tv The Rachel Maddow Show MSNBC April 13, 2021 1:00am-2:00am PDT
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in just a. minute we will begin tonight in brooklyn center minnesota, where protesters have gathered, in the cities, near the city's police headquarters. we are going to be joined now by ron allen, situation there? >> reporter: well, lawrence, we have a lull at the moment, but where we are here, we're down the street from the police station just a little ways you can see in the distance. but the crowd is sort of left this area and gone back there and now standing right in front of the police again. it's been this face to face standoff that's been going on for hours now. and they're not leaving. the last half hour, so there was an exchange back and forth of tear gas. the protesters setting off fireworks. you could see some things being thrown over the fence there. and now you can perhaps see here in the distance people are starting to run this way again. here they come. and i can see a big plume of smoke over the courtyard, the
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front yard in front of the police headquarters there. i don't smell any irritant in the air at the moment, but again, this has been going on all night. periodically the police come out and announce the fact that there's a curfew, people need to disperse and go home. they're not doing that. they're staying out here. they're angry. they're upset. they don't like the explanation they're getting from the police about what happened that the officer mistook or somehow thought she was firing a taser and instead fired a weapon. that the boy, the young man, had been stopped for a vehicle infraction because his license plates were expired. it just is something that people find just completely unacceptable. so, here we are. they want the officer fired. the mayor has also called for that. the police chief said they're going to have due process. but the bottom line is at this point this has gone back and forth. there's been some ebb and some flow. the crowd has gotten larger and
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smaller as the night has gone on. now again after leaving the front of the police station they are now back there. this is all up to the police to some extent, that they let the people stand there and protest. will they do that, or as they did last night and earlier tonight, will they fire tear gas, try to disperse them. last night there were rubber bullets as well and flashbangs. it was very violent. so we're on hold. we're waiting. we're seeing. but again the bottom line is people are angry. they're not leaving here. they're not going home. >> ron allen, thank you for that report. we will come back to you throughout the hour as the news develops there. thank you very much, ron. well, when police officers reach for their guns, they are usually terrified. that calm and confident cop in the hollywood movie and tv shows who fearlessly jump into gun battles, they are the fevered dreams of actors who know how terrified real cops are when
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they reach for their guns. they that is why police reach for their guns because they are afraid. sometimes they should be afraid because they are facing a deadly threat to their lives, but sometimes, like all of us, they are overreacting to their fears. and tonight we are covering two of those stories at the beginning and at the end of this hour, two hours of police overreacting to their own fears. at the end of the hour, we'll see the video that emerged in virginia this weekend showing terrified police officers, angry, terrified police officers with their guns drawn, aimed at a completely, law-abiding army lieu ten innocent with his dog in the back of his suv and did nothing wrong. he was driving while black and that seemed to be enough to get him pulled over by two small town police officers in virginia with guns drawn on him and screaming at him. the victim of that police abuse is alive tonight.
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daunte wright is not. an autopsy report on daunte wright was released today saying his killing yesterday was a homicide and that the cause of death was a single gunshot wound to the chest. that single gunshot caused the clashes last night with police in minnesota. and what we're seeing tonight, the kind of night that has become all too sadly familiar to the people of minnesota since the police killing of george floyd there last year. one of the jurors in the trial of derek chauvin for the murder of george floyd which completed its 11th day today is living under that curfew tonight, in that minneapolis suburb of brooklyn center where daunte wright was shot and killed by a police officer yesterday. the curfew went into effect at 7:00 p.m. tonight. the chief of the brooklyn center police force said today that when he showed -- said this today when he showed police body cam video of the shooting that the killing of daunte wright was an accident. the chief identified the officer
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who fired the shot as a woman who is a senior officer in the department. the state's bureau of criminal apprehension has now officially identified that officer as kim potter. she's a 26-year veteran of the police department. the police chief said that she thought she was reaching for her taser and intended to fire her taser at daunte wright but instead fired her gun. and so, what the chief described today was in effect another deadly demonstration that police training does not work, that police experience does not work. 26 years of experience is not enough. we need police training in deadly force to work for everyone who takes that training, just like we need pilot training to work for everyone who is trained as a pilot because with police training and pilot training, if it doesn't work, people die.
