexander, because this is part of the crux of the -- of the prosecution case did he try to pass a fake $20 bill michael dyson sent me a piece from his book earlier that he talked about the fact that it
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wasn't a strong belief that it was a counterfeit 20 and here's christopher martin talking about whether or not the bill was fake >> the other person that had come in, it kind of seemed like he was trying to scheme like he knew it was a fake bill and he was trying to get over i thought that george didn't really know that it was a fake bill so i thought i would be doing him a favor. >> so if that is the crux of the case that he had comitted this horrible crime trying to pass that fake bill, that's not even clear. >> we're not certain whether it was a fake bill, but say it was a real bill, just for the sake of conversation here, joy. the reality of it is it did not need to escalate to that point it is a potentially phony $20 bill that's it. that could have been an arrest ticket at minimum. you give him an arrest ticket and send him on his way and for them to go through what they did over a phony $20 bill should not
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have led up to what it led up to on may 25th 2020 >> let me play more of christopher young and he lived above the cup foods store. people were saying they didn't want to go in the store anymore. that's how traumatized they were here's a little bit more of his testimony. >> can you describe stto the juror, what was his demeanor like >> so when i asked him if he played baseball he went on to respond to that, but it kind of took him a little long to get to what he was trying to say, so it would appear that he was high. >> so you just had some signs that you thought he was under the influence of something >> yes >> but were you able to carry on at least some conversation with him? >> yes >> is this a portent of bad things to come, shauna, that the defense is going to try to make george floyd look like he was sort of out of his mind and
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high, but that's not what this young man said he interacted with him >> i think that the defense over promised a bit here. i think that when you see this video, what they described, the intensity with which the police department responded was to give you a sense of something very different and this video shows a very calm, laid back and he was dancing a jig and he hugged someone. it's the antithesis of what they built this up to be and that is going to be something that the jury is going hold on to, because you cannot overpromise and undeliver and that's what this did. >> also they'll make him look like he was on the verge of death anyway it sure didn't look like it, he was dancing around, he looked joly and friendly. it will be hard to convince people he was a monster and zofrnged out on drugs and it didn't look like it from his interaction and this is chilling this is an interaction between derek chauvin, then a police
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officer and a bystander who confronted him after this whole confrontation ended. take a look. >> we have to control this guy because he's a sizeable guy. >> he's probably on something. >> does that wash as an explanation, cedric alexander. we have to control him he didn't seem too pressed about what he'd done >> first of all, if we look at that video there was at no point, to be honest with you that george floyd was really ever violent toward those police officers was he resistant in getting into the back of the car because he felt paranoid, he felt some sense of being enclosed? to be perfectly honest for you that statement around well, he was a big guy. well there's four police officers there and they've had more than enough officers to contain him and when they held him down to the ground the way that they did and shchauvin put
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his knee on his neck is beyond anything that is imaginable, but when you think about that video on that day and what we're watching every day, we're seeing an officer who demonstrated no sense of humanity, no sense of care for people who live in that community, even the people who are saying to him, please, officer, let him breathe this man was totally disconnected emotionally from any reality and should have never been in that police department whatsoever and those other three officers, they're just as culpable in all of this. >> the coldness of those officers and their attitude. you see officer thao just standing there they didn't seem to care at all that this man was dying, versus the deep emotion that we're seeing coming from the witnesses. the people are weeping and the trauma that you're seeing. it's quite a divergence there. chana lloyd, cedric alexander, appreciate you both. the plot thickens.
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congressman matt gaetz under investigation for possible sex trafficking and he denies it a ands says he's the victim of an extortion plot. >> that goes to one of his colleagues whose hypocrisy is so brazen you literally have to see it to believe it the big reveal is coming up. plus, president biden's transportation secretary with the arrival of infrastructure week after four weeks of fake infrastructure weeks "the reidout" continues after this and in hand nothing on my skin, ♪ ♪ that's my new plan. ♪ ♪ nothing is everything. ♪ achieve clearer skin with skyrizi. 3 out of 4 people achieved 90% clearer skin at 4 months. of those, nearly 9 out of 10 sustained it through 1 year.
