tv The Rachel Maddow Show MSNBC April 14, 2021 1:00am-2:00am PDT
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started that war. they said by the time george w. bush left office that they were trying to end it and they wanted to bring u.s. troops home from afghanistan even back then. they set targets for withdrawal based on what they hoped to be improvements in conditions on the groundound so the troops didn't come home. president obama wanted to bring the troops home from afghanistan as well. but he famously surged more troops in to improve things on the ground. they hoped to be able to end the u.s. war there, based on improving conditions on the ground. but in the end, surprise. conditions did not improve so they did not come home. president trump, talked about the conflict as if he had ended it, as if he had brought all u.s. troops home from afghanistan. he did not.
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he may have wanted to bring them home. you have to consider the possibility he falsely believed he did bring them home.ot t even though he didn't. whatever the previous president thought or said, u.s. troops did not come home from afghanistan under him either. and now, finally, president biden is due to give a speech tomorrow that, at long last, that this really be it. starting before the end of this month, before the end of april and ending before september 11th this year. the 20th anniversary of the al s qaeda terrorist attack that led us to invite afghanistan in the first place. president biden expected to announce this is not one of the target dates we are aiming at. it will depends on conditions on the ground. tne this, instead, is actually just a date by which we will be gone. full stop. a senior administration official previewing the president's announcement today, saying, quote, the president has judged that a conditions-based approach, which has been the he
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approach of the past two wh decades, is a recipe for stayino in afghanistan forever. the official said, president biden, quote, has long known military force would not solve afghanistan's internal political challenges. would not end afghanistan's internal conflict. and so we are ending our military operations.est again, we will hear more on this from president biden directly fr tomorrow. but this new policy, the new decision, out, completely on our before september 11th of this year with only enough troops left in that country to protect our embassy there. the biden administration is signaling this is different something. this is not a conditions-based target, regardless of what happens in afghanistan between now and then. it will include the 6,000 nato troops alongside forces out
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there as well. nato is in together, out together. what it means in this circumstance, all coalition troops, all u.s. and nato troops, every, out this at long last, 20 years down the road., if you know any service men or women, any veterans who have served in afghanistan or people who have family members who served in afghanistan, this might be a time to reach out. particularly, once the president has given his speech tomorrow. it has been a horrendous conflict there.pant in part because of the surrealism how long it has drifted and dragged on. there are american service members who have recently deployed to that war who were literally not yet alive when the 9/11 attacks happened. which is what the afghanistan war was os tensably about.
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finally, it will come to an end and a post-9/11 veterans in the country, it is going to be a very, very big deal. if you have veterans and service members and military families in your life, in your circle, who have a connection to the afghanistan war, it might be time to reach out. but as i mentioned, it will be u.s. troops and nato troops out at the same time. and, right now, the secretary of state blinkon and lloyd austin are at an emergency meeting called byat nato. they summoned all of the defense members and foreign minister from their member countries to come talk about russia, massing 80,000 troops on the border of ukraine. that is more troops than russia put them since they invaded the they took crimea and made it part of russia as well. we are expecting u.s. sanctions on russia as early as tomorrow. there was a call today between president biden and vladimir putin, whose government is to
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alexei navalny, and the second of state and the second of defense are at the emergency nato meeting right now to discuss the situation with russia right now, and what may and what may be, what feels like a coming diplomatic confrontation than we have seen in years. but they're there, at the time about this huge announcement that is about to be made, affecting us and all the countries fighting the war for two decades. all of these things happening at once. again, the president's speech al announcing the end of the afghan war tomorrow. he iswa expected to have a one-on-one with the president of afghanistan. here, all eyes are on the minneapolis region, last night, several dozen people were l arrested in angry protests in
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police killing yet another unarmed black man. was pulled over in a traffic was pulled over in some kind of traffic stop. the police officer said she was going to tase him, but she shot him with a pistol and he was killed by a single gunshot to the chest. that was sunday we have two nights of angry protesters protesting with police and some looting. tonight, the police chief and the police officer involved in e the shooting have both resigned in brooklyn center, minnesota. and the city manager has been fire by the town where this happened. the town, brooklyn center, minneapolis, surrounding communities, set a curfew tonight.thyns, just as they did last night. tonight's will start later. interesting. well after night fall. tonight's curfew starts at 10:00 p.m. local time. that is 11:00 p.m. eastern time.