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and this police officer, like every police officer, was fully trained on the difference between reaching for a gun and reaching for a taser, but in the moment when it counted on the streets, under that self-imposed pressure, all of her training disappeared. >> the officer drew their handgun instead of their taser. for informational purposes, we train with our handguns on our dominant side and our taser on our weak side. so if you're right-handed, you carry your firearm on your right side and carry your taser on the left. this is done purposefully and is trained. as i watch the video it's my belief the officer had the intention to deploy the taser instead shot mr. wright with a single bull let. this appears to me from what i
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viewed that this was an accidental discharge that resulted in the tragic death of mr. wright. >> the police chief explained that daunte wright's car was pulled over because it apparently had an expired registration and then the police discovered the additional crime of air fresheners hanging on the rear-view mirror which is apparently against the law in minnesota. and then the officers discovered that there was an outstanding warrant for daunte wright for a misdemeanor. so these three potential misdemeanors are why the police decided to make their move on daunte wright that ended in his death. daunte wright called his mother, katie wright, just as the police pulled him over yesterday afternoon at the location where her son was shot and killed. katie wright said this -- >> they pulled him over because he had air fresheners hanging. i heard the police officer come to the window, put the phone down and get out of the car. daunte said why, we'll explain
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to you when you get out of the car. a minute later i called which was the passenger of the car and said that he had been shot. >> the police chief decided to release the police body cam video today as soon as possible. he said the state investigators did not want that body cam video released so early but he believed the. this network has a carefully considered policy on showing video of people killed by police, including the video introduced in the trial of derek chauvin for the murder of george floyd. the network policy almost never allows us to show the entirety of such video because it's so disturbing to see. and many of you have told me personally how disturbing such videos are for you to see. and so this video is unedited up to the point where the gunshot is fired and then the video frame freezes but the audio continues and you will hear what the officer said after she fired that shot.
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>> i'll tase. i'll tase. taser, taser, taser. oh, i shot him. i just shot him. >> oh, whoa. >> yes. >> joining us now kirk brook halter criminal law profess forat new york law school director of 21st century policing project and mark clak ston, both are former nypd police detectives. let me begin with you, professor and your reaction to what we're seeing on that video and the police chief's interpretation today of that video and what she said afterwards that this was an accident. reaching -- thinking she's reaching for the taser when she's reaching for the gun. >> sure, lawrence. thank you. and i would like to focus on the word accident. under the law, even if one
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doesn't necessarily intend to do something, however, if they do so neg lejtly and recklessly you can be culpable and it's no longer an accident. we have seen repeatedly that there is a difference in how the force is administered by police departments against people of color and with respect to others. so, at what point does it stop being an accident? now, i can understand the chief's approach with regards to this individual incident, but we hear this over and over. oops, i'm sorry. oops, it's an accident. but it only happens with one segment of society. this was a low-level misdemeanor arrest. and whether force should be used, you know, perhaps that's a discussion for another day. but at the end of the day, we consistently see death, dismemberment, serious injury over low-level arrests. not the crime of the century. that's not an accident. it's a form of bias.