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go online to transfer your services in about a minute. get started today. we are following the ongoing and frankly truly bizarre story of republican congressman matt gaetz following the revelation by "the new york times" that he's under investigation for a possible sexual relationship with a 17-year-old girl. specifically the justice department is probing whether
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gaetz violated sex trafficking laws by paying for her to travel with him gaetz has denied involvement with under-aged girls and told axios, quote, i believe there are people at the department of justice who are trying to criminalize by sexual conduct, you know, when i was a single guy. notably, the investigation of the gaetz was open during the trump administration under attorney general william barr, and despite barr's history of political interference in federal investigations involving friends and allies of the former guy, politico reports that barr was briefed on the gaetz probe and did not take issue with it while denying the conduct under investigation gaetz has claimed that he is actually the victim of an elaborate extortion attempt and he revealed the existence of another investigation into the plot that he's alleging. >> what is happening is an extortion of me and my family involving a former department of justice official on march 16th my father got a
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text message demanding a meeting wherein a person demanded $25 million in exchange for making horrible sex trafficking allegations against me go away his name is david mcgee. >> david mcgee who was a federal prosecutor 25 years ago denied any attempt to extort gaetz telling "the daily beast" this is a blatant attempt to distract from him dating under aged girls. two separate investigations are ongoing. one into gaetz for possible sex trafficking and one into the extortion plot that he has alleged. the investigation into gaetz began when his associate joel greenberg was indicted on multiple charges last year including a count of sex trafficking of a child greenberg pleaded not guilty to the charges. photos from greenberg's social media feed show him with gaetz on two occasions including one
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with roger stone in 2017 while gaetz has been quick to allege extortion he's offered few details about why he would be the subject of a sex trafficking probe. he even seemed to confuse tucker carlson in the process of explaining it. >> what is the allegation that really not very clear from these news stories. >> yeah. again, i only know what i've read in "the new york times. i can say that actually you and i went to dinner about two years ago. your wife was there and i brought a friend of mine, you'll remember her and she was actually threatened by the fbi and told if she wouldn't cop to the fact that somehow i was involved in some pay for play scheme that she could face trouble. >> i don't remember the woman you're speaking of or the context at all, honestly >> he always has that look on his face we kind of understand why tucker carlson has that look on his face with me, washington correspondent for "the new york
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times" and former u.s. attorney joyce vance. >> michael, not to have you comment on another paper's reporting, but there does seem to be an advance to this story and i want to know what you have on this angle. "the washington post" is reporting tonight on this alleged extortion plot that reportedly this -- gaetz was approached by two men -- not gaetz, his father reportedly was approached by two men, people familiar with the matter said who had no apparent connection to the sex crimes investigation of congressman gaetz other than having somehow learned about the investigation somehow before it was publicly reported, and essentially offered if he would give them a bunch of money to try to locate robert a. levinson, the longest-held american hostage in iran if the operation was a success it would win favor with the u.s. government, that is a weird, convoluted thing and i'm not sure if it even sounds like
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extortion. do you have any information on that >> so yesterday as we were prepared to publish our story we spoke to gaetz on the phone and he laid out for us this scheme that he said has been cooked up against him. i found it difficult to follow and understand it's my understanding that the u.s. government has concluded that robert levinson has been dead for several years he had gone missing in iran in an apparent cia mission, but that levinson, the government believes he's dead, and so i'm not sure how all of this fits together gaetz has effectively used it as a distraction from the underlying investigation and in many ways such an investigation would be an exist earn threat to a politician's career. so in some ways it's not surprising. >> did he explain to you why in his view he would even be --
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trafficking an -- sex trafficking a minor, did he add that second piece as to why he thinks someone would think they could get the$25 million to ext him over that? >> i think the notion is that these people could make the investigation go away would be, if we're trying to understand the logic of the scheme. >> yeah. >> -- that has been laid out getting the justice department to move away from anything, you know, seems like a very, very difficult thing to do. i'm sure joyce can speak to that and how far-fetched that notion is so -- so, you know, i wish i could make better sense of the scheme so people could understand this story better, but i struggled with it myself. >> joyce, can you answer that question is this the way the justice department works that if you can provide information on a missing person in iran, and you didn't even do it yourself, right