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minneapolis star tribune are on thene scene and they say there e about 1,000 people out there in brooklyn center, minnesota, as e night beginning to fall. we have multiple reporters on gi the scene tonight and we will be speaking live in just a moment with j a member of the city council from brooklyn center. so, again, eyes there. you see police in formation. you see protestors outside the police facility in brooklyn center, minnesota, after a couple very, very angry nights. like i said, it's been about ten days' worth of news in today's news. and our first guest tonight is, i'm honored to say, is our nation's surgeon general, dr. vivek murthy, he was in the obama administration and served as surgeon general. he was in the obama administration and then fired by president trump. he was brought back to reprise the role by president biden.d
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he is brought back up with covid epidemic raging in this country and the covid pandemic raging around the world. i should tell you that dr. vivek murthy takes the post, he has lost multiple members of his own family in the past year. but even as the biden administration has turned the aircraft carrier around and set a totally new pace with consistent science-driven, not c crazy pronouncements from the white house, and the covid team and the cdc about scientific development, about the vaccine.e about measures to and courses to mitigate the epidemic. as they have taken the united te states from the worst response in the industrialized world, to the best, and the biggest vaccine distribution of any t large country in the world, evei as the biden administration made
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those strides, today was a setback, and a controversial one. today, the cdc and fda announced a pause on one of the three vaccines approved for emergency use in the country. the pfizer and moderna are not affected by this announcement at all. but administration of the one shot, johnson & johnson is being stopped on a dime because of six cases of blood clots among women who had recently been vaccinated with the johnson & johnson vaccine. here to answer, hopefully, the approximately one gazillion detailed questions i have about this isst our nation's surgeon general dr. vivek murthy. doctor, it is an honor to have you with us tonight. thank you for taking the time on an intense day. >> thank you so much. it's good to be here. and i'm looking forward to your one gazillion questions. >> good.
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let's jump right in. this is six adverse events. six incidents in the united states after nearly 7 million doses of this vaccine were administered. when it is such a rare, rare occurrence like that, literally, less than 1 in a million doses being correlated with this adverse occurrence, how do the fda, cdc, how does the administration decide that something that rare is worth alerting the company and stopping the administration of this vaccine? >> well, rachel, it's such an important question, and what it gets at the heart at, it gets to the heart of is what's important 'what is the priority right now and that is safety. as you mentioned, they are six incidents out of 6.8 million people who have received the johnson & johnson vaccine. but what was concerning, they are serious side effects. these are rare, but serious blood clots that developed. in one case, somebody died.ri
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the cdc made the difficult, but important decision with the fdau to take time in investigate it and push pause until we can sh determine whether there was a connection between the vaccine and these dangerous blood clots. i should just mention this, pausing is not uncommon. when new drugs come out, and new vaccines coming out, it's not unusual to pause when you see signal, to investigate it, pause it and investigate it and unpause what you're doing before. or resume in some cases. or extreme cases to stop it altogether. but this is how deeply we are prioritizing safety. we want people if they take thi vaccine to let them know it's effective and it's safe. >> blood clots are a thing that happens. they're not the most rare e. medical complications in the world, in the normal course of but am i right in understanding
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that in this instance, part of what was alarming, part of what was dangerous -- that was truly unusual. is that what was seen here in the six instances was a combination of these patients having blood clots and also lowo platelets and it had implication you don't usually find and it had implications how you treat the ' blood clots presenting in this kind of circumstance. the kind o of treatment you usually would issue, a a blood thinner you give something, is something that shouldn't be administered in this case. i is that right? c >> you're exactly right, rachel. clots are not rare events. they happen, and they happen with significant frequency. what is unusual about this, the blood clots were happening at the same time as another s finding, which were low platelet counts.