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and arguably you cannot train or educate that away. that is something that someone brings with them to that police department. so, perhaps the first stop on this train is identifying those who harbor those form of biases and perhaps this is just simply not the job for them. because that's what leads to these types of accidents. there is a difference based on who a person is and we saw this in the george floyd trial, we're seeing it now, as to the reason for the escalation of force. that reason quite often is based on who that person is for some reason this person is more of a threat because it is a young, black man. it's quite disturbing to watch the excuse that it's an accident. then we can certainly discuss some of the technicalities of how someone could possibly mistake a 9 millimeter handgun for a taser given the difference in weight and balance and materials and so forth and color. so, you know, the word accident here seems wildly inappropriate
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when this young man has been killed. >> mark clakston, how would you describe what you're seeing on that video? >> well, to tell you the truth, lawrence, it feels as if we collectively as communities, black communities, are stuck like the bill murray character in groundhog day where you get caught in this time loop of repetition. so day after day you get stuck in the same area of incidents and occurrences. listen, over the past several -- couple weeks we have been having discussions about critical decision making processes, about proportionality of use of force. the use of force continuing which quite frankly has kirk alluded to should be called the code of color continue yum to this point. but too often the guidelines, the continuums, the rules and regulations, even the law are just no match for toxic police
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culture which is propped up by bias both implicit and explicit bias, intolerance and racism. and all too often it leads to completely avoidable interactions and even worse fatal encounters. this is not the first time that you had a police officer allege that we have to assume the police officer alleged this because the chief from illinois indicated he was staying out of the investigation gave this, quote unquote, excuse if you will. but when you think of it, oscar grant, same situation. volunteer deputy sheriff in oklahoma had the same kind of, quote unquote, excuse for a fatal shooting. what's the common denominator, a black victim. so we have to examine the realities and what it is that we're facing and get out of this time loop and this repetition and escape from our groundhog
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day nightmare. >> professor burkhalter, almost all deaths in automobiles are as a result of accidents, but some of those accidents are ruled to be manslaughter because of recklessness and other factors. where is the line here in this kind of conduct between accident and manslaughter? >> well, the line here with regards to manslaughter, quite often depending on the state, it may be a criminal negligence standard. so if a prosecutor can prove that someone should have known that their actions might have a particular result, if they were not careful or if they did know if they were not careful and their actions would have a particular result and that result in either case led to death, it could be a manslaughter charge. however this is so difficult while police officers are rarely
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prosecuted for manslaughter because proving what they should have known and what they did know this goes back to how they're trained and educated and so forth. you would need to bring in as we've seen in the trial of derek chauvin and so easy to say the trial of george floyd but it's the trial of derek chauvin, he's the one on trial, that the litany of police officers and police officials who were responsible for the training. so that's to demonstrate that derek chauvin's actions were reckless, that he should have known the result, the danger that could occur. but this is that trial is an outlier. it's difficult to show what someone should have known and prosecute these cases. this position where to carry the firearm and taser, that could lead to some form of manslaughter. a lot remains to be seen and really dependent on the investigation that takes place here. >> we're going to continue this
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conversation with mark and kirk across this commercial break. when we come back to consider the prosecution resting its case today in the murder trial of derek chauvin for the murder of george floyd taking place just ten miles away from where those protesters are tonight. we'll be right back. 'll be righ.
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we are continuing our live coverage of the situation tonight in brooklyn center, minnesota, where people are protesting the killing by police there yesterday. we are joined by nbc's morgan chesky. morgan, what is the latest there? >> reporter: lawrence, good evening. we just had to retreat within the last 30 seconds because the security team tells me that rubber bullets are being deployed into this crowd in and around the brooklyn center police station for several hours. you can see quite the crowd behind me. i know it's dark but there's several hundred people around the intersection of the brooklyn center police department. just where those lights are in the distance, lawrence, that's where a crowd of at least 100
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police officers and national guards men have been advancing for last 15 or 20 minutes or so essentially clearing block by block using tear gas to do so as they've inched the way to our location here. i'm in a parking lot of a strip mall that was vandalized and looted last night. we're seeing that happen again. and we've been told by several people here that are doing that saying don't turn that camera around on us. you don't want to do that. so at this point in time -- excuse me. you can see people are obviously having some issues with the tear gas being used here. but right now, a significant law enforcement presence in place and it looks to stay that way for at least the time being. one of our biggest concerns here is getting in between the protesters and the police here. we heard the governor say earlier of minnesota that you can mourn the loss of daunte wright but anyone trying to take advantage of the situation it will not be tolerated and
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we're witnessing that firsthand now. i think as they make their way towards this area, the looting that's happening just behind me, let's take a quick look around here just to show people, the scope of where everyone is gathered right now, we witnessed these people break into these windows, walk into these stores within the past hour. and essentially take whatever they wanted to. everyone crowded on the sidewalk essentially has whatever they want to at the disposal with the stores. i spoke to a local business owner here who owned a nearby gas station. i said will you close down early ahead of tonight? he said, no, i have extra family members come here to try to protect the shop if at all possible. he is concerned that they're going to have to deal with some of the damage firsthand and that really is the fear here as the night goes on. this is a community that remembers all too well what happened following the death of george floyd.