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basically saying these two men, whoever they are, if he could somehow give $25 million that somehow would make gaetz look good to who? this was the trump administration i don't get it is this the way the justice department works >> you know, none of us get this this is the difficulty in discussing this story, literally nothing about it makes sense right now, but obviously, to mike's point and as you know, joy, you can't pay $25 million to make an investigation against you go away, and this is a little bit more near and dear to the heart of most prosecutors because if there's any kind of investigation, prosecutors take deadly seriously and it's these investigations into sex trafficking of minors. the prosecutors who do these cases tends to be one or two people in each district. they're very focused and networked across the country and they're very committed to doing
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these cases and getting the longest sentences possible so these folks can't hurt children anymore. the notion that you can pay $25 million to make a child sex trafficking case go away is just ludicrous even in bill barr's justice department that wouldn't have worked. >> let's talk about bill barr for a moment, michael, because one of the intriguing sort of things about this very weird case is the idea that it was opened under bill barr's justice department which was very disfavorable toward investigations that could harm allies of the former president in this case it appears that barr knew about it and was okay with it. >> so when an elected official, someone of prominence comes under investigation it has to be briefed to the justice department and at times senior justice department officials have to sign off on it given the sensitivities around it and in this case the justice department allowed the investigation to move forward the alleged conduct was very
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troubling and there was certainly significant evidence there and they allowed the investigation to move forward. in normal times that would be significant, but because president trump politicized the justice department and talked so much about ongoing investigations and how corrupt the justice department was and the fbi was we're sitting here talking about the fact that it's notable that a -- that an investigation was allowed to go forward and that typically under another president wouldn't be the case. >> the fact that that's a question is a pretty negative statement about william barr also very weird tucker carlson interview with matt gaetz. here it is >> we just saw the matt gaetz interview that was one of the weirdest interviews i've ever conducted. that story just appeared in the news a couple of hours ago, and on the certainty that there's always more than you read in the newspaper, we immediately called matt gaetz and asked him to come
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on and tell us more, which as you saw, he did. i don't think that clarified much, but it certainly showed this is a deeply interesting story and we'll be following it. >> that was the post interview that was want during the interview and that was the post interview. it did clarify one thing and matt gaetz is determined to put tucker carlson at a table with whoever it is that the justice department is potentially investigating him over is tucker carlson potentially going to pop up on a witness list for this investigation? >> you know, hard to say that certainly seemed like it was what matt gaetz was trying to do in that really strange interview. the one thing that's clear, the only certain takeaway i have from this is that the congressman needs a lawyer and he needs to give someone legal advice and he's perilously close to conceding himself and just running his mouth in a way that no one who is the subject of a
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federal investigation should be doing. >> and he might want to do better than his favorite president in terms of his choice of lawyers michael, where is this going because the big question, i think, that seems obvious is there an individual young woman in question, you know, an underaged person in question that journalists like yourself are aware of is that a thing that you can report on or that you think will be revealed imminently in this very strange case? >> i think it's going to take some time to really figure out where this is all headed this investigation, as you pointed out was a growth into the local tax collector in a county outside of orlando and it has grown into this. that tax collector is scheduled to go on trial this summer in june he's been charged with an array of things and he was actually indicted again today on charges related to the trafficking issue
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and there's obviously, a lot of activity here that's going on. this investigation has been going on for some time for many, many months certainly on the tax collector, and you know, we're just trying to follow every lead as much as we can. >> the last question to you, joyce, in terms of the law, if someone goes to someone and says hey, if you give me a lot of money i might be able to come up with something that may make you look good to prosecutors is that extortion? >> extortion is more of a threat threatening to disclose information or threatening violence against you is what triggers the federal extortion statute. this is more akin to some sort of almost a pay to play scheme which is interesting because it usees that language in the interview with tucker carlson saying if you pay me a lot of money i can get public officials
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to act corruptly in the case and it is attenuated here that the dojs are not issues, and it is hard to shd how -- and the father revealed wearing a wire michael schmitt and joyce vance, thank you very much. we have a lot to get to tonight. joe biden's super ambitious two -- $2 trillion infrastructure plan and florida leading the way and demonstrating how not to deal with the pandemic and our absolute worst don't go anywhere. as carla wonders if she can retire sooner, she'll revisit her plan with fidelity. and with a scenario that makes it a possibility, she'll enjoy her dream right now. that's the planning effect, from fidelity.