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platelets are the cells that help you. and the fact that clotting, happening at the same time, was a warning we do see it in rare circumstances, and rare conditions.g but the conditions have to be treated with the utmost care, wi and they often involve getting hematologist specialists involved. they are not treated with the blood thinners like heparin whoe comes in with a routine clot. and brings up why the pause. it was not only to investigate a potential connection, but to give us time to speak to and engage the medical community so they can keep an eye out for t similar symptoms that may indicate to us that this is happening in other patients. >> so if somebody watching this right now has had the johnson & johnson vaccine, a woman between the ages of 18 and 48 has had the vaccine within the last
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couple of weeks and they are now watching for the sort of symptoms the cdc has told people to watch for.f mp leg pain, abdominal pain, shortness of breath, severe headache. and the advice is to go to the doctor if that, if you fit the profile and you had the vaccine in this period of time, and you have one of the symptoms now, what would the doctor do in that circumstance?sy if i want to my gp, they would do a check to see if i have low platelets. would they contact a specialist immediately because this would be a difficult thing to treat? how alarming is it if i presenta this to my local hospital or my local gp if i had one of these concerns? >> it's an important question, a rachel. and the first thing your doctor would do is evaluate the severity of your symptoms, including doing a neurological exam to see if you had any neurological deficits that may be associated with a stroke. after doing that assessment, and
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if they were concerned, and they could get you to a setting like a hospital where you could see a series of tests done.g those would include blood tests to look at your platelets, your clotting cells o and may also involve imaging, like c.a.t. scans or mris. depending where they were concerned a clot may be localized. but what is important to note here is what kind of symptoms we are worried about. and i'm so glad you brought it up. many people who received the vaccine, whether it's johnson & johnson or other vaccines, will experience flu-like symptoms for a few days after they get the vaccine. it might include fatigue, may have a low grade fever or may feel chills or might feel nauseous. they may feel like they have the flu on day or two. we're not worried so much about those symptoms. they sometimes include a mild headache. they go awayhe within a day or o and they don't have lasting consequences. what we are concerned about are severe headaches, abdominal an pain, swelling in the legs,
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shortness of breath which may include that a clot is traveling to the lungs. these are more of the t circumstances that would alarm s clinician and they are reasons you should call your doctor if d you have any of your symptoms and if you've had the j&j vaccine recently. >> you mentioned the reactions that people frequently had to the vaccines. t last week, we saw a few sites in a few different states stop administering the johnson & johnson vaccine, when people had seemingly less scary reactions you're describing, things like light-headedness, dizziness. those experiences last week, with those temporary pauses in a few different cases that were administering the same vaccine, is that unrelated? is that totally different? have those been looked into whether they might have been serious as well? >> well, looking at the totalit of the data around johnson & johnson, like all of the concerns that may have been
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raised, whether mild or major that is part of the process that will take place over the next few tomorrow, the asip committee, th the advisory committee and cdc will be looking at the data we have available to us and they help us understand, working closely with the fda, whether there was in fact a link between the corning clots and the vaccine administration. but, rachel, i think the really important thing for people to he realize here who may have received the j&j vaccine or family and friends who have gotten it, is that the vast, vast majority of people, the vast majority of the 6.8 million people who received the vaccine in the united states have done well. r and if you received a vaccine and you're wondering, am i going to be okay?yo the odds are, absolutely yes, that you will be okay. what we are investigating are a rare occurrences and we are doing it out of an abundance of caution.