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they're still very much healing from that. when i was at a vigil for daunte wright this evening there were repeated calls saying mourn his life but don't do any damage to this area. now, there's a lot of debate on who is doing what, however i can tell you that this is a different group than those i gathered with earlier today who remembered the life of that 20-year-old man. again, just taking one look back around at the police station here, lawrence, those lights in the distance that is right in front of the police station here. at this point in time, we know that that massive group of national guards men and police are now standing in front of that. they have not made their way any closer to us. hopefully that is a safe perimeter for them at this point in time. and i can tell you that right now with that curfew in effect, they will be clearing this area at some point. it's just a matter of when. lawrence? >> morgan chesky, thank you for that live report. we'll come back to the scene as
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the news develops there tonight. thank you, morgan. today, on day 11, just ten miles away from where morgan chesky is, now on day 11 the prosecution rested its case after calling three more witnesses. george floyd's younger brother described his memories of life with george and something minnesota law allows the victim's families to do in murder trials. the defense did not ask any questions of george floyd's brother. cardiologist dr. jonathan rich testified that heart disease had nothing to do with the death of george floyd. he said that george floyd died because the police crushing his body against the pavement deprived him of oxygen. >> george floyd died from a cardiopulmonary arrest. it was caused by low oxygen levels. and those oxygen levels were induced by the prone restraint and positional asphyxiation that
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he was objected to. i believe that george floyd's death was absolutely preventable. >> were there critical points in time during his subdual and restraint on the ground when you feel measures could have and should have been taken that would have preserved his life? >> yes, i do. i think there were several junctures actually. >> would you tell us about those? >> sure. the first of course was to not subject him to that initial prone restraint positioning that he was subjected to. i mean, that is first and foremost. so if that was not the case i don't think he would have died. >> the final witness for the prosecution today was a former police officer who is now a law profos professor and an expert in police use of force and testified that derek chauvin was
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using force that he should have known was deadly force and that that force was reasonable. >> do you have an opinion as to whether defendant's use of force whereby he restrained mr. floyd in that prone position for 9:29 on may 25, 2020, was reasonable as viewed by a reasonable police officer on the scene? >> yes. >> and what is that opinion? >> no reasonable officer would have believed that that was an appropriate, acceptable or reasonable use of force. >> was the force, did the force -- was the force unreasonable as it started and as it ended? >> from the time it was initiated and throughout the duration. yes. >> do you have an opinion to a degree of reasonable professional certainty as to whether the defendant appropriately rendered medical aid to mr. george floyd on may 25, 2020, in accordance with generally accepted police practices? >> i do, yes. >> what is that opinion? >> the failure to render aid to mr. floyd both by taking him out
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of the prone position and by rendering aid as his medical condition of distress became obvious was contrary to generally accepted police practices. >> thank you very much. i have no further questions, your honor. >> back with us, law professor kirk burkehalter and mark claxton, both former nypd detectives. mark, your reaction to this final testimony today, the sequence of it including a cardiologist saying absolutely no health condition contributing to the death it was all a result of the police force used against him and then like you, a former police officer and now turned law professor like kirk, saying at this force -- this use of deadly force was completely unreasonable. >> well, it's quite clear that the prosecutors are tripling down, not even doubling down but tripling down and they want to make it explicitly clear about
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what caused the death of mr. floyd. it's quite clear by that. both the medical experts and the use of force expert was very clear and convincing and defining the positions. and also, it should be noted that the job throughout the course of the trial that the prosecutor jerry blackwell has done is exemplary because he allows on direct and redirect the witnesses really to shine and has such a tone and tenor that's very comforting, reassuring so i think that will really resonate with the jurors as it has with me, not being the legal expert that kirk is. >> kirk, i have to say i have never seen in a police case like this, never seen a prosecution case go in more flawlessly and more fully than this has. >> i would have to agree, lawrence. this really came through today.