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>> congratulations, america. it's finally infrastructure week you may be used to what happened every time the previous administration turned to the topic. during his first infrastructure week, the former president accused his fbi director of lying and he blamed both sides for the violence in charlottesville. in 2019 he stormed out of an infrastructure meeting for investigating him. infrastructure week was a groundhog-style doomed to be repeated, but the course is officially brocken today president biden introduced an actual infrastructure plan, free
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of any other drama >> today i'm proposing a plan for the nation that rewards work and not just rewards wealth. it's a once in a generation investment in america. if we act now in 50 years people are going to look back and say this was the moment that america won the future. >> the $2.25 trillion bill, among many things invest in transportation as well as safer drinking water, a modernized electric grid, broadband access and affordable housing president biden plans to raise the money by raising taxes on corporations in a new poll from politico and morning consult the majority said they would support a biden infrastructure plan. it's an investment america desperately needs. the recent report from civil engineers gave america a c-minus when it comes to the infrastructure needs i am joined by secretary of
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commerce gina raimondo and $400 billion for the elderly and manufacturing, sustainable housing and it sounds really good how do you actually get it through congress >> good evening, joy it's great to be with you. we are optimistic that we will get it through congress and the president has been clear, there's rm for compromise, today begins the discussion and the debate he has done what a great leader does, puts forth his vision and now we begin the discussion and what i would say is we can't afford not to do it. this is about basic fairness and it's about rebuilding and it's about american competitiveness it's investing in our workers, investing in businesses, basic research as you were pointing out, we
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have deferred for too long it's time to take action and our grandkids are going to be grateful if we do it >> the last sort of big infrastructure president was dwight eisenhower and we haven't rebuilt bridges since the eisenhower administration and politics about filling in the potholes and building stuff. that seems sort of bipartisan, but even with that, can you name one republican who is in favor of this bill and also is joe manchin onboard? >> today is the beginning and the president outlined a vision a couple of hours ago. i am optimistic that we will have a republican support for portions of the plan for example, the area that i will work on a great deal is investments in the semiconductor industry i know there is bipartisan support for that investments in broadband it's a shame that not everyone in america has access to high
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quality, affordable broadband and there is bipartisan support for that by the way, that means everyone. if you live in a city or if you live on a tribal land or if you live in a rural area and there are a lot -- there is support for that across the aisle. so i am optimistic i know it's not going to be easy i know it's a challenging, political environment and this is an american bill and it's about giving americans the chance to compete and it's about out competing where we need to it's about standing up for american workers and american businesses >> let's talk about what you might have to trade. you have people on the left side and you have aoc and alexandria ocasio-cortez that you need to do more and invest more money. on the other side are you going to wind up having to trade adding coal and fossil fuel, you know, stuff in there in order to get people like your joe manchins to go along with it
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because the proposal is to roll back some of the tax that used to save you money in blue states and that has gone away and rolling that back. what are you going to have to trade in order to create a coalition to pass this bill? are you going to have to do something that will hurt the environment when this bill is supposed to be pro-environment >> yeah. so again, today is the beginning and of course, there will be compromise the president had been very clear with us, his team, he wants to get something done which means reaching out across the aisle and looking for common ground. >> i'm sorry, i didn't mean to interrupt you, but climate change is a big deal and it's a big issue and this bill would help address it and would you be willing to trade in the kind of stuff like oil, and are you willing to do that or is the president going to do what he did on the stimulus and say no, there are certain red lines here >> yeah, look, this is a
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values-based package and he is not going to -- we are not going to compromise on core values and meeting the values of climate change is a core value equity is a core value and certainly i would not want to speak for my friend senator manchin and there's a lot in the package that he would like and it's about putting people back to work in west virginia, and it's about putting people to work in manufacturing. it's about training folks so they can be prepared to get the jobs of today and tomorrow it's about housing in west virginia and in every state in america. so there really is a lot to like if you're serious about putting americans back to work in good-paying jobs you have to be for this and yes, there will be compromise, but not on the core values to the point that you're asking >> i guess the last question would be -- will this, perhaps, let me play you the way that the