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we recognize if we want to have people take this vaccine and if we want to turn the covid pandemic around, we have to make sure that people have the right information and know beyond a t shadow of a doubt, we are taking their safety seriously and are investigating it. >> as a person who received then johnson & johnson vaccine in the last week who turned 48 at the same time, i felt like, you never want to wake up and see a headline, and turns out there might be an issue. on the other hand, i feel a th sense of relief knowing that this is a decision that was made at the fda and cdc based on ther science because they are being vigilant about it. and because it was so rare, even though less than a million, they are ones it and they want to ma sure that they are mailing down any potential danger they want make sure they understand. so just speaking from a personal perspective, i'm having both
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of those feelings at once. what should wes expect from th asip process? the fda is looking at this. the advisory committee for the h cdc is looking at it tomorrow. what do you think we should d expect in terms on of how long a review this will be, how long a pausee, this will be? if they decide it's correlativeh and not caused by the vaccine and this is safe to restart, how long of a process do you think it will be before we know the resolution? >> i tell you, the intention is to do it as quickly as possible. there is a great sense of urgency making sure the process and that it happens fast. that is why the advisory committee is meeting tomorrow. i expect it would happen in a i number of days, maybe a few weeks, as opposed to months or longer. i'm so glad you got vaccinated, rachel. >> me too!
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>> one more person who is protected against covid. but i also think it's so important in this moment that we not let today's news make us lose sight of the broader progress we have made. we have vaccinated so many people in our country, more than 120 million. as a result of that, particularly because we focus on vaccinating older people, we are seen deaths among the elderly drop, particularly in nursing homes. this is a review of what we can do all across america, rachel, if we focus on vaccinating people, getting them the right information to make decisions for themselves and their families.rm and i know it's tiring. we have been at it more than a year, and people see cases ticking up, they just feel exhausted. i cant tell you, i can relate that. but we are seeing the light at the end of the tunnel getting brighter and brighter.t we have to hang on and keep ht wearing masks' and keep washing our hands and get vaccinated as soon as youge possibly can.
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that is key to ending this pandemic. >> dr. murthy, let me ask you one last question. it's not about vaccines but it is about covid and it's something we actually talked and a lot here on the show.ut even though he hasn't had a lot of national discussion. and that's the issue of t treatment, therapeutics for people who do get infected with covid. there are antibody treatments that if people can take them, get an infusion of these treatments before they need to be hospitalized, they have shown incredible effectiveness at keeping people out of the hospital. we have seen an interesting g development the last few days, it appears as michigan is having a very difficult surge in cases and hospitalizations, the administration, the federal st government is not surging vaccine to michigan, which is what they have been asking for, but is trying to surge antibody treatment to michigan, basically to make it more available and t more easily accessible there, so people who get infected can get an infusion and stay out of the w is that right?e is that what is happening?t
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there isn't a lot of attention to this, even though i'm fascinated by part of the pandemic. part of the pandemic. if that is happening in michigan, should we see it as a pilot project to in crease thes michigan, should we see it as a pilot project to in crease these drugs? >> it's an important question and i'm glad you raised it. what is the appropriate response to a regional surge.ngse and what we have learned, if you want to tamp down on a surge, there are several things you have to do. number one, you want, yes, to get vaccines in arms.taha but getting vaccines in arms is different from getting more cc vaccines to a state. because right now, we have di significant inventory in many ri states and that is why one of the steps we have been taking is actually surge people and expertise to allow them to translate, shots in arms, and we are also surging therapeutics,
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like antibodies. we are surging testing, really important during a surge, so you can diagnose people and do surveillance testing. and perhaps, one of the most important and quick things you can do in a surge like this arep the behavioral modifications, and that is actually getting people to pull back on higher risk activities. we are seeing, people go back in restaurants and gather indoors for people dinners, you know, with multiple households, as people get together for youth sports and have pizza afterwards, these are the activities we are finding that facilitate spread. as painful as it is, that is what we have to focus on pulling back. if we want to reduce that surge. vaccines will help in the longer term. but they take time to build an immune response in your body. t and that is longer than we have, given the surges we are seeing in michigan. >> dr. vivek murthy, our nation's surgeon general, a second tour of duty as surgeon k general, we thank you for your