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so what we saw today, the prosecution reinforced the two things that it had to prove and reinforced the one thing to do to resonate with the jury. two things the prosecution had to prove, first of all, causation. right? had it not been for the actions of derek chauvin george floyd would still be alive and that's what we heard the cardiologist testify to. who was, by the way, an excellent witness. he was able to take quite complex subject matter and explain it to the jury. the other thing they had to prove was that this was unreasonable, the actions of derek chauvin were unreasonable and therefore unjustified, not justified. and that was the final witness. and finally, what they wanted the jury to remember -- and as you mentioned -- this is very much unique to minnesota, george floyd was a person with all his flaws, with all his good attributes. he's a human being, just like all of us with all our flaws and
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positive attributes when he was a brother, a son and so forth. and that was the testimony from his brother. so the prosecution really put those three nails so to speak in their argument. and that's what the jury is left with prior to the defense starting its argument. >> mark, the essential point they need to make to the minnesota jury is that what you're seeing derek chauvin do is unreasonable not necessarily from the perspective of the jurors themselves or from individuals out there watching but it's unreasonable from an experienced police officer's perspective. that's the perspective they were using today. >> right. they made that point quite clearly during the course of today's testimony about what is the level of expectation. that is the reasonable police officer standard itself. so i think the prosecution's done an exemplary job at presenting that and breaking it down and making it impactful to
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laypersons like myself and i'm sure that the jurors are being impacted by the same things. listen, i don't -- i can't imagine beyond hypothetical case what the defense is prepared to do, but i'm sure that whatever the defense does attempt, it'll be in a shorter time frame and the prosecutors will have an opportunity to really beat back some of the most ridiculous assertions which i'm sure they're going to make. >> also, entered into the testimony today through the police expert was that george floyd at no point represented a threat. they kept showing individual points on the -- while he was being held down saying is he a threat now? is he a threat now? kirk, no point was he a threat. the big suspense of the defense case is, will the defendant testify? the most important questions that the defense has to answer can only be answered by the
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defendant but in this defense you run an awful lot of risks by putting him on the witness stand. >> i just cannot imagine derek chauvin testifying. if i'm the prosecutor, and on cross, i am going to play that video and i'm going to stop it every five seconds and ask him, what were you thinking here? what were you thinking here? i want that jury to see how long his knee was on george floyd's neck. the only possible way he might testify is he feels -- the defense feels he has absolutely nothing to lose. you know? it is unlikely but those things have happened. remember that he does not, the defense does not have to prove that derek chauvin was innocent the defense only has to prove that he was not guilty by reasonable doubt and make that argument because the prosecution has to prove that. you expect the defense to come in with their closing summation
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with a time line, a number line that goes from 0 to 100 and shows how far close to 100 beyond a reasonable dowd is. so i don't see him testifying. i think that's the last-ditch effort. i think that would just be food for the prosecution. >> kirk, mark, thank you once again tonight. really appreciate it. we'll continue to cover the situation in brooklyn center, minnesota, live where people are protesting the police killing yesterday of 20-year-old daunte wright. msnbc's ron allen is joining us now. ron, where are you? what is the latest? >> reporter: we are in the same place, lawrence. we're about 100 yards or so from where the police station is. but in the last half hour or so, the police have started a move. they're trying to clear the street in front of the police headquarters. and they brought in what looks like a big armored vehicle and
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the police have made a line across this wide boulevard. what they're trying to do is push the protesters back down this area. we have heard people in the crowd urging everyone to stand tall, to stand strong and not move away. it's about attrition. the police are trying to wear them down essentially. we have not seen much tear gas lately. we have heard reports of rubber bullets, but what you can't see is down the other side of the street, the police seem to be pushing in the other direction to create a big open space in front of the police headquarters to try to make sure that their officers are safe, that the headquarters are safe and try to get the crowd to disperse. but again, people are not going home. the people out here say they're determined and now hear in the distance -- one more warning.