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first cabinet meeting went and we'll end this on a fun note and this is the first cabinet meeting for the former president and there is a first cabinet meeting for joe biden. take a look. >> thank you, mr. president, it's been's great honor traveling with you around the country for the last year and an even greater honor serving in your cabinet. >> mr. president, i am privileged. >> biggest privilege of my life. >> we thank you for the opportunity and the blessing to serve with your agenda and the american people. >> tomorrow is the first meeting with president biden have you scripted your praises or will that be required >> i do love the president and it is an honor to serve, but we are ready to get to work we are already working and by the way, as i looked around that table i hope you will see tomorrow a much more diverse group of people around the president and i am very proud to
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serve under a president who values diversity and equity. >> that will be a refreshing change secretary gina raymondo, thank you very much for having fun with us. a story we had on "the reidout." police have arrested a man that carried out the brutal assault on the asian-american woman on on monday. the suspect 38-year-old brandon eliot was paroled in 20 nineteen, get this, after serving 17 years for stabbing his mother to death. he's been charged with felony assault as a hate crime. we'll be right back. tex-mex. ♪♪ termites. go back up! hang on! i am hanging on. don't mess up your deck with tex-mex. terminix.
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♪ ♪ >> if you have received your much-needed check relief check from the american rescue plan, that is great! you can thank the biden administration house and senate 'democrats and the people of georgia because as a reminder, zero republicans
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have voted for it. mississippi senator roger wick are who infamously bragged that independent restaurant owners would get cash conveniently omitting the i voted against it part nancy pelosi described these republicans as they vote no and take the dough the reigning teen beat model for owning the list. like his baby trump twinsy in the house, haw tthorne is nothi more than a member of the grand troll party. i have built my staff around communications rather than legislation. see, when the house is preparing to vote on the $1.9 trillion stimulus, mattison was busy. buzz feed named numerous allegations of misconduct when he was in college and that night he went on fox news to crow
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about outreach to young conservatives. >> we'll make sure we have a great moral foundation to stand upon and we'll use all of that to create an incredible economy and an incredible country. >> but young madison wasn't in washington then. just hours before the stimulus vote, no, no, no, no he was in florida for the cpac political conference like matt gaetz, cawthorn voted by proxy instead, calling democrats cowards for voting by proxy because of covid he had visited hitler's vacation home on his bucket list. around the same time the washington post detailed the false and embellished claims that propelled cowthorn to the totem pull and detailed the accident that left him partially paralyzed. he claimed the friend left him
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to die and he said he had no memory after it passed, madison tweeted that he voted no for the pelosi payoff good cause, madison cowthorn when he was happy to see millions of dollars and federal funds going to medical facilities in north carolina from the bill he phoned a friend to vote against. those grants came directly from the democrats' american rescue plan which begs the obvious question if it makes you so happy should not you have voted for it oh, right, communications, not legislation. hypocrisy, thighy name is madis cawthorn and for that you earn the crown for being crowned the absolute worst
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florida governor ron desantos is proud as a peach of his handling of the coronavirus. the embolden king of vud is targeting private businesses that want to prove vaccination they announced vaccination requirements for guests. desantos, a free market republican, vowed to prohibit private businesses from doing just that. warning he would issue an executive order banning vaccine requirements he also vowing to sue the cdc if they don't allow cruises to restart by the summer. the guy is restricting safety
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requirements while pushing to the industry's top right to pack hundreds of potentially infectious people in confined spaces, brilliant. currently, covid-19 is surging in florida look at this mayo clinic map that shows the states hot spoz it is currently a very high risk zone because of a severe outbreak the overall number of cases is averaging 5,000 per day since the start of the pandemic, 34,000 floridians have died. joining me now is nicky freed. what a strange governor you have you know, i'm no longer a florida resident i can say that you have. he wants to sign an executive order. does he have the power to stop private businesses from requiring people have a vud test to get on a cruise that seems beyond the power of a governor is that in his power