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service tonight, k doctor, and that thank you for your time beingou here tonight. thanks. >> thanks, take care. >> you too. thank you. all right, much more ahead tonight. as i mentioned, in a moment, we are going to go live to brooklyn center, minnesota, a large crowd has gathered once again to protest the police killing of daunte wright. it happened sunday in that minneapolis suburb. and we have a member of the cite council joining us and multiple reporters on the ground. stay with us. rters on the groun. stay with us
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wright. the police officer who shot him shot him by mistake. it appears to show the officer intended to tase him. in the footage, she is yelling, i will tase you. and taser, taser, before she shoots him with her gun. the officer is then heard saying holy bleep, i just shot him. that officer has now resigned from the brooklyn police department as has the police chief. as you see, in the live images, protestors are once again in the streets there tonight. remember, this is just about ten miles away from the courthouse holding the trial of derek chauvin, for killing george floyd after a minneapolis police encounter last year. protestors started with a vigil and a march through the city. earlier tonight, they did march to the brooklyn center police department. when they arrived, they were met
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with a chain link fence and jersey barriers around the police station. dozens of national guards men and women who are stationed outside of that building. up to 2,000 u.s. guard troops have been deployed to that city tonight. 500 protestors marched to a big fbi building in town after they were at the local police station. when they got the fbi building, a caravan of honking horns car caravan escorted the protestors around the fbi building, and you can see the snow start to pick up. protests are ongoing at this hour. reporters on the ground estimate that this crowd is about 1,000 people. the crowd, after having spent time at the fbi building today, has marched back to the police station in brooklyn center, the surrounding areas around the twin city areas, once again,
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going to be under curfew. curfew set to begin at 10:00 p.m. local time. which is 11:00 p.m. eastern. joining us now is marquita butler. she is a member of the brooklyn center city council in minnesota. thank you very much for being here. i know this is a difficult time for you and for your city. >> thank you so much for having me, rachel, i appreciate it. and yeah, it is a difficult time for all of us. >> just ask, we are looking -- we're covering this as a developing story. we sort of threw out everything we were planning to do last night to cover a lot of this live as it unfolded. it is very tense. there were confrontations. we are again seeing pepper spray. we are seeing, right now, live images, stuff thrown at police and police responding with gas. i wonder if you have words for your community tonight? if you have anything that you want them to know as your
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perspective as a community leader? >> yeah, so, i think that a quote i have been reflecting a lot on is dr. martin luther king. he said a riot is a language of the unheard. and with this quote, i think it's important as leaders and an citizens, that we listen and respond appropriately. we know that our community is hurting. we know that safety for everyone is of the utmost importance. we do want to allow everyone that wants to protest peacefully be able to express themselves and be able to grieve, but we do want to keep everyone safe. >> can you tell us about the decision made by the city council to fire the city manager? obviously, that seems like a bureaucratic thing but it's
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operational in the police department answering to that city manager. why did you and the city council decide the city manager should no longer be in that job? >> quite simply, the council lost confidence in the ability for the city manager to execute his duties. >> hum. >> we felt like they could no longer -- we felt that he could no longer deliver what the community needed during these volatile times. >> do you feel like the mayor of your city, your fellow council members, the treatment you had from the governor, from state agencies, do you feel things are being handled properly in brooklyn center in the wake of what happened and given the anger in the streets? are there things you would like to ask for from the state, or from local officials? >> yeah, i think that, you know, we're all -- this is not
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something that we're -- we have experienced before as leaders here in brooklyn center. yes, of course, we have experienced this as a community. not that long ago. but in terms of us being leaders and operating in the space, you know, we're doing the very best that we can. i do have confidence that we will continue to lead the community in the best way we're able to, and tapping into people that have gone through this, being able to rely on their advice. what i have seen that i don't like are the rubber bullets, the tear gas. and i -- i think working with the governor and the state, the troopers and everyone in the military that are present, to see how we can come to a resolution to keep everybody safe, but for those not engaging
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in violence to be able to continue to protest and not be harmed. >> marquita butler, a member of the brooklyn center city council. i'm sorry. i didn't mean to interrupt there. >> no, it's fine. i was saying, as community leaders, we have to continue to work with our governor and the leaders in minnesota in general to come to a resolution on how we can keep everybody safe. >> marquita butler, a city council member in brooklyn center, minnesota. we are looking at live pictures on the stren -- screen here from brooklyn center tonight. miss butler, thank you very much. i know it's going to be a difficult time. keep us apprised. come back to us if you think there is more we need to know about your community tonight. all eyes are on you and thoughts and prayers are with brooklyn center tonight. >> thank you so much.