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we hear these periodically. the police over a loud speaker telling people they are in violation of the curfew which happened at 7:00 p.m. local time here several hours ago but people we talked to are determined to stay out here. this is how they feel they will get the justice for the latest family. for the latest family to be in this situation. there's a lot of emotion and passion. also, lawrence, in this direction over here if you look over there you can still see that there are people at that dollar tree store and some of the other stores along here. it is open season. this is a big parking lot. people have been going in, taking what they want and leaving. let's point the camera over here, people are going to get very angry. bottom line is the standoff continues. people are not going home. they're determined to outlast the police and the police are gradually slowly -- pushing.
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we heard a couple loud explosions. i can see the smoke. where's my gas mask? where is the gas mask? emily! we see there's a big plume of gas. okay. let's move back. let's move back. let's move back. let's -- let's move back. let's move back. let's move back. people are very emotional. people are very emotional. it seems like the police have just really made a big move, lauren. i can see a big police vehicle that just moved away.
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they just made a big push in the last couple of minutes. and as you can see now people are trying to figure out what to do next. the protesters are trying to figure out what to do next. all right. all right. i hear you. i hear you. i hear you. i hear you, man. >> ron, do we have -- >> reporter: you can see another -- yes, lawrence? >> i was going to ask about the size of the crowd. do we have any estimate of that? >> reporter: it was several hundred people but it's getting dispersed. the police are being very aggressive and pushing. we need to move way back, guys. we need to move way back. watch, watch, watch. all right.
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the crowd now is really just kind of dispersed. in the other direction i can see some police cars. they're threatening to arrest people. we don't think they've made any arrests at all tonight but that may be ending now. and i can also see they're trying to protect those stores and businesses that were being robbed and looted. now you can see behind me the street's pretty empty. you can see the line of police over there with the illuminated vests, the yellow vests. trying to move cars out and the area over to the left in the parking lot, you can see the police line as well. they pushed out -- they pushed out at least 100 yards from the police headquarters and see advancing slowly. and you can see it over here, too. the cars are moving out. the police have obviously had enough of this. and they are moving everyone out.