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>> yeah. he continues to try to expand his power every single day i want to apologize troest of the country of what happens here in the state of florida. he went off on the rampage earlier this week that he is going to shut down allowing local businesses and state businesses to mandate people from protecting their employees and people that are coming into their shops or on the cruise line industry. the republicans continue to be hypocrite. they're supporting the constitution and that's what the bread and butter s yet, every opportunity that ron desantos has, he continues to siphon the economy and the free market business that's want to just do right by the people and the people coming to enjoy their products or, you know, ship cruise line industry >> nothing terrifies me more than being on a cruise right
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now. particularly in florida, more deaths, more people getting sick, what is the rational that is coming out of the governor's office to demand that the cdc allow the ships to sail, especially if he's saying he wants them to sail without dmind of vaccine mandates? in other words, he's saying let them sail with sick people and infectious people on them. >> well, let's be realistic. the governor is not rational from day one he has taken this very dogmatic approach to the pandemic open the state of florida. never close it down at the front end. never mandate a mask ordinance then he says, never mind, we're going to get rid of all the funs and fees you put on the state of florida and the people so he has taun this approach that he believes he's right and going to say these things because he is so focused on popularity and have ownership of
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this trump, you know, show that we saw the last eight years. he should be showing leadership on getting the vaccine encouraging businesses and local communities to be doing right to make sure that we're wearing masks, we're social distancing, that we're getting everybody vaccinated instead, he's focusing on this dogmatic approach of just open up the economy and we're going to be fine and this herd immunity and behind this and he's going to say look at everybody, i was right all the time he is very egotistical and believes he is right instead of talking about the 34,000 floridian that's we lost where is his compassion for those family members business that's have gone out of business because he refused to put the pandemic and the response to the pandemic as a
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pru or the instead, he was trying to kiss up to donald trump and even now that he's living in our state, trying to get the support of the past president and all of the supporters and not recognizing that he's got to focus on the citizens of our state and making sure that we get through this pandemic. >> are you worried in a certain point businesses and travellers are going to start to see florida as an infection hub that doesn't care about, you know, decreasing infections and start to stay away and it could end up hurting the economy there? >> absolutely. i have friends across the country that say, listen, i want to be down there to see my friends during the holidays. i can't now. because you have a governor that opened up our state. look what is happening in miami-dade county. that is my hometown. i'm someone that, of course, i appreciate people wanting to be on spring break and haven't seen family and friends and have been locked up. but if you don't have a governor that is telling people, yes, come to our state. but you have to be safe.
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you have to make sure that you're social distancing and wearing masks. people will stop coming to florida because of this even if we're all open and not taking the precautions, people will not come here to the state. >> are you going to run against him when he runs for election? >> you know, joy, as our only statewide elected democrat, i'm asked this question on an every day basis. every single day it's becoming clearer and clearer that ron desantos needs to be a one term governor not only has he already left the state of florida, his eyes are already on 2024, focusing on the presidential bid and not on what's right for the state of florida. we're getting very close to making a decision because the state of florida and the people that live here deserve so much better than what they're getting from ron desantos. >> you accused -- there's been some reporting that accused and you also retweeted that the governor there fudged some numbers in terms of covid-19 do you stand by that there some dispute whether that is true. >> without a doubt he is fudging numbers from day one. both on numbers that are come being out of our nursing homes,
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coming out of our prison system, ask the different morgues to change the death certificates and now the latest reports of this week shows that in fact we had almost 5,000 more deaths than reported. i do believer he lost the faith of the citizens of our state they know he's not been honest with them. >> nicky freed, thank you for being here >> tonight on "all in" -- >> i'm not the only person on screen that's been falsely accused of a terrible sex act. >> the matt gates case gets even stranger he now claims extortion as republican leadership gets caught flatfooted by the investigation. >> i didn't know about it. yes, i'm surprised about it. yes, i want to get to the bottom of it. i haven't been able to speak to mr. gaetz but i will >> the latest on the allegations against matt gaetz and the justice department's sex trafficking investigation.


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