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>> again, what you are seeing here, these are live images, you see a lot of press there. you also see a lot of protesters there. the right side of the screen, we see police, perhaps national guardsmen defending what has been set up, effectively, as perimeter around the police station in brooklyn center, minnesota. it's a suburb of minneapolis. it's about ten miles from the courthouse where the derek chauvin trial has been under way the past two and a half weeks. he is responsible for the death of george floyd, who died under a police officer's knee in the street of minneapolis. it's hard to extricate the two story lines, the killing of daunte wright and george floyd. not just because of the geography but the grief and anger over these two men's
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deaths, the two black men dying at the hands of police officers in the minneapolis area. this appears to be a growing crowd. we have reporters on the scene watching this. there were a few dozen arrests last night, and a few stores that were looted, although, it was not described as large-scale looting. but we are expecting this to proceed over the course of the evening, and then it's an open question as to what will happen when the curfew is instituted. local authorities maid an interesting decision tonight to make the decision to push the curfew back from three hours than what it was last night. the points of contention. once we saw protestors out, they were telling them they must clear the streets. protesters quite blatantly ignored that. it's possible the thinking tonight is that by pushing the curfew back 10:00 p.m. local time, it might be a more enforceable curfew since people will have been out and have an opportunity to protest at that point and amenable to
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we told you we would be keeping an eye tonight on brooklyn center, minnesota. and we are. just within the last few minutes law enforcement has given a bull horn warning that the protest is an unlawful assembly and has given the protestors ten minutes to disperse. joining us now from the scene is msnbc correspondent caliper -- cal perry. i know you are in the thick of it. what can you tell us about what
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it. what can you tell us about what we are seeing? >> reporter: the escalation in the last five minutes, protestors have thrown the smoke grenades in the line of police officers. what you're hearing coming back is pepper spray shot in little pellets and you're going to hear very large flash bang grenades, and it's gotten bad in last ten minutes. you said about 1,000 people. it's more like 500. it's thinned as you said it as the flash bangs went off. and the 500 that remain are dedicated to a confrontation with police. this is a very frustrated crowd. if you can see the -- i want to show -- rachel, i want to show the umbrellas. a line of protesters have their umbrellas open fanning at the police. about 15 feet past the barricades. it's that line of protestors throwing bottles, they rush forward. they hit the fence hard and they are pushed back. it's been a back and forth and i'm not sure it will last until curfew. i think police will probably try to get it cleared before then.
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rachel? >> cal, when you say that people are throwing that seems like smoke grenades, you're talking about things being thrown from the protest side at the police? >> reporter: yes. and it looks like a pact of the m-80 fireworks you may have played with as a kid, that put off the smoke. it wasn't like a professional smoke grenade you would see from law enforcement. it is a fireworks type of thing, and the sheriff's office is firing the flash bangs. you can probably see these bottles of water. the bottles of water, the police will not put up. when they start going, the police will start pushing back. they will probably use that pepper spray and more of that tear gas, rachel. >> and, cal, are the police making audible announcements in terms of what they want people to do? are they kettling protesters? are they pushing back the perimeter? are they -- what are police tactics? we see the projectiles aimed at
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them right now. >> reporter: the police are staying within this barricade so far tonight. last night, they pushed down the street and a half mile. they pushed protesters back to a series of gas stations about a half a mile away. right now, they are inside the barricades, and they are slowly ratcheting the verbal warning. ten minutes ago, we heard there is an unlawful assembly. and they made the announcement, very clear in these situations. they make the announcements clear. after they give that announcement, it's a sign to the folks not being pepper sprayed or taking a projectile to get out of the area.