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and the middle of all that, you can see the big bright light. that's a huge armored vehicle. so i think, guys, we got to move. we've got to move fast. ronny, we got to move. we got to get out of here, lawrence, because they have warned everyone that they will be arrested. >> ron, i'm going to let you keep moving and we will take a break here. we will come back to ron allen after this break. we're going to let him position himself safely in the midst of that moving now. it is a moving protest. we'll be right back. do you have a life insurance policy you no longer need? now you can sell your policy, even a term policy, for an immediate cash payment. call coventry direct to learn more. we thought we had planned carefully for our retirement. but we quickly realized that we needed a way to
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now that the police line is moving there trying to control a crowd gathered in protest. protesting of the police killing of a 20-year-old black man there yesterday. police officer -- police chief today said that the killing was an accident because the police officer thought she was reaching for her taser when she was actually reaching for her gun and fired one shot into -- one gunshot into the chest that was the cause of death. we will be back with our crews there as soon as they are safely positioned to get the latest update from the situation in brooklyn center, minnesota. on another case of police use of force, unnecessary force, you got a police officer fired. and you did that by making a video go viral. watching the video as it was going viral this weekend of a
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police officer aiming a gun at an army lieutenant for no reason. and pepper spraying him for no reason and then letting him go because the army lieutenant had actually done nothing wrong. and that police officer who was -- was never, ever going to be fired, the police officer was fired today. because of it. was never going to be fired if the video of that incident did not go viral. the police department in windsor, virginia, is six people. and with last night's firing of one officer it has two patrol officers. the police body cam video you're about to see has been in its position since december 5th and had not done anything about it. police chief rodney riddle was not going to do anything about it until that video went viral and showing you a video angle when we show you this video of the police body cam video and show you an additional video angle from inside army
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lieutenant's car from the position where he put his phone during his interaction with the police officers. here is that video. >> get out of the car! >> what's going on? >> get out of the car now! >> what's going on? >> what's going on is you're fixing to ride the lightning, son. >> get out of the car! >> you received an order. get out! >> i'm afraid to get out. >> then you should be. >> i didn't do anything. whoa. hold on. hold on. i just -- watch it. >> deployed. >> get out of the car! get out of the car and get on the car now or you're going to get it again! >> i can't take the seat belt -- >> take your the seat belt off
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and get out of the car. >> after that and more the police did not arrest lieutenant nazaria saying they were doing a big favor by letting him go so the military would not penalize him for getting arrested. his attorney says that he informed the supervisors of the incident almost immediately and the lieutenant who's 27 and a graduate of virginia state university filed a federal civil rights lawsuit against the two police officers an after the video emerged publicly this weekend, the governor of virginia said the video, quote, is disturbing and angered me. governor ralph northam said he is directing the virginia state police to investigate the matter. joining us now, cedrik alexander, former police chief dekalb county, georgia, a member of president obama's task force on 21st century policing and opinion writer for the washington post and host of the sunday show with jonathan on msnbc. jonathan, let me begin with you because of the reaction that we all have when we look at these videos and this time we have the two angles. we have the police body cam and
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then we have the lieutenant's own video that he set up on the dash board of his car, capturing this from his perspective. >> what we saw in that video, lawrence, is why a traffic stop is never routine when you are black and particularly a black male in america. i continue to be impressed -- and i'm sorry i have to be impressed because we have to be that lieutenant nazario had the presence of mind to go to a lighted area, to fire up his phone and set it to record and put it on the dash board so he had his own evidence to show that he followed -- he could hear all the conflicting demands made of him by the two officers and then not put himself or give those officers a reason, an excuse, not a reason, an excuse
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to shoot him. watching that video. and i don't know -- it's sunday. i allow you to have a weekend but i don't know if you saw the show yesterday, i actively resisted watching that video all weekend long until i had to show it on my show. and it made me very angry because i am tired of seeing black people and black men in particular going about their lives, at least trying to, and then always having a problem. and in these two cases, virginia and minnesota, what got daunte -- i'm blanking on his name right now -- >> daunte wright. >> daunte wright, what got him pulled over? a license plate issue. what got lieutenant nazario pulled over? a license plate issue. we can go around the country and look at and find examples of black men pulled over for the pretext of a license plate issue