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that is when about half of the people left. and that is what we saw, half the crowd leave, from 1,000 to about 400 or 500 people. >> and, cal, you mentioned you just checked to make sure you and your crew are okay. are people being hostile to you? we saw -- not particularly dangerous but angry confrontations that people were not happy the press are there. now are people to you and your crew and other journalists there? >> reporter: tonight, they have been okay. i was expecting to be harassed more tonight. you certainly hope that won't happen. frustration tonight is directed solely at the police. the police have sent out someone from the sheriff's office who is now waiting for this -- i don't know how to describe it. certainly a name for this personnel carrier. it is moving forward. now coming through this gate, a thing that things are going to deteriorate quickly, and you can see, protestors are again just throwing the bottles at police,
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and they haven't let up at all. and you can see, the little pepper spray rounds that police fire from a plastic rifle. they are firing into the crowd and it's not making any difference, rachel. >> so this is like a s.w.a.t. vehicle, some sort of up-armored vehicle and the police are massing behind it. it looked like sheriff markings on the vehicle, cal. >> reporter: yeah. sheriff markings right behind -- mark, you want to show the officers behind the vehicle? there are sheriff officers. national guard soldiers seem to be back a couple of rows. i don't think they will come out. i'll keep an eye on it. they usually fall in a support role. the past year, the country has seen, things out of control in louisville. for that reason, i think the national guard sort of deploys rely in the rear.
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it will be the sheriff's office. as this is reaching beyond what the local police can handle. and the armored vehicle is staged here at this gate. the thing, the two lines that protestors seem to have crossed for law enforcement traditionally tonight are the bottles, which are continuing. and they areun and the protestors try to break down the barricades, that is usually a line. >> cal perry on the ground for us in brooklyn center, minnesota. you and your crew stay safe and get back to us if there is more you need to report to us. we will keep eyes on your shot, cal. i want to bring in the conversation nbc news national reporter dion hampton who is also in brooklyn center tonight. what can you tell us about your vantage point and what you're able to see? >> thanks for having me on. from what i see, i see a jekyll and hyde crowd.
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this way, my colleague mentioned there are about 500 people left that are demonstrators and here, you have a peaceful crowd. people who are praying. people who are telling the other protestors not to become violent. so over here, you have people, hands up. don't shoot. we have one bullhorn. and you have people saying, we don't want any violence. now, if you pan the camera this way, maybe 75 yards down the street, it's the completely different crowd. this crowd is provoking the police, this crowd is agitating the police. and, again, they're very juxtaposed to what is going on here. so the police have been saying that they want the crowd to stop being unruly. and the protesters down there who were throwing the water
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bottles and the other debris and the officers is saying it's unlawful. the captain has come out, and they're giving people 15 minutes to leave the premises before they start to come out. but this happens a lot with these protests. all of a sudden, what you have is it's very peaceful during the daytime. but then at nighttime, as the crowd goes down, you have a lot of demonstrators who are much more active, and they get a lot more courageous. that's when you start to get the commotion between the protesters and the police. >> deon hampton for us, live from brooklyn center, minnesota, thank you for giving us that context so we can understand the different types of protests going simultaneously. a remarkable shot with deon, a peaceful and mostly silent protest except for one person speaking into a bullhorn. those protesters also being
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warned calmly by a police captain as he described it, they that must disperse. when he got his camera to pan down the street, only about 75 yards, from a much more chaotic and confrontational scene at police headquarters in brooklyn center, minnesota. we have got a lot of projectiles going over that perimeter fence. we have got the sheriff's department, based on the markings on the side of that vehicle and that up-armored vehicle with what app to be sheriff's personnel and masks behind them kited out for riot duty. we've seen the use of pepper spray, a considerable amount of pepper spray, fireworks, projectiles, bottles thrown. very angry scene. just down the street from the more peaceful, calm, but still angry protest just yards away. a remarkable scene as the story continues to develop in brooklyn center, minnesota. we'll stay with it. we'll be right back after this.
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as we reported at the top of the hour, there will be some very long-awaited history made tomorrow. president biden expected to announce from the white house that all u.s. troops will be withdrawn from afghanistan by september 11th of this year, 20 years after they first went there. thank you for being with us here tonight. thanks for your reporting on this. >> thanks, rachel.
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>> why now? why is the president making this decision now? >> the biden administration was facing a may 1st deadline under a deal that was negotiated by the trump administration to withdraw all u.s. troops from afghanistan. and so they faced this quandary coming into office, to figure out whether to comply with the deal, pull out all american forces, or whether they stay beyond that deadline. an what biden announced, which was not a huge surprise today, was that they will stay an extra four months, and they will bring all extra troops home by september 11th, whici is the 20th anniversary of the attacks of 9/11. it's really a moment where the biden administration is trying to pivot american foreign policy and engagement with the world. you know? we have had these two decades of
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counterterrorism. they're looking to engage more, focus more on competition with china, with russia, on global health and climate change. and they're hoping that ending the war in afghanistan will allow them to do this. >> i feel like people hearing this news today, even hearing you talk about it may be having a sense of deja vu. so many previous presidents have talked about ending the war in in afghanstan. but as the administration made clear today, as you made clear in your reporting, this is not a conditions based thing. it's not a target date, if "x" happens, then we'd like to leave by "y." this is a date certain, no matter what is happening on the ground. it's a final decision. is that fair? >> it is fair. as you suggest, those of us who have been covering afghanstan for a long time, there have
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been so many reversals and twists and turns. and i think they'll go down close to zero by september. there will be some sort of small military presence to secure the embassy in afghanstan. but it's important to remember, also, we are already at the lowest level, about 2,500 to 3,500 troops, the lowest level since the early days of the war. and at the height of president obama's surge, it was 100,000 troops. so it is a very different moment. and i think the big question right now will be what occurs in the aftermath of the american departure, with occurs with the peace process that everybody hopes will result in sustainable peace and a new transitional government in afghanistan. and what happens with the
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taliban, will they try to press their military advantage and really go forward and try to take over kabul, which is sort of the worst-case scenario some of the critics have been talking about today. >> missy ryan, who broke the news today about the expected public announcement tomorrow that the car in afghanistan will finally end, thank you for being with us. i really appreciate it. again, and keep in mind that as big of news as this is, and i know that afghanistan is -- sometimes called forgotistan, has been off the radar a long time, but it's an ongoing u.s. war for 20 years. but for american military veterans and families, the end of this war is a really big deal. particularly people who have served in that conflict over these past 20 years. it ending, and u.s. troops
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leaving full stop, the only troops left behind will be those to protect the embassy. it's something that has been more than long awaited. and it's just an historic moment. i'm looking forward to seeing the president's remarks on it tomorrow. that's it for us. waterloo is up next! ♪♪ on my orders, the united states military has begun strikes against al qaeda terrorist training camps and military installations of the taliban regime in afghanistan. >> last year, we removed 10,000 u.s. troops from afghanistan. another 23,000 will leave by the end of the summer. after that, reductions will continue at a steady pace with more and more of our troops coming home. as our coalition agreed, by the end of 2014, the afghans will be fully responsible for the security of their country. >> my original instinct was to pull out, but
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