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and then things going awry. seeing that video, particularly the one of lieutenant nazario is maddening, enraging and frightening because lieutenant nazario could have been daunte wright. >> cedrik alexander, officer gutierrez, the one who does the pepper spray after screaming and screaming and screaming and then doing the pepper spray, he got fired last night. but he got fired on information that that police department had since december 5th. he got fired because of what we see on that video and he wasn't going to be fired apparently until we got to see it on the video instead of just the police chief. >> well, that is problematic in and of itself. it speaks to that police department. it speaks to that city leadership. because if they knew that that video was out there and the egregious acts that their officers committed and involved themselves in that night to a
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u.s. army soldier who was respectful and quite frankly who was only professional person there on the scene. the way they treated him was inhumane and not just the fact that he was a lieutenant in the army but they did not treat him with a sense of respect. and look, this whole idea about this being a felony traffic stop, that's the part that really ticks me off the most. that wasn't a felony traffic stop. not merely because you can't see a license plate. and to come out of your cars with guns drawn because he just drove a little bit further down the road to find a lighted spot. he did everything that we train our friends and families and everyone to do. all of us. but yet, even after he did all that, as you heard jonathan so well articulate, it just seems like no matter what we're asking our citizens to do, particularly if they are of color, it just
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seems to come back to the same place. i've been in policing -- had been in policing in and out for 40 years. and i tell you, this was the most disgusting traffic stop, the interactions that take place they're becoming sickening to the american people and i don't care what color you are, everybody is sick and tired of it. this is troubling. and policing across this country and even good police are going to have to suffer behind those who are acting egregiously, illegally and unconstitutionally as what we saw the other night there in virginia. >> jonathan capehart, you've been sharing the screen as cedrik is sharing the screen with the protesters in minnesota tonight. the news media will record that this protest is about what happened to daunte wright because that's the neighborhood where it's happening, but those protesters also know what happened to this army lieutenant in virginia. they know what happened to george floyd. they know what happened in all
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of these cases. and surely they have more than just this most recent case in mind when they go out there tonight. >> right. and from what i understand there have been other instances in brooklyn center, interactions with the police that have enraged the community. look, people are angry, and they're angry for a reason. they are justifiably angry when you have the state in the presence of law enforcement that's able to -- that's able to kill people. and they're tired of it. and they're demonstrating against it. one last thing, lawrence, we need to make sure we make a distinction between the people who were standing in front of that police station, trying to have their voices heard and the knuckle heads who were looting the store yards away. two completely different people, groups of people. >> jonathan capehart, cedrik alexander, thank you both for joining our discussion. >> thank you. >> thank you. we'll be right back.
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hooh. that spin class was brutal. well you can try the buick's massaging seat. oohh yeah, that's nice. can i use apple carplay to put some music on? sure, it's wireless. pick something we all like. ok. hold on. what's your buick's wi-fi password? buickenvision2021. oh, you should pick something stronger. that's really predictable. that's a really tight spot. don't worry. i used to hate parallel parking. (all together) me too. hey. you really outdid yourself. yes, we did. the all-new buick envision. an suv built around you... all of you.
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we're going back to our live position in brooklyn center, minnesota. with nbc's ron allen. ron, what's the latest there? >> reporter: well, you can see across the street there, there is a huge police presence there, clearing out that gas station. they have began grabbing and arresting people out of the crowd. we wor told we had to move across this major street so we think we are in a safe place right now. but if you look that way and come pan the other way, all here you can see the police advancing even further. with that big, huge, armored vehicle in the center. it goes down that way about 100 feet or so. there must be several hundred officers. and they're now well down the street from in front of the police headquarters. where the protesters have gone we don't know. people have just scattered. and we've also seen many people arrested.
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don't know if the number -- of that is yet, but bottom line is this night the police have just said this is over. get out of here. go home or you're going to be arrested. they've run out of patience and you can see a huge presence. lawrence, back to you. >> nbc's ron allen, thank you. thank you for that out of patience. and you can see. >> thank you for that live coverage, during this hour, ron, we really appreciate it. more unrest around minneapolis, as police body-cam footage shows how an unarmed, black man was shot and killed during a traffic stop. question is, what repercussions will follow what appears to be a tragic mistake? >> and just a few miles away, state of minnesota is supposed to wrap its case against the officer accused of killing george floyd. as the defense begins to call first witnesses, the question is will derek chauvin testify? plus, the question is, is this anything more than a temporary fix?
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